Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西松建設が逆転敗訴 韓国の「徴用工」訴訟 ソウル高裁が時効理由の請求棄却覆す

2024-09-06 06:14:52 | Translation


>"北朝鮮産シジミを不正輸入か ロシア産と偽り輸入の疑い 埼玉県の水産物販売会社を書類送検"

>【海外の反応】「韓国と仲良くする必要あります?」日本を批判する韓国の反日教授が "論破王ひろゆき"に公開論破された結果…

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Nishimatsu Construction lost in "forced labor" lawsuit in S. Korea = the Seoul High Court overturned a sentence dismissing the claim on the grounds of statute of limitations.

>"西松建設が逆転敗訴 韓国の「徴用工」訴訟 ソウル高裁が時効理由の請求棄却覆す"

> 韓国人のいわゆる徴用工の遺族5人が西松建設に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の控訴審判決が5日、ソウル高裁であり、時効を理由に請求を棄却した 2023年の一審判決を覆し、賠償支払いを命じた。
> 時効に関連する昨年末の韓国最高裁の判断を受け、西松建設の逆転敗訴となったとみられる。

On Sept. 5, the Seoul High Court handed down an appeals court ruling in a lawsuit filed by five S. Korean bereaved of former conscripted workers seeking damages from Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd. The sentence overturned a 2023 1st trial sentence that dismissed the claim on the grounds of statute of limitations, and ordered the company to pay compensation.
It seems that, in response to the ruling by the Supreme Court of Korea at the end of last year on the statute of limitations, Nishimatsu Construction lost it in reversal.

> 賠償額は計約 7300万ウォン(約780万円)。
> 原告支援団体の金英丸氏は判決後の記者会見で、西松建設は中国人のいわゆる徴用工には金銭を支払い和解したと言及し、「韓国の被害者にも謝罪、賠償すべきだ」と訴えた。

The total amount of compensation is about 73 million won (approx. \7.8 million).
At a press conference after the ruling, Kim Yeong-hwan, a member of the plaintiffs' support organization, mentioned that Nishimatsu Construction paid money to the Chinese so-called conscripted workers and reached an out of court settlement, and appealed that "It should also apologize and pay compensation to the S. Korean victims."

> 団体によると、いわゆる徴用工は朝鮮半島北部にあった西松建設の工事現場に動員され、1944年に死亡した。
> 最高裁は昨年末、18年10月の判決以降、司法による被害者救済が韓国で確実になったと指摘。
> 5日の控訴審判決はそこから一定期間内に提訴されたため、時効にならないと判断した。

According to the organization, the so-called conscripted workers were mobilized to work at Nishimatsu Construction's construction site in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, and died in 1944.
The Supreme Court of Korea pointed out at the end of last year that, since its ruling in Oct. 2018, judicial relief for victims has become certain in S. Korea.
The appeal court ruling on Sept. 5 judged that statute of limitations wasn't applied as it was filed within a certain period of time from that date.

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