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365kimono なきゃつくる料理


2013-08-03 04:12:47 | 365kimono(キモノ365日選び)
It's been a decade since i started wearing kimono in summer. Not yukata bathlobes. Nowadays you rarely see people wearing kimono in summer. First, i just wanted to know how it feels like to wear "SHA", silk, the see-thru one which of course requires under kimono"nagajuban".  I noticed that people find coolness to see thru "SHA", i found it really neat. Actualy it IS hot to wear them to walk outside in summer. But since it is a fashion style and you can use your head and imagination how to
show coolness thru your wearing kimono. It comes from the color choice, adjusting material for the temperature, being tiny bit ahead of "SHIKI" season changes of the year, month, the timing of the certain flower to bloom and so on! And the color cordinate of kimono, obi, other tiny staffs, and the shapes you make by "kitsuke" wearing flat fabric on your body. Even wearing completely same kimono cordinate, "kitsuke" can make you look dull or fabulous! Isn't this fun?
英日書いてることちがうわね(^^;) それぞれの言語がよぶ内容が違うんだわ。英語だと私の日本人以外の友達にたいしての説明はじめてるのね。日本語は日本人の友達へしたいとおもった内容。日本にキモノ批評家が多くて実際着辛いって、英語で書く必要ないっておもってるわけだ、私。で、英語では夏キモノを着る意義はじめから丁寧に説明してる(笑)
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