


2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→600点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上500点以下の受験者がいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しているのは早い段階から英英式で学んでいるからです。英和式の英語学習と英英式の英語学習では三輪車と自転車ほど学習効率の差が出ると言って過言ではなく、段階を踏んで学んでいけば英英定義を素早く正確に理解するのは難しくありません。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章です。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第4章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を退屈せずに解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①to go to an event or activity
②to make someone or something late
③to give something to someone and receive something in return
④to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(A)display【displéi】(Ex: A variety of books are *displayed in this library.)(001) 
(B)exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: I'd like to *exchange this sweater for a smaller one.)(002)
(C)delay【diléi】(Ex: The train's departure will be *delayed. )(003)
(D)attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the meeting yesterday.)(004)



(A) display【展示する】(Ex:この図書館にはさまざまな本が展示されている。)(001)
(B) exchange【交換する】(Ex: このセーターを小さいセーターと交換したい。)(002)
(C) delay【遅らせる】(Ex:電車の出発が遅れるだろう。)(003)
(D) attend【出席する】(Ex: 彼女は昨日の会議に出席しなかった。)(004)


①to make yourself ready for something
②to give or deliver something to a group of people
③to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard
④to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later
(A)achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex: Nothing is *achieved without effort.)(005)
(B)prepare【pripéər】(Ex: I have to *prepare for the entrance examination.)(006)
(C)distribute【distríbjuːt】(Ex: Free newspapers are *distributed free of charge.)(007)
(D)borrow【bɑ'rou】(Ex: Can I *borrow your camera?)(008)





①having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something
②not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people
③having no doubt about something
④worth a lot of money
(A)certain【sə'ːrtn】(Ex: I am *certain of your success.)(009)
(B)available【əvéiləbl】(Ex: I am afraid I am not *available at the moment.)(010)
(C)responsible【rispɑ'nsəbl】(Ex: Parents are *responsible for their children's education.)(011)
(D)valuable【vǽljuəbl】(Ex: Please don't leave anything *valuable in your room. )(012)



(B)available【利用できる】(Ex: 恐れ入りますが私はいま都合がつかないです。)(010)


①an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time
②an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation
③work, especially physical work
④an official paper that contains information about something
(A)advice【ædváis】(Ex: He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's *advice. )(013)
(B)appointment【əpɔ'intmənt】(Ex: I have a dentist *appointment at 3:30. )(014)
(C)document【dɑ'kjumənt】(Ex: I'd like you to translate this *document into English.)(015)
(D)labor【léibər】(Ex: Child *labor is a serious social problem.)(016)



(B)appointment【予約】(Ex: 3:30に歯医者の予約があります。)(014)


(001)A variety of books are di------ in this library.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(002)I'd like to ex------ this sweater for a smaller one.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(003)The train's departure will be de------ .
【to make someone or something late】

(004)She did not at------ the meeting yesterday.
【to go to an event or activity】








(005)Nothing is ac------ without effort.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(006)I have to pr------ for the entrance examination.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(007)Free newspapers are di------ free of charge.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(008)Can I bo------ your camera?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】








(009)I am ce------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(010) I am afraid I am not av------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(011)Parents are re------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(012)Please don't leave anything va------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】








(013)He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's ad------ .
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(014)I have a dentist ap------ at 3:30.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(015)I'd like you to translate this do------ into English.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(016) Child la------ is a serious social problem.
【work, especially physical work】








①plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen
②the things that are needed for a particular job or activity
③a group of people with special skills who work together
④the act of reaching a place
(A)crew【krúː】(Ex: US officials have confirmed that all passengers and *crew died when the plane crashed.)(017)
(B)arrangement【əréindʒmənt】(Ex: Have you made all the *arrangements for your trip?)(018)
(C)arrival【əráivəl】(Ex: The flight's estimated time of *arrival is 9:30.)(019)
(D)equipment【ikwípmənt】(Ex: Doctors use medical *equipment.)(020)



(A)crew【乗組員】(Ex: 米国当局はその飛行機が墜落した際に乗客・乗員全員が死亡したことを確認した。)(017)


①the activity of discovering information about something
②a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., used for putting things on
③a business organization that produces or sells goods or services for money
④something that is done as a reaction to something else
(A)research【risə'ːrtʃ】(Ex: The doctors are conducting medical *research.)(021)
(B)company【kʌ'mpəni】(Ex: The *company is based in Tokyo.)(022)
(C)shelf【ʃélf】(Ex: She put the book on the *shelf.)(023)
(D)response【rispɑ'ns】(Ex: I had no *response to my letter.)(024)





①to have or include something
②to be given something
③to make an arrangement more certain or official
④to give special attention to something such as an idea or fact
(A)receive【risíːv】(Ex: I *received a letter from her. )(025)
(B)stress【strés】(Ex: She *stressed the importance of daily exercise.)(026)
(C)confirm【kənfə'ːrm】(Ex: I'm calling to *confirm my booking.)(027)
(D)contain【kəntéin】(Ex: This drink doesn't *contain any alcohol.)(028)



(A) receive【受け取る】(Ex:私は彼女から手紙を受け取った。)(025)
(B) stress【強調する】(Ex:彼女は毎日の運動の重要性を強調した。)(026)
(C) confirm【確認する】(Ex:予約を確認するために私は電話しています。)(027)


①having the ability that is needed to do something
②important or needed in order to do something
③full of people
④happening often
(A)necessary【nésəsèri】(Ex: A passport is *necessary when you travel overseas.)(029)
(B)capable【kéipəbl】(Ex: He is *capable of teaching English.)(030)
(C)frequent【fríːkwənt】(Ex: Rains are *frequent here in early summer.)(031)
(D)busy【bízi】(Ex: Since this restaurant is always *busy, consider making reservations.)(032)





(017) US officials have confirmed that all passengers and cr------ died when the plane crashed.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(018) Have you made all the ar------ for your trip?
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(019) The flight's estimated time of ar------ is 9:30.
【the act of reaching a place】

(020) Doctors use medical eq------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】



(017) 米国当局はその飛行機が墜落した際に乗客・乗員全員が死亡したことを確認した。

(018) 旅行の手配は全てできましたか。

(019) その便の推定到着時刻は9:30です。

(020) 医師は医療機器を使用する。


(021) The doctors are conducting medical re------ .
【the activity of discovering information about something】

(022) The co------ is based in Tokyo.
【a business organization that produces or sells goods or services for money】

(023) She put the book on the sh------ .
【a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., used for putting things on】

(024) I had no re------ to my letter.
【something that is done as a reaction to something else】


(021) 医師たちは医学研究を行っている。

(022) その会社は東京に拠点を置いている。

(023) 彼女は本を棚に置いた。

(024) 私の手紙に返事はなかった。


(025) I re------ a letter from her.
【to be given something】

(026) She st------ the importance of daily exercise.
【to give special attention to something such as an idea or fact】

(027) I'm calling to co------ my booking.
【to make an arrangement more certain or official】

(028) This drink doesn't co------ any alcohol.
【to have or include something】



(025) 私は彼女から手紙を受け取った。

(026) 彼女は毎日の運動の重要性を強調した。

(027) 予約を確認するために私は電話しています。

(028) この飲み物はアルコールを含んでいない。

(029) A passport is ne------ when you travel overseas.
【important or needed in order to do something】

(030) He is ca------ of teaching English.
【having the ability that is needed to do something】

(031) Rains are fr------ here in early summer.
【happening often】

(032) Since this restaurant is always bu------ , consider making reservations.
【full of people】


(029) 海外旅行にはパスポートが必要だ。

(030) 彼は英語を教えることができる。

(031) ここでは初夏に雨が頻繁に降る。

(032) このレストランはいつも混んでいるので、予約を検討してください。

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→600点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上500点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しているのは早い段階から英英式で学んでいるからです。2009年センター試験英語には英英辞典を「使うのがとても難しい」と語る大学生が登場しました。英英辞典を自在に使えるTOEIC受験者もそう多くはない現状で、日常的に英英定義に親しんで英英辞典を自在に使いこなせる域に達すれば断然有利です。

 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章です。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第4章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を考えながら解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.
②to clean a floor, the ground, etc. using a broom
③to complete your studies at a school or university
④to do something again
(A)sweep【swíːp】(Ex: I need to *sweep the kitchen.)(033)
(B)graduate【grǽdʒuèit】(Ex: She *graduated with a degree in mathematics.)(034)
(C)repeat【ripíːt】(Ex: Would you mind *repeating the question?)(035)
(D)approve【əprúːv】(Ex: The committee *approved the plan.)(036)





①hopes or beliefs that something will happen
②a formal suggestion or plan that is presented to a person or group
③the money that is available to a person or organization
④the place that you go through to enter a room, building, or area
(A)budget【bʌ'dʒit】(Ex: It's possible to travel on a tight *budget.)(037)
(B)expectation【èkspektéiʃən】(Ex: She had unrealistic *expectations.)(038)
(C)proposal【prəpóuzəl】(Ex: What do you think of his *proposal?)(039)
(D)entrance【éntrəns】(Ex: We'll meet you at the *entrance.)(040)





①a piece of written or spoken information that one person gives to another
②a small amount of a product that people can try
③the act of leaving a place
④a place where roads join or cross
(A)intersection【ìntərsékʃən】(Ex: This *intersection is one of the busiest in the city.) (041)
(B)departure【dipɑ'ːrtʃər】(Ex: The plane's *departure was on schedule.)(042)
(C)sample【sǽmpl】(Ex: Free *samples were handed out at the store.)(043)
(D)message【mésidʒ】(Ex: I left a *message on his answering machine.)(044)





①to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard for a period of time
②to rest on something at an angle for support
③to accept something with pleasure
④to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand
(A)accomplish【əkɑ'mpliʃ】(Ex: He *accomplished his mission as planned.)(045)
(B)lean【líːn】(Ex: He *leaned against the wall.)(046)
(C)explain【ikspléin】(Ex: The professor *explained her theory using pictures.)(047)
(D)welcome【wélkəm】(Ex: We *welcome any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.)(048)





(033) I need to sw------ the kitchen.
【to clean a floor, the ground, etc. using a broom】

(034) She gr------ with a degree in mathematics.
【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(035) Would you mind re------ the question?
【to do something again】

(036) The committee ap------ the plan.
【to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.】


(034) graduated

(033) 私は台所を掃かないといけない。

(034) 彼女は数学の学位を取得して卒業した。

(035) 質問を繰り返していただけますか。

(036) 委員会はその計画を承認した。


(037) It's possible to travel on a tight bu------ .
【the money that is available to a person or organization】

(038) She had unrealistic ex------ .
【hopes or beliefs that something will happen】

(039) What do you think of his pr------ ?
【a formal suggestion or plan that is presented to a person or group】

(040) We'll meet you at the en------ .
【the place that you go through to enter a room, building, or area】



(037) 限られた予算でも旅行は可能です。

(038) 彼女は非現実的な期待をしていた。

(039) 彼の提案についてどう思いますか。

(040) 入口でお会いしましょう。


(041) This in------ is one of the busiest in the city.
【a place where roads join or cross】

(042) The plane's de------ was on schedule.
【the act of leaving a place】

(043) Free sa------ were handed out at the store.
【a small amount of a product that people can try】

(044) I left a me------ on his answering machine.
【a piece of written or spoken information that one person gives to another】



(041) この交差点は市内で最も交通量の多い交差点のひとつだ。

(042) 飛行機の出発は予定通りだった。

(043) 店頭で無料サンプルが配布された。

(044) 私は彼の留守番電話に伝言を残した。


(045) He ac------ his mission as planned.
【to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard for a period of time】

(046) He le------ against the wall.
【to rest on something at an angle for support】

(047) The professor ex------ her theory using pictures.
【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(048) We we------ any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.
【to accept something with pleasure】



(045) 彼は予定通り任務を達成した。

(046) 彼は壁にもたれかかった。

(047) 教授は絵を使って自分の理論を説明した。

(048) サービス向上に役立つお客様の感想を歓迎します。


①very interested and excited by something that you want to do
②very pleased and happy
③the same in size, amount, value etc. as something else
④extremely good
(A)excellent【éksələnt】(Ex: The meal tasted *excellent.)(049)
(B)delighted【diláitid】(Ex: She was *delighted to hear from you.)(050)
(C)eager【íːgər】(Ex: We are all *eager for world peace.)(051)
(D)equal【íːkwəl】(Ex: Everyone is *equal under the law.)(052)



(D) equal【平等な】(Ex:法の下では誰もが平等である。)(052)


①to take something that is offered
②to show that a particular situation exists
③to say that something that was planned will not happen
④to send out programs to be received by radios or televisions
(A)cancel【kǽnsəl】(Ex: We decided to *cancel the dinner party.)(053)
(B)accept【æksépt】(Ex: I am happy to *accept your invitation.)(054)
(C)indicate【índikèit】(Ex: A smile does not always *indicate happiness.)(055)
(D)broadcast【brɔ'ːdkæ`st】(Ex: The concert will be *broadcast live tomorrow.)(056)



(D) broadcast【放送する】(Ex:そのコンサートは明日生放送される。)(056)


①to produce a book, magazine etc. for sale
②to come near to someone or something in time or distance
③to stop something from happening
④to return to a normal state after a period of difficulty
(A)prevent【privént】(Ex: We are working to *prevent forest fires.)(057)
(B)approach【əpróutʃ】(Ex: The train is *approaching the station.)(058)
(C)publish【pʌ'bliʃ】(Ex: How much does it cost to *publish a book?)(059)
(D)recover【rikʌ'vər】(Ex: The economy is beginning to *recover.)(060)





①the general impression that you have in a particular place
②the rank or role of someone in a company or society
③a public show of art or other interesting things that people can go to see
④an arrangement to have something such as a room, table, or seat kept for you to use later
(A)reservation【rèzərvéiʃən】(Ex: I called the restaurant to make a *reservation.)(061)
(B) exhibition【èksəbíʃən】(Ex: The *exhibition features 250 works of contemporary art.)(062)
(C)position【pəzíʃən】(Ex: She was promoted to the *position of school principal.)(063)
(D)atmosphere【ǽtməsfìər】(Ex: The conference was held in a friendly *atmosphere.) (064)



(B)exhibition【展覧会】(Ex: この展覧会は250点の現代美術作品を特集する。)(062)


(049) The meal tasted ex------ .
【extremely good】

(050) She was de------ to hear from you.
【very pleased and happy】

(051) We are all ea------ for world peace.
【very interested and excited by something that you want to do】

(052) Everyone is eq------ under the law.
【the same in size, amount, value etc. as something else】



(049) 食事はとても素晴らしかった。

(050) 彼女はあなたから連絡をもらえて喜んでいた。

(051) 私たちは皆、世界平和を熱望している。

(052) 法の下では誰もが平等である。


(053) We decided to ca------ the dinner party.
【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(054) I am happy to ac------ your invitation.
【to take something that is offered】

(055) A smile does not always in------ happiness.
【to show that a particular situation exists】

(056) The concert will be br------ live tomorrow.
【to send out programs to be received by radios or televisions】



(053) 夕食会を中止することにした。

(054) あなたの招待を喜んで受け入れます。

(055) 笑顔は必ずしも幸せを示すわけではない。

(056) そのコンサートは明日生放送される。


(057) We are working to pr----- forest fires.
【to stop something from happening】

(058) The train is ap----- the station.
【to come near to someone or something in time or distance】

(059) How much does it cost to pu----- a book?
【to produce a book, magazine etc. for sale】

(060) The economy is beginning to re----- .
【to return to a normal state after a period of difficulty】



(057) 私たちは森林火災を防ぐために取り組んでいる。

(058) 電車が駅に近づいている。

(059) 本を出版するにはいくらかかるだろうか。

(060) 経済は回復し始めている。


(061) I called the restaurant to make a re----- .
【an arrangement to have something such as a room, table, or seat kept for you to use later】

(062) The ex----- features 250 works of contemporary art.
【a public show of art or other interesting things that people can go to see】

(063) She was promoted to the po----- of school principal..
【the rank or role of someone in a company or society】

(064) The conference was held in a friendly at----- .
【the general impression that you have in a particular place】



(061) 予約するためにレストランに電話した。

(062) この展覧会は250点の現代美術作品を特集する。

(063) 彼女は校長の役職に昇進しました。

(064) 会議は友好的な雰囲気で行われた。

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 は覚えることではなく考えることを主眼とする新しい単語集で、学習者がレベルに合った8種類の問題を解いていくことで結果的にTOEICキーワードを覚えられるような構成になっています。考える訓練を通して未知語の推測能力も伸ばせます。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章です。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第4章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


①to keep something in good condition
②to put something in a position so that it will not move
③to make an official statement about a plan or a decision
④to make a formal request for a job
(A)fasten【fǽsn】(Ex: Please *fasten seat belt while you are seated.)(065)
(B)preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex: How can we *preserve the earth and its resources? )(066)
(C)apply【əplái】(Ex: Why are you *applying for this position?)(067)
(D)announce【ənáuns】(Ex: The government *announced tax hikes.)(068)



(B)preserve【保護する】(Ex:地球とその資源をどうやって保護できますか? )(066)
(C)apply【応募する】(Ex:なぜこの役職に応募するのですか? )(067)


①including everything, with nothing missing
②achieving the results you intended
③knowing something very well
④not being used
(A)familiar【fəmíljər】(Ex: I am not *familiar with this neighborhood.)(069)
(B)successful【səksésfəl】(Ex: She was *successful in business.)(070)
(C)entire【intáiər】(Ex: He had spent his *entire life in Africa as a doctor.)(071)
(D)vacant【véikənt】(Ex: This hotel has no *vacant rooms.)(072)





①a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people
②an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.
③a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine
④a chance to do something
(A)article【ɑ'ːrtikl】(Ex: The *article was written in English.)(073)
(B)popularity【pɑ`pjulǽrəti】(Ex: The TV program has lost *popularity in recent years.)(074)
(C)opportunity【ɑ`pərtjúːnəti】(Ex: He missed the *opportunity for a promotion.)(075)
(D)refund【rifʌ'nd】(Ex: For a *refund, you must return the item unopened.)(076)





①to put things in a particular order or position
②to have control of something
③to buy products or materials from another country
④to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it
(A)arrange【əréindʒ】(Ex: They *arranged the books according to size.)(077)
(B)advertise【ǽdvərtàiz】(Ex: Many studies show that *advertising is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.)(078)
(C)import【impɔ'ːt】(Ex: This is a car *imported from Germany.)(079)
(D)operate【ɑ'pərèit】(Ex: The costs of *operating a private school vary widely.)(080)





(065) Please fa------ seat belt while you are seated.
【to put something in a position so that it will not move】

(066) How can we pr------ the earth and its resources?
【to keep something in good condition】

(067) Why are you ap------ for this position?
【to make a formal request for a job】

(068) The government an------ tax hikes.
【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】



(065) 着席中は座席ベルトをお締めください。



(068) 政府は増税を発表した。


(069) I am not fa------ with this neighborhood.
【knowing something very well】

(070) She was su------ in business.
【achieving the results you intended】

(071) He had spent his en------ life in Africa as a doctor.
【including everything, with nothing missing】

(072) This hotel has no va------ rooms.
【not being used】



(069) 私はこの近所に詳しくない。

(070) 彼女はビジネスで成功した。

(071) 彼は医師として全生涯をアフリカで過ごした。

(072) このホテルには空室がない。


(073) The ar------ was written in English..
【a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine】

(074) The TV program has lost po------ in recent years.
【a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people】

(075) He missed the op------ for a promotion.
【a chance to do something】

(076) For a re------ , you must return the item unopened.
【an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.】



(073) その記事は英語で書かれた。

(074) そのテレビ番組は近年人気がなくなった。

(075) 彼は昇進の機会を逃した。

(076) 返金の場合は商品を未開封のままご返品ください。


(077) They ar------ the books according to size.
【to put things in a particular order or position】

(078) Many studies show that ad------ is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.
【to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it】

(079) This is a car im------ from Germany.
【to buy products or materials from another country】

(080) The costs of op------ a private school vary widely.
【to have control of something】



(077) 彼らは本を大きさに応じて並べた。

(078) 広告は喫煙と飲酒の両方の危険因子であることを多くの研究が示している。

(079) これはドイツから輸入されたクルマだ。

(080) 私立学校を運営する費用は大きく異なる。


①someone whose job is to advise people on a particular subject
②the money that you get from working
③a reduction in the price of something
④a request to make or deliver goods
(A)order【ɔ'ːrdər】(Ex: Can I cancel an *order before shipping?)(081)
(B)consultant【kənsʌ'ltənt】(Ex: I'd like to hire him as a *consultant.)(082)
(C)income【ínkʌm】(Ex: What's your annual *income?)(083)
(D)discount【dískɑunt】(Ex: I bought the car at a 10% *discount.)(084)





①to make something better
②to have an influence on someone or something
③to look at something carefully to see if there is anything wrong
④to cause someone to do something by giving reasons
(A)inspect【inspékt】(Ex: She had the car *inspected by a mechanic before she bought it.)(085)
(B)improve【imprúːv】(Ex: Exercise *improves health.)(086)
(C)persuade【pərswéid】(Ex: I *persuaded her to consult a doctor.)(087)
(D)affect【əfékt】(Ex: This bad weather will *affect the crops.)(088)





①the powerful effect that something has on someone or something
②a situation in which there is not enough of something, or none of it
③a job or profession that someone does for a long time
④someone who has special knowledge, skill or training in something
(A)career【kəríər】(Ex: He puts his family before his *career.)(089)
(B)lack【lǽk】(Ex: The problem is *lack of funds.)(090)
(C)expert【ékspəːrt】(Ex: She claimed to be an *expert in finance.)(091)
(D)impact【ímpækt】(Ex: Stress can have an enormous *impact on our health.)(092)





①to affect or change someone or something
②to suggest that someone does something
③to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different
④to sell products or materials to another country
(A)compare【kəmpéər】(Ex: The earth is small *compared with the sun.)(093)
(B)encourage【inkə'ːridʒ】(Ex: We want to *encourage students to read more.)(094)
(C)influence【ínfluəns】(Ex: We are *influenced by our environment.)(095)
(D)export【ekspɔ'ːt】(Ex: In 2021, Japan *exported roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.)(096)





(081) Can I cancel an or------ before shipping ?
【a request to make or deliver goods】

(082) I'd like to hire him as a co------ .
【someone whose job is to advise people on a particular subject】

(083) What's your annual in------ ?
【the money that you get from working】

(084) I bought the car at a 10% di------ .
【a reduction in the price of something】



(081) 発送前に注文をキャンセルできますか。

(082) 彼をコンサルタントとして雇いたい。

(083) あなたの年収はいくらですか。

(084) 私はクルマを10%割引で買った。


(085) She had the car in------ by a mechanic before she bought it.
【to look at something carefully to see if there is anything wrong】

(086) Exercise im------ health.
【to make something better】

(087) I pe------ her to consult a doctor.
【to cause someone to do something by giving reasons】

(088) This bad weather will af------ the crops.
【to have an influence on someone or something】



(085) 彼女はクルマを買う前に機械工に車を検査してもらった。

(086) 運動は健康を改善する。

(087) 私は彼女を医者に相談するように説得した。

(088) この悪天候は作物に影響を与えるだろう。


(089) He puts his family before his ca------ .
【a job or profession that someone does for a long time】

(090) The problem is la------ of funds.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something, or none of it】

(091) She claimed to be an ex------ in finance.
【someone who has special knowledge, skill or training in something】

(092) Stress can have an enormous im------ on our health.
【the powerful effect that something has on someone or something】



(089) 彼は職業よりも家族を優先する。

(090) 資金不足が問題だ。

(091) 彼女は金融の専門家だと主張した。

(092) ストレスは私たちの健康に多大な影響を与える可能性がある。


(093) The earth is small co------ with the sun.
【to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different】

(094) We want to en------ students to read more.
【to suggest that someone does something】

(095) We are in------ by our environment.
【to affect or change someone or something】

(096) In 2021, Japan ex------ roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.
【to sell products or materials to another country】



(093) 地球は太陽に比べて小さい。

(094) 私たちは学生にもっと本を読むように奨励したい。

(095) 私たちは環境に影響される。

(096) 2021年、日本は約122万台の中古自動車を輸出した。

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
 TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章サンプルをお示しします。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第4章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を考えながら解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①a machine that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck
②an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done
③an advantage you get from something
④a statement that you are not satisfied with something
(A)benefit【bénəfit】(Ex: Do you know the *benefits of eating fish?)(097)
(B)vehicle【víːikl】(Ex: There are always a lot of *vehicles on this road.)(098)
(C)complaint【kəmpléint】(Ex: I think we should ignore Mary’s *complaints.)(099)
(D)policy【pɑ'ləsi】(Ex: What is your *policy towards customers satisfaction?)(100)



(B)vehicle【車両】(Ex: この道はいつも車両が多い。)(098)


①something that people do often
②the number of people living in a particular area
③a spoken or written description of an event or situation
④the process of making or growing goods in large quantities
(A)report【ripɔ'ːrt】(Ex: A sales *report details all your business's sales activities. )(101)
(B)production【prədʌ'kʃən】(Ex: Mass *production reduced the price of many goods.)(102)
(C)practice【prǽktis】(Ex: Common *practice is not always evidence-based.)(103)
(D)population【pɑ`pjuléiʃən】(Ex: India has a *population of more than 1 billion.)(104)





①connecting ideas in a reasonable way
②successful, and producing a result that is wanted
③acceptable or right for a particular purpose
④existing only in one place or situation
(A)unique【juːníːk】(Ex: This custom is *unique to China.)(105)
(B)suitable【súːtəbl】(Ex: These shoes are not *suitable for walking.)(106)
(C)effective【iféktiv】(Ex: We find advertising on the television very *effective. )(107)
(D)logical【lɑ'dʒikəl】(Ex: He wasn't able to give me a *logical explanation for his behavior.) (108)



(D)logical【論理的な】(Ex: 彼は自分の行動を論理的に説明できなかった。)(108)


①to persuade someone to do something
②to move someone or something from one place to another
③to make arrangements to use or do something at a particular time in the future
④to get something by buying it or being given it
(A)convince【kənvíns】(Ex: I tried to *convince Mary to go home.)(109)
(B)acquire【əkwáiər】(Ex: He *acquired a large fortune when his uncle died.)(110)
(C)book【búk】(Ex: Should I *book a hotel online or call?)(111)
(D)transfer【trænsfə'ː】(Ex: She was *transferred to the headquarters in Tokyo.)(112)





(097) Do you know the be------ of eating fish?
【an advantage you get from something】

(098) There are always a lot of ve------ on this road.
【a machine that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck】

(099) I think we should ignore Mary’s co------ .
【a statement that you are not satisfied with something】

(100) What is your po------ towards customers satisfaction?
【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】



(097) 魚を食べることの利点を知っていますか。

(098) この道はいつも車両が多い。

(099) メアリーの不平は無視すべきと思います。

(100) 顧客満足に対するあなたの方針は何ですか。


(101) A sales re------ details all your business's sales activities.
【a spoken or written description of an event or situation】

(102) Mass pr------ reduced the price of many goods.
【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(103) Common pr------ is not always evidence-based.
【something that people do often】

(104) India has a po------ of more than 1 billion.
【the number of people living in a particular area】



(101) 販売報告書にはすべてのビジネスの販売活動が詳しく記載されている。

(102) 大量生産は多くの商品の価格を下げた。

(103) 一般的な慣行が必ずしも証拠に基づいているとは限らない。

(104) インドの人口は10億人以上だ。


(105) This custom is un------ to China.
【existing only in one place or situation】

(106) These shoes are not su------ for walking.
【acceptable or right for a particular purpose】

(107) We find advertising on the television very ef------ .
【successful, and producing a result that is wanted】

(108) He wasn't able to give me a lo------ explanation for his behavior.
【connecting ideas in a reasonable way】



(105) この習慣は中国独特です。

(106) この靴はウォーキングに適していない。

(107) テレビの広告はとても効果的だとわかった。

(108) 彼は自分の行動を論理的に説明できなかった。


(109) I tried to co------ Mary to go home.
【to persuade someone to do something】

(110) He ac------ a large fortune when his uncle died.
【to get something by buying it or being given it】

(111) Should I bo------ a hotel online or call?
【to make arrangements to use or do something at a particular time in the future】

(112) She was tr------ to the headquarters in Tokyo.
【to move someone or something from one place to another】



(109) 私はメアリーに家に帰るよう説得しようとした。

(110) 叔父が死んだとき、彼は大きな財産を獲得した。

(111) ホテルはネットで予約するべきですか?電話で予約するべきですか。

(112) 彼女は東京の本社に転勤になった。


①to say what something or someone is like
②to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container
③to try to find someone or something by looking carefully
④to make arrangements for an activity or event
(A)pour【pɔ'ːr】(Ex: She *poured some wine into a glass.)(113)
(B)describe【diskráib】(Ex: The police officer asked the witness to *describe the situation as accurately as possible.)(114)
(C)organize【ɔ'ːrgənàiz】(Ex: I asked Tom to help me *organize a farewell party for Mary.)(115)
(D)search【sə'ːrtʃ】(Ex: The police *searched the woods for the missing child.)(116)



(C) organize【計画する】(Ex:私はトムに、メアリーのためのお別れパーティーを計画するのを手伝ってくれるよう頼んだ。)(115)


①to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement
②to express your opposition to something
③to create something that is intended to exist for a long time
④to delay the date or time of a planned event
(A)postpone【poustpóun】(Ex: They *postponed their departure because of the storm.)(117)
(B)object【ɑ'bdʒikt】(Ex: Almost all the workers *objected to working on holidays)(118)
(C)establish【istǽbliʃ】(Ex: Harvard University was *established in 1636.)(119)
(D)negotiate【nigóuʃièit】(Ex: *Negotiating price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.)(120)





①something that causes or influences a result
②an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about
③the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had
④the person who has the highest position in a company or organization
(A)suggestion【səgdʒéstʃən】(Ex: I appreciate your *suggestion.)(121)
(B)president【prézədənt】(Ex: The owner of a company can choose to appoint a *president.)(122)
(C)factor【fǽktər】(Ex: What *factors contribute to climate change?)(123)
(D)background【bǽkgrɑùnd】(Ex: Do you know her *background?)(124)





①to be the cause of something
②to take part in an activity or event
③to have a particular situation happen to you
④to show that someone or something has a particular quality
(A)determine【ditə'ːrmin】(Ex: Our lives are *determined by our environment.)(125)
(B)experience【ikspíəriəns】(Ex: She has *experienced many hardships so far.)(126)
(C)participate【pɑːrtísəpèit】(Ex: I wanted to *participate in the discussion.)(127)
(D)prove【prúːv】(Ex: The advertisement *proved to be effective.)(128)





(113) She po------ some wine into a glass.
【to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container】

(114) The police officer asked the witness to de------ the situation as accurately as possible.
【to say what something or someone is like】

(115) I asked Tom to help me or------ a farewell party for Mary.
【to make arrangements for an activity or event】

(116) The police se------ the woods for the missing child.
【to try to find someone or something by looking carefully】


(113) poured
(116) searched

(113) 彼女はグラスにワインを注いだ。

(114) 警察官は目撃者にできるだけ正確に状況を描写するよう求めた。

(115) 私はトムに、メアリーのためのお別れパーティーを計画するのを手伝ってくれるよう頼んだ。【活動やイベントの手配をすること】

(116) 警察は行方不明の子供を求めて森を探した。


(117) They po------ their departure because of the storm.
【to delay the date or time of a planned event】

(118) Almost all the workers ob------ to working on holidays.
【to express your opposition to something】

(119) Harvard University was es------ in 1636.
【to create something that is intended to exist for a long time】

(120) Ne------ price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.
【to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement】



(117) 嵐のため、彼らは出発を延期した。

(118) ほぼすべての労働者が休日出勤に反対した。

(119) ハーバード大学は1636年に創設された。

(120) 顧客との価格交渉は販売担当者にとって重要な技能だ。


(121) I appreciate your su------ .
【an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about】

(122) The owner of a company can choose to appoint a pr------ .
【the person who has the highest position in a company or organization】

(123) What fa------ contribute to climate change?
【something that causes or influences a result】

(124) Do you know her ba------ ?
【the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had】



(121) ご提案に感謝します。

(122) 会社の所有者は社長を任命することを選択できる。

(123) 気候変動に寄与する要因は何ですか。

(124) 彼女の背景を知っていますか。


(125) Our lives are de------ by our environment.
【to be the cause of something】

(126) She has ex------ many hardships so far.
【to have a particular situation happen to you】

(127) I wanted to pa------ in the discussion.
【to take part in an activity or event】

(128) The advertisement pr------ to be effective.
【to show that someone or something has a particular quality】



(125) 私たちの人生は環境によって決定される。

(126) 彼女はこれまでに多くの困難を経験した。

(127) 私は議論に参加したかった。

(128) その広告は効果的であることが判明した。

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
 TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章サンプルをお示しします。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば語注のない第4章に取り組むのは難しくないはずです。


①a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, plane, etc.
②the amount of something that is available to be used
③an amount of money that you earn for working
④the official line that divides one country from another
(A)supply【səplái】(Ex: Let's conserve our limited water *supply.)(129)
(B)aisle【áil】(Ex: Which type of people prefer to use an *aisle seat on a plane?)(130)
(C)border【bɔ'ːrdər】(Ex: Germany shares a *border with France.)(131)
(D)wage【wéidʒ】(Ex: A minimum *wage is the lowest wage per hour that a worker may be paid.)(132)



(D)wage 【賃金】(Ex:最低賃金とは、労働者に支払われる最低時給である。)(132)


①to aim something at a particular person
②to deal with a document or request
③to be grateful for something
④to design or produce something useful for the first time
(A)process【prɑ'ses】(Ex: How long will it take to *process my order?)(133)
(B)appreciate【əpríːʃièit】(Ex: I really *appreciate your help.)(134)
(C)direct【dirékt】(Ex: Please refrain from *directing your inquiries directly to the event venue.) (135)
(D)invent【invént】(Ex: Thomas Edison *invented the light bulb.)(136)



(C)direct【dirékt】向ける(Ex: イベント会場へ直接にお問い合わせを向けることはお控えください。) (135)


①easy to recognize or understand
②happening or existing now
③to be useful, valuable or interesting enough to receive a particular action
④not joined to something else
(A)separate【sépərèit】(Ex: The trend of wealthy couples opting for *separate bedrooms is nothing new .)(137)
(B)obvious【ɑ'bviəs】(Ex: It's *obvious that Mary is just pretending to be asleep.)(138)
(C)current【kə'ːrənt】(Ex: I want to quit my *current job.)(139)
(D)worth【wə'ːrθ】(Ex: Not all the books are *worth reading.)(140)





①to search for someone or something
②to try to deal with a problem or task
③to tell someone another person's name for the first time when they meet
④to give something to someone in authority so that they can make a decision about it
(A)seek【síːk】(Ex: The company is *seeking a salesperson. )(141)
(B)submit【səbmít】(Ex: Applicants are requested to *submit their resumes.)(142)
(C)introduce【ìntrədjúːs】(Ex: Would you *introduce me to your boss?)(143)
(D)address【ədrés】(Ex: *Addressing climate change will require radical changes in lifestyles. )(144)





(129) Let's conserve our limited water su------ .
【the amount of something that is available to be used】

(130) Which type of people prefer to use an ai------ seat on a plane?
【a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, plane, etc.】

(131) Germany shares a bo------ with France.
【the official line that divides one country from another】

(132) A minimum wa------ is the lowest wa------ per hour that a worker may be paid.
【an amount of money that you earn for working】



(129) 限られた水の供給を節約しましょう。

(130) 飛行機で通路側の席を使いたいのはどんなタイプの人ですか。

(131) ドイツはフランスと国境を接する。

(132) 最低賃金とは、労働者に支払われる最低時給である。


(133) How long will it take to pr------ my order?
【to deal with a document or request】

(134) I really ap------ your help.
【to be grateful for something】

(135) Please refrain from di------ your inquiries directly to the event venue.
【to aim something at a particular person】

(136) Thomas Edison in------ the light bulb.
【to design or produce something useful for the first time】



(133) 私の注文を処理するのにどれくらい時間がかかりますか。

(134) お助けに本当に感謝します。

(135) イベント会場へ直接にお問い合わせを向けることはお控えください。

(136) トーマス・エジソンは電球を発明した。


(137) The trend of wealthy couples opting for se------ bedrooms is nothing new .
【not joined to something else】

(138) It's ob------ that Mary is just pretending to be asleep.
【easy to recognize or understand】

(139) I want to quit my cu------ job.
【happening or existing now】

(140) Not all the books are wo------ reading.
【to be useful, valuable or interesting enough to receive a particular action】



(137) 裕福なカップルが別々の寝室を選ぶ傾向は、何ら目新しいものではない。

(138) メアリーが寝たふりをしているだけであることは明らかだ。

(139) 私は現在の仕事をやめたい。

(140) すべての本が読む価値があるわけではない。


(141) The company is se------ a salesperson.
【to search for someone or something】

(142) Applicants are requested to su------ their resumes.
【to give something to someone in authority so that they can make a decision about it】

(143) Would you in------ me to your boss?
【to tell someone another person's name for the first time when they meet】

(144) Ad------ climate change will require radical changes in lifestyles.
【to try to deal with a problem or task】



(141) その会社は販売担当者を探している。

(142) 応募者は履歴書の提出を求められる。

(143) あなたの上司に私を紹介していただけますか。

(144) 気候変動に対処するには、ライフスタイルの根本的な変化が必要だ。


①an amount of money that you spend on something
②a way of dealing with a difficult problem
③an official document that has spaces where you write information
④something that you have to do because it is your responsibility
(A)duty【djúːti】(Ex: She has to carry out her *duties.)(145)
(B)form【fɔ'ːrm】(Ex: Please fill in the application *form, all of the items.)(146)
(C)solution【səlúːʃən】(Ex: He came up with a *solution to the problem.)(147)
(D)expense【ikspéns】(Ex: The company is trying to cut down on *expenses. )(148)





①to stay in the same state or condition
②to organize something and carry it out
③to cause two or more things to be together
④to give information to someone officially
(A)remain【riméin】(Ex: Please *remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.)(149)
(B)inform【infɔ'ːrm】(Ex: We regret to *inform you that the position has now been filled.)(150)
(C)conduct【kənˈdʌkt】(Ex: Police are responsible for *conducting criminal investigations.)(151)
(D)combine【kɑ'mbain】(Ex: How does hydrogen and oxygen *combine to form water?)(152)





①the money that you make from your business
②a journey on an airplane
③a particular way of doing something
④a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something
(A)flight【fláit】(Ex: All *flights to London are delayed because of bad weather. )(153)
(B)invitation【ìnvətéiʃən】(Ex: I am glad to accept your *invitation to the banquet.)(154)
(C)profit【prɑ'fit】(Ex: Stock investments do not always yield *profit.)(155)
(D)method【méθəd】(Ex: They adopted a new *method of teaching English.)(156)





①to recognize a difference between people or things
②to go a place or event with someone
③to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.
④to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar
(A)serve【sə'ːrv】(Ex: The restaurant *serves excellent Indian cuisine.)(157)
(B)accompany【əkʌ'mpəni】(Ex: All children under the age of 13 must be *accompanied by an adult.)(158)
(C)develop【divéləp】(Ex: We need to *develop renewable energy sources.)(159)
(D)distinguish【distíŋgwiʃ】(Ex: She is old enough to *distinguish between fact and fantasy.)(160)





(145) She has to carry out her du------ .
【something that you have to do because it is your responsibility】

(146) Please fill in the application fo------ , all of the items.
【an official document that has spaces where you write information】

(147) He came up with a so------ to the problem.
【a way of dealing with a difficult problem】

(148) The company is trying to cut down on ex------ .
【an amount of money that you spend on something】



(145) 彼女は義務を遂行しなければならない。

(146) 申請用紙のすべての項目にご記入ください。

(147) 彼はその問題の解決策を思いついた。

(148) 会社は経費を削減しようとしている。


(149) Please re----- seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
【to stay in the same state or condition】

(150) We regret to in----- you that the position has now been filled.
【to give information to someone officially】

(151) Police are responsible for co----- criminal investigations.
【to organize something and carry it out】

(152) How does hydrogen and oxygen co----- to form water?
【to cause two or more things to be together】



(149) 飛行機が完全に停止するまで座席に座ったままでいてください。

(150) 残念ながらその職は埋まっていることをお知らせいたします。

(151) 警察は犯罪捜査を行う責任がある。

(152) 水素と酸素はどのように結合して水になりますか。


(153) All fl------ to London are delayed because of bad weather.
【a journey on an airplane】

(154) I am glad to accept your in------ to the banquet.
【a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something】

(155) Stock investments do not always yield pr------ .
【the money that you make from your business】

(156) They adopted a new me------ of teaching English.
【a particular way of doing something】



(153) 悪天候のためロンドン行きのフライトはすべて遅れている。

(154) 晩餐会へのご招待を喜んでお受けいたします。

(155) 株式投資が必ずしも利益を生むとは限らない。

(156) 彼らは英語を教える新しい方法を採用した。


(157) The restaurant se------ excellent Indian cuisine.
【to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar】

(158) All children under the age of 13 must be ac------ by an adult.
【to go a place or event with someone】

(159) We need to de------ renewable energy sources.
【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.】

(160) She is old enough to di------ between fact and fantasy.
【to recognize a difference between people or things】



(157) そのレストランは素晴らしいインド料理を提供する。

(158) 13歳未満のお子様には大人の同伴が必要です。

(159) われわれは再生可能エネルギー源を開発する必要があります。

(160) 彼女は事実と空想を区別できる年齢だ。

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→600点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上500点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しているのは早い段階から英英式で学んでいるからです。2009年センター試験英語には英英辞典を「使うのがとても難しい」と語る大学生が登場しました。英英辞典を自在に使えるTOEIC受験者もそう多くはない現状で、日常的に英英定義に親しんで英英辞典を自在に使いこなせる域に達すれば断然有利です。

 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章です。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第4章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を考えながら解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①to think of someone or something as being good or important
②to put a large quantity of things into something such as a vehicle or container
③to take something away from a place
④to be on every side of someone or something
(A)load【lóud】(Ex: She *loaded the truck with sand.)(161)
(B)recognize【rékəgnàiz】(Ex: He wasn't *recognized as a great writer until after his death.)(162)
(C)surround【səráund】(Ex: Japan is a country that is completely *surrounded by oceans.)(163)
(D)remove【rimúːv】(Ex: Trees help to *remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.)(164)





①a substance that is used for treating illness
②the qualification that you get after completing a course of study at a university or college
③a part of land that is different from other parts in some way
④your feelings or ideas about someone or something
(A)degree【digríː】(Ex: Does Harvard offer a *degree in architecture?)(165)
(B)opinion【əpínjən】(Ex: Her *opinion is similar to mine.)(166)
(C)medicine【médəsin】(Ex: The doctor prescribed *medicine for the patient. )(167)
(D)region【ríːdʒən】(Ex: Rainfall is abundant in this *region.)(168)



(A)degree【学位】(Ex: ハーバード大学は建築の学位を授与していますか。)(165)


①to pay money to use something that belongs to someone else
②to produce something
③to do something in order to find out whether something is correct
④to show something for people to consider or judge
(A)generate【dʒénərèit】(Ex: What is the easiest way to *generate electricity?)(169)
(B)check【tʃék】(Ex: The doctor *checked the patient's eyes.)(170)
(C)present【préznt】(Ex: In *presenting data effectively, you should focus on conveying key ideas or insights.)(171)
(D)rent【rént】(Ex: *Renting a car gives you the flexibility to drive to a nearby city or attraction outside of Tokyo.)(172)





①the place where someone is going
②the act of paying money for something
③the act of building something
④a personal opinion or way of thinking about something
(A)construction【kənstrʌ'kʃən】(Ex: A new bridge is under *construction.)(173)
(B)destination【dèstənéiʃən】(Ex: We arrived at our *destination ahead of schedule.)(174)
(C)payment【péimənt】(Ex: We give 10 % discount for cash *payment.)(175)
(D)view【vjúː】(Ex: People vary greatly in their *views of life.)(176)





(161) She lo------ the truck with sand.
【to put a large quantity of things into something such as a vehicle or container】

(162) He wasn't re------ as a great writer until after his death.
【to think of someone or something as being good or important】

(163) Japan is a country that is completely su------ by oceans.
【to be on every side of someone or something】

(164) Trees help to re------ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
【to take something away from a place】



(161) 彼女はトラックに砂を積んだ。

(162) 彼は存命中には偉大な作家として認められなかった。

(163) 日本は完全に海に囲まれた国だ。

(164) 木は大気から二酸化炭素を取り除くのに役立つ。


(165) Does Harvard offer a de------ in architecture?
【the qualification that you get after completing a course of study at a university or college】

(166) Her op------ is similar to mine.
【your feelings or ideas about someone or something】

(167) The doctor prescribed me------ for the patient.
【a substance that is used for treating illness】

(168) Rainfall is abundant in this re------ .
【a part of land that is different from other parts in some way】



(165) ハーバード大学は建築の学位を授与していますか。

(166) 彼女の意見は私の意見と似ている。

(167) 医者は患者に薬を処方した。

(168) この地域は雨が多い。


(169) What is the easiest way to ge------ electricity?
【to produce something】

(170) The doctor ch------ the patient's eyes.
【to do something in order to find out whether something is correct】

(171) In pr------ data effectively, you should focus on conveying key ideas or insights.
【to show something for people to consider or judge】

(172) Re------ a car gives you the flexibility to drive to a nearby city or attraction outside of Tokyo.
【to pay money to use something that belongs to someone else】


(172) Renting

(169) 電力を作り出す最も簡単な方法は何だろうか。

(170) 医者は患者の目を調べた。

(171) データを効果的に提示するには、重要な考えや洞察を伝えることに重点を置く必要がある。【人々が検討したり判断したりするように何かを見せること】

(172) クルマを賃借すると、近くの都市や東京以外の観光名所までドライブする柔軟性が得られる。


(173) A new bridge is under co------ .
【the act of building something】

(174) We arrived at our de------ ahead of schedule.
【the place where someone is going】

(175) We give 10 % discount for cash pa------ .
【the act of paying money for something】

(176) People vary greatly in their vi------ of life.
【a personal opinion or way of thinking about something】



(173) 新しい橋が建設中だ。

(174) われわれは予定より早く目的地に到着した。

(175) 現金支払いの場合は10%割引します。

(176) 人生観は人によって大きく異なる。


①to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.
②to collect money from people for a particular purpose
③to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly
④to increase something as much as possible
(A)maintain【meintéin】(Ex: It is important to *maintain the same high level of productivity.)(177)
(B)raise【réiz】(Ex: How can we *raise money for a person or family in need? )(178)
(C)found【fáund】(Ex: She *founded the company five years ago.)(179)
(D)maximize【mǽksəmàiz】(Ex: How do I *maximize my profit and minimize loss?)(180)



(D) maximize【最大化する】(Ex:利益を最大化し、損失を最小化するにはどうすればよいだろう。)(180)


①relating to the present time
②arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events
③must be obeyed completely
④correct in every detail
(A)regular【régjulər】(Ex: Complimentary *regular shuttle bus service is available. )(181)
(B)modern【mɑ'dərn】(Ex: *Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.)(182)
(C)accurate【ǽkjurət】(Ex: Her novel is not historically *accurate.)(183)
(D)strict【stríkt】(Ex: There is a very *strict rule forbidding smoking on the street. )(184)





①to think carefully about someone or something
②to get something that you want, usually by effort
③to say that something will happen in the future
④to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition
(A)predict【pridíkt】(Ex: Why is it so hard to *predict earthquakes?)(185)
(B)repair【ripéər】(Ex: It isn't worth *repairing this car. )(186)
(C)obtain【əbtéin】(Ex: To be able to drive in Japan, you must *obtain a Japanese driver's license.)(187)
(D)consider【kənsídər】(Ex: I am seriously *considering changing careers. )(188)





①to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully
②to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water
③to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address
④to choose someone for a job or position
(A)judge【dʒʌ'dʒ】(Ex: We shouldn't *judge others by their appearances.)(189)
(B)appoint【əpɔ'int】(Ex: He was *appointed to the president of the company in 2020.)(190)
(C)reflect【riflékt】(Ex: She saw herself *reflected in the water.)(191)
(D)forward【fɔ'ːrwərd】(Ex: How do I automatically *forward email to another address?)(192)



(D)forward【転送する】(Ex: 電子メールを自動的に別のアドレスに転送するにはどうすればよいですか?)(192)


(177) It is important to ma------ the same high level of productivity.
【to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly】

(178) How can we ra------ money for a person or family in need?
【to collect money from people for a particular purpose】

(179) She fo------ the company five years ago.
【to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.】

(180) How do I ma------ my profit and minimize loss?
【to increase something as much as possible】



(177) 同じ高いレベルの生産性を維持することが重要である。

(178) 困っている人や家族のためにお金を集めるにはどうすればいいですか。

(179) 彼女は5年前に会社を設立した。

(180) 利益を最大化し、損失を最小化するにはどうすればよいだろう。


(181) Complimentary re------ shuttle bus service is available.
【arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events】

(182) Mo------ technology has made our lives more comfortable.
【relating to the present time】

(183) Her novel is not historically ac------ .
【correct in every detail】

(184) There is a very st------ rule forbidding smoking on the street.
【must be obeyed completely】



(181) 無料の定期シャトルバスがあります。

(182) 現代の科学技術は私たちの生活をより快適にした。

(183) 彼女の小説は歴史的に正確ではない。

(184) 路上での喫煙を禁止する非常に厳格な規則がある。


(185) Why is it so hard to pr------ earthquakes?
【to say that something will happen in the future】

(186) It isn't worth re------ this car.
【to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition】

(187) To be able to drive in Japan, you must ob------ a Japanese driver's license.
【to get something that you want, usually by effort】

(188) I am seriously co------ changing careers.
【to think carefully about someone or something】



(185) 地震を予知するのはなぜ難しいのだろう。

(186) この車は修理する価値がない。

(187) 日本で運転できるようになるには、日本の運転免許証を取得する必要がある。

(188) 私は転職を真剣に考慮している。


(189) We shouldn't ju------ others by their appearances.
【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(190) He was ap------ to the president of the company in 2020.
【to choose someone for a job or position】

(191) She saw herself re------ in the water.
【to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water】

(192) How do I automatically fo------ email to another address?
【to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address】



(189) 他者を見た目で判断してはいけない。

(190) 彼は2020年に会社の社長に任命された。

(191) 彼女は水に自分自身が映っているのを見た。


TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 は覚えることではなく考えることを主眼とする新しい単語集で、学習者がレベルに合った8種類の問題を解いていくことで結果的にTOEICキーワードを覚えられるような構成になっています。考える訓練を通して未知語の推測能力も伸ばせます。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章です。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第4章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


①to think of someone or something in a particular way
②to pay attention to something
③to make things in large quantities to be sold
④to talk about something with someone in order to decide something
(A)produce【prədjúːs】(Ex: This factory *produces 800 automobiles a day.)(193)
(B)discuss【diskʌ's】(Ex: He *discussed the plan with several colleagues.)(194)
(C)note【nóut】(Ex: Please *note that prices and specifications may change in the future.)(195)
(D)regard【rigɑ'ːrd】(Ex: Everyone *regarded her as a great singer.)(196)





①an action that is intended to achieve a particular aim
②a meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out whether you are suitable for a job or course
③someone who designs or builds roads, bridges, or machines etc.
④facts or signs which shows that something exists or is true
(A)engineer【èndʒiníər】(Ex: He is studying to be a mechanical *engineer.)(197)
(B)interview【íntərvjùː】(Ex: The *interview is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.)(198)
(C)measure【méʒər】(Ex: There are numerous *measures to prevent traffic accidents. )(199)
(D)evidence【évədəns】(Ex: There is no *evidence of life beyond Earth.)(200)





①to make something less or smaller in size, amount, number, etc.
②to talk or write about something or someone briefly
③to advise someone that something is good or useful
④to like someone or something more than someone or something else
(A)mention【ménʃən】(Ex: He didn't *mention the reason for being late. )(201)
(B)prefer【prifə'ːr】(Ex: I *prefer to buy food produced in their local area.)(202)
(C)recommend【rèkəménd】(Ex: Could you *recommend a good hotel in London? )(203)
(D)reduce【ridjúːs】(Ex: Prices have been *reduced by 10 to 20 percent.)(204)





①not in a place where you are expected to be
②sharing some features but not exactly the same
③relating to money
④not too expensive
(A)absent【ǽbsnt】(Ex: Do you know why she is *absent from school?)(205)
(B)similar【símələr】(Ex: The climate here is very *similar to that of Japan.)(206)
(C)reasonable【ríːzənəbl】(Ex: I bought this secondhand car for a *reasonable price.)(207)
(D)financial【finǽnʃəl】(Ex: The new government is in *financial difficulties.)(208)





(193) This factory pr------ 800 automobiles a day.
【to make things in large quantities to be sold】

(194) He di------ the plan with several colleagues.
【to talk about something with someone in order to decide something】

(195) Please no------ that prices and specifications may change in the future.
【to pay attention to something】

(196) Everyone re------ her as a great singer.
【to think of someone or something in a particular way】



(193) この工場は1日800台の自動車を生産する。

(194) 彼はその計画を数人の同僚と議論した。

(195) 価格と仕様は将来変更される可能性がありますのでご留意ください。

(196) 誰もが彼女を偉大な歌手だとみなした。


(197) He is studying to be a mechanical en------ .
【someone who designs or builds roads, bridges, or machines etc.】

(198) The in------ is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.
【a meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out whether you are suitable for a job or course】

(199) There are numerous me------ to prevent traffic accidents.
【an action that is intended to achieve a particular aim】

(200) There is no ev------ of life beyond Earth.
【facts or signs which shows that something exists or is true】



(197) 彼は機械技術者になるために勉強している。

(198) 面接は明日の午前11時に予定されている。

(199) 交通事故を防ぐための対策は数多くある。

(200) 地球外に生命が存在するという証拠はない。


(201) He didn't me------ the reason for being late.
【to talk or write about something or someone briefly】

(202) I pr------ to buy food produced in their local area.
【to like someone or something more than someone or something else】

(203) Could you re------ a good hotel in London?
【to advise someone that something is good or useful】

(204) Prices have been re------ by 10 to 20 percent.
【to make something less or smaller in size, amount, number, etc.】








(205)Do you know why she is ab------ from school?
【not in a place where you are expected to be】

(206)The climate here is very si------ to that of Japan.
【sharing some features but not exactly the same】

(207)I bought this secondhand car for a re------ price.
【not too expensive】

(208)The new government is in fi------ difficulties.
【relating to money】








①the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power
②a substance for making something
③an area where people live that is away from the center of a city
④the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce
(A)suburb【sʌ'bəːrb】(Ex: Do you need a car to live in the Chicago *suburbs?)(209)
(B)capacity【kəpǽsəti】(Ex: Manufacturing *capacity is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.)(210)
(C)permission【pərmíʃən】(Ex: Do I need *permission to park here?)(211)
(D)material【mətíəriəl】(Ex: Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled *materials.)(212)





①the people and things around you that influence your life
②the act of helping or supporting someone
③a method of doing or achieving something
④a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things
(A)wealth【wélθ】(Ex: Health is more important than *wealth.)(213)
(B)assistance【əsístəns】(Ex: If it had not been for your *assistance, I would have failed.)(214)
(C)environment【inváiərənmənt】(Ex: Does the *environment of a business impact its productivity?)(215)
(D)means【míːnz】(Ex: For me, money is only the *means to an end.)(216)



(B) assistance【助け】(Ex:あなたの助けがなかったら、私は失敗していただろう。)(214)
(C) environment【環境】(Ex:仕事の環境は生産性に影響を与えるだろうか。)(215)


①to succeed in doing something difficult
②to change something slightly so that it works better
③to express your approval or admiration for someone or something
④to let someone do something
(A)allow【əláu】(Ex: Swimming is not *allowed in this river.)(217)
(B)praise【préiz】(Ex: My boss *praised me for my diligence.)(218)
(C)adjust【ədʒʌ'st】(Ex: You can *adjust the screen color and brightness manually or automatically. )(219)
(D)manage【mǽnidʒ】(Ex: We *managed to deliver the products on time.)(220)





①forming the most important part of something
②having a lot of people, especially too many
③unable to be found in its usual place
④not far in distance or time
(A)crowded【kráudid】(Ex: The train was very *crowded.)(221)
(B)basic【béisik】(Ex: Freedom of expression is a *basic human right.)(222)
(C)close【klóuz】(Ex: This hotel is *close to the station.)(223)
(D)missing【mísiŋ】(Ex: We searched everywhere for the *missing child.)(224)





(209)Do you need a car to live in the Chicago su------ ?
【an area where people live that is away from the center of a city】

(210)Manufacturing ca------ is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.
【the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce】

(211)Do I need pe------ to park here?
【the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power】

(212)Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled ma---- .
【a substance for making something】



(209) シカゴ郊外に住むのに車は必要だろうか。

(210) 製造能力とは工場が生産できる最大の生産量である。

(211) ここに駐車するのに許可が必要ですか。

(212) 消費者はリサイクル材料から作られた製品に対して好意的な態度を取る。


(213)Health is more important than we------ .
【a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things】

(214)If it had not been for your as------ , I would have failed.
【the act of helping or supporting someone】

(215)Does the en------ of a business impact its productivity?
【the people and things around you that influence your life】

(216)For me, money is only the me------ to an end.
【a method of doing or achieving something】








(217)Swimming is not al------ in this river.
【to let someone do something】

(218)My boss pr------ me for my diligence.
【to express your approval or admiration for someone or something】

(219)You can ad------ the screen color and brightness manually or automatically.
【to change something slightly so that it works better】

(220)We ma------ to deliver the products on time.
【to succeed in doing something difficult】








(221)The train was very cr------ .
【having a lot of people, especially too many】

(222)Freedom of expression is a ba------ human right.
【forming the most important part of something】

(223)This hotel is cl------ to the station.
【not far in distance or time】

(224)We searched everywhere for the mi------ child.
【unable to be found in its usual place】








①a situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed
②what something does or what it is used for
③a scientific test done to find out what happens under certain conditions
④a person whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a place such as a hotel, office, or hospital
(A)receptionist【risépʃənist】(Ex: The *receptionist recognized her at once.) (225)
(B)experiment【ekspérəmənt】(Ex: She is carrying out *experiments in her laboratory.)(226)
(C)shortage【ʃɔ'ːrtidʒ】(Ex: There's a *shortage of housing in the region. )(227)
(D)function【fʌ'ŋkʃən】(Ex: The *function of the heart is to pump blood. )(228)



(A) receptionist【受付係】(Ex:受付係はすぐに彼女を認識した。) (225)


①to find a way to deal with a problem
②to get something you need
③to arrange that something will happen at a particular time
④to do something instead of someone or something
(A)gain【géin】(Ex: The country *gained its independence in 1776.)(229)
(B)schedule【skédʒuːl】(Ex: What time is her plane *scheduled to leave?)(230)
(C)replace【ripléis】(Ex: Can solar energy *replace fossil fuels?)(231)
(D)solve【sɑ'lv】(Ex: She assured us of her ability to *solve the problem.)(232)





①a statement about what is going to happen in the future
②something that puts you in a better position
③trade in a particular type of goods
④a date when you celebrate something important that happened in a previous year
(A)advantage【ædvǽntidʒ】(Ex: He had the *advantage of a good education.)(233)
(B)forecast【fɔ'ɚkæ`st】(Ex: According to the weather *forecast, it will snow tomorrow.)(234)
(C)anniversary【æ`nəvə'ːrsəri】(Ex: We celebrate our wedding *anniversary annually.)(235)
(D)market【mɑ'ːrkit】(Ex: The real estate *market situation is difficult to predict.)(236)





①to say officially that something must not be done
②to put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it can be used
③to officially give something to someone
④to act in a particular way
(A)behave【bihéiv】(Ex: I can’t put up with the way he *behaves.)(237)
(B)install【instɔ'ːl】(Ex: Tom *installed an alarm system in his office.)(238)
(C)ban【bǽn】(Ex: Smoking is *banned in the building.)(239)
(D)issue【íʃuː】(Ex: Japanese driver's licenses are *issued by the prefectural government's public safety commissions. )(240)




(225)The re------ recognized her at once.
【a person whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a place such as a hotel, office, or hospital】

(226)She is carrying out ex------ in her laboratory.
【a scientific test done to find out what happens under certain conditions】

(227)There's a sh------ of housing in the region.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed】

(228)The fu------ of the heart is to pump blood.
【what something does or what it is used for】



(225) 受付係はすぐに彼女を認識した。

(226) 彼女は研究室で実験を行っている。

(227) その地域では住宅が不足している。

(228) 心臓の機能は血液を送り出すことだ。


(229) The country ga------ its independence in 1776.
【to get something you need】

(230) What time is her plane sc------ to leave?
【to arrange that something will happen at a particular time】

(231) Can solar energy re------ fossil fuels?
【to do something instead of someone or something】

(232) She assured us of her ability to so------ the problem.
【to find a way to deal with a problem】



(229) その国は1776年に独立を勝ち取った。

(230) 彼女の飛行機は何時に出発する予定ですか。

(231) 太陽エネルギーは化石燃料に取って代わることができるだろうか。

(232) 自分はその問題を解決する能力があると彼女は私たちに保証した。

(233) He had the ad------ of a good education.
【something that puts you in a better position】

(234) According to the weather fo------ , it will snow tomorrow.
【a statement about what is going to happen in the future】

(235) We celebrate our wedding an------ annually.
【a date when you celebrate something important that happened in a previous year】

(236) The real estate ma------ situation is difficult to predict.
【trade in a particular type of goods】



(233) 彼は良い教育を受けているという利点があった。

(234) 天気予報によると、明日は雪が降るそうだ。

(235) 私たちは結婚記念日を毎年祝う。

(236) 不動産市場の状況は予測することが困難だ。

(237) I can’t put up with the way he be------ .
【to act in a particular way】

(238) Tom in------ an alarm system in his office.
【to put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it can be used】

(239) Smoking is ba------ in the building.
【to say officially that something must not be done】

(240) Japanese driver's licenses are is------ by the prefectural government's public safety commissions.
【to officially give something to someone】



(237) 私は彼の振る舞い方に我慢できない。

(238) トムはオフィスに警報システムを設置した。

(239) 建物内での喫煙は禁止されている。

(240) 日本の運転免許証は都道府県公安委員会によって発行される。

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章

I'd like to ------ this sweater for a smaller one.

(A) display
(B) attend
(C) delay
(D) exchange

TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 は以下のような問題を考えながら解くことで、キーワードが自然に覚えられるように構成されています。

①display【displéi】(Ex: A variety ofさまざまな books are *displayed in this library.)(001) 
②exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: I'd like to *exchange this sweater for a smaller one.)(002)
③delay【diléi】(Ex: The train's departure出発 will be *delayed. )(003)
④attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the meeting yesterday.)(004)
(A)to go to an event or activity
(B)to make someone or something late
(C)to give something to someone and receive something in return
(D)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily


以下に、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章に収録された2文字ヒント英英定義挟み撃ち問題(001)~(120)を和訳抜きでご紹介します。

(001)A variety of books are di------ in this library.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(002)I'd like to ex------ this sweater for a smaller one.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(003)The train's departure will be de------ .
【to make someone or something late】

(004)She did not at------ the meeting yesterday.
【to go to an event or activity】


(005)Nothing is ac------ without effort.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(006)I have to pr------ for the entrance examination.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(007)Free newspapers are di------ free of charge.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(008)Can I bo------ your camera?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】


(009)I am ce------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(010) I am afraid I am not av------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(011)Parents are re------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(012)Please don't leave anything va------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】


(013)He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's ad------ .
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(014)I have a dentist ap------ at 3:30.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(015)I'd like you to translate this do------ into English.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(016) Child la------ is a serious social problem.
【work, especially physical work】


(017) US officials have confirmed that all passengers and cr------ died when the plane crashed.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(018) Have you made all the ar------ for your trip?
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(019) The flight's estimated time of ar------ is 9:30.
【the act of reaching a place】

(020) Doctors use medical eq------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】


(021) The doctors are conducting medical re------ .
【the activity of discovering information about something】

(022) The co------ is based in Tokyo.
【a business organization that produces or sells goods or services for money】

(023) She put the book on the sh------ .
【a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., used for putting things on】

(024) I had no re------ to my letter.
【something that is done as a reaction to something else】


(025) I re------ a letter from her.
【to be given something】

(026) She st------ the importance of daily exercise.
【to give special attention to something such as an idea or fact】

(027) I'm calling to co------ my booking.
【to make an arrangement more certain or official】

(028) This drink doesn't co------ any alcohol.
【to have or include something】


(029) A passport is ne------ when you travel overseas.
【important or needed in order to do something】

(030) He is ca------ of teaching English.
【having the ability that is needed to do something】

(031) Rains are fr------ here in early summer.
【happening often】

(032) Since this restaurant is always bu------ , consider making reservations.
【full of people】


(033) I need to sw------ the kitchen.
【to clean a floor, the ground, etc. using a broom】

(034) She gr------ with a degree in mathematics.
【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(035) Would you mind re------ the question?
【to do something again】

(036) The committee ap------ the plan.
【to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.】

(034) graduated

(037) It's possible to travel on a tight bu------ .
【the money that is available to a person or organization】

(038) She had unrealistic ex------ .
【hopes or beliefs that something will happen】

(039) What do you think of his pr------ ?
【a formal suggestion or plan that is presented to a person or group】

(040) We'll meet you at the en------ .
【the place that you go through to enter a room, building, or area】


(041) This in------ is one of the busiest in the city.
【a place where roads join or cross】

(042) The plane's de------ was on schedule.
【the act of leaving a place】

(043) Free sa------ were handed out at the store.
【a small amount of a product that people can try】

(044) I left a me------ on his answering machine.
【a piece of written or spoken information that one person gives to another】


(045) He ac------ his mission as planned.
【to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard for a period of time】

(046) He le------ against the wall.
【to rest on something at an angle for support】

(047) The professor ex------ her theory using pictures.
【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(048) We we------ any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.
【to accept something with pleasure】


(049) The meal tasted ex------ .
【extremely good】

(050) She was de------ to hear from you.
【very pleased and happy】

(051) We are all ea------ for world peace.
【very interested and excited by something that you want to do】

(052) Everyone is eq------ under the law.
【the same in size, amount, value etc. as something else】


(053) We decided to ca------ the dinner party.
【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(054) I am happy to ac------ your invitation.
【to take something that is offered】

(055) A smile does not always in------ happiness.
【to show that a particular situation exists】

(056) The concert will be br------ live tomorrow.
【to send out programs to be received by radios or televisions】


(057) We are working to pr----- forest fires.
【to stop something from happening】

(058) The train is ap----- the station.
【to come near to someone or something in time or distance】

(059) How much does it cost to pu----- a book?
【to produce a book, magazine etc. for sale】

(060) The economy is beginning to re----- .
【to return to a normal state after a period of difficulty】


(061) I called the restaurant to make a re----- .
【an arrangement to have something such as a room, table, or seat kept for you to use later】

(062) The ex----- features 250 works of contemporary art.
【a public show of art or other interesting things that people can go to see】

(063) She was promoted to the po----- of school principal..
【the rank or role of someone in a company or society】

(064) The conference was held in a friendly at----- .
【the general impression that you have in a particular place】


(065) Please fa------ seat belt while you are seated.
【to put something in a position so that it will not move】

(066) How can we pr------ the earth and its resources?
【to keep something in good condition】

(067) Why are you ap------ for this position?
【to make a formal request for a job】

(068) The government an------ tax hikes.
【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】


(069) I am not fa------ with this neighborhood.
【knowing something very well】

(070) She was su------ in business.
【achieving the results you intended】

(071) He had spent his en------ life in Africa as a doctor.
【including everything, with nothing missing】

(072) This hotel has no va------ rooms.
【not being used】


(073) The ar------ was written in English..
【a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine】

(074) The TV program has lost po------ in recent years.
【a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people】

(075) He missed the op------ for a promotion.
【a chance to do something】

(076) For a re------ , you must return the item unopened.
【an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.】


(077) They ar------ the books according to size.
【to put things in a particular order or position】

(078) Many studies show that ad------ is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.
【to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it】

(079) This is a car im------ from Germany.
【to buy products or materials from another country】

(080) The costs of op------ a private school vary widely.
【to have control of something】


(081) Can I cancel an or------ before shipping ?
【a request to make or deliver goods】

(082) I'd like to hire him as a co------ .
【someone whose job is to advise people on a particular subject】

(083) What's your annual in------ ?
【the money that you get from working】

(084) I bought the car at a 10% di------ .
【a reduction in the price of something】


(085) She had the car in------ by a mechanic before she bought it.
【to look at something carefully to see if there is anything wrong】

(086) Exercise im------ health.
【to make something better】

(087) I pe------ her to consult a doctor.
【to cause someone to do something by giving reasons】

(088) This bad weather will af------ the crops.
【to have an influence on someone or something】


(089) He puts his family before his ca------ .
【a job or profession that someone does for a long time】

(090) The problem is la------ of funds.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something, or none of it】

(091) She claimed to be an ex------ in finance.
【someone who has special knowledge, skill or training in something】

(092) Stress can have an enormous im------ on our health.
【the powerful effect that something has on someone or something】


(093) The earth is small co------ with the sun.
【to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different】

(094) We want to en------ students to read more.
【to suggest that someone does something】

(095) We are in------ by our environment.
【to affect or change someone or something】

(096) In 2021, Japan ex------ roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.
【to sell products or materials to another country】


(097) Do you know the be------ of eating fish?
【an advantage you get from something】

(098) There are always a lot of ve------ on this road.
【a machine that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck】

(099) I think we should ignore Mary’s co------ .
【a statement that you are not satisfied with something】

(100) What is your po------ towards customers satisfaction?
【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】


(101) A sales re------ details all your business's sales activities.
【a spoken or written description of an event or situation】

(102) Mass pr------ reduced the price of many goods.
【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(103) Common pr------ is not always evidence-based.
【something that people do often】

(104) India has a po------ of more than 1 billion.
【the number of people living in a particular area】


(105) This custom is un------ to China.
【existing only in one place or situation】

(106) These shoes are not su------ for walking.
【acceptable or right for a particular purpose】

(107) We find advertising on the television very ef------ .
【successful, and producing a result that is wanted】

(108) He wasn't able to give me a lo------ explanation for his behavior.
【connecting ideas in a reasonable way】


(109) I tried to co------ Mary to go home.
【to persuade someone to do something】

(110) He ac------ a large fortune when his uncle died.
【to get something by buying it or being given it】

(111) Should I bo------ a hotel online or call?
【to make arrangements to use or do something at a particular time in the future】

(112) She was tr------ to the headquarters in Tokyo.
【to move someone or something from one place to another】


(113) She po------ some wine into a glass.
【to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container】

(114) The police officer asked the witness to de------ the situation as accurately as possible.
【to say what something or someone is like】

(115) I asked Tom to help me or------ a farewell party for Mary.
【to make arrangements for an activity or event】

(116) The police se------ the woods for the missing child.
【to try to find someone or something by looking carefully】

(113) poured
(116) searched

(117) They po------ their departure because of the storm.
【to delay the date or time of a planned event】

(118) Almost all the workers ob------ to working on holidays.
【to express your opposition to something】

(119) Harvard University was es------ in 1636.
【to create something that is intended to exist for a long time】

(120) Ne------ price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.
【to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement】

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2023年11月19日 | TOEIC240第4章

I appreciate your ------ .

(A) factors
(B) suggestion
(C) background
(D) president

TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 は以下のような問題を考えながら解くことで、キーワードが自然に覚えられるように構成されています。

①suggestion【səgdʒéstʃən】(Ex: I appreciate感謝する your *suggestion.)(121)
②president【prézədənt】(Ex: The owner of a company can choose to appoint任命する a *president.)(122)
③factor【fǽktər】(Ex: What *factors contribute寄与する to climate change気候変動?)(123)
④background【bǽkgrɑùnd】(Ex: Do you know her *background?)(124)
(A)something that causes or influences a result
(B)an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about
(C)the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had
(D)the person who has the highest position in a company or organization


以下に、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第4章に収録された2文字ヒント英英定義挟み撃ち問題(121)~(240)を和訳抜きでご紹介します。

(121) I appreciate your su------ .
【an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about】

(122) The owner of a company can choose to appoint a pr------ .
【the person who has the highest position in a company or organization】

(123) What fa------ contribute to climate change?
【something that causes or influences a result】

(124) Do you know her ba------ ?
【the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had】


(125) Our lives are de------ by our environment.
【to be the cause of something】

(126) She has ex------ many hardships so far.
【to have a particular situation happen to you】

(127) I wanted to pa------ in the discussion.
【to take part in an activity or event】

(128) The advertisement pr------ to be effective.
【to show that someone or something has a particular quality】


(129) Let's conserve our limited water su------ .
【the amount of something that is available to be used】

(130) Which type of people prefer to use an ai------ seat on a plane?
【a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, plane, etc.】

(131) Germany shares a bo------ with France.
【the official line that divides one country from another】

(132) A minimum wa------ is the lowest wa------ per hour that a worker may be paid.
【an amount of money that you earn for working】


(133) How long will it take to pr------ my order?
【to deal with a document or request】

(134) I really ap------ your help.
【to be grateful for something】

(135) Please refrain from di------ your inquiries directly to the event venue.
【to aim something at a particular person】

(136) Thomas Edison in------ the light bulb.
【to design or produce something useful for the first time】


(137) The trend of wealthy couples opting for se------ bedrooms is nothing new .
【not joined to something else】

(138) It's ob------ that Mary is just pretending to be asleep.
【easy to recognize or understand】

(139) I want to quit my cu------ job.
【happening or existing now】

(140) Not all the books are wo------ reading.
【to be useful, valuable or interesting enough to receive a particular action】


(141) The company is se------ a salesperson.
【to search for someone or something】

(142) Applicants are requested to su------ their resumes.
【to give something to someone in authority so that they can make a decision about it】

(143) Would you in------ me to your boss?
【to tell someone another person's name for the first time when they meet】

(144) Ad------ climate change will require radical changes in lifestyles.
【to try to deal with a problem or task】


(145) She has to carry out her du------ .
【something that you have to do because it is your responsibility】

(146) Please fill in the application fo------ , all of the items.
【an official document that has spaces where you write information】

(147) He came up with a so------ to the problem.
【a way of dealing with a difficult problem】

(148) The company is trying to cut down on ex------ .
【an amount of money that you spend on something】


(149) Please re----- seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
【to stay in the same state or condition】

(150) We regret to in----- you that the position has now been filled.
【to give information to someone officially】

(151) Police are responsible for co----- criminal investigations.
【to organize something and carry it out】

(152) How does hydrogen and oxygen co----- to form water?
【to cause two or more things to be together】


(153) All fl------ to London are delayed because of bad weather.
【a journey on an airplane】

(154) I am glad to accept your in------ to the banquet.
【a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something】

(155) Stock investments do not always yield pr------ .
【the money that you make from your business】

(156) They adopted a new me------ of teaching English.
【a particular way of doing something】


(157) The restaurant se------ excellent Indian cuisine.
【to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar】

(158) All children under the age of 13 must be ac------ by an adult.
【to go a place or event with someone】

(159) We need to de------ renewable energy sources.
【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.】

(160) She is old enough to di------ between fact and fantasy.
【to recognize a difference between people or things】


(161) She lo------ the truck with sand.
【to put a large quantity of things into something such as a vehicle or container】

(162) He wasn't re------ as a great writer until after his death.
【to think of someone or something as being good or important】

(163) Japan is a country that is completely su------ by oceans.
【to be on every side of someone or something】

(164) Trees help to re------ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
【to take something away from a place】


(165) Does Harvard offer a de------ in architecture?
【the qualification that you get after completing a course of study at a university or college】

(166) Her op------ is similar to mine.
【your feelings or ideas about someone or something】

(167) The doctor prescribed me------ for the patient.
【a substance that is used for treating illness】

(168) Rainfall is abundant in this re------ .
【a part of land that is different from other parts in some way】


(169) What is the easiest way to ge------ electricity?
【to produce something】

(170) The doctor ch------ the patient's eyes.
【to do something in order to find out whether something is correct】

(171) In pr------ data effectively, you should focus on conveying key ideas or insights.
【to show something for people to consider or judge】

(172) Re------ a car gives you the flexibility to drive to a nearby city or attraction outside of Tokyo.
【to pay money to use something that belongs to someone else】

(172) Renting

(173) A new bridge is under co------ .
【the act of building something】

(174) We arrived at our de------ ahead of schedule.
【the place where someone is going】

(175) We give 10 % discount for cash pa------ .
【the act of paying money for something】

(176) People vary greatly in their vi------ of life.
【a personal opinion or way of thinking about something】


(177) It is important to ma------ the same high level of productivity.
【to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly】

(178) How can we ra------ money for a person or family in need?
【to collect money from people for a particular purpose】

(179) She fo------ the company five years ago.
【to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.】

(180) How do I ma------ my profit and minimize loss?
【to increase something as much as possible】


(181) Complimentary re------ shuttle bus service is available.
【arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events】

(182) Mo------ technology has made our lives more comfortable.
【relating to the present time】

(183) Her novel is not historically ac------ .
【correct in every detail】

(184) There is a very st------ rule forbidding smoking on the street.
【must be obeyed completely】


(185) Why is it so hard to pr------ earthquakes?
【to say that something will happen in the future】

(186) It isn't worth re------ this car.
【to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition】

(187) To be able to drive in Japan, you must ob------ a Japanese driver's license.
【to get something that you want, usually by effort】

(188) I am seriously co------ changing careers.
【to think carefully about someone or something】


(189) We shouldn't ju------ others by their appearances.
【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(190) He was ap------ to the president of the company in 2020.
【to choose someone for a job or position】

(191) She saw herself re------ in the water.
【to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water】

(192) How do I automatically fo------ email to another address?
【to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address】


(193) This factory pr------ 800 automobiles a day.
【to make things in large quantities to be sold】

(194) He di------ the plan with several colleagues.
【to talk about something with someone in order to decide something】

(195) Please no------ that prices and specifications may change in the future.
【to pay attention to something】

(196) Everyone re------ her as a great singer.
【to think of someone or something in a particular way】


(197) He is studying to be a mechanical en------ .
【someone who designs or builds roads, bridges, or machines etc.】

(198) The in------ is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.
【a meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out whether you are suitable for a job or course】

(199) There are numerous me------ to prevent traffic accidents.
【an action that is intended to achieve a particular aim】

(200) There is no ev------ of life beyond Earth.
【facts or signs which shows that something exists or is true】


(201) He didn't me------ the reason for being late.
【to talk or write about something or someone briefly】

(202) I pr------ to buy food produced in their local area.
【to like someone or something more than someone or something else】

(203) Could you re------ a good hotel in London?
【to advise someone that something is good or useful】

(204) Prices have been re------ by 10 to 20 percent.
【to make something less or smaller in size, amount, number, etc.】


(205)Do you know why she is ab------ from school?
【not in a place where you are expected to be】

(206)The climate here is very si------ to that of Japan.
【sharing some features but not exactly the same】

(207)I bought this secondhand car for a re------ price.
【not too expensive】

(208)The new government is in fi------ difficulties.
【relating to money】


(209)Do you need a car to live in the Chicago su------ ?
【an area where people live that is away from the center of a city】

(210)Manufacturing ca------ is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.
【the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce】

(211)Do I need pe------ to park here?
【the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power】

(212)Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled ma---- .
【a substance for making something】


(213)Health is more important than we------ .
【a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things】

(214)If it had not been for your as------ , I would have failed.
【the act of helping or supporting someone】

(215)Does the en------ of a business impact its productivity?
【the people and things around you that influence your life】

(216)For me, money is only the me------ to an end.
【a method of doing or achieving something】


(217)Swimming is not al------ in this river.
【to let someone do something】

(218)My boss pr------ me for my diligence.
【to express your approval or admiration for someone or something】

(219)You can ad------ the screen color and brightness manually or automatically.
【to change something slightly so that it works better】

(220)We ma------ to deliver the products on time.
【to succeed in doing something difficult】


(221)The train was very cr------ .
【having a lot of people, especially too many】

(222)Freedom of expression is a ba------ human right.
【forming the most important part of something】

(223)This hotel is cl------ to the station.
【not far in distance or time】

(224)We searched everywhere for the mi------ child.
【unable to be found in its usual place】


(225)The re------ recognized her at once.
【a person whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a place such as a hotel, office, or hospital】

(226)She is carrying out ex------ in her laboratory.
【a scientific test done to find out what happens under certain conditions】

(227)There's a sh------ of housing in the region.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed】

(228)The fu------ of the heart is to pump blood.
【what something does or what it is used for】


(229) The country ga------ its independence in 1776.
【to get something you need】

(230) What time is her plane sc------ to leave?
【to arrange that something will happen at a particular time】

(231) Can solar energy re------ fossil fuels?
【to do something instead of someone or something】

(232) She assured us of her ability to so------ the problem.
【to find a way to deal with a problem】


(233) He had the ad------ of a good education.
【something that puts you in a better position】

(234) According to the weather fo------ , it will snow tomorrow.
【a statement about what is going to happen in the future】

(235) We celebrate our wedding an------ annually.
【a date when you celebrate something important that happened in a previous year】

(236) The real estate ma------ situation is difficult to predict.
【trade in a particular type of goods】


(237) I can’t put up with the way he be------ .
【to act in a particular way】

(238) Tom in------ an alarm system in his office.
【to put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it can be used】

(239) Smoking is ba------ in the building.
【to say officially that something must not be done】

(240) Japanese driver's licenses are is------ by the prefectural government's public safety commissions.
【to officially give something to someone】


TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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