English Collection



2012年09月08日 | 英語学習
代理出産は複雑な問題を抱えているので、日本ではまだ代理出産は認められていないと思いますが、JUSTICE by Michael J. Sandelでこの問題の賛否、あるいは生まれる子の親権は誰が持つのかについての争いについての章がありました。 
Commercial surrogacy also degrade women, Anderson argues, by treating their bodies as factories and by paying them not to bond with the children they bear. It replaces "the parental norms which usually govern the practice of gestating children with the economic norms which govern ordinary production." By requiring the surrogaye mother "to repress whatever parental love she feels for the child," Anderson writes, surrogacy contracts "convert women's labor into a form of alienated labor."
"gestating" は私の知らない単語ですが、このちょっと後にこの単語は次ぎの様に "gestational" の形容詞形でも出てきます。
This "unbundling" of the supply chain, Spar explains, has prompted growth in the surrogacy market. "By removing the traditional link between egg, womb, and mother, gestational surrogacy [has] reduded the legal and emotional risks that had surrounded traditional surrogacy and allowed a new market to thrive."
・Cambridge English Dictionary: (the period of) the development of a child or young animal while it is still inside its mother's body: The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.: The period of gestation of rats is 21 days.
・Vocabulary.com: 1.be pregnant with 2.have the idea for: When something is gestating, it's literally in the womb, developing into whatever it will be when it's finally born. Other things besides living organisms can gestate, however. Frequently, gestate is used to refer to ideas and plans while they're in the development phase. The idea for a new way to market music to a generation of kids who expect it to be free was gestating for years before iTunes was launched. A gestation period is the time it takes for something to be born. Humans, for example, gestate for nine months.
必ずしも女性だけが "gestate" するのではなく、 アイデアやプランもある程度時間をかけて "gestate" により生まれると言えるのですね。
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