Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/4)

2024-08-04 23:23:36 | Translation


>"【頭隠尻不隠】4県強盗事件のベトナム国籍の容疑者、勾留中の留置所から逃走図り逮捕… 天井から下半身が出ている状態で発見 "

>【櫻LIVE】第 615回 -- 高市早苗・経済安保担当大臣 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweet) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/4)


> 高市早苗さんと歩む北海道大会が熱狂のうち無事終了し、「うちにも来て!」との嬉しい悲鳴が続く。
> 8月15日終戦記念日には市ヶ谷で "国家を考える集い"、24日には名古屋でダブル講演会…
> 日本を守る保守・現実派の戦いは続く。
> 国政選6連勝を成し遂げた日本人は果たして媚中政治家の政権たらい回しを阻止できるのか

The "Walking with Sanae Takaichi in Hokkaido" event ended amidst great enthusiasm, and happy screams of "please come to our places too!" are continued.
On Aug. 15, the anniversary of the end of the war, there will be a "rally to think about the country" in Ichigaya, and on the 24th, a double lecture in Nagoya...
The battle by "conservatives & pragmatists" to defend Japan has been continued.
Can the Japanese people, who realized six consecutive victories in national elections, block an administrative rotation among pro-China politicians?


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