


2011年10月09日 | 英検1級





abet, abide④, abdicate, abduct②, abduction, *abort, *abortion, *abound, abstain③, *abundant, *abuse⑩↑, *abusive, abyss, *acclaim, *accommodate④(収容する、受け容れる), *accommodation, accomplice, accredit, accreditation, *accumulate, acrimonious②, acronym, adamant, *addiction, *addictive, adept④, *adjacent②, administer(管理する、投与する), adjourn, *admonish, adolescent②, *adorn②, advent③, adversary, adversely, adversity, *advocacy⑩↑, *advocate⑩↑, *affectation, affirmative action, affiliate②, affiliation②, *afflict⑤, *affluent, aftermath③, aggravate②, agonize, agonizing, agnostic②, ail③, ailment④, *albeit, alienate②, alienation, align, allegation, *allege②, *alleged, *allegedly⑩↑, alleviate④, alliance, aloof, *allowance(手当), *allude, ally, altruism, altruistic, amass, *ambush③, ameliorate, *amicable, ammunition, ample, amputate, *anatomy, anemic④, anesthesia, animate(活気をつける), animosity④, annal, annex, anonymity, *anonymous, antagonistic, anthropologist②, anomaly, anthithesis, *antibiotic, antidote, appall, appease②, apostate, apprehend, apprehension, apprentice②, appropriate(「流用する」、「〈土地などを〉収用する」)②, aptitude, arable②, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitrary, arcane②, ardent③, ardor②, arguably, arsenal, articulate, artillery, *assert⑩↑, *assertive⑥, assiduous, *assimilate③, *assimilation②, *assume⑩↑(仮定する、想定する、引き受ける), assumption⑩↑, assurance, astute, asylum⑤, atheist, atone, atonement, attest②, attuned, atrocity⑤, audacious④, audacity②, augment②, augur, auspicious, austerity④, autism, autocrat, autocratic, autonomy, autopsy, avarice, aversion②, avert②, awash②, awry③, backdrop②, backfire⑤, backlash③, backwater②, baffle, bailout⑤, bail out⑤, balk, banal②, bandwagon②, bane, *banish②, bar②(禁じる), bargain(契約、特価品), barren, basin, bask②, bastion, battered, keep ~ at bay, beacon, beef up④, behemoth, behest, beholden②, belch, beleaguer②, bellicose, belligerent, bemuse, *benevolence, bent(熱心な), benign, berate, bereaved, beset②, besiege, biased, bicker, bid(試み)③, bigot②, bigoted③, binding(拘束力のある), binge③, bipartisan③, bizarre, *blackout②, blast②(激しく非難する), bleak③, blessing in disguise②, blighted, blistering②, *blockbuster②, blunder, blunt(a・v)③, bluntly, bluff, blur, boast, bode well(bad), bolster⑩↑, bombard②, bona fide, boon, boost④, botch②, bottom line⑩↑, bountiful, bounty④, bout⑤, brace, brainchild, brag③, brandish②, brash, brazen, breach②, breadbasket, break even②, breakneck, brink, brisk, bristle, broker④(仲介をする), budge, buoy, buoyancy, buoyant, burgeoning⑩↑, burnish, bust②, bustle, bustling⑥, buttress, cachet, capitulate③, cajole②, *calamity⑩↑, candid, capitalize on④, capitulate, *capricious, carbon footprint, *cardinal, cardiovascular, carnage③, carry(lose) the day, case⑩↑(「患者」「症例」「実情」「真相」「論拠」「訴訟」等さまざまな意味で使われる), cash in on②, castigate, casualty⑩↑, catalyst④, *cater, cause⑩↑(「原因」だけではなく「目標、大義」の意味で多用されるn・v), caveat, cease④, cease-fire, cede, celebrity, censor⑤, censorship⑤, censure②, champion⑧(「勝者」だけではなく「擁護者」の意味で多用される。n・v), charge(世話をまかされた人), chasten③, chastise, checks and balances, cherish, chime in, choke point, strike a chord, *chronic⑥, churn out⑥, circumvent③, claim⑥(「権利を主張する」、「〈命などを〉奪う」という意味でも使われる), clamor③, clamorous, clandestine②, clandestinely, classified②(機密扱いの), clause(条項), clergy, clout⑥, clumsy, cluster③, coalition, *coarse, coax③, code(法典), coercion②, coffer, coherent, cohesion, cohort②(仲間), cognitive, collateral(付随の、担保、担保物件a・n), collateral damage(〈戦闘での〉民間人殺傷), collude, collusion, combustible, conciliatory, *command(使いこなせる力), commanding(堂々とした), commend, commencement, commensurate②, *commission(委託する)②, *commit③, *commitment⑩↑(「約束」だけではなく「熱意」、「献身」の意味で多用される), *committed④(打ち込んでいる、傾倒した), commotion②, compatible②, *compile, *complacency②, *complacent, compliance, compliant, complication(合併症), complicit, complicity④, *comply③, compliance③, compound(増幅する), *comprehensive③, compromise④(「そこなう」「弱める」という動詞でも使われる), comprise, concede②, conceivable, conceive③, conciliatory, concomitantly, concurrence, condescending, *condolence, condone, conduit③, confer②, *confiscate②, congenital, congregation, collateral, confidant, confide, *confine, *confinement, confidential, conflagration, conformity, confound, congenital, congregate, congregation, conjure, consecutive, consequence⑩(「報い」「代償」の意味で多用される)↑, conservative(「数字などが」控えめな), considerable, consolidate, consortium, conspire, conspiracy③, consternation, constipation, constituent③, constituency, constrain, constraint, contagion③, contain(封じ込める)④, *contend⑤, contentious②, contingency(不測事態), contingent(代表団、偶発事件、~次第の)②, contraband③, contract(収縮する)②, contraption, controversy, convert, copycat③, commission⑩↑, contend, conundrum⑤, converge, convergence, *convert, counterpart⑤, corpse, *count(重要である), counterpart, counterweight, courtesy②, covet, covert, covertly, cozy, crackdown④, crack down on⑤, cradle, crave②, credentials③, credit(功績n・v, 大学などの単位)⑩, creed②, creeping, cremate, crisscross③, *critical⑥(重大な」「危機の」という意味でも多用される), crony, cronyism, crop up, crucial③, *crumble, culinary, cull②, culprit⑩↑, *culminate, culmination, cumulate, *cumulative, curb, curfew④, curse②, curry favor (with someone), curtail⑩↑, *custody④(親権、拘留), cutting-edge, dampen⑤, dash(〈希望などを〉くじく), *daunt, *daunting⑤, dazzle, debacle②, *dearth, debilitate, debunk②, decamp, decapitate, *decease②, decipher, *decline(断る、衰える), *decree(n・v)②, decry②, deduct, *deduction, deem⑩↑, default⑥, defect②, defector, defendant, *defer, deference②, defiant, defiance, *deficit, *deficiency, deft, defuse③, defy⑤, deflect, degenerate, *degrade④, *delegate, *deliberate, deliberation②, *delude③, deluge, demeanor, dementia, demise, demobilize, demolish④, demolition, demote, dent(影響), make a dent, *denounce⑤, degrade③, degradation②, deplete③, deplore③, deploy⑩↑, deployment③, deport②, deportation②, depose, deprivation, derail, depreciation, *deride⑤, derivative, deserted, despondent②, despot, despotism, desertification, designation, destabilize, destitute④, detain, detainee②, detention④, deter③, deterrent②, detriment, detrimental②, deteriorate, deterioration, detonate②, devaluation, devastate⑤, devastating⑥, devastation⑤, deviate, devise⑤, devour④, devout③, dexterity, diagnosis④, diaspora, dignitary, dilapidate②, dilute, dire⑤, discharge, disband, disclosure, discreet③, discreetly, discretion(「分別」「裁量権」), disdain, discretionary, disgruntled②, dismal②, dismantle, disparity⑤, *dispatch⑦, dispel, dispensary, disperse, disposable income②, disruption, disseminate, dissident⑥, dissuade, dissipate②, distort⑤, distortion③, *distract②, *distraction, *distress, distressing, distraught, dither, *diverse③, *diversification, *diversion, *diversify②, *diversity⑥, *divert, dividend④, divvy up, domination, dormant, dovetail, downplay②, draconian③, draft(徴兵、徴兵する), drawback, dub②, dubious③, duplicate, dwarf②, *dwindle⑩↑, earmark②, ebb②, economies of scale③, effigy②, egalitarian, egregious③, eke out③, elastic, elation, elicit, eclipse(〈太陽、月の〉食、しのぐ), egg on, egregious, eligible, *eliminate ⑤, elude②, elusive②, emanate②, *emancipate, emasculate, embargo②, embattled, embed③, embody⑩↑, embolden③, *embrace⑩↑(「抱擁する」のほかに「受け入れる」という意味でしばしば使われる), embroil, eminent, *emission③, *emit, empathy, emulate④, enact③, enclave, encompass, encroach, endemic, *endorse④, enforcement②, engrave, engulf, enigma②, *enlighten④, enlist, enmity④, enrage, enshrine, *entangle, entice③, *entitle③, *entitlement③, entity, entrenched⑥, envision②, envoy, enzyme②, epicenter, epidemic, epitomize④, equitable, equation②, equilibrium, equity, equivalent③, eradicate④, erode②, erosion, erratic⑥, erroneous, erupt, eschew, espouse②, euphemism, euphoria, euthanasia, evacuate, evade, evaporate, evasion, evasive, evict, evoke, exacerbate③, exasperate, excerpt, excruciating, exhilarating, exile④, exodus③, exorbitant, expatriate⑦, expedite, expel, expertise②, expire, explicable, *exploit⑩↑, exploration②, exponential, exponentially, exposure, exquisite, *extinct, *extinction, extort②, extortion②, extract, extraction, extradite②, extradition, extravagant②
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2011年10月09日 | 英検1級
*fabric, fabulous, facade②, facilitate⑤, faction, faculty(学部の教授陣)②, fallacy, fallout②(放射性降下物、後遺症), falter, fatigue(作業服、野戦服), feasible, feat, *feature(n「特徴」・v「呼び物にする、特集する」)⑩↑, feeble, felon②, felony, fend off, ferocious③, ferocity②, ferment, fermentation, fertile②, fester④, fetch②(ある値で売れる), feud③, fiasco⑤, fiefdom, field(処理する、答える), fierce②, finite, firsthand, flash point②, flaunt, flaw⑤, flawed②, fledgling, flee, fleeting, flexing one's muscle③, flirt, fluctuate, fluctuation, flummox, flounder, foe, foment, footage, foreclose②, forensic, forestall, forfeit, forge, forego, foresee②, foreseeable②, forestall, fork out, forlorn, formidable③, for starters, fortify③, fortress, foster②, fractious, fragment, fraternal, fraud, fray②, freak out, freewheeling, frenetic, fret②, fringe benefit, frivolous, fugitive, full-fledged②, funnel, fury, futile②, fungus, gain(gather⇔lose) ground②, gain momentum, galvanize④(駆りたてる), generic, garner③, gastrointestinal, geopolitical④, gimmick, *given⑩↑(「~を考慮すれば」という意味の前置詞としてしばしば使われる), *glamorous②, glass ceiling②, glimpse, glut②, gobble up, graft(汚職), *grant②, grapple③, gratification, grid②, grievance③, grim, grudgingly, grueling, grumble④, gusto, haggle, hamstring, handpick, hands-on, hail②(歓呼して迎える), hail from③, halt②, grind to a halt, hammer out, hamper, handout, harbinger, harbor②(「抱く〈いだく〉」「かくまう」), *harness④(利用する), harrowing⑤, haughty, *haul③, haunt③, haunting, haven③, havoc, wreak(play) havoc with, hawk(売り歩く), hazy, headlong, heavy-handed, hedge(両掛けする), hedonism, heed③, heedless②, hefty④, hegemony, heinous②, helm③, hereditary, heretical, hermit, heyday⑤, hibernation, hidebound, hideous, hilarious③, hinder②, hindsight②, hinge on②, hinterland④, hitch②, hoard③, hobble, holistic, hollow out, in honor of, hostilities③(複数形で「交戦状態」の意味を持つ), hover, huddle, humble, hunch, hustle, hype⑤, hunker down, hype⑤, hypothesize, iconic, *identify⑥, ignite, illicit③, illuminate, illuminating, *illiterate③, imminent, immune, immunity, impair, impeach, impeccable②, impede②, impediment, impending③, *imperative⑩↑, impetus, implicate *implore④, imposing②(堂々たる), imprudent, impoverished, improvise, impunity, inadvertent, inaugurate②, inauguration, incarcerate②, incarceration, incarnation, *incentive⑤, incentivize, inception, incessant②, incest, incinerate, incite, inconceivable, incorporate④, incredulous, incremental, incumbent④, incur②, incursion, indictment②, *indigenous③, *indignantly, indignity, *indispensable, indoctrination, *induce④, indulgent, inept④, inertia, infallible, infatuation, infect, infertile, infiltrate③, infinite②, inflict②, infuse, infuriate, influx⑥, infringement, infuse, infusion, ingenious②, ingenuity, ingredient②, inhale, inhibition, *initiate③, *initiative⑩↑(「新規構想」の意味で多用される), inmate, innate, innocuous, inoculate, insatiable③, insidious, insomnia, insolvency②, instill③, insulate, insular, insurgency④, insurgent⑦, insurmountable③, intact, *integrate⑤, *integration③, *integrity, itineray, interim, intertwine, intermittently, interrogate②, interrogation④, intransigent, intrigue, intriguing③, introspection, intoxicate, intractable, intransigence④, intrigue, inundate②, invasive, inventory, invincible, invoke, irk, iron out, irrelevance②, *irrelevant⑩↑, irreversible, *irrigation②, itinerant, itinerary②, jeopardize, jingoistic, jitter, jittery, jolt, judicious②, juggernaut②, junta, jurisdiction, jury, knockoff②, lambaste④, lag, lag behind②, laggard, laggardness, lapse, languish④, at large, latitude, laudable, *launch⑩↑, lavish③, lax②, lenient③, leniency, *liable, *liability, layman, leg(旅程), legitimacy⑩↑(合法性、正当性), linchpin③, linger④, lineage, levelheaded, leverage③, levy②, liquidity, literacy②, loath, loathe, lobby, logistics, loom③, loot③, *lucrative⑥, lukewarm, lurk②, lust, malnourished, makeshift②, makeover②, makeup, malady, malaise, malevolent, malign, malignant(悪性の), mandate⑤, mandatory③, manipulate④, manipulation③, mantra②, mar, marginalize②, merit(長所), marshal, martyr②, massacre③, mastermind③, matter(重要である)③, maxim, mayhem⑤, *meager③, meddle, mediocre, mend one's fences, menial②, mesmerize③, meticulously, militia④, mire②, molecular, miscarriage, misgiving, mitigate②, mobilize, *modify⑥, mogul, mollify②, momentum, monolithic, morale, moratorium, moribund, morph②, mortgage④, mount(開始する)④, muddle②, multiply, mundane, muster②, mutilation③, muzzle, myriad, narcotic, nascent③, needy, nemesis, nepotism, nexus, niche, nominal, novice, nudge, numerous, nuptial
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2011年10月09日 | 英検1級
*obscure③, obscurity, obesity, obliterate, oblivious, obsess, obsession, obsolete, odds, at odds④, offense(違反、犯罪), opaque, opaqueness, opine②, opulent, ordain, ordeal③, oligarch, ominous, ordain, ordinance②, ornate, opacity, ostensible②, ostracism②, ostracize③, ouster, outlandish, outlet②, outlook, outrageous③, outright③, overhead(諸経費), overdue, overt③, pacify, pact(協定、条約)③, palatable②, palpable③, pamper, pandemic④, pan put②, paragon, paralysis, paralyze, paramount, parasite, pariah③, patriarchy, parishioner, parole, payroll, peddle②, peer, pelt, penchant②, penetrate, perch③, *perish, perjury, perpetrate②, perpetrator②, pertinent, pester, pesticide, pervasive②, petite②, petition④, phenomenal(驚異的な)③, philanthropy, photo op, pilfer, pilgrimage, piracy, pitch③(売り込み口上), pivotal④, placate③, placebo, placid③, plagiarize, *plague⑤, plaintiff④, platform⑤(綱領、公約), plausible③, plausibly, plea, pledge, plight⑥, pluck, plummet⑤, plunge③, pluralistic, plurality, plush, poach, poignant, poised②(態勢ができている), polarize, polemic, poll(世論調査、投票数), pollinate③, ponder, pore over, pork barrel, *pose⑤(突きつける), poster child, *pragmatic⑩↑, precarious, precipitate(促進する), predatory④, predecessor⑤, predicament②, premiere, premise②, prerequisite②, prescient③, prescribe⑤, *preside⑤, pressing(差し迫った)⑤, presumably, *prevail⑩↑(勝る、流布する), *prevailing④(一般的な、支配的な), prevalence, prevalent②, prickly, pristine②, probe②(n・v), prod(促す), profane, profess, profligate②, proliferate④, proliferation④, prolific②, profligacy, promising②(有望な), prone③, propagate, proponent, proprietor, projection(予測)③, prop②, *propagate, propensity, proponent③, proprietor, protagonist②, protocol, protract②, provincial, prudent, provision③, provocation②, provocative③, provoke③, prowess②, proximity, proxy④, pry, pundit④, punitive③, purge, quagmire, quantify, quarantine, quell, rack, raid②, rail, ramble②, racy, rally, ramification③, ram into, rampage⑤, rampant⑩↑, ramp up, ramshackle, rank, rank-and-file②, rankle, ransack, ransom③, rapacious, ratchet up③, ratify②, ratification, ration, rationale③, ravage⑤, raze, reassuring, rebel③, rebellion, rebellious③, rebuff, rebuke, recant, recede, recession, reckon③, reclaim(取り戻す、干拓する), reclusive, recrimination, recruit(新兵、新人), red tape⑤, redeem, redeemable, redress②, redundant, refurbish③, refurnish, refute, regime(政権〈しばしば特定政権に対して軽蔑的に用いる〉)⑤, regressive, rehabilitation, reimburse②, reincarnation, rein in②, reiterate, rejuvenate, relapse, relegate③, relent, relentless, *relevant⑩↑, relinquish⑥, remains(遺骨), reminiscence, remittance, remnant, remorse, render③, renegade, renege, renounce②, renovate, reparation, repatriate, repeal, repercussion, replenish, repressive④, repudiate②, repudiation, repugnant, repulse, repulsive, rejuvenate, resentment, residue, resilient⑤, resonant, resonate③(共感を与える), respectively, respiratory, restive, resume③, resumption②, resurgence④, resurrection, resuscitate③, retaliate, retaliation, retard, rationale②, retort, retract, retribution, retrospection, restive, retain, reticent, revamp③, revere②, reverence②, revile②, rev up, revoke②, riddle②, rife④, rip, ripe, *rigorous④, rile, ring(徒党、一味), ringleader, rivet, roaring, *roam④, robust⑦, robustness, roil④, rogue②, root out, row③, rudimentary③, rule of law(法の支配), rumble, runoff, rupture, sabbatical, saber-rattling, saddle④(課する、負わせる), salvation, sanguine, savor, sanction⑥(制裁する、公認するn・v), sanitize②, saturated, scathing, scavenge, scheme, sclerotic③, scoff②, scourge, scramble②, scrutinize⑤, scrutiny⑤, seasoned②(「場数を踏んだ」位の意味), secession, secular②, seclude, sectarian②, seep, self-sufficient, segregate, setback, sever⑥, shatter, shackle, shed, shed light on, shell out, shelve(棚上げする), showcase, showdown, shrewd③, shrivel, siege②, *significant(有意な), silver bullet, simmer②, sizable, skewed, skirmish③, skirt, skittish, slap②(課する), slash, slate, slay③, sleek, sluggish③, smack, smolder②, smother, smuggle④, soar⑥, sober③, sobering⑩↑, solicit②, solidarity, solvency, solvent②, somber, sound bite, spat, spare, sparsely, spat, spawn⑤, spearhead②, specter, spell out, spike(急上昇する、急増)⑤, spin(解釈、偏向), spin-off, spook, sporadic, spouse, spousal, sprawl②, spree③, sprout up, squeeze, squint, stagger, staggering②, stagnate③, stake⑤, at stake⑤, stale②, stalemate②, stall②, stalwart, stamp out③, stampede, standoff, startling, stagnant, stagnate, stark, state-of-the-art③, staunch, stave off③, stealth, sterile, stigma③, sting(おとり捜査), stipulate, stall(立ち往生させる), stoke(かき立てる)②, straitjacket, *strain, strike(cut) a deal, strand②, strangle, stronghold, stem④, stem from②, sterile, sterilization, steward, stifle③, stigma②, stoke②, straddle, strain, strangle③, strenuous, strike a chord, stringent, stroll, stronghold, stumble, stump(遊説する), stunt②, stymie, subdue④, subordinate②, subject(被験者)⑤, sublime, submerge, subscribe③, subsequent, subservient②, subsidiary③, subsidize③, subsidy⑤, subsistence②, substantially, substantive(相当の), subvert, subversive, succumb⑤, suffocate, supplant, suppress③, surge⑩↑, subside②, sue⑤, surmount, surreptitious, surrogate②, susceptible⑩↑, sustainable⑩↑, sustainability③, swagger, swath, sway(影響力), swear in, sweatshop, sweep out, sweeping②, swindle④, synonymous③, tacit④, tailor, taint②, tally③, tame④, tangible②, tantalizing, tantamount, take no chances, *tap(「~を利用する」「盗聴する」)⑤, tap into②, tariff, tarnish③, tear down, technical(厳密な、建前の), teeming, temper, template②, tenable, tenacious, tenacity, tenet②, tentative②, terrain③, testament, theocracy, theocratic, thorny, threshold, throng, thrust, thwart④, tilt②, tinker③, tissue(組織), tit for tat③, toil, *tolerate, *tolerance, toll, take its [a]toll, topple④, totalitarian, tout⑤, traction②, trailblazer, trait③, trajectory③, trample②, transcend, transcendent, *transparency②, *transparent②, treacherous⑤, tributary, truce, trumpet③(吹聴する), turbulence, turmoil⑩↑, turnout(投票〈者〉数), tweak, ubiquitous③, ubiquity, ultimatum, unabated②, undercut③, underlying③, undergo, *undermine⑩↑, underpin②, underscore②, *undertake, underwrite, undeterred, *undo②, unfettered, unflattering, unfold②, unfounded②, unimpeded, unleash⑥, unpalatable, *unprecedented⑧, unscrupulous, unravel⑧, unrelenting②, unsavory, unscathed, untamed, untangle, untapped④, untenable, upheaval⑤, uphold, uplifting, uproot, upshot, usher in③, utility, valid③, validity②, vandalize, vandalism, vanguard③, vanish, vanquish③, vaporize, vaunt, veer, verge, on the verge of⑤, vehement, velocity, vendetta, venerate, venerable, venue③, verdict②, verify②, versatile④, versed, vested interest, vestige, veto⑤, vex②, via, viable, vibrant②, vicinity, vie②, be vying with, vilify, validate②, vibrant④, vigilance, vigilant, vindicate, virulent②, visionary, vogue, void③, volatile⑩↑, volatility, volunteer(ボランティア、志願兵), voracious③, vulnerability, vulnerable⑩↑, wake(跡), in the wake of(~の後に続いて), wane③, ward(病棟), ward off③, warlord⑤, *wary③, watershed, wayward②, wean off, weary, weather(切り抜ける)②,whitewash, wind up(行き着く), wipe out③, wield, whack, whisk, woe④, wreck②, wreak havoc on, write off, , xenophobic, yank, zero in on②
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2011年06月18日 | 英検1級
Finland's Educational Success? The Anti–Tiger Mother Approach
 今回は、thwart, stringent, tout, expedite, laudable, catalystの6語が正解選択肢として完全的中しました。「1級対策語彙」で紹介したreclusiveの派生語であるrecluseとstumbleのイディオムであるstumble uponも出題されています。
 語彙問題25問中8語を正解しても合格ラインには及ばないとはいえ、準1級レベル以下の語彙も毎回出題されるのが1級語彙問題です。今回ですと、ambivalent, longevity, inquisitive, piece togetherという正解選択肢がそれに該当するといってよいでしょう。だから、準1級レベルの語彙と「1級対策語彙」が身についていれば約半分は確信をもって正解できるはずです。
 さらに、「1級対策語彙」は語彙問題のダミーに多数登場しています。今回はdefect, forfeit, hamper, hibernation, insular, insurgent, muster, prolific, pundit, malign, relapse, rigorous, saturated, soar, staunch, vindicateの16語が使われていますので、意味を知っていて消去法と語感を駆使すれば合格ラインとされる七割はクリアー可能と思われます。
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2011年06月11日 | 英検1級

balk, chastise, congenital, crop up, emasculate, fallacy, faction, heretical, hype, itinerant, ramp up, rejuvenate, reticent, sabbatical, showcase, strike a chord, strike(cut) a deal, ward off
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2011年06月08日 | 英検1級

boast, constraint, counterpart, daunt, disclosure, disruption, duplicate, field(処理する、答える), inhale, prevalence, mastermind, miscarriage, needy, renege, sleek, squeeze, staunch, transcendent, unsavory, watershed  
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2011年06月07日 | 英検1級

bemuse, bizarre, capitulate, clergy, cremate, demeanor, deprivation, distress, erupt, expire, fabulous, foreclose, hideous, incinerate, ignite, ouster, plaintiff, plea, pledge, vicinity, somber, stronghold, deluge, rally, renovate, respiratory, rumble, setback, solidarity, subsequent, sue, tissue(組織), tariff, vaporize, veer, ward(病棟), warlord

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2011年06月05日 | 英検1級



abet, abide, abort, abortion, abdicate, abduct②, abduction, abort, abound, abstain③, abundant, abuse, abusive, abyss, acclaim, accommodate④(受け容れる), accommodation, accomplice, accredit, accreditation, accumulate, acrimonious②, acronym, adamant, addictive, adept②, adjacent, administer(投与する), adjourn, admonish, adolescent②, adorn②, advent③, adversary, adversely(←2010-2読解出題), adversity, advocacy⑩↑, advocate⑩↑, affectation, affirmative action, affiliate②, affiliation②, afflict⑤, aftermath③, aggravate②, agonize, agonizing, agnostic②, ail③, ailment④, albeit, alienate②, alienation, align, allegation, allege②, alleged, allegedly⑩↑, alleviate④, alliance, aloof, allowance(手当), allude, ally, altruism, altruistic, amass, ambush③, ameliorate, ammunition, ample, amputate, anemic③, anesthesia, animate(活気をつける), animosity④, annal, annex, anonymity, anonymous, antagonistic, anthropologist②, anomaly, antibiotic, antidote, appall, appease②, apostate, apprehend, apprentice②, appropriate(「流用する」、「〈土地などを〉収用する」)②, arable②, arbitrate, arbitrary, ardent③, ardor②, arguably, arsenal, articulate, artillery, assert⑩↑, assertive⑥, assiduous, assimilate③, assimilation②, assume⑩↑(仮定する、想定する、引き受ける), assumption⑩↑, assurance, astute, asylum⑤(←2010-2語彙正答的中), atheist, atone, atonement, attest②, attuned, atrocity③, audacious④, audacity②, augment②, augur, auspicious, austerity④, autism, autocrat, autocratic, autonomy, autopsy, aversion②(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , avert②, awash②, awry, backdrop②, backfire⑤, backlash③, backwater②, baffle, bailout⑤, bail out⑤, balk, banal②, bandwagon②, bane, banish②, bar②(禁じる), bargain(契約、特価品), barren, basin, bask②, bastion, battered, keep ~ at bay, beacon, beef up④, behemoth, behest, beholden②, belch, beleaguer②, bellicose, belligerent, bemuse, benevolence, bent(熱心な), benign, berate, bereaved, beset②, besiege, biased, bicker, bid(試み)③, bigot②, bigoted③, binding(拘束力のある), binge, bipartisan③, bizarre, blackout②, blast②(激しく非難する), bleak③, blessing in disguise②, blighted, blistering②, blockbuster②, blunder(←2010-2語彙正答的中), blunt(a・v)③, bluntly, bluff, blur(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), boast, bode well(bad), bolster⑩, bombard②, bona fide, boon, boost④, botch②(←2010-2読解出題), bottom line⑩↑, bountiful, bounty④, bout⑤, brainchild, brag③, brandish②, brash, brazen, breach②, breadbasket, break even②, breakneck, brink, brisk, broker④(仲介をする), budge, buoy, buoyancy, buoyant, burgeoning⑩↑, burnish, bust②, bustle, bustling⑥, buttress, cachet, capitulate③, cajole②, calamity④, candid, capitalize on④, capitulate, carbon footprint, cardinal, cardiovascular, carnage③, carry(lose) the day, case⑩↑(「患者」「症例」「実情」「真相」「論拠」「訴訟」等さまざまな意味で使われる)(←2010-2読解出題), cash in on②, castigate, casualty⑩↑, catalyst④(←2010-2読解出題), , cater, cause⑩↑(「原因」だけではなく「目標、大義」の意味で多用されるn・v), caveat, cease④, cease-fire, cede, celebrity, censor④, censorship③, censure②, champion⑧(「勝者」だけではなく「擁護者」の意味で多用される。n・v), charge(世話をまかされた人), chasten③, chastise, checks and balances, cherish, chime in, choke point, strike a chord, chronic⑥, churn out④, circumvent③, claim⑥(「権利を主張する」、「〈命などを〉奪う」という意味でも使われる), clamor③, clamorous, clandestine②, clandestinely, classified②(機密扱いの), clause(条項), clergy, clout③, cluster, coalition, code(法典), coerce, coercion②, coffer, coherent, cohesion, cohort②(仲間), cognitive, collateral(付随の、担保、担保物件a・n), collateral damage(〈戦闘での〉民間人殺傷), collude, collusion, combustible, conciliatory, command(使いこなせる力), commanding(堂々とした), commend, commencement, commensurate②, commission(委託する)②, commit③, commitment⑩↑(「約束」だけではなく「熱意」、「献身」の意味で多用される), committed④(打ち込んでいる、傾倒した), commotion②, compatible②, compile, complacency②, complacent, compliance, compliant, complication(合併症), complicity, comply③, compound(増幅する), comprehensive③, compromise④(「そこなう」「弱める」という動詞でも使われる), comprise, concede②, conceivable, conceive③, conciliatory(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), concomitantly, concurrence, condescending, condolence, condone, conduit, confer②, confiscate②, congenital, congregation, collateral, confidant, confide, confine, confinement, confidential, conflagration, conformity, confound, congenital, congregate, congregation, conjure, consecutive, consequence⑩(「報い」「代償」の意味で多用される)↑(←2010-2読解出題), conservative(「数字などが」控えめな), considerable(←2010-2読解出題), consolidate, consortium, conspire, conspiracy③, consternation, constipation, constituent③, constituency, constrain, constraint, contagion③, contain(封じ込める)④, contend②, contentious②, contingency(不測事態), contingent(代表団、偶発事件、~次第の)②, contraband③, contract(収縮する)②, contraption, controversy, convert, copycat③, commission③, contend, conundrum⑤, converge, convergence, convert, counterpart⑤, corpse, count(重要である), counterpart, counterweight, convert, courtesy②, covet, covert, covertly, cozy, crackdown④, crack down on⑤, cradle, crave②, credentials③, credit(功績n・v)⑩(←2010-2読解出題), creed, creeping, cremate, crisscross, critical⑥(重大な」「危機の」という意味でも多用される)(←2010-2読解出題), crony, cronyism, crop up, crucial③, cull②, culprit⑤, culminate, culmination, cumulate, cumulative, curb, curfew②, curse②, curry favor (with someone), curtail②(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), custody④(親権、拘留), cutting-edge, dampen②, dash(〈希望などを〉くじく), daunt, daunting⑤, dazzle(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , debacle②, dearth, debunk②, decamp, decapitate, decease②, decipher, decline(断る、衰える), decree(n・v)②, decry②, deduct, deduction, deem⑩↑, default⑥, defect②, defector, defendant, defer, deference②, defiant, defiance, deficit, deficiency, deft, defuse③(←2010-2語彙正答的中), defy⑤, deflect, degradation②, delegate, deliberate, deliberation②, deluded, deluge(←2010-2語彙出題後収録),demeanor, dementia, demise(←2010-2読解出題), demobilize, demolish④, demolition, demote, dent(影響), make a dent, denounce④, degrade③, degradation②, deplete③, deplore③, deploy⑩↑, deployment③, deport②, deportation②, depose, deprivation, derail, depreciation, deride②, derivative, deserted, despondent②, despot, despotism, desertification, designation, destabilize, destitute③, detain, detainee②, detention④, deter③(←2010-2読解出題), deterrent②, detriment, detrimental②, deterioration, detonate②, devaluation, devastate⑤, devastating⑥, devastation⑤, deviate, devise⑤, devour③, devout③, dexterity, diagnosis④, diaspora, dignitary, dilapidate②, dilute, dire③, discharge, disband(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), disclosure, discreet, discreetly, discretion(「分別」「裁量権」), disdain, discretionary, disgruntled②, dismal②, dismantle(←2010-2読解出題), disparity⑤, dispatch⑦, dispel, dispensary, disperse, disposable income②, disruption, disseminate, dissident⑥(←2010-2読解出題), dissuade, dissipate②(←2010-2読解出題), , distort⑤, distortion③, distract②, distraction, distress, distressing, distraught, disturbing, dither, diverse③, diversification, diversion, diversify②, diversity⑥(←2010-2読解で関連語biodiversityが出題), , divert, dividend③, divvy up, domination, dormant, downplay②(←2010-2読解出題), draconian③, draft(徴兵、徴兵する), drawback, dub②, dubious③, duplicate, dwarf②, dwindle④, earmark②, ebb②, economies of scale③, effigy②, egalitarian, egregious③, eke out②, elastic, elation, elicit(←2010-2語彙正答的中), eclipse(〈太陽、月の〉食、しのぐ), egg on, egregious, eke out②, eligible, eliminate ⑤, elude②, elusive②(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , emanate②, emancipate, emasculate, embargo②, embattled, embed③(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), embody⑩↑, embolden③, embrace⑩↑(「抱擁する」のほかに「受け入れる」という意味でしばしば使われる), embroil, eminent, emission③, emit, empathy, emulate, enact③, enclave, encompass, encroach, endemic, endorse④, enforcement②, engrave, engulf, enigma②, enlighten④, enlist, enmity③, enrage, enshrine, entice③(←2010-2読解出題), entitle③, entitlement③, entrenched④, envision, envoy, enzyme②, epicenter, epidemic, epitomize③, equitable, equation②, equilibrium, equity, equivalent③, eradicate, erode②, erosion, erratic, erupt, eschew(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), espouse②, euphemism, euphoria, euthanasia, evacuate, evade, evasion, evaporate, evasive, evict, evoke, exacerbate(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), exasperate, excerpt, excruciating, exhilarating, exile④, exodus③(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , exorbitant, expatriate⑦, expedite, expel, expertise②, expire, explicable, exploit⑩↑, exploration②, exponential, exponentially, exposure, exquisite, extinct, extinction, extort②, extortion②, extract, extraction, extradite②, extradition, extravagant②
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2011年06月05日 | 英検1級
fabricate, fabulous, facilitate⑤, faction, faculty(学部の教授陣)②(←2010-2読解出題), fallacy, fallout②(放射性降下物、後遺症), falter, fatigue(作業服、野戦服), feasible, feat, feature(n「特徴」・v「呼び物にする、特集する」)⑩↑, feeble, felon②, felony, fend off(←2010-2読解出題), ferocious③, ferocity②, ferment, fermentation, fertile②, fester④, fetch②(ある値で売れる), feud, fiasco④, fiefdom, field(処理する、答える), fierce②, finite, firsthand, flash point②, flaunt(←2010-2語彙正答的中), flaw③, flawed②(←2010-2読解出題), , fledgling, flee, fleeting, flexing one's muscle③, flirt, fluctuation(←2010-2語彙で動詞fluctuateが的中), flummox, flounder, foe, foment, footage, forclose, forensic, forestall, forfeit, forge, forego, foresee, foreseeable, forestall, fork out, forlorn, formidable③, for starters, fortify③, fortress, foster②, fragment, fraternal, fraud, fray②, freak out, freewheeling, frenetic, fret②, fringe benefit, frivolous, fugitive, full-fledged②, funnel, fury, futile②, fungus, gain(gather⇔lose) ground②, gain momentum, galvanize②(駆りたてる), generic, garner③, gastrointestinal, geopolitical④, gimmick, given⑩↑(「~を考慮すれば」という意味の前置詞としてしばしば使われる)(←2010-2読解出題), glamorous, glass ceiling②, glimpse, glut②, grant②, grapple③, gratification, grid②, grievance③(←2010-2語彙正答的中), grim, grudgingly, grumble③(←2010-2読解出題),
 haggle, hamstring, handpick, hands-on, hail②(歓呼して迎える), hail from③, halt②, hammer out, hamper, handout, harbinger, harbor②(「抱く〈いだく〉」「かくまう」), harness④(利用する), harrowing④, haughty, haul③, haunt, haunting, haven③, havoc, wreak(play) havoc with, hawk(売り歩く), hazy, headlong, heavy-handed, hedonism, heed(←2010-2読解出題), heedless②, hefty, hegemony, heinous②, helm, hereditary, heretical, hermit, heyday⑤, hibernation, hidebound, hideous, hilarious, hinder②, hindsight②, hinge on②(←2010-2読解出題), hinterland④, hoard③, hobble, holistic, hollow out, in honor of, hostilities③(複数形で「交戦状態」の意味を持つ), hover, huddle, humble, hunch, hustle, hype⑤, hunker down, hype, hypothesize, iconic, identify⑥(←2010-2読解出題), , ignite, illicit③, illuminate, illuminating, illiterate③, imminent, immune, immunity, impair, impeach(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), impeccable②, impede②, impediment, impending, imperative⑩↑(←2010-2読解出題), impetus, implicate implore, imposing②(堂々たる), imprudent, impoverished, impunity, inadvertent, inaugurate②, inauguration, incarcerate②, incarceration, incentive⑤(←2010-2読解出題), incentivize, incest, incinerate, incite, inconceivable, incorporate④, incredulous, incremental, incumbent④, incur②, indictment②, indigenous③, indoctrination, induce, indulgent, inept④, inertia, infallible, infatuation, infertile, infiltrate③, infinite, inflict②, infuse, infuriate, influx⑥, infringement, infuse, infusion, ingenious②, ingredient②, inhale, inhibition, initiate③, initiative⑩↑(「新規構想」の意味で多用される), inmate, innate, innocuous, inoculate, insatiable, insidious, insomnia, insolvency②, instill③, insulate, insular, insurgency④, insurgent⑦, insurmountable③, intact, integrate⑤, integration③, integrity, interim, intertwine, intermittently, interrogate②, interrogation④, intransigent, intrigue, intriguing③, introspection, intoxicate, intractable, intransigence④, intrigue(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), inundate②, invasive(←2010-2読解出題), inventory, invincible, invoke, irrelevance②, irrelevant⑤(←2010-2読解出題), irreversible, irrigation②, itinerant, itinerary②, jeopardize, jingoistic, jitter, jittery, judicious②, juggernaut②, junta, jurisdiction, jury, knockoff②, lambaste, lag, lag behind②, laggard, laggardness, languish④, at large, latitude, laudable, lavish③, lax②, lenient③, leniency, liable, liability, lapse, launch⑩↑, layman, leg(旅程), legitimacy⑤(合法性、正当性), linchpin③, linger④, lineage, levelheaded, leverage③, levy②, liquidity, literacy②, loath(←2010-2読解出題), loathe, lobby, logistics, loom②, loot③, lucrative⑥, lukewarm, lurk②, lust, malnourished, makeshift②, makeover②, makeup, malady, malaise, malevolent, malign, malignant(悪性の), mandate④, mandatory③, manipulate④, manipulation③, mantra②, mar, marginalize②, merit(長所), marshal, martyr②, massacre③, mastermind, matter(重要である)③, maxim, mayhem⑤, meager③, meddle, mediocre, mend one's fences, menial②, mesmerize, meticulously, militia④, mire②, molecular, miscarriage, misgiving, mitigate②, mobilize, modify(←2010-2読解出題), mogul, mollify, momentum, moratorium(←2010-2読解出題), moribund, morph②, mortgage④, mount(開始する)④, muddle②, multiply, mundane, muster②, mutilation③, muzzle, myriad(←2010-2読解出題), narcotic, nascent③, needy, nemesis, nepotism, nexus, niche, nominal, novice, nudge(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), numerous, nuptial
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2011年06月05日 | 英検1級
obscure③, obscurity, obesity, obliterate, oblivious, obsess, obsession, obsolete, odds, at odds④, offense(違反、犯罪), opaque, opaqueness, opine②, ordain, ordeal③, oligarch, ominous, ordain, ordinance②, ornate, opacity, ostensible②, ostracism②, ostracize③, ouster, outlandish, outlet②, outlook, outrageous, outright③, overhead(諸経費), overdue, overt, pacify, pact(協定、条約)③, palatable②, palpable③, pamper, pandemic④, pan put②(←2010-2語彙正答的中), paragon, paralyze, paramount, parasite, pariah③, patriarchal, parishioner, parole, payroll, peddle②, peer, pelt, penchant②, penetrate(←2010-2読解出題), perch③, perish, perjury, perpetrate②, perpetrator②, pertinent, pester, pesticide, pervasive②, petite②, petition④, phenomenal(驚異的な)③, philanthropy, photo op, pilfer, pilgrimage, piracy, pitch③(売り込み口上), pivotal④, placate③, placebo, placid③, plagiarize, plague⑤, plaintiff④, platform⑤(綱領、公約), plausible③(←2010-2読解出題), plausibly, plea, pledge, plight⑥, pluck, plummet⑤, plunge③, pluralistic, plurality, plush, poach, poignant, poised②(態勢ができている), polemic, poll(世論調査、投票数), pollinate③, ponder, pore over, pork barrel, pose⑤(突きつける)(←2010-2読解出題), poster child, pragmatic⑩↑, precarious, precipitate(促進する), predatory④, predecessor⑤(←2010-2読解出題), predicament②, premiere, premise②, prerequisite②, prescient, prescribe⑤, preside④, pressing(差し迫った), presumably, prevail⑩↑(勝る、流布する), prevailing④(一般的な、支配的な), prevalence, prevalent②, prickly, pristine②, probe②(n・v), prod(促す), profane, profess, profligate②, proliferate④, proliferation④, prolific②, profligacy, promising②(有望な), prone③, propagate, proponent, proprietor, projection(予測)③, prop②(←2010-2読解出題), propagate, propensity, proponent③, proprietor, protagonist②, protocol, protract②, provincial, prudent, provision③, provocation②, provocative③, provoke③, prowess②, proximity, proxy③, pry, pundit④, punitive③, purge, quagmire, quantify, quarantine, quell, rack, raid②, rail, ramble②, racy, rally, ramification③, ram into, rampage④, rampant⑩↑, ramp up, ramshackle, rank, rank-and-file②, rankle, ransack(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , ransom③, rapacious, ratchet up③, ratify②, ratification, ration, rationale③, ravage⑤, raze, reassuring(←2010-2読解出題), rebel③, rebellion, rebellious③, rebuff, rebuke, recant, recede, recession, reckon③, reclaim(取り戻す、干拓する), reclusive, recrimination, recruit(新兵、新人), red tape⑤, redeem, redeemable, redress②, redundant, refurbish③, refurnish, refute, regime(政権〈しばしば特定政権に対して軽蔑的に用いる〉)⑤(←2010-2読解出題), regressive, rehabilitation, reimburse②, reincarnation, rein in②, reiterate, rejuvenate, relapse, relegate, relent, relentless, relevant⑩↑, relinquish, remains(遺骨), reminiscence, remittance, remnant, remorse, render③, renegade, renege, renounce②, renovate, reparation, repatriate, repeal, repercussion, replenish, repressive④(←2010-2読解出題), repudiate, repudiation, repugnant, rejuvenate, resentment, residue, resilient③, resonant, resonate③(共感を与える)(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), respectively, respiratory, restive, resume③, resumption②, resurgence③(←2010-2読解出題), resurrection, resuscitate③, retaliate, retaliation, retard(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , rationale②, retract, retribution, retrospection, restive, retain, reticent, revamp③(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), revere②, reverence②, revile②, rev up, revoke②, riddle②, rife③, rip, ripe, rigorous③, rile, ring(徒党、一味), ringleader, rivet, roam④, robust⑦, robustness, roil④, rogue②, root out, row③, rudimentary③, rule of law(法の支配), rumble, runoff, rupture, sabbatical, saber-rattling, saddle④(課する、負わせる), salvation, sanguine, savor, sanction⑥(制裁する、公認するn・v), sanitize②, saturated, scathing, scavenge, scheme, scoff②, scourge, scramble②, scrutinize⑤, scrutiny⑤, seasoned②(「場数を踏んだ」位の意味), secession, secular②, seclude, sectarian②(←2010-2語彙ダミー的中), seep, self-sufficient, segregate, setback, sever⑥, shatter, shackle, shed, shed light on, shell out, shelve(棚上げする), showcase, showdown, shrewd③, shrivel, siege②, significant(有意な), silver bullet, simmer②, sizable, skewed, skirmish③, skirt, skittish, slap②(課する), slash, slate, slay③, sleek, sluggish③, smack, smolder②, smother, smuggle④, soar⑥, sober②, sobering③, solicit②, solidarity, solvency, solvent②, somber(←2010-2語彙出題後収録), sound bite, spat, spare, sparsely, spat, spawn③, spearhead②, specter, spike(急上昇する、急増)⑤, spin(解釈、偏向), spook, sporadic, spouse, spousal, sprawl②, spree③, sprout up, squeeze, squint, stagger, staggering②, stagnate③, stake⑤, at stake⑤, stale②, stalemate②, stall②, stalwart, stamp out③, stampede, standoff, startling, stagnant, stagnate, stark, state-of-the-art③, staunch, stave off③, stealth, sterile, stigma③, sting(おとり捜査), stipulate, stall(立ち往生させる), stoke(かき立てる)②, straitjacket, strain, strike(cut) a deal, strand②, strangle, stronghold, stem④, stem from②, sterilization, steward, stifle③, stigma②, stoke, straddle, strike a chord, strain, strangle, strenuous, stringent, stroll, stronghold, stumble, stump(遊説する), stunt②, stymie, subdue④, subordinate②, subject(被験者)③, sublime, submerge, subscribe③, subsequent, subservient②, subsidiary③, subsidize③, subsidy⑤, subsistence②, substantially, substantive(相当の), subvert, subversive, succumb⑤, suffocate, supplant, suppress, surge⑩↑, subside②, sue⑤, surmount, surreptitious, surrogate②, susceptible⑤, sustainable⑩↑, sustainability③, swagger, swath, sway(影響力), swear in, sweatshop, sweep out, sweeping②, swindle②, synonymous③, tacit④, tailor, taint②, tally③, tame④, tangible②, tantalizing, tantamount, take no chances, tap(「~を利用する」「盗聴する」), tap into②, tariff, tarnish③, tear down, technical(厳密な、建前の), teeming, temper, template②, tenable, tenacious, tenacity, tenet②, tentative②, terrain③, testament, theocracy, theocratic, thorny, threshold, throng, thrust, thwart④, tilt②, tinker③, tissue(組織), tit for tat③, toil, tolerate, tolerance, toll, take its [a]toll, topple④, totalitarian, tout⑤, traction②, trailblazer, trait③, trajectory③, trample②, transcend, transcendent, transparency②, transparent②, treacherous⑤, tributary, truce, trumpet③(吹聴する), turbulence, turmoil⑤, turnout(投票〈者〉数), ubiquitous③, ubiquity, ultimatum, unabated②, undercut③, underlying③, undergo(←2010-2読解出題), undermine⑩↑, underpin②, underscore②, undertake, underwrite, undeterred, undo②, unfettered, unflattering, unfold②, unfounded②, unimpeded, unleash⑥, unpalatable, unprecedented⑧, unscrupulous, unravel⑧, unrelenting②, unsavory, unscathed, untamed, untangle, untapped④, untenable, upheaval(←2010-2読解出題), uphold(←2010-2読解出題), uproot, upshot, usher in③, utility, valid③, validity②, vandalize, vandalism, vanguard②, vanish, vanquish③, vaporize, vaunt, veer(←2010-2語彙出題後収録),verge, on the verge of⑤, vehement, velocity, vendetta, venerate, venerable, venue③, verdict②, verify②, versatile④, versed, vested interest, vestige, veto⑤, vex②, via, viable, vibrant②, vicinity(←2010-2語彙出題後収録),, vie②, be vying with(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , vilify, validate②, vibrant④, vigilance, vigilant, vindicate, virulent②, visionary, vogue, void③, volatile⑤, volunteer(ボランティア、志願兵), voracious②, vulnerability, vulnerable⑩↑, wake(跡), in the wake of(~の後に続いて), wane③, ward(病棟), ward off, warlord⑤, wary②, watershed, wayward②, wean off, weary, weather(切り抜ける)②,whitewash, wind up(行き着く), wipe out, wield, whack, whisk, woe④, wreck②, wreak havoc on, write off(←2010-3語彙正答的中), , xenophobic, yank, zero in on②
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