何の媒体に載っていたのかメモするのを忘れましたが "Major Change in Japan's Criminal Trials" (by Haruka Katanaka,Staff Writer, Jiji Press) と題された記事がありました。
On the other hand, the legal professions criticizing the saiban-in system(sic) express anxiety that it can be ended up rough-and-ready and fail to reveal the truth if the procedures are too fast.
"saiban-in system" は英語では普通 "lay judges system" あるいは "citizen judges system" と訳される裁判員制度の事です。 記事の中にある "rough-and-ready" の意味が分からないので辞書を引きます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: crude but effective for the purpose at hand
Dictionary.com: 1. rough, rude, or crude, but good enough for the purpose: a rough-and-ready estimate of future expenses. 2. exhibiting or showing rough vigor rather than refinement or delicacy: a cowboy?the rough-and-ready type.
On the other hand, the legal professions criticizing the saiban-in system(sic) express anxiety that it can be ended up rough-and-ready and fail to reveal the truth if the procedures are too fast.
"saiban-in system" は英語では普通 "lay judges system" あるいは "citizen judges system" と訳される裁判員制度の事です。 記事の中にある "rough-and-ready" の意味が分からないので辞書を引きます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: crude but effective for the purpose at hand
Dictionary.com: 1. rough, rude, or crude, but good enough for the purpose: a rough-and-ready estimate of future expenses. 2. exhibiting or showing rough vigor rather than refinement or delicacy: a cowboy?the rough-and-ready type.