Raymond ChandlerのRed Windから取り上げる最後の表現です。
When I had them all loose in my left hand I held them like that for a while and thought. There wasn't really anything to think about. I was sure.
"To the memory of Mr. Stan Phillips," I said aloud. "Just another four-flusher." I flipped her pearls out into the water one by one at the floating seagulls.They made little splashes and the seagulls rose off the water and swooped at the splashes.
"four-flusher" はトランプのフォーフラッシュと関係があるようですが、どんな意味になるのでしょうか?
・Merriam-Webster: to bluff in poker holding a four flush; broadly: to make a false claim: bluff
・Wiktionary: (slang) A lowly, disreputable cheat or fraudster, especially at cards, especially a dull or unimaginative one