


2019年11月23日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人

(151)We have made (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / for).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that / short *period / *floods / result in).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / *encourage / drink *containers / people).

(154)The most important (is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (a *broader / to get / *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (*admire / whom / person / we).(2008センター)

(158)No (for / *previous *experience / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / is / in / *included) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (no / even though / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)

(161)When driving near a school, (the road / children / watch out for / *crossing).(1995センター追試)

(162)I (to be / *expect / here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (I / *prepared to / afraid / am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)

(164)My (to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)

(165)You should (to *judge / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)

(166)The story (moves / *describes / who / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband when he (*escape / tries / his busy life / to) in the city.(2013センター)

(167)No one (his *explanation / by / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)

(168)The high (at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)

(170)You should not (in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)

(171)Today, the *vast (around / of / *majority / *governments) the world do not (the same sex / couples of / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)

(172)The *company has (quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) its *customers.(2017福島大)

(173)Nearly half of (turn in / didn't / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)

(174)Giving (is / *effective / students / *praise) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / *regular / out of service). (2013白鷗大)

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / *consume / *resources / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)

(177)Getting the (of / right *amount / is important / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / don't expect / we).(2008芝浦工大)

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if)?

(180)We received a lot of (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)

(181)My friend (a movie / *recommended / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) fat they eat.(1993センター)

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky business / *valuables / can be / at home).

(184)There are many health (can *arise / problems / if you / that) don't *wipe your sweat.

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / *accompanied by / *receive / when) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (uses airflow / *electricity / that / to *generate).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / fire / by).

(189)It's a (to join / *pity / unable / you were) the party.(2014岩手医大)

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / because / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)

(191)Tofu is an (Japanese food / *extremely / in / *common *ingredient).

(192)The *increase (the *population / in / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)

(193)It is (to / against / borrow / my *principles) money.

(194)A (*bow / *study / Japanese women / shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / eaten / they / be) by crocodiles, for sure.”
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / is needed / its *flavor / work).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *suitable / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely *visible).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / *nervous / get / in front of).(2013金沢工大)

(200)I had no choice but to (*rude / put up with / *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)

 和訳と解答は以下のセンター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版でご確認ください。

(151)We have made (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / for).
*arrangement : 手配

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that / short *period / *floods / result in).
*period : 期間 *flood : 洪水 result in : …の結果になる

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / *encourage / drink *containers / people).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *recycle : リサイクルする *encourage : 促す *container : 容器

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).

(154)The most important (is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) probably as a *provider of food.
*function : 機能 *mankind : 人類 *provider : 提供者

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (a *broader / to get / *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)
*broad : 広い *view : 見方 *enable : 可能にする

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (*admire / whom / person / we).(2008センター)
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).

(158)No (for / *previous *experience / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / is / in / *included) Japanese meals.
*typical : 典型的な *include : 含む

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (no / even though / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).

(161)When driving near a school, (the road / children / watch out for / *crossing).(1995センター追試)
watch out for : …に注意する *cross : 横断する

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).

(162)I (to be / *expect / here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (I / *prepared to / afraid / am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.

(164)My (to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)
*disappear : 消える *confidence : 自信

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.

(165)You should (to *judge / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)
*judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見 know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).

(166)The story (moves / *describes / who / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband when he (*escape / tries / his busy life / to) in the city.(2013センター)
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.

(167)No one (his *explanation / by / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)
*explanation : 説明 *convince : 納得させる *press conference : 記者会見

No (one was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.

(168)The high (at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)
*entrance : 入口 *security : セキュリティ *prevent : 妨げる

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.

(170)You should not (in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.

(171)Today, the *vast (around / of / *majority / *governments) the world do not (the same sex / couples of / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *marry : 結婚する *allow : 許す

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).

(172)The *company has (quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) its *customers.(2017福島大)
*company : 会社 quite a few : かなりの *receive : 受ける *inquiry : 問い合わせ *customer : 顧客

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.

(173)Nearly half of (turn in / didn't / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).

(174)Giving (is / *effective / students / *praise) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / *regular / out of service). (2013白鷗大)
*maintenance : 保守点検 *regular : 定期の

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / *consume / *resources / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)
*population : 人口 *consume : 消費する *resource : 資源

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).

(177)Getting the (of / right *amount / is important / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / don't expect / we).(2008芝浦工大)
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if)?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?

(180)We received a lot of (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).

(181)My friend (a movie / *recommended / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)
*recommend : 薦める based on : …に基づく *favorite : お気に入りの

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) fat they eat.(1993センター)
*conscious : 意識して *reduce : 減らす *consequently : 結果的に *amount : 量

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky business / *valuables / can be / at home).
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky business).

(184)There are many health (can *arise / problems / if you / that) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.
(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / *accompanied by / *receive / when) an adult.
*admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する *receive : 受ける

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)
*last : 長持ちする

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (uses airflow / *electricity / that / to *generate).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *energy : エネルギー *generate : 生産する

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / fire / by). *multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).

(189)It's a (to join / *pity / unable / you were) the party.(2014岩手医大)
*pity : 残念な

It's a (*pity you were unable to join) the party.

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / because / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.

(191)Tofu is an (Japanese food / *extremely / in / *common *ingredient).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).

(192)The *increase (the *population / in / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.

(193)It is (to / against / borrow / my *principles) money.
*principle : 主義

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.

(194)A (*bow / *study / Japanese women / shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)
*bow : お辞儀する *study : 研究

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / eaten / they / be) by crocodiles, for sure.”
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / is needed / its *flavor / work).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *suitable / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *require : 必要とする *goods : 品物 *delivery : 配達

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely *visible).
*decent : まともな *naked eye : 肉眼 *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / *nervous / get / in front of).(2013金沢工大)
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).

(200)I had no choice but to (*rude / put up with / *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)
*rude : 無礼な put up with : 我慢する *behavior : 振る舞い

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).
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2019年11月20日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
  センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版には第一章、第二章1600問を収録し、有料版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第三章、第四章、第五章2400問を収録しました。

(101)The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant
(are / *insisted that / *harmful / all lies).(1999センター)

The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (*insisted that all lies are *harmful).
*philosopher : 哲学者 *insist : 主張する *harmful : 有害な

(102)It is likely that the *President (*elected / will be / another *term / for).

It is likely that the *President (will be *elected for another *term).
*president : 大統領 *elect : 選出する *term : 任期

(103)All the students (who are / studying / *abroad / interested in) should *attend next week's meeting.(2005センター)

All the students (who are interested in studying *abroad) should *attend next week's meeting.
*abroad : 外国で *attend : 出席する

(104)In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph,
(and play back / record / a new *device / that could) sound.(2014センター)

In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph,
(a new *device that could record and play back) sound.
*invent : 発明する *device : 装置

(105)Weather permitting, (outdoor play / as possible / as often / we *encourage).

Weather permitting, (we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible).
weather permitting : 天気が良ければ *encourage : 奨励する

(106)According to the law, you must be 18 years old or
(a driver's *license / over / in / to *obtain) Japan.(2009芝浦工大)

According to the law, you must be 18 years old or
(over to *obtain a driver's *license in) Japan.
according to : …によれば *obtain : 得る *license 免許

(107)To our surprise,
(in spite of her / suddenly *announced / the *mayor / her *resignation) high *popularity.(2017津田塾大)

To our surprise,
(the *mayor suddenly *announced her *resignation in spite of her) high *popularity.
*mayor : 市長 *announce : 発表する *resignation : 辞任 in spite of : …にかかわらず *popularity : 人気

(108)The *company wants to sell
(from the *atmosphere / its *ability / *carbon dioxide / to *remove) and *store it underground.

The *company wants to sell
(its *ability to *remove *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere) and *store it underground.
*company : 会社 *ability : 能力 *remove : 取り除く *carbon dioxide : 二酸化炭素 *atmosphere : 大気 *store : 貯蔵する

(109)Before the exam (*refreshed / by reading / I / my *memory) some old notes.(1991センター)

Before the exam (I *refreshed my *memory by reading) some old notes.
*refresh : リフレッシュする *memory : 記憶

(110)As a member, you have (at / books / the *privilege / of *purchasing) a 20% *discount.(2017武庫川女子大)

As a member, you have (the *privilege of *purchasing books at) a 20% *discount.
*privilege : 特権 *purchase : 購入する *discount : 割引

(111)Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that *frequently comes up (how to / bad *habits / is / get rid of).

Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that *frequently comes up (is how to get rid of bad *habits).
*frequently : 頻繁に get rid of : 取り除く *habit : 習慣

(112)Biotechnology could (the whole world / great *advantages / to / *offer).(1996センター)

Biotechnology could (*offer great *advantages to the whole world).
*offer : もたらす *advantage : 利点

(113)A *secret that you (is / carry / something / to the *grave) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.

A *secret that you (carry to the *grave is something) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.
*secret : 秘密 *grave : 墓 *entire : すべての

(114)What (have to do with / good *eyesight / eating blueberries / does)?(2006センター追試)

What (does eating blueberries have to do with) good *eyesight?
have to do with : …と関係がある *eyesight : 視力

(115)We (on account of / our *departure / bad *weather / *delayed).

We *delayed our (*departure on account of bad *weather).
*delay : 遅らせる *departure : 出発 on account of : …のため *weather : 天候

(116)Scientists are (came into being / how the *universe / figure out / trying to).

Scientists are (trying to figure out how the *universe came into being).
figure out : 解明する *universe : 宇宙 come into being : 出現する

(117)The museum was, as expected,
(*extremely *crowded / to see / *struggling / with tourists) the Mona Lisa.(2016慶応大)

The museum was, as expected,
(*extremely *crowded with tourists *struggling to see) the Mona Lisa.
*extremely : 非常に *crowded : 混雑した *struggle : 奮闘する

(118)He walked (the wire / between / on / with *perfect *balance) the two masts.(1990センター)

He walked (with *perfect *balance on the wire between) the two masts.
*perfect : 完璧な *balance : バランス

(119)We all (are / know that / *precious / friendships),
but we also (*stable / understand that / are not / frienships).(2017センター)

We all (know that friendships are *precious),
but we also (understand that frienships are not *stable).
*precious : 貴重な *stable : 安定した

(120)The *rapid *growth of (has *affected / of / fresh-fruit *imports / many *aspects) the US fresh-fruit *market.(2016センター)

The *rapid *growth of (fresh-fruit *imports has *affected many *aspects of) the US fresh-fruit *market.
*rapid : 急速な *growth : 成長 *import : 輸入 *affect : 影響する *aspect : 側面 *market : 市場

(121)Four (of kangaroo / *exported *commercially / *species / are) from Australlia.(2016帯広畜産大)

Four (*species of kangaroo are *exported *commercially) from Australlia.
*species : 種 *export : 輸出する *commercially : 商業的に

(122)Some companies have (using English / a new *policy / *adopted / of) as the *official in-house language.(2012センター)

Some companies have (*adopted a new *policy of using English) as the *official in-house language.
*adopt : 採用する *policy : 方針 *official : 正式な

(123)If George doesn't stop smoking,
(run / *developing *lung *cancer / the risk of / he will).(1992センター追試)

If George doesn't stop smoking, (he will run the risk of *developing *lung *cancer).
run the risk of : …の危険を冒す *develop : 発症する *lung : 肺
*cancer : がん

(124)How (*scheduled to start / the last show / soon / is)?(2009センター追試)

How (soon is the last show *scheduled to start)?
*schedule : 予定する

(125)Hiroshi didn't (what / *describe / in detail / happened) ;
he only told (the / me / important facts / most).(2007センター追試)

Hiroshi didn't (*describe what happened in detail) ;
he only told (me the most important facts).
*describe : 説明する in detail : 詳細に

(126)Sound *travels at different speeds, (the air / depending on / of / the *temperature).(2009センター追試)

Sound *travels at different speeds, (depending on the *temperature of the air).
*travel : 移動する depending on : …に応じて *temperature : 温度

(127)The *government (*promotes / for the *general public / by / lifelong learning)*supporting a variety of programs and *providing *necessary *facilities.(2011センター追試)

The *government (*promotes lifelong learning for the *general public by) *supporting a variety of programs and *providing *necessary *facilities.
*government : 政府 *promote : 推進する *general : 一般の *support : 支援する a variety of : さまざまな *provide : 提供する *necessary : 必要な *facility : 施設

(128)Scientists (that / *contains *approximately / believe / the Milky Way galaxy) 100 billion stars.(2016南山大)

Scientists (believe that the Milky Way galaxy *contains *approximately) 100 billion stars.
*contain : 含む *approximately : 約

(129)After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard
(carry out his *duties / his English / to *improve / in order to) more *effectively.(2012センター)

After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard
(to *improve his English in order to carry out his *duties) more *effectively.
*improve : 向上させる carry out : 実行する duty : 任務 *effectively : 効果的に

(130)The old lady (was / the *stairs / out of breath / from climbing up).(1989センター追試)

The old lady (was out of breath from climbing up the *stairs).
out of breath : 息が切れて *stair : 階段

(131)Seniors – (their *source / no matter / of *income / what) – often *struggle to make ends meet.

Seniors – (no matter what their *source of *income) – often *struggle (to make ends meet).
*source : 源 *income : 収入 *struggle : 苦労する make ends meet : 収支を合わせる

(132)All (*contributing to / that / are / countries) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (to / own *efforts / them / *protect).(2009センター)

All (countries that are *contributing to) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (own *efforts to *protect them).
*contribute : 加担する *destruction : 破壊 *effort : 努力 *protect : 保護する

(133)My mother is making a (the *operation / after / on / fast *recovery) her knee last week.(2003センター追試)

My mother is making a (fast *recovery after the *operation on) her knee last week.
*recovery : 回復 *operation : 手術

(134)In order to *succeed, your (for *success / greater than / *desire / should be) your fear of *failure.

In order to *succeed, your (*desire for *success should be greater than) your fear of *failure.
*succeed : 成功する *desire : 欲望 *success : 成功 *failure : 失敗

(135)Did the result of the *general election of July 1993
(important / bring about / on Japanese *politics / *effects) ?

Did the result of the *general election of July 1993
(bring about important *effects on Japanese *politics)?
*general election : 総選挙 bring about : もたらす *effect : 影響
*politics : 政治

(136)Should (cultural *treasures / of *origin / their country / be returned to)?

Should (cultural *treasures be returned to their country of *origin)?
*treasure : 宝 *origin : 起源

(137)Fred and I once had a (makes / *friendly *argument / which / over) a better pet, a dog or a cat.(2006センター追試)

Fred and I once had a (*friendly *argument over which makes) a better pet, a dog or a cat.
*friendly : 友好的な *argument : 議論

(138)Walking into an electronics store today, (*faced with / are / an *amazing / *consumers) *variety of audio *technology.(2014センター)

Walking into an electronics store today, (*consumers are *faced with an *amazing) *variety of audio *technology.
*consumer : 消費者 *face : 直面する *amazing : 驚くべき *variety of : 多様な *technology : 技術

(139)Everyone (turned down / to hear that / she had / was *disappointed) the *generous *offer.(2008センター追試)

Everyone (was *disappointed to hear that she had turned down) the *generous *offer.
*disappoint : 失望させる turn down : 断る *generous : 気前のいい *offer : 申し出

(140)It is *evident that a big mistake was (in *calculating / of / made / the costs) the project.(2016東洋英和女学院大)

It is *evident that a big mistake was (made in *calculating the costs of) the project.
*evident : 明らかな *calculate : 計算する

(141)The *debate (jobs / *influences / over / how *technology) is as old as *industrial *era itself.(2016関西学院大)

The *debate (over how *technology *influences jobs) is as old as *industrial *era itself.
*debate : 議論 *technology : 科学技術 *influence : 影響する *industrial : 工業の *era : 時代

(142)(ready to *forgive / think / they are / many people), but want an *apology first.

(Many people think they are ready to *forgive), but want an *apology first.
*forgive : 許す *apology : 謝罪

(143)(*rising home costs / spite / in / of), buying still *beats *renting.

(In spite of *rising home costs), buying still *beats *renting.
in spite of : …にかかわらず *rise : 上がる *beat : まさる *rent : 賃借する

(144)What should I (my wallet / if / is lost or *stolen / do)?

What should I (do if my wallet is lost or *stolen)?
*steal : 盗む

(145)He was able (often *required / sports / to teach / which) a lot of *strength and *endurance.(2013センター)

He was able (to teach sports which often *required) a lot of *strength and *endurance.
*require : 必要とする *strength : 強さ *endurance : 忍耐

(146)I don't (if / mind / *disagree with me / you), but I *object being *shouted at.(2015岩手医大)

I don't (mind if you *disagree with me), but I *object being *shouted at.
*disagree : 同意しない *object : 反対する *shout : 叫ぶ

(147)People can *float in *regular water, (salt water / even *denser / but since / is), it is (to *float / the Dead Sea / in / even easier).

People can *float in *regular water, (but since salt water is even *denser), it is (even easier to *float in the Dead Sea).
*float : 浮く *regular : 普通の *dense : 密度が高い

(148)Dance is (the / forms of art / one of / oldest), and it is seen in every culture (a variety of / for / *purposes / and *performed).(2013センター)

Dance is (one of the oldest forms of art), and it is seen in every culture (and *performed for a variety of *purposes).
*perform : 演じる a variety of : さまざまな *purpose : 目的

(149)Images of elephants (*symbols of / in / are / good *fortune) both India and Mexico.(2006センター)

Images of elephants (are *symbols of good *fortune in) both India and Mexico.
*symbol : 象徴 *fortune : 運

(150)(with / the *majority of / Mediterranean / the *regions) *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.

(The *majority of the *regions with Mediterranean) *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.
*majority : 大部分 *region : 地域 *climate : 気候 *relatively : 比較的に
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2019年11月12日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
​​​​ センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版には第一章、第二章1600問を収録し、有料版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第三章、第四章、第五章2400問を収録しました。

 以下は【第五章】五か所整序問題(ノーヒント)(251)~(300)の50問で、すらすら解けて正しく意味もわかる受験生は少ないです。しかし英検3級合格程度の基礎力があれば十分取り組める【第一章】三か所整序問題(語注、和訳つき)から進めれば【第五章】まで到達するのは難しくありません。解答と和訳はセンター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版でご確認ください。

(251)There is (in *response / being / after / a *decrease / to a *stimulus) *repeatedly *exposed to it. ​

(252)People in big cities (out of / for / *seldom talk / *respect / to strangers) the *privacy of others.(2015中央大)

(253)Why are (*parallel / the *shore / *waves / to / always) on *approaching the seashore?

(254)I (the *progress / *owe / in English / made / I have) to the *wisdom of my aunt.(2009センター)

(255)The *smooth (of / makes it / *surface / possible / the *desert) for camels to *transport *goods easily.(2002センター)

(256)There's (in / no / for / *shame / reaching out) *professional help.

(257)It is (animals / *hunt / *cruel / for sport / to).

(258)Gloves are a great (hand / *bare / *solution / *avoiding / for) *contact, but they can be *inconvenient.

(259)When you travel to *rural Japan, (*population *decline / *apparent / of / the *impacts / become).

(260)*Human (around / *contain / three times / *skulls / *brains) as large as those of even the most *intelligent *apes.(2006センター追試)

(261)Before *refrigerators became *common, vinegar was (in / *vitally important / in the form / food / *preserving) of pickles.(2010センター)

(262)*Employees (*supposed / are / at / *retire / to) the age of sixty in our *company.(2017白鴎大)

(263)So far as I am *concerned, I (*complain / nothing / of / have / to). (2007東北学院大)

(264)Human beings (could now / have *survived / but / be *risking / so far) their future.(2000センター)

(265)Manners (from country / *greeting / of / to country / *vary).

(266)Going through all the (*adjust / of / to / steps / the brightness) my computer screen is a real nuisance.(2010センター)

(267)(the International Year / *establishing / Japan / toward / *contributed greatly) of the Volunteer.(2006センター)

(268)(police / questioned / the / him / when), he broke down and *confessed. (2003早稲田大)

(269)(an *envelope / are / postcards / without / usually *mailed).

(270)In Japan, (*wage / depends on / *minimum / and the *region / the *industry).

(271)Mr. Brown (standing / he was / the *cliff / and found / looked over ) at the edge of a *vertical drop.(2012センター)

(272)Why does the Sun (larger / than / on / *appear / the *horizon) overhead?

(273)Europe has long been a (in / *migration / *destination / global / *popular) *flows.

(274)He *graduated at (in *architecture / the top / with *degrees / his class / of) and city planning.(2010法政大)

(275)Understanding (if / will / *tides and *currents / stay safe / help you) you like to go swimming in the sea.

(276)Let me (in / on / *congratulate / your *triumph / you) the *tournament.

(277)Do (journalism / think / *exists / you / *objective)?

(278)Ecosystems (balance / *maintain / *delicate / a / must) in order to stay *vital.

(279)Bill had to leave his family (*abroad / went / when / behind / he) to work.(2000センター)

(280)There are so many reasons why (over / things / fight / *trivial / people).

(281)The game on the main court (shower / a *brief / was / by / *interrupted). (2005センター)

(282)The (on / *broadcast / *address / *live / will be) ABC.

(283)All *vehicles, new and used, (before / be *registered / must / them / *operating).

(284)A (*molecule / of / is / water / *composed) two hydrogen *atoms and one oxygen *atom.

(285)Across the world, 78% say (a good way / *govern / *representative *democracy / to / is) their country.

(286)Most (*derived / of / Latin / the English words / from) and Greek *roots.

(287)*Certain *individuals, whether children or adults, have (through / *breathe / to / the mouth / a *tendency) instead of the nose.

(288)Over a hundred years ago, the Titanic (the Atlantic Ocean / of / to / *sank / the *bottom) in less than three hours.

(289)*Trial and error, (*approach / in / an / science / used), is often found in daily life.(2016センター)

(290)European heat wave is one of the (in / *horrible / happened / the world / natural *disasters).

(291)It took (*courage / to set sail / the early *explorers / a great deal of / for) for *distant places.(2015上智大)

(292)There is (rule / but / some *exceptions / no / has).

(293)The *consumption *tax rise is part (to / a *strategy / get / designed / of) Japan's *government *debt under control.

(294)To *recover his *strength, (to *raise / was / his arms / the *patient / made) above his head many times every day.(2018センター追試)

(295)(brought about / due to / technology / the *leisure / by), many people (*adapting / have / of / to / the problem) a new way of life.(1992センター)

(296)During the rest of that day there was no other (of / *disrupt / to / the peace / *adventure) their *journey.

(297)When you have to drive, it's (that / to use / *preferable / *includes / a *vehicle) eco-friendly *features.

(298)When a *neat person lives with someone (*messy / is / to be / who / more *inclined), it can *cause quite a few problems.

(299)Shabu-shabu is a (*consisting / *delicious / *thin / of / Japanese dish) slices of meat or fish.

(300)When you sit in the car after it has been *parked in the sun for a few hours,
you'll (the car / a *peculiar / in / *notice / smell).

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2019年11月09日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
今後、英語教育がどのように変わろうとも語彙力の重要性が変わることは考えられません。語彙強化のカギを握るのは例文の質で、「*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones having ill *effects on health *arose in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)1990年代半ばに、携帯電話が健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性についての懸念が生じた」のような複数のキーワードを含む例文に触れることで効率よく語彙力を強化できます。

 *Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.といった整序問題を解くとさらに効率が良くなります。

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (having ill *effects / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)1990年代半ばに、携帯電話が健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性についての懸念が生じた。
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)1990年代半ばに、携帯電話が健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性についての懸念が生じた。
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / in / *arose / on health) the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)

 以上の五段階方式で取り組むことで、マーク模試で偏差値60~70レベルに到達できる語彙力(センター試験英語キーワード1840語収録)を短時間で身につけることができます。無料お試し版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第一章、第二章を収録し、有料版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第三章、第四章、第五章を収録しました。無料お試し版は高校新入生でも気軽に取り組める語注と和訳のついたやさしい整序問題です。ノーヒントの整序問題を収録した有料版まで演習すると入試本番に通用する語彙力を無理なく身につけることができます。有料電子書籍「センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(定価500円)」はkindleunlimited 読み放題に新規登録すると30日間無料体験が可能なため、ご購入前の無料体験をおすすめします。
 例文の約四割はセンター試験過去問、約三割は大学入試過去問、そして残りの約三割はインターネットの大海を三年にわたって探して集めました。たとえば(105)Weather permitting, we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible. という例文は英語圏の幼稚園のサイトにあった文で、(491)Winter driving calls for *extra *caution, with more snow and ice to deal with, and less daylight.いう例文は英語圏の警察署のサイトにあった文です。いずれも重要単語を含んだ自然な例文ながら、著作権法で守られる創造的な表現ではありませんので、無断転載して何ら問題はありません。
directly, feature, urgent, celebration, concept, deceive, statistics, formation, handle, restoreで、「センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人」はformationを除く9語を以下のようにカバーしています。

(81)Some diseases can be spread only by *direct physical contact.(2009芝浦工大)

(750)Black cats *feature in the superstitions of many countries — but whether they mean good luck or bad varies.

(699)Renewable energy is not an *urgent matter in Australia, given the country's plentiful supplies of fossil fuels, particularly coal.(2016青山学院大)

(43)A tree is a unique gift to *celebrate an important day such as your wedding anniversary. (2012センター)

(648)Children who don't grasp basic math *concepts usually don't catch up, but early intervention helps.

(325)Learning how to differentiate real gold from fake will keep shoppers from being *deceived into buying imitation.

(714)*Statistics reveal that Japan is one of the safest countries in terms of not only crime but also traffic accidents.

(343)Since these glasses can break easily, you must *handle them with care.

(482)Your support and kindness have *restored my self-respect.(2011日本大)


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2019年07月05日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題2400問を演習できます。
 kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題を無料体験できます。


(251)There is (in *response / being / after / a *decrease / to a *stimulus) *repeatedly *exposed to it.

There is (a *decrease in *response to a *stimulus after being) *repeatedly *exposed to it.
*decrease : 減少 *response : 反応 *stimulus : 刺激 *repeatedly : 繰り返して *expose : さらす

(252)People in big cities (out of / for / *seldom talk / *respect / to strangers) the *privacy of others.(2015中央大)

People in big cities (*seldom talk to strangers out of *respect for) the *privacy of others.
*seldom : めったに~しない *respect : 尊重 *privacy : プライバシー

(253)Why are (*parallel / the *shore / *waves / to / always) on *approaching the seashore?

Why are (*waves always *parallel to the *shore) on *approaching the seashore?
*wave : 波 *parallel : 平行な *shore : 岸 *approach : 近づく

(254)I (the *progress / *owe / in English / made / I have) to the *wisdom of my aunt.(2009センター)

I (*owe the *progress I have made in English) to the *wisdom of my aunt.
*owe : おかげである *progress : 進歩 *wisdom : 知恵

(255)The *smooth (of / makes it / *surface / possible / the *desert) for camels to *transport *goods easily.(2002センター)

The *smooth (*surface of the *desert makes it possible) for camels to *transport *goods easily.
*smooth : なめらかな *surface : 表面 *desert : 砂漠 *transport : 輸送する *goods : 商品

(256)There's (in / no / for / *shame / reaching out) *professional help.

There's (no *shame in reaching out for) *professional help.
*shame : 恥 reach out : 接触する *professional : 専門職の

(257)It is (animals / *hunt / *cruel / for sport / to).

It is (*cruel to *hunt animals for sport).
*cruel : 残酷な *hunt : 狩る

(258)Gloves are a great (hand / *bare / *solution / *avoiding / for) *contact, but they can be *inconvenient.

Gloves are a great (*solution for *avoiding *bare hand) *contact, but they can be *inconvenient.
*solution : 解決策 *avoid : 避ける *bare : むき出しの *contact : 接触 *inconvenient : 不便な

(259)When you travel to *rural Japan, (*population *decline / *apparent / of / the *impacts / become).

When you travel to *rural Japan, (the *impacts of *population *decline become *apparent).
*rural : 地方の *impact : 影響 *population : 人口 *decline : 減少 *apparent : 明らかな

(260)*Human (around / *contain / three times / *skulls / *brains) as large as those of even the most *intelligent *apes.(2006センター追試)

Human (*skulls *contain *brains around three times) as large as those of even the most *intelligent *apes.
*human : 人間の *skull : 頭蓋骨 *contain : 内蔵する *brain : 脳 *intelligent : 知的な *ape : 類人猿

(261)Before *refrigerators became *common, vinegar was (in / *vitally important / in the form / food / *preserving) of pickles.(2010センター)

Before *refrigerators became *common, vinegar was (*vitally important in *preserving food in the form) of pickles.
*refrigerator : 冷蔵庫 *common : 一般的な *vitally : きわめて *preserve : 保存する

(262)*Employees (*supposed / are / at / *retire / to) the age of sixty in our *company.(2017白鴎大)

*Employees (are *supposed to *retire at) the age of sixty in our *company.
*employee : 従業員 *suppose : 思う *retire : 退職する *company : 会社

(263)So far as I am *concerned, I (*complain / nothing / of / have / to). (2007東北学院大)

So far as I am *concerned, I (have nothing to *complain of).
*concern : 関する *complain : 文句を言う

(264)Human beings (could now / have *survived / but / be *risking / so far) their future.(2000センター)

Human beings (have *survived so far but could now be *risking) their future.
*survive : 生き延びる *risk : 危険にさらす

(265)Manners (from country / *greeting / of / to country / *vary).

Manners (of *greeting *vary from country to country).
*greet : 挨拶する *vary : 異なる

(266)Going through all the (*adjust / of / to / steps / the brightness) my computer screen is a real nuisance.(2010センター)

Going through all the (steps to *adjust the brightness of) my computer screen is a real nuisance.
*adjust : 調整する

(267)(the International Year / *establishing / Japan / toward / *contributed greatly) of the Volunteer.(2006センター)

(Japan *contributed greatly toward *establishing the International Year) of the Volunteer.
*contribute : 貢献する *establish : 設立する

(268)(police / questioned / the / him / when), he broke down and *confessed. (2003早稲田大)

(When the police questioned him), he broke down and *confessed.
*confess : 自白する

(269)(an *envelope / are / postcards / without / usually *mailed).

(Postcards are usually *mailed without an *envelope).
*mail : 郵送する *envelope : 封筒

(270)In Japan, (*wage / depends on / *minimum / and the *region / the *industry).

In Japan, (*minimum *wage depends on the *industry and the *region).
*minimum : 最低の *wage : 賃金 depend on : …による *region : 地域 *industry : 産業

(271)Mr. Brown (standing / he was / the *cliff / and found / looked over ) at the edge of a *vertical drop.(2012センター)

Mr. Brown (looked over the *cliff and found he was standing) at the edge of a *vertical drop.
*cliff : 崖 *vertical : 垂直の

(272)Why does the Sun (larger / than / on / *appear / the *horizon) overhead?

Why does the Sun (*appear larger on the *horizon than) overhead?
*appear : 見える *horizon : 水(地)平線

(273)Europe has long been a (in / *migration / *destination / global / *popular) *flows.

Europe has long been a (*popular *destination in global *migration) *flows.
*popular : 人気のある *destination : 目的地 *migration : 移住 *flow : 流れ

(274)He *graduated at (in *architecture / the top / with *degrees / his class / of) and city planning.(2010法政大)

He *graduated at (the top of his class with *degrees in *architecture) and city planning.
*graduate : 卒業する *degree 学位 *architecture : 建築

(275)Understanding (if / will / *tides and *currents / stay safe / help you) you like to go swimming in the sea.

Understanding (*tides and *currents will help you stay safe if) you like to go swimming in the sea.
*tide : 潮 *current : 海流

(276)Let me (in / on / *congratulate / your *triumph / you) the *tournament.

Let me (*congratulate you on your *triumph in) the *tournament.
*congratulate : 祝う *triumph : 勝利 *tournament : トーナメント

(277)Do (journalism / think / *exists / you / *objective)?

Do (you think *objective journalism *exists)?
*objective : 客観的な *exist : 存在する

(278)Ecosystems (balance / *maintain / *delicate / a / must) in order to stay *vital.

Ecosystems (must *maintain a *delicate balance) in order to stay *vital.
*ecosystem : 生態系 *maintain : 維持する *delicate : 微妙な *vital : 活力ある

(279)Bill had to leave his family (*abroad / went / when / behind / he) to work.(2000センター)

Bill had to leave his family (behind when he went *abroad) to work.
*abroad : 外国に leave … behind: …を残す

(280)There are so many reasons why (over / things / fight / *trivial / people).

There are so many reasons why (people fight over *trivial things).
*trivial : 些細な

(281)The game on the main court (shower / a *brief / was / by / *interrupted). (2005センター)

The game on the main court (was *interrupted by a *brief shower).
*interrupt : 中断する *brief : 短い

(282)The (on / *broadcast / *address / *live / will be) ABC.

The (*address will be *broadcast *live on) ABC.
*address : 演説 *broadcast : 放送する *live : 生で

(283)All *vehicles, new and used, (before / be *registered / must / them / *operating).

All *vehicles, new and used, (must be *registered before *operating them).
*vehicle : 車両 *register : 登録する *operate : 操作する

(284)A (*molecule / of / is / water / *composed) two hydrogen *atoms and one oxygen *atom.

A (water *molecule is *composed of) two hydrogen *atoms and one oxygen *atom.
*molecule : 分子 *compose : 構成する *atom : 原子

(285)Across the world, 78% say (a good way / *govern / *representative *democracy / to / is) their country.

Across the world, 78% say (*representative *democracy is a good way to *govern) their country.
*representative : 代議制の *democracy : 民主主義 *govern : 統治する

(286)Most (*derived / of / Latin / the English words / from) and Greek *roots.

Most (of the English words *derived from Latin) and Greek *roots.
*derive : 由来する *root : 根

(287)*Certain *individuals, whether children or adults, have (through / *breathe / to / the mouth / a *tendency) instead of the nose.

*Certain *individuals, whether children or adults, have (a *tendency to *breathe through the mouth) instead of the nose.
*certain : ある種の *individual : 個人 *tendency : 傾向 *breathe : 呼吸する instead of : …の代わりに

(288)Over a hundred years ago, the Titanic (the Atlantic Ocean / of / to / *sank / the *bottom) in less than three hours.

Over a hundred years ago, the Titanic (*sank to the *bottom of the Atlantic Ocean) in less than three hours.
*sink : 沈む *bottom : 底

(289)*Trial and error, (*approach / in / an / science / used), is often found in daily life.(2016センター)

*Trial and error, (an *approach used in science), is often found in daily life.
*trial : 試み *approach : 方法

(290)European heat wave is one of the (in / *horrible / happened / the world / natural *disasters).

European heat wave is one of the (*horrible natural *disasters happened in the world).
*horrible : 恐ろしい *disaster : 災害

(291)It took (*courage / to set sail / the early *explorers / a great deal of / for) for *distant places.(2015上智大)

It took (a great deal of *courage for the early *explorers to set sail) for *distant places.
*courage : 勇気 *explorer : 探検家 *distant : 遠く離れた

(292)There is (rule / but / some *exceptions / no / has).

There is (no rule but has some *exceptions).
*exception : 例外

(293)The *consumption *tax rise is part (to / a *strategy / get / designed / of) Japan's *government *debt under control.

The *consumption *tax rise is part (of a *strategy designed to get) Japan's *government *debt under control.
*consumption : 消費 *tax : 税金 *strategy : 戦略 *government : 政府 *debt : 借金

(294)To *recover his *strength, (to *raise / was / his arms / the *patient / made) above his head many times every day.(2018センター追試)

To *recover his *strength, (the *patient was made to *raise his arms) above his head many times every day.
*recover : 回復する *strength : 力 *patient : 患者 *raise : 上げる

(295)(brought about / due to / technology / the *leisure / by), many people (*adapting / have / of / to / the problem) a new way of life.(1992センター)

(Due to the *leisure brought about by technology), many people (have the problem of *adapting to) a new way of life.
due to : …により *leisure : 余暇 bring about : …をもたらす *adapt : 適応する

(296)During the rest of that day there was no other (of / *disrupt / to / the peace / *adventure) their *journey.

During the rest of that day there was no other (*adventure to *disrupt the peace of) their *journey.
*adventure : 冒険 *disrupt : 混乱させる *journey : 旅

(297)When you have to drive, it's (that / to use / *preferable / *includes / a *vehicle) eco-friendly *features.

When you have to drive, it's (*preferable to use a *vehicle that *includes) eco-friendly *features.
*preferable : 望ましい *vehicle : 車両 include : 含む *feature : 特徴

(298)When a *neat person lives with someone (*messy / is / to be / who / more *inclined), it can *cause quite a few problems.

When a *neat person lives with someone (who is more *inclined to be *messy), it can *cause quite a few problems.
*neat : きちんとした *incline : 傾向がある *messy : 乱雑な *cause : 起こす quite a few : かなりの

(299)Shabu-shabu is a (*consisting / *delicious / *thin / of / Japanese dish) slices of meat or fish.

Shabu-shabu is a (*delicious Japanese dish *consisting of *thin) slices of meat or fish.
*delicious : おいしい *consist : なる *thin : 薄い

(300)When you sit in the car after it has been *parked in the sun for a few hours,
you'll (the car / a *peculiar / in / *notice / smell).

When you sit in the car after it has been *parked in the sun for a few hours,
you'll (*notice a *peculiar smell in the car).
*park : 駐車する *peculiar : 特有の *notice : 気づく
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2019年07月01日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。
 kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(1)In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't (*imagine life / the Internet / without). ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインターネットなしの生活を想像することはできない。
*increasingly : ますます *connect : つながる *imagine : 想像する

In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't (*imagine life without the Internet).

(2)We cannot (without *importing / *satisfy / *consumer *demand) *goods and services. 商品やサービスを輸入せずに消費者の需要を満たすことはできない。
*import : 輸入する *satisfy : 満足させる *consumer : 消費者 *demand : 需要 *goods : 商品

We cannot (*satisfy *consumer *demand without *importing) *goods and services.

(3)He is (an artist / are *displayed in / whose paintings) a *museum in Paris.(2016東海大) 彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ。
*display : 展示する *museum : 美術館、博物館

He is (an artist whose paintings are *displayed in) a *museum in Paris.

(4)In (a / *accepting / *formal *invitation), it is important to *respond *appropriately. 正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答することは重要だ。
*accept : 受け入れる *formal : 正式な *invitation : 招待 *respond : 返答する *appropriately : 適切に

In (*accepting a *formal *invitation), it is important to *respond *appropriately.

(5)(*provides / our *company / our *customers) with clothing at *reasonable prices. (2005中央大)当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供します。
*provide : 提供する *company : 会社 *customer : 顧客 *reasonable : 手頃な

(Our *company *provides our *customers)with clothing at *reasonable prices.

Yuki: Have we met before? You look very familiar to me.
Anne: I don't think so. If we had met, (for / have / I / recognized / would / you) sure!

Yuki: Have we met before? You look very familiar to me.
Anne: I don't think so. If we had met, (I would have recognized you for) sure!

Yuki: 以前に会ったことありました? 私にはあなたが見覚えがあるります。
Anne: 私はそう思いません。もし会っていたら、もし会っていたら、私はあなたのことを確かにわかっていたでしょう。

Customer : Could I extend the rental period for the car?
Agent: Yes, but (an extra fee / be / charged / of / will / you) $50 for each additional day.

Customer : Could I extend the rental period for the car?
Agent: Yes, but (you will be charged an extra fee of) $50 for each additional day.

客: 車のレンタル期間を延長できますか?
業者: はい、しかし一日追加ごとに50ドルの追加料金を請求されるでしょう。

Reiko: Shall we cook tonight, or order some Chinese food?
Kyoko: Let's order Chinese (because / cooking / feeling / I'm / to start / too tired).

Reiko: Shall we cook tonight, or order some Chinese food?
Kyoko: Let's order Chinese (because I'm feeling too tired to start cooking).


Stuart: Did you watch that DVD I lent you last month?
Elizabeth: Oh, I’m sorry. Not yet. Tell (back / it / me / need / when / you).

Stuart: Did you watch that DVD I lent you last month?
Elizabeth: Oh, I’m sorry. Not yet. Tell (me when you need it back).

Stuart: 先月私があなたに貸したDVDを見ましたか。
Elizabeth: あっ、すみません。 まだです。 返す必要があるときには教えてください。

Taka: My computer has been running really slowly the last few days.
Meg: Oh dear, it (a virus / been / have / infected / might /with).

Taka: My computer has been running really slowly the last few days.
Meg: Oh dear, it (might have been infected with a virus).


Susan: Hello! It’s so nice to meet you at last.
Bill: Nice to meet you, too. Sarah (about / has / me / much / so / told) you.

Susan: Hello! It’s so nice to meet you at last.
Bill: Nice to meet you, too. Sarah (has told me so much about) you.

Susan:こんにちは! やっと会えてうれしいです。
Bill:こちらこそはじめまして。 サラはあなたのことをたくさん話しました。

Dan: How did your health check go?
Mike: Not bad, but the doctor (advised / exercise / get / me / regular / to).

Dan: How did your health check go?
Mike: Not bad, but the doctor (advised me to get regular exercise).

Mike: 悪くないね。でも医者は定期的な運動をするよう助言した。

※advised me to get~ はセンター試験頻出の動詞→目的語→to不定詞の語順である。

Ken: Do you think your parents will let you study abroad?
Peg: I'm not sure, but I (can / hope / I / into / talk / them) it.

Ken: Do you think your parents will let you study abroad?
Peg: I'm not sure, but I (hope I can talk them into) it.

Ken: 両親はあなたが海外留学するのを許さないだろうと、あなたは考えているの?
Peg: わからない。でも私は両親を説得できるのを望む。

※talk ~ into … ~を説得して…させる

Kazuki: Penny, I have to work late tonight, and I may not get back until 10 p.m.
Penny: It'll rain tonight. Don't (caught / get / in / rain / the / without) an umbrella.

Kazuki: Penny, I have to work late tonight, and I may not get back until 10 p.m.
Penny: It'll rain tonight. Don't (get caught in the rain without) an umbrella.   

カズキ: ペニー、今夜私は仕事をしなくてはならないので、10時までに戻ってこないかもしれない。
ペニー: 今夜雨が降るでしょう。傘を持たずに雨に降られてはだめですよ。

Asuka: Why didn’t Carl take that summer job in Tokyo?
Beth: His parents objected (away / far / him / living / so / to) from home.

Asuka: Why didn’t Carl take that summer job in Tokyo?
Beth: His parents objected (to him living so far away) from home.


※him は動名詞livingの意味上の主語である。

Louise: How is your Modern Poetry course?
Carl: It’s interesting, but the professor ( by / insists / learn / poems / that / we) heart.

Louise: How is your Modern Poetry course?
Carl: It’s interesting, but the professor (insist that we learn poems by) heart.


※learn … by heart : …を暗記する

Frank: How did you like the view from the shore of the lake?
Kate: Fantastic! The lake was (a / like / mountain / reflecting / steep / the) mirror.

Frank: How did you like the view from the shore of the lake?
Kate: Fantastic! The lake was (reflecting the steep mountain like a) mirror.

Frank: 湖の岸からの眺めはどうだった?
Kate: 素晴らしかった! 湖は険しい山を鏡のように映していた。
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2019年06月26日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。
 kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(101)The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (are / that / *insisted / *harmful / all lies).(1999センター)

The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (*insisted that all lies are *harmful).
*philosopher : 哲学者 *insist : 主張する *harmful : 有害な

(102)It is likely that the *President (*elected / be / will / another *term / for).(2010中央大)

It is likely that the *President (will be *elected for another *term).
*president : 大統領 *elect : 選出する *term : 任期

(103)All the students (are / studying / who / *abroad / interested in) should *attend next week's meeting.(2005センター)

All the students (who are interested in studying *abroad) should *attend next week's meeting.
*abroad : 外国で *attend : 出席する

(104)In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (and play back / that / record / a new *device / could) sound.(2014センター)

In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (a new *device that could record and play back) sound.
*invent : 発明する *device : 装置

(105)Weather permitting, (outdoor play / we / as possible / as often / *encourage).

Weather permitting, (we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible).
weather permitting : 天気が良ければ *encourage : 奨励する

(106)According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (a driver's *license / *obtain / over / in / to) Japan.(2009芝浦工大)

According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (over to *obtain a driver's *license in) Japan.
according to : …によれば *obtain : 得る *license 免許

(107)To our surprise, (her / in spite of / suddenly *announced / the *mayor / her *resignation) high *popularity.(2017津田塾大)

To our surprise, (the *mayor suddenly *announced her *resignation in spite of her) high *popularity.
*mayor : 市長 *announce : 発表する *resignation : 辞任 in spite of : …にかかわらず *popularity : 人気

(108)The *company wants to sell (the *atmosphere / its *ability *carbon dioxide / to *remove / from) and *store it underground.

The *company wants to sell (its *ability to *remove *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere) and *store it underground.
*company : 会社 *ability : 能力 *remove : 取り除く *carbon dioxide : 二酸化炭素 *atmosphere : 大気 *store : 貯蔵する

(109)Before the exam (*refreshed / by / I / reading / my *memory) some old notes.(1991センター)

Before the exam (I *refreshed my *memory by reading) some old notes.
*refresh : リフレッシュする *memory : 記憶

(110)As a member, you have (at / books / the *privilege / *purchasing / of) a 20% *discount.(2017武庫川女子大)

As a member, you have (the *privilege of *purchasing books at) a 20% *discount.
*privilege : 特権 *purchase : 購入する *discount : 割引

(111)Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that *frequently comes up (bad *habits / is / to / how / get rid of).

Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that *frequently comes up (is how to get rid of bad *habits).
*frequently : 頻繁に get rid of : 取り除く *habit : 習慣

(112)Biotechnology could (the whole world / *advantages / great / to / *offer).(1996センター)

Biotechnology could (*offer great *advantages to the whole world).
*offer : もたらす *advantage : 利点

(113)A *secret that you (is / carry / something / the *grave / to) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.

A *secret that you (carry to the *grave is something) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.
*secret : 秘密 *grave : 墓 *entire : すべての

(114)What (good *eyesight / blueberries / eating / have to do with / does)?(2006センター追試)

What (does eating blueberries have to do with) good *eyesight?
have to do with : …と関係がある *eyesight : 視力

(115)We (on account of / *departure / our / bad *weather / *delayed).

We *delayed our (*departure on account of bad *weather).
*delay : 遅らせる *departure : 出発 on account of : …のため *weather : 天候

(116)Scientists are (came into being / the *universe / figure out / how / trying to).

Scientists are (trying to figure out how the *universe came into being).
figure out : 解明する *universe : 宇宙 come into being : 出現する

(117)The museum was, as expected, (*crowded / *struggling / *extremely / to see / with tourists) the Mona Lisa.(2016慶応大)

The museum was, as expected, (*extremely *crowded with tourists *struggling to see) the Mona Lisa.
*extremely : 非常に *crowded : 混雑した *struggle : 奮闘する

(118)He walked (the wire / between / with / on / *perfect *balance) the two masts.(1990センター)

He walked (with *perfect *balance on the wire between) the two masts.
*perfect : 完璧な *balance : バランス

(119)We all (are / that / know / *precious / friendships), but we also (*stable / that / are not / understand / frienships).(2017センター)

We all (know that friendships are *precious), but we also (understand that frienships are not *stable).
*precious : 貴重な *stable : 安定した

(120)The *rapid *growth of (has *affected / of / fresh-fruit / many *aspects / *imports) the US fresh-fruit *market.(2016センター)

The *rapid *growth of (fresh-fruit *imports has *affected many *aspects of) the US fresh-fruit *market.
*rapid : 急速な *growth : 成長 *import : 輸入 *affect : 影響する *aspect : 側面 *market : 市場

(121)Four (kangaroo / *exported *commercially / of / *species / are) from Australlia.(2016帯広畜産大)

Four (*species of kangaroo are *exported *commercially) from Australlia.
*species : 種 *export : 輸出する *commercially : 商業的に

(122)Some companies have (English / a new *policy / *adopted / using / of) as the *official in-house language.(2012センター)

Some companies have (*adopted a new *policy of using English) as the *official in-house language.
*adopt : 採用する *policy : 方針 *official : 正式な

(123)If George doesn't stop smoking, (run / *developing / the risk of / *lung *cancer / he will).(1992センター追試)

If George doesn't stop smoking, (he will run the risk of *developing *lung *cancer).
run the risk of : …の危険を冒す *develop : 発症する *lung : 肺
*cancer : がん

(124)How (to start / the last show / soon / is / *scheduled)?(2009センター追試)

How (soon is the last show *scheduled to start)?
*schedule : 予定する

(125)Hiroshi didn't (detail / what / *describe / in / happened) ; he only told (important / the / me / facts / most).(2007センター追試)

Hiroshi didn't (*describe what happened in detail) ; he only told (me the most important facts).
*describe : 説明する in detail : 詳細に

(126)Sound *travels at different speeds, (on / the air / depending / of / the *temperature).(2009センター追試)

Sound *travels at different speeds, (depending on the *temperature of the air).
*travel : 移動する depending on : …に応じて *temperature : 温度

(127)The *government (for / *promotes / the *general public / by / lifelong learning)*supporting a variety of programs and *providing *necessary *facilities.(2011センター追試)

The *government (*promotes lifelong learning for the *general public by) *supporting a variety of programs and *providing *necessary *facilities.
*government : 政府 *promote : 推進する *general : 一般の *support : 支援する a variety of : さまざまな *provide : 提供する *necessary : 必要な *facility : 施設

(128)Scientists (that / *approximately / believe / *contains / the Milky Way galaxy) 100 billion stars.(2016南山大)

Scientists (believe that the Milky Way galaxy *contains *approximately) 100 billion stars.
*contain : 含む *approximately : 約

(129)After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard (his *duties / his English / carry out / to *improve / in order to) more *effectively.(2012センター)

After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard (to *improve his English in order to carry out his *duties) more *effectively.
*improve : 向上させる carry out : 実行する duty : 任務 *effectively : 効果的に

(130)The old lady (from / was / the *stairs / out of breath / climbing up).(1989センター追試)

The old lady (was out of breath from climbing up the *stairs).
out of breath : 息が切れて *stair : 階段

(131)Seniors – (their *source / no matter / *income / what / of) – often *struggle to make ends meet.

Seniors – (no matter what their *source of *income) – often *struggle (to make ends meet).
*source : 源 *income : 収入 *struggle : 苦労する make ends meet : 収支を合わせる

(132)All (*contributing / that / to / are / countries) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (to / *efforts / them / *protect / own).(2009センター)

All (countries that are *contributing to) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (own *efforts to *protect them).
*contribute : 加担する *destruction : 破壊 *effort : 努力 *protect : 保護する

(133)My mother is making a (*recovery / the *operation / after / on / fast) her knee last week.(2003センター追試)

My mother is making a (fast *recovery after the *operation on) her knee last week.
*recovery : 回復 *operation : 手術

(134)In order to *succeed, your (*success / greater than / *desire / should be / for) your fear of *failure.

In order to *succeed, your (*desire for *success should be greater than) your fear of *failure.
*succeed : 成功する *desire : 欲望 *success : 成功 *failure : 失敗

(135)Did the result of the *general election of July 1993 (important / bring about / on / Japanese *politics / *effects) ?

Did the result of the *general election of July 1993 (bring about important *effects on Japanese *politics)?
*general election : 総選挙 bring about : もたらす *effect : 影響
*politics : 政治

(136)Should (to / cultural *treasures / of *origin / their country / be returned)?

Should (cultural *treasures be returned to their country of *origin)?
*treasure : 宝 *origin : 起源

(137)Fred and I once had a (*argument / makes / *friendly / which / over) a better pet, a dog or a cat.(2006センター追試)

Fred and I once had a (*friendly *argument over which makes) a better pet, a dog or a cat.
*friendly : 友好的な *argument : 議論

(138)Walking into an electronics store today, (*faced / are / an *amazing / *consumers / with) *variety of audio *technology.(2014センター)

Walking into an electronics store today, (*consumers are *faced with an *amazing) *variety of audio *technology.
*consumer : 消費者 *face : 直面する *amazing : 驚くべき *variety of : 多様な *technology : 技術

(139)Everyone (turned down / that / to hear / she had / was *disappointed) the *generous *offer.(2008センター追試)

Everyone (was *disappointed to hear that she had turned down) the *generous *offer.
*disappoint : 失望させる turn down : 断る *generous : 気前のいい *offer : 申し出

(140)It is *evident that a big mistake was (*calculating / of / in / made / the costs) the project.(2016東洋英和女学院大)

It is *evident that a big mistake was (made in *calculating the costs of) the project.
*evident : 明らかな *calculate : 計算する

(141)The *debate (jobs / *influences / how / over / *technology) is as old as *industrial *era itself.(2016関西学院大)

The *debate (over how *technology *influences jobs) is as old as *industrial *era itself.
*debate : 議論 *technology : 科学技術 *influence : 影響する *industrial : 工業の *era : 時代

(142)(ready / think / to *forgive / they are / many people), but want an *apology first.

(Many people think they are ready to *forgive), but want an *apology first.
*forgive : 許す *apology : 謝罪

(143)(home costs / *rising / spite / in / of), buying still *beats *renting.

(In spite of *rising home costs), buying still *beats *renting.
in spite of : …にかかわらず *rise : 上がる *beat : まさる *rent : 賃借する

(144)What should I (or *stolen / my wallet / if / is lost / do)?

What should I (do if my wallet is lost or *stolen)?
*steal : 盗む

(145)He was able (teach / often *required / sports / to / which) a lot of *strength and *endurance.(2013センター)

He was able (to teach sports which often *required) a lot of *strength and *endurance.
*require : 必要とする *strength : 強さ *endurance : 忍耐

(146)I don't (*disagree / if / mind / with me / you), but I *object being *shouted at.(2015岩手医大)

I don't (mind if you *disagree with me), but I *object being *shouted at.
*disagree : 同意しない *object : 反対する *shout : 叫ぶ

(147)People can *float in *regular water, (salt water / even *denser / since / but / is), it is (*float / the Dead Sea / in / to / even easier).

People can *float in *regular water, (but since salt water is even *denser), it is (even easier to *float in the Dead Sea).
*float : 浮く *regular : 普通の *dense : 密度が高い

(148)Dance is (of / one / the / forms / oldest) of art, and it is seen in every culture (a variety of / for / and / *purposes / *performed).(2013センター)

Dance is (one of the oldest forms of art), and it is seen in every culture (and *performed for a variety of *purposes).
*perform : 演じる a variety of : さまざまな *purpose : 目的

(149)Images of elephants (*symbols / in / are / good *fortune / of) both India and Mexico.(2006センター)

Images of elephants (are *symbols of good *fortune in) both India and Mexico.
*symbol : 象徴 *fortune : 運

(150)(with / of / the *majority / Mediterranean / the *regions) *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.

(The *majority of the *regions with Mediterranean) *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.
*majority : 大部分 *region : 地域 *climate : 気候 *relatively : 比較的に
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2019年06月19日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。
 kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。

(151)We have made (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / for).
*arrangement : 手配

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that / short *period / *floods / result in).
*period : 期間 *flood : 洪水 result in : …の結果になる

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / *encourage / drink *containers / people).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *recycle : リサイクルする *encourage : 促す *container : 容器

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).

(154)The most important (is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) probably as a *provider of food.
*function : 機能 *mankind : 人類 *provider : 提供者

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (a *broader / to get / *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)
*broad : 広い *view : 見方 *enable : 可能にする

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (*admire / whom / person / we).(2008センター)
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).

(158)No (for / *previous *experience / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / is / in / *included) Japanese meals.
*typical : 典型的な *include : 含む

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (no / even though / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).

(161)When driving near a school, (the road / children / watch out for / *crossing).(1995センター追試)
watch out for : …に注意する *cross : 横断する

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).

(162)I (to be / *expect / here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (I / *prepared to / afraid / am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.

(164)My (to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)
*disappear : 消える *confidence : 自信

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.

(165)You should (to *judge / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)
*judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見 know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).

(166)The story (moves / *describes / who / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband when he (*escape / tries / his busy life / to) in the city.(2013センター)
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.

(167)No one (his *explanation / by / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)
*explanation : 説明 *convince : 納得させる *press conference : 記者会見

No (one was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.

(168)The high (at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)
*entrance : 入口 *security : セキュリティ *prevent : 妨げる

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.

(170)You should not (in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.

(171)Today, the *vast (around / of / *majority / *governments) the world do not (the same sex / couples of / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *marry : 結婚する *allow : 許す

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).

(172)The *company has (quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) its *customers.(2017福島大)
*company : 会社 quite a few : かなりの *receive : 受ける *inquiry : 問い合わせ *customer : 顧客

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.

(173)Nearly half of (turn in / didn't / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).

(174)Giving (is / *effective / students / *praise) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / *regular / out of service). (2013白鷗大)
*maintenance : 保守点検 *regular : 定期の

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / *consume / *resources / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)
*population : 人口 *consume : 消費する *resource : 資源

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).

(177)Getting the (of / right *amount / is important / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / don't expect / we).(2008芝浦工大)
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if)?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?

(180)We received a lot of (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).

(181)My friend (a movie / *recommended / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)
*recommend : 薦める based on : …に基づく *favorite : お気に入りの

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) fat they eat.(1993センター)
*conscious : 意識して *reduce : 減らす *consequently : 結果的に *amount : 量

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky business / *valuables / can be / at home).
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky business).

(184)There are many health (can *arise / problems / if you / that) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / *accompanied by / *receive / when) an adult.
*admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する *receive : 受ける

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)
*last : 長持ちする

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (uses airflow / *electricity / that / to *generate).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *energy : エネルギー *generate : 生産する

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / fire / by). *multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).

(189)It's a (to join / *pity / unable / you were) the party.(2014岩手医大)
*pity : 残念な

It's a (*pity you were unable to join) the party.

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / because / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.

(191)Tofu is an (Japanese food / *extremely / in / *common *ingredient).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).

(192)The *increase (the *population / in / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.

(193)It is (to / against / borrow / my *principles) money.
*principle : 主義

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.

(194)A (*bow / *study / Japanese women / shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)
*bow : お辞儀する *study : 研究

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / eaten / they / be) by crocodiles, for sure.”
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / is needed / its *flavor / work).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *suitable / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *require : 必要とする *goods : 品物 *delivery : 配達

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely *visible).
*decent : まともな *naked eye : 肉眼 *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / *nervous / get / in front of).(2013金沢工大)
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).

(200)I had no choice but to (*rude / put up with / *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)
*rude : 無礼な put up with : 我慢する *behavior : 振る舞い

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).
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2019年06月18日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
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(101)The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (are *harmful / that / *insisted / all lies).(1999センター)
*philosopher : 哲学者 *harmful : 有害な *insist : 主張する

The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (*insisted that all lies are *harmful).

(102)It is likely that the *President (be *elected / will / another *term / for).(2010中央大)
*president : 大統領 *elect : 選出する *term : 任期

It is likely that the *President (will be *elected for another *term).

(103)All the students (studying / who are / *abroad / interested in) should *attend next week's meeting.(2005センター)
*abroad : 外国で *attend : 出席する

All the students (who are interested in studying *abroad) should *attend next week's meeting.

(104)In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (that / record / a new *device / could) and play back sound.(2014センター)
*invent : 発明する *device : 装置

In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (a new *device that could record) and play back sound.

(105)Weather permitting, (outdoor play / we *encourage / as possible / as often).
weather permitting : 天気が良ければ *encourage : 奨励する

Weather permitting, (we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible).

(106)According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (a driver's *license / over / in / to *obtain) Japan.(2009芝浦工大)
according to : …によれば *license 免許 *obtain : 得る

According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (over to *obtain a driver's *license in) Japan.

(107)To our surprise, (in spite of / suddenly *announced / the *mayor / her *resignation) her high *popularity.(2017津田塾大)
in spite of : …にかかわらず *announce : 発表する *mayor : 市長 *resignation : 辞任 *popularity : 人気

To our surprise, (the *mayor suddenly *announced her *resignation in spite of) her high *popularity.

(108)The *company (to sell / wants / to *remove / its *ability) *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere
(it / and / underground / *store).
*company : 会社 *remove : 取り除く *ability : 能力
*carbon dioxide : 二酸化炭素 *atmosphere : 大気 *store : 貯蔵する

The *company (wants to sell its *ability to *remove) *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere (and *store it underground).

(109)Before the exam (by / I *refreshed / reading / my *memory) some old notes.(1991センター)
*refresh : リフレッシュする *memory : 記憶

Before the exam (I *refreshed my *memory by reading) some old notes.

(110)As a member, you have (books / the *privilege / *purchasing / of) at a 20% *discount.(2017武庫川女子大)
*privilege : 特権 *purchase : 購入する *discount : 割引

As a member, you have (the *privilege of *purchasing books) at a 20% *discount.

(111)Especially (the / of / at / beginning) a new year, one question that *frequently comes up is (bad *habits / to / how / get rid of).
*frequently : 頻繁に *habit : 習慣 get rid of : 取り除く

Especially (at the beginning of) a new year, one question that *frequently comes up is (how to get rid of bad *habits).

(112)Biotechnology could (*advantages / great / to / *offer) the whole world.(1996センター)
*advantage : 利点 *offer : もたらす

Biotechnology could (*offer great *advantages to) the whole world.

(113)A *secret that you (to the *grave / something / is / carry) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.
*secret : 秘密 *grave : 墓 *entire : すべての

A *secret that you (carry to the *grave is something) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.

(114)What (blueberries / eating / have to do with / does) good *eyesight?(2006センター追試)
have to do with : …と関係がある *eyesight : 視力

What (does eating blueberries have to do with) good *eyesight?

(115)We *delayed our (on account of / *departure / *weather / bad).
*delay : 遅らせる on account of : …のため *departure : 出発*weather : 天候

We *delayed our (*departure on account of bad *weather).

(116)Scientists are trying to (came into being / the *universe / figure out / how).
come into being : 出現する *universe : 宇宙 figure out : 解明する

Scientists are trying to (figure out how the *universe came into being).

(117)The museum was, as expected, (*struggling / *extremely *crowded / to see / with tourists) the Mona Lisa.(2016慶応大)
*struggle : 奮闘する *extremely : 非常に *crowded : 混雑した

The museum was, as expected, (*extremely *crowded with tourists *struggling to see) the Mona Lisa.

(118)He walked (*perfect / with / on / *balance) the wire between the two masts.(1990センター)
*perfect : 完璧な *balance : バランス

He walked (with *perfect *balance on) the wire between the two masts.

(119)We all know (are / that / *precious / friendships), but we also understand (*stable / that / are not / frienships).(2017センター)
*precious : 貴重な *stable : 安定した

We all know (that friendships are *precious), but we also understand (that frienships are not *stable).

(120)The *rapid *growth of fresh-fruit (has *affected / many *aspects / *imports / of) the US fresh-fruit *market.(2016センター)
*rapid : 急速な *growth : 成長 *affect : 影響する *aspect : 側面 *import : 輸入 *market : 市場

The *rapid *growth of fresh-fruit (*imports has *affected many *aspects of) the US fresh-fruit *market.

(121)Four (*exported *commercially / of kangaroo / *species / are) from Australlia.(2016帯広畜産大)
*export : 輸出する *commercially : 商業的に *species : 種

Four (*species of kangaroo are *exported *commercially) from Australlia.

(122)Some companies have (a new *policy / *adopted / using / of) English as the *official in-house language.(2012センター)
*policy : 方針 *adopt : 採用する *official : 正式な

Some companies have (*adopted a new *policy of using) English as the *official in-house language.

(123)If George doesn't stop smoking, (*developing / run the risk of / *lung *cancer / he will).(1992センター追試)
*develop : 発症する run the risk of : …の危険を冒す *lung : 肺
*cancer : がん

If George doesn't stop smoking, (he will run the risk of *developing *lung *cancer).

(124)How soon (to start / the last show / is / *scheduled)?(2009センター追試)
*schedule : 予定する

How soon (is the last show *scheduled to start)?

(125)Hiroshi didn't (what / *describe / in detail / happened) ; he only told me (important / the / facts / most).(2007センター追試)
*describe : 説明する in detail : 詳細に

Hiroshi didn't (*describe what happened in detail) ; he only told me (the most important facts).

(126)Sound *travels at different speeds, (the air / depending on / of / the *temperature).(2009センター追試)
*travel : 移動する depending on : …に応じて *temperature : 温度

Sound *travels at different speeds, (depending on the *temperature of the air).

(127)The *government (for / *promotes / the *general public / lifelong learning) by *supporting a variety of programs (*facilities / and / *necessary / *providing).(2011センター追試)
*government : 政府 *promote : 推進する *general : 一般の *support : 支援する a variety of : さまざまな *provide : 提供する *necessary : 必要な *facility : 施設

The *government (*promotes lifelong learning for the *general public) by *supporting a variety of programs (and *providing *necessary *facilities).

(128)Scientists (*approximately / believe that / *contains / the Milky Way galaxy) 100 billion stars.(2016南山大)
*approximately : 約 *contain : 含む

Scientists (believe that the Milky Way galaxy *contains *approximately) 100 billion stars.

(129)After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to *improve his English (his *duties / carry out / more *effectively / in order to).(2012センター)
*improve : 向上させる duty : 任務 carry out : 実行する *effectively : 効果的に

After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to *improve his English (in order to carry out his *duties more *effectively).

(130)The old lady was (from / the *stairs / out of breath / climbing up).(1989センター追試)
*stair : 階段 out of breath : 息が切れて

The old lady was (out of breath from climbing up the *stairs).

(131)Seniors – (their *source / what / of *income / no matter) – often *struggle (meet / to / ends / make).
*source : 源 *income : 収入 *struggle : 苦労する
make ends meet : 収支を合わせる

Seniors – (no matter what their *source of *income) – often *struggle (to make ends meet).

(132)All (*contributing / that are / to / countries) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (to / them / *protect / own *efforts).(2009センター)
*contribute : 加担する *destruction : 破壊 *protect : 保護する *effort : 努力

All (countries that are *contributing to) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (own *efforts to *protect them).

(133)My mother is making a (the *operation / after / on / fast *recovery) her knee last week.(2003センター追試)
*operation : 手術 *recovery : 回復

My mother is making a (fast *recovery after the *operation on) her knee last week.

(134)In order to *succeed, your (greater than / *desire / should be / for *success) your fear of *failure.
*succeed : 成功する *desire : 欲望 *success : 成功 *failure : 失敗

In order to *succeed, your (*desire for *success should be greater than) your fear of *failure.

(135)Did the result of the *general election of July 1993 (Japanese *politics / bring about / on / important *effects) ?
*general election : 総選挙 bring about : もたらす *effect : 影響
*politics : 政治

Did the result of the *general election of July 1993 (bring about important *effects on Japanese *politics)?

(136)Should cultural (to / *treasures / their country / be returned) of *origin?
*treasure : 宝 *origin : 起源

Should cultural (*treasures be returned to their country) of *origin?

(137)Fred and I once had a (makes / *friendly *argument / which / over) a better pet, a dog or a cat.(2006センター追試)
*friendly : 友好的な *argument : 議論

Fred and I once had a (*friendly *argument over which makes) a better pet, a dog or a cat.

(138)Walking into an electronics store today, (are *faced / an *amazing / *consumers / with) variety of audio *technology.(2014センター)
*face : 直面する *amazing : 驚くべき *consumer : 消費者 *variety of : 多様な *technology : 技術

Walking into an electronics store today, (*consumers are *faced with an *amazing) *variety of audio *technology.

(139)Everyone (that / to hear / she had / was *disappointed) turned down the *generous *offer.(2008センター追試)
*disappoint : 失望させる turn down : 断る *generous : 気前のいい *offer : 申し出

Everyone (was *disappointed to hear that she had) turned down the *generous *offer.

(140)It is *evident that a big mistake was (of / in *calculating / made / the costs) the project.(2016東洋英和女学院大)
*evident : 明らかな *calculate : 計算する

It is *evident that a big mistake was (made in *calculating the costs) of the project.

(141)The *debate (*influences / how / over / *technology) jobs is as old as *industrial *era itself.(2016関西学院大)
*debate : 議論 *influence : 影響する *technology : 科学技術 *industrial : 工業の *era : 時代

The *debate (over how *technology *influences) jobs is as old as *industrial *era itself.

(142)Many people (ready / think / to *forgive / they are), but want an *apology first.
*forgive : 許す *apology : 謝罪

Many people (think they are ready to *forgive), but want an *apology first.

(143)(*rising / costs / in spite of / home), buying still *beats *renting.
*rise : 上がる in spite of : …にかかわらず *beat : まさる *rent : 賃借する

(In spite of *rising home costs), buying still *beats *renting.

(144)What should I do (or *stolen / my wallet / if / is lost) ?
*steal : 盗む

What should I do (if my wallet is lost or *stolen)?

(145)He was able (often *required / sports / to teach / which) a lot of *strength and *endurance.(2013センター)
*require : 必要とする *strength : 強さ *endurance : 忍耐

He was able (to teach sports which often *required) a lot of *strength and *endurance.

(146)I don't (if / mind / with me / you *disagree), but I *object being *shouted at.(2015岩手医大)
*disagree : 同意しない *object : 反対する *shout : 叫ぶ

I don't (mind if you *disagree with me), but I *object being *shouted at.

(147)People can *float in *regular water, but (salt water / even *denser / since / is),
it is (the Dead Sea / in / to *float / even easier).
*float : 浮く *regular : 普通の *dense : 密度が高い

People can *float in *regular water, but (since salt water is even *denser),
it is (even easier to *float in the Dead Sea).

(148)Dance is one (of art / forms / of / the oldest), and it is seen in every culture and (a variety of / for / *purposes / *performed).(2013センター)
a variety of : さまざまな *purpose : 目的 *perform : 演じる

Dance is one (of the oldest forms of art), and it is seen in every culture and (*performed for a variety of *purposes).

(149)Images of elephants (in / are *symbols / good *fortune / of) both India and Mexico.(2006センター)
*symbol : 象徴 *fortune : 運

Images of elephants (are *symbols of good *fortune in) both India and Mexico.

(150)(with / of / the *majority / the *regions) Mediterranean *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.
*majority : 大部分 *region : 地域 *climate : 気候 *relatively : 比較的に

(The *majority of the *regions with) Mediterranean *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.
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2019年06月17日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。
電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、以下のようなコンセプトで制作しました。

 今後、英語教育がどのように変わろうとも語彙力の重要性が変わることは考えられません。語彙強化のカギを握るのは例文の質で、「*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones having ill *effects on health *arose in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)1990年代半ばに、携帯電話が健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性についての懸念が生じた」のような複数のキーワードを含む例文に触れることで効率よく語彙力を強化できます。
 *Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.といった整序問題を解くとさらに効率が良くなります。

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (having ill *effects / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)1990年代半ばに、携帯電話が健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性についての懸念が生じた。
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)1990年代半ばに、携帯電話が健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性についての懸念が生じた。
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / in / *arose / on health) the mid-1990s.(2006センター追試)

 例文の約四割はセンター試験過去問、約三割は大学入試過去問、そして残りの約三割はインターネットの大海を三年にわたって探して集めました。たとえば(105)Weather permitting, we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible. という例文は英語圏の幼稚園のサイトにあった文で、(491)Winter driving calls for *extra *caution, with more snow and ice to deal with, and less daylight.いう例文は英語圏の警察署のサイトにあった文です。いずれも重要単語を含んだ自然な例文ながら、著作権法で守られる創造的な表現ではありませんので、無断転載して何ら問題はありません。
directly, feature, urgent, celebration, concept, deceive, statistics, formation, handle, restoreで、「センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人」はformationを除く9語を以下のようにカバーしています。

(81)Some diseases can be spread only by *direct physical contact.(2009芝浦工大)

(750)Black cats *feature in the superstitions of many countries — but whether they mean good luck or bad varies.

(699)Renewable energy is not an *urgent matter in Australia, given the country's plentiful supplies of fossil fuels, particularly coal.(2016青山学院大)

(43)A tree is a unique gift to *celebrate an important day such as your wedding anniversary. (2012センター)

(648)Children who don't grasp basic math *concepts usually don't catch up, but early intervention helps.

(325)Learning how to differentiate real gold from fake will keep shoppers from being *deceived into buying imitation.

(714)*Statistics reveal that Japan is one of the safest countries in terms of not only crime but also traffic accidents.

(343)Since these glasses can break easily, you must *handle them with care.

(482)Your support and kindness have *restored my self-respect.(2011日本大)



(1)In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't (*imagine life / the Internet / without).
*increasingly : ますます *connect : つながる *imagine : 想像する

In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't (*imagine life without the Internet).

(2)We cannot (without *importing / *satisfy / *consumer *demand) *goods and services.
*import : 輸入する *satisfy : 満足させる *consumer : 消費者 *demand : 需要 *goods : 商品

We cannot (*satisfy *consumer *demand without *importing) *goods and services.

(3)He is (an artist / are *displayed in / whose paintings) a *museum in Paris.(2016東海大)
*display : 展示する *museum : 美術館、博物館

He is (an artist whose paintings are *displayed in) a *museum in Paris.

(4)In (a / *accepting / *formal *invitation), it is important to *respond *appropriately.
*accept : 受け入れる *formal : 正式な *invitation : 招待 *respond : 返答する *appropriately : 適切に

In (*accepting a *formal *invitation), it is important to *respond *appropriately.

(5)(*provides / our *company / our *customers) with clothing at *reasonable prices. (2005中央大)
*provide : 提供する *company : 会社 *customer : 顧客 *reasonable : 手頃な

(Our *company *provides our *customers)with clothing at *reasonable prices.

(6)Helen Keller, (for her work / on behalf of / *admired) people with disabilities, visited Japan three times. (2015センター)障害を持つ人々のための仕事で称賛されたヘレン・ケラーは、日本を3回訪れた。
on behalf of : ための admire : 称賛する 

Helen Keller, (*admired for her work on behalf of) people with disabilities, visited Japan three times.

(7)Dad, (*improve by / my *grades / if ) the end of the *term, would (you mind / my allowance / *raising)? (2011センター)
*improve : 向上する *grade : 成績 *term : 学期 raise : 上げる

Dad, (if my *grades *improve by)the end of the *term, would (you mind *raising my *allowance)?

(8)Have you ever *noticed the (people / different *approaches / use) to deal with problems? (2001センター)
*notice : 気づく approach : やり方 deal with : 対処する

Have you ever *noticed the (different *approaches people use) to deal with problems?

(9)In the 1930s, (were / *flights / across the *continent ) not *common.(1994センター)
*flight : 飛行 *continent : 大陸 *common : 一般的な

In the 1930s, (*flights across the *continent were) not *common.

(10)Thanks to the good *weather, (arrived / at our *destination / we) an hour ahead of schedule. (2017駒沢大)
thanks to : …のおかげで *weather : 天気 *destination : 目的地 ahead of schedule : 予定より早く

Thanks to the good *weather, (we arrived at our *destination) an hour ahead of schedule.

(11)Many cafes try to *create a *relaxing (*atmosphere / *customers can enjoy / so that) their tea *break. (2016神奈川大)
*create : 作る *relaxing : くつろげる *atmosphere : 雰囲気 so that : ~のように *customer : 客 *break : 休み

Many cafes try to *create a *relaxing (*atmosphere so that *customers can enjoy )their tea *break.

(12)Because of seasonable *production patterns, the *majority of Mexco's oranges (from / arrive / in the US *market) December through June. (2016センター)
because of : …により *production : 生産 *majority : 多数 *market : 市場

Because of seasonable *production patterns, the *majority of Mexco's oranges (arrive in the US market from) December through June.

(13)Did you *call the dentist and (make / for the *treatment / an *appointment)?(2015芝浦工大)
*call : 電話する *treatment : 治療 *appointment : 予約

Did you *call the dentist and (make an *appointment for the *treatment)?

(14)Although most of us have (*bones are / that / the *impression)dry, living *bones are *actually (at all / dry / not). (1997センター)
*bone 骨 *impression : 印象 *actually : 実際には

Although most of us have (the *impression that *bones are) dry, living *bones are *actually (not dry at all).

(15)I (a cat / saw / sneaking into) my *neighbor's yard.(2014センター)
*neighbor : 近所の人

I (saw a cat sneaking into) my *neighbor's yard.

(16)The (is / of the new building / *construction) under way. (2011日本大)
*construction : 建設 under way : 進行中で

The (*construction of the new building is) under way.

(17)Graduating from university is a *huge *accomplishment and you should (*proud of / yourself / be).
*huge : 巨大な *accomplishment : 達成 *proud : 誇りに思う

Graduating from university is a *huge *accomplishment and you should (be *proud of yourself).

(18)Making energy-saving changes in (can be / *expensive / the home), but (your money / *save / it will) in the long run.(2011センター追試)
*expensive : 高価な *save : 節約する in the long run : 長期的には

Making energy-saving changes in (the home can be *expensive), but (it will *save your money) in the long run.

(19)In my school, when a (*regular / is *absent / teacher), another teacher teaches the class *instead. (2010センター)
*regular : 正規の *absent : 欠席の *instead : 代わりに

In my school, when a (*regular teacher is *absent), another teacher teaches the class *instead.

(20)According to the newspaper, even a teenager (*sailing / *capable of / is) a yacht around the world alone. (2012センター追試)
according to : …によれば sail : 航海する *capable : できる

According to the newspaper, even a teenager (is *capable of *sailing) a yacht around the world alone.

(21)Children of six and (*permitted to use / under / are not) the swimming pool *unless they are with an adult. (1996センター)6歳以下の子どもは、大人と一緒でない限り、スイミングプールの利用を許可されていない。
*permit : 許可する *unless : ~でなければ

Children of six and (under are not *permitted to use) the swimming pool *unless they are with an adult.

(22)The most important thing in the Olympics (but to *participate / is / not to win).
*participate : 参加する

The most important thing in the Olympics (is not to win but to *participate).

(23)You can *borrow this book, (to return / *provided / you *promise) it tomorrow. (2014岩手医大)
*borrow : 借りる *provided : ~ならば *promise : 約束する

You can *borrow this book, (*provided you *promise to return) it tomorrow.

(24)In the parties with the *customers, (always *surrounded / by many people / he is). (2011センター)
*customer : 顧客 *surround : 囲む

In the parties with the *customers, (he is always *surrounded by many people).

(25)There were two (*approaching / *vehicles / on the road) the signal. (2010センター)
*approach : 近づく *vehicle : 車両

There were two (*vehicles on the road *approaching) the signal.

(26)(with / the same *period / *compared) last year, *industrial *production *rose by one percent this year.(2016芝浦工大)
*period : 期間 compare : 比較する *industrial : 工業の *production : 生産 *rise : 上がる

(*Compared with the same *period) last year, *industrial *production *rose by one percent this year.

(27)Photographs (three / will be *delivered / within) business days.(2012センター)
*deliver : 配達する

Photographs (will be *delivered within three) business days.

(28)I am *extremely fond of animals, and I can't (*treating them / *stand anyone / with *cruelty). (2015中央大)
*extremely : 極端に be fond of : …が好きである *treat : 扱う *stand : 我慢する *cruelty : 残酷さ

I am *extremely fond of animals, and I can't (*stand anyone *treating them with *cruelty).

(29)It's quite hard for new (*customers' *expectations / *companies / to live up to).(2016関西学院大)
*customer : 顧客 *expectation : 期待 *company : 会社 live up to : 応える

It's quite hard for new (*companies to live up to *customers' *expectations).

(30)The *reason I get along well with my best friend is (many things / in common / that we have). (2010芝浦工大)
*reason : 理由 get along with : …と仲良くする in common : 共通の

The *reason I get along well with my best friend is (that we have many things in common).

(31)We've been (lately in / working / under so much *pressure) our office that we all need a holiday. (1992センター追試)
*pressure : 圧力

We've been (working under so much *pressure lately in) our office that we all need a holiday.

(32)There is (*evidence that / to *accept / TV lead people) more *violence in everyday life. (1993センター)
*evidence : 証拠 *accept : 受け入れる *violence : 暴力

There is (*evidence that TV lead people to *accept) more *violence in everyday life.

(33)We must keep in mind that (do us / more *harm / smoking) than good.(1996センター)
keep in mind : 心に留めておく *harm : 害

We must keep in mind that (smoking do us more *harm) than good.

(34)The Rio Grande is (a natural *border / the river / that *forms) between the United States and Mexico.
*border : 国境 *form : 形成する

The Rio Grande is (the river that *forms a natural *border) between the United States and Mexico.

(35)*Products (*exchanged / can be / up to two months) after *purchase. (2013センター)
*product : 製品 *exchange : 交換する up to : 最大…まで *purchase : 購入

*Products (can be *exchanged up to two months) after *purchase.

(36)The (in my *neighborhood / have / leaves) recently turned yellow. (2017センター)
*neighborhood : 近所

The (leaves in my *neighborhood have) recently turned yellow.

(37)Traveling by private jet can be (*convenient / you can *afford / *provided) to have one.(2016近畿大)
*convenient : 便利な *afford : 余裕がある *provided : ~ならば

Traveling by private jet can be (*convenient *provided you can *afford) to have one.

(38)Studying a foreign language can (students / help / become *aware of) their own language and culture. (2014センター)
*aware : 気づいて

Studying a foreign language can (help students become *aware of) their own language and culture.

(39)From the look on his face, (that / he / it was *obvious) did not get much sleep last night. (2016神奈川大)
*obvious : 明らかな

From the look on his face, (it was *obvious that he) did not get much sleep last night.

(40)The restaurant (*artificial flowers / *decorated with / was). (2016会津大)
*artificial : 人工の *decorate : 装飾する

The restaurant (was *decorated with *artificial flowers).

(41)I (to Mary / *suggested / that she) come with me to collect *empty cans on the street. (1993センター)
*suggest : 提案する *empty : 空の

I (*suggested to Mary that she) come with me to collect *empty cans on the street.

(42)Because he came down with the flu, he was (*forced to stay / for / at home) a week. (2012センター)
come down with : かかる *force : 強いる

Because he came down with the flu, he was (*forced to stay at home for) a week.

(43)A tree (a *unique gift / is / to *celebrate) an important day such as your wedding *anniversary. (2012センター)
*unique : ユニークな *celebrate : 祝う such as : …のような*anniversary : 記念日

A tree (is a *unique gift to *celebrate) an important day such as your wedding *anniversary.

(44)People, depending on their culture, (being / may *regard / on time) differently. (2008センター追試)
depending on : …によって *regard : みなす

People, depending on their culture, (may *regard being on time) differently.

(45)The *museum which I visited was (antique *furniture / beautifully *decorated / with). (2013芝浦工大)
*museum : 美術館 *furniture : 家具 *decorate : 装飾する

The *museum which I visited was (beautifully *decorated with antique *furniture).

(46)I don't think my father (*lend us / is willing to / the car), but I'll see (into it / if I can / talk him). (1991センター)私は父が車を快く貸してくれるとは思わないが、説得できるかどうかためしてみる。
*lend : 貸す talk … into ~ : …を説得して~させる

I don't think my father (is willing to *lend us the car), but I'll see (if I can talk him into it).

(47)Elevator mechanics (*repairing / *responsible for / are) elevators when they are out of order.
*repair : 修理する *responsible : 責任がある out of order : 故障した

Elevator mechanics (are *responsible for *repairing) elevators when they are out of order.

(48)Many electrical *goods have a small light (the power / to *indicate that / is on). (2011センター追試)
*goods : 製品 *indicate : 示す

Many electrical *goods have a small light (to *indicate that the power is on).

(49)*Passengers traveling with pets (must *inform / in advance / the airline ).(2010センター)
*passenger : 乗客 *inform : 知らせる in advance : 事前に

*Passengers traveling with pets (must *inform the airline in advance).

(50)When you try on shoes, (not only / to their / pay *attention) *length but also to their *depth and *width. (2017センター)
*attention : 注意 *length : 長さ *depth : 深さ *width : 幅

When you try on shoes, (pay *attention not only to their) *length but also to their *depth and *width.
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