English Collection


prehensile tail

2015年11月26日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digest 10月号の記事Grand Designsから引用します。
One of the smallest mammals in the world, harvest mice weigh from 4-11g. Using their agile hands and prehensile tails, these tiny creatures have no trouble climing up even slender corn stalks in order to build their cosy, spherical nests.
"prehensile tails" ですが、尻尾を上手に使って木々を飛び移る猿などを思い起こさせます。 "prehensile" を辞書で調べます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around: The monkey has a prehensile tail.: The elephant has a prehensile trunk.
・Wiktionary: (zoology) Able to take hold of and clasp objects; adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object. Some monkeys have prehensile tails which they use to pick things up.
・Vocabulary.com: Prehensile means "able to grasp" and often refers to such body parts as claws, feet, and tails. Elephants curl their prehensile noses around objects in order to pick them up.
Prehensile is an adjective that comes from a French word for “grasped.” Humans and other primates (like monkeys, lemurs, and gorillas) have prehensile hands with curling fingers for grasping — a definite advantage over dogs, for instance, who can’t use a pencil when poetic inspiration strikes them. Prehensile can also mean "greedy" or "grasping for riches."
なるほど "prehensible" と親戚なので覚え易いですね。

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