English Collection


stock character

2014年12月23日 | 英語の本を読む
昨日取り上げた "ingenue" を説明するVocabulary.comの記述に "stock character" が次の様に出て来ました。
Ingenue comes from the French ingenu meaning "ingenuous, innocent." The term is used to describe the innocent girl stock character in film or literature. She's usually gentle, sweet, virginal, and pretty naive -- which makes her susceptible to the harsh dangers of the world.
"stock character" は何年も前に取り上げた表現ですが、何度かブログの引っ越しがあった際に記録がなくなったようです。ユニークな表現なので再度採り上げます。上の引用文でおよその見当はつくと思いますが、辞書には次の説明が載っています。
・Wiktionary: Any fictional character drawn from some stereotype who is instantly recognizable.
・Dictionary.com: a character in literature, theater, or film of a type quickly recognized and accepted by the reader or viewer and requiring no development by the writer.: From the outset, the cowboy was a stock character of the motion picture industry.
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