Final Stage of IDIOCRACY (3)

2017-02-19 21:57:45 | 日記

19/02/2017 (evening) I took a soup of chopped potatoes and shredded onions and sausages for Dinner and a soup of shredded crab, mixed egg and lemon peels, and a brown toast.

  Lemon peels remembered me a "carica de limao" or lemon peel tea in Lisbon.

  For several years after my forced quitting of Tokyo University, I had not been drinking coffee. Thus, I went back to cafeineless life for several years.  I should avoid any cafeine drink at that time and I was accustomed to drink that simple and tasty tea. Just freshly peeled lemon peel and boiled water. The lemon peel spreads the good smell and I was in a good feeling.

  Next time I would cook a Greek soup with the lemon!

  Returning to the report, OOYAMA was a kind of girlie male. His surname symbolize the inclination. OYAMA is a male actress who plays the role of male in KABUKI world.

  Thus, OOYAMA is a kind of real male prostitute type.

  My chain mail problem was related with his ex-Testacle Pet.

  It was revealed that was a member of his society. In his sociey, automatically my mail was sent to all the member of it, without informing the fact to me.

  Now, he himself sent the proof of the destruction of the professional reliance. He was no more versity pupil and was a clerk in a publishing company called "Shin Nihon Houki". It means that he should behave as a professional, even in the relationship between his prof and him. Thus, he was a betrayer of this type of professionalism.

  He was closedly related with OOYAMA. He sent me a mail, saying thet on 3rd of May, 2013, he met OOYAMA and went to the coffee house with him. OOYAMA often came to TOKYO to see him. He left his apartment in Tokyo rented, strangely. He moved to SHIKOKU and rented a house there. However, in Tokyo, also. Why? It was a big mistery for me.

  As you know, I was expulsed from Tokyo because of the owner illegally pushed me away. I can't imagin pay double rent in Tokyo and in Shikoku, at the same time. Why he was so rich?

  Anyway, his ex- or actual Testacle Pet rexhibited his professional  betrayal to me by way of his reply.

  Then I cut the chain of communication with them, he and supposed his society. I wrote to them, that I would refuse any communication with them because of lack of professionalism as diligent workers. "You would live in another country, maybe. I want to remain here in this country. You should go as you like. You are not my friend at all and any more, never! Don't write to me, never, please, boys!"

  Thus, I quitted the chain, on 31, October in 2015. It was a Holloween Night. Spooky Night and Anniversary Night, also. I recognised that they were just DDMs, not my pupils, including ex-, at all. They were young, however, when they sent to me the last chain mail, I got to know that they are too too old and ugly, like their superiors.

  Thus, I was reliesed from the goddamnit Chain Mail Problem.

  On the same day, in 2016, I was in HASEGAWA Hospital. And there, I was astonished at the strange service in the hospital. I had ever provided any sweet in the hospital at all until that time, for more than 2 months, however, in the exactday, the hospital provided a steamed cake with punmpkin in the night. On the sweet, there was a paper decoration with "cute" type designs. Once, for ever! Just in the spooky night. Any holiday was celebrated like that. Why only the holloween?

  Anyway, I took advantage of the special sweet on the day to celebrate 1 year aniversary from the Chain Cutting Day. "Tonight we celebrated the day for us!" I sang in my mind, like Lionel Richie and Whitteney Huston.

  I felt that we, common people and our supported yelled my chain cutting celebration.

  DDMs are too much sticky, both male and female. They are persistent too much. I hate sticky things like snails and slimes and so on. Wet, sticky, cold or lukewarm. Terrible!!!! DDMs love it. Like  sperm!!! GRRRR........!!!

  For them, sticky things are icecream or so. For me, nasty vomitting gel liquid type dirty spermatozoide, we dare say.

  When I was in the southern part of Hachioji for the first time, I have heard two young girls were talking on your job. They were prostitutes. They worked for the bath exclusively for the old kinky bugs. They talked it in the midday. Absurd! In front of me!!! She was walking just in front of me and I heard the voices and got to know that they did the job with totall coolness, like a more clerk like mechanical way. First washed their body entirely including penis, then massaged the penis, then sucking then, then wiped all at that.

  They were shameless, however, I was astonished at the way they talked. How coldly they explained the dirty job. Just like a cooking school's process. Automatic way. Not prostitute like. Strange young girls with mini skirts. Where she worked? I wondered. Maybe, she came back from her dirty job. Or, going to their office? In the mid day?

  I met lonely prostitutes, male and female, campy type also in the north part of the station area. I would pick an example of them.

  A femal version with a red mini one piece. She was hear the electric pole. A black car approached her slowly. Several men were there. They negociated the price, presumably and she agreed and entered into the car. There were several prostitutes wandering. I knew the place. Why any police couldn't monitoring the process?

  She was an example. There are lots of prostitutes in Hachioji. Near the station, more residencial zone. I was living near the zone, alone, at that time. In 2003. I was new to the place and didn't recognize what the degradation meant at that time.

  Prostitutes were in common even in the residencial zones. I met one of campy female clothings wearing prostitute in NERIMA prefecture, in 1988. I lived in a tiny apartment with YUKARI at that time. It was a night. Near the station TOSHIMA-EN of SEUBU-LINE. I was going back to the house. I was almost alone at the dark street. There appeared a figure, wearing all in red, with mini skirt. She was fully made up. However, her beard said that she was he. In a rainy night. I recognized her, but said nothing. She was not harmful at that time. For me, an encounter with a male prostitute in NERIMA, a rural ward in Tokyo, was impressive.

  As a matter of fact, I encountered with various types of this campy type. Not so unusual. Not confortable, however, they were not harmful at that time. For me, enough for me. Some of them had good legs, in spite of their strange face making up. Not so bad.

  I believe that mini skirts fits long legs. Male legs are suitable for the experiment. Not so bad. It all depends. Pretty or not, indifferent from the matter. Try, anyway, boys!

  Now, Carnival is comming and you can dance with many mascareded fellows. Watch out, sometimes, they are DDMs. And use condom! Better for you and your future. If you have already prepared for having a baby, OK, you can do it without condom. As a matter of fact, I have no experience at this point. Better ask for others. Anyway, watch out!

  I am not a judge of morality. I prefer continuing to be liberal. Not a nasty job. Protectionism is far from me. Yes, we need protection sometimes. However, I like enjoying my life. Monitoring system in Japan is ridiculous. They video-tape everything and the video tapes are not been able to seen for the proof. Then, for what? Just video-taping. Just faking a job. OMANKO-Journalizm does it. They video-tape just for the police, not for us. Even prosecutors and the police recognized it. I was directly declared that the video-taping the suspects was just for threatening the suspects and suing them again in another crime. Just a hazard. Public nusence.  The police did so, and the prosecutor recodnized it. They all admitted the system. Thus I said, Japan has no future. I did the research in August, 2016.

  Japanese judiciary and ministry of justice were so degraded. Anti-humanistic. And, the worse was, they didn't understand constitutional rights at all. They denied that the constitution was the superior law in the country. They believed that their actual rule were always superior to the Constitution. Japanese rule is just a IDIOCRACY. The dullest one in the world.

  We lived in this country for more than 50 years and the result was, the country has no Justice, no heart, no future, no population, no fundamental rights, no constitution in a material meaning.

  They call me just "a obedient professor", interestingly. What does it mean? Now, obedient is the lowest velue in their society. Now, be kinky is their catchfrase. ABE was too abedient, thus, now we choose another kinkiest ones. Like NAKASONE!

  IDIOCRACY has no limit. More battle, again? The game was over. For them, pastime is OK. For us, no no nothing! You are just shameless Constitutionalists, pimps. No value at all. You should cry for the candy. Pets, you are. Domestic animals, you are.

  Thus, pimps = Constitutionalists was dead now. Only several teachers remain.

  Strange theory effected a lot. DDMs first theory. It means DDMs should be executed. Ladies, first! They should be astonished at their own cowardness combined with brabery. A one month earlier rule! Every thing, one month earlier! New Year's Day, Beans Spelling Event, Pumpkin Eating Day, they created! Oh, that's it! Oh, Halloween, we call it. Maybe, the next ruler is KAMOI the Duchess Munchhousen Type. Lie, lie, lie! Cather of the lie! Salinger is his name. He played the role of the leader of the generation. The dull boy like non-challant way of life was a object of the admirers. We admired the revealing ability of Dr.Miyuki SATO! Miyuki is the only one constitutionalist in the world, anymore. No publicict, at all! You are right! You destroyed a lot of your acquaintance! You should do it in your own way! You did it, you are an extremest, we admired. However, for DDMic pimps, you were only a friend of them, Oh!!! I am not at all!!! Pimps were so coward to faking your friends, oops!!!! KAKISHIMA faked a lot. Why she wanted to pretend to be mad, like a AUM-SHINRI-KYO's leader, Shoko ASAHARA! You are right! Hyogo TAKAHARA sounds like this leader. Ummmm...Good resemblance! And your TAKAHARA boy was being sausage of his ex-boy friend teacher OOYAMA!!! Pet's ate sausage, good dog food! A kinky joke!

  You are right and DDMs were wrong as always. In any way, they want you to fail your way. Their happiness was established on the victims of them. They were so evil to do so. KITADA was the good example. You resemble me, she said to MIYUKI???? She???  HA-HA-HA-HARMAN! Why she said? She tried to explain in her BLA-BLA-BLA, and the time was over. Now her ordial. She got to know your name in your book. And read it as soon as possible and gave up to read it. Because she was iliterate!!!! She was hired for the versity for just a dirty work. Spying and copying the materials MIYUKI had. All of them. She was wanting double income from Japan and from North Korea. And she should be killed in both countries. Yes, she pretended to be MIYUKI's friend. "Oh, my dear heart, my pretty little thing, please, forgive, me, me, I was her mother, or so. She was my daughter and so on. You are the precious jewel in my house. You are only one existance, anyway...BLA-BLA-BLA..."

  She wanted to kill you, MIYUKI! It's the fact. MIYUKI was wanted by TOKYO university. She was the cause of confusing trouble after the 3rd of May, 2015. Gee, she got to know our real one. We are DDMs, Shozo OHTA, regreted. I thought that she was much pretty littele thing, however, she was bigger than me!!!! Yes, she wanted to be bigger and bigger! OHTA was too dull. She recognized it. She believed that at least, one of the productive figures in the versity were having some intelligence, however, the hope was betrayed. OHTA, MIYUKI is not your type. She was too big for you. Japanese male DDMs really like small tiny girls, because they have small penis. Ummmm...At this point, we were in Win-Win relationship, at least. I hate tiny little types. Good. We are enemies, each other. She loves to be good for us, common people! She didn't believe that her old friends were losing their precious lives during trips, because of their thrifty activities... They, which? Faked one of real one? Miyuki, do you think that DDMs believe that you are their friend? They can say, "Hey, friend! I am rich and you are useful. Thus we are friends!", thus, they can be faked friends.

  They forgot all of the important things. Never remember them. It is the early stage of the disease. Sleepy, a bit. And dull, a bit. MIYUKI know the situation. Rice eating problem. Big rice eaters are inclined to be DDMs? All depends. YUKARI was a big eater, right? Yes!!! Strange coincidence! Hasebyo patients were so. Why they eat lots of rice? They believe that rice is good for their health. Big eating isn't bad. Excessive eating is bad. Healthy eating is good, even in case of big eating.

  Alex eats really lots of things. 7 times a day. Ideal boy for both of them. Ummm... Miyuki is in Ordial. He is a slim type or smart type? Smart type. He is quick, sometimes. He was shy? Sometimes. He was brave, sometimes. If he was interested in his money, he was brave and does it. He was good for his life in his life time days? ?? You are right. You don't understand the meaning. A confusing ??? means she stops thinking. A chance would be needed.

  MIYUKI would be a good job owner in the world. A worker, diligent and honest and cheerful and good for anything, in every meaning. Dull job is not a job. Hobby, OK. Why DDMs don't think so? Just a several minutes job. Why they took so much time? They were really slow. They were desqualified as human beings. They are too rough to do so. They should be a aim of the target of a making a fool of job. MIYUKI should challenge most of things. Some important words for me, Justice, you should be the first. Be kind. Be humanistic. Be human. Enjoy as much as possible. Have curiosity, intellectually. Don't be a peeping Tom. Privacy is important. Be a respectful human being. Good and kind. No nakid shameful king any more.

  MIYUKI, who are you? I am MIYUKI SATO. A kind human being. Like enjoying my whole life. Professional and domestic tasks accomplisher, at the same time. Hater of the idiots' \tv program. They are brain washing with their dirty water. Making more dirty. Strange thing. They have no smell of detergent. Good for us, however, bad for the kids. Smelly, they were called in their class. Smelly like human beings. They were so hurt and dashed into her bed. MIYUKI was smelly. They thought! Oh, she was smelly, like fish! Fish eater, maybe! Yes, and meat eater! Yes, both eater! Yes! Miyuki likes both, Yes, Good for health and tongue. She should try her pilot challenge to the moon now, wow.....One small step for us, Gigantec one for human beings!!!!! Miyuki, your job was too troublesome. Why? They are too much thrifty organizations. All depends. If they make effort to be good and can't earn more than several, it's OK, I accept the offer. However, you should allow me to work even in another places. I need to work and more experiences. I have to have lots more experience, in any meanings. Miyuki, you are right, and you are too much expensive for us, who? I , philipinas, why? I economise lot and do a good job for you. I would earn money at the same time in philipine and other countries and will get sufficient money . Don't worry. You will right. Some one can offer a good money position. You should try to have a house. All depends. One of candidates. However, I think philipine is probable ideal for actual me. Latin like amusing characters and kind and quick people. Better than Japan. Protectionists are good but not enjoyable. Miyuki likes her type. And positive and cheerful ones. That's the true problem. Condom is needed in philipine. Yes, I will bring it. When you come? As soon as possible, because I need to have some jobs, a certain job, at least, then I will go to philipine. A good place, and I must work for the job. Japanese were so prejudicial to philipines. They are kind and good natured people, in generally. However, Japan was evil and arrogant. Rich, false. They were miserable. We are poor, yes. However, in case of people, the category is different, rich in mind, poor in substances. Japan is a poor country however, the government continues to gimmick rich faking theater. Terrible hobby. DDMs should pay for it. They were too much coward to do so. They dared to kill us. All. They like to say, "All in a body!" Terrible words! They want to kill us and we don't want. In DDMic case, suicide. In our case, homicide or genocide. Different category. They were too too dull to do it. They should commit suicide or be killed by us, common people.

 Vanish! DoDoMerdas!

 Miyuki, you are so right. They really think so, right? No. They can't think not at all. Just obedient to the leader. Dirty worms. No value at all. Just vast costs. We should dispose them, as soon as possible. They have no right to definate the time. They have any right at all. They should be erased.

  MIYUKI is so upset at DDMs slowness. Their evasion was accustomed to hear. So So slow. They are inadmittable strange kinky figures. They should close the curtain of Japanese IDIOCRACY. They should not have had been born. A BIG MISTAKE caused by a big Ban. Bombs, or so. Troublesome fellows like YUKARI. She was the nearest DDM for me. Troublesome and never learned at all.

  YUKARI is sleepy in bed. Always. Slowness causes dullness and idolness also. Not a human being any more. YUKARI was believed as a survivour from her harsh experience in the world. MIYUKI's IDIOCRACY was the worst one for her, she said now. Yes, she is changeable, in mind, not flexible. Just moody movement. The last ward for her:


DDMs were too slow and like to be slow. "Yoisho" is their common word. Like elder in rural area. They had no elegance, despite of their formal richness. HASEGAWA Hospital was believed one of the worst in the world even in DDMs in the last days. The dirsy smell. Not cleaned toilets. Tea provided by the same clerks soon after their dirty jobs. They called it nasty, however, anyone could criticise the system. They were established in the system and should leave from to the space. The nasty dark galaxy called Dark Black one. They didn't know the responsibility as human beings. They were just babies or infants, even after their adults age. They should be punished by being grown up. Thus, they should be small. Small was great for them. They were the last one, we should love.

 Thus, Miyuki recognized that she couldn't be a experienced on in any means. Impossible, they say. She was virgin!, they was astonished. OK, DDMs, you are always, for the first time. It was a trap. Easy to say, however, impression was different from you. Experienced is a good word for us. MIYUKI wants to work really with us, common people. I need to work activities, she did. She tried almost everything. She did know the fact. No work at all. The last job, she was losing. OK, in other countries! She shifted to our time. Underdevelop country is developping country. We have a chance, future, justice, anyway. Miyuki really wants to move to philipine. She would be a diligent carer of kids, or some playmate, maybe. Instructor type, no. Good and kind shoekeeper, maybe. She loves to design shoes. A variety of shoes, philipine made!!! She likes to highy fitting type, yes! A good joke maker  and performer, yes! For kids, yes! For adults, yes,! Only adults, yes! you bring your condom, yes! By any means, it would be troublesome! You would be a troublemaker, maybe! A good game. Trouble, intentionally, not. However, natural born type. Puddington the bear type, maybe.

  Some people understand the situation. MIYUKI likes to be a philipina and wants to move to the philipines. However, condom is not used so preferably. Thus, she should persuade her future boyfriends to use it. And both wouldn't know how to use, both. You should learn how to use, before the intercouse, yes. For my future life!!! I will try to check some materials, reliable ones. http:// type ones. Not good for adults video, however good for kids...puppet mappet type. OK. I would learn anyway. She would learn the process of the intercourse. Yes!With kids, OK. I would teach you. Say EEEEE and say FFFFFFF SAFE SEX! Of course! Dangerous no! thrilling in some means. Enjoyable one, please!!!! Safe and enjoyable. Not difficult. However, learn previously. OK, puppet mappet not marionette theater would be good for you. You should learn for the first time. OK. You are too inclinated to literature hobby, yes. Just a joking one, yes. A game of imagination. Good for exercise, however, practically, ZERO!!!

  You are so brave to advertise the "lovers wanted" in Japan. In this country, the words are prohibitted practically. Strange country. Thus, the legs were short. Lack of chance to get to know good partners. Thus, errouneous marriage and skewed kids. Inclination or tendency.

  Sex is the basic desire for us, common people and animals and plants. Why in Japan, not?

  Any gay people can enter the society, however, enjoyable sex was excluded. Strange. Good for health, I believe. I want to try. Attempt. However, it's difficult for us, in Japan.

  Shame, maybe. However, I would be beyond the prejudiced feeling. YUKARI and My mother type is impossible for me. Another chain for me. They would know the fact. They are strange and kinky on this matter. They can do as they like, however, they can't intervane into others.

 No privacy rule, they apply. The latest model was used by DDMs. Just check it and make a fool of the sex related matters. Terrible. I should be free from my mother. Sex check was their terrible abuse. They wouldn't understand it. Thus, I leave here.

 MIYUKI has no intention to exhaust the wasteful battle with them. Too basic. I hate to live here, at this point. Philipine is the same, at the same time, they have some tolerance. Better than in Japan. Here, I am a kinky old bug for them. Good Girl syndrome. I would leave here as soon as possible. I don't lose my life by the Good Girl type.

 They are too hardheaded and not productive. Beyond the science pattern. Illogical and irrational. Worse than pride problem. They are wrond and old fashioned but they shold be good girls. Terrible. Be good girls, for yourselves, not for us!!!

 Thus, BYE! I should leave here in any way, for my own life. It's a good time for departure!!!

 My problematic family is a palody of this type of problem. Just a laughing thing, however, for me, relevant!!!

 MIYUKI needs a place to live, as an independent human being. My mother's chamber is not my space. Her, YUKARI's space. BYE, both of them.

 MIYUKI leaves. Only and the best solution for the problem.

  Good future for MIYUKI! Good night!!!


Final Stage of Idiocracy (2)

2017-02-19 20:05:05 | 日記

  IDIOCRACY is in common in Japan and all over the world. Wars and faked peace treaty. Negociation and brabery. Good jobs, they call. They respected the rule, however, the rule is made by idiots. Japanese model they say. We would change to universal model. This is suitable for all of us. Don't be inhuman. Explain well. Be objective. Be pragmatic. Pride is the last thing. Life, body, personality and soul are important than money. Easy rule, our world moves. Why not in this country? However, protectionists want to protect MIYUKI! From the other protectionists!!!!

  Ridiculous. MIYUKI is laughing. Thus, you should warry about your Alzhermer patient daughter. Not me, another one. She would finish sooner or later. She was a test and a burden for us. I couldn't erase her. Theoretically yes, however, pratically no. They would vanish differently.

  Any more job for YUKARI. YUKARI is a kind of an indulged kid. Fragile in soul and robust in body. She lost her chance, and now is doing her robot like jobs. She likes them. Repetition is her hobby, maybe. At your own cost, please! The most expensive and valueless hobby she has. She can't stop it. She didn't recognize it. Even now, she is the queen of her land.

  I am not she. I want to live my life. She is good for your companion, Mother. She likes to talk with you. She likes to be good for you. She was less violent in front of you. She has no controle at all now. Just flamboyant feeling rules her world. Like a dream. She sleeps well. Long sleeper. She sleeps as MIYUKI did in winter. Winter is a long sleeping season. Many animals sleep well in their comfortable bed. MIYUKI wasn't shameful to be the girl. however, they want a man in their house. MIYUKI is indifferent from the matter.

  ALEX should be their aim of the attacking. Alex was a good boy and be a good man. He is not such responsible types. They should be! Oh, poor Alex. Miyuki sighs for him. He should struggle with them. However, he would win. He should change, to be more responsible and more strong in the different meaning from the mother's. Alex likes to talk. He has a good sense of debate. Sometimes fails. Only one good talker in his class. Thus, SHIRAKAWA was a dull place. OK, alex, you should struggle with them and domesticate them, as you like. Take care of your own conscience. Alex is a good boy but not ideal. All of us so. We have chance and make effort to be better. Alex, you are not diligent. Find a good job! Suitable for him. Some job, you would create. Enjoy your life.

  You should be a good girl, Clare! You would be too too good for others. However, at the ego-centric, you know. You are a bad girl at this point. You should appologise your behaviour! Be modest and appreciate for your talent. You would be a good rocker or so. YUKARI is the worst one and desqualified in her world. She did destroy all of her precious things. She says no, no, no to her, like a monstrous mother. She wants to have some boyfrineds like her mother. They want to have them and YUKARI likes to monitor them. Now, she turned Humiko INOUE type DDM for her. The worst one. Resist against her. YUKARI has no value. The broken robot. Mashing potatoes only. Useless and costs lots.

  YUKARI wants to throw out her precious things. Now, Clare began the action. YUKARI is an informat of the school to the responsible. She dared to say that Clare should be prohibitted to be taught on sexual education by her mother!!! YUKARI was crazy, she thought. How? She called to the school and said, "I was Clare's mother. She is now sick in bed. Don't think of her absence. She wants to have a nasty call to you." What do you mean? YUKARI called for Clare to make a trap her, Clare believes. She was so evil to have her observation memory to see her list of the calling. A bad guy was in it. She did it to protect her, she insisted.

  However, she should not do it without her admission. MIYUKI thought that Clare is a good at the bad boys. However sometimes, she fails. She fails however, she learns. Thus, the rule, eveness. She failes and she makes love with others??? Non related matters. I am TOHOHO even now. Eveness, where????  I want to have a big chance, accoding to the theory.

  I am free from their problem. I am agaist wi-fi and mobil phone holding. She provides her or my father did. Clare should learn from her failing. She should learn lots more.

  A big mistake, they say. Falling a love with an old kinky boy. Nothing. They are trash, for any of us. They didn't see the mirror, like Shozo OHTA. Not attractive for us, at all! Strange illusion they have. They just dream in the tumbs. A lot of tumbs with spellin mistakes. Newly established. Among these 3 years. Strange. Death related flowers one month previously. Another mass suicide. Again, like on May, 2016. Earlier than my mother's birthday.

  DANGO week, they say. ANKORO-MOCHI and BOTAN-MOCHO are prefered in the region. Miyuki thought OHAGUI were preferable. More polite and classical! How vulgar, she thought. However, she never laughed the habit at all. She liked to cook the sweet with her Grand Mother. Miyuki was not liking the sweet, because it tasted rice. Rice recalls her salty delicious food and sweet is not... However, making sweet MOCHI, especially with GHYUHI is her specialite. A good idea. JOU-SHIN-KO is the best selection. Thus, she would make GYUUHI-club with Chikako TADA, probably. She likes the classical and authentic, soft and erastic skin like chunking taste. She is so good at touching even in the tongue. She likes to use it for any kind of Japanese sweet. Not cheap, however, more easy to use. one third or so more expensive. I recommend every people to use the fleour, if you like. Easy, quick and delicious, US$1 more expensive than other type. Try it. ANDAMA is one of my mother's preferable and IMOyOUKAN in Funabashi. Grand Mother took her to FUNAWA's site sometimes. In the second floor, she ate ANMITSU to remember her Grand Mother. She took Marcelo to the place. He didn't know the place. He was admiring her strange curiosity. She knows everyone. Just like Brazilians! Yes, she was different. She was a Japanese and claimed almost her insatisfaction to him. He was thought that she was too modest to attack the boys. And they do it! She attacks everyone. Now, she was a good amusement for everyone. Japan was incredible! Yes, they were right! Incredible! Everyone thought. Many people knows that in each country live some kinky old boys. However, in Japan, old boys reign the society. How ridiculous they should be? They can repeat the frases, however, can't refrain the exact meaning. Forgetful. BSE=Shyphilis=Alzheimer Disease=Amirodosis. They call them "drunken" "be in sick" "sleeping" "absence" "delayed" and so on. Thus, puctuality of the only one proof of the survival. Dean OKAWA was violent beast and didnt recognize it. They are equal in some means. They think that others talk on the different figures. They don't recognize. Any irony, any sarcatristic humour. Strange figures, they are called.

  Only strictness, they were believed. Now, they appeared as kinky old nakid boys in the favour of BIG BUST. Nipple suking OK was shocking to everyone. Marcelo found the proofs. There are lots of proofs on the site. Only Japanese means that. Japanese language was unkown to others and the isolated situation of the language was Educational Hell for the pupils. Why they should learn the useless 4 lines frases, even the teachers themselves fail to say them? Alex and Miyuki were victims of this point. Just bashing and punishing the victims and witnesses. The terrible system was invented in the period of 1970s. The method was lerned by the North Koreans' mother like figures. MATSUKO DeLUX was his code name. The shame was similar. More plumpy, than MATSUKO. Whale type. MIYUKI knows the character of the skelton of the kids. 3D type. They don't think so. 3D is prohibitted in Japan. However, only 2D countries can be sent the figures. Just on the papers.

  I know one strange episode on the journal. In the subway passing road in the station of Tokyo Central, there is a streed called "Wall Street". Why? Because the Wall papers were invented newly for the decoration. Just it. Near the SANKEY SHIMBUN and other journalistic companies. Kinky joke? No! They believed and did so.

  In May, 2016, the tunnel like street was filled with the printing of black and white matized dirty dark coloured flowers' photos. Nasty and omenous, sinistrous ones. Like a black magical world or so. Why? Someone's funeral?

  Miyuki's hypothesis is as follows.

  In Japan, many Tokyo workers and residents were colour blind because of their mentally ill condition. Thus, power holders hired colour-blinded photographers to celebrate their Mothers' Death. Personal connection is the most reliable value for them. Thus, colourless world appeared abruptly in Tokyo. Black & White, like a magical world. Some dreamy and nasty. Bad impression they call.

  Economically, the psycology is important even among DDMs. However, they prefered the nasty, sinistrous colours, against the theory. How brave? For what? For nothng. Just because of the power holders' human relationship.

  And the period was near the Mothers' Day. Thus, it meant that the great mothers were dead. They were burden for DDMs. They forget and make a faz and shit. They sleep. They occupy the space too much. They want to eat, against their kids' will. The government decided to kill them immediately after the dinner of DDMic Mothers' Day's party.

  However, DDMs were too kind to do so. Thus, they put them to the special hospitals in each region and feeded them for several months. After, they cut the foods. Any food can be taken by them. The real world immitated the Fujio FUJIKO's ANIME called "定年退食” or "No eating after a certain year".

  They did as they could just to feed one DDM prime minister. Why? They themselves didn't know. That is a quastion. They as always are indifferent from the object. They do, because they were ordered. Just it. Like North Korean counterpart. They don't need to know the reason. Out of reason?! People would doubt it. However, that's the fact.

  They have already prefared their leader's Death. They like preparation. They did it earlier than usual. The important figure should be burried earlier than their death. Thus, ABE's body was cut before the death by his adorable pets and eaten by them. Just like the story of the kinky religion's ceremony.

  Oh, SHINTO, now appeared the name. We thought that it were IKKYOU. Yeah, we commited a big error! Oh, I have thought that SHINTOU!!! Yeah, I have thought that ABE concluded a contract with that kinky collective wedding groups called 統一教会.

  They are the same. SHINTOU is the ceremonial and IKKYO is also. Yeah, before going to death, collective wedding ceremony was done in the shirine. Yes, they are the same. Totalitarian taste!!! One for all, all for one!!! 100 points are equal to 0 point. Just it. Quck and easy. Everything is ZERO. Vanishing. Good for all of us!!!

  Thus, only one dissapeared and the world should go arround. Now, our tomorrow is near. Beautiful life, we call. We should enjoy our lives entirely.

  Japanese online OMANKO-JOUNALISM has no articles for politics. What does it mean? They exclude some important articles related to the politics. At first, yes. Now, there is no politics at all. So there is no articles to be informed for us.

  We are so reluctant to see the cheap show of DDMs. Even the most memorial day was forgotten. Ask DDMs on the opinion about 11, March. They would ignore the fact and say, "Oh, White Day?" "My birthday?" "Emperor's Day?"  DDMs are so ignorant. They just smile and laugh, to show up.

  Who is the name of the prime minister?, an intervewer asked DDMs.

  "Emperor? Hirohito, Hisahito, Hito, anyway"

  Prime Minister, I said. "Ummm...Then, maybe Kakuei TANAKA"

   Yound girls in Harajuku replied like that and the laughing mode starts. They are faking for the video-taping? No. They show their knowledge on the point.

  The variety program is for that. They should pretend to be faking idiots. They themselves were idiots.

  Yeah, they casted to be idiots to themselves. YUKARI did so when she was young. I know well. I was accused for the cause by her. I was more intelligent and others expected YUKARI to be as intelligent as I. Thus, YUKARI chose the way to pretend to be a fool, avoid their excessive expectation. "Be a fool!" is their casted spell and their dream was realized.

  A related episode. Shozo OHTA described himself as a crown or fool in the versity. Yeah, he was made a fool of by us all. His dream was realized also.

   DDMs stop their developping process when they reach the age of adults.

  For them, they go upward until the age and downward after it. Thus, all mothers shoul vanish accoridng to the theory. Because they are inferior to their daughters. They are needless, in this meaning.

  Thus, on the exact Mother's Day, many DDMs were killes because of being mothers. Nice suicide bomb for generations. For cheap money, they do it. Insurance, of course. And just to erase a nasty mothers in law. Good season to do it.

  The same thing happened on Fathers' Day. And Children's Day. 5th of May. Oh, thus, the number of the kids are so small in Japan!!!

  There are lots of victims of DDMic kids' abusing work. DDMic kids are really devils. They are too old when they were born. They were already adults. They have no kids days. Too ugly. Short legs, of course.

  St.Valentine's Day was for couple suicide. Oh, thus, there were lots of single drivers in the vehicles yesterday. They chose the suicide or killed their partner. A special privilege for fiance insurance! Good to know it. And for White Day? The lonely sinners would commit suicide  alone or collectively.

  7th of July is only one dating day for mascaraded couples. Takao NAITO was this type. Thrifty type chose this way.

  On 15th, August is the surrendering day of WWII. I was in the detention at the moment. This is a kind of the day for the Dead People. 30 years ago, I was in ASAKUSA with YUKARI, doing shopping on the day. Even the memorial day, the street was filled with people. A hot summer day.

  However, in 2015, in the early August, I was walking near the street, with a Portugues lawyer called Dr.Ana Monica. The road was silent. No people. I said to her, "Why this broad road is not populated, I wonder. Probably, it was too hot to normal Japanese's walking and they would be in the house with air conditioners."

  In the exactday of the year, I was in SanTiago of Chile. I met some Chineses at the day. We complimented each other, celebrating our enjoyable trips each other. San Tiago is less populated than Tokyo, the Geography said. However, San Tiago is more in action. Not so busy city, however, functions.

  I felt strange. Why Tokyo is so less populated, against the remarks of the books and journalism, I thought at that time. Now I know. Tokyo was already empty, practically.

  Not only Tokyo, but also local towns and rural areas in Japan. We are one of survivors of the kinky and harsh period.

  We are concealed in a family. Thus, we could survived. We were ignorant, thus we could live. Outside the family, lots of deaths. Mass abduction like strange fenomenum, they call.

  MIYUKI likes to say, "The wind blows". Not normal wind. Wind of Gods. DDMs were do degraded to vanish by themselves. Thus, we need the helps of others. All af them, participated in the plan.

  For Japanese, "the wind of Gods" was a prohibitted words. It means that the flamboyant ruling with a lot of betrayals. However, Miyuki believes that the wind is different. It was caused by the rage of Gods, especially of Justice. If the limit was passed, the system, with the cooperation of all FAUNA & FLORA and their supporers, springs.

   Individualism causes slowness. MIYUKI was in rage and said, "DDMs are whole in one. Not individual existance!". Totalitarians, they should be called. They were too much egoistic and stupid. Who is the only one?, is the theme of themeetings of them. They wanted to be the it. It was the race to be the most inhuman existance. All of them participated in the race. Really! All of them. They just wanted to do that. Young and old. Every. Male, female, the 3 sex, yes.

  The race was called anti-human rights activities rally in Japan. MIYUKI got to perceive the existance and avoid to touch the theme. Cruel. Only one just should be. Anyone could participate in it.   Attractive race? Not at all. However, many participated because of the financial benefit. Life time insurance game, it was called. Miyuki couldn't understand the reason. We either. The shortest way, the organizer chose. Obvious. Why they entered in?

  Not attractive, not fun. Only one second of insurance or so. Why? Imortality, they thought. Oh, that it! KAKISHIMA was invited to the rally at the moment. Just I finised drinking a coffee, she asked me, "What is the difference between Gods and human beings?" And her reply was just it. She was asked to be a ruler of DDM world or nothing. Nothing means death. Thus, she replied, "yes!" Is that right? No! There is no choice. Destiny, it is. KAKISHIMA herself chose the way. Not our army. Evasion by her own. She wanted to use the "being oppressed" type theory. Not by my intention. I was forced to do so. How shameless. She was too DDMic.

  Anyone, any versity related except some unique personalities left. 1000 memberes were invited for OA exam or non writing examination for Tokyo Versity???!!! Miyuki was astonished at the news on NHK. However, it was the fact. They moved by way of only instinctive response. Only 800 were applied???!!!  All of them were qualified???!!!!

  MIYUKI understood the meaning and explained at the ridiculous situation to the kids. "USSOOOO!!!!" was her first shout. It was a qustion. Who noticed the news? Only Miyuki's family. Her network was different from DDM. Thus, all DDMs were astonished at the crying. They, DDMs, crying was prohibitted by power holders. Reason unknown as usual.

  MIYUKI was already concealed by DDMs even in September, 2015. Why they were so indifferent from the death of others? MIYUKI was in wonder. They were in wonder, why she was in wonder of the obvious fact.

  Thus, we lived in the same sphare, with totally different or rather opposite beliefs. MIYUKI was safe, they were astonished. They believed that MIYUKI would be a DDM. And she was safe. Why? Strange happened. In her neighbours started to vanish. To where, she didn't know. Vanish. Without saying any clue. Studying abroad. In junior high? Miyuki was surprised. However, DDMs had a keyword to say farewell to friends. "Watchout Miyuki's letter!" means, if the others read except her adressed, the reader was a DDM. MIYUKI would punish them as she likes.

  To Hawaii, Lei, is Alex's friend name. To Germany, Tamiko, is also. Clare keeps silent at this point. Too many kids for abroad. Early education. MIYUKI thought. They can't say so. Earlier is the best.

  And Chiaki TSUJI, the idiot greedy lawyer's case, her daughter was in Germany. When Miyuki refered to the future of the kink's grand daughter, TSHUJI's face turned to get dark. Why? She showed a piece of photo in her mobil phone. 1 year old girl. On 26th of December, 2015. Miyuki felt strange. TSUJI looked so regretful. Why? Maybe, she celebrated the 1 year birthday in Inferno.

  Too many kids were abroad or just vanished. Like a kidnapping itself. Old ladies also.

  MIYUKI heard the remarks of two old ladies in the top roof floor of TAKASHIMAYA in OOMIYA, "Oh, you are hospitalized soon?!" "Me, too. We should do. Anyway, they will selebrate our departure."

  They were calm and thoughtful. No resisted. However, I felt "No way..." mode from their conversation. They accepted the death, I thought. Maybe, they were oppressed by their family.

  I didn't know the system, yet. However, to keeping the family, someone should be killed. It was the system. Insurance, OK, Internal organs selling OK. ABE's government, they call. They were forced to do so, because they were the family.

  Total Erradication, we call it the process. Any DDM can survive. Until the last one DDM. This is our strategy. The concentration f the richness, they say. Monopoly is the ideal goal for them. Only one can occupy the total richness. And all of DDMs wanted to be the last one.

  The winner of the rally was ABE, unfortunately. DDMs chose him as their top. Reason unknown.

  In my oppinion, he was the dullest, so he was chosen. "Look! Even he can reach the high rank! Any of us can do it!" They loved the dullest prime minister in history in the universe. He was a dull boy time. So much study and no play made ABE the dullest boy. He was a good at cramschool study, according to his acquaintance of his young age. Good at math and good at almost everything. Oh, he were MIYUKI! MIYUKI was his model!!!

  Yes, MIYUKI was confused by ABE by DDMs. Thus, she suffred a lot. DDMs were jealous at her resemblance to ABE. Who was his idol? Oh, Miyuki was!!!

  Now, DDMs are confused. ABE loved MIYUKI? MIYUKI was surprised to jump from the bed. Bad Dream. His last words were, "I would have wanted to live like her. My idol, MIYUKI..."

  MATSUKO was sighing. This is love. I lost my chance because of MIYUKI. She was in diet now. According to her, MATSUKO wants to lose more 30t for the sake of love. She was so liking her husband. MIYUKI was his lover, in his mind. Only MIYUKI occupied his mind.

  Now, our mission completed. Total occupation game, we called it. Any space. Miyuki was so attractive that she occupied even the space of the last DDM in the universe.

  MATSUKO sighed again. "Love is ended. I need to get married with another. Much more rich. How about you, MIYUKI?", Matsuko asked.

  MIYUKI replied, "Yes, of course! I want to have a lover!"

  Then, MATSUKO looked at me, "Me?" Miyuki asked, "Me, what?"

  MATSUKO replied, "Me, MATSUKO DeLux. "

  "How do you do, MATSUKO?", Miyuki complimented.

  "How do you do, Miyuki?", MATSUKO, did the same.

  Thus, they danced together and finished and bowed each other.

  Like a nersery rhyme, they danced again and again.

  Old Mother Havard, looked the cupboard for giving the bone to her pet dog.

  Howeve, she couldn't find any bone in the cupboad.

  Finally, the dog got nothing, thus they bowed and danced together.

  They were looking for "nothing" maybe. The richness of the world, in my own hand. ABE's pray cotinued, "or, Death, for me!" He learned the frase in his 1st grade of primary school. Seikei Univ. was famous for the last frase, "Or, the death for me!" education. An extreme cramschool, from birth to high school. For versity, nothing. Nothing or DEATH.

  Thus, ABE's dream was realized. He was a dream child, DDMs thought so.

  ABE did all he could do to the last one. He killed even his own Grand Father.

  According to legend, when he was born, a spell was casted. You would live until your grand son was reaching the same position, or , the prime minister.

  Thus, ABE Family was written by Ougai MORI's "ABE ICHIZOKU" or "ABE's Family".

  This was translated in English and produced a film based on the novel. It is called, "Adam's Family". A family heart warming story of the Monsters' Family.

  And about their company and profession, and also on versty days, "Monster's Inc." and "Monster Inc. II".

  And in the world of DDMic world, it was interpretated by a famouse female KIMONO wearing writer called "Moto HAGUEO". The work was called, "The Family of Pooh".

  The book was so childish and they could read it. A girl's version. In the book, HAGUEO was lecturing the importance of robbing people's tax as they like. Thus, DDMs were liking the story.

  HAGUEO was the nick name of my ex-colleague Tooru OOYAMA.Why he decided to be a writer? Because she or he was fired by the versity. His second versity quitting experience. Now, he is Moto HAGUEO.

  "Moto" is motor bicycle in Portuguese and "ex-" in Japanese. While, "HAGUE" is "boldness" or hairless head. "O" means 男 or man or male.

  As a result, he wanted to be a girl, in any means. However, he was oppressed to continue to be a boy for his mother. Now, he killed his mother on the Mother's Day and free from her oppression.

  Then he tried to recover hair in his head. However, he was not able to get the result. Thus, he continued to be HAGUE or bold.

  And the experience pushed him to choose the pen name. Ex-man with a Bold-head. He was satisfied with the result.

  Then he started to write a girlie comic. He got a great success among DDMs and became rich and proposed to his ex-pet.

  Oh, Hyogo TAKAHARA! That's it. He was also my pupil. After OOYAMA's departure, OOYAMA left him in my mind. Because I was the most male like person in the faculty.

  And TAKAHARA misunderstood me. MIYUKI was in fact, OYAJI!!!

  He was really astonished at her confession on this point. He had heard this surprising news from me, directly and turned a stoned statute at the astonishment.

  He really thought me as a DDM!!! Now, I was astonished at the fact. I thought that he had already knew that I am OYAJI. Because my pupils were informed from me that I am a real OYAJI. At first, they were hesitated to touch the topic, however, gradually understood through my performance. I was recognized as OYAJI among them.

  Thus, I thought that TAKAHARA should know the fact and said so to him and he stopped breathing at the moment.

  And I tried to play the game, taking advantage of his ignorance on this point. It's called, "Chain Mail Test".

  Why? Because I was in doubt why my e-mails to him was already read by my colleagues. I once asked him on this matter. He denied and cried like a baby!

  I felt so happy! Oh, he is crying  due to me, Oh, I am manish enough to make a boy cry! Not abusing the power at all. However, I couldn't stop smiling seeing me in the mirror. My Alex is a lady killer and I am a male killer!!! Oh, we look like each other in this point.

  Anyway, as a professional, I had to stop his crying anyway. Thus, I said. OK. I understand. OK. And gave up to accuse him.

  Now, I am in the  opposite position. I can attack him. Why everyone know the contents od my e-mails without exception? But in this way, I did in the indirect way.

  First I tried to send the report on my hospitalization in Kyorin Hospital.

  He wrote me as follows:

  "I am so sorry to hear it".

  "I am worrying of you."

  "You should take a rest."

  "Thank you anyway for your attencion."

  Oh, BINGO!!! I got to know the sytem. That's it. A Chain Mail System. Someone passed my mails to others and some of them wrote  the very formal and valueless compliments to me.

   Four figures, participated in the reply. Each one, only one remark. It was the system. Soon after they wrote, they turned into stone, as a metaphor. Thus, many figures should participate in the game.

  Dying mails system, it was called. Each one, before the death. After the last word, a strange order was came to them directly from their adorable Gods of Death. And the gods did their job.

  Thus, 4 figures were needed for the reply. Only compliments. Four lines. How unproductive!

 However, for them, this is the heartful present for me called "HANAMUKE".

  (To be continued!)





 started to use the towel, and wiped her face 

Final Stage of Idiocracy (1)

2017-02-19 13:02:58 | 日記

19/02/2017 (afternoon) I had a pilaf of various spices and a boiled egg. A stranger in middle east like taste. I put only a bit of salt. It was enough for the dish. After it, I took two cups of royal milk tea.

  This morning, YUKARI the broken robot was in cheerful mood. The reason? Unknown. Probably, she was in her spring now. It's a bright sunny day. She dashed from the chamber in my mother's room, in which she was watching TV comfortably, to downstairs, when she heard the sound of Door opening of the entrance of her room. She had double door system. One for the entrance and another for the door to her private room. The entrance is a common use for medicines boxes and some important things.

 This morning, when I was putting away the living room to find some useful things in the mountain of the trash, I found 5 different ointments for the same objective, that is, for the cure from the incect's sting. Each one costs US$6 or so. She bought them at the cost of my precious money. She bought them, whenever she thought necessary. It means that she didn't want to make my residence in Hachioji in order. When she needed, she forgot the place of stocking and bought it, because she thought necessary. She was good at memory, however, even at the period, her mamory was out of use.

  She was always to prepare for the time of necessity. She bought all of the medicines and kept them in a box. However, when my kids cried for the medicine, always "it" was not there. Why? I didn't know the reason. She always ran to the drag store to buy the exact medicine. She showed up to be a "good mother" to the kids. Miyuki was reluctant to do it. "Just an irritation? Wait until it would be killed. Just cool down with ice cubes. It's enough for now. Tomorrow, someone would find the exact place of the ointment. Why now? Who made this house in disorder? Who insisted to be a housekeeper in the house? Who should pay for it."

  Thus, YUKARI repeatedly bought the same type ointments from the drag store. How shame she was! She would be a welcomed idiot in the region, maybe. Pay as soon as possible, at any place her counterpart says. She refused to speak to others, always in her deeply concealing hat and a big mask. If she was asked her name, in short, she replied, "I am Miyuki SATO, a professor of KYORI University."

  How she was shameful! She was a kinky old lady in the region. And she put her dirty name to me. She saved her name under the name of my own. Dirty job.

  Now, she did the same thing in her house. She bought several same objective different things repeatedly. I would buy it. The kids need it! I would, she would have cried. She wanted to play the game of an errand making. She wanted to be praised by their family. She needed to be loved by her family. She thought and did. Thus, the mount of trash and of shames.

  When she found that I was just putting medicines in the right place, she went back to my mother's chamber. She was afraid that I would have entered in her room. I have never thought of it. I hate her, of course. However, I want to continue to be a normal person. I don't want to be a kinky peeping Tom like her.

  I started to separate the tools from the trash. My next challenge to do so. I did it before the departure to NZ. That was a rough search. Now, I need to find some good things to save and to send some of them to my Phillipine friends.

  YUKARI sprang to the kitchen, beside the living room, in which I was making a separation activity and abruptly began to wash the dishes, meanwhile I was in the living rooms.

  There were so small amount of dishes there. However, she did the washing at least for 15 minutes. I stopped my separating process, because it costed lots of enegy loss. YUKARI did as long as I separated the things in the living room. This is her way to pastime. Another member of our family does something, she starts to pretend to work. She shows up her working appearance. Faking and costing. She is a really good DDMic girl.

  Today, I was scolded by mother by my leaving a water warming machine's error. She said that I did the same mistake 3 times. I appologies, however, I resisted. She said that I made a mistake 3 times. It was false. I did it yesterday. However, as she appointed, 3 consecutive days, not. So I explained her politely, "I made one mistake, yes. However, another 2 are not mine. Someone else's. I should be blamed by my own mistake, yes. I apologize you and I know how to behave not to commit the same error. Just I appology you. However, I am free from your groundless two other mistakes.", in an extremely polite way.

  She got upset at my politeness. And accused me to be polite to her. Thus, I said to her, "Our relationship is only in the business, not emotional one. I should use the exact words, to define our limit, on right and duty and responsibility. I continue to use the polite words related to the matter, yes, Ma'm. We are in business, not in familiar vague reliable relationship."

  I understand that she wants me to be more warm-like person to her. However, my reply is "No!". She is not the person that I wants to get along with. Not nasty, however, she is an interventionist. I know many friends at the same level of her protectionalism. However, they are protectionists and independentists. They respect my independent will. Thus, we can continue to be friends. My mother is different. So, I prefer being away from her.

  Not the question of "like or not like" type. I hate any interventionism. If she is interested in my private life, don't rely on her broken robot. Today, she was out and only YUKARI was in the main house. And now, YUKARI, today, always was near me, as if she were watching me. Why? I don't know. Someone informed on me to my mother. Because I was in the prohibitted place in the rural area in SHIRAKAWA and took many pictures on the zone.

  Maybe, I am now concealed by the watchers now in the house. I today avoided to walk arround the region. It was good for me. I was informed by someone to some place, and got to be noticed on my previous medical career.

  This was a good sign for YUKARI. This is why YUKARI was cheerful early this morning. "I will be releaved from MIYUKI! She would be caught again! ", she thought.

  She was right, maybe. She was a good at anything and good at all. She should be right. Thus, she took a rest, agreeing that MIYUKI was watched by her.

  To us, YUKARI's behaviour is kinky too much. However, MIYUKI was a degree holder. Thus, YUKARI is more friendly. YUKARI is good for her.

  Now the confusion. Why only one object of her material, highly private one, is the proof of the crime? No, no, nothing. MIYUKI would understand that. YUKARI just imagined that MIyUKI is the hatrid of the Shirakawa people. For fer, kinky. However, for others, she was a normal kind person. She spoke frankly and said the right things, within the limit. She was honest in her life. YUKARI conceals her feeling to protect herself, sometimes betrays herself. This is the difference. Miyuki would know that common people's words are sometimes beautiful to respect and adopt. Thus, she is bravely showing up in Shirakawa even in her harsh time in the maternity harasment period. She thought that precious kids' period would not be damaged by prejudice against her. And she got to notice the others were not interested in herself. They were interested in their kids. All kids maybe. She was given a lot of presents from them, most of all, sweets. They sometimes gave her US$1 for the kids. She thanked it for them and received and handed them. She didn't steal them. She knows that giving money isn't important and showing their kindness and adration of the kids was important. She sometimes was in doubt however, thought that they are good and without their wrong intention, they say the words. Thus, she believed the kindness. Thus, she wanted her kids to be communicative. The kids were old too much to know her kindness. They chose their route, at least, for now. I am a professor of law, she said proudly. She said to them, not with arrogance, but with a confidence to her career. However, she was too ignorant to the danger of the place. There are lots of wrongdoers arround her. IZUMI-san liked her funny face, however, old kinky ladies didn't like her face. They should be replaced by the other one. They should say so. And the other came. Better one, with a big bust. Now, Miyuki is double. Who is more expensive? Miyuki. She earned lots more than KITADA. Thus, Miyuki should be killed. It was the story. Mitaka regreted the choice. How she was expensive to the versity! She was the real "Castle Destroyer". They believed that she would kill Miyuki's career, because she had a doctral degree of WASEDA Univ. and a lawyer's licence together. They believed and thus they chose the road. A road for Inferno, directly from the earth to hell. Kyorin's choice was understandable, the court said to us. Why? Kitada was beautiful! OK, a good choice. Also, they are responsible the case. A good taste they had.

  Miyuki is smiling now. Ugliness sometimes is compensated by beauty.Now, she remembered the story.

  It was an old legend. In the edo era. Her name was UME, like her grand mother.

  She was hired by a big commercial company near NIHONBASHI as a baby sitter and messenger and so on. She was liked everyone because she was quick and diligent. She was sometimes paid to eat lunch by the superiors. They loved her, because a small girl, working in a quick movement, kindly to others.

  However, she thought that she were a ugly county girl. Thus, sometimes, when she looked her face in the mirror of water, she sighed. "If I were beautiful..."

  Everyone called her, "UME-don", as a popular nick name. Because she was liked so much by others. However, she was thought the "don" were boysh and not girl's like. And she thought that they called her because she were not beautiful.

  Anyway, she should work. And all of them liked her. That is important. This is the reason that she was not so sad of the "ugly girl" like nick name.

  OK, they call me so, however, at least, they like me. Not for the wrong intention. Don't worry, me!

  She was a positige and cheerful young girl.

  However, there was an enemy. Only one enemy. A young girl near the store or company. She said that "you are ugly and dull. Work hard! More and more! You are just a worker, not a rich girl like me! Work, for us!"

  Thus, she worked. She worked and the others liked her, everytime she worked.

  One day, a begger bonz passed in front of her house. Everyone was disliked him because of his nasty smell. However, UME-don felt sympathy to him and gave meals and was kind to him.

  He thanked her for the kindness and gave a gift. Just a dirty towel. He said, "Just a dirty towel, but, it values a lot. Everytime when you wash with the towel, you would get more beautiful."

  "Don't worry, Mr.Bonz, you are poor. You can keep it!", UME-don said to him. However, he left the towel to her and dissapeared.

  UME-don, in doubt, and kept the towel, thanking to the bonz.

  Several days after, the nasty girl near her accused her that she had done wrongdoing. UME-don was free from the doubt, however, she was so sad and cried in public. Thus, her face got nasty face and others laughed at her. This was one more damage for her. She suffered so much and dashed into her room, and cried in a loud voice.

  She cried and cried and finally, the teardrops stopped falling. She wanted to wipe the face. Her face was filled with teardrops and she couldn't see her belongings.

  Anyway, she got to remember the dirty towel of the bonz was there. She took it and wiped her teardrops. She didn't want to show her ugly face to others, thus she wiped the teardrops whole. Anyway, she should work. It's working time. She should return to the office now.

  OK, she turned to the office. However, she got to notice that the others facial expression was different before the incident. They looked her, apalled. Why? She was in wonder. Thus, she looked her face in the mirror of water.

  "Wow!", she was surprised! Because in the mirror, a beautiful young girl's face was there! "Oh, me?!, This pretty girl?!!! The bonz was right! He was a king of magician! Wow! I am beautiful!"

  Thus, she got a reputation as a kind, diligent, beautful young girl in the region and lived a happy life till the end.

  Meanwhile, another nasty girl was upset. She was jealous at her image change.

  She have heard that UME-don wiped her face with a dirty towel given by a begger and got a beautiful face. And she started to collect the dirty towels used by the beggers all over EDO or Tokyo, at that time.

  A mount of dirty towels were in front of her. She tried all of the dirty towels to wipe her face, one by one. It took a lot of hours to do so. She wiped and wiped and wiped.

  She thought, now, one of them effected and her face got more beautiful. She looked up to the others with total confidence of the perfect pretty face.

  However, when she showed her face in public, people burst into laughing. They were laughing, appointing her face with a finger, saying, "How dirty, her face is! And nasty smells! The messy formidable face she has!"

  This was the story. I think that UME-don resembles to my Grand Mother UME herself. She was just working in NIHOMBASHI near Tokyo Central Station. A big dried foods' company. She was hired as a baby sitter of the son of the president. Responsble job. She worked in quick and liked by everyone near the shop.

  She was a good quick and cheerful girl. My mother was not so tremendously beutiful, however, everyone liked her smiling. And, in her funeral, I was so astonished at her face. She looked like a roman aristcrat's lady!!! The same personality, yes. However, her impression was just "beautiful". This is our family's comon opinion. Every member thought that "Wow, she is so beautiful now!".

  The last face of her. She looked so authentic. I thought that my grand mother were just kind and rather "cute" type. She was a charming lady, with a quick mind and diligence. Not so "respectful" "aristcratic" type. Ummmm... Anyway, she was beautiful.

  I think the legend is good to know. Any boy or girl should be a good worker. Dull boy is the last one to be. Be a quicker, as far as you can. Don't stop developping the process. Even with one's old age, people should learn. Then, there is a big gift. Effort, Plan, Do, Communicate, Correct, Reform. Human developping in for all of them.

  Look at animals! They should act or, fail. They lose their life. The rule is strict. Until the end, we should make their effort, within the limit as a human being. Our rule is duller than animals' one. So they call us, "dull risers".

  In Shirakawa, there is a legend that when "dull risers get up, DDMs pass away."

  Now, there are several dull risers in the morning and they sometimes make a mistake of weekday with weekend. Thus, on weekends they are  shop keepers and on weekdays they are drivers on a smart car. They have double incomes. Driving licence was the past system, they believe. Now, everyone can drive the car. Thus YUKARI believe until now. Thus, she wants to buy a car. She has several money to buy it. Now she can?

  Yes, she can buy. But, she can't drive. She needs to get a driver's licence. She thought that she was good at memory so she had taken it in her days of versity school. She didn't know that. She insisted. She forgot the fact at the day of the test and found it and talked to her mother. "Mother, I had one already. Why I should take  another one?" Her mother was astonished at the fact. She was never talked on the fact. Why she kept silent until the day of the test? She explained, I just made a mistake. Just it. Anyone fails sometimes. Just it.

  Not a joke. She wanted to maintain her licence for herself. For her own safety. She took it. Even MIYUKI didn't know it. She was a secretist. MIYUKI have heard from her mother that mother wanted YUKARI to take a licence, even if mother would pay the cost, because it was good for her ordinary service.

  MIYUKI wouldn't believe that your mother is also suffering Alzheimer disease, would you?

  Yes, everyone, after birth, a bit by a bit, accumulates amiro-B substance. Yes. However, your mother is so good at memory, right? As fat as I know, yes. And you? A bit worse than my mom. It means that your memory is not good. Yes. I was astonished at the development of this field!!! Oh, old lady can recover from Alzheimer disease!!!

   I have an objection, or several. I am not "old" and it should be called, "erroneous" or "forgetful, within a certain limit" and "normal among human beings".

  You should be right. Then why they called you Alzheimer suffering?

  Ummm...I was at Kyorin University and I couldn't recognize the fact at all.

  Recognition problem, yes? Yes. And the recovery percentage was ZERO at experimental standard!!! Oh, so, I was the virgin....Yes, it was the virgin example of the recovery.

  Now, ABE is the virgin example of my formula and I myself is that of the recovery of Recognition problem!!! Oh, developping theory works well. She believed that even after 50 people should develop in any mean !!! And now she won. Double prizes  of IG-Nobel the reality vertion!!! One year!!! And I myself is the obvious proof of the theory!!! How educative! I am the best teacher in the world! I did IT!!!!!!!!!

  Kyorin Univ. scolded me several times by means of calling me to the dean's room. Every dean scolded me each year. A comical play or theater like ceremony. I was always bad at performance in lecturing. I did my best. However, everytime, they scolded me with the same reason. I changed the method every time after the scolding, however, the reason was always the same. "You are not attractive in the class."

  I thought that the pupils thought me as a dull professor. OK, I would be a commedian. Ok, I would be a party presentator. OK, I sing a song. OK, I dance. I did all. I attemted all. However, they repeated the same remark on me. I was in wonder.

  When I got to know that the "attractive" means "sexually seducing to colleagues", I vanished from the versity. Mari KIMURA was just reading the Cotler's old text bool in a loud voice, in front of the pupils. She was the best and brightist lecturer in the year of our versity. I was in wonder. Just reading a book before the pupils is a job for associate professor?

  "Book leading" means masturbation in slang. She was so absurd figure. She did it in front of the pupils. So she gained the reputation. It was a promise. The pupils thought it that she didn't do it, anyway. However, she did it. And won the race. The rest, she didn't care. She wanted to win. She should do everything to stay the versity. KIMURA's last resort, they say. With a loud voice, means, with that voice "Aha~n, Ufu~n". Ummmm. She could do it. She announced in a monthly meaning, that "If you participate in this meeting held by us, female professors, I would dine with you, at my cost." In front of MIYUKI.

  MIYUKI was surprised at her selfconfidence. Who would dare to dine with her after the meeting? A kind of joke, MIYUKI believed.

  However, dinning after the meeting meant "I would sleep with you!"

  Oh, the next monthly meeting, she reported that "Lecturers Shimamura and Handa, two short boys participated in the meeting."

  Oh, she paid for the resumably younger short boys and made a love with them. Ummm... Thus, she didn't want to inform me the address of her second house. It was the Sun Hotel, exactly, according to her description.

  Wow, I predicted her degradation. Her face was so shameful on the day of the common workshop class in June, 2015. Just like a convicted prostitute or so. I imagined that she passed one night in a jail after being caught by the crime of prostitution.

  Her way was so tricky. She used several names on the receipts. She slept with anyone. She explained that she was sleepy and tired and the fiance or boys assisted to her to sleep. So they were assistants for her.

  Her marrige was planned to stop her prostitution, paid by herself, and was caught by the police in HACHIOJO. She passed one night and directly came to the class. She wanted not to be reveal the fact. However, it was her failure that she lost some condoms in the class. Why condoms are there, who used it? She accused the pupils!!!

  This is Kyorin System. The professors failed and they accused the pupils. It was in common in the versity. MIYUKI was not believing until it uccured on her as a victim.

  Why they were so arrogant? Miyuki thought that they lost the recognition ability to classifiy victims from wrongdoers. The opposite is the same. Kinky rule, they call it.

  KIMURA was good at it. She lied a lot. She pretended to be a good baseball vice responsible to the colleagues. MIYUKI believed it. MIYUKI wanted to give a yell to her boys. She was busy at that time and her kids were awkward to go with her. However, she bought several beers for her sake and snacks also. She was so good to avoid to call her pupil to use for the object. She wanted to play the role of "Get up, Bear's!"type coach. Drinking beer, eating snacks, and yell to the boys. She wanted but the bench was sacred place for the boys. She was scandalous for the boys. Gee, she came here! How lean!!! She wears sun dress! She wears  sun glasses! A skelton like beautiful girl in the stadium. Oh, she yells us, anyway!!!

  She didn't know the rule at all. The game was starting at 14:00. MIYUKI was too late.

The game was over. In anyway, they said called game. However, she believed that the game was continuing now and handed US$30 for Shouta. She sat on the bench and drank a beer and looked outside. A brilliant sunny day. She started to swing like a drunken monky. Oh, good, she was dranken. Now, she welcomes any rule. Yes, she doesn't know the rule. She was good at everything and good for catching a bit. Now, the game should be continued. She didn't know the versity's rule and came here from the way from Hachioji. Who responded? IGARASHi is. He is responsible for the problem. Thus, the boys should do their job.

  A strange team play. MIYUKI was astonished at the reply of the boys. The game was over. Now, we are free from the contract. The contract with Kyorin versity. They were believed that MIYUKI was different from the Alzheimer old boys. However, she did too much. She tried to be good and did it. She wanted to bring her kids but couldn't.Anyway, OK, MIYUKI, you did the job and drink the beer as you like. MIYUKI bought two expensive canned beer for the studium. It was too bad for them. Beer drinking was prohibitted in the studium. However, MIYUKI believed that in KOUSHIEN, OYAJI should drink the beer. It was the legend. KACHIWARI-GOORI was the substitute of the beer!!!! MIYUKI, you should get to know why the vending machine didn't sell alchool drinks. You would like to buy, however, nothing. The 3rd beer, she wanted. However, nothing at all in the sutudium. Only one field without anything. No liquor store at all. Oh, MIYUKI. You are too clever at that time. An isolated place for the meeting. Ummmm. Date course? Ummmm. No bed! No restaurant! No alchool drink!!! How and why?

  MIYUKI, why the blue sky is good for bathing? Warming up. And pretty skin. Yes. And good for mood.Like a beach. Yes, however, no mood!!! Baseball boys don't think so. Sexually attractive, they call! The ground is sexually attractive, thus, they bring the sand from the studium....Umm..Some mascot to pray for the success in the future or now? Oh, I would be good!!! KOOSHIEN earth is good for health and someone eats it. Umm...They can. You? If I feel grounded, I would try a bit. A nasty smell of sweat and blood of the slaves. Salty! And smell? Like muck? Faz, they say. However, they should drink it. They believe so.

  Thus, oh, virgin should not be enter into the stadium? Oh, they should make love with KIMURA!!! Oh, KIMURA would be pleased!!! Boys would be or not, it all dependes.

  KIMURA was a foolish to do so. She dinned and slept with some of the favorites. However, didn't get the most cheapest one. Testacles host No.1 of her seminar. A good try, they thought. The cheapest, because she didn't pay for it. Kyorin Univ. has a concealed rule. She can buy anything for their pets. MIYUKI didn't know the rule. Always scholded by the other professors. They wanted to do so because of her degree. A abusive play, they call. They admitted the wrongdoing, however, they couldn't stop. They were natural born abusers. Only one punishment for them. Immediate death. And another financial sanctions. They were too too degraded to understand the wrongdoing should not be played. They know and they do, as they like. This is IDIOCRACY.