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Greetings from CANADA!

2009-06-26 20:17:58 | Weblog


Hello Everyone!
How are you?  I've made it to Nova Scotia -- the flight was long and
everyone had to be taken off the plane in Detroit, causing a 2 hour
delay, not fun -- and have been in Halifax the past few days, trying
to adjust to Canadian time and culture...both have been really
difficult!  The jet lag is rough, so anyone coming to visit me should
be prepared!

It's true what they say about reverse culture shock as well...I
haven't been home in 3 years, so it's been quite the experience! Today
I was at the grocery store and I found paying at the cash really hard.
 For so long I've been trying to understand everything the cashier was
saying to me (in Japanese), but today I could understand what she was
saying, but I couldn't respond quickly, I was almost translating into
English...and I still use Japanese expressions often, so people don't
understand what I'm saying. Also, the size of everything is really
overwhelming - will take some getting used to.

Well, it's getting late here, so I should probably get going to
bed...although I'll be wide awake at 1am - ah Japan time!
Will write again soon!
Take care, miss you all,
