Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2024-08-08 01:06:27 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国株式市場「時価総額 235兆」蒸発 嘆き節「日本・台湾と比べてなかなか上がらず一瞬で暴落」"


>"Registration of Sado Gold Mines: Improved Japan-S. Korea Ties Help Realize World Heritage Bid"

> 韓国の要求を日本ガン無視!その後の顛末が韓国民にバレてユン政権大炎上! 24/8/6報道【ニュース・スレまとめ・海外の反応・韓国の反応】佐渡鉱山 世界遺産

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; S. Korean netizens are posting comments of anger = Did Seoul fail in negotiation with Japan over listing of the "gold mines on Sado Island" on UNESCO WCH!?


> 2024年8月6日、韓国・ハンギョレ新聞は「『佐渡島の金山』の世界文化遺産登録に関連し、韓国は日本との協議で展示物に『強制』という表現を明示するよう求めたが、日本政府が受け入れなかったことが確認された」と伝えた。
> 記事は「韓国は核心である要求が受け入れられなかったにもかかわらず文化遺産登録に同意したことになる」「低姿勢交渉だとの声が強まるだろう」と指摘している。

On Aug. 6, 2024, the Hankyoreh in S. Korea reported that >'Korea had asked Japan during deliberations over the Sado mines exhibition to use the term "forced" or "forcibly" in exhibition descriptions and materials, but that Japan had ultimately rejected that request regarding the listing of the [gold mines on Sado Island] on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.'
The article pointed out that >'Since this means that Korea basically approved the Sado mines' UNESCO registration despite Japan's rejection of a key demand, it's likely to fuel the debate over Korea's spineless handling of the negotiations.

> 記事によると、韓国外交部が6日、国会外交統一委員会所属のイ・ジェジョン議員に提出した答弁書の中で明らかにした。
> しかし、外交部はこれまで「(相川郷土博物館の)実際の展示内容をめぐる協議で、『強制性』をよりはっきり示す内容にすることを求めてきた。日本が最終的に受け入れたのが、現在の展示内容だ」と説明していた。
> 実際の展示には、朝鮮人の強制動員を明示する表現は用いられていない。

According to the article, on Aug. 6, >"In a written response submitted Tuesday to Democratic Party lawmaker Lee Jae-jung, a member of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee, the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs" revealed so.
However, >'An official from the Foreign Ministry said on July 30 that "when our two countries were deliberating on the actual content of the exhibition at the Aikawa History Museum, we asked for more content that would make clear the forcible nature [of the mobilization], which Japan ultimately accepted. That's what we see in the current exhibition".'
>'But the exhibit doesn't explicitly say that Koreans were subject to forcible mobilization — in other words, that they were "forced" to work.'

> 韓国政府は「交渉の結果、日本側は『強制性が分かる表現』を受け入れた」と成果を強調しているが、「日本が韓国側のどの要求を受け入れなかったのか」は明らかにしていない。
> イ議員が「『強制(forced to work)』と明示するよう要求したのか」と質問しても、「日本と表現問題を協議したのではない」と回答を避けているという。
> こうした状況から、「韓国政府が交渉失敗という批判を避けるために、日本が『強制』表現の明示を拒否したことを意図的に隠したのでは」との指摘が出ているという。

>"As the controversy grew, the Korean government played up the fact that Japan had agreed during the negotiations over UNESCO registration of the Sado mines to use language reflecting the compulsory nature of Korean workers' mobilization. But Korean officials didn't specify which demands Japan had refused to accept during the negotiations."
Even though Rep. Lee Jae-jung questioned >'whether Korea had asked Japan to specifically use the phrase "forced (to work)," Korean officials evasively responded that "we weren't negotiating phraseology with Japan."'
Due to such conditions, it's allegedly pointed out that >'whether the government was trying to avoid criticism about failed negotiations when it deliberately concealed the fact that Japan had refused its request to use the phrase "forced to work."'

> この記事に、韓国のネットユーザーからは「『強制という単語を使ってください』『嫌だ』『分かりました。同意します』こういうこと?。すごい政権だね」「日本に拒否されても『はい、ご主人さま』でおしまいか」「売国奴政府」「日本の手先」「独島(日本名:竹島)を売り渡す前に尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領を(大統領の座から)引きずり下ろさないと」など、怒りの声が殺到している。
In response to the article, S. Korean netizens are posting a flood of comments of criticism as follows;
"[Please use the word 'coercion']. [No]. [Okay. I agree]. Is that what happened? What an incredible administration."
"Even though Japan refused, all what it said was [Yes, sir] and closed the matter." "A traitorous government."
"A pawn of Japan."
"We need to remove President Yoon Suk-yeol (from his position) before he sells off Dokdo (Japanese name: Takeshima)."

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