YUKARI Goes Wild

2017-02-04 16:38:56 | 日記
04/02/2017 (afternoon) I took a walk to the drug store called KAWACHI, where I got cardamon and coriander at US$1 each package of almost 1.5g. And in US$1 shop beside the drug store, a package of 30g gladed Parmesan cheese. I visited another big spermarket very near the both, also.

I observed the goods and clients over there.

As I described before, there are more than 100 kinds of curry roux tablets on the selves. This scine is seen not only in big supermarkets like this, but also in small ones.
There are several roux making brands in Japan. The three biggests are House Foods combined with Gaban, S&B Foods and Lion combined with Macormik.

House Foods now sells original spices also. What I bought are of this company.
S&B also sells tablets, however, its main products are spices themselves.
Lion wasn't a food company before. It was rather non eating health care products making company. However, united with American Macormick, it sells spices. Lion doesn't produce curry roux tablets.

Gaban is famous for his blue silinder of white pepper powder seen worldwidely in cheap restaurants.

Before 1980, we had not much knowledge on spices. My mother, who learned western style cooking in her working place, namely, a renoun hotel with a restaurant, didn't know well except peppers, black and white, gingers, garlics, cinamon powder, vanilla essence, pasely, natumeg, laurel leaves or so. Tyme and basil were know to her.

In the bubble period, we got to know various names of spices. However, at that time, the prices of spices were expremely high. I had to pay one tiny bottle of unkown spice at US$3 or more.
In this circumstance, curry roux tablets were reasonable choice, I agree.

However, now, each engredient of curry powder costs only US$1. Why DoDoMerdas prefer to buy the tablets? Now there is only reason. That is, they are so idol to cook from the spices.
Now, the price is not reason. They are simply dull and idol. Another proof of their idolness we got.

DoDoMerdas are not good cooks at all. I got to know the fact in HASEGAWA Hospital and in my house. They just want to play the role of housekeepers, despite of lack of their abilities for householding.

YUKARI sometimes visits public libraries. She borrows lots of books for her and sometimes for my kids. She likes to read the childrens books and the books on children, including "how to" books related to suspects of child abuse. She gasts plenty of time to read them in her specially concealed room. During her reading, my mother doesn't order anything to her. My mother respects her privacy and she was so good natured to think that she were studying something important reading books, because my mother thinks that reading books make intelligent figures.

YUKARI reads books as her pastime. However, my mother thinks that reading is a rightous cause to avoid to make an order to her. She was a junior high graduate, while YUKARI, versity graduate. My mother doesn't disturb YUKARI's reading time and respects also library visiting time.

What does it mean? If YUKARI doesn't come to her chamber when my mother wants to ask her something, my mother herself does it, instead of YUKARI. YUKARI is so respected by my mother.

For me, YUKARI's reading is useless and should be ignored. She is just a broken robot, without any intelligence. She just enhances her ilusion inside the darkest room in our house. DoDoMerdic dreaming, she is increasing.
She is a kind of Bronte sisters, who were called "Four Crazy Sisters in the Attic". However, the Bronte sisters did create some novels, at least. YUKARI, nothing! She just dreams, reading the books borrowed from public library.
She thinks that she borrows them free, so she can read as much as possible, as she likes. She sometimes works for her. However, she thinks that she does so because she is kind enough to assist her mother, different from her diabolic sister MIYUKI. She sacricies her precious reading time on behalf of her mother by YUKARI's gentleness.

"Why should I work for my mother? Because I am kind enough to do so. MIYUKI is evil enough to ignore her mother's request. MIYUKI has plenty of time to using PC during a day. Why should I cook for her kids and do washing and drying the clothings for our family? MIYUKI should do her job like as me. I have same right to read a book as MIYUKI has. We are sisters. MIYUKI can read and write on PC as she likes. Why not I? We should be treated equal at least by our parents, because we are their children, equally." She thinks so.

She forgets that she did the Devil's contract. I don't. From her view point, I am indulged by my parents. I should share her domestic tasks as her sister. "Why she doesn't work at all for us? We are family. She cooks for herself. She makes an errand for herself. She eats the dish as she cooks as she likes. She is ego-centric, too much. She should be punished by God." Probably, she thinks so.

She doesn't understand that we chose the different roads. I, a life of a common human being with common sense, while she, that of DoDoMerdas. She can't imagine the existance of other life. For her, DoDoMerdic ideology is only one value. She even doesn't understand that my mother has right to order her absolutely. She behaves arrogant to the people, which are feeble, by her instinct.
My mother is so polite to order to YUKARI. YUKARI doesn't feel that she is alive under the protection of my good natured parents. She thinks that she has as the same rights as I have. YUKARI is so feeble-minded. She doesn't think why she can eat, sleep and wear. She thinks that she has the same freedom because her sister have.
YUKARI doesn't understand our difference, maybe, forever.

Hermits in Japan are so arrogant. I got to know one of them in HASEGAWA Hospital. She is 40 years old and after quitting high school by a trivial reason, she hasn't worked at all, except several months' part-time job.
Her mother is 70 and works yet. She lives in the mother's house. Her mother wants her to get out from her house. So the mother tried to put her in a group home or share house, according to the hospital's advice.
She denied the recommendation with all her strength and said, "My mother gets crazy! She is attempting to put me into a share house! What a nonsense! There is a proverb, "When you get older, you should obey your kids", you know? She should obey me. Why she dares to put me away? Because she is crazy. ", to her mate.

I felt terrible at her rimarks. She has done nothing during more than 20 years to her mother. Now she insists that she had rights to stay in her mother's house.
The proverb has totally different means for us. It means that "When you get older, you shouldn't owe exessive burden any more. Now, your kids, grown under your kindness, should help you. You yourself should take a rest a bit, as your gentle kids recommend you."

Now, the horribly arrogant DoDoMerda wants to accuse her mother as if the mother were crazy. DoDoMerdas don't understand the difference betweern rights and priviledge.
Privilege can be taken by the givers whenever they want to take it.
It all depends the givers mercy or flamboyant will.

Thus, in modern age, privillege vanished and we have rights now in the legal world.
Privilege shouldn't be insisted. The DoDoMerda of age 40 has no right to resist her mother's decision.

My family's case, my mother doesn't know that she has right to order YUKARI everything as her superior. My mother is free from the DoDoMerdic contract. She doen't know even the existance of the contract. Only YUKARI knows the fact, or rathe, knew it. Because she forgot it now.

The Devil's contract was not concluded between my mother and YUKARI. YUKARI did it with DoDoMerdic society. At the time to entrance to versity or to the foundation, probably. YUKARI chose the life as a DoDoMerda. It means that she is a member of DoDoMerdic society. She got a membership of the world. We call it the Devil's socity.

Now, she forgot the contract and began to behave as her likes, agains the superior's order. In DoDoMerdic world, each DoDoMerda should obey the superior absolutely. In YUKARI's case, the superior is my mother.
My mother is kind enough to know the exsitance of the evil contract. Thus, YUKARI has been privileged rather than other DoDoMerdas in DoDoMerdic family.
YUKARI betraid the rule of DoDoMerdas, without knowing probably. YUKARI's brain is so feeble now. She wants to be treated like me by my parents, free from domestic tasks for family. "Look! She only does for herself! Why I shouldn't conduct like she? We are sisters. We are even in our position. Why only she, not I? She enjoys her own life in our house. Why not I? I want to have a PC for my own use like her. I want to write as she. I have the same rights. Why my parents prejudice me? I'm a victim of their prejudice. My sister MIYUKI is a doctral degree holder, yes. However, she is now, just a jobless old woman, like me. Why she is so liked by my parents? She is indulged. I hate her. We are even. I require the equal rights of hers."

She knows that our parents aren't good at strong attitude or bluff of others. Now, my parents get older and physically feeble than she. If she shows as if she were stronger than them, they have no way to avoid her arrogant require. She doesn't think that she is arrogant. She takes it for granted.
She doesn't understand the difference of our position at all. For her, with her broken brain, she is superior to my parents. She thinks just like the DoDoMerda of 40 years old in HASEGAWA Hospital.

Now, the protectionists are in danger. If she wants more space or more equipment, they have no way to get away from her.
In this case, I have to help the protectionists to recover their power. However, YUKARI is violent especially to me. My existance stimulates her instinct of violence.
In this case, I hope that Clare and Alex help them lots. It would be a good chance for them to cut off the DoDoMerdic ideology of YUKARI. DoDoMerdic YUKARI's attitude is beyond our common sense. If my kids want to remain in our society, they should stop her reckless bahaviour, with their common sense. At least, our kids are not so violent as YUKARI and they two are much stronger than even physically than YUKARI.

My appearance stimulates her non-stop enhancing attempt. I should run away from her as soon as possible. Then her attacking instinct would get calm. She can't control her hatrid. Thus, when she passes beside me, she trows her goddamnit words to me. It's abnormal. She bahaves as she likes, despite others' resistance. Now, she has no stopper. She's just like Japan itself. She represents Japanese IDIOCRACY. Arrogant and tamaless.

YUKARI is worse than Japan. ABE is a pet of Mr.Slump, however, YUKARI is now "God" itself. She's already in the situation of "KAMI-NARI".

Alex would learn how to tame domestic animals in Business School. He would apply it as modified version exclusively for mad one. Alex is good at application ability. That's why he didn't want to study at all. For him, cramschool like study is too much burden some. I understand it. Because I'm not good at memory, as you know. His merit is in other fields.

YUKARI's on Her Own Way

2017-02-04 10:40:06 | 日記
04/02/2017 (morning) Spring has come! It's one day after "SETSUBUN", beans spelling day. We invited Spring with the beans spilling ceremony. Thus, I'm more cheerful than until yesterday. Winter in Japan, especially, that of North Eastern region is too much harsh for me.

I ate a piraf with a sausage and shredded onion as breakfast. After I mastered rice cooking in skilet, piraf is an easy dish for me. I wonder why YUKARI the broken robot passes so long time in the kitchen for each meal. Piraf cooking is easy and can serve for anyone. If my skilet were bigger, I could cook it for 6 figures in 20 minutes. Every day, different "PAELLA" in Valencia style. I have mastered it in one day. Why "householder" YUKARI can't do it after her 20 years or more experience in the kitchen? Slow learner, not at all! She's broken, mentally. She can't learn any more. Her brain has already stopped working, probably. Brain Death. She works as a zombie with mechanical movement. She has no brain, no heart. Just "romantic" illusion occupies her her head. Just as other DoDoMerdas.

IZUMI-san warries about the problem of old versity graduate Hermets like YUKARI. How they live after their superiors pass away?, she asked me. She is kinder than I. I'm more liveral than her. Thus, my answer is "Vanish!"
"Destroy yourselves! You don't work at all. You don't make effort to seek a job. You avoid to face your own problem. You taught DoDoMerdic ideology to my dear son. You shall die. " This is the order of Gods of Justice toward them.

Yes, they have some demerit to seek jobs. However, they are considerably more previleged from others. Why they tried to seek the suitable jobs in other places? If they want to live in hometown, why they try to look for the jobs required by the region? They say, "I'm versity graduate. There is no suitable job in this local town. Thus, I can't work. I need to live, so, parents, please allow me to live here, by your own cost. I want to work, however, there is no job in the rural town. If I were in Tokyo, I would work. Unfortunately, here in Shirakawa, there is no job suitable for me. You are my family. You should pay my living cost." That's what they think.
Ridiculous! If they want to live here, they should adopt here. They should try to work for jobs for high school grajuates or junior high ones. If they want to live here, they should get rid of their pride as a versity graduate.
Or, they should move to another more urbanized place, which has more opportunity to get a job for versity graduates.
They don't want to work. Just it. They choose the way. My sister's case, she said, "I quitted the job, because I wanted to be a children's picture bood writer." OK, then what did you do? Nothing. She once get a tiny prize in Shikoku area. The city invited her to perticipate in the ceremony. However, she didn't go there, because the trafic fare was expensive to her. She lost the chance. She didn't want pay for the chance.
OK, she wanted to get a bigger chance, for example, a prize with US$100 thousand. However, the possibility is uncertain. In this case, why she tried to go to Shikoku to meet to some influencial persons to understand her predilection? They might give a tiny chance to her, like asking a small job of illustration for her at a small amout of money. Cheap work. However, for a principiant, taking advantage of the chance is important. "I am previleged to be chosen, at least, for this tiny prize. I am talented, at least. I will make the tiny possibility for a bigger chance." For common people, getting a prize is, at least, small luck. Why she didn't celebrate the chance?

I got a prize of shoes design of Washington Shoe Shop when I was in undergraduate. The prize was US$1 thousand and the original shoes made accoding to my design, the shop said to me.
However, later, a letter was sent to me, saying, "Our prize system was indicated illegal by the Committee of Fair Trading, because of the high value of the prize. Thus, we changed the system. Now, we chose 10 figures for the prize. Thus, you should accept only US$100 equivalent the ticket that can make a shopping in our shop, the letter said.

I showed my letter to my alumna in the public dormitory. I was dissapointed. I wanted to get my original shoes so much.

Later, as a professor of Administrative Law, I got to know the theorical error of the explanation done by Washington Shoe Shop. They should pay me the reward exactly on the way they promissed. The made an error and was appointed it as illegal by the government. They should owe the risk. Not me.
I used this example, when I gave a lecture on my pupils in TSUDA College.

And I spent the ticket to buy a pair of green shoes for celebrating YUKARI's entrance to RIKKYO versity. The shoes costed US$140, thus, I needed to buy extra US$40 to the shop. I said that I was a winner of the prize so I got the ticket. However, the clerk ignored my remarks.
OK, I did my best. I've never bought any shoes after the incident. I liked the shop before, however, it betrayed my relience. I got rid of it. Bye, Washington Shoe Shop.

Soon after the incident, I found a lots of shoes similar to my design all arround in Tokyo. My alumna also got to notice the similarity. Look! They resembles your design, dark blue, with soft calf leather like a cloth, with wide belt on the ankles. Your design was stolen!!! They say.
I laughted. Maybe, the shop stole my design and the other shoe shops did the same thing. Thus, unknowingly, "the shoes of my original design" got popular at that time.

After the appearance of my design, Japanese lether shoes become more colourful and more flexible in style. I am a leather lover. I thought that leather shoes should be more pop and colouful. So I designed it. My design changed the fashion of lether shoes for females.

I lost a chance to be a shoe designer. However, maybe, it was not a big loss for my life. I can be a designer, if I am required. At least, I got a prize and made an all effort to take advantage of it.

YUKARI didn't. She refused to participated in the ceremony. It's her choice. She has been ever gotten any prize after. She lost her dream and decided to be an assistant of my mother, a common house wife.
Two housekeepers in our house? At that time, in the house, only my father earned money and he was not able to earn much money, because he should help his father, or, my grand parent. Only he helped his father, because my mother thought that my grand father was not related with her at all. She has never felt sympathy to him.
YUKARI didn't work for her grand father at all. She didn't do nothing at that time, saying that she were trying to be a writer.

In a poor family, why YUKARI should be allowed to be jobless?
I didn't send any money to my family in the local town. Because I think that I am independent and I have my own life. My father has never asked me to send money at all, even he had not much money. I was living in Tokyo as a graduate school student.

YUKARI, who had another chance to be a helper of her grand father. She could do so. However, she refused to do so, because she was not suitable to be a helper. Even to her grand father, she couldn't serve.

As you know, my grand father was cleverest. Even he was old, he recognized that YUKARI's low level of intelligence. I was not his favorite, I know. However, even he disliked me, he appreciated my intelligence.
I offered him an opportunity to make a bluff to others. He was accustom to say, "My grand daughter graduated from Tokyo University, the best university of Japan!" At least, I was a souce of his pride.

Maybe, his ex-colleague, despite with lower intelligence than his. could be a professor of a versity. I don't now the name of the versity. However, I like to imagine that it were Tokyo University.

Anyway, YUKARI had been given many opportunity to work. However, she had denied to be useful to others.
Now her choice was done. She is life time robot for my mother, though she is broken. All her life depends on her. I don't care how she would be in the future. I hope that she doesn't disburb my effort to enjoy my life any more. She is too much harmful for me. I don't want be underesteened by her.
Why she gazes me with such contemptious eyes? She likes to pretend to be superior to me. She wants to offend me psychologically. Thus she says damnit words to me, each time she passes tehough me.
I don't take it seriously. She's just a broken robot. Her damnit remarks are casted on herselves, not on me.

She doesn't try to be useful to others. She does just things not to do. Serving mashed fass like baby foods to my kids, despite my repeated request of not doing so. Preparing inner wears in a box before their bathing. Knoking Alex's door to get him up.

"Dinner!" "I'll take a bath!" "I'm going to sleep" are the 3 remarks of DoDomerdic husbands Only these frases, they shout in their house to their wives. The DoDoMerdas prepare meals, inner wears, sleeping time controle, instantly with the remarks. Except them, DoDoMerdic wives are free from any duty in the family.

YUKARI does the same thing to my kids, like the DoDoMerdic wives to their husbands. I appointed the similarity to my mother already and said, "YUKARI wants to be a wife of Alex, as a metaphoric meaneng."
However, my mother is too simple-minded to understand this way of saying. She just denied it, saying, "Not at all! She served also to Clare. You don's accuse her saying such a trifle."

You know, how I suffer with her simple-mind. She doesn't understand the insinuation, connotation, petaphor, irony, aphorism, sarcastic remarks, witty jokes, at all. My intelligence was denied by her tatally. For her, versity professor's value should be decided by their appearance and the publicity.

I'm accustomed to her values. She likes YUKARI so much, because she can understand her choice. YUKARI likes to watch TV, especially goships on artists. They can make a conversation, because their preferences are similar.
However, my mother forgets that she is the superior and YUKARI is the inferior. In this case, the inferior gains a lot. While they watch TV together, my mother don't make an order to YUKARI. Thus, YUKARI does her easiest task, namely, being a companion of my mother.

Therefore, my mother's orders are extra tasks for her understanding. My mother orders to YUKARI just for my kids, not for her self. I repeatedly asked my mother not to intervane to my education for kids. However, my liberal education signifies "abandoning kids" from her point of view. Thus, the extreme protectionist makes several orders to her superior in the softist way, "If you could, please, for your kindness, I would like to ask to do...., because the goddamnit mother of the kids abandon all her maternal tasks. Thus, we should manage them."

Thus, if my kids weren't here, YUKARI would have nothing to do without being a conpanion of my mother.
Therefore, I am the seed of breaking of her pacific still life because of the existance of the kids. If I didn't exsist, if I didn't have kids, if I didn't put her kids to live here, YUKARI's slill life would have been assured.

This is the reason why YUKARI spets godamnit words when I passes beside her.