English Collection



2013年07月19日 | 英語学習

Japan's Cultural Code Words, 「やくざ」の項、英語タイトルは "The Honorable Gangsters" から一部を引用します。
For most foreigners, Japan's famous yakuza, or professional criminals, represent one of the more conspicuous contradictions in Japanese mentality and behavior. The most common question asked by these foreigners is: how can the Japanese, from the highest echelons of the government down to corner policemen, as well as the public at large, countenance the existence of these criminal gangs?
"countenance" の意味として「顔つき」とか「平静」の意味は知っていますが、上の動詞の意味は知りません。辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to extend approval or toleration to : sanction: refused to countenance any changes in the policy: I don't countenance such behavior in children of any age.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to approve of or give support to something: The school will not countenance bad behaviour

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