

クリスマス2012年 Christmas 2012

2012-12-30 | 人生



This year my sister's family spent Christmas with her in-laws so our family celebrated Christmas on the 23rd. (Clearly my ability to wing things is genetic.)


みんなで遊んだりプレゼントを開けたりしているところの写真を撮りましたので(記事の上の方にある)フォトチャンネルのビデオでご覧ください~ 特に気に入った写真をまたここで載せます。いや~もうクリスマスは子供のためですね。私の家族のクリスマスの過ごし方はアメリカ人として例外ですが、みんなお金がないので大人同士でプレゼントを交換しないで、子供だけにあげています。ちょっと寂しいけど、もし子供がいなければ、何もしないと思いますね。

I took pictures of us playing and opening presents, so check out the photo channel at the top of this entry. I'll post my favorites here, too. Man, Christmas is only for the children anymore. We spend Christmas differently from most Americans, but none of us have money so we don't exchange gifts--just give them to the children. It's kind of sad, but if we didn't have the kids, we might not even do anything.


Last Christmas there was no snow yet, so it didn't feel like Christmas at all. Luckily, it snowed right before Christmas this year!


My sister's son Blake (2) and my brother's daughter Anya (5) got a sled!


Don't they seem more like siblings than cousins?!


Anya got a Barbie, and Blake got a singing truck.


My sister pregnant with her daughter Lylah--at least, she was! She just had the baby yesterday so I'll update later with pictures.



It's been about a high of 23 degrees lately in Wisconsin, but the fireplace is so cozy warm, it's pure happiness. Goodbye, Japanese ice apartment!!


(アメリカでも火を使わない奇麗な偽物の暖炉があるのに、何で日本は使わないでしょう ちなみに上の写真は広告によるもので、この記事と関係ありません。)

(Even America has fake fireplaces that don't use fire, why can't Japan have them?! For the record, the above photo is from an ad and is unrelated to this article.)



For the food, I don't know the exact recipes, so I'll explain it simply. If anyone wants a recipe for something pictured, leave a comment and I'll gladly tell you!



What a nostalgic spread! We eat similar dishes every year, so I look forward to them.



Vegetable pizza: The crust is croissant, the sauce is cream cheese, and the vegetables are olives, broccoli, cauliflower, and green onions, and it's topped with cheese.



The taste is similar to vegetable pizza: Tortillas rolled up with cream cheese and vegetables.



The potato chip dip mostly consists of sour cream and pickles.



Broccoli salad: The sauce is a mix of mayo and vinegar and sugar, and mixed in is bacon, onions and sunflower seeds.


エビ+カクテル・ソース♪ 手作りじゃなくて...

Shrimp and cocktail sauce! Not homemade...



Cracker dip: Cream cheese plus other stuff? I forgot.



Pistachio Fluff! Pistachio pudding mix + Cool Whip + pineapple + cottage cheese. This must be a strange concoction to the Japanese.


For reference: There's a lot of Cool Whip in it so it's the best. I didn't see Cool Whip in Japan, so I wanted to eat it my whole time there. It's a lot like whipped cream, but it's not made of actual cream, so it's different. It's also scooped with a spoon. I'm drooling just thinking about it.



BBQ sauce hot dogs and Sloppy Joes.


Fruit punch: Ginger ale + orange juice concentrate + pineapple juice concentrate + sherbet scoops


Rainbow Jello: Make each layer of Jello and add next layer after it hardens. It takes all day.


メリークリスマス! Merry Christmas!