


2019年06月26日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
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(101)The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (are / that / *insisted / *harmful / all lies).(1999センター)

The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (*insisted that all lies are *harmful).
*philosopher : 哲学者 *insist : 主張する *harmful : 有害な

(102)It is likely that the *President (*elected / be / will / another *term / for).(2010中央大)

It is likely that the *President (will be *elected for another *term).
*president : 大統領 *elect : 選出する *term : 任期

(103)All the students (are / studying / who / *abroad / interested in) should *attend next week's meeting.(2005センター)

All the students (who are interested in studying *abroad) should *attend next week's meeting.
*abroad : 外国で *attend : 出席する

(104)In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (and play back / that / record / a new *device / could) sound.(2014センター)

In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (a new *device that could record and play back) sound.
*invent : 発明する *device : 装置

(105)Weather permitting, (outdoor play / we / as possible / as often / *encourage).

Weather permitting, (we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible).
weather permitting : 天気が良ければ *encourage : 奨励する

(106)According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (a driver's *license / *obtain / over / in / to) Japan.(2009芝浦工大)

According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (over to *obtain a driver's *license in) Japan.
according to : …によれば *obtain : 得る *license 免許

(107)To our surprise, (her / in spite of / suddenly *announced / the *mayor / her *resignation) high *popularity.(2017津田塾大)

To our surprise, (the *mayor suddenly *announced her *resignation in spite of her) high *popularity.
*mayor : 市長 *announce : 発表する *resignation : 辞任 in spite of : …にかかわらず *popularity : 人気

(108)The *company wants to sell (the *atmosphere / its *ability *carbon dioxide / to *remove / from) and *store it underground.

The *company wants to sell (its *ability to *remove *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere) and *store it underground.
*company : 会社 *ability : 能力 *remove : 取り除く *carbon dioxide : 二酸化炭素 *atmosphere : 大気 *store : 貯蔵する

(109)Before the exam (*refreshed / by / I / reading / my *memory) some old notes.(1991センター)

Before the exam (I *refreshed my *memory by reading) some old notes.
*refresh : リフレッシュする *memory : 記憶

(110)As a member, you have (at / books / the *privilege / *purchasing / of) a 20% *discount.(2017武庫川女子大)

As a member, you have (the *privilege of *purchasing books at) a 20% *discount.
*privilege : 特権 *purchase : 購入する *discount : 割引

(111)Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that *frequently comes up (bad *habits / is / to / how / get rid of).

Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that *frequently comes up (is how to get rid of bad *habits).
*frequently : 頻繁に get rid of : 取り除く *habit : 習慣

(112)Biotechnology could (the whole world / *advantages / great / to / *offer).(1996センター)

Biotechnology could (*offer great *advantages to the whole world).
*offer : もたらす *advantage : 利点

(113)A *secret that you (is / carry / something / the *grave / to) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.

A *secret that you (carry to the *grave is something) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.
*secret : 秘密 *grave : 墓 *entire : すべての

(114)What (good *eyesight / blueberries / eating / have to do with / does)?(2006センター追試)

What (does eating blueberries have to do with) good *eyesight?
have to do with : …と関係がある *eyesight : 視力

(115)We (on account of / *departure / our / bad *weather / *delayed).

We *delayed our (*departure on account of bad *weather).
*delay : 遅らせる *departure : 出発 on account of : …のため *weather : 天候

(116)Scientists are (came into being / the *universe / figure out / how / trying to).

Scientists are (trying to figure out how the *universe came into being).
figure out : 解明する *universe : 宇宙 come into being : 出現する

(117)The museum was, as expected, (*crowded / *struggling / *extremely / to see / with tourists) the Mona Lisa.(2016慶応大)

The museum was, as expected, (*extremely *crowded with tourists *struggling to see) the Mona Lisa.
*extremely : 非常に *crowded : 混雑した *struggle : 奮闘する

(118)He walked (the wire / between / with / on / *perfect *balance) the two masts.(1990センター)

He walked (with *perfect *balance on the wire between) the two masts.
*perfect : 完璧な *balance : バランス

(119)We all (are / that / know / *precious / friendships), but we also (*stable / that / are not / understand / frienships).(2017センター)

We all (know that friendships are *precious), but we also (understand that frienships are not *stable).
*precious : 貴重な *stable : 安定した

(120)The *rapid *growth of (has *affected / of / fresh-fruit / many *aspects / *imports) the US fresh-fruit *market.(2016センター)

The *rapid *growth of (fresh-fruit *imports has *affected many *aspects of) the US fresh-fruit *market.
*rapid : 急速な *growth : 成長 *import : 輸入 *affect : 影響する *aspect : 側面 *market : 市場

(121)Four (kangaroo / *exported *commercially / of / *species / are) from Australlia.(2016帯広畜産大)

Four (*species of kangaroo are *exported *commercially) from Australlia.
*species : 種 *export : 輸出する *commercially : 商業的に

(122)Some companies have (English / a new *policy / *adopted / using / of) as the *official in-house language.(2012センター)

Some companies have (*adopted a new *policy of using English) as the *official in-house language.
*adopt : 採用する *policy : 方針 *official : 正式な

(123)If George doesn't stop smoking, (run / *developing / the risk of / *lung *cancer / he will).(1992センター追試)

If George doesn't stop smoking, (he will run the risk of *developing *lung *cancer).
run the risk of : …の危険を冒す *develop : 発症する *lung : 肺
*cancer : がん

(124)How (to start / the last show / soon / is / *scheduled)?(2009センター追試)

How (soon is the last show *scheduled to start)?
*schedule : 予定する

(125)Hiroshi didn't (detail / what / *describe / in / happened) ; he only told (important / the / me / facts / most).(2007センター追試)

Hiroshi didn't (*describe what happened in detail) ; he only told (me the most important facts).
*describe : 説明する in detail : 詳細に

(126)Sound *travels at different speeds, (on / the air / depending / of / the *temperature).(2009センター追試)

Sound *travels at different speeds, (depending on the *temperature of the air).
*travel : 移動する depending on : …に応じて *temperature : 温度

(127)The *government (for / *promotes / the *general public / by / lifelong learning)*supporting a variety of programs and *providing *necessary *facilities.(2011センター追試)

The *government (*promotes lifelong learning for the *general public by) *supporting a variety of programs and *providing *necessary *facilities.
*government : 政府 *promote : 推進する *general : 一般の *support : 支援する a variety of : さまざまな *provide : 提供する *necessary : 必要な *facility : 施設

(128)Scientists (that / *approximately / believe / *contains / the Milky Way galaxy) 100 billion stars.(2016南山大)

Scientists (believe that the Milky Way galaxy *contains *approximately) 100 billion stars.
*contain : 含む *approximately : 約

(129)After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard (his *duties / his English / carry out / to *improve / in order to) more *effectively.(2012センター)

After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard (to *improve his English in order to carry out his *duties) more *effectively.
*improve : 向上させる carry out : 実行する duty : 任務 *effectively : 効果的に

(130)The old lady (from / was / the *stairs / out of breath / climbing up).(1989センター追試)

The old lady (was out of breath from climbing up the *stairs).
out of breath : 息が切れて *stair : 階段

(131)Seniors – (their *source / no matter / *income / what / of) – often *struggle to make ends meet.

Seniors – (no matter what their *source of *income) – often *struggle (to make ends meet).
*source : 源 *income : 収入 *struggle : 苦労する make ends meet : 収支を合わせる

(132)All (*contributing / that / to / are / countries) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (to / *efforts / them / *protect / own).(2009センター)

All (countries that are *contributing to) the *destruction of rainforests should begin their (own *efforts to *protect them).
*contribute : 加担する *destruction : 破壊 *effort : 努力 *protect : 保護する

(133)My mother is making a (*recovery / the *operation / after / on / fast) her knee last week.(2003センター追試)

My mother is making a (fast *recovery after the *operation on) her knee last week.
*recovery : 回復 *operation : 手術

(134)In order to *succeed, your (*success / greater than / *desire / should be / for) your fear of *failure.

In order to *succeed, your (*desire for *success should be greater than) your fear of *failure.
*succeed : 成功する *desire : 欲望 *success : 成功 *failure : 失敗

(135)Did the result of the *general election of July 1993 (important / bring about / on / Japanese *politics / *effects) ?

Did the result of the *general election of July 1993 (bring about important *effects on Japanese *politics)?
*general election : 総選挙 bring about : もたらす *effect : 影響
*politics : 政治

(136)Should (to / cultural *treasures / of *origin / their country / be returned)?

Should (cultural *treasures be returned to their country of *origin)?
*treasure : 宝 *origin : 起源

(137)Fred and I once had a (*argument / makes / *friendly / which / over) a better pet, a dog or a cat.(2006センター追試)

Fred and I once had a (*friendly *argument over which makes) a better pet, a dog or a cat.
*friendly : 友好的な *argument : 議論

(138)Walking into an electronics store today, (*faced / are / an *amazing / *consumers / with) *variety of audio *technology.(2014センター)

Walking into an electronics store today, (*consumers are *faced with an *amazing) *variety of audio *technology.
*consumer : 消費者 *face : 直面する *amazing : 驚くべき *variety of : 多様な *technology : 技術

(139)Everyone (turned down / that / to hear / she had / was *disappointed) the *generous *offer.(2008センター追試)

Everyone (was *disappointed to hear that she had turned down) the *generous *offer.
*disappoint : 失望させる turn down : 断る *generous : 気前のいい *offer : 申し出

(140)It is *evident that a big mistake was (*calculating / of / in / made / the costs) the project.(2016東洋英和女学院大)

It is *evident that a big mistake was (made in *calculating the costs of) the project.
*evident : 明らかな *calculate : 計算する

(141)The *debate (jobs / *influences / how / over / *technology) is as old as *industrial *era itself.(2016関西学院大)

The *debate (over how *technology *influences jobs) is as old as *industrial *era itself.
*debate : 議論 *technology : 科学技術 *influence : 影響する *industrial : 工業の *era : 時代

(142)(ready / think / to *forgive / they are / many people), but want an *apology first.

(Many people think they are ready to *forgive), but want an *apology first.
*forgive : 許す *apology : 謝罪

(143)(home costs / *rising / spite / in / of), buying still *beats *renting.

(In spite of *rising home costs), buying still *beats *renting.
in spite of : …にかかわらず *rise : 上がる *beat : まさる *rent : 賃借する

(144)What should I (or *stolen / my wallet / if / is lost / do)?

What should I (do if my wallet is lost or *stolen)?
*steal : 盗む

(145)He was able (teach / often *required / sports / to / which) a lot of *strength and *endurance.(2013センター)

He was able (to teach sports which often *required) a lot of *strength and *endurance.
*require : 必要とする *strength : 強さ *endurance : 忍耐

(146)I don't (*disagree / if / mind / with me / you), but I *object being *shouted at.(2015岩手医大)

I don't (mind if you *disagree with me), but I *object being *shouted at.
*disagree : 同意しない *object : 反対する *shout : 叫ぶ

(147)People can *float in *regular water, (salt water / even *denser / since / but / is), it is (*float / the Dead Sea / in / to / even easier).

People can *float in *regular water, (but since salt water is even *denser), it is (even easier to *float in the Dead Sea).
*float : 浮く *regular : 普通の *dense : 密度が高い

(148)Dance is (of / one / the / forms / oldest) of art, and it is seen in every culture (a variety of / for / and / *purposes / *performed).(2013センター)

Dance is (one of the oldest forms of art), and it is seen in every culture (and *performed for a variety of *purposes).
*perform : 演じる a variety of : さまざまな *purpose : 目的

(149)Images of elephants (*symbols / in / are / good *fortune / of) both India and Mexico.(2006センター)

Images of elephants (are *symbols of good *fortune in) both India and Mexico.
*symbol : 象徴 *fortune : 運

(150)(with / of / the *majority / Mediterranean / the *regions) *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.

(The *majority of the *regions with Mediterranean) *climates have *relatively mild winters and very warm summers.
*majority : 大部分 *region : 地域 *climate : 気候 *relatively : 比較的に
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