YUKARI's End (19)

2017-02-26 18:57:05 | 日記

26/02/2017 (afternoon) I made a local trip today. I took a ride on a train to IZUMIZAKI, which is notorious for the failure of industrialization in 1990s.

 In front of the station, any shop has found. No one got off, practically. Only some vehicles were moving.

 Beside the station, there is a library and several people were there for warming their cold body, reading some books. The style was Rough Concrete Construction. This style is the equaly found in the Station of Shirakawa. Almost all the same lication from the station building, however, Shirakawa building was for private use. Strange similarity.

 I went straight on the street and found that there are strange houses with ancient temple like courtyards or imported gourgeous type cars. Some trick art?, I thought. Mimic world, it happened.

 No man's land pratically. Some kinky figures complemented me. A big dentist house on the depth. Who would be the clients?, I wondered.

 I walked to the primary school and found 2 plates, which appoint totally different directions toward the "New town XX". Why we can reach to the right place, with these erroneous signs?

 I was accustomed to see such kind of ODD advertisements in Tokyo. Misleading and erroneous. The map should be exact, however, some dull workers did wrongdoing. They just damaged the understandings among common people.

 I discover a big stone memorial to celebrate the entrepreur's inauguration of the industricalization.

 I felt a bit hunger and found the first and probably only one convenience store like shop.

 It was a kind of mish-mash store and, astonishingly, there were sold old used rural femal clothings and also old and sun-burned pornogtaphic photo magazines!!!

 Too shameless. This shop was run by the couple, who used KANSAI area's dialect. They sold their mamory of shames, as commercial goods.

 And I asked the time and on the industrial zone. They replied, "We nave no clock. I presume, it would be 13:48, probably. The industrial zone? I don't know. Do you know, dearing? Oh, he doesn't know it either."

 I was too too astonished that this couple were really Alzheimer patients!!! The most dicstincve zone was not known by them and they don't was clock. Wow, only one shop of this area is run by the Alzheimer couple! We are in the land of fools of Ivan!!!

 The normal rural houses made of wood and mud had vanished. Only pre-fabricated easy constiructed houses like in Tokyo. Petit Tokyo in the most rural zone in Shirakawa.

 Oh, thus, the zone fell. They used the same method of which Tokyo DDMs had used at that time, in 1990s. They used the waste or trash of Tokyo DDM constiruction materials. Thus, the same scine appeared in the least populous zone in Shirakawa area.

 No man, no shop, only cars were passing, even though. Like Tokyo areas, many DDMic figures are living on thiir fakind jobs.

 Only one per hour the station is used. The slow train. Upward and donnward, both. I got off wrongly at 12:12 and the next train stared only at 13:10. Thus, I made a rural trip in this area. I should have done it before. I have heard many times on the failure of the rural area. Total disastor, even big newspaper reported on it.

 The protagonist of the failure was an ex-head of the municipality. The instructor of my calipgaphy in my primarischool days called Mr.NEMOTO had a daugher and she was the wife of him.

 The failure was called shame, by my mother. Thus, Mr.NEMOTO was lucky for having deceised before the shame was revield. Not irony. She thought that Mr.NEMOTO should have free from the shame and he could be, coincidently.

 I was interested in the town, however, I couldn't found it, when I was driving with my father. I asked my father, "Where is the ghost town of IZUMIZAKi?". He said, it was not interested by him. Oh, that is. The industrized town was just a dream for DDMs in the area. Just ghost or a plan. Not famous for common people. Just the shame.

  Today, I understand why they were so indifferent from the topic. Nothing. Several factory like buildings over were seen from the shop. Oh, just faking. It was enough for DDMs.

  I bought a kitcut like chocolate sweet called "Sekoia" at the price of US$0.33. SEKOI is Thrifty in Japanese. Good choice. I didn't buy this messy ghost shop more than the value.

  And I could catch the 13:10 train just in time! Goo job! Only once per hour. One loss weighs lot.

  Then I got off the train at the next station called YABUKI. At first, I tried to ask the location of KOUNAN High School to a staff of the railway company. He replied me, "I work weekdays and it's Sunday today. Thus, I don't know where the high school is. Probably you could ask on it downstairs at the turist's information center, however, I don't know if it opens today or not, becauese it's Sunday today."

  He asked on it to the boy, who looked like a school pupil, however, he didn't know the location of the high school.

  I asked them, "Then, at least, the east side or the west side, do you know?" And they didn't know even on it. OK, I try at least for the first east side. Anyway, thanks for your colaboration.

  Thus, I got to know that in YABUKI station, the staff don't know where is the only public high school of the area, and the youth also. Alzheimer, again?

  I went to the forum of the east side and found an elder. I asked him on the same. He said, appointing his fingure to the Sounthern East direction and said, "I know where it is. However, it takes for long long time to get there."

  OK, thanks anyway. I thanked him. He said, "On weekdays, there is a bus. On Sunday, not. OK, it takes a lot of time!"

  Anyway, I like to walk. And I need to walk. Because my hip is not good in shape. I wanted to have "Michael Jackson" type hip as an ideal and tried to do it. However, in the middle of the effort, I was caught and put into custody. The result is, a messy hip. Like a empty skin bag!!!! How miserable!!! I need to get more muscle at this part. The best way to get the ideal hip is walking. Thus, I prefer to walk.

  And there is no bus passing on the road. Just several cars, more than pedestorians. There were broad pedestrian roads in the both side of the road. Right and Left. Big houses near the station, but there were any people at all. One house had a funeral decoration of floors, however, no figures were near in the house.

  Sometimes, several pupils passed through me. Mainly they were cycling.

  And I found a primary school, in the courtyard with a baseball game by the teams. I walked for 1 km or so to the convenience store and bought a boiled egg in a soup called ODEN.

  I asked the female clerk, where is KOUNAN. Coincidently, she was a school girl of the school. She explalined me the way to the school and drew a map for me. She said, you should turn at the library and go upward. There is a slope to the school. And I asked the time to the site. She calculated for 50 minutes. OK, highly thanks for her. I was lucky, at least she knew the route.

 However, the route was where I was walking to here. I needed to go back near the station.

 I found a public library, which was established on 1990s. A school like shape. Ministry of Communication and Industry is the responsible on the facility, the stone writing said.

  What? Not Ministry of Culture and Science? Why? Anyway, I got to the library. Then I should turn right. I did. An old couple of walking clothings passed me and said, "Good afternoon" to me and I said the same to them.

  Today, many people complimented me. Once in IZUMIZAKI, also a figure in walking clothings. Why they compliment? My interpretation is that they should need a proof of walking. Maybe, this area is so unpopulous that they behave like walkers in Mountains or hills.

  In Mt.Takao, in Hachioji municipality, figures who pass the road complimented each other. In the moutain, sometimes figures get lost, so, they want to leave the traces for the case of searching.

 Thus, I had interpretated and I did the same. However, in this rural area, walkers like in a urban area of Tokyo?

  I got to know that the scene of YABUKI is now more urban type, not so rural. however, the population was so small. The houses increased compared with in my school days. however, the population is so so less than in that time. Houses maybe were incleased as a scenario. And their preference was urban, not rural one.

 Probably, the area entirely is colaborated with the camoflauge work planned by Ministry of Communication and Industry. And the scene is made followed by the Tokyo related and rural people allowed the kinky gimmick and they participated in the monky theater.

 I have heard the sound of chain thow and found that the workmen was doing the job!!!

 The tree, old, probably, at the age of 400 years, was cut by these idiot. In a sad scene. However, I only could to touch the tree, pledging the revenge. sorry, tree. You were a divine one, I feel so. However, these idiots were cutting you. Please help me to do the revenge, for the sake of us and you.

 I couldn't find any slope, however, instead, I found a sigh of the way to the park called OOIKE or big pond.

 I walked 1 km or so and reached the park. I have already known that the park was planted the 10 thousand bulbs of HIGAN-BANA, or flowers for dead people. The site explained that several years ago, the lotus floweres there vanished completely without any reason, thus, the residents planted the bulbs. The flowers would bloon in March this year.

  I was astonished at the resemblance of the park with other called NAKAJIMA-MURA park and NANKO in Shirakawa. And also it recalled me INOGASHIRA park, in MITAKA area.

  There are too many water area park here and there. Too much! And no people, except several fugures, including me. A big bond, pedestrian decks, pine trees for decoration, ducks swimming in the pond.

  I remembered that NANKO is the first public park opened for people in the era of EDO.

  YUKARI, my sister, got prize when she wrote a report on the NANKO's history. She thought that NANKO would have been constructed for providing water to the field near. However, the fact was the opposit. She said that the field was so so wet and muddy, thus, the NANKO was made artificially to make dried field.

  And SADANOBU MATSUDAIRA took advantage of the scene of the artificial lake for common people to appreciate the beauty of the water side.

  There are lots of water front parks in Japan. However, the objective is just criating the job. Public enterpreneurship, it is called. Not for enjoy the water front, nor for necessity. Just for avoiding the responsibily to be owned by themselves. Japanese government is so coward to recognize the fact of the economic disaster of the country and postponed the debt for the future, at the cost of the next and the next of the next generations.

  Terrible chain of the irresponsible, which should be abandoned now.  Immediately.

  Japanse Government is like YUKARI the broken robot.

  20 years ago, it already had a chance to recognize the fact and correct their failure called arrogance. However, it didn't do so. Just faked to work. And now, the fact that it just had been pretending was revieled. how kinky and storange, how dull and miserable.

  Now, Japanese govenment has no chance to survive and exhibit the shames accumulatedly, every day. Their recognition problem is intentionally chosen. The staff planned to do so and the obedient Tokyo workers  followed the instruction. Yes, YUKARI quitted the job, however, she had learned how to fake to work, without working in reality.

  YUKARI is kinky and out of our moral. Now, only HARUSAN, the moehr of her, protects her. She does so because she couldn't believe that she really suffers from young Alzheimer disease. Too early, she thinks. Too harsh for her the fact. YUKARI escuses many times during a day and night, and saying, "Miyuki would do that..." "Miyuki is also doing so..." "It's normal for us, we versity graduates. Different from you,..." Like that. She always uses my example. I am kinky and don't get along with mother, yes. However, I am not the figure that "work" inside only in the house, spending a lot of time, occpying all day long in the kitchen, doing nothing without mashing potatoes and washing clothing in the whole automatic machine. I am not so dull like you, YUKARI. Terrible. I am an extreme liberalist. Not so idol dull domestic animal like you, dirty bitch!

  I entered into the shop beside the OOIKE park and found that there are lots of YUKARI like old bitches were making a conversation cheerfully with their nephew policemen.

  I tried to buy a croquet at the cost of US$0.7. I called attention of the manager. However, she, made up deeply, refused me, saying, "It took a lot of time to warm up the croquet. "

  I was not welcome in the shop, even a rare client for the shop. In the shop, there are various sweets for private use and the agricultural products chilled and dried in the shelves. The kitchen is filled with trash. Oh, YUKARIs, here you are!!!

  The policemen were running away, when they noticed me. The police cars' number is "6905". The real one or not? The nephew's name is "HIKARU", the manager said. No industry, only faked public turistic sites, unpopular to others, who refused the only one client.

  Shirakawa figures are arrogant and reluctant to welcome alients. This is common in Shirakawa. What does it mean? They live depending on public income, not by private one. Thus, they exhibit their denial to common people like me. We are different, their faces say.

 Yes, YUKARI the DDM, you are different from me. Don't use my name at all. I am against your existance. All day long chattering agonize our feeling. Just chatting in the chamber. Like DDMs in HASEGAWA Hospital. Cafeteria is their favorite also. They feel some superiority complex. We are free from working, anyway. This is "Aristrcatic" for DDMs. Their aristcratic priviledge is, "Ladies, first!" Now, you are too too shameless. All day long you speak ill of others, including your favorite Nephew Alex.

 Alex dislikes you. You are too interventional to his private life. Old kinky bug! Bitch! he cried. And today, YUKARI claimed her mother that Alex should now be concentrated in his cramschool type study, because the exam period is near. Thus, frightened with her threatening, HARU-san, my mother, ordered me to force Alex to study during day and night, as she likes.

  My mother said to me, "Alex is out now. You should be responsible for his study. Only one critical month of training. Why you leave him to go out in this period."

  I got really upset and said to her, "You should respect Alex's choice. I, as a parent of him, order you not to intervane to his freedon. It's you that is wrongdoing at this point. You should be failed, if I sue you, because you are intervaning to my right of education my son. You did illegal thing, mother. Shut up!"

  It was only 4 oclock on Sunday. I was pleased with his out going, because it was too rare for him to do so during winter. Probably, he went out with his friends. Better for him. You should enjoy getting along with your friends, males and females, both.

  Too too DDMic remarks, as if YUKARI said so. All day long chatting with YUKARI caused mesmarizing my mother to accept YUKARI's DDMic opinion. Too too bad.

  DDMs are too too arrogant to mesmarize others with their timeless chatting. Dr.Dull did so to my parents, and Kyorin staff to my father. Their chatting is a trap. Shut up! Zip their mouth up! Chain their mouth to their own ass, with threads and needles. Timeless talk is their preferable. No content at all. I have already analysed the contents. Ridiculous. They were just doing hasturbation by the use of mouth and tonghe, as a petaphor. Terrible anti-productive activities all life long.

  Haru-san, you are too good to put away the sly DDM in our family. However, your cowardness kill us all. You should cut the chain off YUKARI. She is really suffering from young alzheimer disease. No cure, in this case. She is fatal for us. She would kill you. Just a cheap money, they kill you, common people. their chattering is a poison. Just stop it!

  Don't speak with them. They would die keeping silent. Or, shames. Just shames. Why you dared to say so to me? You lost your own recognition ability? Only 4 oclock on Sunday. Why you said so? Strange, didn't you feel? DDMis education is so cheap, in a certain mean. Just conceal some target in the space limited. You are too too kinky, YUKARI. In a small chamber, all day long. Doing nothing without TV and talking. Jobless, you are. Why you are jobless? Because you quitted the job, by your own will, because of your desire to be a writer.

 Every Harmit said the same excuse. My Latin Americanist colleague Midori IIJIMA had a younger brother who quitted the job early and did the same thing of YUKARI. I got to know that YUKARI is here and there. Even with sickness, they were fatal. terrible story, "AKUNIN" was written by this ex-harmit. An hermit could be a writer. A plain job, MIYUKI criticised. A "Sin and Punishment" in chapish Japanese version. Unnecessary and too kinky. Coldness total. Not much talent for him. Some idol, he was. The real fiction, however, the hope for the harmits' family. Miyuki laughted at the expectation. You are too too sly to take advantage of Harusan's simple-minded. She is simple-minded and you are evi and feeble-minded. You can't recognize how to separate them. You are soo sly, even with your terrible feeble-mind.

 YUKARI is right at a certain mean. Theoritically, she would be a writer. However, Miyuki would win Bolt? Theoritically yes, however, pragmatically, not.

 The blue moon detectives caught the judge who killed the sly dirty lawyer because of their too ridiculous court gimmick thater play. Miyuki understood the feeling of the judge. Why that black judge killed him. The lawyer is really dirty worm. Just disposed it, he said.

 Shocking, however, it is true. We are prepared for the call of Harusan, please cure my illed daughter. Which one?

  Or, mother, you should be brave, and don't forget that I am the No.1 enemy of DDMs.

  HARU-san took advantage of inform anyone to the police, yes. And YUKARI does. However, they are so closed in the house. They were kinky friends, in this meaning. You should get along with your sister YASUE-san. More assertive to the situation. YUKARI should work at least, she thinks. YUKARI was too dull not to make any dished of her own. Just mashed potatoes. She likes Miyuki rather, because she was only normal Tokyo graduate in the world. It was too too rare. Tokyo university was too bad and produced YUKARI type non working Ladies, like KAKISHIMA. KAKISHIMA model was too bad and she suffered from Alzheimer. Only one, however, influential one. She was admired among DDMs, especially by TSUJI type. They really wanted to be colleagues and they did. Forgery. They thouhgt and did it. Just it. They lived in the same world without any difference among them. No personality world. thus, Miyuki was so confused that they wanted Miyuki to treat as one of them. MIYUKI did bravely the total denial to their world. DDMs were so evil and not attractive at all. For miyuki and for us, common people, they were too too dull and boresome. Not stimulative and too too cold. They were the most terrible existance in the world. they just like aliens in the darkest galaxy. No other choice. VANISH! DDMs! They should be erased and irradicated!!!

 You are right, MIYUKI. Only HARUSAN prohibits YUKARI to call to the police. She wants to commit suicide. She can't stop it. Only one case of Shirakawa people. She wants, really? Good! She should go to the police and ask them to catch her to put her into Mental health Hospital. Her choice. I dislike her. She should be concealed from the society, by her own will, or by instinct.

 HARUSAN is indecided. She hopes that YUKARI would cure. By her own treatment called maternity. Oh, again? OK, but we are in danger, for your anti-scientific treatment, HARUSAN.

 You recognize that YUKARI's talking is too too shameless. She talks by hew own illusion. You should be away from her. You are caught in her illusional dream world. "I would like to..." incenssantly. What she did? Nothing. Performance weighs a lot.

 Miyuki admitted her failures. A lot. According to Adachi, Miyuki was evil but, her face was funny, so, he believed that this guy would get better!!! Lucky, she is. She was fated to death by her evil enemies. However, she refused to do so, because she was too too chiken and "Ladies, please! You are too too beautiful. More beautiful, first!!!"

 I am ugly to DDMs and I accept the fact, yes. I like to be myself. I like my funny face, including my fat lips and tiny brilliant eyes. A big eyes are good for expression, however, tiny eyes are also. She likes her nose especially her sometimes with a dust ones. Why she is always with that one. Because my running nose, incessantly. You look too stupid!!! I know, however, it's difficult to be away from them.


YUKARI's End (17)

2017-02-26 00:25:45 | 日記

Now, Miyuki recognized that you didn't put away the belongings of the kids and they didn't do that. Chillness rather an excuse as a joke. However, they wanted to do so finally. Miyuki stimulated the YUKARI's total abandonment desire. Now, entirely. She would do so on Monday. Oh, again. And she can't recognize which is which and disturbe the collecting job by Miyuki. Miyuki sighs. However, before the departure, I should do. I will leave and you, Yukari should leave, also. Two bad example of the protectionalists' safe society. Bad example for the kids. Miyuki would amuse it and Shirakawa people thinks, Oh, she did it! Not yet? Oh, me too? Oh, Alzheimer or TOHOHO???

 Miyuki, you should know that we were TOHOHOs!!! Oh, you???? Got married and not yet???

 Oh, nothing ??? After lots of experience type, isn't it? Second virgin, they say....Ummm...A kind of Alzheimer!!!!

 Miyuki is only TOHOHO, the genuine meaning. I think that I am not so bad. Just lean and a bit different. However, disliked by the figures. Just it. Not popular, yes.

 Oh, female graduates of Tokyo Versity are generally not attractive for the DDMs. Maybe, the complex. They were too much strange and arrogant. Inferiority complex is equel toSuperiority one, Arrogance means, "I am already inferior to you, boss, however, I am superior, in my mind. I should do so, because I am a DDM."

 Just it. Arrogance was disliked by the others, yes. However, DDMs like power holders' arrogance, even they were so kinky and idiots in the real world.

 DDMs like to be protected and the protectionists do that because of their mercy. It means, "Poor old lady, you are too messy and we should protect you. Because you are the worst in the world. You are miserable existance, thus we would praise you, instead of your arrogance. You are just a falure and Miyuki is also. She is so cold and good at saying politely. Tokyo Versity holders do so. They should learn that Miyuki was too too polite to them. In Business like way, Miyuki is qualified the all A graders. However, you are too much liberal to stay in this tiny rural town called Shirakawa. No industry at all. Clinics, so much, like as Tokyo. The number of the total clinics was more than 100 and the number of figures were now Zero nearest. Just DDMs do that. The self destroying bombs, they did. Each one has own precious memories. YUKARI did and forgot all. Like a kinky figures in a comic of "California Story". Miyuki thought it was resembles like "Youth in the big city" and "Midnight Cowboy". She wanted to play the role of the kinky figure and did it. Ok. Miyuki didn't her hero, of course!!! Miyuki is only a gag type. Even tragedic, she likes to amuse the situation. The real bad guy type to DDMs. Not sobstory at all!!! 

 In the begining of their floureshing time, they wrote a novel. The literature club of HAKUSAN III did the same work. It was put in the wall of corridor and everyone read it. Miyuki's group just laughted at the resemblance of the sobstory, "The song of a love" by Ali Macglow and Lian O'nil. A rich boy and a modest girl. The girl died and rich boy left alone. Miyuki did snowmal in the snow day. A good job. It was an amusing of their strange response and the final. Just "she would get discharge several days after the Chrismas time" would mean, "The kinky old father would kill her because of her love with his boy". Oh, HASEBYO cases.

 Oh, some DDMs left the hospital, saying, "I will get married with a man". Strange. Mad girl, recently discharged, getting married with her fiance???

 And provisional mate in a chamber, Etsuko SHIODA, made a reservation for accompanied walking arround for several hours. For the first time, they met. The presentation each other. And the other eldery. "My name is XX and nice to meet you" type. What does it mean? Alzheimer patients.

Oh, yes, they were kinkier. However, they were normal for MASEBYO staff and they kept silent on the name of disease,  saying, "Just I am tired. I  am busy in the house. I need a rest here."

  However, once, I have heard the word, "Alzheimer" among them, when they were in the dinning room, makind conversation in front of tea serving machine. "Oh, really? I can't believe it. Alzheimer? ""I am in doubt but..."

 On whom, they were talking? I was in wonder. Now, I am sure that they were almost all, alzheimer patients. 

 Repeated same vague and boresome conversations, absorbed on watching TV, ablolutely lack of knowlege, indifference on dirtiness, all OKs to others' remarks, satisfied with the monotonous days, obedience to take lots of medicines, childish conducts among young ones, etc.

 There were lots of clues that resemble with YUKARI's case. Who made a mistake of the name of the doctor responsible, which she fell in love with? 

 In Hasebyo, maybe, lots of patients, even when I were hospitalised, died, by mistakes and by the staff's intention. They said, "moving" " wedding" "leaving" "discharge" and so on. However, some of them were killed and others accepted the departure.

 I noticed that many of them came to and left the hospital in black, upper and bottom wears both. They were indicated to bring the black suits for the leaving.

 Oh, maybe, if my mother didn't come, I would be killed immediately on the day of the discharge. I got upset and it was the sign of that "they could do it!". Dangerous to the socity and the hospital got the total accordance to treat the latent killer as they like.

 On the day of extremely snowy day, I was thinking that I would be free and get discharged alone, all packages in my hands.  I wanted to be independent and at the same time, I was in doubt. I could manage the heavy mountful of staff to bring altogether to the house alone? I need to take a rest several times. And the bus. It would be used even in the snow? OK, I would do manage. However, it should be tough for me. Good exercise. However, a bit heavy. 

 On the way home, the bus was full of figures, but they were too silent. Only I and my mother talked on the city, incessantly. Why they were so silent? 

  One old lady asked my mother, "when is your next time?" in a sad voice, when we got off the bus. My mother said cheefuly. "No, we are discharged. We wouldn't visit the hospital ever." and bowed.

 The spooky mood covered the bus. Only us, Miyuki with upset attitude, and my mother, in a good mood, were vivid in the bus. Oh, the train for the next departure. From the hospital to the other. One lost their internal organ, each. They were the next target. Now one family was done and the next is the members.

 The road along the bus passing was least populated and we said, "Oh, just like the most rural  area in Shirakawa. Mitaka is so unpopular among Tokyo. Ricruit magazines say Mitaka were the favorite zone for DDMic wives. Oh, that it! When we refered to the big houses there looked like fairly rural style mansions. Big and old and feudal motif. Out of fashion and conventinal taste! Too much rural! I almost shouted. On the moment, the passengers noticed me, with the facial expression of, "Gee, the guy said the fact. Bad for us. The price. They would know it. Goddamnit one." like that.

  We were cheerful, criticising the rural area of Mitaka and I noticed that MUSASHI-SAKAI Station was more populous rather than JR Mitaka Station itself. Oh, the site of the hospital of Kyorin is outside of the city, probably. Too too rural and country like. Thus, almost no patients were there. Just decoys, as always. Maybe, the staff's familie only, like Hasegawa hospital.

 Oh, my ex-mate of the chamber Ms.ARAKI's nephew's wife was said working for Kyorin hospital. The wife was too busy to work until 19:00 and she couldn't put Ms.ARAKI into the Kyorin hospital and the couple put her to be hospitalized into HASEBYO. 

 I was also almost hospitalized into Kyorin Hospital and escaped from the danger. The driver of the police car set "Kyorin Hospital" in his navegation sistem. However, he couldn't get success in Kyorin Hospital and I was put into Hasegawa hospital.

  Maybe, I was set to put the versity hospital, however, it was already closed pratically and they found another one to welcome any patients. Because no one would be discharged system was adopted.

 Spooky buses were just for faking. They brought only HASEBYO related and in return, the same.

 Pratically, Hasegawa hospital was run by the relatives only. Thus, I was an exception. Sometimes came a stranger type and they didn't know the system. Thus, they should pretend to do medical treatment like other hospitals. They treat the patients? OK, thus follow the instruction. Just imitate how they did. Only one example. HASEBYO was established for the benefit of the related figures. Old and messy inside and brilliant mother like taste outside. Mental hospital with pink walls. With a lot of Domestic wives types. Too too slow and mistakable. they can't do anything good. They did wrongdoing to their mothers. Miyuki did sometimes. But not so spooky. Just nasty. Gee, she said the truth. Prohibitted words No.1 in the family. Secrecy ruled among the family. Miyuki would do the fact and she would leave from the place. It was Clare's predict. Her special knowledge system was too too unique and it is difficult to explain. Someone should know it. She did. She was the No1 type. However, Allie MIZUSAWA combined with HAKUHOU with 26cm foot girl. They were terrified with the existance of her. She was too too specious to us, Shirakawa people. Alex was flamboyant like Miyuki. Her line is different a bit. Clare is rightous and gourgeous and gib foot. This is the kinkiest expression among Shirakawa people. 26cm foot? Really? Mine is also!!! Oh, Makiko's daughter, also! Good job!!!

 Yeah, common in other countries. However rare in Shirakawa and other places in Japan.

 Alex's foot looks so small, however, his are also big. Strange. Big foot families. they are big, and Miyuki's only 23.5cm. Relatively tiny. A good expression. Miyuki wants to have big ones, because esthetically better. Good for glowing up!!! Miyuki wants the bigger this type, a good shaped one. She really was good at drawing only feets. Yoshie ARAI praised it and she liked her and she got proud of the drawing. On the part, like legs and hands, mine are better than that of Leonard da' Vince!!!

 In Japan,"only hands model" existed. She used gloves everyday to keep her hands perfect. It was the cause that DDMs want to have a long glove. Oh, the rural domestic workers' like long gloves. Strange and hot in summer. They put ambrellas under the sunshine. Only Japan and Singapore and Macau, Miyuki have seen the white unmrellas like 2 centuries ago. Strange habit to protect their skin! Oh, that it! They wanted to sell the skins. Miyuki's skin was not so bad, however, whiter was liked by the Ms.Responsibles. They could sell their own sells, also. Including eggs. Oh, Internal organ sellers, they are. "Hold me!", by Kazuo Ishiguro, however, not so careworker type. cared DDMs. Lack of kindness.

 Oh, HASEBE liked ISHIGURO  so much and took his works on his text sometime. He would be a writer or wanted to be an English. A love or inclination to the literature means Alzheimer's begininng.

 Tatsuo INOUE said to me, "If I were an Alzheimer patient, I would like to teach in the faculty of literature." Good. He was disqualified by Miyuki, when she met him in the building of Faculty of Law at the Hongo campus. He wore a cowboy hat, and his looking was downward. Miyuki felt strange. This betrayer wanted to calle attention and at the same time, ashamed to be seen. Why he put the provocative hat? In December, 2015. In the begining of the month. The semester was ending. Already? Miyuki was astonished, however, they were all related the case. Forgetfulness was recognized by him and thus he was ashamed. At the same time, he would be cool. And he got lean, Miyuki thought. Why he immitated my style? Miyuki in "Midnight Cowboy" style. She did already in the building of new MARU-BUILD. And got a good success, in several means. Good shape and good to know the sense of humour. Might be the best prof. in the world. However, now, almost all of versities in the world are in the danger. Miyuki's test. They call. She required too much. How much. As you like type. She requires honest answer. Sincere attitude, she said. Normal one. She said. OK, how much. Too too difficult for DDMs the necessity and petit luxury type expression. The figure was good point for them at a certain point. However, more or less, they lost. They tried to multiple the income, however, couldn't. Alex was astonished at the quickness that Miyuki responded to him. Gee, she is cool and tyrifty!!! You are right Alex. Clare is different. Another protector. And you should be brave and last night you did a good job. For a while, you suffered yes. Her raid. She called. He is accustomed to be the target of "You should be a good boy" instruction. Alex is a boy of the brave world. Really cool guy to pretend to be a brave chiken. Difficult. He was afraid of his auntie's raid, sometimes. She was so cruel to get him early in the morning. Calling, you should pee, Alex. That's your turn. Oh, 5 years' old model. She learned to do so, when she was younger and now did the same to him. She was remembering some of his yougest days and did the same to him. OK, big boy. Pretend to be 5 years old, mashed potatoes' eater. Rather than abandon them. Like a trash!!! He wouldn't mind at all. Anyway, he should survive. Harsh time, he passed and now, his age come. 16 years old boy. He would be the fattest in the class. Only 40 figures class, should be. The only one, would be. Miyuki would parcitipate in the PTA activities as much as she can. OYAJI type is preferable, however, I would do in the limit as a human being.

 Clare is right. She knows that Agriculture course were better to him. However, he disliked to be rural. Country is better. OK. stylish cool guy as a country boy. Don't worry, you can name it. Rural means nasty, in some meanings. But, as you like.

 Only an impression. You should see the fact. You bought US$4.2 pork and vegitable blocets in milanese style were too too expensive. Your grand father paid for them, presumably. You wouldn't be arrogant economically. Petit luxury, only, by your own expense. You should pay.

 You would pass the exam probably. OK, you are right. You don't need so you should earn in the house. You could gain the money from the domestic tasks. You are right, Alex. Paid work is necessity. And luxury is supontaneous jobs. You are right. As you like. You do as you like within the limit as a human being. Objectively, not subjectively. You wouldn't be the second YUKARI, ever, OK? She was too too evil to turn to be. Now, she is a monster. "Monstrous figure" was just the righous word. "Monster parents hunting" and Alex liked Pen-Pen's mother. OK, as you like. And Miyuki is not his mother like existance. Independent. Just friendship like something, with responsiblity. Paternity not!!! Maternity, never!!! Nonsense instinct by DDMs only. They wanted to be the wife of their own sons. Vomitting fact. Alex felt it and got nasty. Miyuki said, "Yukari would like to be his wife in a methaphoric meaniang, your mother disliked the saying. Too dirty for her. Scandalous! He thought that YUKARI was far from him, any more. He casted the words, you are too old auntie. You are just like a bitch. What's bitch? She asked. An evil DDM. And she kept silent. No more explanation for her. She was dying, physically. Her bad habit represents each days of IDIOCRACY in Japan. Too too tough for everyone. Miyuki imagined better future for everyone, fair and right. However, nothing at all. All kinky idiots. Filled with them, like Kouichi YOSHIDA. One he was too much and now, all of them in Tokyo!!!

  Inferno. Only several ones didn't know that. Miyuki was too too gourgeous to know that that the world was filled with wonders. Rather than novels. Fictional novels were more reliable than those kinky old DDMic figures. Miyuki did think that the DDMs for some faked disease, however, in reality, just Alzheimer patients. No cure, but in custody. Too too strange. too much medicines were taken easily by them. Evacuation tests. Digestive medicine also. Too too strange hospital, tHASE-BHO is.

 And in Japan, there are lots of hospitals exist excessively for the same use. They shall be punish immediately.

 No excuses for the government. 100 billions of debt? Every year? Too much, however, anyone minds at all!!! Only figures game. Competitions also. I don't need to enter the versity, maybe. However, if I be high school graduate, it would be difficult to be qualified as some inletectual. I need to have some degree as a proof, or rather a clue of my effort and the result. Not perfect one, however, better than nothing. If I were at a glance, brilliant, the degree holding would be necessity not at all! At a glance, a bit kinky or unique, so I need to use, "OK, anyway, I am not dangerous as you imagin.I am not a monster. Look, a bit strange, because of it," thus I show the degree. Then they get to understand.

YUKARI's End (18)

2017-02-26 00:22:53 | 日記

"OK, you look queer, for the sake of it. Not sufficient, but first step. As my impression, monky like someting. A bit of rabit flavour and a cat walk and good at everything!!!" Maybe, everyone wants to be his or her ideal. And Miyuki is near at the point. Because she chose to be honest. The best policy. A bit complicated, because DDMs said, explain the complicated story in short. For them, only one compliment. I am gay, is sufiicient for KAKISHIMA??? I am not. For her yes. She was really kinky old bug, MAJI-YABAA, she thought. She confessed the fact of the versity's prohibitted words. Death. Tokyo univ. was established for the government sake, yes, however, nevertheless, chose the way to be the tower of ivory. Thus, they should study hard and perform well, Miyuki imagined. However, the fact was just a kinky world. Rumour and rumour. Fatal ones. They would be killed again at the remarks done by KAKISHIMA. Too kinky!!! Contemptous!!! They made such rumours!!! Miyuki thought that she told some of the facts, and they were too much kinky. Skewed and jelous. Funny, not at all. Spooky, too much. Each case should be investigated by the prosecutors, however, even KAKISHIMA couldn't do that. His father agreed that her investigation should be the proofs of the cases, however, he didn't accept the investigation.

  It was true, that the investigation meant death for the versity. Every versity has the rumour on the killing. Like Hanako-san in the toilet. They thought that she was the real ideal wife for them. A slender girl with funny face and fashionable wearing. Ghost? Lean inclining, again? Plump and lean. Jack sprat type. As they like, they dislike. Tokyo district court was the really hell like existance, and Youichi HIGUCHI praised the effort of them. One of the important step to be the highest ranked judge. Madoca's husband AKIRA died also for the sake of it. He said, "I should be there and treated her politely, they would be survived..." Oh, Akira. Madoka's promissive kids didn't choose the way to be a lawyer. Medical Doctor and Pianist. Good choice. Dr.Dull, not at all!!! Oh, good!!! AKAHIGE-like one!!! Oh, really geneus!!! Good combination, medical instructor and his mother phermaceutic magician. Oh, Witch!!! Good witch!!! Son and Witch!!! Duchess Son'dWitch! A pair, any way. Good choice, MADOKA. Your husband was bitch, however, your family survived. One in a family is a legend. Two in a family!!! Too much. 

 Oh, eviness contest? My line was hated by protectionists, I know. That's why I depart from here. Good for me. YUKARI would be survived for it?!!! No!! She should leave here as soon as possible. To the suitable place for her and us all. She should know that faking is the worst behaviour she chosed.

 Just dull, admissible. However, giving a damage, pretending to be a good girl is vomitting. She was only a kinky girl and now turned to be a monster.

 She avoid to be qualified by others. I understand the feeling, yes, I also wanted to conceal in a closet. However, gradually, I tried and tried. I fail even now, however, I try again to get better. Each time, a bit gift. Smiling, feeling good, just a cheer, just a yell. A bit a bit. Praise is not so great almost all of time, however, I like to feel, that I am getting developping and going better. A bit a bit. from now on. No faking. Try to be honest.

 She did too much. Faking until giving a damage to others, with noticing the other's illiness. I think you are so bad and you should go to hospital to do that. What's that? Taking a medicine. Medicine for Alzheimer!!! Oh, girl, you should go to the hospital, if you have some medicine to do.

 No curable. Just the question of time. Everyone knows the problem, and avoided to mention it. Alzheimer is hereditary and Alex and Clare were in danger, she thought. In danger? Why? that of "in case of wedding" like thing? Oh, too too feudal. How old are you? Spontaneous Alzheimer. They chose to be so. Just their individual problems. Not ours. Not hereditary one in case of common people. For DDMs, yes. Thus, they should be erased entirely.

 They would be the same aliens, maybe. Too too kinky. Alzheimers are aliens. "My gran'pa is alien is the name of the book. Now, I feel the similar, My sister is a broken robot, without knowing mercy and pity. Cold hearted. Just pretending is dangerous. She pretended to be a feeble-minded and turned to be the one. Now, she pretended to be a patient to call her mother's attention and gained it. Alzheimer at all. She wants to be a young Alzheimer, because it was popular at that time. Algernon type. OK, you would be the tiny rat called Algenenon in the scientific experiment.


 She traced her own life earlier in her younger days, or, she chose to be the protagonist of each one. The weaker protected type. Miyuki disliked the type. Sobstory chooser, she would be. Beggers of the mercy. Misercordia. Misery!!! She wanted to be bigger, however, she reduced her hight, because she wanted to be her mother. Now again? Mother like existance. Double mothers? Too much. I prefer Harusan. Anyway, she is good natured one.


 YUKARI was excluded by the world and she didn't get along anyone and just relied on the mercy of the family. Hermit, they are said. Miyuki got the news on BBC on Japanese strange fenomenum called HIKIKOMORI. And felt, it looked like the 2 generation jobless family, the younger one's case was intentional. NEIT problem. Just the same. Developped countries has the same problem. They should be educated differently. They are too dull and don't know the pleasure of working. Dull is not a pleasure, working is yes. Why they choose the wrong way. Just lying the bed. Do nothing. As if they were sick. However, not. Dull. Just a dull figure. Too too bad for health.


 YUKARI's life is too too strange. When someone starts to move, she springs and dashes into the job. "Ooops, I forgot to do so! Sorry, I was busy, thus..." So many excuses for her. Business, tiresome, taking a meal, tea drinking, chatting with her admirable father (Father thinks it were a toture), companion to her mother, watching TV and sleeping a lot. Good sleeper and not cause anemia, different from Miyuki. Her body is robust more than Miyuki. However, Miyuki is accustomed to the symptom and could manage the problem. Yes, fail, sometimes, however, I would stop drinking the wine. Several times of failures after drinking the white wine. Cheap Chillian wine. Normal for DDMs, however, unusual for Miyuki. 




 DDMs are insensitive at all. They like to laugh also, however, they laugh just as the sigh of their totalitarian obedience. "I know well what you mean, guy!" like that.




 Miyuki's expression is a bit manish and not so manish. CAMARIN sometimes. It all depends. Sometimes, intentionally, sometimes spontaneously. Miyuki is good at writing type. And likes to write legal papers. And did like the job. And liked to drink the wine. However, felt nasty. Three times or so. Nuts and cheese, and some dried fruit like raisins. Not kinky foods, however, got headache and nasty feeling. They call it not sobber. She like to be sobber, yes. Not always, but almost always. Morning sickness is avoidable. Loss time. Get away. Come together and fell it groovy. And monky dance. Mr.SAITO resembled AKAGE-ZARU. Handsome one. Beautiful eyes, they have. Brilliant eyes. Cool and the other one had also beautiful sad eyes. DDMs are so insensitive in math also. They should be punished right now. Too much shameless. Dullness is the oportunity. they ruled the world of IDIOCRAY. Female democracy they liked to call. Terrible. Thus, we turned to be OYAJI.




  Just the shape of the bottom part. Not gender, nor ability, not scientific classification, they were just believers of ther maternal dream. Illusion, dull and irresponsible, smelly and dirty. The simbol is Chizuru MISAGO. The ugliest bitch. Public sanity? Nusance, we all think.




 If the law would be executed there would appear lots of Misago like transgender candidate appears. ABE the female version. NAKASONE-MIKI or YASUHIRO, combined. All female faked would be preferable. Trangender surgery like Carusel MAKI like. Osplay, Mesplay, now Let's Play. Lesbian Love version. A lot of. Only on line version would be appearing. Android version. It would be the special category. Vocaroid, humanoid, robot, pet animals, feeded animals, material like houses, ghost, gorem, plastic surgery especial, there are lots of kinky categories!!!




 And the candidates would do plastic surgery as they like, until they were admitted in the seat at the congress. Good. Evernal surgery, Helter-Skelter jet coaster life starts!!! Go, Go, Go!!! Go to the nearest clinic!!!




 Monsters were criated in case of the election time. Three handed specially. Three legs also. What is the 3rd? Miyuki's response is, a wand, in a sofisticate way and a penis, in a kinkiest version. As you like. Both legs cutted version. Intentional blind version. Adults video actors' only version. Incict special version. Already died version. Several generation's heredatery version for Imperial family, and more kinkiest category would be liked. Just a costume play in the versity. However, the plastic surgery is obligation for DDMs. Once per year. Change your spooky face? Already? Mother, I liked this one. No. You should change. We manage your face. You should continue to be more beautiful. You should gain the beauty contest in the universe. You should gain in the most ugliest version. Now you change your face and gain in the beuriful girl version.




 No face, no past. No sense to feel mercy. You, YUKARI, you went too much. You should return to the house as a monster. I didn't know that. Your Alzheimer was so developed at that time.




 She was an example. Even in Shirakawa, some DDMic hermits here and there. Jobless and dull to their domestic work. Too dull to do the same thing. Only one is enough for them, then, the espert type? Not at all. they shared one simple job and did one part of the job. Each one, a bit a bit. They needed the power of the supeiror, thus, YUKARI did the forgery. She provided her envelops as an example and organized the crime. YUKARI was happy at the meeting. She was called the queen of our party. Yukari's happy days turned to be a night mare for the others. She didn't want to go back to Shirakwa. They hurraied. YUKARI was too clever to other DDMs. Really? She is the dullest, I thought.




 Miuki's experience was so harsh and Miyuki wouldn't allow her at all. Forever. We maintain our beautiful earth.




Vnish! DDMs! Yukari, you are the last one that should alive. Your age passed away. Vanish, that's it.