English Collection



2012年09月26日 | 英語学習
8月22日の朝日新聞朝刊に「ジョン万次郎の生涯をつづった米児童作家」マーギ・プロイスさんの記事があり、「ジョン万次郎 海を渡ったサムライ魂」の執筆中とありました。興味をおぼえたので、英語版はもう既に出版されていると思い "Margi Preus" 調べると、児童書ですが Heart of a Samurai" があり、万次郎の伝記との説明があり、読むことにしました。(300ページ、760円の本です。)
"May I humbly suggest," Manjiro said, "that on this island, we are rulers -- we are the Samurai of Bird Island. And from now on we shall live by Bushido. And we shall defend our honor and our island and each other against the blue-eyed barbarians." He leaped up onto a rock and swung his stick over his head. "Agreed?"
Goemon jumped up. "Agreed," he said, jamming his "knife" into his sash and slashing at Manjiro's "sword."
"jam" と言うと、私が思い浮かべるのは食べ物のジャムとか、ジャムセッション、交通渋滞、満員電車ですが、上の引用文の様に何か物を詰め込むような事にも使えるようです。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to push someone or something somewhere using a lot of force: jam someone/something into/on/against something: Marilyn jammed the hat firmly on her head and went out.: Mick jammed a copy of the report into my hand.: Kirsten was trying to jam all the papers into her bag.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to push something forcefully or with difficulty into something else: He jammed the boxes into the back of the car.
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