English Collection



2014年12月16日 | 英語の本を読む

短編集The Shell Collectionの最後の短編 "Mkondo" (noun. Current, flow, rush, passage, run, e.g., of water in a river or poured on the ground; of air through a door or window, i.e., a draft; of the wake of a ship, a track, the run of an animal.)を読んでいます。
Ward Beachは米国オハイオの自然歴史博物館から恐竜の化石発掘のためにタンザニアに行きます。
Locusts screamed in a bank of eucalyptus behind the nursery; the first stars guttered overhead. Ward had filled the flatbed of the truck with basketed flowers: hibiscus, lantana, honeysuckle, others he could not guess the name of.
"gutter" は名詞の意味しか知らないのですが、引用文に出てきた "guttered" はその意味からは類推できないので辞書を引きます。
・ Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: (of a flame or candle) to burn unevenly and weakly, especially before completely stopping burning: a guttering candle
・Vocabulary.com: burn unsteadily, feebly, or low; flicker: The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground.
・Vocabulary.com: flow in small streams: Tears guttered down her face

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