Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 8/27)

2024-08-27 19:38:28 | Translation

Ref.>"KADOKAWA障害、ロシア系ハッカーが「交渉決裂」と主張 再攻撃を予告"

>"日中友好議連、中国訪問へ羽田空港を出発 習近平国家主席との会談も摸索"


Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 8/27)


> 日本会議豊島練馬支部の皆さんと共に台湾に来ています。
> 昨日は台北に到着後すぐ、台湾日本関係協会との意見交換会を兼ねた昼食会。
> 元立法院長の蘇嘉全会長を始め、懐かしい方と再会できました。
> 日台の政策等について議論した後、台湾高速鉄道で高雄に向かいました。

I am visiting Taiwan with the members of the Toshima-Nerima branch of the Japan Conference.
Yesterday, immediately after arriving in Taipei, I had a luncheon meeting with the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, which also served as an opinion-exchange meeting.
I was able to meet up with many old friends, including the chairperson Su Jia-chyuan, who is ex-legislative speaker.
After discussing Japan-Taiwan policies, we headed to Kaohsiung on the Taiwan High Speed ​​Rail.

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