English Collection



2013年01月23日 | 英語学習
2001 A Space Odysseyを読んでいます。実際に宇宙ステーションが存在する現在なので、この話の内容はそれ程突飛な想像とは思えず、また少なくとも今の所物語の内容は単調で余り面白くありません。
Another picture flashed on the screen; it looked like a contour map, though it showed magnetic intensity, not heights above sea level. For the monst part, the lines were roughly parallel and spaced well apart; but in one corner of the map they became suddenly packed together, to form a series of concentric circle--like a drawing of a knothole in a piece of wood.
最後に出てきた " knothole" は初めて見る単語ですが、後に "in a piece of wood" とあるので、節穴だと容易に推定できます。一応辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: a hole in a piece of timber where a knot has fallen out, or in a tree trunk where a branch has decayed.
・Wiktionary: In a piece of lumber, a knothole is a void left by a knot in the wood; such holes are often convenient for peering through when they occur in fences.
・Vocabulary.com: a hole in a board where a knot came out: “In the bathroom there was a painted knothole with an eye looking in,” he said.
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