さて、2001 A Space Odyssey、話はまだ原始時代です。
It was not a very effective or corodinated attack; by the time the wretched beast had been given its quietus the light had almost gone--and the jackals were regaining their courage. Moon-Watcher, torn between fear and hunger, slowly realized that all this effort might have been in vain. It was too dangerous to stey here any longer.
"quietus" は初めて見る単語です。"quiet" と関係はあるのでしょうか?
・Wiktionary: A stillness or pause; something that quiets or represses; removal from activity; especially: death.: The constant rain and the cold have combined to put a quietus on outdoor activities.
1. a finishing stroke; anything that effectually ends or settles: Having given a quietus to the argument, she left.
2. discharge or release from life.
3. a period of retirement or inactivity.
・Vocabulary.com: Use the noun quietus to mean death, especially when it's seen as a relief.
Quietus is a poetic, old-fashioned word for death. It's a way of viewing death as an "eternal rest," or as a release from the turmoil of life, and also a delicate way to refer to the fact that someone has died. Shakespeare used the word quietus in his "to be or not to be" soliloquy in "Hamlet," although there is disagreement among scholars about whether Hamlet was talking about suicide or the settling of debts.
"quiet" と関係がありましたね。
さて、2001 A Space Odyssey、話はまだ原始時代です。
It was not a very effective or corodinated attack; by the time the wretched beast had been given its quietus the light had almost gone--and the jackals were regaining their courage. Moon-Watcher, torn between fear and hunger, slowly realized that all this effort might have been in vain. It was too dangerous to stey here any longer.
"quietus" は初めて見る単語です。"quiet" と関係はあるのでしょうか?
・Wiktionary: A stillness or pause; something that quiets or represses; removal from activity; especially: death.: The constant rain and the cold have combined to put a quietus on outdoor activities.
1. a finishing stroke; anything that effectually ends or settles: Having given a quietus to the argument, she left.
2. discharge or release from life.
3. a period of retirement or inactivity.
・Vocabulary.com: Use the noun quietus to mean death, especially when it's seen as a relief.
Quietus is a poetic, old-fashioned word for death. It's a way of viewing death as an "eternal rest," or as a release from the turmoil of life, and also a delicate way to refer to the fact that someone has died. Shakespeare used the word quietus in his "to be or not to be" soliloquy in "Hamlet," although there is disagreement among scholars about whether Hamlet was talking about suicide or the settling of debts.
"quiet" と関係がありましたね。