Beautiful Bowl of ARITA-YAKI, in Sexually Neutral Style

2017-02-02 21:10:40 | 日記
02/02/2017 (evening) I ate a curry soup with chopped potatoes, shredded onions, a white sausage and cumin and turmeric. A hot and health dish.
Now it's snowing now. This is good for appetite.

Tomorrow I will try to cook turmeric rice.

I found several vacant spice conteners in the kitchen. It would be suitable to put other spices in. I want to buy cardamon, wholespice and coliander.
We have nutmeg, cinamon, red peppers, clove already in the kitchen. We have lots of potatoes. So I will try various types of curry, cominating some of them.
I feel hot after taking the curry soup. Cumin and turmetic have some effect to make the body temperature upward.

I found a bowl that I had bought in NAGASAKI. The style is ARITA-YAKI, and its design is grape motif with blue and white. I bought it at US$12 in a shop of specialite.
There are many shops of ARITA-YAKI there. I visited as many as possible. My objective is just a rice bowl.

I was unsatisfied with the bowl used prefiously. Many of rice bowls's design in Japan is sexist oriented. I wanted to have one small bowl with manish or neutral design. I don't like childish design eather. Small but manish. This combination is difficult to find.
There are big bowls with good design. However, my stomach isn't so big. I need a tiny one. Thus, I visited one by one, seeking my ideal bowl.

I calculated US$10 as a price. However, it was difficult to find with that value. Most of the shops costed more than US$20.
And, many of them are sold at a pair of Big one and smaller one. It is called "MEOTO-CHAWAN" or "married couple's pair of bowls" in Japanese.

"I'm not a married. Big one is not necessary. However, no good design for small bowls.", I was wondring.

Then, I found the bowl. The bowl is a bit bigger than normal bowl for female and a bit smaller than normal male one. The design is just I imagined as a bowl of ARITA-YAKI. I asked the shopkeeper of the price. US$12, he replied. A bit expensive at US$2 more than I planned. I hesitated to buy it. "Another shop has similar one with under US$10?" I was in doubt.
The shopkeeper said to me to take it in the hand. I was surprised a bit at the weight. It was so light. He said, "This is the character of this bowl, using the newly invented material. Lighter than usual one." The bowl is thinner than usual, half transparent, if you notice. A beautiful sophisticated design. The blue of outside design reflects it colour and looks a bit bluish. And inside there is a design arround the hedge. And the bottom, to avoid finger slipping, the brown is gritty coated with another material. Thus I decided to buy it.It deserves extra US$2. A bit different from the size and the price, however, I was satisfied with the shopping.

I made a trip to NAGASAKI to participate in the meeting on cultural intercourse with other ountries in 15 and 16 centuries. I also had been interested the report that there were many Portuguese merchants in Mexico in this era.
On the way, I found lots of potteries arroud and decided to visit the town to buy my own bowl with good design.

After my 4 months of custody, I couldn't find it in the bowl shelf in our house. However, I encountered with it the plate storage under the gas table. I was relieved. At least, it was saved from the danger of YUKARI the broken robot.

Well made, lots of intentions of the artisan and beautiful design. Not manish, exactly. Neutral, sexually.
I hate DoDoMerdic design. There are full of DoDoMerdic "KAWAII" designs all arround. I want to escape from the intrusion of these terrible feminine designs.

Interesting to say, YUKARI loves DoDoMerdica WAKAII country style design. We call it cheap rustic style. She is an urbanist, disliking genuine nature, however loves artificial nature, contradictorily, like other DoDoMerdas.

Mr.Kin, Judge Who Influenced Infant Miyuki

2017-02-02 18:25:12 | 日記
02/02/2017 (afternoon) It's wendy afternoon. Frosty also. I can hear the sound of wind whisling through the air.

Today, I want to present my favorite costume play drama in my primary school period called "Mr.Kin of TOOYAMA family".

When I was a child, I was a long sweeper. I went to bed at 20:00 and got up 6:30 in the morning every day, except Monday.
Why except Monday? Because I was allowed to watch the Drama above after taking a bath in the house of my grand parents of the side of my father.

The drama started at 20:00 and ended at 21:00. On Mandays, I could lie down on the bed after 21:00.

I liked the drama that I felt the hero was really cool in every meaning.

As I said before, I didn't like his appearance at all. He is a middle aged plump rather ugly actor, I thought. And more, his voice was nasty for me. However, he looked so nice and cool for me.

Recently, my mother was watching the same drama in the original version on TV. The members were the same, of course. My impression was the same. He looked not handsome, however, he was nice and cool.

Why he looked so nice and cool? My answer is he does his best job of justice on his own way.
In the drama, he is a playboy, who likes alchool, delishous dishes, pretty ladies. He drinks alchool even during days in his favorite bar in a down town in Tokyo or Edo, at that thime, when others are working outside.
He is accustomed to be scolded by the bar manager and waitress because of his reluctance to work. "Don't dring SAKE. It's time to work! Everyone works outside! Why you are so idol! Look at other people! They work hard! You should lern from them! "
However, he is working even while drinking. He is lisning to the voices of the people in Edo town. He is searching the clue of any important cases there.
Everyone thinks that he is just a playboy, awkward to work. However, in fact, he is a judge at the highest rank in the area. He is SAMURAI, not a common townspeople like craftsmen or merchants.

In the feudal society, SAMURAI was in the top in the hirarchy. SAMURAI in the high class couldn't get along with townspeople. Thus, Mr.Kin shouldn't enter into the bar for common people at all.

His real name is Saemon-no-jo Kinshirou TOOYAMA. Saemon-no-jo is his position's name. He has to hide his real identity as SAMURAI to do his job.

When he gets the crue of the important crime, in particular, related with power holders, he starts investigation. He himself does this investigation job.
He sometimes helps people, who get in danger by the evil power holders.
He is strong at martial arts. When he gets enough proofs to decide in public, he vanishes, without revealing his real identity to anyone. The supportes, all of them are his inferiors, enter into the scene and catch the eveil power holders.

A little before vanishing, he shows his nakid back to both the victims and the wrongdoers there. His back is all tatooed by the design of cherry blossam storming in the wind. He dares to show it especially to the wrongdoers to remember him.

In the world of SAMURAI, tatooing is prohibitted. It's allowed only for common people. However, even among common people, tatooing means "inclination to resistance to common society". So, in double meaning, he shouldn't be tatooed.

He is proud of being tatooed. So he uses it as his trademark.

Then the day of judgement comes. Victimes and the evel criminals are waiting for the arrival of the Judge Mr.Saemon-no-jo TOOYAMA, with serious face expression.
Now, he comes! He is in total fashion as Judge with KAMI-SHIMO, a long overall like pleated formal wear. The both parts look at him. However, they don't recognize him at all. He is unknown to both of them. Just a judge in the highest rank, far from their world.

Now, he starts the trial. The victims accuse the wrongdoers and the latter denied all of the accusation of the former.
The former seriously proves what happened to them, however, the latter says that the former lies.

When the wrongdoers shameless attitude gets over Mr.Kin's limit of endurance, he changes his character from strict judge to helpful playboy with martial arts' ability. He begins to behave like a strong playboy and now, he shows his impressive tatoo on the back to both parts.

Oh! Both parts shout by astonishment. The victims feel strongthened and the wrongdoers starts to run away from the court. However, the inferior public servants catch them.
Thus, Mr.Kin, returning to the Judge, declares, "Now the trial was finished."
The victims thanks to Mr.Kin a lot and he asks to them to keep secret on his identity.

Then the scene changes. Mr.Kin, as always, is in the bar, drinking SAKE. The mistress of the bar starts to grumble to him. Mr.Kin turns up his nose at her advice, with the insinuation of "They don't understand at all. Only I know. OK. That's good for me..."

I felt good after seeing the drama. Mr.Kin does his kindness as his profession as public servant. He himself investgates, witnesses and judges.
He never requires to the victim. He puts the wrongdoers to the adequate place. And his everyday job starts after the latest case.

Mr.Kin was performed by Umenosuke NAKAMURA. He is a player of KABUKI. However, he played as a common actor outside KABUKI. Probably, he has a lot of knowledge on that era on 19 century EDO.
He was a good actor, I think. He was not pretty in his appearance, however, he transmitted how Mr.Kin was attractive and perfect at his job. His atomosphare was pretty. So I felt nice and cool at a glance on him.

In addition, his tatoo was not real one. Each time, before the drama making, the expert of the tatoo painted the different design of cherry blossoms in the storm. It took a lot of hours. However, the design was showed at the climax. So it should be well done. The tatoos were painting works by the tatoo-painter.

Even now, I think thet it was a well made costume play drama. When I encounteres the word "INASE", I thought of Mr.Kin, immediately. "INASE" means manish and cool. Be like him! It's my dream of primary school days.

Thus, I was so absorbed in the drama, exceptionally I was allowed to go to bed one hour later than usual on every Monday.

I wanted to write an article on Mr.Kin, including the historical dates. Because the same name Judge existed in 19 century. He had been a public servant who worked in NAGASAKI, where the only one port that could get knowledge on western world.
I bought two books on this matter, however, I was interdicted to approach to my office room of ex-campus of Kyorin Univ. in Hochioji in october, 2015.
I had to stop my reserach on this interesting theme.

Presumably, he is Judge combined with Ombusman or Sheriff. Lynch was also the name of Sheriff. If DoDoMerdas do Mr.Kin's role, they turn to be the evilest exsitance. In Japan, the nightmare has already realized. DoDoMerdas are totalitarians. They are only one body. They investigate, accuse, decide and execute. That's what I had experienced in 2016.
Therefore, I am qualified as the person that witnesses that the whole legal system in Japan is INJUSTICE itself. I directly get to know it by my body and soul. Japanese justice is injustice. Just it. There's no justice nor future in Japan. "No More Japan!" We don't repeat the total falure of Japan.

However, unfortunately, Damerica and its president Mr.Slump is repeating the same type IDIOCRACY, in the more strengthened way. They are forgetful and have no recognition ability at all. They watched what had happened in Japan under IDIOCRACY. However, they intentionally want to repeat the falling in their own country called Damerica. It's a good extravagant entertainment for us people.
We expect their next slap-stic commedy, intellectually Less-Than-Zero level one. Now the stage is Damerica and the world. How Mr.Slump conducts? Watch out his play and listen to his remarks. He is a really professional fool with motly clothings. So he sometimes confuses his pronunciation "S" with "T". Another proof of his recognition problem.

"Generous and handsome, a bit playboy with cherry blossam in TOOYAMA style,
Everyone knows him, who lives in a common peoples's modest apartment, likes him or it would be a wrongdoer.
Mr.Kin, you can dispose the case, investigating and judging."

This is the song of "Mr.Kin, of TOOYAMA family".
I should be like him. "Dr.Miyuki, of SATO family".
I am underestimated in my family, however. I need to put up with this period. My families don't know my real identification and my mission.
For them, I'm just a late riser rubbish...OK, they don't know my respectful mission as professor-commedian. Never mind. My failies are so, always....Miyuki extendes her arm to the glass of wine. She turns up her nose at their useless advice. (Ending thema song starts)

DoDoMerdic Success : Shortest Course Rural Version

2017-02-02 15:45:35 | 日記
02/02/2017 (afternoon) I ate Indian zabuji of roasted potatoes and shuredded hazed nuts with cumin powder as lunch.

I got to notice that cumin is the most important spice for any curry dishes. It recalled me the flavour of Japanese spice company called SB Foods's canned mixed curry powder. It was used for mainly in cheap restaurants, especially in the building of public facilities.
As I said before, I went to the restaurant in Shirakawa munincipality office to eat the curry with rice with my friends, riding a bicycle. A petit luxury for rural kids at Primary School of Shirakawa III.

Our primary school is located in rural zone in the city and the building is near the other two primary schools called Shirakawa I and Shirakawa II.
Shirakawa I is sited on the commercial area of the city. It means that the students were richer than us, in the figure.

Shirakawa II's pupils go to Junior High II, however, Shirakawa I's and Shirakawa III's pupils have to go to Shirakawa Central.
There was a slight difference between us. The I's kids were more urbanized, while the III's more rural.

I thought that I were different both of them, because I came from Funabashi, Chiba prefecture, which belongs to Bigger Metropolitan area in Tokyo called KANTOU. Thus, they were both rural and only I were a city girl, who liked nature as her inclination, in my mind. I didn't say so to them. I didn't want to show my superiority to them. It was morally degraded. However, in my inner world, I were much more civilized existance than them, with sophisticated liberal arts knowledge, because I was a great reader of books, especially for intelligent adults.

Thus, I felt any inferior complex in Shirakawa, except regarding athletics. This is only one demerit of me. I was a bad practicioner on this subject in any means.

I wasn't so arrogant to think that I were superior to each of my friends. Rather, I knew that each one has their own value, merit and demerit, all included.

However, at the same time, I felt superior complex to Shirakawa people in general. I know urban values and rural ones. Thus, I were superior to them.
I thought like that.

When my son Alex was an infant, before entering into the kindergarden, in the park, where we frequently went, the mothers of other infants was making a conversation on their choice to which kindergarden they should put their kids in.
They said that the course bellow were the best way to their kids.

The Kindergarden run by Catholic church ⇒ Shirakawa I Primary School ⇒ Shirakawa Central Junior High ⇒ Shirakawa High ⇒ Versity

I didn't know the existance of the best course and was astonished at the remarks. They all agreed the remarks.

My course in Shirakawa is as follows.
The Kindergarden run by buddist temple ⇒ Shirakawa III ⇒ Shirakawa Central ⇒ ⇒ Shirakawa Women's High ⇒ Tokyo Univ.

Only Shirakawa Central was recommendable according to the mothers above.
Probably, they were residents of Shirakawa I's area. Because Catholic kindergarden, the primary I, Shirakawa High are located near.
Thus, our Shirakawa III rural kids were excluded from the best course, already.

In their case, what "the best course" meant? I wonder. Maybe, to put their kids into DoDoMerdic life, probably.

Relatively saying, urban pupils were more DoDoMerdic than rural ones.
They were rich, or pretended to be rich.

Sometimes, we III kids made a fool of I's ridiculous urban like camouflage.
One of them is flat shaped roofs only in front of the shops.

In very urban cities like Tokyo's, many commercial spots are composed of concrete buildings. As a result, the roofs are flat.
You can remember modern Bauhouse style. Their character is simpleness and cupic like wasteless style. Simplification for mass-producing is the main object of this achitectural school.

In Shirakawa, especially in the main street called "Moto-machi", are filled with faked flat roof shopps. It means that they have only flat roof appearance in front with cheap materials and at the back the normal rural houses can be seen from the side angle.
We found this strange fenomeno during our Sunday Morning Cycling short trip and laught at the rediculous choice. They seemed so messy with the camouflague. Without them seemed much better.

Now, as an adults, I presume that there were some tax incentives related to the choice. Not only Shirakawa, but also local towns all around Japan, I have watched the same fenomeno. From the point of architectural ethtetics' view, they are ugly and foolish. However, as a proof of IDIOCRACY in Japan, they deserve to be observed.

The more problematic fenomeno in actual Japan regarding commercial areas in local towns in Japan is empty closed shops. Almost all of local towns in Japan have faced to this ghost town like spooky commercial zones.
Why they don't disepose the closed shops, abadoned by the owners?
Because the government induces to keep them untouched to maintain the price of real estate. That is, Japanese government is controling the value of real estate all over Japan.
Why? Because the government wants to live on us people, without doing anything. They just want to absurb tax from us. Japan isn't country of capitalism, but one of the controled economic society. The government is ruled by power and real estate holders in Tokyo areas.
They run the government with their all dull insipid Testicles Host like pets under totalitarian IDIOCRACY.

Shirakawa's scene is just a plain example of ordinary local towns in Japan.
The impression of the closed shops are "already dead" and "spooky" and "Ghost like" and "Zombie like". Why DoDoMerdas don't feel the negative insinuation? Of course, they have no recognition ability.

Power holders know the existance of accumulated number of vacant closed shops in any local town in Japan.
I made a conversation with ex-Testacles Host and actual Buggy man like Administrative Law Top Commander called Hiroshi SHIONO, ex-Tokyo Univ. professor on this problem on our way to the subway station after the meeting of critical study of jurisprudence on the subject, in 2003.
I refered to the formidable situation of my local town. I waited for his reply. He said, "Every local town has the same problem.", rather cheerfully.

I don't know this fellow remembered this conversation with me. However, I remember well. Because we are victim of this skewed dull insipid policy. Victims don't forget the damage they suffered, while the wrongdoers do. It's the "Law of Forgetfulness" or, Social Alzheimer, we call.

IZUMI-san, MAKI-chan and I are closed friend from Kindergardner. We are in common to think that teachers are the privileged position for local power holders.
We have known that teachers' family members are likely to be teachers rather than others, even they are inferior in their knowledge and ability.
And also, public servants.

Thus, we decided not to be teachers at all!
I got to be a professor, however, I don't think that I am a teacher. I just stimulate pupils to think or to feel something strange or interesting during my lesson. I don't insruct anyone at all. My policy is each one should learn by itself.

I did earn money as a cram school teacher when I was waiting for Graduate School's new academic starting. I wanted to earn money as much as possible before entering and at the same time, I wanted to know if teaching were so bad for me or not. Only for several months jobs. I was an ordinary teacher of the cram school. Not enthusiastic at all.
When the manager of the school required me to work even during coffee break with no pay, as his legitimate requirement, I decided to quit the job. He dared to require me ilegaly, at the cost of my time, without any his legal duty completed. I did work just for my experience and some pocket money. The job was not interesting at all. I quitted it, without any sentimental residue.

I had no disatisfaction with my cliants or pupils at the cramschool. The manager should have paid, if he wanted me to work more. Just it.

In Japan, many DoDoMerdas require their illegal condition at the loss of us people. They think that they can do it, because everything is allowed by the government. DoDoMerdas are highly arrogant and think that they can do almost all of things without limit literally.
They invade to our territory, enhancing ther one, without anly legitimacy.

"Legitimacy" is the word that Professor Youichi Higuchi liked a lot. This conventional sexist with the skin of constitutionalist in the global scene is in effect a simple old feeble-minded repetitious boresome patient of Alzheimer disease. He likes to wear Japanese traditional wear called KIMONO or Haori-Hakama conmied in the party abroad. Everyday's Kimono wearing a symbol of nationalists in Japan. We people only wear KIMONO when we participate in special events in our life. We are so busy to wear the time consuming and disturbing expensive clothings.
I appreciate the value of KIMONO. Well made KIMONO is beautiful and deserve to be praised. However, KIMONO erases uniqueness. Everyone who puts KIMONO looks beautiful, because of the beauty of KIMONO itself.

In Japan, there is a proverb that "Even house leading man, walking beside him, can be seen pretty, when he puts expensive clothings". It is equivalent to "The tailor makes the man" or "Fine feathers make fine birds".
Only the appearance weighs. That's exactly DoDoMerdic way.

Strange to say, my first impression of Youichi HIGUCHI was "Wow, his face recalled me my Devil teacher of primay school Kouichi YOSHIDA!", when I met him for the first time in Graduate School.
In this case, as a result, the appearance weighs lot really. They are both genuine DoDoMerdas for my life.

I beleived that he were liberalist. So, I was in wonder, why I felt nasty with his appearance. Important for me is, his archaic smile. His smile gave me so vague impression.
The same impression I felt when I met Ichiro KITAMURA at Tokyo Univ. for the first time.
"Vague" means "They don's say true or false in short. They conceal the fact."

My life in Graduate school is, in summary, surrounded by this type of figures. "Vague" "Vacant" "Vapid"... they are the suitable words to describe them. "V3", we can say.

"Vivid" "Victorious" "Vivacious" are positive V3 for us people, while the negative V3 for them DoDoMerdas.

We, Miyuki the highest doctoral degree holder in our family, Yukari the broken robot with bachelor's degree, Koji, my father, high school equivalent degree holder, Harumi, my mother, junior high degree holder. My kids are uncertain which degree they will have. We can expect every possiblity. However, my duty as a parent will end with their graduation from high school or junior high. It all depends on their performance.

I don't disturb Alex's and Clare's entrance into versities and graduate school at all. However, in these cases, they should pay their tutorial. I'm free from their tutorial fee in Superior Education. I've already said to them that Japanese versities have no positive value to their lives.Nevertheless, if they want, I don't stop their ridiculous choice. I just leave them as they like. I am independent and they too.

Thus, they should decide their own course. As far as I know, there is no panacea like best course on this matter. Everyone should persue its own happiness, by themselves.

Our family commedy continues like that. Although how foolish YUKARI behaves, she believes that she is a practitioner of her ideal DoDoMerdic life, in rural version. Believing is realizing. She does tasks on her brutal way as she beieves. She lives in her closed inner world filled with DoDoMerdic illusions and values. She is omnipotent in her world. Thus, she can speak ill of me as she like, in front of me, just like, "You are disturbing me" "Damnit! Vanish!" She does so by instinct. She can't change any more, and anyone can't stop her.

Practical Advices on Mr.Slump's IDIOCRACY

2017-02-02 12:32:05 | 日記
02/02/2017 (morning) I took a cafe latte break. Yesterday, I found a drug store which sells spices cheeper than other shops. I will buy cardamon and wholespice, later. Now, I want to try turmeric and cumin. A little by little, I want to grast the characters of each flavour. The spices are not so expensive. However, if I buy various ones altogether, I couldn't concentrate on the each taste and smell. I'm in a trainee period of Indican foods. As a principiant, at first, I must learn basic spices' characters in practice.

I watched the film called "Carma Sutra" or Supreme Rule when I was in Graduate School. It was an Indian tragedic romantic story. A girl, who entered in Halem, was liked by a prince. However, she fell in love with a boy. The prince got to know the love between them and ordered to kill the boy. After his death, the girl decided to live alone and departed for her own life.

"Carma Sutra" is the name of the book of sexual orientation among ancient Hindus. Hindus think that sexual life is important to them. They don't avoid the matter. Oh, they are highly rational, at this point.
Unfortunately, regarding attitude toward females, Hindus are irrational, generally speaking. They are violent sometimes to their female counterparts. Rational nation's irrational choice. The problem should be resolved.

The contemptious attitude is seen in one of the most developed countries called "Damerica" .
"Dame" means Nostra Senhora or Madame in Latin countries. In Japen, "Dame" is "totally bad" or fate "downward" or prohibition. "Don't do that" is its meaning.

Anyway, in this country, IDIOCRACY is also adopted like in Japan.
So, Japanese DoDoMErdas feel sympathy so much to the country.
Thus, ABE likes to suck or like the thing of the president of "Damerica" called Mr.Slump.

In Japan, there is a renoun commic called "Dr.Slump" by Akira TORIMARU, who is also the writer of "DORAGON BALL".

Mr.Slump resembles our power holders fairly much. I am sometimes astonished at this similarities. Mr.Slump is rich estate holders, Maharaja, in Hindu.
He also worked for TV show. In Japan, TV is a tool to manipulate DoDoMerdas and simple-minded figures. At this point, Mr.Slump coincides DoDoMerdic predilection.
He is dull and vapid. He behaves like a macho-man, however, in effect, just a Mr.Flabby. Exactly he matchs DoDoMerdic orientation.
He is totaly arragont, without knowing his own value, namely, "Less-Than-Zero".
On this matter, he is entirely qualified as a mele DoDoMerda.

He is so feeble-minded, thus, he puts wrong figures on the wrong positions.
I admire his disability to choose the worst figures for some important position in the government. "Wow! How stupid he is! Why he could find the last figures as experts in each field! He was gifted this godamnit disability by Gods! Too much perfect! He is the perfect example of DoDoMerda powered up version. The nation of "Damerica" paid lots of money to enjoy the REALITY show at the cost of total confusion of their country, making a fool of this Mr.Slump. I also admire Damericans to dare to choose him as their president. They would lose tremendously with this entertainment. How rich are they! That's Damerica! The No.1 country of the developed world. I have to be impressed his vastly insipid reign every day. I feel sorry to watch the show free. This entertainment costs too much billions of dollars! It's all paid by Damericans. What an extravagance they do! Wow, Damericas, you are beyond our economic perspective. You are entirely different from us. Damericans are far from us. Just like a star in the dark black galaxy. You are completely out of our common sense."

"Common sense" is the name of the famous book written by American author Thomas Pein. However, Damerican adopts the system out of common sense.
I've heard that "Damerican" came from America. They are totally different from their ancescors, presumably. Americans are brave, manish in mind, pragmatic, healthy and rational, common sensed people, as far as I know. However, Damericans are the exactly opposite of Americans.

Mr.Slump chose the econimoc leader from his dullest friends, who worked for Goldman Sex Company in the field of bondage. All the fellow did is advertizing valueless bonds as unvaluable ones. Probably, he was gramatically ill and thought that "un" is always putted to signify "not" in English. DoDoMerdas can't put up with complexity. Thus, he simplified English gramar as his own will and appied in the company and got the result of the propaganda. His career as a professional is the worst. Nevertheless, Mr.Slump chose him his economical adviser. How brilliant sense of destroying the country he has! I admire his disablity.

Mr.Slump also chose the last figure of jurisprudence as new Justice in Federal Supreme Court, whose name is "Go, Bitch!"
He is relatively young. However, his idiology is "macho" oriented, that is, superiority of male to female. He was chosen to erase Mr.Slump's various wrongdoings related with sexual matters.
He is 49 years old and is soaked with pre-modern out-of-date old fashioned macho ideology. What does it mean? It means that he is already abandoned by his society of jurisprudence because of his mental illness, just the same that my DoDoMerdic sister YUKARI suffers from. Young Alzheimer disease.

One of main characters of young Alzheimer disease is uncontroled libido. And another is arrogance. Based on this analysis, Dr.Miyuki SATO priscribes perfect formulas for the people in Damerica, who are oppressed by other Damericans.

Regarding Mr.Slump's rediculous economic policies inside and outside Damerica, we reccomend you people in the world counter-attack policies called "Apple-Polishing".
We analyed that Mr.Slump and his brainless brain are both ignorant and arrorant. Thus, he likes to show-up "Strong Damerica", despite the feegibility especially on industries. Damericas have no power to produce goods derving selling outside the country. Nevertheless, Mr.Slump wants to their money Damerica dollar weighs. He keeps to the money evaluated comparably high. However, at the same time, he accuses the exchange policy of east Asian money to be controled and he insists to Asian money should be evaluated much higher.
He is doing contradiction without knowing. He wants to control the value, even to influence the other countries, criticising the controled economy by the Asian countries. His words can controle the market in every means.
Mr.Slump's partner pet called ABE immediately shook its tail, saying, "Please make me allow to suck your penis, my dear boss!" and the in Japan the value of yen got higher. Yesterday 1 daller was 113 yens, while today, 112 yens. The newspaper reported that it was all for the sake of Mr.Slump.

Mr.Slump is so insipid that couldn't what he himself is saying, just like my sister YUKARI. He wants "Strong Damerica", however, he begged to other countries to strengthen their money, as a result, he wants "Weaker Damerica".
He is thus confused in mind. What's the name of his disease? The hint...Mr."Go, Bitch!" also suffers from the same disease, and my sister YUKARI does.

Mr.Slump and his acepharos team are so stupid. Presumably, they don't know economics, or mathematics. However, they are arrogant enough to advertize "Strong Damerica", dispite their coward policies or flamboyant remarks.
In this case, we should claim their "arrogance" or, do "apple polishing" at the same time contempting them.
In common sense, these two attitudes are difficult. However, for feeble minded arrogant figures, this tactics is tremendously effecive.
"Hi, Mr.Slump, you are so BIG! Your things are also BIG and strong! We admire your greatness! Heil Damerica! You are popular in the world. Damerica is No.1! How Big and Strong you Damericans are! You should behave more rich like way. It deserves you, Damericans! We are poor people. We live under your mercy. You are so rich and strong! You can pay for us! You are beautifully rich and strong! Your things are always good and strong! We can't afford to pay such amount of money. Only Damericans can pay like that! You are so kind and popular outside your country, becouse you are strong! Wow! How big your things are! We are jealous to you! How great you are! You show us how rich and strong you are! "
Thus, "Strong Damerica" and Mr.Slump have to pay to show up their strength and richness to all over the world.

This tactics is also applicable in Damerica. People pretend to be poor and apple polish him. He has to pay lots to be pleased with your favour.

Now, concerning Judiciary. As a useful tactics for Mr."Go, Bitch!", the easiest way should be taken. Let him be, as he likes. Especially for his personal choice, common sensed people shouldn't touch. He would choose the most inadequate OPPABU-BABAA and Testacles Hosts as his feeble-minded erotical sense. Thus, his office should be surrounded by these night-club type clerks. Let him be, as he likes. As a natural course, he should be spoiled by them, who are paid prostitute by tax. How many days he could keep his sexual sanity after his designation ceremony? Indictment can be applied for Judge of Supreme Court? Good! He would be the first Judge who would be expulsed from his position with the live video tape with that voices. Watch him out 24 hours all. He would soon be fallen into the bottom of hell, with his cencerfold idol type clerks.
It is she or he? Which is more impressive? Both, of course! Multiple is better! He would be the hero of the porno-movie called "Prohibitted Love inside Supreme Court. 9 wise men turned 8 wese men and 1 idiot. He is mad for their attractive clerks. Pretty things on parade! Don't miss the big chance to watch the realty show of abundance of drug and sex. R18. Adults only."

Easiest and old technics are useful to this kind of DoDoMerdic figures. Furthermore, they are less skewed than Japanse counterparts. At this point, they are also easy to treat for us, Japanese people. We are too much accustomed to these traditional way of wrongdoing, from premodern era.

Thus, we Japanese are entertained by Mr.Slump and his brainless brain.
Only one unforgettable for us is Mr.Slump has an obedient pet dog called ABE. It is liking to suck and lick his boss's penis too much. It causes our headaches.

Anyway, you people, consult us how to treat DoDoMerdas in the world. We are ready to advise you, at free, of course! We are likely to enjoy advising you.
We have passed harshed experiences here in the coldest place in the world called JAPAN. So we can help you through our experiences.
And we love to enjoy our lives. Let's enjoy, even under IDIOCRACY.

Vanish! DoDoMerdas! We are waiting for your love call!!!

My Apology to Ms.Mari NISHIMOTO

2017-02-02 09:48:37 | 日記
02/02/2017 (morning) I had GOKA rice steamed in skilet, gladed radish and raw cod eggs, MISO soup with shredded onion and ABURA-AGE.

I am a frank, honest and cheerful person usually.
However, I did treat my friend badly, when I was in junior high.
I didn't want to be evil, just I got upset at her remark. However, after long years passing, I got to know that I did wrong to her.

Her name is Ms.Mari NISHIMOTO. I liked her because we both are logical thinking type, or rather, not likely to move by anti-scientific vulgar beliefs like other many friends of mine.

I invited her to participate in our Chemistry Club and she did so.
We were good friend in effect. Highly closed.

However, I made a big mistake. I got upset, with unexplicable reason, related to my pride.

I am proud of my second whorl of hair on my front head. It's a proof of SATO family. Now in our family, my father, my two kids and I have it, while my mother and my DoDoMerdic sister don't. It's my symbol of membership of rational society in our family.

When I was very infant, my whorl was too distinguished and especially in Funabashi, I was a rare child who had a special hair style. So, the neighbours all applaused me that I looked so cute with the special very short hair cut.
Thus, I was called "the second Atom the astro-boy".

In Shirakawa, my whorl was not so distinctive, however, the trace is also kept. I was and am highly proud of holder of the second whorl.

However, it was my own secret. I didn't want to show my inner pride to others. Nevertheless I couldn't stop to mention my second whorl to others.

I did the same to Ms.Mari NISHIMOTO. I had already refered to this topic several times to her.
One day, I began to mention it again.
She, with a mischivous smile, immediately said to me, "Wow, I had heard the topic several times. You do now again?"

I got in rage. However, I kept silent. However, I felt fairly conptempted and pledge that I would never get along with her.

I stopped talikng with her in the class and in the club. I involved my friends to this wrongdoing of mine.

In the class, I was a member of Jounalist club and published a monthly journal, by the mimeograph equiped in each class. There was no copy machine system at all at that period. Teachers made ptinted paper by way of stencil papers and this machine of symple mechanism.

I intentionally printed a dirty paper especially for Ms.NISHIMOTO, and the paper spoiled in black ink and crumpled on her desk in the afternoon.
Next morning, she appeared in the classroom and I confirmed that she felt offended.

I continued to ignore her until our graduation. She went to a high school far from our houses and I have never seen her again.

For a long time, I have felt that I did revenge to recover my pride.
At the same time, I have known that she would have understood why she got to be disliked me.
Because I didn't want to explain the reason of my rage. I didn't want to be made a fool of her. She doesn't understand why I got so furious, while I pleadged revenge.

Totally irrational circumstance, I now admit. I liked her because of her rational inclinated thinking. And I am also a rational person.

It's difficult to exprain the source of pride. Each one has its own pride. In my case. To others, it's a funny vulgar groundless anti-scientific foolish belief, ovjectively. However, for the propry very person, it values tramendously, subjectively.
Maybe, it's the minimum version of ethinic disputes. My second whorl is an aim of laughing to Ms.NISHIMOTO, ovjectively, however, it worths for me more than amount of jewels or one country.

Later, I felt that my second whorl is not the symbol of rationality but that of things related to more primitive recognition ability similar to instinct.
I remember famous commic called " Three eyeed boy walks" by Osamu TEZUKA. In the commic, the ancient tribe called "Three eyes" and their rival "Long ears" were struggling severely. They are residents in south pacificc ocean.
The hero Three eyed boy, a descendent of the former tribe has special power beyond science because of his third eye.

Now I think that TEZUKA got to recognize the cultural and rational similarity between pasific ocean people and Japanese.
My second whorl is equivalent to the third eyes.

Strange is to say, my ears are long and complete, compared with others.
Alex's ears is fairly big, while Clar's so tiny. We all have the third eye, or the second whorl.

In our family, I am considerably different in nature. Appearance is in averege, I'm sure. However, I am always different from others, in my character.
In infant period, in school days, in versity days, in Kyorin period, I am always different from others, distinctively. Thus, others criticises me a lot because of my uniqueness.

When I was in primary school, the Devil teacher Kouichi YOSHIDA accused me, saying, "You have too strong identity".
I thought that he was so stupid to scold me with the highly applausing words.
I am proud of being myself. As Youichi HIGUCHI, ex-professor of Comparative Study of Constitutional Law at Tokyo University emphathises many times in his workd that individualism is the nucleo of Japanese Constitution and the art.13, in which the respect of each individual is described, is the most important article among the all 103 articles.
In this mean, I should be a standard model of the Constitution. However, in any place, I am always one of minority. Which are strange, I or ohers?

In NISHIMO's case, I did wrongdoing. I should appologgise to her, explaining what I felt at that time. Probably, for her, it's a irrational attitude.
I agree with her at all. I know. At this point, I am irrarional. And I have right to behave irrational within the limmit.
I gave a damage to her. It's my fault. Thus, I should appology to her sincirely and beg her perdon. She has right to refuse my appology. I have to accept any of her attitude.
I did beyond my limit. Ms.NISHIMOTO is a victim of my irrarional feeling of pride.

Alex and Clare are totally different. They are brother and sister. However, even their appearance doesn't resemble each other. They don't resemble me at all eather.
Each one has its pride and it should be respected up to certain point. Within the limit, we can be proud of ourselves.

In Brazil, I am also different from Brazilian people. However, they themselves differ each other and totally agree on the point. Miyuki is diffenrent and unique, and they themselves different and unique. Everyone is diffenrent and unique. It's natural for them.

Contrary to Brazil, I have been excluded from academic society at Tokyo Univ. and Kyorin Univ. I was an outsider even inside of them. Of course, their happiness is my unhappiness. We people are entirely different from them.

We people can live without them, or thather, we can live them unless they live.
On the opposite, they can't live without us, because they are dependant and paracites. YUKARI is a good example. She speaks ill of me, very in front of me. However, she wants to live depending on me. For me, she is rubbish or a dirty worm to vanish, while, she wants to rely on me financially, how much she dislikes me.

I just cut her and them. I get rid of them. This is the best and only way to enjoy my life. YUKARI shound't burden me any more. I have no reason to owe any duty to her. She herself or her responsible should dispose her. That's not my task.

Miyuki confessed one of her recognized shame here. Honesty is the best policy. She sincerely regret that she lost her latent closed friend. She bows from the bottom of her heart. I'm too sorry, NISHIMO! (Miyuki bows)

I've heard that she went to study pharmacy in SHIZUOKA university of Phermacy. Maybe she would work for new medicine. I would ask her on my newly invented special formula exclusively for DoDoMerdas. Presumambly, she would recommend me to Nobel or IGNobel prizes selecting committee for winning the prizes of this year. Last year, I lost the chance, because of the confusion of the DoDoerdic commitee member. Perhaps, I will least, one of them. My whorl predicts it. Hummmm....probably 3 nobels and 2 ignobel, in addition, 1 fields prize.

Can you caluculate how many international prizes she will win? If you want to support her, recommend her to some of international prizes! Magsaisai, also!
"Dr.Miyuki SATO, you have devoted to vanish DoDoMerdas in Japan and contributed to our peace and safety, cultural development, scientific knowedge prolification, economic entreprenourship and so on. Thus, we commitee prize you as a winner of the year. " (applouse!!!...Dr.Miyuki SATO bows.)

"Thank you very much for people and our supporters! I am extremely pleased with this highly respectful prize and entirely excited in the possibility of next project, as a winner of this prize. I, I....(She cries and can't say anything because of her running nose and tears, by emotion and sneezing. She caught a cold a bit.) Achon! Anyway, I love your applause, which deserve me. I should be stronger and stronger. With this prize, I got a chance to get stronger at max. This year, I will be great, BIG, powerful! Don't avoid to watch my adventures! You should see them! Your eyes are always focusing on me! I will work for you, people! I will gain more and more! I will vanish more and more DoDoMerdas, this time, in the world, not only in Japan.
There are lots of DoDoMerdas abroad. I found some BIG DoDoMerdas on TV shows.
Just like Japanese DoDoMerdic power holders, they are extremely dull and vapid! How they could get to hold the power? I completely am in wonder. I feel strange on that point. Maybe, they were ex-taikoons of TV shows. They have power, however, they are feeble-minded. We people are brighter them all of them!
Let's punish them and give a big revenge to them. They are in high temper now. They don't know how others feel about them. We already got to know that they have all LESS-THAN-ZERO IQ holders. Their power means "LESS-TAHN-ZERO IQ".
Thus, they are all "KING MINUS". I will descrive various prescriptions for them. The effect is always eaual. However, we should enjoy the process also. Therefore, Dr.Miyuki SATO will instruct you people, how to vanish. Their low IQ helps us people a lot. It means that they are fated to be destroyed.
Furthermore, they are so arrogant and so dull until not to their idioticy. That contributes to our winning songs. They themselves are doing own goals.
In this afternoon, I will show some tecnics to make a fool of them. Ride on Miyuki's back! We will fly to the vast world! Let's make a lot of jokes using their characters! They are so fool donkies! They don't know that everyone knows that they are just Messers.Flabbies and DoDoMerdas! Let's the song of "King has donky ears, he can't hear anything at all, what we say, because he is a deaf in moraly meaning. Lan-Lan-Lan-Lan! "

Sorry, real donky, I like you. I had a pair of slippers of you, when I was an infant. Warm and cute ones! I always wear them in winter! I like "Platero and I", a lilical beautiful childbook describing Spanish rural dairy life.

I am also sorry for deaf persons, however, you've already understand that I use the word "deaf" only as a metapor. I treated SAKURAUCHI as a common pupil, and he himself is a common one, just a bit different from listing ability.

Thus, Dr.Miyuki goes down on stair covered with the red carpet, with the statue of a man in her hand. She smiles to audience, thanking for their kind support. She wears a red long dress with nakid shoulders. She looks so slender, becuse of her harshed experience during the custody. However, she seems so beautiful with her US$1 million smile, which is her one of distinctive beuties.
How respectful move she does! Everyone admires. Achon! Now she sneezes and fails. She roled and her stature, oh! has broken!! "Oscar! Osker! Where is your thing?" She is looking for another statue with unbroken thing. Who should be her next target? Everyone watches her behavour with curiosity.