English Collection


Davy Jones and old salt

2010年11月15日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digestの海に関係する単語クイズの最後の問題 "Davy Jones" はUncle Samと同様に海を擬人化(the sea personified)した単語だそうです。 また、 "Davy Jones" の例文にあった "old salt" も面白い表現です。
例文: Any old salt will tell you that Davy Jones is a fickle friend.
"old salt" を辞書でひくと:
・Macmillan Dictionary: an old sailor with a lot of experience
ついでに "Davy Jones" も辞書の説明を見ます。
・Dictionary.com: personification of the sea.
1.The spirit of the sea.
2. The sea bed, bottom of the ocean.
Example: The pirates made him walk the plank, sent him down to Davy Jones.
・Collins English Dictionary:
1. Also called: Davy Jones's locker the ocean's bottom, esp when regarded as the grave of those lost or buried at sea
2. the spirit or devil of the sea
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