English Collection


draft animal

2013年07月18日 | 英語学習
Japan's Cultural Code Words, 「馬が合う」の項、英語タイトルは "Harmonizing Your Horses" から一部を抜粋します。
In any event, from this period on, horses became increasingly important in Japan as draft animals and as military mounts, and eventually they played a key role in the development and spread of Japanese culture and the Japanese empire.
"draft animals" は初めて見る表現ですが、"military mounts" が軍馬を示している様子から、役畜を意味していると推測できます。辞書で確認します。
・Dictionary.com: an animal used for pulling heavy loads: With their broad hoofs, speed and endurance no other draft animal can travel so far or so fast in the snow.
・Wordnik: An animal, as a horse, mule, or ox, used in drawing loads.: This is a far cry from the draft-animal plowing, hand planting and hand harvesting performed by farmers in the 1700s.
上記は "draft animal" で調べたのですが、Vocabulary.comには "draft" の項に次ぎの説明がありました。
Draft means to draw, both in the sense of sketching an image onto paper, but also in terms of pulling??a draft horse draws or pulls a wagon, a draft of beer is drawn through the spigot on a keg.
A cold draft is a current of cold air being drawn indoors. To draft someone into the army means to draw them into service, or make them serve. When you are drafting, or writing, a draft of a paper on the military draft in the US, you want to let your ideas flow freely. Then, in your next draft, you can work on filling in holes and edit the language down to what you really want to say.
なるほど、 "draft" にはそもそも引っ張る意味があるのですね。
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