新サービス貿易協定TiSA: 世界統治のための要素
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東京大学教授 鈴木宣弘
米国では、TPP(環太平洋連携協定)の影響試算を出し、それに基づいて議会で議論する手続きと日程が明示されているのに、我が国では、TPP協 定の日本語版も国民に示さず、影響試算もいつ出すか曖昧にされたまま、国会決議を守ったと強弁するための国内対策だけがさきに示され、しかも、関連団体から 要望を聞いたふりをしただけで、対策も半年以上前に決まっていた。政府が考えている以上のセーフティネット政策の必要性を要請項目に挙げた団体には、政権 党の幹部が激怒し、役所を通じて、政府が考えている以上のことを要請するなと事前に要請事項の削除を迫るという、信じられない「暴挙」が行われた。
6,000ページに及ぶ協定の日本語版がそのうち出されたとしても、その条文の背景説明を求めると、交渉過程は4年間秘密なので説明できないとの回答が 返ってくるだろう。そして、どさくさに紛れて批准してしまうという、こんな異常な手続きが「民主主義国家」で進められている。
Trade in Services Agreement: Element of Global Governance
Valentin KATASONOV | 20.01.2016 | 00:00 Strategic Culgure Foundation
The first. Yes, the US, acting as a state, is the sponsor of both projects, but that state is working in the interests of multinational corporations (MNCs) and multinational banks (MNBs), and it is they that in the end will control world trade. And the US as a state will either waste away or be transformed into an empty shell like the WTO.
The second. Not only trade will fall under the control of the MNCs and MNBs, but also the economic, social, and political life of every country involved in these partnerships. The states that join TTIP and TPP will lose most of their sovereign prerogatives.
The third. In addition to two transoceanic partnerships, the master plan also includes a third element that is very rarely mentioned. This is the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).
It is assumed that all countries that sign the TTIP and TPP agreements will also join TiSA. In their own way, TTIP and TPP can be seen as Trojan horses, but the Trade in Services Agreement looks like a weapon that guarantees final victory. «Final victory» can be understood to mean the total eradication of sovereign states.
A year and a half ago no one had heard of TiSA. Information about the pending agreement emerged in the summer of 2014 on the Wikileaks website. That information indicated that preparations for TiSA had begun in 2012 and that the US and Australia had spearheaded the agreement. Gradually the circle of those taking part in the negotiations expanded. At the time the information was leaked, 50 countries (including 28 EU members) – altogether responsible for almost 70% of global trade in services – were already involved in the talks.
There are three important facts to know about the preparations for TiSA.
新サービス貿易協定TiSA: 世界統治のための要素
2016年1月20日 | 00:00
Strategic Culgure Foundation
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東京大学教授 鈴木宣弘
米国では、TPP(環太平洋連携協定)の影響試算を出し、それに基づいて議会で議論する手続きと日程が明示されているのに、我が国では、TPP協 定の日本語版も国民に示さず、影響試算もいつ出すか曖昧にされたまま、国会決議を守ったと強弁するための国内対策だけがさきに示され、しかも、関連団体から 要望を聞いたふりをしただけで、対策も半年以上前に決まっていた。政府が考えている以上のセーフティネット政策の必要性を要請項目に挙げた団体には、政権 党の幹部が激怒し、役所を通じて、政府が考えている以上のことを要請するなと事前に要請事項の削除を迫るという、信じられない「暴挙」が行われた。
6,000ページに及ぶ協定の日本語版がそのうち出されたとしても、その条文の背景説明を求めると、交渉過程は4年間秘密なので説明できないとの回答が 返ってくるだろう。そして、どさくさに紛れて批准してしまうという、こんな異常な手続きが「民主主義国家」で進められている。
Trade in Services Agreement: Element of Global Governance
Valentin KATASONOV | 20.01.2016 | 00:00 Strategic Culgure Foundation
The first. Yes, the US, acting as a state, is the sponsor of both projects, but that state is working in the interests of multinational corporations (MNCs) and multinational banks (MNBs), and it is they that in the end will control world trade. And the US as a state will either waste away or be transformed into an empty shell like the WTO.
The second. Not only trade will fall under the control of the MNCs and MNBs, but also the economic, social, and political life of every country involved in these partnerships. The states that join TTIP and TPP will lose most of their sovereign prerogatives.
The third. In addition to two transoceanic partnerships, the master plan also includes a third element that is very rarely mentioned. This is the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).
It is assumed that all countries that sign the TTIP and TPP agreements will also join TiSA. In their own way, TTIP and TPP can be seen as Trojan horses, but the Trade in Services Agreement looks like a weapon that guarantees final victory. «Final victory» can be understood to mean the total eradication of sovereign states.
A year and a half ago no one had heard of TiSA. Information about the pending agreement emerged in the summer of 2014 on the Wikileaks website. That information indicated that preparations for TiSA had begun in 2012 and that the US and Australia had spearheaded the agreement. Gradually the circle of those taking part in the negotiations expanded. At the time the information was leaked, 50 countries (including 28 EU members) – altogether responsible for almost 70% of global trade in services – were already involved in the talks.
There are three important facts to know about the preparations for TiSA.
新サービス貿易協定TiSA: 世界統治のための要素
2016年1月20日 | 00:00
Strategic Culgure Foundation