Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;<産経抄>朝日の吉田清治記事取り消しからもうすぐ10年 慰安婦デマの恐ろしさ

2024-08-04 06:47:56 | Translation


>"【韓国】EV1台の火災が予想外の大惨事に… 地下駐車場で車 40台全焼しマンション5棟で停電"

>"【動画】韓国選手団と北朝鮮選手団が記念撮影 → 反応「そうそう… こういうのでいいんだよ…」"

> 第3回慰安婦問題をめぐる国際シンポジウム。すっきりさわやかジェイソンモーガン先生の発表内容

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Excerpts from the Sankei]. The horror of the CW hoax = one decade will pass sonn since the Asahi Shimbun retracted its articles about Seiji Yoshida

>"<産経抄>朝日の吉田清治記事取り消しからもうすぐ10年 慰安婦デマの恐ろしさ"

> 朝鮮半島で女性を強制連行して慰安婦にしたという日本側の唯一の証言者、吉田清治氏に関する記事を朝日新聞が虚偽と判断して取り消したのは10年前、平成 26年8月5、6日の特集記事「慰安婦問題を考える」でのことだった。
> 朝日はこの時点で確認できただけで、吉田氏について16回、記事にしていた。

It was 10 years ago, in its featuring articles entitled "considering the comfort women issue" published on August 5 & 6, 2014, that the Asahi Shimbun retracted articles about Yoshida Seiji, the only Japanese witness to the forceful taking away of women from the Korean Peninsula and made them be comfort women), judging that it was fake news.
As far as possible to confirm at this point, the Asahi Shimbun had issued 16 article about Yoshida.

Ref.>"朝日、日本語版の慰安婦ネット記事も検索回避 後で設定変更「操作誤る」"

>"朝日慰安婦報道「吉田証言」虚偽検証、英文記事にグーグル検索回避の仕組みが… 「設定解除に漏れ」主張もケント氏「過ち」隠蔽行為"

> 当時、朝鮮半島の巡査のほとんどは朝鮮人だったが、吉田氏の指示に唯々諾々と従って同胞を狩り立てたのか。
> 普通に考えれば、眉唾ものである。

* Yoshida said that he carried out the forceful taking away with the cooperation of the forces and police. However, how could a self-claimed former director of Dept. of Shimonoseki branch, Yamaguchi prefectural labor contribution to the country had such authority?
Around the time, most police officers on the Korean Peninsula were Koreans, and did they simply follow Yoshida's directions and hunt down their compatriots?
To put it simply, this seems to be dubious.

> 慰安婦問題に詳しい現代史家の秦郁彦氏は、吉田氏の著書を出した出版社の担当者に「あれは小説ですよ」と言われた。

* Even worse, Yoshida himself spoke candidly in an interview with Weekly Shincho (combined May 2 & 9 issue) in 1996.
"There are no benefits to writing the truth in a book."
Ikuhiko Hata, a modern historian who is familiar with comfort women issue, was said by a person in charge of the publishing company that published Yoshida's book that "That's a novel."

>▼小紙は平成4年4月 30日の朝刊で、吉田氏が慰安婦狩りをした現場、韓国・済州島での秦氏の現地調査を踏まえ、こんな見出しの反証記事を掲載した。
>「朝鮮人従軍慰安婦強制連行証言に疑問 加害者の〝告白〟被害者が否定」
>「済州島民『でたらめだ』 地元新聞『なぜ作り話』」

* In our morning edition on April 30, 1992, our newspaper published a refutation articles with the following headlines, based on Ikuhiko Hata's on-site investigation on Jeju Island in S. Korea, where Yoshida hunted comfort women.
"Questions emerge about testimonies on forceful taking away of Korean military comfort women. The victims deny perpetrators' [confessions]."
"Jeju islanders say [It's nonsense]. A local newspaper says [Why did he fabricated such story]?"

>▼にもかかわらず、朝日は1カ月もたたない5月 24日の朝刊で「今こそ 自ら謝りたい」との見出しで、韓国に謝罪の旅に出る吉田氏を取り上げた。
> 数々の疑問や反論を投げかけられても、吉田氏の記事を取り消すまでそれから 22年以上かかった

* Nevertheless, The Asahi Shimbun placed an article in its morning edition on May 24, less than a month later, about Seiji Yoshida who was going on a trip to S. Korea to apologize, under the headline "Now is the time that I would like to apologize by myself."
Despite numerous questions and objections being raised, it took more than 22 years to retract articles related with Seiji Yoshida since then.

>▼1人の男の発したデマが報道機関や SNSを通じてまことしやかに国際的に拡散され、国益を大きく損ねることもある。
> 肝に銘じたい。

* It's possible that a rumor disseminated by one male spread internationally through media outlets and social media, as if it were true, and causes great damage to the national interests.
We must keep this in mind.

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