


2023年12月02日 | TOEIC800
TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→800点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成していて、
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 第4章のサンプルで和訳と解答は割愛しています。
 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 に収録された800の英英定義と800の例文をマスターすればTOEIC800点台に十分到達できます。
ツイッター英英楽習のすすめ に紹介している第1章から入ればTOEIC300点台から取り組めて無理なくレベルアップできます。

①to make it possible for someone to do something
②to make something that has been officially decided start to work
③to say that something is true, even though it has not been proved
④to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or disagreement
(A)implement【ímpləmənt】(Ex: The Ministry of Education is planning to *implement school textbook reform to reflect the government's stance.)(337)
(B)claim【kléim】(Ex: The company *claims that it is not responsible for water pollution.)(338)
(C)enable【inéibl】(Ex: This partnership *enabled the company to compete with overseas competitors.)(339)
(D)resolve【rizɑ'lv】(Ex: I've tried different methods to *resolve conflicts between employees.)(340)

①a guess of the value, size, amount etc. of something
②information intended to advise people on how to do something
③a factory where an industrial process takes place
④a list of problems or subjects to be discussed at a meeting
(A)agenda【ədʒéndə】(Ex: The purpose of a meeting should be stated at the top of the *agenda.)(341)
(B)guideline【gáidlàin】(Ex: This brochure provides *guidelines for consumers who want to cut the salt in their diets.)(342)
(C)plant【plǽnt】(Ex: The launch of the *plant's construction is planned to take place at the end of this year.)(343)
(D)estimate【éstəmət】(Ex: According to *estimates, there are approximately 300 million cell phone users in the U.S.)(344)

①at the end of a period of time in which many things happen
②when compared to someone or something similar
③a little
④something is certain to happen
(A)eventually【ivéntʃuəli】(Ex: The pay demands were *eventually resolved through negotiation.)(345)
(B)relatively【rélətivli】(Ex: This summer has been *relatively mild, compared to some we have recently experienced.)(346)
(C)inevitably【inévətəbli】(Ex: Running a business *inevitably involves some paperwork.)(347)
(D)slightly【sláitli】(Ex: Natural gas prices are expected to rise *slightly for the winter heating season.)(348)

①a general plan for achieving something, especially over a long period
②information or evidence that shows that something is true or exists
③an object used to produce music, such as a piano or a drum
④the things that are inside something
(A)proof【prúːf】(Ex: If you're renting an apartment, you'll probably be asked to provide *proof of your income. )(349)
(B)instrument【ínstrəmənt】(Ex: We carry a wide range of musical *instruments, accessories and DVDs at competitive prices.)(350)
(C)strategy【strǽtədʒi】(Ex: A business should have a good marketing and advertising *strategy to attract new customers.)(351)
(D)content【kɑ'ntent】(Ex: You must not use any part of the *content of our site for commercial purposes without obtaining a license from us to do so.)(352)

(337)The Ministry of Education is planning to im------ school textbook reform to reflect the government's stance.
【to make something that has been officially decided start to work】

(338)The company cl------ that it is not responsible for water pollution.
【to say that something is true, even though it has not been proved】

(339)This partnership en------ the company to compete with overseas competitors.
【to make it possible for someone to do something】

(340)I've tried different methods to re------ conflicts between employees.
【to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or disagreement】

(341)The purpose of a meeting should be stated at the top of the ag------ .
【a list of problems or subjects to be discussed at a meeting】

(342)This brochure provides gu------ for consumers who want to cut the salt in their diets.
【information intended to advise people on how to do something】

(343)The launch of the pl------ construction is planned to take place at the end of this year.
【a factory where an industrial process takes place】

(344)According to es------ , there are approximately 300 million cell phone users in the U.S.
【a guess of the value, size, amount etc. of something】

(345)The pay demands were ev------ resolved through negotiation.
【at the end of a period of time in which many things happen】

(346)This summer has been re------ mild, compared to some we have recently experienced.
【when compared to someone or something similar】

(347)Running a business in------ involves some paperwork.
【something is certain to happen】

(348)Natural gas prices are expected to rise sl------ for the winter heating season.
【a little】

(349)If you're renting an apartment, you'll probably be asked to provide pr------ of your income.
【information or evidence that shows that something is true or exists】

(350)We carry a wide range of musical in------ , accessories and DVDs at competitive prices.
【an object used to produce music, such as a piano or a drum】

(351)A business should have a good marketing and advertising st------ to attract new customers.
【a general plan for achieving something, especially over a long period】

(352)You must not use any part of the co------ of our site for commercial purposes without obtaining a license from us to do so.
【the things that are inside something】

①relating to your own country
②belonging or relating to a city
③happening or existing before a particular time
④very good and therefore worth remembering
(A)urban【ə'ːrbən】(Ex:Canada has a successful history of using innovative development strategies to revitalize *urban areas.)(353)
(B)memorable【mémərəbl】(Ex: You can't expect to have a *memorable reception unless you get organized.)(354)
(C)prior【práiər】(Ex: Prices and specifications are subject to change without *prior notice. )(355)
(D)domestic【dəméstik】(Ex:A recent survey on passenger satisfaction shows an overall improvement when it comes to *domestic airline travel. )(356)

①to work with another person or group to achieve something
②to do the work that is necessary for something
③to make something easier to understand by giving examples
④to cause someone to pay an amount of money
(A)cooperate【kouɑ'pərèit】(Ex: Sharing research and development costs is an important motive to *cooperate with competitors.)(357)
(B)illustrate【íləstrèit】(Ex: They *illustrated the effects of alcohol consumption on driving skills.)(358)
(C)handle【hǽndl】(Ex: Once your order leaves our warehouse, it is *handled by a carrier.)(359)
(D)cost【kɔ'ːst】(Ex:Why does a one-way ticket *cost more than a round-trip ticket? )(360)

①a part of a whole
②the act of stopping an activity for a period of time
③a company's written promise to repair or replace a product if it breaks within a particular period of time
④the things that you own which you can carry with you
(A)interruption【ìntərʌ'pʃən】(Ex: Sydney Ferries customers are advised there will be an *interruption to services between 10am and 2pm on Monday.)(361)
(B)warranty【wɔ'ːrənti】(Ex: We do not currently offer repair services for products that are past the *warranty period.)(362)
(C)proportion【prəpɔ'ːrʃən】(Ex: A large *proportion of industrial accidents are preventable.)(363)
(D)belongings【bilɔ'ːŋiŋz】(Ex: Please make sure you take all your *belongings with you when you leave the train.)(364)

①continuing to do something despite difficulties
②extremely important and necessary
③certain that something is true
④providing more than the amount that is usual or necessary
(A)convinced【kənvínst】(Ex: We are *convinced that the biggest challenge facing us is to develop and produce eco-friendly products.)(365)
(B)generous【dʒénərəs】(Ex: Big Japanese companies offered the most *generous pay raises in years.)(366)
(C)essential【isénʃəl】(Ex: One of the *essential elements of an advertising campaign is explaining the features of the product.)(367)
(D)persistent【pərsístənt】(Ex: *Persistent effort will break down barriers that you encounter on your success journey.)(368)

(353) Canada has a successful history of using innovative development strategies to revitalize ur------ areas.
【belonging or relating to a city】

(354)You can't expect to have a me------ reception unless you get organized.
【very good and therefore worth remembering】

(355)Prices and specifications are subject to change without pr------ notice.
【happening or existing before a particular time】

(356)A recent survey on passenger satisfaction shows an overall improvement when it comes to do------ airline travel.
【relating to your own country】

(357)Sharing research and development costs is an important motive to co------ with competitors.
【to work with another person or group to achieve something】

(358)They il------ the effects of alcohol consumption on driving skills.
【to make something easier to understand by giving examples】

(359)Once your order leaves our warehouse, it is ha------ by a carrier.
【to do the work that is necessary for something】

(360)Why does a one-way ticket co------ more than a round-trip ticket?
【to cause someone to pay an amount of money】

(361)Sydney Ferries customers are advised there will be an in------ to services between 10am and 2pm on Monday.
【the act of stopping an activity for a period of time】

(362)We do not currently offer repair services for products that are past the wa------ period.
【a company's written promise to repair or replace a product if it breaks within a particular period of time】

(363)A large pr------ of industrial accidents are preventable.
【a part of a whole】

(364)Please make sure you take all your be------ with you when you leave the train.
【the things that you own which you can carry with you】

(365)We are co------ that the biggest challenge facing us is to develop and produce eco-friendly products.
【certain that something is true】

(366)Big Japanese companies offered the most ge------ pay raises in years.
【providing more than the amount that is usual or necessary】

(367)One of the es------ elements of an advertising campaign is explaining the features of the product.
【extremely important and necessary】

(368)Pe------ effort will break down barriers that you encounter on your success journey.
【continuing to do something despite difficulties】

①to send goods to a customer
②to bring something to an end
③to use something with someone or something
④to give someone a particular job
(A)ship【ʃíp】(Ex: What's the best way to *ship fragile items?)(369)
(B)conclude【kənklúːd】(Ex: The closing ceremony was *concluded with a concert.)(370)
(C)assign【əsáin】(Ex: An employer is obliged to *assign work to an employee according to the employment contract.)(371)
(D)share【ʃéər】(Ex: My upstairs shower and my downstairs kitchen sink *share the same drain.)(372)

①to improve something
②to give someone a prize or other reward for something they have done
③to discover or notice the presence of something using scientific methods
④to make something last longer
(A)detect【ditékt】(Ex: Research with experimental animals is the most reliable means of *detecting toxic properties of chemical substances.)(373)
(B)enhance【inhǽns】(Ex: The need to ensure and *enhance employee productivity is a reality no business can ignore.)(374)
(C)award【əwɔ'ːrd】(Ex: He is a top salesperson who has been *awarded many prizes for his performance.)(375)
(D)extend【iksténd】(Ex: Most landlords prefer to avoid granting options to *extend the term of a lease.)(376)

①a person considered separately from the group or society
②a group such as a club or business that has formed in order to achieve a particular aim
③a group of numbers that represent a piece of information
④the state of being successful and having a lot of money
(A)individual【ìndəvídʒuəl】(Ex: Whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the *individual.)(377)
(B)statistics【stətístiks】(Ex: As well as providing valuable evidence to support your findings, *statistics can also be misleading.)(378)
(C)organization【ɔ`ːrgənizéiʃən】(Ex: Before you start your new business you need to determine the type of business *organization you will have.)(379)
(D)prosperity【prɑspérəti】(Ex: Tourism is one of the strongest drivers of world trade and *prosperity.)(380)

①to think that something is true without definite proof
②to tell someone what they should do for a particular purpose
③to change someone or something completely
④to make a short statement giving only the most important facts or features of something
(A)transform【trænsfɔ'ːrm】(Ex: Tourism has *transformed the traditions, lifestyles and landscapes of rural Japan.)(381)
(B)summarize【sʌ'məràiz】(Ex: Résumés are intended to briefly *summarize the background and skills a job seeker has to offer the prospective employer.)(382)
(C)suggest【səgdʒést】(Ex: Experts *suggest postponing the retirement age to ease labor shortages in the future.)(383)
(D)assume【əsúːm】(Ex: Don't *assume that methods that have worked well in the past will work in the future.)(384)

(369)What's the best way to sh------ fragile items?
【to send goods to a customer】

(370)The closing ceremony was co------ with a concert.
【to bring something to an end】

(371)An employer is obliged to as------ work to an employee according to the employment contract.
【to give someone a particular job】

(372)My upstairs shower and my downstairs kitchen sink sh------ the same drain.
【to use something with someone or something】

(373)Research with experimental animals is the most reliable means of de------ toxic properties of chemical substances.
【to discover or notice the presence of something using scientific methods】

(374)The need to ensure and en------ employee productivity is a reality no business can ignore.
【to improve something】

(375)He is a top salesperson who has been aw------ many prizes for his performance.
【to give someone a prize or other reward for something they have done】

(376)Most landlords prefer to avoid granting options to ex------ the term of a lease.
【to make something last longer】

(377)Whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the in------ .
【a person considered separately from the group or society】

(378)As well as providing valuable evidence to support your findings, st------ can also be misleading.
【a group of numbers that represent a piece of information】

(379)Before you start your new business you need to determine the type of business or------ you will have.
【a group such as a club or business that has formed in order to achieve a particular aim】

(380)Tourism is one of the strongest drivers of world trade and pr------ .
【the state of being successful and having a lot of money】

(381)Tourism has tr------ the traditions, lifestyles and landscapes of rural Japan.
【to change someone or something completely】

(382)Résumés are intended to briefly su------ the background and skills a job seeker has to offer the prospective employer.
【to make a short statement giving only the most important facts or features of something】

(383)Experts su------ postponing the retirement age to ease labor shortages in the future.
【to tell someone what they should do for a particular purpose】

(384)Don't as------ that methods that have worked well in the past will work in the future.
【to think that something is true without definite proof】

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2023年10月29日 | TOEIC800
 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→800点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成していて、中には100時間の勉強時間でTOEIC500点台後半からTOEIC800点台前半まで一気にスコアを伸ばした例もあります。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 冒頭の

①to go to an event行事 or activity活動
②to makeさせる someone or something late遅い
③to give something to someone and receive受け取る something in return引き換えに
④to put置く something in…に a particular特定の place whereそこで people can see it easily



①to go to an event行事 or activity活動
②to makeさせる someone or something late遅い
③to give something to someone and receive受け取る something in return引き換えに
④to put置く something in…に a particular特定の place whereそこで people can see it easily


①to go to an event or activity
②to make someone or something late
③to give something to someone and receive something in return
④to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily



①to go to an event行事 or activity活動
②to makeさせる someone or something late遅い
③to give something to someone and receive受け取る something in return引き換えに
④to put置く something in…に a particular特定の place whereそこで people can see it easily


①display【displéi】(Ex: Stores *display junk food near checkout countersレジ to attract引きつける customers顧客.)(001) 
②exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: Products製品 can be *exchanged up to最大 two months after purchase購入. )(002)
③delay【diléi】(Ex: The automobile company自動車会社 *delayed the launch発売 of the new version of hybrid car.)(003)
④attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the annual毎年の class reunion同級会 this year.)(004)
(A)to go to an event or activity
(B)to make someone or something late
(C)to give something to someone and receive something in return
(D)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily



①display:陳列する(Ex: 店は客を引きつけるためにレジ近くにジャンクフードを陳列する)
②exchange:交換する(Ex: 製品は購入後二ヶ月まで交換できる)
③delay:遅らせる(Ex: その自動車会社は新しいバージョンのハイブリッドカーの発売を遅らせた)
④attend:出席する (Ex: 彼女は今年、毎年の同級会に出席しなかった)


(001)Stores dis------ junk food near checkout counters to attract customers.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(002)Products can be exc------ up to two months after purchase.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(003)The automobile company del------ the launch of the new version of hybrid car.
【to make someone or something late】

(004) She did not att------ the annual class reunion this year.
【to go to an event or activity】








①to go to an event or activity
②to make someone or something late
③to give something to someone and receive something in return
④to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(A)display【displéi】(Ex: Stores *display junk food near checkout counters to attract customers.)(001) 
(B)exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: Products can be *exchanged up to two months after purchase. )(002)
(C)delay【diléi】(Ex: The automobile company *delayed the launch of the new version of hybrid car.)(003)
(D)attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the annual class reunion this year.)(004)



(A)display:陳列する(Ex: 店は客を引きつけるためにレジ近くにジャンクフードを陳列する)
(B)exchange:交換する(Ex: 製品は購入後二ヶ月まで交換できる)
(C)delay:遅らせる(Ex: その自動車会社は新しいバージョンのハイブリッドカーの発売を遅らせた)
(D)attend:出席する (Ex: 彼女は今年、毎年の同級会に出席しなかった)


(001)Stores di------ junk food near checkout counters to attract customers.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(002)Products can be ex------ up to two months after purchase.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(003)The automobile company de------ the launch of the new version of hybrid car.
【to make someone or something late】

(004) She did not at------ the annual class reunion this year.
【to go to an event or activity】








①display【displéi】(Ex: Stores *display junk food near checkout counters to attract customers.)(033) 
②exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: Products can be *exchanged up to two months after purchase. )(034)
③delay【diléi】(Ex: The automobile company *delayed the launch of the new version of hybrid car.)(035)
④attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the annual class reunion this year.)(036)
(A)to go to an event or activity
(B)to make someone or something late
(C)to give something to someone and receive something in return
(D)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily

(033)Stores d------ junk food near checkout counters to attract customers.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(034)Products can be e------ up to two months after purchase.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(035)The automobile company d------ the launch of the new version of hybrid car.
【to make someone or something late】

(036) She did not a------ the annual class reunion this year.
【to go to an event or activity】

以下にTOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 後半に収録された四語を紹介します。


①the people who are employed雇われた in a company, organization組織, or military force軍隊
②a medical doctor who is not a surgeon外科医
③a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice気づく something
④the amount of something produced生産された by a person, machine, factory工場 etc.



①the people who are employed雇われた in a company, organization組織, or military force軍隊
②a medical doctor who is not a surgeon外科医
③a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice気づく something
④the amount of something produced生産された by a person, machine, factory工場 etc.


①the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force
②a medical doctor who is not a surgeon
③a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something
④the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.



①the people who are employed雇われた in a company, organization組織, or military force軍隊
②a medical doctor who is not a surgeon外科医
③a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice気づく something
④the amount of something produced生産された by a person, machine, factory工場 etc.


①oversight【óuvɚsàit】(Ex: Please accept our apologies謝罪 for this *oversight.)(601)
②physician【fizíʃən】(Ex: My *physician advised me to follow rigorous厳格な dietary食事の restriction制限 for the time beingしばらくの間.)(602)
③output【ɑ'utpùt】(Ex: The total *output per day of a solar power system dependsよる on the size of that system and the amount of direct sunlight it receives.)(603)
④personnel【pə`ːrsənél】(Ex: Animal care *personnel are required求められる to wear personal protective防護の equipment器具 while at work.)(604)
(A)the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force
(B)a medical doctor who is not a surgeon
(C)a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something
(D)the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.



①oversight:見落とし(Ex: この見落としについてのわれわれの謝罪をお受けください)
②physician:内科医(Ex: 医師は私に、当面は厳格な食事制限を行うよう助言した)
③output:生産高(Ex: ソーラーパワー装置の一日の総出力は、装置の大きさと受ける直射日光の量にかかっている)
④personnel:職員(Ex: 動物の世話をする職員は勤務中に個人用防護具を着用することが求められる)


(601)Please accept our apologies for this ove------ .
【a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something】

(602)My phy------ advised me to follow rigorous dietary restriction for the time being.
【a medical doctor who is not a surgeon】

(603)The total out------ per day of a solar power system depends on the size of that system and the amount of direct sunlight it receives.
【the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.】

(604)Animal care per------ are required to wear personal protective equipment while at work.
【the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force】




(602) 内科医は私に、当面は厳格な食事制限を行うよう助言した。




①the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force
②a medical doctor who is not a surgeon
③a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something
④the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.
(A)oversight【óuvɚsàit】(Ex: Please accept our apologies for this *oversight.)(601)
(B)physician【fizíʃən】(Ex: My *physician advised me to follow rigorous dietary restriction for the time being.)(602)
(C)output【ɑ'utpùt】(Ex: The total *output per day of a solar power system depends on the size of that system and the amount of direct sunlight it receives.)(603)
(D)personnel【pə`ːrsənél】(Ex: Animal care *personnel are required to wear personal protective equipment while at work.)(604)



(A)oversight:見落とし(Ex: この見落としについてのわれわれの謝罪をお受けください)
(B)physician:内科医(Ex: 内科医は私に、当面は厳格な食事制限を行うよう助言した。)
(C)output:生産高(Ex: ソーラーパワー装置の一日の総出力は、装置の大きさと受ける直射日光の量にかかっている)
(D)personnel:職員(Ex: 動物の世話をする職員は勤務中に個人用防護具を着用することが求められる)


(601)Please accept our apologies for this ov------ .
【a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something】

(602)My ph------ advised me to follow rigorous dietary restriction for the time being.
【a medical doctor who is not a surgeon】

(603)The total ou------ per day of a solar power system depends on the size of that system and the amount of direct sunlight it receives.
【the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.】

(604)Animal care pe------ are required to wear personal protective equipment while at work.
【the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force】








①oversight【óuvɚsàit】(Ex: Please accept our apologies for this *oversight.)(505)
②physician【fizíʃən】(Ex: My *physician advised me to follow rigorous dietary restriction for the time being.)(506)
③output【ɑ'utpùt】(Ex: The total *output per day of a solar power system depends on the size of that system and the amount of direct sunlight it receives.)(507)
④personnel【pə`ːrsənél】(Ex: Animal care *personnel are required to wear personal protective equipment while at work.)(508)
(A)the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force
(B)a medical doctor who is not a surgeon
(C)a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something
(D)the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.

(505)Please accept our apologies for this o------ .
【a mistake made because you forget something or do not notice something】

(506)My p------ advised me to follow rigorous dietary restriction for the time being.
【a medical doctor who is not a surgeon】

(507)The total o------ per day of a solar power system depends on the size of that system and the amount of direct sunlight it receives.
【the amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory etc.】

(508)Animal care p------ are required to wear personal protective equipment while at work.
【the people who are employed in a company, organization, or military force】

一番難しい上記の1文字ヒント英英挟み撃ち問題がすらすらできるようになって、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 に収録された800組の英英定義と例文を全部マスターしてもTOEIC800点を越えないというケースはまず考えられないです。

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2023年10月24日 | TOEIC800
 量の多さで解ききれず苦戦するケースが多いTOEIC攻略にあたって、英英定義と例文でキーワードを学んでいくと英語を英語で理解できるようになり、驚くほどスムーズにTOEICスコアを上げることができます。次頁以降にお示しするのは、 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語の最終16語
(initiative新規構想, retail小売, landmark目印, discretion裁量,commemorate記念する, disrupt乱す,prolong延長する,discard捨てる,devise考案する, exempt免除する,verify検証する,browse立ち読みする,preliminary予備の,integral不可欠な, intentional意図的な,dairy乳製品の)
 見出し語選定に当たってはTOEIC公式問題集によく登場するようなTOEIC頻出語彙の中から、英検や大学入試やTOEFLといった他の英語試験にも登場する汎用性の高いキーワードを選ぶよう留意しました。例えば、enforce(施行する)という単語はどの英語試験でも欠かせないキーワードで、Curbs marked by red indicate no parking under any circumstances and are *enforced around the clock.(赤のついた縁石はいかなる状況でも駐車禁止を示し、24時間通して施行される)という例文の見出し語になっています。curb(縁石)のようなTOEICで登場するものの他の英語試験であまり見かけない単語は例文に組み込むにとどめました。やや難しい熟語around the clock (24時間通して)も例文に組み込まれています。これに対して、wheelbarrow(手押し一輪車)のようなTOEICにしか登場せず意味を知らなくても消去法で正解できる単語は割愛しました。精選したTOEICキーワード800の英英定義と例文をマスターした学習者は余裕でTOEIC800以上のスコアを出しています。
第1章はビギナー向け、第2章は初級者向けです。基礎的英語力に自信があれば中級者向けの第3章、あるいは上級者向けの第4章および第5章から開始してください。ゆっくり進めても第1章10時間、第2章10時間、第3章25時間、第4章25時間、第5章25時間、合計95時間程度で一周できます。「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語の試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しています。中には100時間の勉強時間でTOEIC500点台後半からTOEIC800点台前半まで一気にスコアを伸ばした例もあります。多くの受験者が量の多さで苦戦するTOEICでは語彙力とスピードが肝心で、英和方式と英英方式では三輪車と自転車くらい学習効率の差が出ます。


①the selling of goods品物 to the public for their own use
②a building or place that is easily recognized認識される and that will help you to know where you are
③the right権利 or ability能力 to decide what should be done in a particular situation状況
④an important new plan that is intended意図された to solve解決する a particular problem



①the selling of goods品物 to the public for their own use
②a building or place that is easily recognized認識される and that will help you to know where you are
③the right権利 or ability能力 to decide what should be done in a particular situation状況
④an important new plan that is intended意図された to solve解決する a particular problem


①to remind思い出させる people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony儀式, or by creating a special object
②to make something last続く longer
③to make it difficult for something to continue続ける in its normal way by causing起こす problems
④to get rid of処分する something



①to remind思い出させる people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony儀式, or by creating a special object
②to make something last続く longer
③to make it difficult for something to continue続ける in its normal way by causing起こす problems
④to get rid of処分する something


①to give someone permission許可 to ignore無視する something such as…のような a rule, obligation義務, or payment
②to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
③to invent発明する a new way of doing something
④to check調べる whether something is true or accurate正確な



①to give someone permission許可 to ignore無視する something such as…のような a rule, obligation義務, or payment
②to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
③to invent発明する a new way of doing something
④to check調べる whether something is true or accurate正確な


①relating関係している to milk or to foods that are made from milk
②forming構成する a necessary必要な part of something
③happening before a more important part of something
④done deliberately故意に



①relating関係している to milk or to foods that are made from milk
②forming構成する a necessary必要な part of something
③happening before a more important part of something
④done deliberately故意に


①the selling of goods to the public for their own use
②a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are
③the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation状況
④an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem



①the selling of goods品物 to the public for their own use
②a building or place that is easily recognized認識される and that will help you to know where you are
③the right権利 or ability能力 to decide what should be done in a particular situation状況
④an important new plan that is intended意図された to solve解決する a particular problem


①to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object
②to make something last longer
③to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems
④to get rid of something



①to remind思い出させる people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony儀式, or by creating a special object
②to make something last続く longer
③to make it difficult for something to continue続ける in its normal way by causing起こす problems
④to get rid of処分する something


①to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment
②to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
③to invent a new way of doing something
④to check whether something is true or accurate



①to give someone permission許可 to ignore無視する something such as…のような a rule, obligation義務, or payment
②to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
③to invent発明する a new way of doing something
④to check調べる whether something is true or accurate正確な


①relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk
②forming a necessary part of something
③happening before a more important part of something
④done deliberately



①relating関係している to milk or to foods that are made from milk
②forming構成する a necessary必要な part of something
③happening before a more important part of something
④done deliberately故意に

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語前書き第3章~第5章は、 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語前書き(2)をご覧ください。
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