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Industrialised countries

2024-09-01 11:05:58 | 翻訳記事 Translation


This “Jill Stein needs to drop out” nonsense is so tedious and stupid. Democrats literally JUST saw what happens when your party’s candidate drops out: they’re replaced with another candidate. That’s what would happen if Stein dropped out. If you don’t think third parties should be allowed to exist in America, just say that. Don’t invent some fictional alternate reality universe where Jill Stein emerges out of nowhere every few years to steal votes from Democrats like some villain in a video game and where getting rid of her would get you those votes back. 

Stein shows up as a presidential candidate because she’s the most popular candidate in a political party Americans created because they wanted that party to exist. Your argument isn’t with Jill Stein, it’s with Americans who don’t like your shitty imperialist political party. Either convince them that war and injustice are awesome or stop being such murderous tyrants.

The Problem Isn’t The US Having The Wrong President, The Problem Is The US Empire’s Existence


The court’s advisory opinion in July comes on the heels of the commencement of genocide proceedings against Israel in the ICJ last December, and a request in May by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister and the Defense Minister for crimes against humanity, including extermination. Together, they represent a historic shift away from 76 years of Western-sponsored Israeli exceptionalism and impunity, feeding hope of a new era of accountability.

The ICJ Finds that BDS is Not Merely a Right, but an Obligation


Notwithstanding massive intensified marketing by the Mainstream Western Media arguing that the West is forever crusading for freedom, democracy and human rights, once one considers embedded, repetitive performance stretching back decades, the dominant motto guiding ultimate American hegemonic action is: Let’s go to war. Any doubt about this being so has been comprehensively erased by the mass, homicidal horror stories emerging, month after month, from the hellscape created by Israel in Gaza, backed with obscene fervour by the US.

China, however, has been living in accordance with a very different motto for over four decades: Let’s go to work.

Shocking news: China is kicking more global goals








国際司法裁判所(ICJ)の判断。「BDS(boycotts, divestment, and sanctions:不買運動と投資撤収、制裁)は権利どころか義務だ!!」






















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