Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;<産経抄>靖国参拝 ご注進報道はここらで終わりにしよう

2024-08-25 10:35:52 | Translation

Ref.>"<産経抄>靖国参拝 日本と戦っていない韓国の反発に理由なし"

>"Seoul reaffirms Japan's colonial rule 'null and void' amid history controversy"

>【日本の窮状】水に流す日本 過去記憶型文化の中国朝鮮「日本に復讐せよ」

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Excerpts from the Sankei]. When it comes to visit to Yasukuni Shrine, now is the time to end informing news reports

>"<産経抄>靖国参拝 ご注進報道はここらで終わりにしよう"

> 17日の小欄は、木原稔防衛相の靖国神社参拝に関する朝日新聞の「日韓関係に冷や水も」との記事に疑問を示し、「(参拝に)何の問題があろうか」と書いた。
> すると朝日はさらに、米国務省報道担当者のコメントを取り「防衛相の靖国参拝『後ろ向き』」との記事を掲載していた。
> よほど日韓関係に影響を及ぼしたいらしい

In this column on Aug. 17, it questioned an article of The Asahi Shimbun about visit to Yasukuni Shrine by DM Minoru Kihara saying "This may be a chill to Japan-S. Korea relations," and wrote that "What's the problem (in visit there)!?"
Then, furthermore, The Asahi Shimbun secured a comment of a spokesperson of U.S. Dept. of State and placed an article to say that "The Defense Minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine is [backwards stance]."
It seems that (The Asahi Shimbun) wants to impact Japan-S. Korea relations so much.

> 米国人は国務省高官といえども「日本と韓国が、戦争をしていないことを知らない」(外務省事務次官経験者)者が多い。
> 日韓併合は戦争の結果ではなく本来、参拝は韓国とかかわりはない

* The article wrote tha the official pointed out that "the visit seems to be backwards stance." However, is that recognition correct!?
Even though senior officials of Dept. of State, many Americans "don't know Japan and S. Korea weren't at war" (a former MoFA vice minister).
The Japan-Korea annexation wasn't an outcome of war, therefore originally speaking, visit (to Yasukuni) has nothing to do with S. Korea.

> そんな米側の誤解を正すのではなく、そそのかしてどうするのか。
> 日米韓のどの国の利益にもならない

* During the U.S. Barack Obama administration period, former PM Shinzo Abe also pointed out that Vice President Joe Biden misunderstood that the Yasukuni Shrine visit issue was more important for S. Korea than comfort women issue.
What's the point of fanning such misunderstanding on the U.S. side, rather than correcting it!?
It's not in the interest of any country, the U.S., Japan and S. Korea.

> 例えば昭和 26年10月7日の朝刊紙面では、東京裁判の国際検事団付として来日した米青年、リード氏が帰国後も絶えず日本の友人に身代わりで靖国参拝をしてもらい、奉納金も送っていることを大きく取り上げている

* It's not true that even The Asahi Shimbun has been always negative about Yasukuni Shrine.
For example, in its morning edition of Oct. 7, 1951, it remarkably featured a matter about a young American male, Reed, who came to Japan as part of the international prosecutors' team for the Tokyo Trials, and even after returning his home country, he continuously made his Japanese friend(s) visit Yasukuni Shrine on his behalf and sent his donations.

> 朝日が紹介したリード氏の言葉である。
> 匿名の国務省報道担当者の曖昧なセリフより、よほど真情が伝わる

* "It will be a tragedy for Japan, if the great sacrifices of the 'souls' resting at Yasukuni Shrine are forgotten."
"Everybody in Japan, please pray for the 'souls'."
These were Reed's words, as reported by The Asahi Shimbun.
It conveys his true feeling much more than the vague words of an anonymous State Department spokesperson.

> このパターンはここらで終わりにしたい。

* Both the visit to Yasukuni Shrine issue and comfort women issue were problematized, as the Japanese side "imformed" to foreign countries, as if saying to crigicize them.
We would like to end this pattern at present.

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