YUKARI's End (12)

2017-02-23 23:46:42 | 日記

Oh, she was a member of the church? Should be. She was a watching type. Yes, thus she likes to wash the clothings. Miyuki type is OK and Alex is non-challant at this point. Easy goer. Clare is different. She is proud of being herself. Not faking Miyuki. Miyuki is abuser of the system. You should know the fact, yes, I agree. The system was so so bad, out of my imagination. Illogical. Out of tune. All Syphilis level. Yukari was syphilis, Haru-san thought. But she denied as usual. Syphilis is dangerous to two kids, yes. She was noticing that Miyuki was too right to say that Yukari would be away from her nephew and niece. Yukari would be concealed by her own way. Departure, she wrote. Good and final stage for her. She would be violent and steal again. Now she was right to say, "I am sick, so, I would leave a bit from here. Good place for me. Even I was a good one, I would do so, OK, I was right to do so. I was a good girl and I would not do so again"....until her prolonged death. Again???

  How many times she did? Three? Only once. Ok, always type. Anyone believes that she commits a suicide bomb already, once in Hachioji. Miyuki is too cruel to her and Miyuki should be. She was too bad for the family. Ego-centric dull sister. She would think on me, yes. However, she was declared to be getting out. She should do so. Or , she remain alone there in her own house. I paid for our family. You shoud notice it Harumi-san. I said to Koji-san, my father already. And I handed the money in front of my kids. You forgot? OK, your problem. Not mine. Your money, however, you didn't keep the promise. Don't touch my kids, for ever. You didn't know that type. Now, Alex revieled that you faked the value. Much more money. I didn't know how you used it. Your problem. I didn't spend your time any more. Just leave from my family. You are just a broken robot. IZUMI-san feel sympathy for us. I failed her intention. I was a victim and am, also. However, my family is precious for me, you are not our member. Just an old kinky bug, who dosn't know the mercy, pity, kindness, endurance of others. You did so too much. IZUMI-san was worrying my family, not my family. She was superior in all, I know. I was in a good position, because of my kinkiness, I know. IZUMISAN was and is good for all more than 85 point type. Thus, she was desqualified as my mission professor-comedian. Even Kyo disliked the name. Gag, too much. Too cruel for Platinum tribes with honour and pride. You are too comical and too much. Not lieing and a lot of excusing type. It's difficult to explain the exception accumulated patterns. Thus, I need to take time. Not so much. I am lucky and good natured fellow, I know. Geneous minus a paper type. It means a fool. IZUMI-san is genious type however more pragmatic, so prefer, ordinary enjoyment called family life. Miyuki's life was not jelous for her and her family. She always sighs, Gee, she was too good to do everything gag type. Gag life, yes. Miyuki's case, comical, burst into laugh and tears at the same type, However, Tokyo kids were too spooky and Miyuki was too too ignorant to call their precious jewels to the city. Hachioji was too evil, they say, Souka gakkai spreads, they say and Miyuki didn't feel strange not. Just the word, "gakkai" was strange. And the contents? More positive and sportive, enthusiastic. Normal. Positive activists. I thought.

 Makiko was thought that Miyuki had prejudice on Soukagakkai. It was a good one, however, terrified by the system of one tengh system. Got rich legend. I have heard that a mother earned US$200 thousand per year as a contribution to the Gakkai. I have heard in a bus. A boy said, "She is in the high rank of the "Gakkai" and contributed to bring lots of believers to it and eaned US$200 thousand. It's normal. Some others earn more!" and was astonished!!!

  Makiko also was astonished at the remarks. The pupils in the bus talking such a money related matter in the high values!!! Yes. As if it were normal for them. The mate just heard and said, "Oh, well, and?" like that. No astonishment at all. Too strange. Why?

 The similar same value conversation I have heard in the bubble era. In the train or the bus, near Tokyo versity. Two young colleagues . A girl of 20 years old said to the other, "I bought US$200 thousand apartment now. It is fairly common for me, because my parents are real estate traders. It's too simple to buy it. Many people are astonished to hear buying and selling the real estale were dangerous trading or so, but for me, an easy way." And the male mate said, "Ah, oh, just it. " like a normal conversation. Just it.

  for us, US$200 thousand are big money. However, for several figures, even young, the value is highly common. The similar conversation in Hachioji is;

 My father bought a new forein car. Gorgeous one. Not cheap one. Really special OO7 type. He bought already some. And the newest is great!!!

 In an elevator of the K-8, shopping building on the private railway station in KEIO Hachioji. Looking is normal junior high pupils. However, the value they use are different.

 Some one uses a lot of money into somewhere not so important. Apprearance was common. Casual wear boys. However, righ. Too too strange? Liars? For what?

 Flora de Lisa TAKADA consulted with her mate on her real estate. In total US$1.3  million. And she wanted to buy specially cheap lots for the family. The unit was so small that the mate responded that, "Presumably it would be US$35 or so per 1 ㎡. " Tumb?

 She is a philipina who turned to be a Japanese's wife. A rich family in SEIJO-GAKUEN-MAE. Her parents in law were living in Bunkyo ward, highly near Tokyo University. They died both and left high valued real estate for her and her husband. She has no public pension money however, she planned to earn US$2.5 thousand per month after she get older.

 Why she was hospitalized, reason unknown. Just taking a rest, she explained for the mate.She did the calculation in public, in the dinning room. Speaking in her financial privacy is accoding to instruction prohibitted, However, no one stopped to confess.

 For the first month, patientes tried to conceal their names, saying, "In the hospital, talking on private things is prohibitted, however,..." like things. But, after, they began to talk more frankly to the other patients on their private things. After october, 2016 or so.

 She said that she had been hospitalized once in another hospital. She was lean and got fat by the hospitalization and said, "I got healthier there, after taking a lot of rest."

  She was robust. It was difficult to imagine "Lean Flora de Lisa". She had boy and girl. They are Japanese nationality holders' as she was proud of it.

  I disliked her because of her concealing nationality attitude. She was ashamed to confess to be a philipina.

  I myself once or while pretended to be another nationality holder. And I lost my possible boyfrined. I was in Malaca and a Puranacan taxi driver got to be close to me. We spoke in English and we liked to make a conversation.

  But I wanted to conceal my nationality. Because "Japanese, that snobish one, we know well. She has money. Just money type. OK, you can ride. But you should be Japanese way, OK, money, paid and, "Taxi driver, you are my servant! Do your job! Rubish Puranacan!"", type. Arrogant Japanese, I didn't want to be. Thus, I said, "I am Ms.KIM, a Korean" and pretended to be a Korean girl. However, I didn't know on Korea practically nothing. Just say, Seul is the capital city, they eat meat lots, salty pickled pepperful vegitables 500g per day, massage industry is flourishing, and so on. Just it. And avoided as much as he touched the county's topics. I thought, probebly, I was not Korean. And thought that I would be a kinky nationality lost type, maybe. OK, better than Japanese, anyway.

  The rest, we could speak amusingly. He was so gentle to pay for breakfast in the terminal station of the buses. I was shrunk with shame. I should pay, in anyway. It costed one half of the value I paid. And I asked him the restaurant to be able to each everyday Malaccan foods and he chosed this place for me. A cafeteria type and could eat as I liked, just say, "That, this, there, here!" And I tried all of unknown foods in a big plate. Oh, thus, South Eastern Asian dish is mish-mashed type!!! I got to know it. Making in several dishes in the pans and each one take as they like type!!! Oh, my family can do it! Without YUKARI, we can do everyday potrack party!!! Each one, as he or she like makes on dish for all, and each one takes as he or she likes. Good. Just a space. OK, If YUKARI goes, the living room would be a good party hall. I will put Alex's old books and Clare's in several box tomorrow and make a space for it! Good. Yukari would resopond as a spring, however, she is alone now. Why she would resist of my putting the room in order job? What is her legitimacy? Nothing. Everyone knows, "Old house, OK, however, the disastrous amount of messy trifles spread on the floors. Like a messy trash house in the TV. An typical example of Alzheimer disease patients. Miyuki was said to be the cause of the trash. YUKARI explained to their responsibles, "I wanted to move these trashes, however, my sister was too irresponsible to do so and I couldn't do it alone. I am new to here. I was in Hachioji before. ""I am new" is her only one frase she can say in any place. She was confused on the way and asked others the way. They wanted to drive her to the house and said , "My name was Miyuki SATO and I am new to here. I was a good girl type. Not attractive one. I want to get along with you. I would love you, anyway. I would be a good girl. " She thanked to her friends and said bye to them. And she got off the ladder and failed. She said, "Ooops, I failed. I was good at math, thus I failed."??? DDMis conversation she did. HARUSAN was worried about her situation. Someole called her to come to the police. Again?

 Thus, she dashed to take Alex from the junior high? In a snowy day, to take a big boy? Why? She was always in the house recently. Why at that night? The day of stealing.

 When she came back with Alex, my mother asked her, "Good grief, you could meet Alex any way." From the house to the junior high, only 10 minutes walking at maximum. And easy way. Yukari went to school on the way for 3 years.

 She was "I am new" always type, they say. "Already? We are only 48! Alzheimer!" they got to know the reason that Miyuki appeared and dissapeared in the town. She was caught in a Detention, the rumour said. Oh, because of mental illness? Drunken? They asked Yukari. She replied, "Oh, she? or me? Who am I? Which is which? I sometimes Miyuki and I sometimes Yukari. I need to separate the personality, you know. I am a writer, as usual. And sometimes, a comedian!" Who she is, is her remark. Do you know Banana MATSUO?

 Someone asked her. She replied, "Oh, Miyuki changed her sex, pbobably. Now she is a male. Good for my husband!"

 She believed the rumour that Miyuki wanted to become a male. She called to Kyorin Hospital from Shirakawa. "Hi, I am Miyuki SATO, your colleague. I want to do a plastic surgery. May I reserve one quick type?" Thus, Miyuki was caught and did the plastic surgery, accoding to the rumour.

  At the same time, she changed her nationality. She wanted to be a Korean. Now she turned to be a Korean male, called Pe Young. A popular worsester sauced noodle in a plastic square cup. This is called YAKISOBA, or fried noodle.

 I had a miserable and sad experience on this disposable plastic cup type quick and easy instand noodle, when I was in Platinum Dormitory.

 It was the first time I ate the instant YAKISOBA. By that time, I had eated soup type instant noodle in a cup. Then I followed my habit to cook the soup type noodle.

  1.Poured a certain boiled water in a cup.

  2.Waited for 4 minutes (3 minutes is the recomended time. However, I prefer more soft one.)

  3.Now, put the worcestor souce in it and I started to eat.

  "OOOOOOPS!!!! Too bad!!! Nasty Messy food I have ever eaten!"

  Imagine, Ramen in a diluted worcester sauce ocean. Terrible. Who produced and sold such a formidable muck as food. Instant is OK, however, too messy!!!" And I stopped eating.

  Then I read how to make the instant noodle. Oooops! I made a mistake. Before putting worcestor sauce, I should put away the used water and needed to take excessive water in the sink. Not soup type. I lost a one precious presumably delicious instant food because of mistaken process. I should have read the instruction, first. I would never forget the bad taste of the noodles in a worcestor sauce's pond.

  I was so astonished at the bad taste that I dashed to inform my bad experience to my mates, to save their precious money from the disastrous wasting food type sad calamity.

  Then, I have leaned that instant YAKISOBA  should put worcester sauce after taking away the water well.

  In cooking, before and after are something highly relevant. Delicious food turns to be a messy trash. Thus, cooking is a good to avoid recognition problem. Good exercise for everyone.

  In HASEGAWA Hospital, DDMs revealed that they had no cooking esperience well. Only once or while type. Fast foods, when they had no money and ordered products when they had money. Or, eating light meal in a coffee house. "Salada " is their favorite.

  Salada is a dish? Yes, I have a magazine type cooking book borrowed by Akemi SATO, my almna. I forgot to return it to her. 30 years ago, sorry!!! Someday, I will return it to you, with some gift!!!

 This is an interesting recepies for saladas in the world. I liked it and made several ones in my house. I could learn peeled egg plant salada from Dona Titta, my teacher of basic householdings in Brazil. She was so upset, getting to know that I was not good at any domestic tasks at all! She was so upset and claimed to Masato NINOMIYA, because he was responsible to put this goddamnit girl to her apartment.

  I was and am not domestic type at all. However, for living, these basic skills should be already learned, probaply she thought. I was a versity graduate and didn't know practically nothing and bought only sweets or snacks from bakeries near her house.

  I liked to buy the snacks. I was new to Brazilian sweets and snacks and they were cheap. I bought every specie each day. A bit. Only 100 g or so. Maybe, only one client arround there to buy the snacks, a bit a bit, everyday, at the same hour almost, choosing only one specie each time, for long time. Kinky too much, maybe , they rumoured. I didn't know at all. My portuguese was so bad and just getting to the goal was enough for me. Thus, only 100 g per day, different taste sweets or snacks days, incessantly. There were variety of them thus I loved to buy the cheapish sweets or snacks and sometimes gave to Dona Titta. I thought that it was too good for us all. Delicious and easy, amusing to choce unknown taste.

  However, for Dona Titta was out of quality. Thus, she got upset and I didn't understand the reason at all.

  Then NINOMIYA got upset and scolded me, "You wrote ill of me in the letter to Association of Cultural Intercourse between Japan and Brazil". ???

  I was upset. Why? I just wrote the fact, "Prof. NINOMIYA has not yet paid money for me. Anyway, I will use my money brought from Japan until he would pay me."Why he scolded me by having written the fact???

24/02/2017 (morning) I ate duck pilaf with cheese for breakfast and took a cup of hot cafe latte.

  This morning, I saw an article on the law, which said, "Now, the numbers of the candidates for congresspersons should be equal between males and females."

 I was so astonished at the remarks!!! It appeared on ASAHI SHIMBUN, the second large language. Paper version. And confirmed on line news. Nothing at all on this extremely relevant information. Not at all, entirely!!! I was astonished at the fact again.

 We are manupulated by someone of by some system, on the information. We couldn't get any information related to political and economical matters at all. Only cheapish ones. Like Yukari's head. Filled with a bunch of lies, DDMic lies, only.

 And I had read on the same newspaper on paper version on the lagislative reform on Criminal Codex on rape crimes.

  The article said, "Until now, there was no crime punishable on the rape inside the house. Family sex between fathers and daughters, or vice versa, were not prohibitted. Now, the new discription was established. What a marvelous victory for wemen!!!"

  Ah...the writer is also YUKARI like totally mentally illed broken robot. For her, incest is normal sex until now. Rather, profittable thing for the daughters. Fathers paid for them and the daughters accepted at the cost of some amusement, like dating in Gibre Museum or eating KABAYAKI on saturday.

 Oh, that's it! You were a prostitute!!! You called male version called Father and female version called Mother. She looked liked Mother but liked her Father much more. Because Mother was a brilliant and beautiful, while Father gave her amusement anyway.

  Oh, this is the family model of DDMic family. All prostitutes family. Wow, BL comic called, "Lyric of Wind and Trees" by Keiko TAKEMIYA. She turned to a professor and forgot to drow the pictures. They abandoned the skill and contributed to the family model making like Moto HAGUIO.

 Wedding was responsible for HAGUIO, and after, family life is responsible for TAKEMIYA.

 Erotical relationship among the members of the family. They were all singles and didn't know how to make love.

 In Japan, BL or Boys Love is popular among eepecially Girls. Alex is a boy, however, his preference is girl's comics, thus, he knows well on it. He just disliked the boys' comics rough sketch scenes. He knows that Miyuki knows well on both comics, although her mother prohibbited to buy them. OK for reading, however, only outside the house. Inside, no, rule. OK, Miyuki had to study lots on comics and be amused all of them. Except some grotesque ones. Gag is my touch, she knows well. IZUMI-san also read a lot of comics in her house and in her house, there are lots of comics, mainly bought by his eleder brother. He liked girls' comics and exposed his "hobby" to others. It was dirty, Alex said. He understood how he wanted to say. Not so sofisticated and good at for soul and guts. Miyuki's preference was more kinkiest ones. Moto HAGUI's early days' works were more influencial. Dirty, however, powerful and good in sense. Tezuka like taste. Tezuka was already known to all of them, and she wanted to know others. HAGUI's taste was neutral in sex. It was good for her, because she decided to be an a-sexual. Yes, and she tried to be neutral and got a great success. The result, she got a lean body. At least, enjoyable and functional, in every meaning. She is satisfied with her body. However, DDMs not. DDMs want more narrow nose like a heroine in a comic.

 Julia is an ideal for DDMs. She was so popular among them and she was satisfied with the life. Flamboyand lady like boy like figure. Oh, a young boy, prostitute aristcrat, in the comic above. And in the late Haguio period, "MESCHE" was a prostitute, also. They were also prostitute lovers.

 I understand the feeling. I myself image "prostetute" male or female, Sophie in "Crime and Punishment" in Dostevsky. Genuine prostitute like Maria of Magdalena. Total impurity surrounded her and she was a victim of harsh raping atacks. However, she was categrized a victim.

 I thought that she and he should not be punished. They were forced to be the victim of prostitute. Only sold. Elendila, is the same type.

 Comical version is Tieta de Nordeste, and she turned to be a powerful ruler in the region. Prostitute, she was. However, she became famous by her cooish behaviour.

 Oh, Miyuki, you were prostitute like existance???? I, TOHOTO, and was a prostitute??? More and more TOHOHO now. Virgin prostitute, male or girl type. Too much confusing. What she or he has??? upper or bottom?

  Oh, I remember, in AOYAMA GAKUIN univ. the pupils called nipples and penis, all, "Projected things"!!!! Really!!! They wanted to know the sizes of each ones and tried to hold a meeting for the object. Two males and a girl. In this country, sexual classification was done

however, prostitution was welcome!!!! Terrible!!! I want to evacuate from this messy shameless country!!!

 TOHOHO protected us, sexually neutral looking objects. They couldn't see our appearance. Transparent human beings. Like glass. Or Diamond. Ummm...Miyuki is virgin like other my sexually neutral preferance existances. Oh, TOHOHO club!!!! Shameful Club. Who is the only one member left....Miyuki only... Miyuki cries for it. Miyuki, everyone got happy wedding here in Shirakawa. Only Miyuki didn't know. She called happy and others called unhappy.

 She didn't understand her female colleague's suffriment in the region. Feudal DDMs used the power, "Oh, you are not married? My boy has a penis, and you has vagina. OK?" like one???

 Miyuki, anyway, they got marrid and got happy life anyway. OK, at least, you are not DDM. It's important. Not so friendly, however, not enemy like existance in the family. A couple problem. Individualist knows well. Thus, I prefer to be ever single type. Got married isn't pejorative for someone, however, for MIYUKI, pejorative. Turned from her house with the husband and mother in law. YUKARI explained to the kids' responsibles. And they refrained from saying the truth. You are idiots!!! You have already known that you are got married with your own child??? You are abuser No.1 in her novel like desctiption. A monster. A novel of Alzheimer patient. A standard model for the world. Miyuki was a hero of the model and got married with her both kids....Ummm...First, loving with your father and, second with your kids. Not much experiance, thus, they did.

 Oh, Boys loves and girls loves, all together with the taste of incects.

 The story was popular among DDMs in her HACHIOJI days. She was a story teller of the incect cases!! She believed and thus they believed. They said, "You should behave like their mother!" meant, "You don't make love with your kids!"???

 MIYUKI was trapped by ADACHI, they said. They thought that Miyuki were heroine type and ADACHI was only one to see Miyuki's real gag life.

 IZUMI-san also said to me, "You, Miyuki, you look like "RAMPOU""and they loved Tsubame KAMOKAWA's Macaroni Howren-Sou comic. Secial. Every friday, they entered in the bookshop and read the same comic magazine and laughed at the scence and left the shop.

 At that time, it was too normal, they believed. You bought a lot of books from his father's money as you liked. Yes, thus, you believed that your family were rich. Yes, you were satisfied with you life, except the feudalistic character of this old town. Not Shirakawa. Colleagues were cheapish rural kids like mountain monkies. Not bad, however, not stylish. Ummm...lacking a sense of beauty, they thought. She thinks that she was only one judge of the beauty. Yes, I ranked the beauty in my order. Minako Sato was good. However, her hip was too side. Yoko SATo is also beautiful and athilite type. Shigueko is also good, but her head is big. Yuko looks like an elegant beautiful kind sister, however, she was not in the grade....etc.


YUKARI's End (11)

2017-02-23 23:45:13 | 日記

This type of nightmare experience was repeated in the night. Spooky, however, finally, I could. I got up and got to know that it were just a night dream.

  But, in HASEGAWA hospital, I dreamt a more spooky one. I got up after the nightmare and the getting up was also nightmare. I needed to break the nightmare again. Terrible. Nightdream after nightmare. Just like Tokyo Bay Detention, then Hasegawa Hospital type. Anyway, I was escaped from the nightmare caught.

 YUKARI was caught by the nightmare and couldn't escape from it. Now she couldn't recognize the difference between illusion and the reality. Hullusion stage. A violent sometimes. A wife killed her husband because she thought as if the husband were an unknown kinky rapist from outside.

 She was exempted by the court because of her mental illness. A famous jurisprudence in Japan. Another victim would occur.

 YUKARI's case was not so serious, sometimes, even MIYUKI thought. However, each time, she deteriorates and she gets worse every minutes. She is changeable and flamboyant too much. She faked her personality as a good girl, however, MIYUKI appears, she gots violent. She wanted to fake Alex sometimes. She didn't realize her dream to be Alex, sometimes. She wanted to pretend to be a boy and liked to do it. However, she did know the limit. OK? She loved MIYUKI, Oh??? She was hating and loving, OK. And hatrid is prevalent. OK. Not unusual. She was a loser. Yes. She should be dead. Probably. Miyuki was too good to do so. To cut her hair. No. Cutting her head!!!

 Miyuki, you are kinky too much to think so. YUKARI is so bad in mind and fakes to be normal type. HASEGAWA Hospital DDMs. She is rural DDMs. She has no chance any more. She should pay for it. She should pay her debt. She should pay just. She should pay for their parents. She was good in a certain. Kinky however in a limit. Now not. Old kinky bitch. She is a version, I would be the similar. I understand, however, we should not allow her excuse. She did wrong. She didn't stop her habit. Did dinied to know the fact. Painful, yes.However, good chance to change better. Be brave, at this point. Yukari did so, she insisted. Ah, I thought that she did good for my kids and loved as her own way and thus I thanked anyway. But only these activities, she should not be allowed. Her attitude was to harsh to others. I should do it, if I turned to be a DDM. Thus, no chance any more. Punishment should be harsh. You would be her, understand. Thus, she should recognize how harsh he did to her parents. I was harsh, yes. I owed debt, yes. However, I need to proceed, just for thanking and pay the debt for them, also. For all the kind people in the universe. I owe, thus I need to do. I am necessary to them and I feel and believe I can work for them and also for my parents. Not domestic task, I mean. Yes, important task, I avaluate. Basic. But not so important. A kind ob hobby like type. And my mother has strict rule and following to the rule is not my culinary style.The domestic needed. however, good for educating my kids. Not for me. And not a good replacement. I want to work outside. Stimulation, I need. Good to know it. Outside work is good for every people, as much as they can. Free or spontaneous is more accessible for them. However, YUKARI was unlucky at this point. You should be know that Yukari would participate in the family job and thus she tried to go there. OK. And communicated with DDMs. Unfortunately. She was so so tired of the relationship and quitted and she was survived by the 2 shots. Presumably. Or, she did, at the time. She was so dull to live and easy money was there. Oh, she was so dull to do so? Fragile mind, they call. She was a weaker one??? No. She is insensitive. Just it. Morally weak. She didn't understand the kindness of others. She shuts her sense to outside. I understood her choice. However, she should decide how she lived. She did and should owe on the debt. She was too heavy debt on her old mother and father. They should be protected by my kids. I am OK, just run away from her. She is a monster now. How to treat her is a headache, however, just call to the others. I will make a list of emergency. 

 Yes, I should thank to her. However, it would not be the reason to her evacuation at all. She chose wrongly. She didn't chose the wrongone. She didn't established her own values. Always, "good girl" pretending. She should be punished. Her choice was understandable as a kind of kinky girl. However, no. I did wrong, yes. I should admit. However, I could escape from the punished until now and should continue to be good. I must do so to pay for others. I should try. OK, I do as much as possible. In a normal way. Uniqueness, added.

 If I allow her to be reliesed, the DDMic world again. She was too too bad. My nostargic memories shouldn't disturb her departure. My kids already know it, maybe. They are alyways quicker than me. You know, how swift Alex changed? You rely on you, really. Thanks. Money? Directl system, you want. Good. Just we should have a promise, called contract. Then, I will say to my mother and father. Clare did it already, OK. Yes, she is reliable. More easy. Just, I want to cook! type. And Alex is OK, now. From the beginning to the last, OK? When I am present and have time, I participate in the washing task, however, usually you should do it. My parents dislike disorder, OK? They promised. OK, then, we would make a contract. You two, as reliable people, should do your domestic job, entirely by yourselves. I would pay for you monthly, sending money on your deposit. And you would take it from the account. I will prepare for it, sign, etc. No ATM system. Just person to person system. We live near the post office. You should manage it. ATM is risky. For two, not yet. After you two accustome to the bank use, you would do, after your graduation. You would be adults, independent and deligent, good for people. Kind and nice to all of us.

 I calculate sufficient mount for living cost for you. Individual system they prefer. Alex wanted the common system, because he gained. OK, individual, Only one insisted. Not sufficient. In this case, basic principle is individualism and you are right Clare.

 And the value also depends on my income, of course. Poor working parents don't pay for the kids so much. I would pay the minimum cost. Just for necessity cost, OK? The extra luxurious money you would pay. You yourselves should manage the account. If you buy the figures are too expensive and attractive, you would be dying in hunger, OK, Alex??? He is indulged by consumptious poison in Hachioji. Buying too much is a symptom of recognition problem. Now, YUKARI proved her own mentally ill condition by her own utensils bought by herself. She spent so much money to her tea cosy clothings and she collected, right? Maybe not. Any warming clothing except Chirismas gift. She forgot the memory. OK. As usual. She got and liked it. Yes. Good to know that if you liked, you didn't forget. Yes. Like lovers. You are forgetful, Alex, You forgot the name of your first love!!!! Oh, you too, the second....!!!!

 You also were inclined to the DDMic ideology. Consumpcious ones. However, you stopped your spending and in your case, basically, thrifty, the kids said so. You are basic custom to be mean...economic, yes. So just a petit luxurious level. Yes. And it was allowed, I think so. I worked anyway and got a small money for living, anyway. You are right and you are thrifty, in positive meaning. You should be good for everything, monky type rather than apes. I know.

 Yukari's consumpcious inclination damaged our family financialy. Modest, not rich family, with jobless old daughter. The daughter was consumpcious uselessely . Each errand was not so expensive. However, 10 coandlers? 20 Scoopes? 10 spatulas? And she didn't cook. Dead utensils, just put in the shelves in the tiny kitchen. Tiny kitchen should be in order and cosy. Less utensils with multiple use is only policy. However, no use too much scoop fenomenum, treated as normal by her mentally illed daughter was a really vast damage for the kitchen users. Spacious kitchen even though, 20 scoops are too too much. Out of tune, itself. Anyone can stop her behavour, because if someone says the fact, she by instinct, started to attack the someone who criticised her, appointing the fact. Proving is in this case, presumable, fatal to my family.

  Just like kyorin and other organizations in Japan. If the judiciary couldn't keep secret, the rightous fellows would have been killed because of the patients anger, stimulated by the proofs. Witness would have been killed easily as a result of antomatic response of the syphilis patients. Many kids were dead for their fact finding and rightousness to say, "You are nakid!!!".

 Idiots should know your shames. A mount of shame. They were killed by you, psycologically and physically, too. Too too ugly conducts were done under IDIOCRACY in Japan. Just, "You are dull idiot, aren't you? We know it. Look, your paper! Look at the paper you wrote on? It's the fact. It's also the proof. How did you feel? Just a childish paper? How many hours you used for looking up for the right Chinese character? Whose dictionary did you use? Yours? You didn't recognize the difference any more, between Alex and you, didn't you? You are not Alex. I wrote to Alex. Alex just showed you to suggest that Miyuki was not your side on the bowls using system.

 Yukari said that Miyuki was confused the bowls sometimes, thus, she were the same opinion of hers. She insisted and agreed the system. Miyuki didn't know that Yukari used that, "I have already heard from her, Miyuki. She agreed." system. Alex got to notice that Miyuki was not so bad for him, just thrifty. Thus, Miyuki did her own work as usual. She ordered their kids to be free from study and just to do domestic tasks. Not study and just work, as their duty. If they want, OK, your choice. Domestic tasks were their duty as the members of the family.

 This system was so good for them. However, she disliked it and said, "Miyuki would like to cook by herself, because she likes cooking." OK, I cook. But for myself only. For kids, they should do it.

 My mother was good to know how Yukari abused Miyuki's name, when she was in crisis. Miyuki would say so. Miyuki would dislike it. Miyuki would... This is her tactics as an instinctive believer. She did without any reason and her mother believed that Miyuki did it. Miyuki was too cool to Yukari and it was bad for her. She pretended to get along with Miyuki. Miyuki espulsed her from her residence and paid US$30 thousand for it. It was a concealed fact for her. Alex said to her, Miyuki had lots of money to hand her. All more than US$10 thousand ! We know, he trapper her. He did only one 3rd of the total. And Yukari failed to say, "Oh, yes. Only US$10 thousand. It was a trash for me!" Oh, Yukari was so rich!!! Alex noticed that Yukari was not good at Calcularion at all. She scolded him, because he had mistaken some calculation problem in math. Any tiny mistakes and Miyuki did know that she did such types of mistakes, as usuall. Normal. However, she said, "You are too bad to go to versity like Rikkyo and Tokyo Univ. OK, you are good at math, but you would fail in entering into the versity. It would be the cause of Miyuki. She was bad in math and I was good at this point. She was lucky at the point."

 Always. She wantes to cry, her mother. As far as she knows, Yukari was bad in math and Yukari just insisted to do so. Now, she got upset seriously. I want to go to graduate school with this money, mother. I would be a good professor of law. Miyuki was good also and you would have two professor of law in your family. You would be proud of your daughters, mother.

 OK, it would be good for your training in your rotten brain. I didn't deny. However, only US$10 thousand is not enough to live in urban area. Thus, she wants to move to Paris, OK, you go. Your choice.

 Like Ryoko YAMAGUISHI's ironic spooky comic, I was rented by my private tutoring pupil. She disliked the comics and recommended Miyuki, saying, "Terrifying!". Miyuki borrowed and "Yeah, terribly spooky ones!!! Like black old legend. Omenous sinistrous ones! I was astonished at the dark works!!!"

 Miyuki was not a good insructor for her and Miyuki knew well. But, at least, punctual. She did it and she disliked her grand mother, who operated her bust but recovered from the concer. She gave her Sofmac, it was rare at that time. Miyuki was given 2 tiny bottles and took one. Sorry, I tried, however, not delicious. Heart of cow? Oh, ox!!! OK, HATSU like things. took it, and I would be a super man? No! just not delicious. Sorry.

 Miyuki knows that she was right to do so and didn't say nothing after receiving. Just thanked and tried to drink it. Kind yes. The grand mother believed to good for her dullness, Miyuki thought. Not contemptious meaning. I was not a good math professor, sorry.

  Anyway, the novel treated rape case. A diligent and a bit unique plain girl was raiped by an accident and changed her attitude completely. She thought that she couldn't get married any more and she tried to realize her dream altogether in once. She ordered to dye her hair in blond and bought a white dress, wore it and appeared in NARITA airport.Everyone was astonished and she was called the police and caught. She said, "I've just wanted to wear it".

  Miyuki was too stupid that wearing dress alone in Narita airport was not dangerous. Just spacious and if she cut the dress, she would fly abroad in a white dress. Good choice.

 However, the pointing is not on that matter. Her desire was kinky. Marrige isn't wedding dress. Only wearing it is casual things. However, she dared to do so, only she was so shocked and believed that only kinky figures could do it. YAMAGHUSHI's sight was the same. Oh, thank you, ex-pupil. You paid and taught me a lot. I gained a lot!!! Thans to your family, too!!!

 Wedding dress was not a symbol and had a magic power!!! Oh, I didn't know that. Miyuki, you are too idiot!!! Oh, not? Wedding dress has power to conceal the inpurity!! Oh, Japanese Kimono type, also! White is the wear for dead figures in Korea. In Japan, white is for marrige. Oh, Japanese dies on the day of wedding, Oh, the males wear black. She died once and got up as gorem without spirit, and Gorem controle the also idiot taxido wearing black males calling them, DAME-OYAJI.

 Spooky and mysterious. Too much significance. Purification, ok and cheap, thrifty, simple with bad taste decoration frilled and princess type woule be liked.

 Wedding means going to the tumb. Eros ant Tanatos. Sex is so good to feel like as if in paradice. Extasi!!! Miyuki was too good to believe the legend. Feeling good is groovy!!! Uptempo upward thing, I imagin. It would be, OK.

 However, once in a while per month is good for their health...Health problem? Also good for health, first, good in feeling and communication. Ummmm Just like gymnastics in the morning on TV and on the radio??? Radio gymnastics were recommended to DDMs. Yukari did it in Hachioji. She was a member of something? I didn't know. Night walking and library visiting and super-markets. Just it. No train riding, no no nothing. She has no money. I didn't pay gradualy, I threw her out of our house.

 I was shocked by the frozen mini-burgs and Chinse meat pies and other already complished dishes. It was cheap each, however, plenty of time and did nothing. Why she was so dull???

 Yukari was mysterious for her ex-friends. When they met in the road, she smiled a bit and forgot. She smiled as a sigh of recognition, they thought. However, no comment. She was good at math, at all??? Totally lies. She, thus, went to Rikkyo. Private university. She was right, which? Miyuki was. She was mentally ill. thus is the fact. She wants to continue to work here in Shirakawa. She didn't and couldn't work now. She wants and she can do period was already passed. New are appeared. Clare would be a good cook. She prepared for it. Yukari was not good in health, yes. She is robust, however, inside, rotten. Everyone knows it. Just inform it to someone. We are in danger! Help!!! Don't hesitate it. Just your nasty feeling, nothing bad. My mother would say. I understand. She didn't want to Yukari's heart. Harusan, your Yukari died already. Several years ago. She was just a broken robot. Give up your dream of curing her by your kindness. She was totally ill and is now. No one could cure. She could, but she didn't. Too late. Too dangerous. For me, OK. I would run away. However, she would be dangerous to others. You and your own family. I put my kids on your side. However, she could do, without her knowing. She is a broken machine. Like Chain Thaw like dangerous material now. She can talk, yes. And write, yes. However, her stance was totally different from the fact. Who is the owner of these houses? Ask to YUKARI. She would say, "we all, mother!" with cheerful voice. She was so cheerful with her mother and in a bad mood with Miyuki. Miyuki was a bad guy who tortures her by her memory. She was bad in the memory however, Yukari's worse then hers. Everyone knows Miyuki's kinky tall cap and said, "A tall hat strange lady with laughing face!", they notice. Shirakawa people are so. Miyuki liked her cap, bought in Tachikawa at US$5 for her night cap and uses for outside. Gee, we do!!! So cold!!! Too much cold!!! Yes, for car users, OK, however, walking is too harsh in this reason. They want to catch you, Miyuki. You would be the number one prize of catching game called "looking for Wolly!" like so. She was so distinctive by her tall cap. Why she was so tall? How tall she is?! 185cm or so! Kinky old lady, everyone thinks so. OK. Good. NOPPO-San like figure. In the coldest place in the world in now in Shirakawa. So cold. Gee, iI should wear so much! Everyone confessed. She was right. Almost 10 pieces, she used in winter. Not so fat. I could. Everyone was astonished. 10 pieces were too much. 2 pieces were more than when she was in high school. She was plumpy on the day. When she did the trial of jumping box, everyone laughed at her way. Because she looked like a snowpam!!! She was lean however, with 8 pieces clothings, she looked plumpy and dull in the motion. She knew that she couldn't. Just 45 minutes of endurance. Couldn't, OK. However, this cold temperature should be repaired and put 8 pieces. She was so quick to give up things. Experience weighs lots. She did know that she couldn't. As she predicted. She was dull in the subject. And too bad to fake a serious pupil. Everyone knows that the gymnastic hall is always cold. Why? No heater at all. And many athlete club pupils were abused there, Miyuki believes. Cold place means so cold in heart. Everywhere. In the chamber, yes. Harusan slept with such a thin bed making. She is good with the clothings. however, for miyuki, Northpole like place. Too too cold. Why?

  I am not good at coldness, yes. However, shoveling makes me hot, yes. After 20 minutes of shovelling, I felt hot!!! Good job, however, the waste pains yes. 2 or 3 hours of russeling jobs is good for an old woman? Miyuki thought. However, YUKARI was inside. Ummmm. Miyuki didn't the job, because I did minimum and I couldn't rob my mother's working place. Don't do unnecessary jobs. Good, without snow. However, totally russeling is not mine. Luxurious job. Miyuki was kind enough to understand that Yukari was not interested in Mother's job at all. Yukari was inside, watching TV. She was the inferior, Miyuki believed. But, Yukari didn't think like that. Harusan did her work. Yukari said to her, just, "I would like to shovel the snow" and her mother denied. Oh, she wanted to avoid her to shavel the snow to throw it on the head of Miyuki's Daruma. Miyuki man, she called. I would like to make. Just a joke. Yukari would like to do playing with their kids and they were too busy to do so. Good to know, YUKARI. She wanted to play with them and they are not. Miyuki knows well and she did a game of endurance. OK, I would go. One by one. Enough to her and for kids. Miyuki did it. She played with the role of their precious jewel! Wallet, she had! Oh, she would pay! She could pay for something for her. And for them, minimum. If you want, work! Miyuki was too thrifty and sometimes paid in gorgeous. She was not liar, at all. Sometimes, she forgets yes. She did work, anyway. She is an inteligent worker, at all. Not so bad. Some genious level, they say. However, in Japan, every people are genious, because the DDMs were too stupid. Their grade was stupid. Miyuki was 5 times diligent thus she should be punished. They wanted to appology to YUKARI to make her trap. She was so good to do so. She refused to say, "I want to be Miyuki right now. Now, OK?" Miyuki is different, Yukari is Yukari, Alex consoled. Yukari consults her problem in the morning to him in his room. To get up, a good alerm. Alex hopped out from the bed. Yukari knocked slightly and she offered her dished a bit a bit. Do you know, why Miyuki is good in math? Miyuki was bad when she was young and now, she was a professor, jobless, anyway. However, she made an effort to be a math professor. Good to know that she thought that Miyuki were working in the farm as a farmer, so she wanted to be hired again in Kyorin. Animal farm? 1984? Brazil, future city? Metropolis? Miyuki was so awkward to know that her sexual education was to rough to know the existance of condom???? Hachioji kids were too early aging, at the same time, no use type???? Don't use the vicious things, are the watch words for them???? Joke? No. Use condom, Safe Sex is good for everyone, in general. Why in Hachioji? Who prohibitted? ISHIHARA?

Hachioji was kinky however, Tokyo is more kinkier. Everykids were examined to have condom and having condom was prohibitted???? For OKAMOTO's monopoly? You are right. HARAJUKU had a specialite shop for Condom, a comic writer wrote. I did want to visit it. I couldn't find it.

 Bubble gum is good for it? No! Its dangerous! How took it after the accident? And protection effect, Not at all!!! Strange theory!!!

 Hachioji kids were dangerous. Yukari was good for them, when she was kind. However, suddenly she changed. She changed because she wanted to change, she believed. She said. Just a joke, and killed someone type, yes. She doesn'trecognize the importance of life. She did once in the road, she believed. She believed, thus, OK. she wanted to reveal it and now revieled. She killed her inner angel, maybe. How and why? Because of Miyuki's hatrid. She didn't give me a money. Return, to your home. However, she didn't. Her choice. She wanted to kill her and said to cast the spell. OK, oh, that one. Night walk! Oh, she wanted to be raped by someone. Then sell the body. Yukari was so mad at Miyuki's attempt to get her out from the house. She really wanted to live with her in her comfortable new house. Miyuki's predict was realized. Too too spooky. Miyuki was too shocked at the 30 box full of her belongings. It was a part of them. She did have much more. More and more, she wanted to live with her hatrid goddmnit sister. She was evil, however, rich. Good for us, She was outside and I inside. Good pair. No thanks, YUKARI. You should do nothing. Better than your ruling. She always fails type. Kinky and arrogant. Inferior complex maked her superiority complex type. Not rare. In Kyorin, almost all of them were like she. Not so unusual. Thus, Kyorin was suitable for her.

 Good grief. She would say, "I didn't know that ocupation was so wrong!!!" Oh, Yukari, you would say, "I didn't know that genocide is so bad for human beings! I did it, ooops, However, I am egnorant. I should be exemted" type.

 DDMs destroy our beautiful universe right now. DDMs are always so. Strange kinky figures, each. And destroy totally our world. They do it without intention. only by instinct. Thus, dangerous. Intentional means that they have will anyway. Understandable. By instinct, should do without reason. They believe and they do. She believed and she did as she liked. She was bad, however, no one could change her,not stop her.

 Dying message type. I was writing a letter for you that I am now dying ... until her delayed death. Do it now!!! And pretend to be a victim of a trifle thing. I got to know the type. Not a bad one, at first. I thought she could work outside type. However, no. Just dreaming type. She passed jobless 20 yeas like as YUKARI. And turned to be a monstor. Her working mother wants her to enter into the special care home and she would like to live alone. What does it mean? Oh, groub tumbs!!!

 She wants to get married now, because she was killing by her mother. A bad joke, however, group home is just a black joke. Her mother would be killed by her. Which is which family, they are. Her father died soon after her death type. Only one winner is good for family. Or, family struggle and causes an accident everywhere. Thus, Tokyo District Court wanted to make a strict system of the network of private information fluid courner to flow the all of important archives they have. Oh, good, anyway. They should be. Better than nothing. Just upload system. Good. Then? Gee, she was writing letters!!!! Forced hospitalization could write a letter to them. OK? And she got doctral degree! OK, and trap her! Be a postman and trap her to pay her 1072 yens to us!!!

 This is the dark laughing side of the Tokyo District Court. Polisman, postoman hotelman, all combined. In case of emergency, rely on Tokyo Unitary Church! Is their watch word!!!


YUKARI's End (10)

2017-02-23 16:00:01 | 日記

 Thus, too much problem in Exam War in Japan. Competition was no practically and they are forced to learn excessively. HACHIOJI method, they call. MIYUKI wasn't ignorant that her teacher responsible was a kind of entusiastic type. Not bad. My son liked her and she praised his uniqueness. OK and others to. Serious to her work. I thought. YUKARI said that she had some inclination to Alex on her sexual interest. Nonsense. Beautiful boy so everyone liked, type. YUKARI herself did the same and critised it instead of her. She was confusing and confused both. Poor girl, at a certain level. However, over the level, she turned to a monster. She changed by Miyuki's sake, she ecplained. Long long explanation and I am not bad, Harusan, I don't want to go to the hospital, not yet. I am so good and so healthy. Thus, not now!!! She pleaded anyway and did the test and got a praise. Driving licence. Good. However, she lost it in the trash??? She explained to her mother. ??? Who paid the money??Miyuki paid. The money??? No? ???? Yukari confused that Haru-san has one and Miyuki has one and Koji-san has one and Alex has one and Clare has one. Why not Me? type. Yes, "Me, too, pelease. I am qualified because you have all!" Dull two much. Miyuki doesn't have and is satisfied with the situation. Better for me. An expression that I am just in a monent here, not so long. She explained and did it!!! Not a tough job and good ones!!! And got sufficient money for us too!!!! Got it! Proffesor-comedian, dancind and singing!!! On the theater any places in the world. Kindergarden also OKOK!!! Miyuki, you repeated errors, yes. Nasty. I made a trouble repeatedly. Slight ones almost and fatal ones somes. Yes. I know. But,I know so thus, I understand the darkness. Superiority complex is the same as inferiority complex. Thus I failed. Arrogance, I did. Fatal. Sometimes. I was too bad. And thus, I will be a good professional and good friend for all. Sandra, I was an evilest monster. I made a big mistake. You did too much for me. I liked your selection of the tapes. I repeatedly heard the tapes, especially, cycling. I liked the voice of Ney Matogrosso and bought his complete version of CD sets. I selected my favarite and produced my own editating version. I liked the editated version. Only favorite songs. I was too cruel to you. I beg to you appopogize, however, you don't need to forgive me. however, if you like, bring your kids and friends and families with you to my future house or apartment, I would accept all of your friends and treat you and them all as my family. You liked my treatment, you could forgive me. I will do my best and you would evaluate. It's better for me. I think so. Sometimes, I fail, not in inhuman ones, however, at this point you would allow, maybe. The most important is, I would like you to know that I changed ant now I got to able to entertain you, as you said. You said ""I looked for the dictionary and found that humilde or rich, I couldn't classify. At this point, I don't care, from the birth. I am in the middle and almost all of my friends were poor rather, in my subjective understanding. They felt nasty at her remarks. She thought that they are really economically poorer than I. Poor rural kids. Good at athletics and not at studies. Good to play but not ambitious type. I want more fair competition and liberty. Thus, "I will go to Tokyo!" Ikuzo YOSHI type. And, Christal King type. Obviously so. Always dreaming better world and believe it exists. Stupid, everyone says. However, always, some resemblance. Different, yes. Not paradise of liberalist, however, a kind of it. Some kinds of.

 Miyuki believed and tested. Always failed in case of Japan. Miyuki tried much more. I want to be new type. Many movings, as a result.Thus, I need a space for my holdings. This is not a good place. To my holdings also. YUKARI can't classify anymore between hers and mine. Wind in the wirrows and Ottabury boys were thought for us or mine. I wanted to save them. However, she didn't want to be saved by me and I should understand that she wanted to abondon the memories at all. She just wants to vanish, maybe. Instinctively, she can't. But she said that "Breaking memoirs is the symptom of wanting suicide. Thus, you should be kind to me." Miyuki was threatened by her suicide commiting prediction.

 Now, she wants to be kinded by her. Of course, not. Tactically yes, stopping enhancing of the territory in the wrong place, a good choice. However, she would be more arrogant with my surrender. I take care of not stimulating her, but, I would never surrender. Same as Japan, Dr.Dull, all idiots, ABE etc. DDMs aoways sell their muck. Commit suicide, as you like. No one takes care of you. Just you exist. You are replaceable with anyone in the family. You didn't want to work and consumed just. Enhance? Terrible!! You have a lot of time to do so. Miyuki is wrong. She doesn't do anything at all, by her understanding. DAME-OJAHI is too kind to their indulged family so they thought so. They are modest. Not arrogant. DDMs like figures with arrogance. They like to be abused, maybe. They pretended to be weaker. They wanted to play the role of weakened ones. Patients, would be. Everyone rumoured. However, said nothing, because she got upset and started attaking. Raid. During night. Night riser could put up with. You shoul be. She wants to use the things, as she likes. She can't stop it. She wants to be an arrogant professor in Kyorin Univ, as the staff wanted to. MIYUKI was too wimpy to the pupils. Strong version, YUKARI was. Hiring YUKARI in the versity. Better. Rikkyo graduates. Sufficient to teach in your univ.

 YUKARI would work in her right place. Good for her. Departure. Being a professor is a good for her. In Inogashira campus, OK. She would accept the call. Good. She would do and as she liked. I don't care. Good career for her. Good treatment they do, probably. Yayoi KUSAMA? Good. Why not? Sometimes teaching sometimes hospitalized. Good for her. Offering is idealing for her. Independent from me, please. I am nothing for you, YUKARI. Your world is to dirty. Go with other DDMs as you like. YUKARI would be a good professor at the versity.

  Now, Miyuki is good at our problems. We are really excited the stories you talked. Really? Not at all! Total lies!!!

  Even good people would wonder the reality inside Japan. Messy Misesable Dirty Hospital beside the animal farm. Power holders' daughters without any knowledge on Christianism.

 Only piano playing in a certain point. Each day, got worse. Exercise causes worse playing type. Alzheimer, they did. But , they didn't believe. "Me? The result said and fatal. In several years, you would lose your recognition abilities at all" Simple declaration from Dr.Dull. He contracted for the declaration type. Always declaration. Non explication. Why? No explanation is better for you, YUKARI. She talked too much lies, amout of lies for the sake of her. My sister is an eveil one to abandon their pretty kids in the hospital and I brought them up during more thatn 20 years....Alex is only 15. YUKARI couldn't count the age. She looks and thought, "Oh, my pretty boy is only 5!" Always 5 yeas old type. Harusan is so. Cheerful young boy need his own amusement. Different from Miyuki. However, Miyuki didn't attack his game machines at all. too late. Addicted. Dispose as you like. I am free from your addiction.

 Alzheimer addiction. You call. Yukari is so. She was arrogant to know the fact. She needs to know. Even she denies, she suffers from Alzheimer. Recognition problem.No cure for her. Love affects. She wants to have a lover age. Do as you like, outside the house. Don't bring your strange disease in the house. You should go and do as you like. Find your prince in Mitaka. Get married with them. Having a baby with them. Do as you like. You would be J.K.Rillings now and depart from the house. Good for us.

 Miyuki also leaves soon. Not to live with her. Abroad. I am the opposit. However, how she failed. She was unlacky in a certain sense. However, even though, the earth goes arround. She should change her habit. Now, by instinct, she is a danger for us.

 DAME-OYAJI is everywhere in Japan. Not respected fathers. Contempted maybe. Harusan is also a kind of evil wife, objectively. Not dull, subjectively. Kind but her ideal life is similar to DDMic ones. Thus, she understand Yukari's saying. However, YUKARI is sick and Miyuki is not. Miyuki was put into a jail, however, now repeatedly, YUKARI talked to her. Thus, Miyuki is a shame for our family. Always. She was too evil because she was caught in her young days, is absolutely normal. Noisy party is a reason for custody. She learned a lot from the novels. Not so serious problem. I was in jail was a keyword for us. Everyone, in some meaning, was put in the jail. Endurable place rather than the family. Anyone thought. Better than the house with his noisy wife. Good meal rather than her terrible food. At least, it varied. YUKARI's mashed potatoes attacking was the last resort for Alex. Gee! She did it. Made a lot of Mashed Potatoes, indifferent from the spacies' classification. Just wash, boil, peel, mash and mix with mayonnaise. Takes several days. Alzheimer, itself. Slow mashing potatoes syndrome. Everyone was surprised at the remarks on the potatoes related fever problem. With a medicine against Influenza called TAMIFUL caused the hullation on potatoes raid!!! Several examples!!! Miyuki was astonished at the description. The injection is related with potatoes? Every boys said "potatoes, potatoes!!" and wanted to jump from the veranda in the high stories apartment type building, after taking the medicine. At least 3 times heard the story.

 Thus, Miyuki found that OMANKO-JOURNALISM. Until hullation was tripled. And the audience was not noticed, they believed. They didn't believe that they are idiots. Even the scholars lied. No? They believed the lies as facts. All professors said nothing. OHTA said confused, His remarks were for the other participantes. Oh, OHTA, you too. You wore kinky ALOHA shirts for the meeting. Like a festival in the neibourhood. Kinky behaviour and and not welcome type, he was. Why? And he was one of the productive profs in the versity, anyway. Too much jealous to my kids and my pupils maybe. Unhappy family holding is their mission, they believed. Just total abandonment. Abruptly it began. "That's mine. Thus, I did." Always.

 MIYUKI did book abandonment and felt nasty. Now OK. She chose to be a scholar and couldn't separate from her holdings. Sobstories, she did. She cries really for the materials. She cried for the taro-potatoes!!! Good for soup, however, mashing???? YUKARI did the same, last year also. She was criticised and did again. Thus, HARU-san changed. She was writing on her errors in case of information. She was violent sometimes. She can't stop her talking, when she got sick. Even with high fever, she wanted to watch TV in the chamber of her mother. Mother said yes, so I did. Like Araki's case. There is a piano and an old lady was sick in bed. They instinctively played the piano. Everyday, the number increased. They said that there is a piano and there are lots of musical notes brought by Julia. Julia brought Guiness' Book of Wonder and Put it on the shelf in the common space. MIYUKI was reading and Julia insisted that it were hers. MIYUKI didn't know the system. It was hers, yes, and the space was used only by hers and she allowed to use the space for her mates. Thus, she put it on the shelf and thus she said so arrogantly. She said because she wanted to be returned the book. OK, here you are. MIYUKI was polite. She wanted to have a quarrel with MIYUKI in English??? Good for her amusing, but I didn't want to be killed here. Thus, I didn't criticise her manner. And minimum manner she had. She said, "please" and explain the reason. OK, for me.

  And another her mother like mexed blood sad faced women AOTA appologized her arrogance. For me, nothing. However, she was so "shirunk" and adopted the most shrunk interpretation among the confusing various interpretations on the instruction in HASEGAWA hospital. She wanted to be a good girl, however, she participated in the DDMs benefit. Her choice. She was clever and beautiful. Why she was so sad? Looked like a heroine of Kazuo ISHIGURO's novel, "Hold me". The figures who were fated to live only for contribution to others. Not amusing ones. Sadness and unhappiness surrounded her. Why?

 She got out only after 1 month of hospitalization. The name of her disease, unknown. Just politeness. A good for tragedic romance.

 Julia wanted to get married with Japanse. She said, Japanese is better than foreiners!!! Miyuki was astonished at her preference. Her idol was her mother. Power holders type. Why she admires her mother so much? Her sister resembles with her father. Julia liked his father and did meet in a saturday, eating KABA-YAKI and visiting Gibre Museums with him. Good choice for a healty good girl. She came here by her mother's order to get weight. She was lean however, not so ugly. Even ugly, one can choose be ugly. For someone, ugly, however, for others, beautiful. At least, the apparently ugly girl was honest to her desire to do exercise. Medical staff and other patients attacked her to say, "If you do exercise, you would lose the waight. You should get weight. Thus, you should take a rest, anyway." But she continued to do the exercise. She looked like a skelton, yes. Twice leaner than me. However, doing exercise is her task, she diceded and did that, despite of the repeated disturbance and stopping orders. Her choice and should be respected. She ate normaly. She didn't want to get fat. Just it. She would be working anyway, physically.

 I ate 3 pieces of pancakes for late lunch and the result was not satisfactory. Eatable but lacked something. What? I need to search this matter later.

 I went to the Supermarket to buy some protain including foods. I bought a package of boiled chick peas, bologna sausage, boiled shrimps and duck meat. Shrinps would be used for easy paella and duck meat for Arroz com Pato. Chick peas would be used for paste of middle east area. I would use blender after a long unusage. It is good for make a paste. I made various pates like liet with pork swet, chikin lever pates, and so on. Mine is made by Braun, at the cost of US$100. Not a cheap buying, however, to enhance my culinary world, I paid the value. I didn't regret to buy it. In winter, it was so cold in the kitchen, thus, I didn't use in Shirakawa. However, now, spring has come and it would be good to open my different window.

 I made the electric blender to shred the onions for hunburgers and the green leek leaves for Chinese meat pies.

 In the supermarket, comparing with other days, the number of figures was leager than usual. Why? I tried to get to know the answer. Most of them stayed in the supermarket for long time. Especially, mothers with kids are this type. I was a slow shopper and walked arround the supermarcked twice. And most of the family shoppers were there after my payment. Too slow.

 Usually, mothers with kids are busy. Why? Oh, "ponto de encontros" that's it. This sparmarket would be used for milk bar prostitutes. They appeal, "I can provide you milk, men!"   like Mari KITADA at Kyorin Univ. They came by car and some secret spaces are used for the objective. There are lots of spaces here in local towns in Japan.

 For example, most of the shops arround the supermarket are just for it. Concealed and only the plates of the shop name were there. Thus, Treponema spreads fast in Tokyo and now in local towns. Flamboyant mothers, who don't have a job, and buy easy quick foods on the shelves "TV dinner" type. Only microoven users.

 YUKARI is usually this type. Several exceptions are. One of this is mashed potatoes. Boiling them in gas range is a hard job for her, maybe.

 The ladies with kids were stralling the cart slowly and the middle aged males watched them. They, pretended to be a family, if the ladies accepted. Oh, Thursday is a special service day, probably.

 In Shirakawa, some shops are closed in Thursday. On weekends, they work, thus an alternative holidays for them. Thus, there are lots cars parked in the parking area in the shop. And many cars are big enough like an ambulance cars. It means that they could do it in the van. Cost performance is good type.

 I was wondering always why a lot of cars were parking in front of the sparmarket. I thought that many parents came to take their kids to the house from junior high and at the same time they made a shopping. However, I realized that the mothers with high school pupils were rare. Most of them were young mothers with kids type.

 Prostitution is in common even in Shirakawa, maybe. Easy selling and buying type. Bitch, my son calls it. Easy money they can get. And the risk also. Just milking is tranmitting Triponema. They don't think so. Sexual intercouse should be avoidable, however, only the top sexual activities were free from the danger of virus transmission, they thought.

 Not at all! Worse than sexual intercourse.

 I was fallowed by a middle aged man. Looked normal. I was in wonder, why he appeared in front of me, repeatedly? Why he disturbes my going???  Oh, maybe, he mistook me with one of the bitches! Oh, I, wore a lot of clothings, 7 pieces at the upper, including two down courts, and 5 pieces, including intimate wear as usual and 3 knit chaps on the head. Even though, he desired me??? Strange taste. Why??? I was not in the mood. I am not a bitch. OK, I don't dislike "Boy meets Girl" in the supermarket version. Not a bad one. However, with DDMs, not at all!!!

 Even not attractive figure like me is a aim of the negociation. Maybe, with a lot of clothings, I was seen plumpy and I was mistaken a kind of bitches arround there in the Thursday Sale in the supermarcket.

 This type of meeting points are here and there in the center of Tokyo. In particular, near the Central Station of Tokyo. There are lots of spaces with various benches or chairs, sometimes tables for quick lunch. One of them is located in OAZO-MARUZEN-KITAGUCHIBUILDING-MARUNOUCHIHOTEL. I used the space as my working place, because there were tables and chairs. I wrote most of my legal letters to Tokyo District Court.

 I observed the figures. Ohhhhh!!!! I got to know!!! I was a kind of bitches, in their understanding!!! Oh, thus, arround me, there are lots of old males, who used the same chair for long time, as long as I used!!!! Oh!!!! I was so attractive to them!!!! Oh!!!!

 I felt strange, why they were there, without doing anything, just eating, reading, phone calling or so. Not necessarity in the place. Why? I thought that it was a free space.

 I was looking at Guernica (Reprica) by Picasso there. My interpretation on the picture is, in the local town in Guernica, there are lots of the victims of Civil War. Man of them were Women with kids. They are killed without reason. Then, males were already killed. Thus, cows and horses in their house pledged the revenge agaist this inhuman activities by tralitarian system. REVENGE. Not a sob, tragedic picture. Yes, the case is the tragedy. However, the motiv of the great painter with 96 names is just manish revenge to the injustice, not sobstory at all. Rage, he painted.

 The explanation of the reprica was highly wimpy one. Sobstory version. And their intention to put the big picture of 10 meters at width and 4 meters at hight maybe is just "mammal milk sucking painting". That's it. The level of DDMs was too too low. They do as they like following their "instinct". Their "instinct" doesn't rearch to IQ 30. Under the level of idiot class. They created the free space for the special meeting for themselves.

 They have no recognition ability to understand symbolic expression, irony, sarcatristic remarks, cinic humours. They are gag like people. Doing the totally illogical and irrational things with serious cold facial expressions. They themselves were gags. I was in the scene of the gags. 2 dimension world. 3D means our world and 2 D means DDMic gag world.

 Thus, they did plastic sergery to make their nose holes so narrow like as the heroines in the DDMis comics. Thus, they prefer flat faces like Asians. Thus, they easily change their story like erasable past. They forget easily. And they move easily by impulse. Blue Impulse for men, while pink impulse for female. Good choice. They wanted to commit collective suicide. Shame to leave here even now. Shameless. They are called and live longer to spread their shames.

 YUKARI is a sample of these DDMs. They themselves thought that they were harmless and deserved to live longer. No, no, YUKARI. You did live too longer. More than 20 years of living. You should have abandoned your DDMic ideology, when you could. Now, there is no choice. You have heard that Recognition Problem, yesterday and talked her mother on it. "She hurt me as usuall. " She cried in front of her. She said to call her attention. However, her understanding was different. She also noticed her strange habit. Anyone knows. IZUMI-san noticed the GOMI-YASHIKI, first. MIYUKI did, she thought. Thus, she was in jail, she thought. Yes, OK. I was usually mistaken such a kind of kinky figure. However, at least, she was remembering the school days and it was a relief. Her memory was put inside and her appearance was kinky too much. Don't worry, IZUMI-san. I prefer doing so. Don't worry and do it, is the same frase the "Moony sisters" shouts to yell to the DDMs. They provocate to do so. Too much "Moony sisters" here and there. Gospel systers, they are called. Miyuki was thought that the chorus was not so bad for amature singers of rural wives. Not at all!!! They were too bad to use the name of Shirakawa III for your sake??? You was the member, yes. And we were. Yes. And they were???? They who??? Miyuki didn't know the names they put. Sometimes surnames changes. But the last names were different. Oh, lies. Forgotness. Kinky DDMs use their names, no. Our names. Ah, that scene of Petit jewelly collecting scene. Miyuki was used for the scene, not collecting them because of the bad taste. She was arrogant, they said. And those bonzes? They also should have collect the wallet. Red my wallet. They shouldn't!!!!

 Miyuki was slow, too too slow. She thought that she was playing the theater of bitch inducing games. She did well. Just an amusement and didn't believe the rumour and Miyuki turned to be a bitch and earned money from the job. Yes, I earned, however, not bitch jobs, exactly. Pimping the kinky DDMs to the kinky DDMs jobs. Provocation, it was called. Miyuki did a good job. Net tights were OK, however, gymnastic wear like. A bit different. Anyway, I could. They were bad in colours. Colour blind types. Syphilis, maybe. YUKARI passed the period already. Now violating period. Assertive? Positive to work in Kyorin univ. Really! As the process was done. OK, her decision. You are right. Harumisan stopped her, however, she wanted to do so. OK. Good job. They were similar. DDMs, that's it. She took a partner there. OK, and had a sex. OK. And transmetted the disease. OK. And they do again. OK. Never ending story. Alzheimer sex. No other choice. Death on the belly film they are called. Good for the photograph. And they did it. In that room I was forced to use, probably. Good use fot it. They did as much as they could and failed. No regret at all. No memory at all. No future, no past. Oh, I was her "husband", so she wanted to scold me? Oh, she wants to scold me more, because of my wrongdoing, abandoning kids, wondering arrond the town, drinking with attractive women, and so on. How envy they were! They knew the system and was afraid becouse of it. I was the victim of the rumours and my father did. Only slight communication with female was not endurable type. NEMO-KATSU wife type. However, Miyuki was the worst case. She was in the office and working anyway, and she scolded her because of her one night before's behaviour. This is new to all of them. HARUSAN was there and got to know that she was really ill mentally. Why Miyuki was blamed by the late sleeping because of her working? She said, "Where did you wondering at all??? You bull shit!!! You should take care of your kids, stupid!!!" Cast started. She would like to say so to her the day before. Because she came back so late. 21:00 oclock or so. She wanted to say, just in a soft way, "Thank your for your late errand. Did you forget the route to the BENIMARU store?" She already knew her disease was so serious in this period. She got irritated when Miyuki passed. She couldn't stop the impulse to nudge her, she confessed. Not violating one, actually. However, Miyuki was astonished at her hatrid against her. She can't put up with the situation. She wants to spet her. She wants to kill her. Miyuki is right. She is in a dangerous situation, although she denies the fact. She was too good to say so to her, your mother, MIYUKI. In a soft way, she said. MIYUKI did it, she said. MIYUKI the first person that she was monitoring type of DDMs to destroy the relationship with others and invites many unhappiness for her goddamnit sister. She really liked to kill her career. She wanted and did it and accused Miyuki because of quitting the job easily. She did so easily, so she thought so. Miyuki is different, Mother explained repeatedly, however, she didn't accept the fact. I did and why she not? I am superior to her and I am older than she and she should obey me. Oh, age was forgotten. Thus, your mother was worried about your slight forgetfulness. Oh, mother! You forget that I was forgetful since I was born?!!!

 Oh, mother, you have illusion on Tokyo University graduate. Super-computer illusion. Not at all. For this use, Yoko SATO is good. Not my use, mother!!!

 Miyuki cries and was excluded from the society because of it. "You can't do it? Did you a Todai graduate?!!!", with an astonished voice. Miyuki is totally right. Common people. Not other existance like monstrous ones. Common. Not good at calculation. Not good at memory. Not good at direction. Not good at box jumping. Not good at parareled bar exercise in some kind. Good at ping-pong. Football, not bad. Baseball player, probably,,,, yes, I tried. I would be a good butter, maybe. Need a good sight. Good eye to see the rapid movement. good for all and Miyuki herself. Miyuki was crying for bad dreams. Many times. One was seen when I was in Brasilia. I was calling, "Mother, help me!!!" I was followed by the evil figures and wanted to escape from them. I couldn't put my voice out at first and finally, I could and shout!!!! Loud too much. I was awoken by my mate in the chamber of dormitry of the Japanese  descendents, a young Brazilian kind calm girl. "Miyuki, you were calling, "Mother, help me!", she said softly.I was saved her. She touched me until I got up. I was ashamed and said, "Thank you, anyway. I was too ashamed to call my mother in the night." She was flightened by my spooky voice. I couldn't put my voice out and tried and tried and finally could.


YUKARI's End (9)

2017-02-23 01:04:56 | 日記

23/02/2017 (morning) Yesterday  morning, I talked on YUKARI's invasion to my father, appointing that she is really suffering from young Alzheimer disease, showing the bill.

 He said, this bill was written by Alex, not by YUKARI. Oh, my boy, you are the emperor!!! How arrogant he is! He thinks that he were the ruler of this family. "Alex, you, too!", Miyuki the Cesar fell down to the floor. Too young, only 15 years old, he is suffering

  Anyway, I told that I thought that YUKARI is really sick and the sickness accompanies with too much loss of recognition ability.

  Repeated buying the same things list is here, just an exapmpe:

     Scoop: 20, spatula: 10, plastic cases: more than 100, plastic lunch box: 30, colanders: 15,

    Tea cups only for her use: 50, Tea pots exclusevely for her: 20,

     memorundum notebooks: 100, penciles: 500, colour pencils: 10 sets, sharp pencils: 100,

     ball paint pancils: 50, envelopes: 300, letter papers: 300, erasers: 100, cissors: 50, nail cutters: 10, Engilish Dictionaries: 10, German Dictionaries: 5, etc.

    Only a part of her cheapish "collections". Utensils and stationaries. For her, they should be bought 100 more than their necessity or more. And after buying, she forgets to have bought and buys again. Unconscious collections, they are. She left there trash in "Her strage", that is "our living room".

   She just conceals her private room perfectly from other's critics and the rest, including public places like living room, and also our father's office, is just a strage for her.

  Her universe goes arround just in the center of her private room and outside is her own territory, which she can use as she likes. Her privacy should be kept absolutely and other's not. Others, including her family like Clare and Alex, have no room of their own. They use her rooms under the tolerant allowance of her. Thus, Yukari doesn't knock the door of Clare's room in case of entering. Her room is mine, Yukari presumably thinks.

  YUKARI knocks the door of the room of Alex, however, it happens only he is present. While absent, she does't knock at all and enters as she likes. In mother's chamber is Japanese style, thus, there is no knocking totally. I use it if I change my clothings, of course, if YUKARI and my mother are there. YUKARI feels nasty and sometimes goes out from the chamber with nasty facial expression. She is in my mother's chamber and I am borrows this tiny space to sleep and to change clothings. Necessarily I get nakid. She is drinking tea as always, in her big mag, which is also doubled, watching TV and shows her gestures, "Who this old kinky bug, which changes clothings in front of me? How imprudent and stupid! How she dares to do so! Crazy hospitalized one. Even graduate knows that this is impolite. Out of rule. She is crazy, herself!!!" I don't mind. This is may place, anyway and I have no room except here. She has a lot of space, while I not. She, jobless old bug, why she is allowed to have 2 rooms and to use living room and the entrance hall as the strange? All on behalf of my kind parents. Now, she wants to occupy their space. Mother's as TV room and my father's office as her 3rd strage. They are tired of her repeated irrational territory enhance activities. They don't stop it, because they know that she sufferes from brain disease and has no way to cure it. Poor figure. Leave her alone. Stimulating her is the worst policy and her goddamnit sister took the policy. YUKARI started to "that" enhancing movement again. Repeated attack called raid by them. Miyuki is dangerous. As she know, she provocates DDMs' instinct. If MIYUKI conceals her nature, DDMs are all OK. MIYUKI is good at pretending. However, now she can't put up with that pretension and revealed her nature. This is the cause of her lynch and harsh medical treatment and custody in the Detension. Just it. Instinct. Miyuki's nature represents that of common people. It should not exist, DDMs believed. Miyuki believed that DDMs were not at all. Just "unkind stupid figures". In fact, Gods know that she was so so ignorant to know the fact, because she was too too stupid to believe the formal justice and insisted that Japanese were shy and strict on themselves and thus they were misunderstood. Oh, Miyuki, you were too too stupid. They were laughing. You did it, for the sake of people, however, they thought that she were a good advertiser of our system...Miyuki bileived the public beutiful side and other the informal ugly side. This is the difference. Miyuki was wrong and failed for it. Now, thus, this is not my place to live. Japan has no future no justice movement is here and there. Only Japan conceals the fact. Kinky toralitarian countries. Until China should do it. They refrain from buying the product and stop to produce for them. Japan passing, they call. Japan is nothing for us. This county is kinky too much. Self producing products made in China??? Which is the fact? Miyuki is confused. China or Chinese? Miyuki is right. Japan made their own products in China for their own use at the cost of their own??? Oh, they paid lots for Chinese girls. However, the cost is more cheaper than use DDMs here in Japan. Oh, 3k. Japanese disliked them. The words were used for the labour too much tiresome. Kitanai is Dirty and Kiken is dangerous, Kitsui is Hard. The type of labour was disliked in Japan, especially by youth and replaced by other coutries members, like Brazilians, Peruvians and Iraquians, Iranians, Slirancans, Pakistanese, Brugarians, Russians, Africans and so on. They were disliked by South Eastern ones. They prefered more light labours. Then, Japanese for what? Just for amusing???? Not. Just taking a rest. Rest for ever. Japanese don't exist fenomenum. Thus, Miyuki is one of rare animals in the world. Where are people??? Miyuki shouted. However, they were leaving already. Miyuki was too too sly, they said. They passed harsh time in Shirakawa, Oh, these hospitals along the road. Yes, they believe that someone should know the fact. Miyuki was right. However, she was too too stupid. She dosn't know the reality and teaches Constitutional Law of Japan for the pupils, as the last resort and recommended for them. They tried to prove that she, this stupid graduate of Tokyo Univ. really believe the constitution were justice???? And she did it, without knowing the "HONNIN SOSHO" or the law suit by the victim himself is really a good and benefittable ones. They got confused. She believed and thought to earn money from the stupid system. Absolutely stupid!!!!

 Now she knows the system. She felt a bit strange that there is no book on this good system. Why? Anyway, theorically, genious system. I would earn vast money to save poor people and non educated kids. She was too too crazy. how ignnorant she was!!!! They were astonished. Even now, she believed! She is the professor of law and believe it!!! Crazy too much.

 She really believed. Not so bad. At least on her own belief. She did it by way of 4 cases and got dangerous!!!! Me? Only a small tiny professor like versity professional resident? She was astonished. However, she was protected by some kinkieness of the enemies, no way. MIRIKO was also. Moriko got a job in Nerima ward and she did her work well, however, the superiors disliked her. She graduated from the versity. Better than ours. Jochi professor was good at math at all and did know the system. However, her family is power holders. Miyuki got to know that the grand father is the famouse judge in the court of justice in Japan. She was astonished at the fact. And she was astonished at her ignorance. She was genuine stupid. Stupidity itself!!! She thought that Miyuki is too too stupid to know the fact and it was good for her to make an Imperial palace in Jochi. Too much fimales in Jochi. Jochi is a lady like versity now. A kinkiest appearance was found from the temple or church. Miyuki failed to enter the earlier building. Now, cheapish churce in grotesque outside and no no nothing empty type inside. how audacious to be a Christian to her!!! Don't eat, if you are not Christian, this movement is widely spread in the world. Oh, tolerance zero, fundamentalism. They are the same as nationalists, superiority complex with inferiority complex. Gee, they earn more, and we aren't. Work and earn is the result. however, dull factor effects here. Too too stupid to understand it. International YUKARI version. Oh, she is here!!!

 Her merit is developping a bit a bit. Demerit is too slow. When she recognizes, the fact was known to other people. She thought that it were my discovery!!!! Oh, I am good at finding!!!

 Good. however, these facts were already well known to other countries. however, they didn't pay any attention to the kinky country. Abandon until the death. Just efficient. however, there are many kind people. They should be saved. Only one saving is not enough. however, when she began to think seriously, the protection was done. She contributes in a certain meaning. In the strange way. Kinks, they call it. Unnatural!!! They call it. They called that Miyuki is wise now. Just know that this world is illogical an irrational and it should not be so. We have power to speak for it. Whe should feel the illogical nonsense soon and irrational explanation later. Illogical, in almost all of the cases in Japan. Not rational level. Tautology is their explanation, just using the authority of Tokyo Univ.'s members' name. HASEBE was got upset that he was excluded from the society because WASEDA's revenue was too big for him??? He wanted to die nameless. Yes, better than minus. In this point he is right. He was right, yes, yes!!!! Die with your shameless dream, in your bust, Old kinky bugs!!!

 They wanted to call 110 and forgot to the number. Thus, they call 111 and died, saying, "I am a professor of Law of Tokyo University...."

 Miyuki liked the episode and burst into laughing. Clare did so. not so her favorite ones. OK, each one has its own. Alex is totally ironical ones. He likes ugly version. He likes ugly bugs confused by the remarks by the word, "BUSU"!!!!

 She didn't believe that Alex liked her mashed potatoes and liked the words and made a lot of. Every week, only mashed potatoes. Better than no use. However, now taro-potatoes??? Good for soup seasonal potatoes!!! She didn't recognize the difference. Just wash, boil and peal and mash. Her peeling is sofisticated, she likes to be praised like that. Tiny trifle thing!!! Ummmm...sofistication is for irony,not for a good taste, old bug. Miyuki can't put up with the remarks of her kinkiness any more??? Yes, I can put and a good episode provider, I think, However, trouble maker. Not just a laughing one. Territory enhancing without any recognition and I am the enperor of this house like instinct. Too dangerour. GOMI-YASHIKI, it is. Haru-san disliked the expression. She likes the cosy place. However, YUKARI is the cause and other is MIYUKI, yes. I know and I will do my best for moving total. However, after Miyuki, empty places would be occupied by YUKARI, is the most avoidable fenomenum. Put her in the jail!!! Is the common opinion for us. However, her mother will cry for it. Only one punishment is better for all. Vanishment. Yes, OK. She allowed. MIYUKI thought it was written by YUKARI and her father said Alex's. They are similar even in character. MIYUKI is afraid Alex to be the second YUKARI. No working dull boy. Now he is big. YUKARI DeLux!!! Laughing now. However, he was in danger. YUKARI was so strict on his communication. MIYUKI just worried the financial problem. She thought Alex talked with HACHIOJI friend on a telephone and don't spend someone's precious money in vain. Time? Yours. Money, not yours. Thus, Alex bougt his own cell phone for his use only. Wi-fi phone, this is free for everyone, who use the machine. OK. She agreed. She doesn't want to have. Not necessary. Much better than her life. Non trouble by wi-fi problem. I am against wi-fi use, in general.

  A professor of part-timer type is wife of DDMs at all. She got to know in the last stage. They earn money with their limited knowledge and it was good for them, they thought. They earn the money for their education and paid a lot for it. Miyuki wanted to use for foods or more satisfactional ones. Megalos use is my hobby. I wanted my kids to be more athletic, because I was not so good. Just if they wanted. And they wanted in the earlier stage. OK, I paid. At least, they played, moving their body, for a while. Cramschool is different. They should learn by themselves. Or no study is much better that the cramschool type study. Only one study or without do that. So Megalos is not bad at some point. However, the system of payment was not clear and I have a lot of dubidous points on this matter. I need to investigate in the matter. She was too good to believe the things. Even the case of lie, good for my exercise. I do my best. I resolve the problem as a quiz. With my body and mind and soul. Good training.

 Thus, indifferent who offered, If I have time and energy and money to do so, I do. It was too good for me. I could servive, anyway.

 harsh time for us too. Too too bad and Miyuki believed that she was safe in Hachioji, with a slight wrongdoing, during Kyorin days. Miyuki was too stupid. When she forgot to the obstacles in the office, she was laughted at her stupidity. Oh, she moved to the place and forgot to do total abandonment.??? They were not curious to Miyuki's objectives except some interesting materials. Strange fenomenum happened again. The documents were stolen, however, they paid attention to the proofs. They were taken and watched her PC, eating Chinese meat pies. They thought that her PC is filled with pornography!!!! Oh, that's it! She would right pornography!!! She can be lyrical, yes. Just amusement for writing.Good for it! A good for getting lean body. Exercise is always good for lean body, by some people. Some type of animals characteres, maybe. Fat gene was came from the animal body. We are kindreds, thus we have a lots of happy club life. She knows that she was pupular among animals and kids. Adults not so. Strange popularity. Everyone laughted at the tendency. She observed and Alex is for young and middle aged females, while Clare with infants and old ages. A special tendencies, she thought. Miyuki is light. some kind of smell, she spreads and it causes attraction. Butter smell, maybe. Her nose turned to be fish smell and marine animals standing play happens. tendency. And in the custody, the smell became milky again. Kyorin life makes Miyuki fish smelly, miyuki understand. Faked Testacles Host type. To survive. However, until the day of associated professors. Now, professor. Why I continue to be SARUSHI life? She was good at sense. Now the time of change. Why she lives in the versity campus? Because only place the liberals can bahave as they like. However, kyorin is not such a kind. JOCHI would be good. However, failed again. So many attempt after her maternity harasment with prejudice against single parent problem. However, no good answer. OOYAMA did easily. WASEDAs also. Why only me couldn't? The old lady called TAKEDA was so so bad and got a good job. Why I not??? Too strange. She said her friend informed the chance and did and gained. Only several times, they thought. Several times of what? Prostitution??? Indulged kinky staff are good for them. Just for them, Tsuda was. The versity was established for the reason. Miyuki believed that Umeko TSHUDA establised it for the sake of not benefitted earger to study girls. They wanted to provide more opportunities to the girls not so benefitted like her. She thought. However, she did it and paid a lot her own money and lost her harsh experience for the sake of it. Tsuda's spirit was succeeded by the person who wore KIMONO??? Too much kinky. On the photo, beautiful woman and in fact, ugly kinky lady. The slender tall, I met. Like a flower arrangement instructor. Better than ugly male faked female bitch. She doesn't think so. Ugly version is male and he didn't want to be a good male so he did it that prohibitted play.

  You believe, that TAKEDA contracted him to pretend to the taller one to trap MIYUKI??? Yes. He was treated like a male among clerks. She wanted to do so. Ugly monster, just it. Male or femal, I am indifferent. Just DDM. No interesting thing. She wanted to be a male and did the surgery and now wanted to back to a female and did it again. Easy quick job, they said. Not necessary. Who sees her bottom part. No one! Anyone are interested on her at all!!! A monster, they say. However, good example for the future boy or girl type. No much interested in the part. Anyway, common person.Other, for the special people. Crying game is a fun for MIYUKI type. Oh, really? Me too!!! The better version of Too hot to be liked. Billy wilder. Miyuki was liking this Austrian born writer's play and films. book I read. And forgot the name, provisionally. Sorry, billy, too much resemblance. Too too common name. Playful, and cheerful. Single mother's son, talented but not had good education type. Miyuki is good at math and Billy did. His brother was not quick type but not so bad. Plain. Just amusing. Billy's stance was also. And his brother died with laugh. He was satisfied with his plain live. Yes, good to know it. Not much talented. In averege, in everything. Miyuki is good to know. Plain is good for someone to enjoy the life. Yes. And also for the people for more enjoyable life. Miyuki should be natural. Honest and natural. Thus, I am looking forward to doing it!!!!

 She was too good to know the arrival of the good departure. She would be kicked out from the provisional residence. Almost always so. Unwelcome personality. In everywhere, she thinks she is absolutely normal and plain. However, surrounding people don't think so. Miyuki is different and she accepts it. Just a prejudiced one disliked her. Miyuki would believe that kindness is deposited and her debt is vast. Thus, I want to deposite more to return and create better fundation accounts. Miyuki really wants to do it. For a good job for her. Reliable, but not good at accound. Not like Yoko SATO, the same name of her aunt of father side and good at calculation. She was in trouble with her family in law. Bakery?? YAMADA was bad at that time. Now, many people visits there, because variety of bread, quality is good, I think. Positive mish-mash variation. French, belgie, German, Argentine. The same quality. A bit a bit. Brazilian cheese bread was also good. Bought when my kids were infants. Eat after buying. A good habit. Sometimes in KOMINE castle park. Football in hand. Some jumping ropes also. Stroller era, also. She thought Miyuki was??? Oh, You, recognized me? I heard that you have a bakery near NANKO, my mother said. She was right. She was good all one type. Pragmatic. Good at math also. Good at logical quizes also. Head type. And balanced body. Long legs and skinny. REsembles like my aunt. The same plain name and enjoyable vivid life, I think.

 By the way, the problem was? Devorce? Yamada was bad? Oh, mother in law? Oh, in common in Japan. Jealosy and stupid parent type. Mae Coluja type. My boy is the super star in the world, type. Me too. Alex would be a president of Brazil. Good. Just talk, talk, talk all day long and pursue his banefit, anyway. Brazilians would have a president sho can't speak any portuguese!!! Anyway, he is natural born Brazilian and would be qualified to be, as a candidate. Chillilica was illiterate and was excluded from the candidancy and suied and got a slight winning. They did the test, easiest one like Alzheimer one, and got a winning, That the jeito. Both are satisfied. Iliterate president would be? No! Type and he should show that at least he could write his own name, or his sons would not learn any literacy. Gee! He did it! He is iliterate and a president anyway. Now, why we need to learn the literacy? Forget it! Return to nature! Go nakid! Too cool in winter!!!

 A great evasion for kids. Miyuki's case, she was a dull-like girl, who liked quiz type problem resolving process and enjoyed. Crahschool was harsh, however, for others, worser than the worst. Thus, less suffering and persistent, I admit. However, the last year was a tough for me. Two years were enough and one more year, no! I wanted to enter into versity when I was in the 2nd grade.

YUKARI's End (8)

2017-02-23 01:03:17 | 日記

 Just young alzheimer. Kinkiest and dangerous. Non stop mode. Shame, she has. A mount of. Every time, she said, "I am the sister of Miyuki SATO" and not her name. Or, "I am the daughter of Harumi SATO". She was caught everytime in the store. She did't want her kids to know the fact. She suffered from picking disease. She was caught in jeil, for a while and regretted and wrote a letter, "Never again..." type. Appologying letter. Strange habit. Just formal one. However, a bit different. If you wrote it, the next time, a habitual one. It was the system. Wrongdoers should teach it. Oh, pragmatic. But not necessary. Just a record. Enough.

 YUKARI's writing skill was good anyway. Not bad. However, the contents were totally DDMs. How arrogant, she was!!! Miyuki thought. Her way of appologying, now she did it, again. Everyday, a big error and no appologze and fake until to appology. No way. DDMs with higher education type. Bad ones. They want to be forgiven however, we shouldn't forgive, at all. Protectionists did so and failed. She should be put in jeil. Jail in a family called pet house. Enough for her. A good solution. Cheapist one and at her own cost. She is in jail now and should cut her wrist. OK! And showism happens. A good lesson for DDMs. Just a slight harm is the cause of life long threatening. Terrible!!!! Miyuki knows this type. Not a big one, however, when lawyer combined, turn to be a threatening. They call rapist and we call it just a sex. Terrible. KOIKE would be the victim and suid. He paid US$30 for her family. Miyuki was astonished at the value. US$150 thousand the family required. MIYUKI wanted to save him or just inform that the value is too much expensive!!! Thus, she wanted to call him and asked the number. She replied, "we need the admission of Prof.KITAJIMA and he is in the trip on Thailand or so" And then others said KITAJIMA was in trip in other countries. Anyway, she got the number of the phone. TAZAWA gave wrong number and KITAJIMA gave another and it worked. He asked her why you need? Miyuki said that the facalty matter, probably. On punishment. Miyuki was not able to participated in the meeting on punishment. She wanted to change the system. Too too cruel to the pupils. Raping my muticiple wrongdoers was allowed to graduate normally because he was adopted by a company and slight wrongdoing was the object of punishment. Strange too much.

 However, she couldn't. She couldn't participate in the meeting. Why? She was caught and was put in the hospital. Punishment meeting for her. She didn't know the project. She was really cool to do so, because just a joke type ending was expected by all of them. However, it was done by old kinky bugs. They thought that Miyuki were in prison and should be caught in anyway, because the shame of the university????? Miyuki was so clever to know that kinky bugs thought so because of their crazy broken brain. BSE or syphilis or Alzheimer or so. Brain damage. They are cruel. Brain is the most important for us, ever. Miyuki knows and remember the accident. Thus, she taught to their kids, appointing the place. It was for his sake, he thought. Useless death is most avoidable. Bycicle accident. She didn't know just it, however, she was accused. It was strange scene and YOSHIDA put her intentionally into the class, crying sencely for the death of his death. 5th Grader fell and put into the ditch and the cycling type stand projected into his head. He died by his brain damage. Miyuki didn't know the fact.

 The devil Koichi YOSHIDA ordered Miyuki to bring some document to the teacher of the class of the diseaced boy. She entered and was shocked and she proceeded to the teacher responseble, seeing the scene. Shuji SUZUKI accused her, "You are so cruel!!!" And Miyuki was shoked again and ran away from the class and came back to her class and asked to her friends, maybe, Hideko KIKUCHI. A closed friend. "What happened? In the class 1 (Her was class 4) all kids were crying and I was accused that I were cruel!!!"

 Hideko explained, "A boy died" and the story above. Miyuki was so shocked again here. She got to understand that YOSHIDA was too too cruel to all of us. He played even the ocasion of the sincire sad scene for trapping Miyuki. She was so sorry for the boy and understood, Shuji, not so bad one, abruptly accused her to say so. Shuji, I didn't know the fact. I didn't recognize the reason of the sadness. Sorry, for hurting you and your friends heart. For me, the scene was something happen however I didn't know thing. I had a mission asked by thd Goddamnit Mr.Responsible YOSHIDA and had to do that anyway.

 OK, I should recognize the feeling of the sadness at a glance, however, for me, a shoking scene and couldn't ask now and ask another ocasion and should hand the document to the teacher in your class. Sorry, offending the heart. My impression was the worst for you. "Cruel", however, I was trapped. Not my intention.

 Miyuki was tough and struggle to do so and noticed that she was trapped. Even the death of others were used for just a joke or trapping the resistent pupils under his IDIOCRACY.

 We wouldn't allow you, Kouichi YOSHIDA, never never never. I will continue to write your wrongdoing, forever, repeatingly. Not only me, but all for us, people. Kinky old bug type cruel professor produced by YOSHIDA family. YOSHIDA is common name. However, this YOSHIDA Kouichi only. The other YOSHIDA in Shirakawa is not related. SATO family have YOSHIDA related relatives lots. Old town is as always. Only he should be punished. Individualism. We hate you, YOSHIDA, forever. You would be punished repeatedly from the tumb. I decided it, and IZUMI-san and MAKIKO thought it. We pleaged and do it now. We didn't forget the fact. You are trapped, by us YOSHIDA. You were the emperor in his class and ruled by his IDIOCRACY. You should be punished all of the kids surrounded by you. You are an ugly monter. Kinky also. This type appears sometimes. Maybe, AKAZAWA is the type. IZUMI-san sighed. She was almost taken her precious things from the responsible. OK, it. Report for Graduation. She was jelous to do it, because he did it always. Kasai also did it. Other's report, stealing and repeated, without excuse. It was common in these days??? No!!! It was forgery. A big crime and would be punished for ever. Desqualified as a scholar. Miracrous recovery, it is called. Old ones were repeate by himselves and did by others!!!

 Yeah, the type of work was done by the clerks or secretaries, they said. Ah, OPPABU-BABAA. Every versity professor should has his own secretary rule!!! Oh! Elevetor in Tokyo District Court!!! Under the Idiocracy, everything could be done. Only someone knows the secret.

 Now, the trick was revieled and the trick should be taken advantage by us. More harsh ones, of course! My lesson of Sadistic-Mazohistic Novel will start tomorrow!!!

 See you, soon!!!