


2015年09月17日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
english x english




[問題](1) a group of people who were born at about the same time = gen---

[解答] generation(世代) = a group(集団) of people(人々の) who were born(その人たちは生まれた) at about the same time(ほぼ同時期に)

[問題](2) knowledge or skills that were obtained from doing something = exp---

[解答] experience(経験) = knowledge or skills(知識や技能) that were obtained(それは得られた) from doing(することから) something(何かを)

[問題](3)the act of giving something to a person or an organization in order to help them = don---

[解答] donation(寄付) = the act(行為)of giving(与える) something(何かを) to a person or an organization(人や組織に) in order to help(助ける目的で) them(彼らを)

[問題](4) something that is made or grown in large quantities to be sold = pro---

[解答] product(製品) = something(何か) that is made or grown(それは作られたり育てられた) in large quantities(大量に) to be sold(売られるために)

[問題](5) something that is burned to provide power or heat = fue---

[解答]fuel(燃料) = something(何か) that is burned(それは燃やされている) to provide(供給するために) power or heat(動力や熱を) 

[問題](6) a way of behaving accepted among a group of people = cus---

[解答] custom(慣習) = a way(やり方) of behaving(振る舞う) accepted(受け入れられた) among a group(集団の中で) of people(人々の)

[問題](7) the chance that something might happen = pos---

[解答] possibility(可能性) = the chance(見込み) that(~という) something might happen(何かが起きるかもしれない)

[問題](8) money made from a business after paying all its expenses = pro---

[解答] profit(利益) = money(お金) made(儲けられた) from a business(ビジネスから) after paying(払った後) all its expenses(すべてそれにかかる経費を)

[問題](9) businesses that produce goods or provide a service = ind---

[解答] industry(産業) = businesses(会社(群)) that produce(それは生産する) goods(商品を) or provide(あるいは提供する) a service(サービスを)

[問題](10)an event that causes great damage or suffering = dis--- 

[解答] disaster(惨事) = an event(出来事) that causes(それは引き起こす) great damage or suffering(大きな損害や苦しみを)

[問題](11) a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success = adv---

[解答]advantage(有利) = a condition(状況) that gives(それは与える) someone(誰かに) a greater chance(より大きなチャンスを) of success(成功の) 

[問題](12) a strong feeling of wanting something = des---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)

[問題](13) a group whose members work together to achieve a particular purpose = org---

[解答] organization(組織) = a group(集団) whose members work(そのメンバーは働く) together(一緒に) to achieve(達成するために) a particular purpose(特定の目的を)

[問題](14) measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger = sec---

[解答] security(警備,治安) = measures(手段) taken(取られる) to keep(状態にしておくために) a person, country, etc.(人や国などが) safe(安全な) from danger(危険から)

[問題](15) an important system or custom that has existed for a long time = ins---

[解答] institution(制度,慣例) = an important system or custom(重要な制度や慣習) that has existed(それは存在してきた) for a long time(長い間)

[問題](16) an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position = ele---

[解答] election(選挙) = an occasion(行事) when people vote(その時人々は投票する) to choose(選ぶために) someone(誰かを) for an official position(公職に)

[問題](17) power that is used to produce light, heat, motion, etc. = ene---

[解答] energy(エネルギー) = power(動力源) that is used(それは使われる) to produce(生み出すために) light, heat, motion, etc.(光,熱,動きなどを)

[問題](18) an area of land controlled by a particular country = ter---

[解答] territory(領土) = an area(区域) of land(土地の) controlled(支配された) by a particular country(特定の国によって)

[問題](19) a natural skill or ability to do something well = tal---

[解答] talent(才能) = a natural skill or ability(生まれ持った技能や能力) to do(するための) something(何かを) well(うまく)

[問題](20) make someone do something against their will = for-

[解答] force(強いる) = make(させる) someone(誰かに) do(するように) something(何かを) against their will(その人の意志に反して)

[問題](21) admit that you have done something wrong or illegal = con---

[解答] confess(白状する) = admit(認める) that(~と) you have done(自分はしたと) something wrong or illegal(何か悪い,あるいは違法なことを)

[問題](22) show a strong feeling of respect for a higher being = wor

[解答] worship(崇拝する) = show(示す) a strong feeling(強い感情を) of respect(尊敬の) for a higher being(より高い存在に対して)

[問題](23) accept something annoying or unpleasant = sta---

[解答] stand(我慢する) = accept(受け入れる) something(何かを) annoying or unpleasant(困った,あるいは不快な)

[問題](24) please someone by doing what they want = sat---

[解答] satisfy(満足させる) = please(喜ばせる) someone(誰かを) by doing(することによって) what they want(その人が望むことを)

[問題](25) make someone believe something = con---

[解答] convince(確信[納得]させる) = make(させる) someone(誰かを) believe(信じるように) something(何かを)

[問題](26) give money or other help along with others = con---

[解答] contribute(寄付する) = give(与える) money or other help(お金やほかの支援を) along with others(他の人たちと同様に)

[問題](27) defend an action by explanation = jus---

[解答] justify(正当化する) = defend(擁護する) an action(行動を) by explanation(釈明によって)

[問題](28) officially govern a country or area = rul---

[解答] rule(支配する) = officially(公式に) govern(統治する) a country or area(国や地域を)

[問題](29) give up something valuable in order to help another person = sac---

[解答] sacrifice(犠牲にする) = give up(あきらめる) something valuable(何か大切なものを) in order to help(助けるために) another person(他者を)

[問題](30) try very hard to do something difficult = str---

[解答] struggle(奮闘する) = try(頑張る) very hard(とても一生懸命に) to do(しようと) something difficult(何か難しいことを)

[問題](31) make a judgment about something without being certain = gue---

[解答]guess(推測する) = make(行う) a judgment(判断を) about something(何かについて) without being certain(確信がない状態で) 

[問題](32) tell someone about a possible danger or trouble = war---

[解答]warn(警告[注意]する) = tell(伝える) someone(誰かに) about a possible danger or trouble(起こり得る危険や困難について) 

[問題](33) think about something carefully before making a choice or decision = con---

[解答] consider(考慮する) = think(考える) about something(何かについて) carefully(注意深く) before making(行う前に) a choice or decision(選択や決断を)

[問題](34) the process of repeating something many times so that you become good at it = pra---

[解答] practice(練習) = the process(過程) of repeating(繰り返す) something(何かを) many times(何度も) so that you become good(人がうまくなるように) at it(それにおいて)

[問題](35)keep something at the same level = mai--- 

[解答]maintain(維持する) = keep(保つ) something(何かを) at the same level(同じレベルに) 

[問題](36)order someone to do something = dir---

[解答]direct(指図する) = order(命じる) someone(誰かに) to do(するように) something(何かを) 

[問題](37)say what is going to happen in the future = pre---

[解答]predict(予想[予言]する) = say(言う) what is going to happen(何が起きるかを) in the future(将来に) 

[問題](38)forbid something by authority, rule, or law = pro--- 

[解答]prohibit(禁止する) = forbid(禁じる) something(何かを) by authority, rule, or law(権威や規則や法律によって)

[問題](39)know someone because you have seen them before = rec---

[解答]recognize(見覚えがある,わかる) = know(知っている) someone(誰かを) because you have seen them(なぜなら自分はその人に会ったことがあるから) before(以前に)

[問題](40)help someone understand something by giving information about it = exp---

[解答]explain(説明する) = help(助ける) someone(誰かが) understand(理解するのを) something(何かを) by giving(与えることにより) information(情報を) about it(それについての)

[問題](41)express disapproval of someone or something = cri---

[解答]criticize(非難[批判]する) = express(表明する) disapproval(不承認を) of someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かについての)

[問題](42)design or make a new product = dev---

[解答]develop(開発する) = design or make(設計する,あるいは作る) a new product(新製品を)

[問題](43)allow someone to be free = rel---

[解答]release(釈放する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to be free(自由になるのを)

[問題](44)express strong disagreement with something = pro---

[解答]protest(抗議する) = express(表明する) strong disagreement(強い不同意を) with something(何かに対して)

[問題](45)feel sorry about something you have done = reg ---

[解答]regret(後悔する) = feel(感じる) sorry(残念だと) about something(何かについて) you have done(自分がしてしまった)

[問題](46)become larger in size, number, etc. = inc---

[解答]increase(増える) = become larger((今より)大きくなる) in size, number, etc.(大きさや数などにおいて)

[問題](47)announce something publicly = dec---

[解答]declare(宣言する) = announce(発表する) something(何かを) publicly(公に)

[問題](48)give someone a particular job or responsibility = ass---

[解答]assign(割り当てる) = give(与える) someone(誰かに) a particular job or responsibility(特定の仕事または責任を)

[問題](49)get a number or amount using mathematics = cal---

[解答]calculate(計算する) = get(得る) a number or amount(数や量[額]を) using mathematics(数学を使って)

[問題](50)help something to be successful = pro---

[解答]promote(促進する) = help(助ける) something(何かが) to be successful(うまくいくように)

[問題](51)allow someone to do something = per---

[解答]permit(許可する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to do(することを) something(何かを)

[問題](52)get something that you want = obt---

[解答]obtain(獲得する) = get(得る) something(何かを) that you want(それを自分が望む)

[問題](53)tell the public about a product in order to encourage them to buy it = adv---

[解答]advertise(広告[宣伝]する) = tell(伝える) the public(一般の人々に) about a product(製品について) in order to encourage them(彼らを促すために) to buy it(それを買うよう)

[問題](54)speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help = pra---

[解答]pray(祈る) = speak to(話しかける) a higher being(高い存在に) in order to give(捧げるため) thanks(感謝を) or to ask for(あるいは求めるため) help(助けを)

[問題](55)send out a program on television or radio = bro---

[解答]broadcast(放送する) = send out(送り出す) a program(番組を) on television or radio(テレビやラジオで)

[問題](56)succeed in doing something, usually with effort = ach---

[解答]achieve(達成する) = succeed(成功する)in doing(行うことにおいて)something(何かを), usually with effort(通常は努力を伴って)

[問題](57)keep something in good condition = pre---

[解答]preserve(保存する) = keep (保つ)something (何かを) in good condition (良好な状態に)

[問題](58)get better after an illness or an injury = rec---

[解答]recover(回復する) = get better(良くなる) after an illness or an injury(病気やけがの後で)

[問題](59)find out something that you did not know before = dis---

[解答]discover(発見する、知る) = find out(見出す) something(何かを) that you did not know before(それを自分は以前は知らなかった)

[問題](60)tell people about something publicly = ann---

[解答]announce (発表する) = tell(伝える) people(人々に) about something(何かについて) publicly(公に)

[問題](61)make arrangements for a room, seat, etc. to be saved for you = res---

[解答]reserve (予約する) = make(行う) arrangements(手配を) for a room, seat, etc.(部屋や座席などが) to be saved(取っておかれるように) for you (自分のために)

[問題](62)take something to the requested place = del---

[解答]deliver (配達する) = take (持って行く) something (何かを) to the requested place (依頼された場所へ)

[問題](63)showing no tendency to change = ste---

[解答]steady(着実な,安定した) =showing(示している) no tendency(傾向がないことを) to change(変化する)

[問題](64)having a high level of mental ability = int---

[解答]intelligent(頭の良い) =having(持っている) a high level(高いレベルを) of mental ability(知的能力の)

[問題](65)not willing to accept changes or new ideas = con---

[解答]conservative(保守的な) =not willing(しようとしない) to accept(受け入れる事を) changes or new ideas(変化や新しい考えを)

[問題](66)working well and producing the intended result successfully = eff---

[解答]effective(効果的な) =working(機能している) well(良く) and producing(そして生み出している) the intended result(意図された結果を) successfully(うまく)

[問題](67)lasting for a limited time = tem---

[解答]temporary(臨時の) =lasting(続く) for a limited time(限られた時間の間)

[問題](68)normal or average, not different from others = ord---

[解答]ordinary(平凡な) =normal or average(標準的,あるいは平均的である), not different(違っておらず) from others(他のものと)

[問題](69)worried and nervous about something = anx---

[解答]anxious(不安[心配]な) =worried and nervous(心配してそして神経質になっている) about something(何かについて)

[問題](70)existing in fact or reality = act---

[解答]actual(実際の) =existing(存在している) in fact or reality(事実において,あるいは現実において)
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2015年09月17日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
 英単語の暗記は無味乾燥な暗記中心になりがちなものの、工夫次第で、考えながら思い出す要素を組み込むことができます。たとえば「exploit : 搾取する」というのは難関大受験者必修語彙で、英和と和英の変換訓練を重ねる受験生はたくさんいるはずです。
to treat someone unfairly in order to get an advantage for yourself=ex?????

english x english


english x english

[問題](1) a group of people who were born at about the same time = ge---

[解答] generation(世代) = a group(集団) of people(人々の) who were born(その人たちは生まれた) at about the same time(ほぼ同時期に)

[問題](2) knowledge or skills that were obtained from doing something = ex---

[解答] experience(経験) = knowledge or skills(知識や技能) that were obtained(それは得られた) from doing(することから) something(何かを)

[問題](3)the act of giving something to a person or an organization in order to help them = do---

[解答] donation(寄付) = the act(行為)of giving(与える) something(何かを) to a person or an organization(人や組織に) in order to help(助ける目的で) them(彼らを)

[問題](4) something that is made or grown in large quantities to be sold = pr---

[解答] product(製品) = something(何か) that is made or grown(それは作られたり育てられた) in large quantities(大量に) to be sold(売られるために)

[問題](5) something that is burned to provide power or heat = fu---

[解答]fuel(燃料) = something(何か) that is burned(それは燃やされている) to provide(供給するために) power or heat(動力や熱を) 

[問題](6) a way of behaving accepted among a group of people = cu---

[解答] custom(慣習) = a way(やり方) of behaving(振る舞う) accepted(受け入れられた) among a group(集団の中で) of people(人々の)

[問題](7) the chance that something might happen = po---

[解答] possibility(可能性) = the chance(見込み) that(~という) something might happen(何かが起きるかもしれない)

[問題](8) money made from a business after paying all its expenses = pr---

[解答] profit(利益) = money(お金) made(儲けられた) from a business(ビジネスから) after paying(払った後) all its expenses(すべてそれにかかる経費を)

[問題](9) businesses that produce goods or provide a service = in---

[解答] industry(産業) = businesses(会社(群)) that produce(それは生産する) goods(商品を) or provide(あるいは提供する) a service(サービスを)

[問題](10)an event that causes great damage or suffering = di--- 

[解答] disaster(惨事) = an event(出来事) that causes(それは引き起こす) great damage or suffering(大きな損害や苦しみを)

[問題](11) a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success = ad---

[解答]advantage(有利) = a condition(状況) that gives(それは与える) someone(誰かに) a greater chance(より大きなチャンスを) of success(成功の) 

[問題](12) a strong feeling of wanting something = de---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)

[問題](13) a group whose members work together to achieve a particular purpose = or---

[解答] organization(組織) = a group(集団) whose members work(そのメンバーは働く) together(一緒に) to achieve(達成するために) a particular purpose(特定の目的を)

[問題](14) measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger = se---

[解答] security(警備,治安) = measures(手段) taken(取られる) to keep(状態にしておくために) a person, country, etc.(人や国などが) safe(安全な) from danger(危険から)

[問題](15) an important system or custom that has existed for a long time = in---

[解答] institution(制度,慣例) = an important system or custom(重要な制度や慣習) that has existed(それは存在してきた) for a long time(長い間)

[問題](16) an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position = el---

[解答] election(選挙) = an occasion(行事) when people vote(その時人々は投票する) to choose(選ぶために) someone(誰かを) for an official position(公職に)

[問題](17) power that is used to produce light, heat, motion, etc. = en---

[解答] energy(エネルギー) = power(動力源) that is used(それは使われる) to produce(生み出すために) light, heat, motion, etc.(光,熱,動きなどを)

[問題](18) an area of land controlled by a particular country = te---

[解答] territory(領土) = an area(区域) of land(土地の) controlled(支配された) by a particular country(特定の国によって)

[問題](19) a natural skill or ability to do something well = ta---

[解答] talent(才能) = a natural skill or ability(生まれ持った技能や能力) to do(するための) something(何かを) well(うまく)

[問題](20) make someone do something against their will = fo-

[解答] force(強いる) = make(させる) someone(誰かに) do(するように) something(何かを) against their will(その人の意志に反して)

[問題](21) admit that you have done something wrong or illegal = co---

[解答] confess(白状する) = admit(認める) that(~と) you have done(自分はしたと) something wrong or illegal(何か悪い,あるいは違法なことを)

[問題](22) show a strong feeling of respect for a higher being = wo

[解答] worship(崇拝する) = show(示す) a strong feeling(強い感情を) of respect(尊敬の) for a higher being(より高い存在に対して)

[問題](23) accept something annoying or unpleasant = st---

[解答] stand(我慢する) = accept(受け入れる) something(何かを) annoying or unpleasant(困った,あるいは不快な)

[問題](24) please someone by doing what they want = sa---

[解答] satisfy(満足させる) = please(喜ばせる) someone(誰かを) by doing(することによって) what they want(その人が望むことを)

[問題](25) make someone believe something = co---

[解答] convince(確信[納得]させる) = make(させる) someone(誰かを) believe(信じるように) something(何かを)

[問題](26) give money or other help along with others = co---

[解答] contribute(寄付する) = give(与える) money or other help(お金やほかの支援を) along with others(他の人たちと同様に)

[問題](27) defend an action by explanation = ju---

[解答] justify(正当化する) = defend(擁護する) an action(行動を) by explanation(釈明によって)

[問題](28) officially govern a country or area = ru---

[解答] rule(支配する) = officially(公式に) govern(統治する) a country or area(国や地域を)

[問題](29) give up something valuable in order to help another person = sa---

[解答] sacrifice(犠牲にする) = give up(あきらめる) something valuable(何か大切なものを) in order to help(助けるために) another person(他者を)

[問題](30) try very hard to do something difficult = st---

[解答] struggle(奮闘する) = try(頑張る) very hard(とても一生懸命に) to do(しようと) something difficult(何か難しいことを)

[問題](31) make a judgment about something without being certain = gu---

[解答]guess(推測する) = make(行う) a judgment(判断を) about something(何かについて) without being certain(確信がない状態で) 

[問題](32) tell someone about a possible danger or trouble = wa---

[解答]warn(警告[注意]する) = tell(伝える) someone(誰かに) about a possible danger or trouble(起こり得る危険や困難について) 

[問題](33) think about something carefully before making a choice or decision = co---

[解答] consider(考慮する) = think(考える) about something(何かについて) carefully(注意深く) before making(行う前に) a choice or decision(選択や決断を)

[問題](34) the process of repeating something many times so that you become good at it = pr---

[解答] practice(練習) = the process(過程) of repeating(繰り返す) something(何かを) many times(何度も) so that you become good(人がうまくなるように) at it(それにおいて)

[問題](35)keep something at the same level = ma--- 

[解答]maintain(維持する) = keep(保つ) something(何かを) at the same level(同じレベルに) 

[問題](36)order someone to do something = di---

[解答]direct(指図する) = order(命じる) someone(誰かに) to do(するように) something(何かを) 

[問題](37)say what is going to happen in the future = pr---

[解答]predict(予想[予言]する) = say(言う) what is going to happen(何が起きるかを) in the future(将来に) 

[問題](38)forbid something by authority, rule, or law = pr--- 

[解答]prohibit(禁止する) = forbid(禁じる) something(何かを) by authority, rule, or law(権威や規則や法律によって)

[問題](39)know someone because you have seen them before = re---

[解答]recognize(見覚えがある,わかる) = know(知っている) someone(誰かを) because you have seen them(なぜなら自分はその人に会ったことがあるから) before(以前に)

[問題](40)help someone understand something by giving information about it = ex---

[解答]explain(説明する) = help(助ける) someone(誰かが) understand(理解するのを) something(何かを) by giving(与えることにより) information(情報を) about it(それについての)

[問題](41)express disapproval of someone or something = cr---

[解答]criticize(非難[批判]する) = express(表明する) disapproval(不承認を) of someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かについての)

[問題](42)design or make a new product = de---

[解答]develop(開発する) = design or make(設計する,あるいは作る) a new product(新製品を)

[問題](43)allow someone to be free = re---

[解答]release(釈放する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to be free(自由になるのを)

[問題](44)express strong disagreement with something = pr---

[解答]protest(抗議する) = express(表明する) strong disagreement(強い不同意を) with something(何かに対して)

[問題](45)feel sorry about something you have done = re ---

[解答]regret(後悔する) = feel(感じる) sorry(残念だと) about something(何かについて) you have done(自分がしてしまった)

[問題](46)become larger in size, number, etc. = in---

[解答]increase(増える) = become larger((今より)大きくなる) in size, number, etc.(大きさや数などにおいて)

[問題](47)announce something publicly = de---

[解答]declare(宣言する) = announce(発表する) something(何かを) publicly(公に)

[問題](48)give someone a particular job or responsibility = as---

[解答]assign(割り当てる) = give(与える) someone(誰かに) a particular job or responsibility(特定の仕事または責任を)

[問題](49)get a number or amount using mathematics = ca---

[解答]calculate(計算する) = get(得る) a number or amount(数や量[額]を) using mathematics(数学を使って)

[問題](50)help something to be successful = pr---

[解答]promote(促進する) = help(助ける) something(何かが) to be successful(うまくいくように)

[問題](51)allow someone to do something = pe---

[解答]permit(許可する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to do(することを) something(何かを)

[問題](52)get something that you want = ob---

[解答]obtain(獲得する) = get(得る) something(何かを) that you want(それを自分が望む)

[問題](53)tell the public about a product in order to encourage them to buy it = ad---

[解答]advertise(広告[宣伝]する) = tell(伝える) the public(一般の人々に) about a product(製品について) in order to encourage them(彼らを促すために) to buy it(それを買うよう)

[問題](54)speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help = pr---

[解答]pray(祈る) = speak to(話しかける) a higher being(高い存在に) in order to give(捧げるため) thanks(感謝を) or to ask for(あるいは求めるため) help(助けを)

[問題](55)send out a program on television or radio = br---

[解答]broadcast(放送する) = send out(送り出す) a program(番組を) on television or radio(テレビやラジオで)

[問題](56)succeed in doing something, usually with effort = ac---

[解答]achieve(達成する) = succeed(成功する)in doing(行うことにおいて)something(何かを), usually with effort(通常は努力を伴って)

[問題](57)keep something in good condition = pr---

[解答]preserve(保存する) = keep (保つ)something (何かを) in good condition (良好な状態に)

[問題](58)get better after an illness or an injury = re---

[解答]recover(回復する) = get better(良くなる) after an illness or an injury(病気やけがの後で)

[問題](59)find out something that you did not know before = di---

[解答]discover(発見する、知る) = find out(見出す) something(何かを) that you did not know before(それを自分は以前は知らなかった)

[問題](60)tell people about something publicly = an---

[解答]announce (発表する) = tell(伝える) people(人々に) about something(何かについて) publicly(公に)

[問題](61)make arrangements for a room, seat, etc. to be saved for you = re---

[解答]reserve (予約する) = make(行う) arrangements(手配を) for a room, seat, etc.(部屋や座席などが) to be saved(取っておかれるように) for you (自分のために)

[問題](62)take something to the requested place = de---

[解答]deliver (配達する) = take (持って行く) something (何かを) to the requested place (依頼された場所へ)

[問題](63)showing no tendency to change = st---

[解答]steady(着実な,安定した) =showing(示している) no tendency(傾向がないことを) to change(変化する)

[問題](64)having a high level of mental ability = in---

[解答]intelligent(頭の良い) =having(持っている) a high level(高いレベルを) of mental ability(知的能力の)

[問題](65)not willing to accept changes or new ideas = co---

[解答]conservative(保守的な) =not willing(しようとしない) to accept(受け入れる事を) changes or new ideas(変化や新しい考えを)

[問題](66)working well and producing the intended result successfully = ef---

[解答]effective(効果的な) =working(機能している) well(良く) and producing(そして生み出している) the intended result(意図された結果を) successfully(うまく)

[問題](67)lasting for a limited time = te---

[解答]temporary(臨時の) =lasting(続く) for a limited time(限られた時間の間)

[問題](68)normal or average, not different from others = or---

[解答]ordinary(平凡な) =normal or average(標準的,あるいは平均的である), not different(違っておらず) from others(他のものと)

[問題](69)worried and nervous about something = an---

[解答]anxious(不安[心配]な) =worried and nervous(心配してそして神経質になっている) about something(何かについて)

[問題](70)existing in fact or reality = ac---

[解答]actual(実際の) =existing(存在している) in fact or reality(事実において,あるいは現実において)
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2015年09月17日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語

english x english

english x english

[問題](1) a group of people who were born at about the same time = g---

[解答] generation(世代) = a group(集団) of people(人々の) who were born(その人たちは生まれた) at about the same time(ほぼ同時期に)

[問題](2) knowledge or skills that were obtained from doing something = e---

[解答] experience(経験) = knowledge or skills(知識や技能) that were obtained(それは得られた) from doing(することから) something(何かを)

[問題](3)the act of giving something to a person or an organization in order to help them = d---

[解答] donation(寄付) = the act(行為)of giving(与える) something(何かを) to a person or an organization(人や組織に) in order to help(助ける目的で) them(彼らを)

[問題](4) something that is made or grown in large quantities to be sold = p---

[解答] product(製品) = something(何か) that is made or grown(それは作られたり育てられた) in large quantities(大量に) to be sold(売られるために)

[問題](5) something that is burned to provide power or heat = f---

[解答]fuel(燃料) = something(何か) that is burned(それは燃やされている) to provide(供給するために) power or heat(動力や熱を) 

[問題](6) a way of behaving accepted among a group of people = c---

[解答] custom(慣習) = a way(やり方) of behaving(振る舞う) accepted(受け入れられた) among a group(集団の中で) of people(人々の)

[問題](7) the chance that something might happen = p---

[解答] possibility(可能性) = the chance(見込み) that(~という) something might happen(何かが起きるかもしれない)

[問題](8) money made from a business after paying all its expenses = p---

[解答] profit(利益) = money(お金) made(儲けられた) from a business(ビジネスから) after paying(払った後) all its expenses(すべてそれにかかる経費を)

[問題](9) businesses that produce goods or provide a service = i---

[解答] industry(産業) = businesses(会社(群)) that produce(それは生産する) goods(商品を) or provide(あるいは提供する) a service(サービスを)

[問題](10)an event that causes great damage or suffering = d--- 

[解答] disaster(惨事) = an event(出来事) that causes(それは引き起こす) great damage or suffering(大きな損害や苦しみを)

[問題](11) a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success = a---

[解答]advantage(有利) = a condition(状況) that gives(それは与える) someone(誰かに) a greater chance(より大きなチャンスを) of success(成功の) 

[問題](12) a strong feeling of wanting something = d---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)

[問題](13) a group whose members work together to achieve a particular purpose = o---

[解答] organization(組織) = a group(集団) whose members work(そのメンバーは働く) together(一緒に) to achieve(達成するために) a particular purpose(特定の目的を)

[問題](14) measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger = s---

[解答] security(警備,治安) = measures(手段) taken(取られる) to keep(状態にしておくために) a person, country, etc.(人や国などが) safe(安全な) from danger(危険から)

[問題](15) an important system or custom that has existed for a long time = i---

[解答] institution(制度,慣例) = an important system or custom(重要な制度や慣習) that has existed(それは存在してきた) for a long time(長い間)

[問題](16) an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position = e---

[解答] election(選挙) = an occasion(行事) when people vote(その時人々は投票する) to choose(選ぶために) someone(誰かを) for an official position(公職に)

[問題](17) power that is used to produce light, heat, motion, etc. = e---

[解答] energy(エネルギー) = power(動力源) that is used(それは使われる) to produce(生み出すために) light, heat, motion, etc.(光,熱,動きなどを)

[問題](18) an area of land controlled by a particular country = t---

[解答] territory(領土) = an area(区域) of land(土地の) controlled(支配された) by a particular country(特定の国によって)

[問題](19) a natural skill or ability to do something well = t---

[解答] talent(才能) = a natural skill or ability(生まれ持った技能や能力) to do(するための) something(何かを) well(うまく)

[問題](20) make someone do something against their will = f-

[解答] force(強いる) = make(させる) someone(誰かに) do(するように) something(何かを) against their will(その人の意志に反して)

[問題](21) admit that you have done something wrong or illegal = c---

[解答] confess(白状する) = admit(認める) that(~と) you have done(自分はしたと) something wrong or illegal(何か悪い,あるいは違法なことを)

[問題](22) show a strong feeling of respect for a higher being = w---

[解答] worship(崇拝する) = show(示す) a strong feeling(強い感情を) of respect(尊敬の) for a higher being(より高い存在に対して)

[問題](23) accept something annoying or unpleasant = s---

[解答] stand(我慢する) = accept(受け入れる) something(何かを) annoying or unpleasant(困った,あるいは不快な)

[問題](24) please someone by doing what they want = s---

[解答] satisfy(満足させる) = please(喜ばせる) someone(誰かを) by doing(することによって) what they want(その人が望むことを)

[問題](25) make someone believe something = c---

[解答] convince(確信[納得]させる) = make(させる) someone(誰かを) believe(信じるように) something(何かを)

[問題](26) give money or other help along with others = c---

[解答] contribute(寄付する) = give(与える) money or other help(お金やほかの支援を) along with others(他の人たちと同様に)

[問題](27) defend an action by explanation = j---

[解答] justify(正当化する) = defend(擁護する) an action(行動を) by explanation(釈明によって)

[問題](28) officially govern a country or area = r---

[解答] rule(支配する) = officially(公式に) govern(統治する) a country or area(国や地域を)

[問題](29) give up something valuable in order to help another person = s---

[解答] sacrifice(犠牲にする) = give up(あきらめる) something valuable(何か大切なものを) in order to help(助けるために) another person(他者を)

[問題](30) try very hard to do something difficult = s---

[解答] struggle(奮闘する) = try(頑張る) very hard(とても一生懸命に) to do(しようと) something difficult(何か難しいことを)

[問題](31) make a judgment about something without being certain = g---

[解答]guess(推測する) = make(行う) a judgment(判断を) about something(何かについて) without being certain(確信がない状態で) 

[問題](32) tell someone about a possible danger or trouble = w---

[解答]warn(警告[注意]する) = tell(伝える) someone(誰かに) about a possible danger or trouble(起こり得る危険や困難について) 

[問題](33) think about something carefully before making a choice or decision = c---

[解答] consider(考慮する) = think(考える) about something(何かについて) carefully(注意深く) before making(行う前に) a choice or decision(選択や決断を)

[問題](34) the process of repeating something many times so that you become good at it = p---

[解答] practice(練習) = the process(過程) of repeating(繰り返す) something(何かを) many times(何度も) so that you become good(人がうまくなるように) at it(それにおいて)

[問題](35)keep something at the same level = m--- 

[解答]maintain(維持する) = keep(保つ) something(何かを) at the same level(同じレベルに) 

[問題](36)order someone to do something = d---

[解答]direct(指図する) = order(命じる) someone(誰かに) to do(するように) something(何かを) 

[問題](37)say what is going to happen in the future = p---

[解答]predict(予想[予言]する) = say(言う) what is going to happen(何が起きるかを) in the future(将来に) 

[問題](38)forbid something by authority, rule, or law = p--- 

[解答]prohibit(禁止する) = forbid(禁じる) something(何かを) by authority, rule, or law(権威や規則や法律によって)

[問題](39)know someone because you have seen them before = r---

[解答]recognize(見覚えがある,わかる) = know(知っている) someone(誰かを) because you have seen them(なぜなら自分はその人に会ったことがあるから) before(以前に)

[問題](40)help someone understand something by giving information about it = e---

[解答]explain(説明する) = help(助ける) someone(誰かが) understand(理解するのを) something(何かを) by giving(与えることにより) information(情報を) about it(それについての)

[問題](41)express disapproval of someone or something = c---

[解答]criticize(非難[批判]する) = express(表明する) disapproval(不承認を) of someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かについての)

[問題](42)design or make a new product = d---

[解答]develop(開発する) = design or make(設計する,あるいは作る) a new product(新製品を)

[問題](43)allow someone to be free = r---

[解答]release(釈放する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to be free(自由になるのを)

[問題](44)express strong disagreement with something = p---

[解答]protest(抗議する) = express(表明する) strong disagreement(強い不同意を) with something(何かに対して)

[問題](45)feel sorry about something you have done = r ---

[解答]regret(後悔する) = feel(感じる) sorry(残念だと) about something(何かについて) you have done(自分がしてしまった)

[問題](46)become larger in size, number, etc. = i---

[解答]increase(増える) = become larger((今より)大きくなる) in size, number, etc.(大きさや数などにおいて)

[問題](47)announce something publicly = d---

[解答]declare(宣言する) = announce(発表する) something(何かを) publicly(公に)

[問題](48)give someone a particular job or responsibility = a---

[解答]assign(割り当てる) = give(与える) someone(誰かに) a particular job or responsibility(特定の仕事または責任を)

[問題](49)get a number or amount using mathematics = c---

[解答]calculate(計算する) = get(得る) a number or amount(数や量[額]を) using mathematics(数学を使って)

[問題](50)help something to be successful = p---

[解答]promote(促進する) = help(助ける) something(何かが) to be successful(うまくいくように)

[問題](51)allow someone to do something = p---

[解答]permit(許可する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to do(することを) something(何かを)

[問題](52)get something that you want = o---

[解答]obtain(獲得する) = get(得る) something(何かを) that you want(それを自分が望む)

[問題](53)tell the public about a product in order to encourage them to buy it = a---

[解答]advertise(広告[宣伝]する) = tell(伝える) the public(一般の人々に) about a product(製品について) in order to encourage them(彼らを促すために) to buy it(それを買うよう)

[問題](54)speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help = p---

[解答]pray(祈る) = speak to(話しかける) a higher being(高い存在に) in order to give(捧げるため) thanks(感謝を) or to ask for(あるいは求めるため) help(助けを)

[問題](55)send out a program on television or radio = b---

[解答]broadcast(放送する) = send out(送り出す) a program(番組を) on television or radio(テレビやラジオで)

[問題](56)succeed in doing something, usually with effort = a---

[解答]achieve(達成する) = succeed(成功する)in doing(行うことにおいて)something(何かを), usually with effort(通常は努力を伴って)

[問題](57)keep something in good condition = p---

[解答]preserve(保存する) = keep (保つ)something (何かを) in good condition (良好な状態に)

[問題](58)get better after an illness or an injury = r---

[解答]recover(回復する) = get better(良くなる) after an illness or an injury(病気やけがの後で)

[問題](59)find out something that you did not know before = d---

[解答]discover(発見する、知る) = find out(見出す) something(何かを) that you did not know before(それを自分は以前は知らなかった)

[問題](60)tell people about something publicly = a---

[解答]announce (発表する) = tell(伝える) people(人々に) about something(何かについて) publicly(公に)

[問題](61)make arrangements for a room, seat, etc. to be saved for you = r---

[解答]reserve (予約する) = make(行う) arrangements(手配を) for a room, seat, etc.(部屋や座席などが) to be saved(取っておかれるように) for you (自分のために)

[問題](62)take something to the requested place = d---

[解答]deliver (配達する) = take (持って行く) something (何かを) to the requested place (依頼された場所へ)

[問題](63)showing no tendency to change = s---

[解答]steady(着実な,安定した) =showing(示している) no tendency(傾向がないことを) to change(変化する)

[問題](64)having a high level of mental ability = i---

[解答]intelligent(頭の良い) =having(持っている) a high level(高いレベルを) of mental ability(知的能力の)

[問題](65)not willing to accept changes or new ideas = c---

[解答]conservative(保守的な) =not willing(しようとしない) to accept(受け入れる事を) changes or new ideas(変化や新しい考えを)

[問題](66)working well and producing the intended result successfully = e---

[解答]effective(効果的な) =working(機能している) well(良く) and producing(そして生み出している) the intended result(意図された結果を) successfully(うまく)

[問題](67)lasting for a limited time = t---

[解答]temporary(臨時の) =lasting(続く) for a limited time(限られた時間の間)

[問題](68)normal or average, not different from others = o---

[解答]ordinary(平凡な) =normal or average(標準的,あるいは平均的である), not different(違っておらず) from others(他のものと)

[問題](69)worried and nervous about something = a---

[解答]anxious(不安[心配]な) =worried and nervous(心配してそして神経質になっている) about something(何かについて)

[問題](70)existing in fact or reality = a---

[解答]actual(実際の) =existing(存在している) in fact or reality(事実において,あるいは現実において)
  • X
  • Facebookでシェアする
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2015年09月16日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
 以下はenglish x englishの音声ディクテーション用紙サンプルで、ディクテーション用紙サイトから700語分を無料ダウンロードできます。CDはenglish x englishの付属品です。全文書き取りではなく穴埋め式ディクテーションのためとっつきやすいです。ディクテーション用紙のコピー、授業での使用等は大歓迎です。

351 someone(人)who offers(その人は申し出る)
to (     )(することを)(something)(何かを)
(     )(     )(無報酬で)= (     )ボランティア

352 a large (    )(大きな集団)(   )(     )(人々の)(    ) the same place(同じ場所にいる)
= (     )群衆, 人混み

353 someone(人)who hates(その人は憎む)
you(あなたを)and (    )(そしてしようとする)
(   )(   )(傷つけることを)( )(あなたを)= (     )敵

354 a ( )(人)( )(    )(その人は買う)(    )(商品を)or uses(あるいは利用する)
services(サービスを)= (     )消費者

355 someone(人)who has(その人は持っている)a
( )( )(高いレベルを)(    )(    )or skill(知識や技能の)in a particular subject(特定の対象において)= (    )専門家

356 (someone)(人)( )( )( )of(その人は面倒を見る)sick or injured people(病気やけがをした人々を)in a hospital(病院で)= (     )看護師

357 (someone)(人)(   )(   )(その人は苦しんでいる)(   )a crime, accident, disaster, etc.(犯罪,事故,災害などの結果)= (     )犠牲者

358 the qualities(特質)that make(それはさせる)
a (   )(人を)(   )(違ったように)( )( )(他者とは)= (     )特徴

359 a person, company, etc.(人や会社など)
( )( )(それは受けている)( )(助言を)
( ) a professional person, company, etc.(専門職の人や会社などから)= (     )顧客

360 a ( )(人)( )( )( )(その人は所属する)a country(国に)other than your own(自分自身(の国)以外の)= (     )外国人

361 the ( )(活動)( )( )( )
selling(買ったり売ったりする)goods(商品を),usually between countries(通常は国の間で)= (     )貿易

362 something(何か)( )( )( )(人が見ることができる)( )a particular place(特定の場所から)= (    )眺め

363 a punishment(罰)given(与えられる)
by a ( )(裁判官によって)( )(someone)(誰かに)( ) is guilty(その人は罪を犯した)of a crime(犯罪の)= (     )判決

364 a highway(幹線道路)that can ( )( )(それは使われることができる)
( )( )(支払うことなく)a toll(通行料を)
= (     )フリーウェイ,( 無料の)高速道路

365 ( )(手段)( )(取られる)
( )( )(…にしておくために)a person,
country, etc(. 人や国などが)safe(安全な)from danger( 危険から)= (    )警備, 治安

366 a movement ( )( )(動きや音)
( )( )(それは送る)a particular message(特定のメッセージを)= (    )合図

367 (something)(何か) ( )( )(  )do(それを人はしなければならない),especially a job or
task(特に仕事や務め)= (    )責務, 仕事

368 a settlement(解決) of a dispute(争議の)
in (    )(    )(    )(    ) up( その中でそれぞれの側は断念する)some(一部を) of
its demands(自分の要求の)= (    )妥協

351 someone(人)who offers(その人は申し出る)to do(することを)something(何かを)
without payment(無報酬で)=volunteer(ボランティア)
352 a large group(大きな集団)of people(人々の)in the same place(同じ場所にいる)
=crowd(群衆, 人混み)
353 someone(人)who hates(その人は憎む)you(あなたを)and tries(そしてしようとする)to harm(傷つけることを)you(あなたを)=enemy(敵)
354 a person(人)who buys(その人は買う)goods(商品を)or uses(あるいは利用する)services(サービスを)=consumer(消費者)
355 someone(人)who has(その人は持っている)a high level(高いレベルを)of or skill(知識や技能の)in a particular subject(特定の対象において)=expert(専門家)
356 someone(人)who takes care of(その人は面倒を見る)sick or injured people(病気やけがをした人々を)in a hospital(病院で)=nurse(看護師)357 someone(人)who suffers(その人は苦しんでいる)from a crime, accident,disaster, etc.(犯罪,事故,災害などの結果)=victim(犠牲者)
358 the qualities(特質)that make(それはさせる)a person(人を)different(違ったように)fromothers(他者とは)=charadter(特徴)
359 a person, company, etc.(人や会社など)that takes(それは受けている)advice(助言を)
from a professional person, company, etc.(専門職の人や会社などから)=client(顧客)
360 a person(人)who belongs to(その人は所属する)a country(国に)other than your own(自分自身(の国)以外の)=foreigner(外国人)
361 the activity(活動)of buying and selling(買ったり売ったりする)goods(商品を),usually between countries(通常は国の間で)=trade(貿易)
362 something(何か)you can see(人が見ることができる)from a particular place(特定の場所から)=view(眺め)
363 a punishment(罰)given(与えられる)by a judge(裁判官によって)to someone(誰かに)
who is guilty(その人は罪を犯した)of a crime(犯罪の)=sentence(判決)
364 a highway(幹線道路)that can be used(それは使われることができる)without paying
(支払うことなく)a toll(通行料を)=freeway(フリーウェイ,( 無料の)高速道路)
365 measures(手段)taken(取られる)to keep(…にしておくために)
a person, country, etc(. 人や国などが)safe(安全な)from danger( 危険から)
=security(警備, 治安)
366 a movement or sound(動きや音)that sends(それは送る)a particular message(特定のメッセージを)=signal(合図)
367 something(何か) that you must do(それを人はしなければならない),especially a job ortask(特に仕事や務め)=responsibility(責務, 仕事)
368 a settlement(解決) of a dispute(争議の) in which each side gives up( その中でそれぞれの側は断念する)some(一部を) of its demands(自分の要求の)=compromise(妥協)

369 a correct method(正しいやり方)
or set of ( )(あるいは(正しい)行為のひと組)
( )( )(      )(何かをするための)
= (     )手続き

370 the state(状態)( )( )(    )(解放されている)(    )the presence or attention(存在や注目から)of others(他者の)= (    )プライバシー

371 the ( )(機会)( )( )(するための)(something)(何かを)= (      )余地

372 a group(集団)whose members(    )(そのメンバーは働く)(    )(一緒に)( )( )(達成するために)a particular purpose(特定の目的を)
= (     )組織

373 a moral (   )(    )(         )(道徳的, あるいは法的な責任)= (      )義務

374 an aim(目標)( )(someone)( )(それを人は望む)( )achieve(達成したいと)= (    )目的

375 a strong (    )(強い感情)( )(   )(望む)(       )(何かを)= (     )欲望

376 the place or ( )(場所, あるいは位置)( )(        )(何かの)
= (    )場所, 所在地

377 the ( )(働き)( )(something)(何かの)
( ) a particular situation(特定の状況における)
= (    )役割

378 a (    )(    )(   )(    ), property, etc.(大きな額のお金や財産など)that someone owns(それを誰かが所有している)= (     )富

379 the process(過程)of cutting(メスを入れる)
into a patient’s ( )(患者の身体の中へと)
( )(   )( )(医療上の理由で)= (    )手術

 380 an unofficial, interesting story ( )(  )(私的な面白い話や知らせ)(   )( )or may notbe true(それは真実かもしれないしそうでないかもしれない)= (    )噂
* may or may not …「…かもしれないしまた…でないかもしれない」

381 a lack(欠如)of ( )(成功の)
   ( )( )(することにおける)(something)(何かを)= (     )失敗

382 a condition(状況)that gives(それは与える)
someone(誰かに)a ( )( )(より大きなチャンスを)( )(    )(成功の)
= (     )有利

383 a feeling(感情)of ( )(熱意の)
( )( )(それはさせる)( )(人を)
want(望むように)to do(することを)something(何かを)= (    )意欲

384 a situation(状況)in which people ( )(その中で人々が用いる)(    )(    )(身体的な力を)
( ) each other(お互いに対して)= (    )けんか

385 an event(出来事)( )(   )(それは引き起こす)( )( ) or suffering(大きな損害や苦しみを)= (     )惨事 

369 a correct method(正しいやり方)or set of actions(あるいは(正しい)行為のひと組)for doing something(何かをするための)=procedure(手続き)
370 the state(状態)of being free(解放されている)from the presence or attention(存在や注目から)of others(他者の)=privacy(プライバシー)
371 the opportunity(機会)to do(するための)something(何かを)=room(余地)
372 a group(集団)whose members work(そのメンバーは働く)together(一緒に)to achieve(達成するために)a particular purpose(特定の目的を)=organization(組織)
373 a moral or legal responsibility(道徳的, あるいは法的な責任)=duty(義務)
374 an aim(目標)that someone wants(それを人は望む)to achieve(達成したいと)
375 a strong feeling(強い感情)of wanting(望む)something(何かを)=desire(欲望)
376 the place or position(場所, あるいは位置)of something(何かの)
=location(場所, 所在地)
377 the function(働き)of something(何かの)in a particular situation(特定の状況における)=role(役割)
378 a large amount of money, property, etc.(大きな額のお金や財産など)that someone owns(それを誰かが所有している)=wealth(富)
379 the process(過程)of cutting(メスを入れる)into a patient’s body(患者の身体の中へと)for medical reasons(医療上の理由で)=operation(手術)
380 an unofficial, interesting story or news(私的な面白い話や知らせ)that may or may notbe true(それは真実かもしれないしそうでないかもしれない)=rumor(噂)
381 a lack(欠如)of success(成功の)in doing(することにおける)something(何かを)
382 a condition(状況)that gives(それは与える)someone(誰かに)a greater chance(より大きなチャンスを)of success(成功の)=advantage(有利)
383 a feeling(感情)of enthusiasm(熱意の)that makes(それはさせる)you(人を)
want(望むように)to do(することを)something(何かを)=motivation(意欲)
384 a situation(状況)in which people use(その中で人々が用いる)
physical force(身体的な力を)against each other(お互いに対して)=fight(けんか)
385 an event(出来事)that causes(それは引き起こす)
great damage or suffering(大きな損害や苦しみを)=disaster(惨事)

english x english


[問題] a strong feeling of wanting something = d---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)


001 enjoy = ( from / get / something / pleasure )

002 imagine = form a ( in / picture / something / of ) your mind

003 learn = get knowledge or ( in / skill / new / a ) subject or activity

004 join = become a member ( as / something / of / such ) a club,
company, or other organization

005 approach = ( closer / someone / move / to ) or something


Verb(動詞)280 →(英英辞典の定義文に合う単語を例文を参考に選んでください)

① form a picture of something in your mind
② get pleasure from something
③ become a member of something such as a club, company, or other
④ get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
A enjoy ( 001. I enjoy fishing every weekend. )
B imagine ( 002 . Imagine that you are swimming in the ocean. )
C learn ( 003. I learned English from a Canadian teacher. ) 
D join ( 004. When did Japan join the United Nations? )

① rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down
② move closer to someone or something
③ stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking
④ stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands
A approach ( 005. A strange man approached our house. )
B sleep ( 006. I slept well last night. )
C float ( 007. Many leaves were floating on the lake. )
D catch ( 008. He caught the ball with one hand. )

① bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
② have something on your body
③ go from one place to another
④ take something to the requested place
A wear ( 009. She wears a ring on every finger. )
B travel ( 010. I traveled to Russia on business last week. )
C deliver ( 011. When would you like us to deliver your furniture? )
D hit ( 012. She suddenly hit me on the head. )

※解答1①B②A③D④C 2①B②A③C④D 3①D②A③B④C
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  • Facebookでシェアする
  • はてなブックマークに追加する
  • LINEでシェアする


2015年08月30日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
 以下はenglish x englishの音声ディクテーション用紙サンプルで、ディクテーション用紙サイトから700語分を無料ダウンロードできます。CDはenglish x englishの付属品です。全文書き取りではなく穴埋め式ディクテーションのためとっつきやすいです。ディクテーション用紙のコピー、授業での使用等は大歓迎です。

461 the just or (   )(    )(公正な, あるいは公平な扱い)(   )(    )(人々の)
= (    )正義, 公正

462 (   )(   )(   )(初めての登場)
(   ) a performer or athlete(芸人や運動選手の)
= (    )デビュー

463 a person or company(人や会社)
(   )(   )(   )(   )(そのために人々が働いている)= (    )雇用者

464 収入 = the money(お金)that you earn(それを人が稼ぐ)(   )(定期的に)(   )(   )(報酬として)(   ) your work(その人の仕事に対する)
= (    )

465 an official document(公式の書類)
(   )(   )(それは与える)(someone)(誰かに)
(    )(許可を)to do(行う)something(何かを)= (    )免許証

466 (something)(何か)
(    )(    )(     )(それを人が表明する)
formally,publicly, or officially(正式に, 公に, あるいは公式に)= (    )陳述, 声明

467 an (   )(    )(公式の書類)
(   )(    )(それは証明する)your nationality(人の国籍を)= (    )パスポート

468 objects(物)(   )(   )(それは存在する)
(    )(    )(売るために)= (    )商品

469 the place(場所)where (something)(    )(そこで何かが始める)(    )(    )(存在することを)
= (    )起源

470 the feeling(感覚)of happiness(幸せの)(    )(    )(    )(それを人は得る)
( ) an experience(ある経験から)
= (    )喜び

471 a statement(陳述)that gives(それは与える)
(   )(   )(理由を)(    )(something)(何かに対しての)= (    )説明

472 a very (    )(   )(  )(    )(非常に大きな額のお金)= (    )財産

473 (    )(    )(肉体的な損傷)(   )(引き起こされた)(   ) an accident or
attack(事故や攻撃によって)= (    )けが

474 the ( )(特性)( )( )( )(良い)= ( )価値, 長所

475 knowledge or skills(知識や技能)
that were ( )(それは得られた)
( )( ) (することから)( )(何かを)= ( )経験

476 a ( )(しないこと)( )( )(行うことを)
= ( )遅れ

461 the just or fair treatment(公正な, あるいは公平な扱い)of people(人々の)
=justice(正義, 公正)
462 the first appearance(初めての登場)of a performer or athlete(芸人や運動選手の)
463 a person or company(人や会社)that people work for(そのために人々が働いている)
464 the money(お金)that you earn(それを人が稼ぐ)regularly(定期的に)as payment(報酬として)for your work(その人の仕事に対する)=income(収入)
465 an official document(公式の書類)that gives(それは与える)someone(誰かに)permission(許可を)to do(行う)something(何かを)=license(免許証)
466 something(何か)that you express(それを人が表明する)formally,publicly, or officially(正式に, 公に, あるいは公式に)=statement(陳述, 声明)
467 an official document(公式の書類)that proves(それは証明する)your nationality(人の国籍を)=passport(パスポート)
468 objects(物)that are(それは存在する)for sale(売るために)=goods(商品)
469 the place(場所)where something begins(そこで何かが始める)to exist(存在することを)=origin(起源)
470 the feeling(感覚)of happiness(幸せの)that you get(それを人は得る)from an experience(ある経験から)=pleasure(喜び)
471 a statement(陳述)that gives(それは与える)a reason(理由を)for something(何かに対しての)=explanation(説明)
472 a very large amount of money(非常に大きな額のお金)=fortune(財産)
473 physical damage(肉体的な損傷)caused(引き起こされた)by an accident or attack(事故や攻撃によって)=injury(けが)
474 the quality(特性)of being good(良い)=merit(価値, 長所)
475 knowledge or skills(知識や技能)that were obtained(それは得られた)from doing(することから)something(何かを)=experience(経験)
476 a failure(しないこと)to do(行うことを)something(何かを)rapidly(すみやかに)=delay(遅れ)

477 a piece of (    )(一片の紙)
(    )(    )(それは与える)( )
or a warning(情報や警告を)to people(人々に)
= (    )掲示

478 a ( )(    )(大きな熱意)
(  )(…に対する) (    ) enjoyment(あるいは満喫) of( …の)something(何か)= (    )熱中,熱愛
* for とof の目的語は共にsomething。

479 ideas, customs, and beliefs(考えや習慣や信条) (   )(    )(    )(    )down(それは手渡されてきた) from one generation to the next (一つの世代から次の世代へと)= (    )伝統

480 an important official job(重要な公の仕事)
(   )( )( それは伴う)( )(行くことを)( )(どこかに)
= (    )( 派遣を伴う)任務

481 a chance(チャンス)(    )(    )(する)
(something)(何かを)(  ) would like to do(自分がやってみたいと思っている)= (    )機会

482 a restaurant(レストラン)
( )(   )(   )(   )(   )themselves(そこでは客は自分自身に給仕をする)
= (     )カフェテリア
* wait on ... は「…に食事を出す[給仕をする]」

483 an area(区域)(   )(     )(土地の)
(     )(       )(それは含む)the buildings(建物を)of a university, college, or school(総合大学や単科大学や学校の)= (    )キャンパス

484 money(お金)given(与えられる)to a (       )(学生に)(    )(      )(その人は必要としている)
(    ) support(金銭上の支援を)
= (    )奨学金

485 a (       )(       )(突発的な感情)
(   )(        ) and pleasure(興奮と喜びの)
= (     )わくわく[どきどき]感

486 a very large round (   )(非常に大きな球形の物体)( )( )(それは動いている)
( ) the sun or another star(太陽や他の恒星の周囲を)= (    )惑星

487 drops(しずく)of salty ( )(塩気のある液体の)( )( )(それはできる)( ) your skin(人の肌に)when you are hot(その人が暑い時)
= (    )汗

488 a feeling(感覚)
(   )(something)( )(それを何かが生み出す)( ) your mouth(人の口の中に)when you
eat or drink it(人がそれを食べたり飲んだりした時)
= (     )味(覚)

489 the process(過程)of repeating(繰り返す)
something(何かを)many times(何度も)
so that you ( )( )(人がうまくなるように)( )( )(それにおいて)= ( )練習

490 something(何か)(   )(   )( )(それを人がする)(   ) someone(誰かのために)
in order to help(助けるために)them(その人を)
= ( )手助けの行為

477 a piece of paper(一片の紙)that gives(それは与える)information or a warning(情報や警告を)to people(人々に)=notice(掲示)
478 a great enthusiasm(大きな熱意) for(…に対する) or enjoyment(あるいは満喫) of( …の)something(何か)=passion(熱中,熱愛)
479 ideas, customs, and beliefs(考えや習慣や信条) that have been passed down(それは手渡されてきた) from one generation to the nex(t 一つの世代から次の世代へと)
480 an important official job(重要な公の仕事)that involve(s それは伴う)traveling(行くことを)somewhere(どこかに)=mission(( 派遣を伴う)任務)
481 a chance(チャンス)to do(する)something(何かを)you would like to do(自分がやってみたいと思っている)=opportunity(機会)
482 a restaurant(レストラン) where customers wait on themselves(そこでは客は自分自身に給仕をする)=cafeteria(カフェテリア)
483 an area(区域)of land(土地の)that includes(それは含む)the buildings(建物を)
of a university, college, or school(総合大学や単科大学や学校の)=campus(キャンパス)
484 money(お金)given(与えられる)to a student(学生に)who needs(その人は必要としている)financial support(金銭上の支援を)=scholarship(奨学金)
485 a sudden feeling(突発的な感情)of excitement and pleasure(興奮と喜びの)
486 a very large round object(非常に大きな球形の物体)that moves(それは動いている)
around the sun or another star(太陽や他の恒星の周囲を)=planet(惑星)
487 drops(しずく)of salty liquid(塩気のある液体の)that form(それはできる)on your skin(人の肌に)when you are hot(その人が暑い時)=sweat(汗)
488 a feeling(感覚)that something produces(それを何かが生み出す)in your mouth(人の口の中に)when you eat or drink it(人がそれを食べたり飲んだりした時)=taste(味(覚))

489 the process(過程)of repeating(繰り返す)
something(何かを)many times(何度も)
so that you ( )( )(人がうまくなるように)( )( )(それにおいて)= ( )練習
490 something(何か)(   )(   )( )(それを人がする)(   ) someone(誰かのために)
in order to help(助けるために)them(その人を)
= ( )手助けの行為

491 the (        )(能力)(   )(       )(考える)
(     ) the future(未来について)
= (    )先見性, ビジョン

492 (something)(    )(何か有用なもの)
(   )(     )(それは存在する)in nature(自然界に)and can be used(そして使われることができる)
by people(人々によって)= (   )資源

493 an unreasonable dislike and distrust(理不尽な嫌悪感と不信感)of (      )(人々に対しての)
(       )(      )(       )or knowledge
(十分な考えや知識なしでの)= (      )偏見

494 the (       )(意見)
(      )(      )(人々が抱く)
(    ) someone or something (誰か,あるいは何かについて)= (      )評判

495 a (     )(集団)(  )(      )(人々の)
(   ) were born(その人達は生まれた)at about thesame time(ほぼ同時期に)= (      )世代

491 the ability(能力)to think(考える)about the future(未来について)
=vision(先見性, ビジョン)
492 something useful(何か有用なもの)that exists(それは存在する)in nature(自然界に)andcan be used(そして使われることができる)by people(人々によって)=resource(資源)
493 an unreasonable dislike and distrust(理不尽な嫌悪感と不信感)of people(人々に対しての)without enough thought or knowledge(十分な考えや知識なしでの)=prejudice(偏見)

494 the opinion(意見)people have(人々が抱く)about someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かについて)=reputation(評判)
495 a group(集団)of people(人々の)who were born(その人達は生まれた)at about the same time(ほぼ同時期に)=generation(世代)

english x english


[問題] a strong feeling of wanting something = d---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)


001 enjoy = ( from / get / something / pleasure )

002 imagine = form a ( in / picture / something / of ) your mind

003 learn = get knowledge or ( in / skill / new / a ) subject or activity

004 join = become a member ( as / something / of / such ) a club,
company, or other organization

005 approach = ( closer / someone / move / to ) or something


Verb(動詞)280 →(英英辞典の定義文に合う単語を例文を参考に選んでください)

① form a picture of something in your mind
② get pleasure from something
③ become a member of something such as a club, company, or other
④ get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
A enjoy ( 001. I enjoy fishing every weekend. )
B imagine ( 002 . Imagine that you are swimming in the ocean. )
C learn ( 003. I learned English from a Canadian teacher. ) 
D join ( 004. When did Japan join the United Nations? )

① rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down
② move closer to someone or something
③ stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking
④ stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands
A approach ( 005. A strange man approached our house. )
B sleep ( 006. I slept well last night. )
C float ( 007. Many leaves were floating on the lake. )
D catch ( 008. He caught the ball with one hand. )

① bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
② have something on your body
③ go from one place to another
④ take something to the requested place
A wear ( 009. She wears a ring on every finger. )
B travel ( 010. I traveled to Russia on business last week. )
C deliver ( 011. When would you like us to deliver your furniture? )
D hit ( 012. She suddenly hit me on the head. )

※解答1①B②A③D④C 2①B②A③C④D 3①D②A③B④C
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2015年08月12日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
 以下はenglish x englishの音声ディクテーション用紙サンプルで、ディクテーション用紙サイトから700語分を無料ダウンロードできます。CDはenglish x englishの付属品です。全文書き取りではなく穴埋め式ディクテーションのためとっつきやすいです。ディクテーション用紙のコピー、授業での使用等は大歓迎です。

001 (   )(得る)(      )(楽しみを)(    ) something(何かから)
= (      ) 楽しむ

002 form(作る)a (    )(画像を)(   ) something(何かの)(  ) your mind(人の頭の中に)= (      ) 想像する

003 get( 得る)knowledge or (    )(知識や技能を)(  ) (  ) (   ) subject or activity(新しい学科や活動の中で)= (     ) 習う

004 become a member(一員になる)(  ) something(何かの)(  ) (  ) a club, company,or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の)= (    ) 加入する

005 (   )(移動する)(     )(より近くへ)(  ) someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かの)= (      ) 近づく

005の解答(move)(移動する)(closer)(より近くへ)(to) someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かの)= (approach) 近づく

006 rest(休める)your mind and body(自分の心と体を)(   ) (   ) (   ) (   )(自分の目が閉じられた状態で), usually while lying down(通常は横になっている間に)= (      ) 眠る

007 stay(とどまる)on the surface(表面に)of ( ) (    )(液体の)
(    ) (     )(沈まないで)= (    ) 浮く

008 (   ) (   ) (   )(止めて保持する)something(何かを)that is moving(それは動いている), especially in the hands(特に手で)
= (     ) 捕らえる

009 have(持っている)something(何かを)(  ) (    ) (    )(自分の体に接触して)= (     )身につけている

010 go(行く)from (  ) (    )(一つの所から)(   ) (    )(別の所へ)= (      )移動[旅行]する

011 take(持って行く)something(何かを)(  ) (  ) (     ) place(依頼された場所へ)= (      ) 配達する

012 bring(もっていく)(   ) (   )(自分の手を)(   ) someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かにぶつけるように)quickly and hard(素早くそして強く)= (  ) たたく


001 楽しむ = get(得る)pleasure(楽しみを)from something(何かから)
002 想像する = form(作る)a picture(画像を)of something(何かの)in your mind
003 習う = get(得る)knowledge or skill(知識や技能を)in a new subject or activity
004 加入する = become a member(一員になる)of something(何かの)such as a club,
company, or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の)
005 近づく = move(移動する)closer(より近くへ)to someone or something(誰か,
006 眠る = rest(休める)your mind and body(自分の心と体を)with your eyes closed(自
分の目が閉じられた状態で), usually while lying down(通常は横になっている間に)
007 浮く = stay(とどまる)on the surface(表面に)of a liquid(液体の)without sinking
008 捕らえる = stop and hold(止めて保持する)something(何かを)that is moving
(それは動いている), especially in the hands(特に手で)
009 身につけている = have(持っている)something(何かを)on your body(自分の体に
010 移動[旅行]する = go(行く)from one place(一つの所から)to another(別の所へ)
011 配達する = take(持って行く)something(何かを)to the requested place(依頼され
012 たたく = bring(もっていく)your hand(自分の手を)against someone or something
(誰か, あるいは何かにぶつけるように)quickly and hard(素早くそして強く)


013 (    )(壊す)something(何かを)(     )(ぺしゃんこになるように)completely(完全に)= (      ) 破壊する

014 get away(立ち去る)(   ) (  ) (      ) (       )(危険な状況から)= (       )逃げる

014の解答get away(立ち去る)(from) (a) (dangerous) (situation)(危険な状況から)= (escape)逃げる

015 form(形成する)(  ) (    )(意見を)(  ) someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かについて)= (     ) 判断する

016 (   )(なる)(   ) (   )(気づいた状態に)something(何かに)= (      ) 気づく

017 become(なる)the husband (  ) (     )(夫, あるいは妻に)(  ) someone(誰かの)= (    ) 結婚する

018 keep(状態にしておく)someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かが)(    )(安全な)(   )(    )(危害から)= (      ) 守る

019 hit(たたく)someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かを)
(   ) (   ) (   )(足を使って)= (     ) 蹴る

020 (    )(持っている)(  ) (      )(心像を)(  ) someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かの)in the past(過去の)
= (       ) 覚えている,思い出す

020の解答(have)(持っている)(an) (image)(心像を)(of) someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かの)in the past(過去の)= (remember) 覚えている,思い出す

021 (    )(与える)(   )(誰かに)(   ) something(何かを持つように)= (     )提供する

022 (   ) (   )(できない)(    ) (     )(思い出すことが)
= (    ) 忘れる

023 be a (    )(一員である)(   ) (   ) (     )(組織の)
= (     ) 所属する

024 bring(もってくる)things(物を)(   )(ひとところに)(   ) (   ) (   )(異なる場所から)= (      ) 収集する

025 say(言う)that(~と)an event(出来事が)
(    ) (    ) (      )(それは計画された)(    ) not now happen(今では起きないと)= (     ) 中止する

026 bring(連れていく)one person(一人の人を)to another (   )(別の人の所に)(   ) (   )(   ) can meet(彼らが出会うようにするために)= (       ) 紹介する

027 give(与える)something(何かを)and (  ) そして受け取る)something (    )( 何か別な物を)(    ) return(見返りに)
= (    ) 交換する

028 allow(許可する)someone(誰かが)(  ) (    )(使うのを)something(何かを)for a short time( 短い間)= (    ) 貸す

029 (    )(選ぶ)somebody(誰かを)(  ) (    )(投票によって)
= (     ) 選出する

030 (   )(頼む)someone(誰かに)(   ) (   )(来るように)to an event(催し物に)= (    ) 招待する

030の解答 (ask)(頼む)someone(誰かに)(to) (come)(来るように)to an event(催し物に)= (invite) 招待する

031 (    )(与える)something(何かを)(  ) (  ) for(交換に)money(お金と)= (   ) 売る

032 stay(とどまる)in a particular (    )(特定の場所に)
(   ) (   ) (   )(誰かが来るまで)= (   ) 待つ

033 (   )(持っている)(  ) (   ) (     )(同じ意見を)
= (     ) 同意する

034 (   )(行う)(   )(手配を)(   ) (  ) room, seat, etc.(部屋や座席などが)to be saved(取っておかれるように)for you(自分のために)= (       ) 予約する

035 be interested (  )(興味を持つ)(   ) (   ) (   )(あるいは心に留めている)someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かに)
= (    ) 気にかける

036 teach (   ) (   )(教える, あるいは訓練する)(   )(誰かを)= (     ) 教育する

037 (   )(着く)(   ) (   )(ある場所に)= (    ) 到着する

038 (   )(移動する)(  ) (    )(水上を)(  ) a ship(船に乗って)= (   ) 航行する

039 (  )(言う)something(何かを)(   )(再び)= (    ) 復唱する

040 plan(計画する)or make(あるいは行う)(   )(用意を)(   ) something(何かが)
(   ) happen(起きるように)in the future(将来)
= (    ) 手配する, お膳立てする

040の解答 plan(計画する)or make(あるいは行う)(preparations)(用意を)(for) something(何かが)(to) happen(起きるように)in the future(将来)
= (arrange) 手配する, お膳立てする

041 (    )(させる)someone(誰かを)(   )(感じるように)(   )(嬉しいと)and full of(そしていっぱいに) energy(元気で)
= (      ) 興奮させる

042 (   )(与える)(   )(お金を)(  ) (  ) to get(得るために) something(何かを)= (   ) 支払う

043 (  )(伝える)(   )(人々に)(   ) something(何かについて)publicly= (         )(公に)発表する

044 find out(見出す)something(何かを)(   ) (   ) (   ) not know before(それを自分は以前は知らなかった)
= (   ) 発見する, 知る

045 (   )(進む)(   ) someone(誰かの後ろについて)
= (    ) 追う

046 make or (   )(作る, あるいは育てる)something(何かを)(  ) (  ) bought, used, or enjoyed(買われたり, 使われたり, 楽しまれたりするように)= (       ) 生産する

047 (   )(払う)(   )(お金を)(  ) (  ) use(使用のために)of a house, room, office,etc.(家, 部屋, オフィスなどの)
= (   ) 賃借する

048 (     )(分ける)something(何かを)(   ) (   ) or more parts(二つかそれ以上の部分になるように)= (     ) 分割する

049 (   ) (   )(良くなる)(    ) (  ) illness or an injury(病気やけがの後で)= (      )回復する

050 (     )(損傷する)something(何かを)(   ) (   )(火で)= (   ) 焼く, 燃やす

050の解答 (damage)(損傷する)something(何かを)(with) (fire)(火で)= ( burn) 焼く, 燃やす

051 think(思う)(     )(~と)something (    ) (    )(何かが(将来)起きる)= (     )予想する

052 (     )(保つ)something(何かを)(   ) (    ) condition(良好な状態に)= (      )保存する

053 (   )(もってくる)(    ) (   )(多くの物を)together(ひとところに)
= (        )集める

054 (    ) (    )(離れた所にとどまる)(     ) someone or something(誰か, あるいは何かから)= (      )避ける

055 ( )(置く)something(何かを)( ) ( ) place(場所に)where it cannot easily be found
(そこではそれは簡単には見つけられない)= ( )隠す

056 make(行う)(    ) (    )(選択を)(    ) something(何かについて)= (    )決定する

057 (    )(持っていく)something(何かを)(    )(どこかへ)(    ) a place(ある所から)
= ( )除去[削除]する

058 (    )(嫌う)someone (   ) something(誰か, あるいは何かを)very much(とても)
= (      )憎む, 大嫌いだ

059 make(させる)something(何かを)easy(簡単に)to (   )(理解するのが)( ) (    )(与えることによって)(    )(例を)= (     )( 例を挙げて)説明する

060 take(連れて行く)someone(誰かを)somewhere(どこかへ), (        ) (   ) (        )(通常は歩くことによって)(   ) front of them(その人の前を)= (     )先導する

060 take(連れて行く)someone(誰かを)somewhere(どこかへ), (usually) (by) (walking)(通常は歩くことによって)(in) front of them(その人の前を)= (lead)先導する

061 (    )(食い止める)something(何かを)(    ) (    )(起きることから)= (    )妨げる, 防ぐ

062 create(作り出す)something(何かを)(    ) (    ) (    ) been made before(それは以前には一度も作られたことがない)= (    )発明する

063 (    )(出す)(    ) (    ) loud sound(短くやかましい音を)= (      )吠える

064 (     )(成功する)(    ) (   )(行うことにおいて)something(何かを), usually with effort(通常は努力を伴って)= (    )達成する

065 (      )(なる)(     )(固体に)(   ) (    ) very low temperatures( とても低い温度のために)= (    )凍結する

066 receive and use(受け取りそして使う)something(何かを)(    ) (       ) (   ) (それは属する)someone(誰かに)with the intention of(意図をもって) giving it back(それを返す)later(後で)= (    )借りる

067 try(しようとする)to (   )(傷つけようと)someone(誰かを)( ) using(用いることにより)force(暴力を)
= (      )攻撃する, 襲う

068 (   )(得る)something (   ), advantageous, or positive(何か役に立つ,有利な, あるいは建設的なものを)= (     )獲得する

069 say(言う)that(~と)you are willing(自分はいとわない)to (  )(行うのを)something(何かを)(   ) somebody(誰かのために)= (     )申し出る

070 stop(止まる)(    ) (   ) (    ) (    )(短い間)= (      )小休止する, 間をおく

070の解答 stop(止まる)(for) (a) (short) (time)(短い間)= (pause)小休止する, 間をおく

english x english


[問題] a strong feeling of wanting something = d---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)


001 enjoy = ( from / get / something / pleasure )

002 imagine = form a ( in / picture / something / of ) your mind

003 learn = get knowledge or ( in / skill / new / a ) subject or activity

004 join = become a member ( as / something / of / such ) a club,
company, or other organization

005 approach = ( closer / someone / move / to ) or something


Verb(動詞)280 →(英英辞典の定義文に合う単語を例文を参考に選んでください)

① form a picture of something in your mind
② get pleasure from something
③ become a member of something such as a club, company, or other
④ get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
A enjoy ( 001. I enjoy fishing every weekend. )
B imagine ( 002 . Imagine that you are swimming in the ocean. )
C learn ( 003. I learned English from a Canadian teacher. ) 
D join ( 004. When did Japan join the United Nations? )

① rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down
② move closer to someone or something
③ stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking
④ stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands
A approach ( 005. A strange man approached our house. )
B sleep ( 006. I slept well last night. )
C float ( 007. Many leaves were floating on the lake. )
D catch ( 008. He caught the ball with one hand. )

① bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
② have something on your body
③ go from one place to another
④ take something to the requested place
A wear ( 009. She wears a ring on every finger. )
B travel ( 010. I traveled to Russia on business last week. )
C deliver ( 011. When would you like us to deliver your furniture? )
D hit ( 012. She suddenly hit me on the head. )

※解答1①B②A③D④C 2①B②A③C④D 3①D②A③B④C
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2015年07月13日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語


(1)The Olympic Games were a huge su(       ) because so many countries participated.(1990)【the fact of achieving something that you planned to do】

(2)If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent di(        ).(1990)【a reduction in the price of something】

(3) Don't waste time joining the co(         ) in social media.【an informal talk between two or more people】

(4) The re(     ) he studies English is to get a better job.【a cause for something that provides an explanation】

(5)Some companies have adopted a new po(     ) of using English as the official in-house language. (2012).【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】

(6) Every meeting should have a clear pu(     ).【the aim that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve】

(7)I would like to invite your op(     )s on this topic.(2007)【your feelings or ideas about someone or something】

(8)When I have a problem, I like to ask as many friends as possible for their
ad(     ). (2009)【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(9) All the students who are interested in studying abroad should at(     ) next week's meeting.(2005)【to go to an event or activity】

(10)Divers in the Mediterranean Sea di(        )ed about 2000 gold coins believed to date back nearly 1000 years.【to find out someone or something that was hidden or that you did not know before】

(11)In the current time people can't im(     ) their life without technology.【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(12)Today's children are sp(     ) an average of seven hours a day on entertainment media.【to use time for a particular purpose】

(13)I pr(     )ed her that I would start piano lessons when I came back to Japan.(2012)【to tell someone that you will definitely do something】

(14)Can all the books in the library be bo(       ) and taken out of the library?【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】

(15)Passengers 14 years and over are responsible for we(       ) their own seat belt.【to have something on your body】

(16)After gr(     ) from high school, he entered Yale University with a scholarship.【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(17) Knowing a foreign language has become increasingly us(   ) in the workplace.(2014)【helping to do or get something 】

(18)In mo(       ) society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment.(2003)【relating to the present time 】

(19) Is ex(       ) clothing worth the price?【costing a lot of money】

(20)He is re(       ) for preparing the report.【having a duty of dealing with or looking after something or someone】

(21)Dr. Millar was unable to give his speech due to the late ar(     ) of his plane.(2003)【the act of reaching a place】

(22)The goal of any used car shopper is to find cheap used cars in good co(      ).【the particular state of something】

(23)Japan's real estate ma(       ) is showing signs of waking up.【trade in a particular type of goods】

(24) Can we meet the world's growing de(       ) for food?【the need or desire for something】

(25)Let's call our ne(       ) to ask her to check the door of our apartment.【someone who lives near you】

(26) Please have a closer look at this do(       ) before you begin your work(2007).【an official paper that contains information about something】

(27)The traditional example of mass pr(        ) is the automobile industry.【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(28)People are being warned about the dangers of buying me(        )s on the internet. 【a substance that is used for treating illness】

(29) The best way to pr(       ) for a debate is by researching your topic.【to make yourself ready for something 】   

(30) For centuries newspapers were pr(       ) on paper and distributed to readers.【to produce words, pictures, etc. on paper using a machine that puts ink on the surface】

(31)Photographs will be de(        ) within three business days.(2012)【to take something to the requested place】

(32)It's only possible to ca(       ) your order before we start to manufacture it.【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(33)Apple is expected to an(       ) new products.【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】

(34)Many people hope the economy will co(      ) to grow.【to do something without stopping】

(35)It takes over a decade to de(      ) a new medicine.【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc】

(36)Don't ju(      ) others based on appearances.【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(37) I've heard that in the U. S. smoking is banned in pu(       ) places such as restaurants or cafes.(2009)【open to anyone to use】

(38)Presently, there is no ef(       ) treatment for Alzheimer's disease.【successful, and producing a result that is wanted 】

(39)In my school, when a regular teacher is ab(      ), another teacher teaches the class instead.(2010)【not in a place where you are expected to be】

(40)In recent year,weather forecasters have become more ac(       ). (2013)【correct in every detail】

(41)When su(      ) is greater than demand, prices fall. 【the amount of something that is available to be used】

(42)Research was done to find out which things most attract the at(       ) of hikers in the mountains.(1997)【the interest that you give to something】

(43) Making en(      )-saving changes in the home can be expensive. 【power that is used for making things work】

(44)In the face of global competition, a great ed(       ) is more important than ever.【the process of teaching and learning in a school or college】

(45)You should not let your personal em(       )s stand in the way of making that important decision.(2012)【a strong feeling that you experience】

(46)The po(         ) of native people in the Brazilian rainforest has decreased.(2009)【the number of people who live in a particular area】

(47)It is important to maintain se(        ) in the workplace.【things that are done to protect a country, building or person safe from danger or crime 】

(48)Biotechnology could offer great ad(        )s to the whole world.(1996)【something that puts you in a better position】

(49)The address will be br(         ) live on ABC.【to send out programmes to be received by radios or televisions】

(50)A tree is a unique gift to ce(       ) an important day such as your wedding anniversary.(2012)【to do something enjoyable because of a special occasion】

(51)I heard you were in(       ) to the President's party.(1999)【to ask someone to come to an event】

(52)The number of persons killed in traffic accidents has been de(        ) recently.【to become smaller in size, number, etc】

(53)Effective time management helps us av(   ) wasting time.(2012)【to try to prevent something bad from happening】

(54)How much does it cost to co(        ) a lawyer for legal advice ?【to ask for information or advice from someone who has special knowledge on a particular subject】

(55)Nothing will be ga(     ) by just waiting.【to get something you need】

(56)What are some things in(       ) by women that we still use?【to design or produce something for the first time】

(57)It is co(         ) for people to confuse fact and opinion.【occurring often and to many people】

(58) I suggested to Mary that she come with me to collect em(       ) cans on the street.(1993)【having nothing inside】

(59)Green teas have become po(       ) because they aren't sweetened.(2007)【liked or enjoyed by many people 】

(60)While we were waiting for the of(      ) announcement, the coach came running over to us.(2004)【done by someone in a position of authority】

(61)Concern about the po(         ) of mobile phones having ill effects on health arose in the mid-1990s.【the chance that something might exist or happen】

(62)The soccer game was shown on a big screen in front of a large au(         ).【a group of people who gather together to watch or listen to someone performing in public】

(63)Can you tell the di(         ) between rice grown in Japan and American rice?(1994)【the way that makes two or more people or things are not like each other】

(64)Before the exam I refreshed my me(        ) by reading some old notes.(1991)【something that you remember】

(65)There was so much no(      ) in the classroom that she could not make herself heard.(2012)【a loud or unpleasant sound】

(66)The le(        ) was so boring that half the students fell asleep.【a talk to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject】

(67)If you are a business owner, keeping up with modern consumer tr(        )s is a necessity.【a general direction in the way a situation is changing or developing】

(68)The se(         ) of books is one of a librarian's most important tasks.(1995)【the act of choosing someone or something from a group 】

(69)When leaves fall onto the tracks, they can ca(      ) wheels to slip and then the brakes may not work properly.(2005)【to make something happen】

(70)Skin can even help us de(         ) if someone is sick.(2005)【to find out the facts about something 】

(71)You don't need to be a computer expert to ex(       ) your problem to a repair person. 【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(72)He worked hard to im(       )    his English in order to carry out his duties more effectively.【to make something better】

(73)Dance is pe(       ) for a variety of purposes.(2013)【to do something in front of an audience】

(74)Our family doctor su(       )ed that our son get a complete medical checkup every year.(2012)【to offer an idea or a plan for someone to think about】

(75)Of the total energy co(        ) in America, about 39% is used to generate electricity. 【to use a supply of something 】

(76)I de(        ) to stop wasting time on Facebook.【to make a choice about something you are going to do】

(77)Co(        ) working enviroment is more important than a good salary.【making you feel physically relaxed without unpleasant feelings】

(78)Please come in an or(        ) dress.【normal and not special in any way】

(79)Why would you waste your pr(        ) time just sleeping?(2007)【valuable or important and should not be wasted】

(80)One might think that green tea comes from a plant un(     ) to Japan.(1997)【existing only in one place or situation】

(81)New st(        ) shows we work harder when we are happy.【the act of considering or examining a problem or a particular subject in detail】

(82)I've already had one bad ex(         ) buying goods by mail order.(1991)【something that you do or that happens to you】

(83)In Japan, when people become eighteen, they are old enough to get a driver's li(        ). (2013)【an official document that gives you permission to do something】

(84)Most of our students are working part-time in the evening to pay their school ex(        )s.(2013)【an amount of money that you spend to do something】

(85)He had the ab(        ) to make us do our best and never give up.(2013)【the power to do something】

(86)The full pa(        ) must be received before the beginning of the courses.(2008)【the act of giving money for something 】

(87)Today's di(        ) is about how younger people should communicate with the elderly.(2010)【the act of talking about something, usually something important】

(88)In the UK, general el(         )s take place in May once every five years. 【the process of choosing someone for an official position by voting 】

(89)The U.S. govemment en(        )ed the American people to eat soybean products.(1990)【to suggest someone to do something 】

(90)When rain falls, the plants hold the water and pr(         ) the land from drying out.(1999)【to stop something from happening】

(91)By ob(          ) many friends, you'll gain skills to distinguish trustworthy people from others.(2009)【to watch or study someone or something carefully】

(92)From supermarkets to refugee camps, bar-codes speed up the process of
di(         )food.【to give or deliver something to a number of people】 

(93)Passengers managed to es(        ) the fire from the rear exit. 【to get away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation 】

(94)Children of six and under are not pe(        ) to use the swimming pool unless they are with an adult.(2006)【to allow someone to do something】

(95)He wanted to re(       ) his dream of opening his own cafe.(2010)【to achieve something that you have hoped for】

(96)Di(           ) between fact and opinion is important because people often present their opinions as fact.【to recognize a difference between people or things 】

(97)Vinegar was an important discovery for an(          ) civilizations.(2010)【belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years ago】

(98)Some believe that ra(          ) technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them.【happening in a very short time】 

(99)It should be ob(          ) which is the on/off switch.(2011)【easy to recognize or understand】

(100)We hope you enjoy a pl(         ) online shopping experience with us.(2011)【causing a feeling of happiness or satisfaction】

(1)success (2)discount (3)conversation (4) reason (5)policy (6)purpose (7)opinions (8)advice (9)attend (10)discovered (11)imagine (12)spending (13)promised (14)borrowed (15)wearing (16)graduating (17) useful (18)modern(19)expensive (20)responsible (21)arrival (22)condition (23)market (24)demand (25)neighbor (26)document (27)production (28)medicines (29)prepare (30)printed (31)delivered (32)cancel (33)announce (34)continue (35)develop (36)judge (37)public (38)effective (39)absent (40)accurate (41)supply (42)attention (43) energy (44)education (45)emotion (46)population (47)security (48)advantage (49)broadcast (50)celebrate (51)invited (52)decreasing (53)avoid (54)consult (55)gained (56)invented (57)common (58)empty (59)popular (60)official (61)possibility (62)audience (63)difference (64)memory (65)noise (66)lecture (67)trends (68)selection (69)cause (70)determine (71)explain (72)improve (73)performed (74)suggested (75)consumed (76)decided (77)Comfortable (78)ordinary (79)precious (80)unique (81)study (82) experience (83)license (84)expenses (85)ability (86)payment (87)discussion (88)elections (89)encouraged (90)prevent (91)observing (92)distributing (93)escape (94)permitted (95)realize (96)Distinguishing (97)ancient (98)rapid (99)obvious (100)pleasant


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2015年07月13日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語


(1)The Olympic Games were a huge suc(       ) because so many countries participated.(1990)【the fact of achieving something that you planned to do】

(2)If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent dis(        ).(1990)【a reduction in the price of something】

(3) Don't waste time joining the con(         ) in social media.【an informal talk between two or more people】

(4) The rea(     ) he studies English is to get a better job.【a cause for something that provides an explanation】

(5)Some companies have adopted a new pol(     ) of using English as the official in-house language. (2012).【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】

(6) Every meeting should have a clear pur(     ).【the aim that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve】

(7)I would like to invite your opi(     )s on this topic.(2007)【your feelings or ideas about someone or something】

(8)When I have a problem, I like to ask as many friends as possible for their
adv(     ). (2009)【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(9) All the students who are interested in studying abroad should att(     ) next week's meeting.(2005)【to go to an event or activity】

(10)Divers in the Mediterranean Sea dis(        )ed about 2000 gold coins believed to date back nearly 1000 years.【to find out someone or something that was hidden or that you did not know before】

(11)In the current time people can't ima(     ) their life without technology.【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(12)Today's children are spe(     ) an average of seven hours a day on entertainment media.【to use time for a particular purpose】

(13)I pro(     )ed her that I would start piano lessons when I came back to Japan.(2012)【to tell someone that you will definitely do something】

(14)Can all the books in the library be bor(       ) and taken out of the library?【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】

(15)Passengers 14 years and over are responsible for wea(       ) their own seat belt.【to have something on your body】

(16)After gra(     ) from high school, he entered Yale University with a scholarship.【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(17) Knowing a foreign language has become increasingly use(   ) in the workplace.(2014)【helping to do or get something 】

(18)In mod(       ) society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment.(2003)【relating to the present time 】

(19) Is exp(       ) clothing worth the price?【costing a lot of money】

(20)He is res(       ) for preparing the report.【having a duty of dealing with or looking after something or someone】

(21)Dr. Millar was unable to give his speech due to the late arr(     ) of his plane.(2003)【the act of reaching a place】

(22)The goal of any used car shopper is to find cheap used cars in good con(      ).【the particular state of something】

(23)Japan's real estate mar(       ) is showing signs of waking up.【trade in a particular type of goods】

(24) Can we meet the world's growing dem(       ) for food?【the need or desire for something】

(25)Let's call our nei(       ) to ask her to check the door of our apartment.【someone who lives near you】

(26) Please have a closer look at this doc(       ) before you begin your work(2007).【an official paper that contains information about something】

(27)The traditional example of mass pro(        ) is the automobile industry.【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(28)People are being warned about the dangers of buying med(        )s on the internet. 【a substance that is used for treating illness】

(29) The best way to pre(       ) for a debate is by researching your topic.【to make yourself ready for something 】   

(30) For centuries newspapers were pri(       ) on paper and distributed to readers.【to produce words, pictures, etc. on paper using a machine that puts ink on the surface】

(31)Photographs will be del(        ) within three business days.(2012)【to take something to the requested place】

(32)It's only possible to can(       ) your order before we start to manufacture it.【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(33)Apple is expected to ann(       ) new products.【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】

(34)Many people hope the economy will con(      ) to grow.【to do something without stopping】

(35)It takes over a decade to dev(      ) a new medicine.【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc】

(36)Don't jud(      ) others based on appearances.【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(37) I've heard that in the U. S. smoking is banned in pub(       ) places such as restaurants or cafes.(2009)【open to anyone to use】

(38)Presently, there is no eff(       ) treatment for Alzheimer's disease.【successful, and producing a result that is wanted 】

(39)In my school, when a regular teacher is abs(      ), another teacher teaches the class instead.(2010)【not in a place where you are expected to be】

(40)In recent year,weather forecasters have become more acc(       ). (2013)【correct in every detail】

(41)When sup(      ) is greater than demand, prices fall. 【the amount of something that is available to be used】

(42)Research was done to find out which things most attract the att(       ) of hikers in the mountains.(1997)【the interest that you give to something】

(43) Making ene(      )-saving changes in the home can be expensive. 【power that is used for making things work】

(44)In the face of global competition, a great edu(       ) is more important than ever.【the process of teaching and learning in a school or college】

(45)You should not let your personal emo(       )s stand in the way of making that important decision.(2012)【a strong feeling that you experience】

(46)The pop(         ) of native people in the Brazilian rainforest has decreased.(2009)【the number of people who live in a particular area】

(47)It is important to maintain sec(        ) in the workplace.【things that are done to protect a country, building or person safe from danger or crime 】

(48)Biotechnology could offer great adv(        )s to the whole world.(1996)【something that puts you in a better position】

(49)The address will be bro(         ) live on ABC.【to send out programmes to be received by radios or televisions】

(50)A tree is a unique gift to cel(       ) an important day such as your wedding anniversary.(2012)【to do something enjoyable because of a special occasion】

(51)I heard you were inv(       ) to the President's party.(1999)【to ask someone to come to an event】

(52)The number of persons killed in traffic accidents has been dec(        ) recently.【to become smaller in size, number, etc】

(53)Effective time management helps us avo(   ) wasting time.(2012)【to try to prevent something bad from happening】

(54)How much does it cost to con(        ) a lawyer for legal advice ?【to ask for information or advice from someone who has special knowledge on a particular subject】

(55)Nothing will be gai(     ) by just waiting.【to get something you need】

(56)What are some things inv(       ) by women that we still use?【to design or produce something for the first time】

(57)It is com(         ) for people to confuse fact and opinion.【occurring often and to many people】

(58) I suggested to Mary that she come with me to collect emp(       ) cans on the street.(1993)【having nothing inside】

(59)Green teas have become pop(       ) because they aren't sweetened.(2007)【liked or enjoyed by many people 】

(60)While we were waiting for the off(      ) announcement, the coach came running over to us.(2004)【done by someone in a position of authority】

(61)Concern about the pos(         ) of mobile phones having ill effects on health arose in the mid-1990s.【the chance that something might exist or happen】

(62)The soccer game was shown on a big screen in front of a large aud(         ).【a group of people who gather together to watch or listen to someone performing in public】

(63)Can you tell the dif(         ) between rice grown in Japan and American rice?(1994)【the way that makes two or more people or things are not like each other】

(64)Before the exam I refreshed my mem(        ) by reading some old notes.(1991)【something that you remember】

(65)There was so much noi(      ) in the classroom that she could not make herself heard.(2012)【a loud or unpleasant sound】

(66)The lec(        ) was so boring that half the students fell asleep.【a talk to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject】

(67)If you are a business owner, keeping up with modern consumer tre(        )s is a necessity.【a general direction in the way a situation is changing or developing】

(68)The sel(         ) of books is one of a librarian's most important tasks.(1995)【the act of choosing someone or something from a group 】

(69)When leaves fall onto the tracks, they can cau(      ) wheels to slip and then the brakes may not work properly.(2005)【to make something happen】

(70)Skin can even help us det(         ) if someone is sick.(2005)【to find out the facts about something 】

(71)You don't need to be a computer expert to exp(       ) your problem to a repair person. 【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(72)He worked hard to imp(       )    his English in order to carry out his duties more effectively.【to make something better】

(73)Dance is per(       ) for a variety of purposes.(2013)【to do something in front of an audience】

(74)Our family doctor sug(       )ed that our son get a complete medical checkup every year.(2012)【to offer an idea or a plan for someone to think about】

(75)Of the total energy con(        ) in America, about 39% is used to generate electricity. 【to use a supply of something 】

(76)I dec(        ) to stop wasting time on Facebook.【to make a choice about something you are going to do】

(77)Com(        ) working enviroment is more important than a good salary.【making you feel physically relaxed without unpleasant feelings】

(78)Please come in an ord(        ) dress.【normal and not special in any way】

(79)Why would you waste your pre(        ) time just sleeping?(2007)【valuable or important and should not be wasted】

(80)One might think that green tea comes from a plant uni(     ) to Japan.(1997)【existing only in one place or situation】

(81)New stu(        ) shows we work harder when we are happy.【the act of considering or examining a problem or a particular subject in detail】

(82)I've already had one bad exp(         ) buying goods by mail order.(1991)【something that you do or that happens to you】

(83)In Japan, when people become eighteen, they are old enough to get a driver's lic(        ). (2013)【an official document that gives you permission to do something】

(84)Most of our students are working part-time in the evening to pay their school exp(        )s.(2013)【an amount of money that you spend to do something】

(85)He had the abi(        ) to make us do our best and never give up.(2013)【the power to do something】

(86)The full pay(        ) must be received before the beginning of the courses.(2008)【the act of giving money for something 】

(87)Today's dis(        ) is about how younger people should communicate with the elderly.(2010)【the act of talking about something, usually something important】

(88)In the UK, general ele(         )s take place in May once every five years. 【the process of choosing someone for an official position by voting 】

(89)The U.S. govemment enc(        )ed the American people to eat soybean products.(1990)【to suggest someone to do something 】

(90)When rain falls, the plants hold the water and pre(         ) the land from drying out.(1999)【to stop something from happening】

(91)By obs(         ) many friends, you'll gain skills to distinguish trustworthy people from others.(2009)【to watch or study someone or something carefully】

(92)From supermarkets to refugee camps, bar-codes speed up the process of
dis(        )food.【to give or deliver something to a number of people】 

(93)Passengers managed to esc(        ) the fire from the rear exit. 【to get away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation 】

(94)Children of six and under are not per(        ) to use the swimming pool unless they are with an adult.(2006)【to allow someone to do something】

(95)He wanted to rea(       ) his dream of opening his own cafe.(2010)【to achieve something that you have hoped for】

(96)Dis(           ) between fact and opinion is important because people often present their opinions as fact.【to recognize a difference between people or things 】

(97)Vinegar was an important discovery for anc(          ) civilizations.(2010)【belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years ago】

(98)Some believe that rap(          ) technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them.【happening in a very short time】 

(99)It should be obv(          ) which is the on/off switch.(2011)【easy to recognize or understand】

(100)We hope you enjoy a ple(         ) online shopping experience with us.(2011)【causing a feeling of happiness or satisfaction】

(1)success (2)discount (3)conversation (4) reason (5)policy (6)purpose (7)opinions (8)advice (9)attend (10)discovered (11)imagine (12)spending (13)promised (14)borrowed (15)wearing (16)graduating (17) useful (18)modern(19)expensive (20)responsible (21)arrival (22)condition (23)market (24)demand (25)neighbor (26)document (27)production (28)medicines (29)prepare (30)printed (31)delivered (32)cancel (33)announce (34)continue (35)develop (36)judge (37)public (38)effective (39)absent (40)accurate (41)supply (42)attention (43) energy (44)education (45)emotion (46)population (47)security (48)advantage (49)broadcast (50)celebrate (51)invited (52)decreasing (53)avoid (54)consult (55)gained (56)invented (57)common (58)empty (59)popular (60)official (61)possibility (62)audience (63)difference (64)memory (65)noise (66)lecture (67)trends (68)selection (69)cause (70)determine (71)explain (72)improve (73)performed (74)suggested (75)consumed (76)decided (77)Comfortable (78)ordinary (79)precious (80)unique (81)study (82) experience (83)license (84)expenses (85)ability (86)payment (87)discussion (88)elections (89)encouraged (90)prevent (91)observing (92)distributing (93)escape (94)permitted (95)realize (96)Distinguishing (97)ancient (98)rapid (99)obvious (100)pleasant
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2015年07月13日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
 たとえばa large area of water surrounded by landというロングマン英英辞典の定義を示されてlake(湖)であると判断することは多くの高校生に可能と思います。 しかし、大学入試レベルの英単語の意味を定義文のみから推測するのはかなり難しいです。

english x englishは、

[問題] a strong feeling of wanting something = d---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)


【 】内の定義を参考に文脈に合う単語を考えてください。

Some companies have adopted a new pol(    ) of using English as the official in-house language. 【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】

正解はpolicyで、センター試験過去問から採録した例文にも新作した定義文にも、company, adopt, official, acceptといった重要単語が並びます。


【 】内の定義を参考に文脈に合う単語を考えてください。

Some companies have adopted a new po(    ) of using English as the official in-house language. 【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】



Some companies have adopted a new pol●●● of using English as the official in-house language. 【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】


Some companies have adopted a new po●●●● of using English as the official in-house language. 【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】








(381)What materials are used to make fur…【large objects such as chairs, tables, or beds that are used in a room】?

(382)Fortunately, clean vehicle and fuel technologies can significantly reduce air pol… from cars and trucks.【the process of damaging the air, water, or land by harmful substances or waste】

(383)The reg… attracts more than two million domestic and international visitors each year.【a part of land that is different from other parts in some way 】

(384)Congress decided to add money to the education bud….【the money that is available to a person or organization】

(385)The workplace brings together people of many different bac… s.【the experiences, knowledge, education, etc that someone has had】

(386) Culture has a central role in peace-building & con… prevention.【angry disagreement or fighting between people or groups】

(387)The huge network of canals is a fascinating fea… of the old city.(2005)【an interesting or important part of something】

(388)There are no countries in Antarctica and the con… has no permanent residents.【one of the large land masses on Earth that are surrounded by sea】

(389)A role model is an ideal person whom we adm…. (2008)【to regard someone with respect】

(390)My aunt often translates articles sub… to international medical journals.(2009)【to give something to someone in authority so that they can make a decision about it】

(391)The World Trade Organization (WTO) is designed to pro… free trade among its members.【to help something happen or develop 】

(392)Dogs have a lot of behavioral similarities com… to humans.【to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different】

(393)Some have arg… that lying can never be excused under any circumstances.(1999)【to give clear reasons for or against something 】

(394)In order to inv… how different age groups view hair fashion, a survey was conducted.(2001)【to try to find out the truth about something】

(395)I was emb… when my joke was taken as an insult. (2005)【to make someone feel ashamed】

(396)The soybean was int… to the West in the eighteenth century.(1990)【to bring something into use for the first time】

(397)Healthy Eating can be achieved on a lim… budget. 【not very great in amount or extent】

(398)There is enough fresh water on Earth to meet demands of the ent… population. 【including everything, with nothing missing 】

(399)She has a neg… impression of the amount of homework.(2012)【expressing disapproval or criticism】

(400)The doctor advised me to get reg… exercise.(2014)【arranged so that there is the equal amount of time between events】

(1)success (2)discount (3)conversation (4) reason (5)policy (6)purpose (7)opinions (8)advice (9)attend (10)discovered (11)imagine (12)spending (13)promised (14)borrowed (15)wearing (16)graduating (17) useful (18)modern(19)expensive (20)responsible (21)arrival (22)condition (23)market (24)demand (25)neighbor (26)document (27)production (28)medicines (29)prepare (30)printed (31)delivered (32)cancel (33)announce (34)continue (35)develop (36)judge (37)public (38)effective (39)absent (40)accurate (41)supply (42)attention (43) energy (44)education (45)emotion (46)population (47)security (48)advantage (49)broadcast (50)celebrate (51)invited (52)decreasing (53)avoid (54)consult (55)gained (56)invented (57)common (58)empty (59)popular (60)official (61)possibility (62)audience (63)difference (64)memory (65)noise (66)lecture (67)trends (68)selection (69)cause (70)determine (71)explain (72)improve (73)performed (74)suggested (75)consumed (76)decided (77)Comfortable (78)ordinary (79)precious (80)unique (81)study (82) experience (83)license (84)expenses (85)ability (86)payment (87)discussion (88)elections (89)encouraged (90)prevent (91)observing (92)distributing (93)escape (94)permitted (95)realize (96)Distinguishing (97)ancient (98)rapid (99)obvious (100)pleasant (101)generations (102)engineer (103)climate (104) patients (105)progress (106)reservation (107)view(108)equipment (109)includes (110)participate (111)recovered (112)retire (113)maintain (114)requires (115)support (116)expected (117)foreign (118)apparent (119)crowded (120)favorite (121)article (122)impacts (123)duty (124)effect (125)impression (126)research (127)solution (128)construction (129)surrounded (130)considered (131) founded (132) generate (133)protect (134)raising (135) searching (136) ordered (137)certain (138)vacant (139)current (140)general (141)income (142) appetite (143)rewards (144)developments (145) purchase (146)weather (147) appointment (148) effort (149) noticed (150) exchanged (151) increased 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2015年07月11日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語

※【 】内の定義を参考に文脈に合う単語を考えてください。

Ted: For the past 20 years our school has been offering French and Spanish. However, times have changed and perhaps we should reevaluate the needs of our students. I've heard some (1)sug…【to offer an idea or a plan for someone to think about】 that native English speakers don't need to study a foreign language because English has become a global language. I'd like to get your (2)vie…s【a personal opinion or way of thinking about something 】 on this.
Jennifer:  Well, with the globalization of many businesses, knowing a foreign language has become increasingly useful in the workplace. In business situations, when you're (3)neg…【to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement】 with people from other countries, it's obviously a disadvantage if they know your language but you don't know theirs. Also, by studying a foreign language, students can learn about various customs and cultural values of people from different parts of the world. This can smooth business relationships.
Ted:  So, Jennifer, I (4)gue…【to give an answer or opinion about something without being certain about it】 you're saying that knowing a foreign language can have a practical, career-related benefit.

David:  I agree with Jennifer, and I suggest that we offer Chinese classes. China is a fast-growing economy and in the future it will become the world's biggest. Also, I believe there are more native speakers of Chinese than of any other language. Perhaps along with French and Spanish, we should offer Chinese.
Maria:  I understand what you're saying, but in order to be well-informed about China, one should be able to read Chinese, which would (5)inv…【to have someone or something as a part of something】 years of study to learn at least 3,000 to 4,000 characters. I think continuing to offer French and Spanish is still more practical. Because these languages are somehow related to English, there are many words that have the same origin, and this makes the language learning (6)pro…【a series of actions that are carried out to achieve a particular result】 less difficult.
Ted:  So, Maria, your idea is that a native English speaker may find it easier to learn French and Spanish.

Leslie:  Well, I'm not sure which foreign language would be most (7)val…【very helpful or important】 to our students. However, studying a foreign language can help students become aware of their own language and culture. Most of us use our native language without thinking deeply, and we make many cultural assumptions. But most importantly, through learning a foreign language, we're better able to look at something from various (8)per…s【a way of thinking about something】.
Ted:  Leslie, that's a very interesting point. You're saying the biggest advantage of foreign language study is that it can increase students' ability to consider things from different points of view.

解答(1)suggest (2)views (3)negotiating (4)guess (5)involve (6)process (7)valuable (8)perspectives


※【 】内の定義を参考に文脈に合う単語を考えてください。

※英英式の定義文が読みにくければenglish x englishがおすすめで、苦労なく英英辞典を使えるようになります。

 With a little bit of care, your goldfish can live much longer than you might expect. First, choose the largest possible tank you can (1)af… 【to have enough money to buy or to do something】and decorate it with objects such as small rocks and plants. However, be careful not to put sharp objects in the tank that could harm your fish. Second, feed them only as much as they can eat in a few minutes and immediately (2)re…【to take something away from a place】 any leftover food. The most important thing is to clean the tank and change the water at least once every two weeks. To make it easier for the fish to (3)ad…【to gradually get used to a new situation】 to new water, partial water changes are much better than complete water changes. By doing all these things, you can be sure your fish will (4)su…【to continue to live 】 into their "golden years."

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