English Collection



2010年11月20日 | 英語学習

"Mad Scientists' Club" の今度のプロジェクトはロケットで人工的に雨を降らせるための薬品を散布する計画です。 今日取り上げる単語は昨年取り上げた "squib"(fake gunshot wound Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/12/29) とは意味は全く異なりますが、fake gunshot wound の意味を持つ様になった基の意味で使われています。 "Mad Scientists' Club" から "squib" が使われている文を二つ引用します。 
・We used a mixture of powdered zinc and sulpher as the propellant and fitted each pocket with an electrical squib for an igniter.
・In about an hour a big puffy white one loomed over us, and Henry checked out the firing circuit and then connected the batteries to the squib leads in the rocket nozzles.
引火装置と導火線の意味の様ですが、 "squib" にその様な意味があるか辞書を見ます。
・Wiktionary: A similar device used to ignite an explosive or launch a rocket, etc.
・Infoplease Dictionary: an electric, pyrotechnic device for firing the igniter of a rocket engine, esp. a solid-propellant engine.
点火装置、雷管/起爆剤、導火線の日本語に対し "ignitor", "detonator", "fuse"がそれぞれ当てられていますが、"squib"と特に "ignitor", "detonator"の違いが良く分かりません。 DOD Dictionary of Military Termsを見つけたのでそれらの意味をその辞書で見ると、
squib: A small pyrotechnic device that may be used to fire the igniter in a rocket or for some similar purpose. Not to be confused with a detonator that explodes.
detonator: A device containing a sensitive explosive intended to produce a detonation wave.
何故か "ignitor"と "fuse" は載っておらず、但し  "fuze" を含む次ぎに示す様な沢山の述語の説明がありました。
・impact action fuze: (DOD,NATO) A fuze that is set in action by the striking of a projectile or bomb against an object, e.g., percussion fuze, contact fuze. Also called direct action fuze.
・time fuze (DOD,NATO): A fuze which contains a graduated time element to regulate the time interval after which the fuze will function.
DODでは "fuze" に統一していますが、一般的には "fuse" も使われるようです。
・American Heritage Dictionary (fuse also fuze):
1. fuse: A cord of readily combustible material that is lighted at one end to carry a flame along its length to detonate an explosive at the other end.
2. often fuze A mechanical or electrical mechanism used to detonate an explosive charge or device such as a bomb or grenade: "A mechanical . . . switch is used to initiate the fuzes" (International Defense Review).

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