Memory ~♬🎶

2017-02-10 15:54:29 | 日記
10/02/2017 (afternoon) I ate a light meal of roasted ABURA-AGE with shredded radish and cafe latte.
After that, I went to buy my foods. I found a piece of Gorgonzola cheese at US$3 after 30% of discount and bought it.

I like Gorgonzola. It smells strong and is salty. Its distinctive blue mold stimulates my appetite. I dream a cheese supper with almonds and white Chile wine. Probably tonight I will realize the dream.

I took a tea break with "Pudding a la mode" after the shopping in my house. The dessart costs US$1, after 50% of discount. Cheapest one, however, I just took a luxurious break for me.

I sent my Curriculum Vitae to University of Hersinki. Finnland is a cold country, so I suggested that I was not good at coldness. However, inside the house, there is no problem. I can't work outside in Finnish winter. I previously informed my weak point to the versity.

The subject is "Law and Globalization." My favorite theme. It would be nice to deliver my opinion in the lecture.
Finnish resemble my daughter Clare. They are Magyar tribe's descendants. It means that they are a bit Asian.
When she was an infant, I have seen photos of calender in the dentist and felt strange that the kids looked like my daughter's relatives, with a bit plumpy white face and mischivous smiling. Maybe they resemble Mongolians.

I really need jobs. I can work in many versities or institutes at the same time. I am ready to make a trip easily. As you know, I went to and back from NZ in 2 nights and 3 days last December. If I decide, I act immediately. I don't waste a time. Wasting time is the words for DoDoMerdas like YUKARI, not for me.
I like to travel abroad. I know how to avoid jet lag. I like local foods in each region. I want to work for several versities at the same time.

I can give a lecture on almost all of law related subjects. I've already taught subject as follows:
Introduction to Law
Constitutional Law (basic and advanced)
Administrative Law
Law and Public Policy
Latin American Law
Law on Foreigners
Human rights
Basic knowledge for first graders like Chinese Characters, Mathematics, Japanese, Social matters
Workshop for first graders
How to use power point, word, e-mail system for first graders
How to read books ro first graders
etc etc.
At the versity of 3rd category, I had to be multi-talented. This is the key to survive from the anti-humanistic versity.

Lucky to me, Kyorin students were not so evil as my colleagues. They were better than pupils at Tokyo univ. At least, they were quick in body and soul. Tokyo Univ.'s ones are dull and slow, like YUKARI.

Today, I have found that YUKARI's pace of cooking is beyond my imagination.
She does only one simplest process on each day. Like,
Monday: Boling potatoes
Tuesday: Peeling them
Wednesday: Mashing them and mixing with mayonaise
Thursday: Boiling eggs
Friday: Mashing eggs and mixing with mayonaise
Astonishing! Do you believe it? Her pace is just like an old Russian song called "One Week".
"On Sunday I went to market and buy threads and needles,
On Monday I boiled a bath,
On Tuesday I took a bath,
On Wednesday I received a friend,
On Thursday I sent him out of house,
On Friday I didn't spin the threads,
On Saturday I chatted all day long,
My lover, this is how I pass one every week."

Maybe, this is a protesting song, which sarcastically demonstrates the life of indulged land owners' daughters life, I presume.
Maybe, some witch casts a spell on the girl to confess her real life in front of her lover, before wedding, I imagine. She was forced to say him the truth, which would provocate his haterid and their splitting.
"You would become unhappy, because you are so idol, Madmoiselle!"

For the people in Russia, land owners were the aim of hatrid.
Wow, how similar situation we have in common!
DoDoMerdas' life, that's it! Thus, YUKARI is the same thing in our kitchen!
Marx, your remark is totally right!
"History repeats. For the first time, as a tragedy, while, for the second, as a comedy."

This frase was liked by prof.Youichi HIGUCHI and several professors on political studies at Tokyo University.
I did know that actual situation is a comedy version. However, these idiots are so forgetful that think always for the first time, a tragedy.
In other words, they are always virgin, even after 3000 times of sexual intercourse among them.
"Oops! Sorry, I didn't know it. I got to know now. For the first time, I heard it."
Forever virgin, due to Alzheimer disease like syphilis.
Always, "for the first time" for them. Forever beginners. Forever young. They forget even their age.

A foridable example I know.
When I participated in a party in April, 2015, I was forced to sit beside Ichiro KITAMURA, of French Law.
He said to us, "I was mistaken as if I were 20 years old young boy often by Parisians in France."
We were surprised at the remarks. Professor Kyouko KIMPARA of Chiba University and Professor Masako KAMIYA, major of both which is Anglo-American Law, are the witness of his tremendously erroneouc recognition.
He was already retired from Tokyo University. It means that he was over 65 years old.
"Forever Young" is the title of the comedy film on 3 female anti-aging maniacs.
KITAMURA was living in the room without mirror already.

On Prof.KAMIYA, see:

On Prof.KIMPARA, see:

Probably, the song above might be interpretated as an expectation to marrige without doing any job, just waiting for the day of wedding with a future husband, who doesn't know her idoness and immoral betrayal, by DoDoMerdas in Japan. "What a lovely song it is!" "Yeah! Let's sing the song together!", they sang, perhaps.

In every country, power holders are realty owners related and they believe that their family should be linked with other rich families, by way of wedding. Marrige for the sake of money, as always.
Forgetful is useful to deny inconvenient errors. They don't need to pretend. They really don't know. They are honest, in this case, according to their interpretation.
"You are a liar. I can't remember it. My memory is better than you. You got crazy! I felt terrible, seeing you are so forgetful!"
This is the remark delivered from YUKARI, when I was in a graduate school. We had different memories about the department store, in which I bought a Koara stuffed animal for her as a gift at US$80 when I was an undergraduate.
According to my memory, I bought it at TAKASHIMAYA, in Nihonbashi. While she insisted that it had been bought at Mitsukoshi, also in Nihonbashi.
I was not sure at the point, as a matter of fact. So, I kept silent. But, I felt strange, because I didn't understand why keeping the memory on such a trifle thing were so important.
"I should be accused of confusing Mitsukoshi with Takashimaya as if I were suffering from Alzheimer disease?", I wondered.
For me, a trivia. For her, highly relevant matter?
Then, why she doesn't notice the difference or error of the places, when she returns dishes and other usensils after the washing?
Deterioration level is now so evident, if her opinion were correct on the matter.

In my case, as I confessed before, my memory is not so good. Middle or lower middle, since I was a child.
I entered into the best university not because of good memory, but because of other abilities to get higher points, like deduction, prediction, perception, analysis, persuasion, pragmatic approach, curiosity, innovation, innvention, planning, effort, persistance, will, etc. etc., and lucks, also.
Thus, "why she was so afraid of the error of the name of the department store?", I wonder even now.
She knew that my memory was a bit lower than avelege, since she was born. Why at that time?

Prof.KITAMURA believed that all of Tokyo Univ. students should have good memory. I denied it, picking up my example. He denied my opinion, just saying, "You are kidding!"

Ummmm...I think that my memory is at least in avelege or so.
However, DoDoMerdas' ones are Less-Than-Zero, I'm sure.
They even don't think so. However, I passed 3 months full in HASEGAWA Hospital and got to know that they are really lacking of memory.

They can't remember the stories of the dramas they watched one day before. Only the names of their favorite artists are keywords of their conversation. They repeated the same topics many times repeatedly.
They even can't compare the flavours of the meals. Only "salty" "sweet" "I like it" "I don't like it".
Their vocabulary is highly limited. "KAWAII" is repeatedly used every day.

We human beings have power to talk. Languages are our treasures. Each language has their own characters. Vocabulary should be enhanced everyday, by usage.
However, Japanese language is day by day reduce the vocabulary in effect. Strange fanomenum. And what is the reason?
Naturally, the mental deterioration. DoDoMerdic brain can't endure reserving the minimum vocabulary and replaces almost all of assertive expression by "KAWAII" and negative by "KAWAIKU-NAI".
Thus, they are prooved to be so idol to omit the use of language.

I recognized in Tokyo, many DodoMerdas speak only compliments. I was astonished that they could continue the conversation more than 2 hours just only with compliments in Macdonald Shop in Tachikawa.
Just time-consuming and meanless. Even though, as if they felt the pleasure of the movement of mouth and tongue, they continue the conversation, indifferent form the contents. Parrot-Conversation, we put the name on it, as I wrote before.

Extra-ordinarily vast memory loss, they suffer from. Why they don't recognize it?
You know the reason already.

YUKARI's memory was good. It's a fact. When she was an infant, she could remember the names of species appeared in all of the illustrated reference books in our house.
She liked to show her ability to others, appointing the difference among the species.
She could remember all of the frases of the new testament in Japanese. She went to Baptist Church every Sunday with her friend, although she wan't a Christian, when she was at primary school.

At the same time, I got to notice that she just memorise things as they were. She can't apply them at all. Just input and output, without change. Repeating ability, we should call.
I have no such an ability. I didn't feel any jelousy to her epecial ability, because Miyuki with only avelege memory took much better grade rather than YUKARI with ectra-ordinal repeating ability.
My other abilities subside my weak point.

Perhaps, our memory system differs among us.
Each one has their way of memorizing.
In my case, my memory is too more flexible than others. For example,I wanted to remember a name of famous case. "It begins with "Ma"", I remembered. I was sure to remember it. However, when I tried to remember, other "Ma" begining word started to disturbe recalling process.
"Mackintosh, MacArthur, Macadam Road, Magician, Majesty, Marillin Monroe, Monroe Declaration, Marry Curry, Macvity Digestive Buisket, Mary Antoinette, Marvelous, Madoca Magica, MAGUAI, MAZI-YABAA!", like that.
I continued the attempt until remembering the exact name of the renoun case, for almost one night.
Early morning, I got to remember the name! "Mackrine! That's it! EUREIKA! Effort was rewarded.
Then I went to asleep, thanking for that I had not lost my memory yet, relieved.

I want to take advantage of all my memory. Thus, memory loss is a big damage for me. However, we can remember almost all of the memory since we were born.
In my case, it takes a time, however, I feel that I can remember "it", anyway.

I have a habit to answer to any quiz challenged. Sometimes it takes time much more than I expected. however, I want to get the right answer. Considering effectiveness, sometimes my attempt is not rational. But, thinking that it is a kind of exercise, the quiz answering time has not useless.
I am a persistent at this point. Finding the right answer is my hobby, I should say.

That's why I was good at study since I entered into primary school. For me, resolving problems are amusing games.

Memory is just a substitutable function of brain.
Alzheimer memory loss occurs by accumulation of amiro-β in the brain.
Situation of the accumulation can be revealed by postmortem examination.

I have read that in USA, the nuns of a monastry contributed to their body for dissection for the sake of development of science.
One of them is an old nun, who made all her efforts to save others during her life. She was active and cheerful, highly useful in every means until the day of her death.
Thus, everyone thought that she were free from Alzheimer disease.

However, when the medical doctors dissected her brain and made the examination, they found high level of the accumulation the amiro-β in her brain.
At the standard of the quantity of the amiro-β, she could be said as a patient of an Alzheimer disease.
However, she had no problem at the standard of function. She was more productive rather than others until the last day.
It means that she used substetute abilities, to help people in trouble. And she used them highly efficiently.
She is a good example that function does matter, only the equipments of brain don't. How to use and how much useful to others and to him- or herself are important. Only keeping the possibility is a loss for him or her and for us.

"Don't abandon your belongings" is a good thing, generally speaking. However, more important is taking advantage of it. Rightous use of it, in other words.
"Just hold it and abuse it" is wrongdoing itself.
Brain, land, public facilities, buildings, houses, fields, powers, positions, etc.
DoDoMerdas have been giving a great damage on us, people,
They want to continue their ridiculous IDIOCRACY, based on their theory of "Just hold it and abuse it".

We can laugh at them. They are source of our laugh.
In this meaning, we could call them, "Big Stars" in the field of comedians.
They play the role of comedian, without knowing.
I am a professor-comedian, a professional.
However, I can't get such a high performance like Mr.Slump of Damerica, for example.
We could say that he is fated to be a "Big Star" of the Great Monkey Theater.
He holds lots. He is a natural born comedian! I admire his talent!

I every day make effort to make someone laugh, as much as possible.
He, without any effort, without any skill, without any recognition, without any ability, without any responsiblity, without any capacity, without any knowledge, as his disdained character, he plays the role of the Big Star Comedian!!!
Wow! He is geneous, at this point. He plays the role of the president of Damerica, to play the role of comedian! How brave he is! How bold he is! How stupid he is! How vapid he is! How insipit he is! How ignorant he is! How marvelously he plays the role!
He, that's it! He would be nominated in the best comedian in this year! He would leave his dirty name in the road of FAME as the Biggest Star in Damerica and in the world!
That's he! "Look! He is nakid! He has no brain! No humanity! No sense of humour! No authority! No academism! No common sense! No sanity in body and soul! No, No, Nothing, perfectly! Nevertheless, he continues to walk on the road, pretending to be important. He is streaking on the public road! He is appointing the worst figures of all the worst ones on the most highest positions in Damerica! They do the same thing of Mr.Slump! They make us laugh every day, incessantly! On TV, On the radio, On you tube, On twitter, On every mass medias! Exhibitionists they are! Nudists Army, they are! Big Parade of Shameless Joggers of totaly nakid bodies, streaking on the road! Let's measure the size of their ×××× now. Hummmmm 15cm, next, 14cm, next 13cm, next 12cm, next 11cm,, 2cm! Only 2cm?! It's not ××××! It's called ××××××. Not for male, but for female. Disqualified. Now, in averege. Hummm...just 10cm! Oh, comparatively, it is smaller or shorter... Why they shrink each day?"
We know the reason.
Intelligence deteriorates, according to moral degredation. Now, ×××× is also. Another fenomenum related on the increnation. They are all related. The principle of proportionality in body, soul, and mind! They decline all together.

Thus, this year, I have to concede my stable position of Great Comedian in the world to Mr.Slump and his Nakid Army, and I would get another Great seat suitable for me, or several more.

You should remember my prediction well, because your memory is probably better than me.
I'm too busy to remember such a trifle...oh, sorry, subtle jake.
For me, important is, taking delicious and nutricious foods into my stomach.
That is, eating a supper. I am really hungry. See you soon. Bon Appettitte for you too!

Onanism-Journalism in Japan

2017-02-10 09:41:50 | 日記
10/02/2017 (morning) I had rizotto of anchovies, cheese and shredded onion and green leek, and cafe latte for breakfast.

Federal Court of Appeal in Damerica sustained the order issued by the inferior court, which had said Mr.Slump's presidential decree which says "Who comes from Middle East can't be entered in our country called Damerica", is totally against law and constitution.

Good relief. Even in Damerica, there are judges with common sense, who know what is Justice.

According to Journalism in Japan, in Federal Supreme Court, 4 judges would be against Mr.Slump's decree, while 4 other ones in favour of it.

If the Journalism reported correctly, there would be 4 betrayers against the Constitution in the highest court of Damerica. Better than in Japan, however, these 4 DoDoMerdic judges should be punished immediately by Gods of Justice directly.

Japanese Journalism is fairly unreliable. Thus, I refrain from judging if the remark on the number of the betrayers were exact or not, here now.

Japanese Journalism is called "Onanism-Journalism", because they "produce" the news as they like, depending on the limitted newssource related to Government.
Probably, "Mass-Media" signifies "Masturbation-Measure" for them. "Which tool will you use tonight?" "Me? That one." "Oh, that one. I will use this one." "Oh, this one." This conversation represents the level of Onanism-Journalism.

In Japanese, this is called also "OMANKO-Journalism". OMANKO means vagina. Female masturbation is called "OMANKO-KAKI" in Japanese. Thus, we call the chiken Journalism with the nick name.

The TV show presentator confessed us, audience, that he himself is one of the real Testacles Pets of Power Holders. I was astonished at his clear confirmation on the shameful fact. He says, "We have gotten along each other for a long time. Thus, as a natural course, the special relationship happened. Not unusual thing. It sometimes occurs.", as it it were the necessity for him and his mates.
In front of us, 9:30 in the morning! Too scandalous confession. Soon after his dangerous remark, abruptly, TV commercials disturbed the program. Even Onanism-Journalism got to notice that his confession was too much stimulous, I deduced.

In the same TV show, which my mother is accustom to watch recently in the morning, a Japanese old female assistent for the Mr.Slump's political party participated in commenting to the Mr.Slump's kinky habits and so on.
I don't know why this old bug oftenly appears in front of us. Her face is so ugly. Imagine, 70 years old lady, wearing Channel type suits, with long artificialy curled hair and deep cosmetics with lots of whitening foundation, exhibits her old sloppy full-madeup cheap face, saying indifferent and harmful comments to us.
She said, "The decree is against the Constitution of Damerica, however, there is an article that admits the president to issue decrees, it also is constitutional, in the other side."

I have learned on Damerican Constitution a bit as a constitutionalist. The former part of her comment is not so bad. However, the last part is just a lie. The president has right to issue administrative decree and not legislative decree.
On this point, I am an expert, because my dissertation of Master Course (Not masturbation course, of course!) at Tokyo University describes the matter in Brazil. It is called "Provisional Measures" or "Medidas Provisorias" in Portugues. Brazil has a long history on the matter since 1930s. however, the political system in Damerica is different from that of Brazil and Damerica adopts the system "Strict Separation of Powers". Thus, Damerican president can't issue legislative decree.
The Mr.Slump's party should be accused to hire ex-OPPABU BABAA and to show her ugly face in front of us. We get nasty feeling after seeing her and hearing her erroneous comments.

According to OMANKO-Journalism, Mr.Slump is so serious when he plays golf. So, ABE should play the great role to accompany with his golfing. Master would order to bring back his golf ball instead of the born, and the pet pleasedly would follow the ball to show his total obedience, shaking his tails, signifying, "Boss, come on. I'm here. We are only two. No one see us. Hey, boss. Now! Please offende me! Please rape me! Please, please!"

Also acording to the old bug lady, "Mad Dog" has assertive conotatio, namely, "Gee! He is a great guy!"
Thus, James Mates of Damerican Army might be a great man in the military history of the country.

However, summing up the information from her, he looks like kinky crazy old boy itself.
The onanism-journalists in the TV program praised him as a phylosopher, because he has read "Son-shi", "Krausewitz", "Marcus Aurelius". Oh, Jesus! Only these reading weighs to be a captain of Damerican Army?
Then I am also qualified as Phylosophycal Military Cap. They are all plain books. Not so important. Risk management or evasion in case of failure. Especially, the last one is the worst among them.
Marcus Aurelius is the roman emperor, who was praised as Wise Emperor". However, he likes YUKARI. Conformistic and has no his own standard. He always regrets. He can't stop imaging negatively. YUKARI as the captain of Armed Forces in Damerica?!!! You would be so shocked to roll on the floor, holding your own belly, agonized with non-stop laughing. Yeah, mad dog itself! He moves just by "maternal instinct" and orders to his boys to follow him.

Mr.Slump is really cheerful figure and makes us amused a lot. Yeah, Reality Show presentator, he is! He does do it! "Damerican IDIOCRACY", which would be written by us in the near future, would get a BIG success in the countries all over the world, like "American Democracy" written by Tocqueville, a French aristcrat jurist in 19 century.

I am also an expert at this point, because my major is, in narrow sense, or Stricto Sensu, Judicial Review in the world. This system was originated in America and spread through the above book, mainly, among the world of intellectuals in the same century. Brazil is one of the examples. And Argentine, also.

Anyway, we think that Mr.Slump is so mad to appoint YUKARI to the top of the military power of Damerica.
How much the old bug lady decorates this mad dog, he is just YUKARI. Just successive gag scenes would be imagined in the near future in Damerican Armed Forces.
"Cap, what are you doing now?", Mr.Slump calls to YUKARI.
"Me?, oh, I'm mending my shoe socks." YUKARI or James replies.
"Yeah, you are thrifty. Thus I rely on. How are your boys?", asks Mr.Slump.
"Fine, as usual. Thank you. And you?" James-YUKARI asks, now.
"Fine, thank you. And you?" says Mr.Slump.
"Fine, thank you. And you?" says James-YUKARI.
.....(repeat, forever) ∞

 DoDoMerdic conversation is composed of such compliments. I believed that Damericans were much more programatic and productive. However, with the arrival of Mr.Slump to the presidency, I changed my mind. Oh, they are just like DoDoMerdas in Japan! Japanese DoDoMerdas prefer secrecy, while Damerican counterparts showmanship.
In the essencial nature, they are the same.

Another interesting remarks of our OMANKO-journalists, Mr.Ozma, the ex-president of Damerica was too complicate figure for ABE to get along with, thus, ABE and Mr.Slump would enter in a good partnership.

Mr.Ozma, is an ex-major leager of Damerica. He is a desciendant of African tribe. His skin is black. He is famous for his fight against Hyuma HOSHI, the pitcher of YOMIURI Giants, held in actual Tokyo Doom Ground in Japan. This famous scene was described in the ANIME called "KYOJIN-NO-HOSHI" or "Stardom of Giants" by Noboru KAWASAKI.

We think that Mr.Ozma, as a politician, is a person of highly understandable with his simple and clear conducts.
For ABE and ONANISM-journalits, even his simplicity is too much complicated. What does it mean?
Their intelligence level is vastly different from us people. For them, probably, mashing potatoes is the most difficult job, which deserves high paid position, presumably.

Now in Damerica, the number of powerful versions of "YUKARI the broken robot" is increasing absolutely.
They are dangerous, in effect. Watch out! They move just their DoDoMerdic maternal instinct, even in case of male ones. Probably, OPPABU and Testacles Host Club would appear in Damerica, soon, or they exist there already.

Oh, Damerica, you are one of "my countries of dream". Now, no dream, no future. Then how about Justice?
We watch out Damerican Federal Supreme Court. I would write one more article on it.

Yesterday, I pleage to explain to you on the song of Michio MADO, a poet and lyric writer of kids' songs.
The song represents an illogical situation with soft irony.
Black kid wrote a letter, but white kid ate it without seen,
Then white kid asked to black kid, "what did you write in it?"
Then Black kid the same thing to the white kid, thus the same action should be repeated forever and ever...

Black kid can be replace Mr.Ozma, White kid Mr.Slump.
A letter, Medi-Care system.

Ummmmmmm Michio MADO had a talent of prediction, presumably.

In Japan, there is nothing to export now. Then, ABE wants to export DoDoMerdas themselves.
Mr.Slump would hire them as Testacles hosts and OPPABU-BABAAs.
BABAAs would dance in OPPABU like queens, or Mary Antoinette, as their favorite expression.

"Dancing Queens"...You can dance, you can jive, na-na-na-na-na-na-na
Yes, DoDoMerdas, you can dive from the top of the cliff into the pacific ocenan,
ooo...dancing queen!

Here, Banana MATSUO has to explain. "dance" or "dancar" in Portuguese means also fail.
Thus, "Ele dancou." signifies "he has failed."

And one more comment from him. ABA's "Dancing Queen" is one of Dr.Miyuki SATO's favorite.
She was a dream to hold a dance party in her house when her daughter reach 17 years old.
At that time, Miyuki would be 57 years old. And their birthdays are highly near.
Clare's 19, October, while Miyuki's 23, the same month.
Thus, the dance party would have two dancing queens, that is Clara and Miyuki.
According to Miyuki's opinion, Miyuki is much younger than Clare, in spirit.
Miyuki sometimes goddamnits her for education, "KUSO-BABAA! You are an old conservativist!"
Because she casts the faily dirty spell to Miyuki.
Now Miyuki is also in the battle with her, because of her dirty spell.

KUSO is muck, in Japanese, as I wrote before.

Dr.Miyuki SATO is looking forward to seeing you in the dance party.
She is inviting any people in the universe to the party.
Now, she is wonder, what are necessary to attend good natured aliens from another garaxy.

OMANKO- or ONANY- journalists would not exist any more, at that time.
They are totally expulsed from our beautiful universe.