"3" Inclination among DDM

2017-02-14 16:42:29 | 日記
14/02/2017 (afternoon) I cooked sweet black beans and got a success. The colour is brilliant black. They are beautiful. The soft sweetend and a bit hard, relatively. However, not a desqualified example.

I drove to 2 shopping malls in Shirakawa. At first, I went to DAISO, the biggest US$1 shop in Japan. I bought M-L-XL briefs for gifts and several preservind foods for me.

I got to know the almost all of the goods there are mish-mush of the other materials. Thus, the quantity makes efficience, economically. Added value is cheap per product, however, in total, big.
Thus, buying the genuine materials is the wise choice, there.

I read the interview of the founder of the shop. He said, he and her wife were so busy to attend the clients, who asked them the prices. Thus, they decided to sell only one price. Only one price system is more efficient for them. Thus, they put the 100 yen or US$1 to all of their products. Some products are expensive and others are cheap. Sometimes, they lose, sometimes they win. The clients should be take care of your wallet. We are free from their value-appreciation. They should decide. We not. This is the system.
Thus, I choose just genuine type foods, like dried raisins, plunes, canned shuredded crab and canned anchovies.
yes, I could make anchovies from fish. However, it takes time and energy. Too much waste of me, at this time. When I have a time to experiment, I would do. However, now I am satisfied with my short experiment time as quick cooking. Thus, I prefer canned anchovies rather than salting sardines.

I was challenged in US$1 shop. I like to play with this time of game. I always win. Because I am economical.
US$1 shop is in a favour for us, people, while, the shop wins against flamboyant idol DDM. They don't want to cook, prefer to use cheap easy second products, if they are cheap. The DAISO earns the money like this.

I prefer honesty. DAISO is honest, I think. It sometimes fails. For example, a package of crackers included a material that had been prohibitted in Japan. Not so extremely harmful for health. A bit. however, they informed to the client and showed how they deals the matter. At the same time, bad influence is not so vast, thus the clients had not to warry too much, they informed also. As much as possible, they pretend to be sincere. I appreciate the way.

In Hachioji, in case of the nail manicure, the same thing happened. They took all of the materials from the shelf and changed the model. It should be done to the bad producers. They should be punished and cut the line. There are lots of alternatives. The competitioners should take care of their products. The business model, normal and with common sense.
I love to walk arround the supermarkets and compare the things. The figures, also. What type of figures are they are an important mission to be professor-comedian.
I like to pretend to dance in the supermarkets, in a pop music. And get to know, how they behave.
Man people ignore me, because they are concetrated on their shoppings. Only flamboyant guardmen in a private casual wearing, pay attention to me. Thus, the scrumble starts. An announcement to warn the shop to pay atention to the kinky girl or men, combined. My appearance is a good for their guess game. Men or female? They hasitate to say and just announce, "Everybody, take care! you are surrounded by kinky old men with dranken looking. Drinking is prohibbited in the shop. You should be warring on your belongings. Take care, people! He would be the candidate of forced hospitalization. He or she looks so pleased to buy the products. However, he wants to get them for free. Watch out! He would steal our products. He would be punished by the police and we would gain the money from the police. He would be a Valentine present for us. Watch out! Mark the kinky figure! OK, who would win?"

Yes, in Japan, there are lots of guardmen in a casual wearing. They pretend to be consumers. However, they don't buy. They just pretend to buy. They are watching the products, not to be stolen.
I observed the figures. They should be a couple. They are hired by their personal resaurces. They should be old and they are forgetful. They are good for YUKARI type stupid bodies. An easy job to earn money. Why the pretend to be clients? Because Japan has no industry. No monery for it. They run the shops, just for pretending the exsistance of Japanese economy.
Even in Shirakawa? I was surprised, when I heard the announsment. I know the scrumble anouncement, because my mother was working for a big super-market for more than 10 years. They know well how they do. They don't want to inform the danger to the real clients and use "watchwords" or code. Like this,
"Please, come, Ms.SATO, your friend is waiting for you in the counter of 4th floor."
This means, "Ms.SATO, you are the nearest the thief. You should take care of him and catch him, if you could. Watch out near you, OK?"
Highly different from literal meanings, however, they know well the meaning. Only the clients know. However, sometimes they was so astonished at the system and spoke to some people, like me. Thus, I know the system well.

Code is used often in Japan. For us, the meaning is literal. However, for them, it means in other ways.
Maybe, the KYABAKURA was a kind of watchword and I don't know the real meaning.
Even know, I don't know, why Dean OKAWA got so upset with a redished face, saying,"Why don't you understand what you did?" to me. Just an example, using the word. That's it. An trifle game, for me. However, anyone in the meeting, didn't understand my intention. They kept silent during this funny conversation. If I were one of my colleague, I would help to me to exaggarate more examples, using dirty words, more and more. Highly intelligent game with dirty word on parade!!! Why they didn't enjoy the best chance to use dirty words in the campus? At this point, I was dissapointed with them.

And after the meeting, I asked why the dean got so angry to one of OPPABU-BABAA type clerk called TAZAWA. She replied that, "I think that you used impolite words in the meeting."
This is her understanding. She is the last one to understand the game of intelligence. Yes, she is only a dull vapid clerk. Then I tied another. He is ex-public survant of Governmentsl capinet and actual professor of Financial system at Kyorin. He helped her to say so. And interesting is, he is the graduate of Faculty of Law at Tokyo Univ.
I don't know, is he saying right or not. He himself insists to be the graduate form the versity.
He is in this site:

Now, I was astonished at his career on this site. He said to me that he graduated from Faculty of Law. However, now, I found that he wrote that he had graduated from faculty of economics. ???

He said that he got married with his junior in the seminor. She is 10 years or more younger than him. They have two kids, male and female, and her daughter got a baby.
He said to me that in 2014, his first grand kid was born and the daugher stayed in his house for a while to be taken care of her.
He said that baby was not so adorable and he thought that the baby't birth was a bit tiresome.

I was apolled at his remarks. In case of first grand child, grand parents get in the climax of hilarious mood.
I was the first grand parents and I was treated like a rare jewel in the family.
All I do was precious things. I was an emperor of the family, combined with a provider of seeds of funny jokes.
The first grand kids are fated to be pay attention from others. They are always in the aim of the topics.
Every kids have the same experience. Especially, the first grand kids. The privilege for them.
And I was an emperor for 7 years, because the second kid in the dinasty was YUKARI. YUKARI is the same age of Jou HAYASHI, my cousin and the son of my aunt Yasue HAYASHI and my uncle in law Shou HAYASHI.
Thus, I reighed for 7 years as a comedian emperor. I was good at the job and all my family in a broad meaning, liked my jobs. I was quick and liked to make a joke. I was appreciated by them. I was hilarious in my infant days.
I was not serious type. Thus, I was popular among the neighbours.
Maybe, many neighbours doubted how that comical kid entered into the best versity in Japan.
I did cramschool jobs in my high school days. My school was too weak to do so. Thus, we should do so by themselves. We all knew that standard education provided by the school was enough to enter the renoun versities.
We should enter into any school outside SHIRAKAWA. We should do the job. Thus, we did as much as possible.

My family was most suitable for it. My father didn't care what I chose. I do "something" and want to be "somebody". I was a kinky, so, he thinks that why this kinky kid wants to erroneous choice, everytime it walks?, probably. To my mother, I should have some profission and Tokyo is the best place to get it. Thus, she helped me to study, namely, I was exempted from all of domestic jobs in my family. However, I prepared my intimate wears and pajamas before taking a bath. I was just left to study as I like. And I did the job, by my will.
I started to study after entering the high school, because I prohibbited to do cramschool work until that time.
I don't want to be dull. I should concentrate on the study. Thus, maximm, only 3 years. I decided and did it.
I don't want to contine to do the cramschool work at all. It was so consumable and getting tired. I quitted after entering into Tokyo univ. I forgot almost all of knowledge as I got in the 3 years. I don't regret to have done so. I am a great reader and like to read the books as I like spontaneously. Oh, my cramschool days finished!!
Frehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I disliked cramschool working. Just a puzzle, however, I had to resolve the puzzles quiker as others. Because I am a bit careless. Thus, I need a time for confirmation. Thus, I should be more quicker than others. It means, I should be quicker than usual Tokyo Univ.'s students. I am not descrete type. My colleagues are much more descrete than I. I am quick, but, not descrete. Thus,I chose the way to challenge to shorten the resolving time. And this effort riped in the very day of the examination for Tokyo Univ.

In the math test, I resolved a quiz, not made for us, social and human science examinee. I did perfectly.
However, in the middle of the text, I noticed that I resolved the wronged qustion. I should resolve the other quiz. However, the time was left only 20 minutes! How should I do?
I pray that the prof. in this versity be flexible to understand that my math ability is better than usual social and human science examinees. However, I thought at the same time, that the exam should be fair.
Thus, I decided to resolve another quiz. However, there was no space to the answer. My space was used for the formula for the previous quiz. I dicided to erase the answer, although I was totally confident that I was right in the answer.
I erazed perfect as soon as possible, and I started to resolve the question. Only 10 minutes left. I did quick. And got it. The answer was beautiful, thus, probably, I wrote the right formula. However, I mistake a lots usually. Thus, I needed to comfirm the rightness. I did so. OK, the answer was totally right. Good greif. Just only 3 minutes rested. However, now , I was sure, that the math point was perfect in any mean.
And I was relaxed at the result. I did all my best and I got a success. I was satified with the result.

Maybe, the math was just for me. I could resolve all of the quizes better than usual Today eaminees in the year, including natural science ones.
I was totally relieved at my result and was almost sure, I would be the newgrader of Tokyo University.
If I were not, who could? It would be the proof of the unfairness, I thought.

Quickness saved me a lot. I decide quick. I recognize it later than others. At this point, I am a slow learner. However, when I got to know, I behave quick. I don't waste time. I don't want to do so. As much as possible, I can. Thus, slowness causes me lots. I am a late riser. However, I am not a slow riser. I need to get late in this house. YUKARI occupies gor long time in the morning. Then my mother. Then my father. I should be the last one to use the kitchen, because I am inferior in the family. My late rising is the most suitable for all of my family.
Thus, I prefer being quick. However, my mind is quick, while my body is slow. Physically, I move slow. I feel strange at first and I confirm then, anilysing the factors. I am farst at this analizing process. I feel in the quickest way, rather than others, also. However, I keep silent, until my confirmation is done. I am not perfect, I know well and I am scentist, in every meaning. So I keep until I got the proof or proofs. I should judge in fainess. Even the part is our enemy, I do so. Or, in case of enemy, I get more descrete. Thus, when I say "unconstitutional" "inhuman" "ridiculous", they are really unconstitutional, inhuman and ridiculous.
They DDM have no time at all. Nevertheless, they just want to continue the ridiculous game as they like. Why we should respect their absurd game? No consumers at all in the supermatkets.
They pretend to buy the products and return them as soon as possible, through the counter of consumer services.
They have spece for themselves, used for the clients also. They are clients and consumers also. They could manage the products, avoiding stealing. Why they can do so? They are power holders relatives. They like to see the others in trouble. They are accustomed to do so.
They are good at their own games. Be unkind to others. They are all equals. They have some other ways to earn the money. Sheme show, we call.
They trap people to confuse the price with the other, putting the ravels on the same products with different treatments. Some one is 20% discount, other 50% one. They like to appoint the error, especially to the elder people. Because, DDM wants to feel superiority at seeing the elders confusion.
And, the confusing causes the hospitalization. In every local town, the hospitals are emply and want to have customers, like Hasegawa hospital.
In Hasegawa hospital, the number of the patients in the 4th floor was stable. The member changes rapidly. however, it was always 34 among 41 beds. Maybe, this number is the standard number of the extinction or not. Minimum number to run the hospital.
Thus, when one gets discharge, other should be hospitalized. I was in danger for the second hospitalization in HASEGAWA hospital. I was so in rage with the appearance of YUKARI. And the staff counted it as the reason for the another hospitalization. Someone has been done by this reason. I had a sad example of the hospital.

In the hospital, there was an old woman, lean and in good long legs. She was short and her hair was white. She was always in cap and wore the leggins with a brilliant flower design. She liked to sing the song. She liked to sing the "GUINGUIRA^GUIN-NI-SRIGUENAKU" by Masahiko KONDOU, especilly. She was good at memory to remember the popular songs. I was admired her way of singing, waliking along the long corredor in the 4th floor.
She complimented even to me, the most reproachable person in the floor. I just bowed to her, to show my respect to her being unique.

One day, I was writing my cronicle at the table or, more exactly, at the piano.
She came to me and said to me, "Get out of here!"
I was nasty because I was there doing my job. however, it was a piano. Player's first, writer's second. I thought.
I goddamnitted her in my belly, "Old bug!!!"
However, I understand, anyway, that I should get out. I stood up and entered into our chamber with Ms.ARAKI, without saying.

Then, she sounded to play the piano, in her own way.
Soon after, a strange sound. Like a metal heavy tool was put inside the piano.
The piano stopped to make a sound.

Soon, I heard the steps of the medical staff. Plural, I thought. A struggle, physical attack. After some noisy voices, the struggle ended.

Next day, I noticed that her chamber got absent. Her name plate was white. To where she was forced to put in?
She was in the locked chamber, before she got to take a walk, singing in the corredor. Now, she was in the more strict exclusion from the society? What's it?

I have never seen her after her. I was only one person to feel sympathy to her. She was absolutely normal and quick. She spoke rapid and the medical staff asked here repeatedly, "Please speak more clearly!".
I recognized it that she just spoke rapid. Her way. The medical staff didn't understand her words, because they were so slow in mind. She looked kinky, however, she was a normal person with good body shape, despite of her old age.
She was much more intelligent than them all.

After her leaving, any patient didn't mention anything to her.
It looked as if they had knew the reason.

I noticed that a member of the medical staff, who had treated her also, smelled hormarine.
I felt strange. She was free from medical treatment. Her working was exclusively assisting jobs, not medical ones. Why she smelled the chemical liquid? It was stinky to ny nose.

In Tokyo, I sometimes felt hormarine smell. I felt by figures and by places.
I noticed that flamboyant type, libertine vague type DDM were likely to the smell. "Do they bringing the dead fatus in their bag?", I dounbted.

However, the medical staff was one of the best of the worst DDM staff in the mospital, anyway.
I felt strange. She was not the type. Then , why?

After the old lady leaving, the piano has never functioned ever.

The strange thing happened on the peano.

A mechanic was called to repair the musical instrument.
I was astonished that a man in a tool box in a blue worker's wear approached the piano and wondered what was he able to do the object, as if he had seen the musical instrument for the first time in his life.
He started to pat on some part of the object.
I couldn't put up with his misunderstanding on the piano.
I stopped seing the scene through the small window of our chamber and turned to work in the room.

Soon after, I've heard the same sound of that I had heard at the time of first breaking.
Some metal tool, heavy one, dropped in the inside of the piano, presumably.

After 20 minutes of attempt, he quitted his job and explained to the medical staff that the repair were impossible.
He left the place.

Why, HASEGAWA Hospital called a mecanic for the piano, broken by someone?
Why not expert?

I presumed that this hospital had no money to maintain the superficial luxury at all.
Then, several weeks after, I had heard that the remark directly from the mouth of the staff.
She agreed that HASEGAWA hospital had no money to rapair the piano and the instrument would not be mended for ever, despite that many patients wanted to play the piano, because there was no other pastime in the hospital.
They know that the hospital isn't attractive even to DDM and they do their job against the favour of the DDM patients.

They do, as they like, independent from the power holders relatives' favour.
HASEGAWA hospital looks like a monster or gorem, away from the superiors' controle.
They move just by their instinct, namely, the greediness.
They lose the controle. Anyone can stop its inhuman treatment for the sake of their ego-centric instinct.
"Money, Money, Money", like a song of ABBA. They are so greedy.

When I got discharged, I was forced to pay US$300. The reason, unknown.
I bought my stationaries, ballpoint pens, report pads, envelopes or so. Just it.
Why US$ 300? I required explanation but the paper the staff offered was written in total and couldn't know the details.
I was afraid of another hospitalization, thus I refrained from offer the objection.
They were so evil to catch us.

The hospitalization was addmitted by Tokyo Metropolitan Office.
They dared to require to my father to pay US$600 to the Office because of my forced hospitalization.

DDM likes "3" related numbers. Every time, they like to require "3" related value of money.

I got to know the predilection of the number from Yuutarou HASHIMOTO, my ex-colleague.
He insisted that "3" is the most persuasive number.

As I wrote before, he explained that Greeks, like Aristteles, liked "3" and every "3" dividing presentation were persuasive, because "3" were the magic word to mesmarize people.

I was in doubt. Illogical, I thought then. 0-1 is logical like PC programs. 1-2-3 is just a waltz. Not for us.
We should adopt more logical way of thinking. "This old boy likes to show up with his illogical thinking", I thought.

All Kyorin related liked the value of "3" related numbers.
Their damage calculation was US$1500 thousand or US$30 thousand, in the negociation of raping problem of the pupil.
My pupil was forced to pay US$15 thousand or US$60 thausand to repair the damage of the vehicle accident.
He also was asked to pay US$30 thousand in relation to his fighting by his own lawyer.
He was put in a jail for 3 months in the penal court.

I was in custody in 3 weeks in Tokyo Bay Detention.
I was forced to be hospitalized for 3 months in Hasegawa hospital.

The number of the kinky old bug medical doctor Yoshihiko KOGA's vehicle was "666" like NERO's symbol.
The number was haterid by Christians. YUKARI taught me so.

The DDM owner required me to pay US$3 thousand.

"3" is the favorite number for DDM. Why?
They say, "Trinity" among Industry-Government-Versity were important.
They prefer 3 figures family like Father, Mother and 1 kid.
They are likely to be trapped by triangular relationship among Husband-Wife-Lover.

A class in prymary to high school takes 45 minute, that is, 15×3.
A class in versity takes 90 minutes, 3×3×10.
Hasegawa hosptal is located in MITAKA or "3 hawks".

Mitsubishi Conzeln, the biggest financial power holders in Japan is Mitsu-Bishi or "3 diamond shapes"

Diamonds are the symbol of insensitiveness. Industrialized ones, are they.

My SATO Family's Family Clan is MARU-NI-KATABAMI or Japanese clover with 4 leaves inside a circle.
4 is lucky number for me. 444 means I would have much chance to get happier.

30% of the total expenditure of medical treatments are paid by figures.
30 points are the lowest line of the desqualification in case of the examination.
30 figures are the number of the pupils in a class in public schools,
30 is the usual time of meeting.
US$300 thousand is the price of an apartment in a newly constructed building.
I was given US$300 as the damage of my bisycle from MITSUBISHI property management.
US$3 is the price for the cheapest DARUMA doll in Shirakawa fair.

Primary education is 6 = 3 × 2 years.
Junior high and High are 3 years.

After 3 years of working, DDM quit their job for wedding.
US$30 thousand is a minimum wage for poors per year.

OBA-Q, a ghost hero in Fujio FUJIKO's famous comics.
He was only 3 hair.

The killer squad of DDM is usually composed by 6 = 3 × 2 figures.

Anyway, the unit is "3" for DDM.
Maybe, for them, "3" is persuasive.

1-2-3. 3rd is the last figure. The limit of endurance.
My almuna MORIKO analysed that twice is the endurable namber, because we people are not free from errors.
However, during thise errors, people should learn. The 3 rd ?!!! It's too absurd.
Anyone can be allowed by the 3 times of serious errors.

Japan failed Economically. The first error.
It failed in Governmance. The second error.
They failed in Education, especially in Superior one. The third error.

Government failed to manage the economic disoder. The second one.
The versities allowed their falures and helped to conceal them. The 3rd one.

Oydipus is quick to resolve the quiz.
He was so quick and resolved the riddle, the Sphynx asked to people.
"Guess, what is is, which have 4 legs, in the morning, 2 legs during a day, 3 legs in the night?"
He replied, "That's people. The baby crawls, the adult walks, the elder walks with a stick."
Thus, the riddle was resolved and the sphynx died. He or She was so arrogant to trap the people and abuse them.

Oydipus was punished by insest with her mother by Gods, according to the Greek legend.
However, this Sophocles version isn't rightous, we think.
Because, Oydipus didn't know she was his mother, because he was abandoned in his early days.
He fell in love with unknown beaufiful lady and got married.
Then, he discovered that she was her mother!

He did it without any error. He was accidently slept with his mother.
Yes, he did it, without knowing so. He was so quick and even him, he didn't percieve that she was his mother.

If my son were kidnapped by some evil existance. And he would meet me in some cafe or restaurant.
"Oh, lady, you are so beautiful!" "Oh, boy, you are so beautiful!" Thus, we would fall in love.
We would have some babies, all beautiful, and one day, I would have known that his husband have the 3rd eye, like I had.
I would be astonished at the fact! Oh, he is my son! He is my boy! What shall I do?!!!

In this case, we are free from the error. We are victims of the kidnapping crime.
Alex and I are totall different in appearance.
He can pretend to be an American boy, just in appearance.
I can pretend to be every figure in any country. Westerner, possible.
When I put sun glasses, I looked like Sophia Lauren! I am good at pretending others.
We call it Miyuki's Ma'dam glass wearing only Sophia Lauren.
Without sun glasses, I am an Asian, a bit polinesian taste, in appearance.
We don't look parent and kid, in any meaning.
Thus, many people would be in doubt, "Are they relatives or so?"

In this condition, falling love is an accident.
Sophocles shouldn't blame Oydipus because of insest.
He is a victime of child abandonment.

Oydipus means "swallen foot" and the proof of the family.
He didn't know it, however, his parents did.
Thus, he was free from the sin, at all.

Presumably, the intelligence of the Greek degraded by the age of Sophocles.
His works were messy sobstory or "melow Drama" in the afternoon or "Soap Opera".
He looks like Yukio MISHIMA.
A Mr.Flabby type.
He was a gay and adored macho-men. However, all his works represent that he was Mr.Flabby.
I've read some works of them. they were interesting, however, lacked "it" for me.
Just fluent remarks, like a luke-warm water.
Indulged lady like type.
In addition, he was a public servant, who graduated from Faculty of Law at Tokyo University.

I've seen him in a two programs on TV.
One is "Bubble Soap Comdty Theater" with Crazy cats, a gag musicians band and Yukio AOSHIMA, another writer.
The impression was plain. "Oh, that's the figure who wrote the soup opera drama."

Another is HARAKIRI scene. My mother was so absurd to watch it and I got tired and asked her, "May I turn the channel? He was too slow to do it. Do or not do? I want to change the channel."
She scolded me. It was an important moment to rarely see. "You are too impacient to do so!"

For me, everyday's ANIME program was much better than the show.
I left her to watch it. When I got to notice, the scene was finished and I continued to read my book, as usual.
I had heard some anouncer's remarks and couldn't see any blood related scene at all.
Everything was done. Gee, I lost the chance. OK, "how was that?", I asked my friends next morning.
All may friends had the same experience. Not dramatic at all.
Just a striptees. Any of my friend could see the scene. Who had seen it?

MISHIMA is his pen name. IT means 3 islands. Again, "3" inclination.
His real name is HIRAOKA or plain hill.
"Funny Hill", a libertine girl's biograpy by unknown writer in England.
That's is!!! Mr.Flabby=Funny Hill.

I've heard from mother that he died because he couldn't get Nobel prize.
He wanted to get it, however, his rival, Yasunari KAWABATA won. Thus, he decided to kill himself.
Easy explanation. "I want! I want! I want be the first one! I want the position! I want the prize!"
WANNA BE girl, may be! Cindy Lowper, is he? Or Madonna?

Mad is crazy, Onna is 女 female. Mad Girl or kinky lady, he was.
Maternal existance, he was. Mr.Flabby, you are too vague, vapid and vacant.
He wrote his dreams as works. Just illusions. "I want to be!"
He wanted to be beautiful, thus tried to do exercise, but stopped.
He wanted to wear military wear, thus wore. It was easy.
He wanted to be hugged by his boys, thus he paid. It was also easy.
Buying boys is an old tradition in Japan.
Almost all KABUKI related ansestors were male prostitutes for males, in fact.
You would read "KOUSHOKU-ICHIDAI-OTOKO" by Saikaku IHARA.
The hero experienced both gay love and hetero-sexual love both.
Bi-sexual was not so uncommon in that age at all.

Even now, many figures in the high ranking in Japan like to be hugged by his favorite.
One example is IWASAKI at AOYAMA GAKUIN Univ.
He told that he was hugged by Ebizo ICHIKAWA or so in his dream to his OPPABU-BABAA in the campus.
I was there and heard it.