


2019年11月12日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
​​​​ センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版には第一章、第二章1600問を収録し、有料版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第三章、第四章、第五章2400問を収録しました。

 以下は【第五章】五か所整序問題(ノーヒント)(251)~(300)の50問で、すらすら解けて正しく意味もわかる受験生は少ないです。しかし英検3級合格程度の基礎力があれば十分取り組める【第一章】三か所整序問題(語注、和訳つき)から進めれば【第五章】まで到達するのは難しくありません。解答と和訳はセンター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版でご確認ください。

(251)There is (in *response / being / after / a *decrease / to a *stimulus) *repeatedly *exposed to it. ​

(252)People in big cities (out of / for / *seldom talk / *respect / to strangers) the *privacy of others.(2015中央大)

(253)Why are (*parallel / the *shore / *waves / to / always) on *approaching the seashore?

(254)I (the *progress / *owe / in English / made / I have) to the *wisdom of my aunt.(2009センター)

(255)The *smooth (of / makes it / *surface / possible / the *desert) for camels to *transport *goods easily.(2002センター)

(256)There's (in / no / for / *shame / reaching out) *professional help.

(257)It is (animals / *hunt / *cruel / for sport / to).

(258)Gloves are a great (hand / *bare / *solution / *avoiding / for) *contact, but they can be *inconvenient.

(259)When you travel to *rural Japan, (*population *decline / *apparent / of / the *impacts / become).

(260)*Human (around / *contain / three times / *skulls / *brains) as large as those of even the most *intelligent *apes.(2006センター追試)

(261)Before *refrigerators became *common, vinegar was (in / *vitally important / in the form / food / *preserving) of pickles.(2010センター)

(262)*Employees (*supposed / are / at / *retire / to) the age of sixty in our *company.(2017白鴎大)

(263)So far as I am *concerned, I (*complain / nothing / of / have / to). (2007東北学院大)

(264)Human beings (could now / have *survived / but / be *risking / so far) their future.(2000センター)

(265)Manners (from country / *greeting / of / to country / *vary).

(266)Going through all the (*adjust / of / to / steps / the brightness) my computer screen is a real nuisance.(2010センター)

(267)(the International Year / *establishing / Japan / toward / *contributed greatly) of the Volunteer.(2006センター)

(268)(police / questioned / the / him / when), he broke down and *confessed. (2003早稲田大)

(269)(an *envelope / are / postcards / without / usually *mailed).

(270)In Japan, (*wage / depends on / *minimum / and the *region / the *industry).

(271)Mr. Brown (standing / he was / the *cliff / and found / looked over ) at the edge of a *vertical drop.(2012センター)

(272)Why does the Sun (larger / than / on / *appear / the *horizon) overhead?

(273)Europe has long been a (in / *migration / *destination / global / *popular) *flows.

(274)He *graduated at (in *architecture / the top / with *degrees / his class / of) and city planning.(2010法政大)

(275)Understanding (if / will / *tides and *currents / stay safe / help you) you like to go swimming in the sea.

(276)Let me (in / on / *congratulate / your *triumph / you) the *tournament.

(277)Do (journalism / think / *exists / you / *objective)?

(278)Ecosystems (balance / *maintain / *delicate / a / must) in order to stay *vital.

(279)Bill had to leave his family (*abroad / went / when / behind / he) to work.(2000センター)

(280)There are so many reasons why (over / things / fight / *trivial / people).

(281)The game on the main court (shower / a *brief / was / by / *interrupted). (2005センター)

(282)The (on / *broadcast / *address / *live / will be) ABC.

(283)All *vehicles, new and used, (before / be *registered / must / them / *operating).

(284)A (*molecule / of / is / water / *composed) two hydrogen *atoms and one oxygen *atom.

(285)Across the world, 78% say (a good way / *govern / *representative *democracy / to / is) their country.

(286)Most (*derived / of / Latin / the English words / from) and Greek *roots.

(287)*Certain *individuals, whether children or adults, have (through / *breathe / to / the mouth / a *tendency) instead of the nose.

(288)Over a hundred years ago, the Titanic (the Atlantic Ocean / of / to / *sank / the *bottom) in less than three hours.

(289)*Trial and error, (*approach / in / an / science / used), is often found in daily life.(2016センター)

(290)European heat wave is one of the (in / *horrible / happened / the world / natural *disasters).

(291)It took (*courage / to set sail / the early *explorers / a great deal of / for) for *distant places.(2015上智大)

(292)There is (rule / but / some *exceptions / no / has).

(293)The *consumption *tax rise is part (to / a *strategy / get / designed / of) Japan's *government *debt under control.

(294)To *recover his *strength, (to *raise / was / his arms / the *patient / made) above his head many times every day.(2018センター追試)

(295)(brought about / due to / technology / the *leisure / by), many people (*adapting / have / of / to / the problem) a new way of life.(1992センター)

(296)During the rest of that day there was no other (of / *disrupt / to / the peace / *adventure) their *journey.

(297)When you have to drive, it's (that / to use / *preferable / *includes / a *vehicle) eco-friendly *features.

(298)When a *neat person lives with someone (*messy / is / to be / who / more *inclined), it can *cause quite a few problems.

(299)Shabu-shabu is a (*consisting / *delicious / *thin / of / Japanese dish) slices of meat or fish.

(300)When you sit in the car after it has been *parked in the sun for a few hours,
you'll (the car / a *peculiar / in / *notice / smell).

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