YUKARI's End (3)

2017-02-21 20:31:48 | 日記

  And YUKARI likes to move to somewhere new to here. My mother accepted her proposal. Yes, she is new to here??? She wants to live in Hachioji with her two kids???? MIYUKI, she really confessed to her mother. "Mother, I plan to live in HACHIOJI with kids. My kids now. I will provide money to you. I want to buy a house for you. I want to write a novel for you. I want to make money for you. I will be a good girl for you, thus, give me your own money!"

  She asked her and was refused, of course!!! She was dreaming, everyone was astonished. I want I want I want. Without any reasonable rexplanation. Just want.

  She was sick in bed, her mother pretends to believe so. She was ill, morally and now mentally. She was so bad now and wants to be a good girl for her. A bit regret and much more arrogance. Always, she annoyed her old parents with her raid in a night. She was good at night, because she can sleep during night. She was mentally strange, everyone said, thus, she came back from Tokyo. Now, the result. 20 years of dull work make YUKARI a mounstor. Only a dull makes so. The proverb was true!!!! MIYUKI thought it and they would think so.

 How they are dull!!! Like an young Alzheimer like disease all over Japan. Harasment type. Sexually related. Maybe a quick in spread. Triponema, it is said. After several days of the suffering, began to destroy the body and mind. Quick and once a while. Morally degraded period, this was used. We were really lucky and protected by the Gods of every field.

  TOHOHO, they would call. YUKARI was called TOHOHO fake. Only one boy meets girl made a sense and destroyed girl came back to the country. Ordinary story. Not so difficult ones. She suffered from the boy or somewhere. Thus, she would be a body offered. She would be No.1 Attacker for us, the last professor in Tokyo. An attaker in a house. They should be a good girl type and not evil kinky one. They should be normal pretending girl. However, YUKARI was too kinky and spooky. She was always arrogant to obey because of her kinkiness. MIYUKI perceived that YUKARI was strange and pretended to be normal, because she was poor and couldn't pay for the hospital. She knows the reason. She quitted her job because of her strange feeling. I would quit the job. She did so. And regretted. Regretted, thus, try to another. She did and couldn't. Then, try another. There are lots of jobs in the world. She tried but couldn't. Try as she finds or creates one. Why not?

  You should do the same. Yes, I am doing. I will do. New job creator. Thus, you should know how to live with in each place. Good interesting jobs. Needs are important however, some time, stimulating one is also. Not muck selling business. Just new job creating. Not so much known, however, latently necesarry. A good job hunter. Name is the second and the action first.

 We should help you!!! Thanks!!!!! We did so you know!!! YES, thanks for it!!!!!! And continue to thank as always!!!!! Miyuki was quick to learn. Slow but quick. REcognition is slow and response is quick. I should be both good and better. Miyuki is good in the middle, at perception. Before, no. After the happening, "strange....Why?" happens. Ummm...Maybe a character and a gift from Gods. Too slow for you, however, a good present, maybe.

 MIYUKI was not predicative. A bit different. Late learner, is rathere exactly. Learn, after the recognition. Good grief. OK, we will have chance yet. An Epimeteus type. He was too slow and sly to steal the performance of Epimeteus.

 Relatively, the metaphor of our sisters. Inside the family. OK, YUKARI was degraded by her own will. She wanted to be good but didn't try. Just want type DDM. She was no good at all. She chose the way. We should separated and good for nothing. She would be the last one that I would like to get friends with.

 She was slow and not lucky figure for me. Just it.She was the last one. However, she ended, now practically. My mother recognized her change. Syphilis, she called. Changing character of the disease. She knows it. She is reluctant to conceal her stealing any more. She did it one in a while even outside. She was called by others because of her resebmlance of the videtaped figures. She was caught because of it. She thought your case, like it. But the reality was different. She wants Miyuki to have commited the error for her. to be destroyed her own life. I was not so bad to know it. She was so evil by way of her personal change by the disease. 20 years of dullness, Garcia MARQUES likes to write the palody novel. Best seller would be!!! A good memory users have special method called strenghthen the power. Reading a book and wrighig on the way. Your book is too interesting and boresome, everyone knows.I wanted to write a more lighter one. However, I have no power at that time. I needed to write the contents in the style I could do and that is the result and I did my best and I should do it to get my style better. I am not a good writer and I should be for my job. Thus I tried and I went to be the most reliable writer in the world, despite of the memory problem, a bit. I need to collect my memories and others. Wise people recommend me to write books. I will do so. And I don't want to be, 20 anos de idiotas. Thus, I need to work outside. Far from my family is good. Not so bad. Now, the globalization was passed. Universalization !!! OK, I would go to the world of enjoyment. The country called Japan was just a faking business. Recent jobs are black jokes. Massacres, they call. No information at all and vanish. Never return.DDMs rule, they say. Obediency values. In the rest, they slept. The IDIOCRACY in JAPAN was so read especially in school boys and girls. Everyone makes palody of them. Workshop is more important!!! We should be writing, better and better, avoid the kinky dirty works.

  Thus, YUKARI was a good example. She shoot the spring. She commited the suicide. She should do so. My parents were the real victims. She herself said to me, "They are so good people, anyway." when she was young.


  She stepped their kindness and turned to be a monstor. She reighs the house? Astonishing recognition. They didn't notice her desire. She concealed the conception under the obediency and good girl faking. "I am the real holder of this house" syndrome. She did it to me in HACHIOJI and I was astonished at her arrogance today. The meaning of the 30 boxes inside the house was "This is my house. Do you have any problem?". I just thought that she dreamed to live in the near future house. It was also tough to believe.

  Now, she was much more the nightmare. She was already the reigner in the house. Thus, she enhances her territory. Gradualy. First, just a sweeping. Then, put her things. Then, use the others things as hers. Then, put away others objects. Then, declare her legitimacy. Then, declare the punishment to others. then, kill the others for satisfying her desire of monopoly. Require obediency to her. Gradually, each time, more arrogant. While we are astonished at her kinky attitudes, she did. She invided into the territories. A bit a bit. She wanted to be the real reigner of our family.

  She is DDMs power holders themselves. Animal army was so good for them. They respected their pride and honours and the DDMs were just shameless. Shameless means beyond the limit as biological existance. No morality, no intelligence, nothing at all.

 YUKARI changed her character and revealed her real desire and conception of the world.

 Now, even protectionalists could believe that MIYUKI is totally right at this point.

 Always she spoke ill of others, according to the situation. If someone said ill of her mother, she said the episode, mixed with the reality. Her mother suffered a lot.

 MIYUKI also. Her mother was accustomed to the lies of YUKARI and she informed the fact as YUKARI said. MIYUKI got upset, however, kept silent and accepted only the part she commited. YUKARI exaggarated the fact. No other thing to do. Just sitting and chatting on MIYUKI's kinky behavious, during a day. MIYUKI is her taget of her attack. YUKARI was only one attacker in the house. Your mother believes that you would get good job outside the world. YUKARI said to her, "She was really kinky to believe that the dream come true type. She believes and just it would be realized. Easy going. " Good job. She recognized that she got a good job since she was a child. A good trainer of the kids, picnic and events. Cheapest ones, everytime, she prefered. And enjoyed the time. Once in a while. They say. A good experience. A brilliant spring days, maybe. She did a "OOYAKAZU" hiking surrouding the NANKO lake. Miyuki would remember. MIYUKI put the name Banana MATSUO as her pen name as a joke. A good joke. She did a lot of ridiculous joke and even YUKARI amused it. She was good at this type of things, YUKARI knows. However, she was not exempted by her punishment. She was too too arrogant. She was a burden to Sato Family. All she did was nothing type. She did as it it were a big job. Clare was so bright to perceive it. YUKARI looked so bad to notice her cleverness. She was not good at saying however, a good thinker. She was a good tryer, in any mean. A good too much, their parents say. Good at all type. OK, she is athilete and I wanted to be. MIYUKI was a slow, she said repeatedly. She accused me lots being stolen things. A good jobs. YUKARI was a good thinker at all. Not evil one, not at all, not a kind of DDM?????? She was the real DDM. I don't forgive her forever. Just nostargy, of course. People turned to be DDMs suddenly. Failed, we say. Some evil figure approached her and sold her precious things for it. Maybe, the Faoundation entering was an epoc, I presume. She started to find the job late but by way of the Rikkyo Versity's job oppotunity center, she got to enter into the fundation, she said.

  I believed it. However, it was nothing. She entered into the religion called Christian Church in Rikkyo. It helped he lots during her absence in Brazil. She was alone and poor. She entered into the kill the pastime. MIYUKI's funny stories were too much ridiculous to her. Everytime she encountered with some strange events and failed a bit and got up with a big luck. Everyday, almost. Unchangeable exercise to fall in the floor, like UKEMI in JUDO.

 I failed a bit. However, I grasped a seed or some source of the next adventure. It was a clue for the different type of amusement.

 Good. I am easily getting tired of everything. Not artisan type. Thus, IZUMI-san refused to hire me. MIYUKI is  not a bad figure, however, she is easily moving from the department. Not perfectionist. Gross grasping is her merit. Systematic one. Nor detailed one. She knows the character. Good for nothing and difficult living in the rural town. She thinks so.

  Quicker oriented society and aprentiz is good for her. She recognized the character. She would be a scholar. However, her orientetor was irrresponsible type. Just a trash DDM. I presumed from the titles of his performance. He was dull and boresome. Someone wrote the articles, the pupils wispers. Miracles happened, the versity said to her. AKASAWA wanted her as her assistant, but only for his terrible job, and and AKASAWA was so kinky to attack the girls to speak of his character as professor responsible. He wanted to be a good sponser of the pupils on his jobs. His jobs, in this case, he was called as Man Eaters. Ah, ghost writers!!! IZUMI san would be hired as a ghost writer, instead of his dirty work.

  Terrible. However, I have heard the same rumour from the mouse of Michiyo MAEDA of Keio Versity. She requested me to give her a mercy for her sake, arrogantly saying, "You know, I was rumoured as if I were the ghost writer of my orientator prof. Minoru IKEDA, among my colleague. However, it was just a rumour. Not the fact. Thus, you should forgive me. And I have to go on a trip 2 days after today. Thus, bye. Remember, you should forgive me." GACHAN. She dropped the receiver on the phone. The last part, she said quickly as much as possible and I was apalled at her arrogance and the information on the ghost writing problem, with the receiver on my hand, for several seconds, with a mouth open.

  "What's up? She called me and forced me to forgive her. She didn't wait my response. Just a declaration. And I didn't know the ghost writing rumour at all!!! I was new on the matter. Why she said do me now? I am not a trash. I will never forgive you, Michiyo MAEDA. Never!!!"

  On the forgivesess requiring, I should explain now. In 2012, probaby on May, I was called to participate in a text book making activity in KEIO university with other professors outside Keio, paid by the Ministry of Culture and Science.

 In a Spanish restaurant near MITA Station in Metropolitan railway system. And on the day, there was a special guest. A Brasilian Prosecutor came to deliver a speech on MAEDA's seminor on Consumer Code in Brazil.

 At that time, I was interested in OMBUSMAN's situation in the country in lato sensu and wanted to beg an explanation on it. 

 I, He, Prof.Kyoko OKUMURA, MAEDA, IKEDA were there, at least. I sat in front of the executor luckily and made a conversation. I ate IBERICO pork, grilled and some more, with a bit of wine. I just wanted to show that I can remember some commercials in Brazil to him and sang it, "Brama is the most tasty beer, Brama is the most tasty beer, Brama is the most tasty beer, Anyone can't deny it!", with the melody of famous German Versty Student song, swinging.

  Many figures surrouding me, abruptly watched me and frozed all. Silence. Why? Singing is prohibitted here? I was in wonder.

  He was wanting to visit KAMAKURA with his family and I told my plan to go also to KAMAKURA with my pupils.

  Anyway, there, I was explained the plan and my part responsible. I agreed. And I started to write on the subject.

  One year after, suddenly, MAEDA wrote to me, "I can't write my part. So the plan failed. Sorry." Just it! I, spent a lot of time to write my part. Why I can forgive her???

  I was so furious and informed her wrongdoing to her orientator MAEDA and Masato NIMOMIYA, who was other responsible and also the participant on the project, by e-mails.

  They didn't reply at all. And MAEDA called me and forced me to forgive her, in that arrogant attitude.

  OK, I would sue you, someday, if I need, MAEDA. You are so dull and arrogant. I pledged.

This, "project participant calling" combined with the cancel of the subject, in a sudden, was often happen among KEIO related.

  In 2015, the same thing happened. Prof. Munehide NISHIZAWA invited me to participate into the project on the comparison between Portugues Constitutional Court and French Counterpart. OK, I accepted. And I was called to have the dinner among the participants.

  Prof.YASUMI, civil law, Mayuko FUKAWA, NISHIZAWA and I. Except NISHIZAWA, 3 were females.

  We had some meetings several times and the plan of visiting Portugal and France for the sake of the reseach was established. However, YASUMI quitted the project, because she was so afraid of the danger of Terror in France.

  And I was forcedly excluded from the research trip, without any sufficient explanation. Abrupt cansel of the trip. They wanted to go only "avec" FUKAWA and NISHIZAWA.

 I was so contemted by the two kinky old bugs and the versity, so I proposed a law suit for the sake of damage indemnization.

 Keio is always doing this. Like a traditional trapping for the resarch finance related deceiving. Criminal lawyers. Why they can play the role in the court? Not at all. Just BLA-BLA-BLA for the failure. No justice in Japan. The criminal lawyers turned to be versity professors.

  I remember that NISHIZAWA had dirty teeth. He was rich and I have known him for 20 years and his teeth have been dirty. Just dirty.

  Now, I got a relatate information on them. Treponema Dentoris. This is a kind of Syphilis and transmits easisy by the body fluid exchange. Spiloheta 's variation.

  Oh, really coincidentlly, he suffered from the disease. And he dared to show the proof of the shame in public. Just like inplanting pubic hair as eye lush.

  As I wrote before, westerners are sensitive to teeth problem. How he could get along with his Friench friends? Just by oral communication? French kiss is included in it?

 I got to know at the same time since 2013, the number of the syphilis patients increased tremendously in Japan. Reason unknown.

 However, at this period, I got to know what is OPPABU, hearing from my pupils. Her name was Kiki KOSAKAI. She was quick and worked for 2 restaurants to earn money.

   She came from GUNMA prefecture and a daughter of a single mother. She graduated from High School added in Agricultural Univ. of Tokyo.

  She informed me the versity' festival is famous and reccomendable for my family.

  I took Clare to the versity in 2014 and we ate traditional wild pig or boar soup. A bit expenseive, US$4 each bowl, however, I took boar for the first time and it was tasty. A kind of deeped pork flavour mixed with vial. Good hot soup.

  And a lots of people were there to eat the dishes, the pupils provided. 

  However, I noticed that almost all of the foods were not the products they had produced. Just instant ones, french fries, hot dogs, many cheapish sweets.

  Our soup was presumably only one cooked food by the pupils themselves. I felt strange. Agricultural Versity doesn't produce anything? Why they sell easy foods? Own products using is more economical for both sides, consumers and producers. Why not?

  And we entered into an studium to watch famous "Radish Dance" by the male cheer leading groups in the traditional Japanese school uniform.

  However, they didn't perform it. The audience was absolutely silent and we two were new to see the silent ceremony like unison corus. Full of audience, in a spooky dark auditorium. We two got tired of the ceremony soon and left there.

  Kiki was a athilete type and good at everything. We got along with and I took her to the cafe to eat sweets in a cafa after the party for new comers. The rest, all boys, wanted to eat Ramen, China style Japanese noodle. We said, after the salty food, why they could eat Ramen? We prefered sweet for dinner.

  I said her that I had two kids however I didn't want to be called "Mother" by them, ever. She understood. And she said that she would like to have some babies in the future.

 She liked Harry Potter movies. This is also liking to Clare. 

  She was so good at anything, however, she didn't like to move for the job hunting and lost the chance to enter into a company in Tokyo. She got one, near her house, a track logistic company in the middle of the ranking. A good choice, anyway. Far from Tokyo and near house. In the prefecture, the company is in the excellent class. She probably takes the service to dividing the working shift to the drivers and making a time table for it.

  Several times, I was in doubt that the tendency that the pupils that I found nice guys had gotten to lose the chance to enter into the companies in Tokyo. I think they would be an excellent workers, dilligent, honest and efficient type. However, almost all of them failed or got excluded from the market. Strange similarity.

  I think that I have some ability to find the good point of others. In Tokyo, especially, in Kyorin, when I said, "This fellow is a nice guy", the person would fail in the occasion of work finding period. Why? Reason unknown for me and for them, too. They said, always, "I didn't want to find the job at the period. Why? I don't know. Just I was reluctant to find it."

  Strange experience. I felt the same when I was in the versity and repeated the 4th grade 3 times. Nevertheless, I couldn't find the job. I didn't want to do so. I wanted to be "somebody", yes. However, I was in wonder to work for the company. Financial interest is not my final goal, I thought. More interesting something. For feeling satisfaction. Only clerk like job is tiresome. More stimulateve and good one.

 Moratorium. They called. Yes, I had once. Long long one. I turned to be a scholar, however, my scholar job was obliged to stop by the evil existance.

 Yes, I continue to be a sholar and will write a lot of articles. However, I have a lot of time to do more productive jobs and interesting ones. Challengeable and adventurous.

 I am greedy at this point. I am ambitious!!! I am fill of hopes and I want others to have them all. Future, expectation, developing personality. Learning is good for the result and to accelarate the process and gain the spare time to struggle in the oral fighting called debate.

 Logical thinking and rationality are both needed. For the former, exercise on stop motion thinking is useful. When you feel strange, you should stop and analyse the fenomena. Then, express orally or literally. Good for everyone. Just think! Not obey or follow the other's words.

 Thus, Japanese were not good at thinking. BLA-BLA-BLA is our enemy. I stopped and attacked on the contents of BLA-BLA-BLA. All lies and mistakes, some of them were fatal ones for them.

 Good for athilete type and literature loving type. A kind of boxing of words. Fighting match for us. We, Alex and I sometimes did it. Alex is good at speaking Japanese. He looks American boy. However, he only can speak in Japanse. However, he speaks so quick. Some remarks are good and others are desqualified. When he starts BLA-BLA-BLA, I stop and give up the fight. Just time consuming ones. Logical thinking is requisit. Who can't think logically should not enter into our society.

 Thus, Dr.Dull and YUKARI were desqualified totally. Just fluent speaking was good for taking a nap. WANI would be a good announcer at this point. And her young wife, fairly short and young, can gain at the match. She was honest to say that coloquium was just for one person to WANI. I think that she was a clever girl and thus he liked her. A short tiny couple, good for amusing.

 I found a reason of shortening hight of Japanese. DDMis males prefer shorter girls for their partners. Thus, short boy with shorter girl combination. Now the kid would be shorter than the parents' generation. Shorter is better to feel the superiority on the shorter. I would be appreciated your gazing on my legs. I love my legs. However, not so long. That is my problem. I hope one day I would get much taller and to be a girl with long long legs!!!!

 I don't lose my hope on this point. I will do withing the limit as a human being.


YUKARI's End (2)

2017-02-21 19:50:35 | 日記

 Professor Kasuhisa OOYAMA at AOYAMA GAKUIN Univ. did so. He changed the facial image at that time. He was a negative type and after this total abandoning, he looked more assertive. He wrote a new year card for me, "I did 断捨離 last year. My office was in disorder. "

  I replied him, in a card, "I can't do 断捨離 at all. I have too much precious things, especially, data and informations related with my job. I would do it never!"

  For me, as a scholar with human like memory limitation, data and documents are highly important. Thus, total abandoning means suicide for me. Why OOYAMA did it?

  "Danshari" came from Buddist term. It means spilling off the bone of the Budda. Even the most precious things, you should abandon, thus, you can be free from your material persistence. Your mind would be free from the persistence to the life.

  Oh, DDMs, including YUKARI was preparing for the departure to hell. They did everything fairly slow and caused a lot of confusion. Now they are in the really final fantasy. The last fantasy is megalomaniac one. "Every body wants rule the world", by Tears for Fears. "Shout, Shout!", OK, you don't need to shout anymore. You have no right to write as an emperor in the house. They were OYAJI people's abusers. They were crying backyard. Oh, cry, baby, cry, as you like. Sadistic Mother and son tortured breadearner Father. This is DDMic family.

 I didn't notice the terrifying ruler's existance. And my parents neither. YUKARI was so arrogant, they feel, yes. However, in effect, she got so arrogant to think that the house were already hers. Bed room, TV room, Strage, Small Kithen. An ideal house for her. Now, problem is, this house is old enough for her taste. More modern one is her preferance. She wanted to change her house. Then, she called to the repairshop, which deals with buy and sell of old things. The owner was subtle and went to the house immediately. Because she was changeable. Don't waste the time. They are too slow to move. Thus, abandoning means a lot for them, DDMs.

 The worse is, they have no conception of the property. They do as they like. They do, because they think so. They did, and didn't the disposal of their own yet.

 After several years of her betrayal, they got to know the life was wrong. And ask forgiving them, each one, once in a while. The moratorium, they called. And they forgot that they were in the period. And did the same thing. Repeatedly. YUKARI is thinking of running from the house. She wanted to substitute her mother. However, the plan was failed. The kids were too much likely to be their goddamnit fathers. They are too pretty to treat badly. They are allowed to push away from her house. Now MIYUKI? Goddamnit Mother? Evil and cruel mother for all DDMs.

 She was supported by someone. Unknown ones. Who? Everyone knows and MIYUKI didn't. She called the police however and the police was out. She went to the police, however, the police was distant. She called one of them for the dinner and talked on her problem. She really want to kill her Goddamnit sister. She was a good sister, the police said. Why? Nothing. She was good. Just, she couldn't do the job well. She really wanted to buy the secret to the police. The police would buy it. She thinks to. Now she is writing a police story. "The Police Academy" , a funny ridiculous one. She got to get a success and turned to be a J.K.Rolling in Japan.

 MIYUKI wasn't castle type. She read, "In and Out" and the castle was too too cold and expensive to warming up. National Trust is the choice. They are guiding people with their aristrcratic clothings and people appreciated the performance. She wanted to hold the party for the nobel prize for this reason. I killed an evil existance and wrote on it. I am Yukari SATO, a super Lady killer. A big event for us, heil DDMs!!!!

 YUKARI has no medicine. She suffers lots, yes. However, she gave a damage during day and night. She wrote that her father was adorable, but her mother was kinky old bug. She wanted her to work a lot. She should be punished. She was a monstrous existance. I would like to kill you. She wants me to kill, because she was so jealous to my beautiful face. OK, I am good at face and you should die, with Miyuki. They are the friends of inferno and made me nervous. Work! Work! Why work? No good at all. They want money for making me work and envy to do so. She was a goddamnit figure, especially, MIYUKI.

 She wanted to change her personality by way of medical institute. Good for the evil sister. And her mother? Headache for her. Now, she changed to fight against with her to MIYUKI7s vanishment.

 The strategy was perfect. However, lacks of money. Who paid for it? MIYUKI is. Good. And Who did it? We did. MIYUKI's assasin is who? We. They contracted the assasin squad.

 2 shots army, they called. They kill any figures, including precious jewel ones. Heroes and heroines. All toghethers. Do as they like. Who contracted it? Them.All. They had a special network called rumour oriented. They established for the sake. Danshari was just the first stage. Whisle was the sigh for changing. Image change, they said. An easy way to betray others. Cosmetics is an example. What was good for the others? Plastic surgeries. YUKARI really wanted to do that. She was ugly, she admitted. She did it almost, however, she was thrifty. Thus she stopped and asked her mother and her sister to take care of their kids. ??? My kids and they should be free from her evil intention.

 She was so cruel and indifferent. It was a agony of her fina stage. She wanted to be Mary Antoinette. She was really burden for us. Even Alex said that goddamnit BABAA like potatoes!!! He should take advantage of her good boy's position. He did it. He prepared for it. He did it. He knows that Miyuki would understand his intention. Why KOUNAN? She didn't know the answer. Strange change. Soon after the information from the responsible teacher. He said, already done. Dangerous! Too too late? Anyway, yet have ways. Anyway, as soon as possible. She wanted to make sure that her liking food was only mashed potatoes or not. She did. She liked mashed potatoes. She ate lots, he never, nothing, at his category. Anytime, every week, the same eating system. Even DDMs appalled her eating habit. MIYUKI really thought that it was for ALEX? Yes, A Big eater, really. She ate and vomitted. Once or while. Eat too much, and not several days. Good? Of course, not. Good for someone, for us, anti-DDMs! Yes, and DDMs? Laking of a source of their propaganda. Good or not, now indifferent.

 Yes, she ate the bad things, twice or several times a day. That was terrible. She was so wrong to eat the mish-mash called her salada. Alex did her habit, trace in front of her. Good for whale type. His habit. Yes, however, not. He immitated his bad aunt's habit. Just eat as she likes. Me to. As I like. Choosing and cooking, amusing process.

 She passed the time, maybe. Everyday, no other amusing habit. Eating is only her habit. Precious potatoes, my father provided for us. She wasted these days, in haste. Hash, hash, every week. Just consuming process. OK, the shoots were there. Soranin. Rabbit dies, however, rabbit are too clever to avoid it. I asked when I was a child. Soranin was bad. Why they can't die? I asked to father and he replied. They are clever to avoid the poisoning. They avoid the danger.

 MIYUKI remember the days. They called Miyuki's tremendous honest memory. Not artificial one. Scene memory. Sometimes colour changes, reason unknown. However, relatively, honest. They used it for the enemy. They artificially made mamory. Historical change. Not should do it. The evilest thing. No, No ism. For the past. In the future, yes, in the past, future loses the ground!!!

 Too Too stupid things. PEKORI fenomenum. Nasty faked couple like name. They repeatedly appear, without any sense of humouor. Just dating and wedding. Boresome. Why? Nothing but nothing. Not pupular. DDMs . just it. Family values, they say. They sell the names for it. Like Tess, of Darvabill. A good example of inhumanity. They called the last female presoner to be fated to death for the betrayel. She would be right. Legitimate, but poor, saved by the gods and contributed for the future. Nastasha Kinski was her favorite at that time. A srtong impression. Kraus was kinky and more favorite. They looked phisiognolomically and Kraus is a kind of genus. Who thinks so? I. A good actor. A monstrous performing. A beautiful daughter looks like him, however, as an actress, plain, at that time. however, a good scece with the waking in the stone henge. She revived on the stone and went to the justice. Impressive and emotional. The titles appeared. Long, but imotional. Beautiful and cold heath prary like field. A field of long grasses. Weeds and Nastasha's green Eyes with grayish coloured. In front of the poster. A rural bonnet and wind. She was beautiful at that time. 16 years or so. ALEX is the most fat idol in teenagers. Idol, different meaning. A good boy, anyway. He said that MIYUKI is more beautiful than YUKARI. No No, not necessary useless o words. Good, but, meanless, however, appreciate it. 1 is larger than 0. That type. MIYUKI did it. You twinkle to do so. I need to be worker here in Japan. For that? For radiation taking.It all depends. Irradication, yes, however, taking earth from the plant, sorry, I don't want my body and life. Irradiation of Atomic energy. It was too dangerous for us. Good for the sun, and want to return to the sun. Prometeus stole it for human beings and Epimeteus took out and wasted it at all.

 Prometeus found fire for cook. However caused fire incidents. Thus, chill in the air. ??? Fire is needed. Petrorium was cheap and now exensive, because of the rate change. ABE decided and ordered. Pet's job. He said, "Not by me. They did so. I left it. Just it." DDMic life is in the last stage. All her project was revieled. A mother like wife and her friends moved Japan in really. ABE was popular among them. They were too much lump and dull to be good for be used like a puppet-mappet marionette. YUKARI's favorite songs, moon river and chopsticks. I gave her one and one for me. Tefanny song melodious and Frank Sinatora like voice and Paul Newman's hit movie! A good one. Nice fellow and good for TV commercial. Friendly 40 years old arround good PAPA type. Sayumi chan liked him. We know it, because she said. We have lots of "Favorite stars" Miyuki is Tshutomu YAMAZAKi type. Shigui. Akemi's Masakane YONEKURA, long face with intelligence and TOHOHO mood. Husan liked long upper lip type. Takeshi KAGA. Miyuki liked Chishu Ryuu, also. However, she believed that Osamu KASAJI and NAKADAI TASUYA called NAKASHIRO CHUYA, and TAIRA KANJIRO, HIRA MIKIJIRO, she was corrected. Not good at the memory. Resemblance is key to her. Everything OK is different. And recognition system differs lot.

  Intellectual Quality is needed for everyone, more or less. However, important is how use and the result. Amusing and fruitful. Its important. Thus, the producing process was secret, was her style, untyl the graduation from Kyorin period. She liked to be free form Goddamnit versity. As a target, yes, however, as a boss, of course not.

  Thus, she took it as a damage compensation, just for one part. She prefer working for others, yes, for the objectives more individual ones. Thus, the earth goes round. Monky dance, I know. Imitated. And can sing "Go, Go, with MAMA!" for DDMs, especially, male ones, She hitted the cheeks of DDMs and they went to the sun and vanished now.

  DDMs were so evil and they turned to be evil easily. The proverb, "A tiny boresome one in the house do a small wrongdoing." was the real nightmare in Japan.

  Miyuki was good at eating. Liking to eat and go to the universe to appreciate the helps and give a hand to them. We should be cool to do it. However, a bit comedy line is necessary. And I can write cronicle for the history of the planet. We should appreciate to the brabery. She would do it, if necessary. Its the mission. "Return your face in rage!", you are offended by DDMs. They would not believe, they thought. They should know how DDMs thinks. She was too too arrogant to know the truth. She was so evil. MIYUKI tried to interpretate differently. The finally, accepted the fact. It was the process of recognition. Instead of eating and washing, what she did? Eating is so bad and washing, also. They did the job, so badly. Incredibly badly. They accused others because of their inneficiency and innability. Miyuki was not able to believe, that YUKARI was so evil like that. Ill, yes. Howeve, just like Kyorin and arrogant DDMs. How she changed rapidly. The broken robot yes, however, so evil, astonishingly. "I am teaching you the lesson. You are so stupid and you should learn following me" type. Mari KITADA, she felt. As is a queen, in her queendom and in the reality.

 Oh, she was already a queen in HACHIOJI. She decided to move to my predicted new house. She thought that she were legitimate to do so. She thought and I denied. As I got to notice her way of saying, I stopped to the imovel search. However, she believed. I said so many times that please return to your house. We should be happy here, only kids and I. For you, your house, in the country.

 She believed that she belonged to the family. She was so arrogant after my arrival. After my residing in the house. Yes, provisional, I said. Until March, probably. I asked, accoridng to my mother's recommendation. My father accepted. Father said to say so to your mother, and I did. I said so because they are legitimate power holders here and accepted to say to Alex. I thought it was not necessary at that situation. However, he asked me to give an exception for an emergency case. I did so, because I should punish his wrongdoing. However, exam is in this case, emmergency. His real life weighs on the problem. OK, only for this point, I will talk with you. You can say and I will deliver my oppinion. OK, finally, I decide.

 Miyuki was so serious on his son's choice. Yes, his choice. However, he was new to here and practically on the subject, I am new also. However, I think that he should be a satisfaction should be realized type. Clare knows already. Alex, a bit doubtful. In this case, agriculture is suitable for him. And interesting. Good. Eating is his favorite. Biology, curinary, plants, animals, good for him. Basic ones. A strange feeling of the touching key board.

 OK, eating is the basic, beside the profission. And it would be a good for the choice as life.

 Alex was in danger at that time. He was doubted as a thief and MIYUKI was too harsh for him. He decided to pretend a bad guy type. He was a bad guy and how she behaves. No! He didn't do such a strange trick.More direct one, he could use. He was so simple. Not simple minded. Not confused type. Clear mind, he has.

 And YUKARI is different. Vague and laghs only in front of the figures whe wants to gain their favour. In public, especially. She was kinky, thus, she wants to conceal her kinks inside, I interpretated. Now, different. She believed as she were rightous. She were rightous as other DDMs. Why I am here, I am omnipotant and powerful, different from my evil sister MIYUKI. She was so evil to buy her own precious things. Evil or not, she can buy, her things, yes. However, nothing of our precious things.

 After her arrival, the thieves appeared and kids thieves arrived and my mother informed to the school. He came here with his father and bows, paied only US$70 for him and required the receiped to my father. Business like and accustomed a bit, YUKARI said.

 She was worrying to concealing the fact. KIDs theives yes, however, kids in the house was her real worry. I thought as if she liked the kids, my kids. She did. However, she passed the period. Oh, yes. She got in rage, when her desire failed by her pushed out by miyuki. She was so in rage and wanted Miyuki to be caught for several days to be punished. However, she wanted to have the money, she stopped. And now, again. She was in rage and wanted Miyuki to be punished by her mother. She gave an instruction to her mother. "Miyuki was so bad to get along with her boyfriend everynight in the office. They talked loud in the voice. "my mother was astonished and was confused. Miyuki was right. You were brave to put up with the insult of YUKARI's. YUKARI wanted her counterpart. An evil villain with high heels. A good couple, they should say. Good to live together. She thought. However, they don't think so anymore. YUKARI wanted to control MIYUKI like in her Hachioji days. She earns and YUKARI would use the money as you like. Stress substituting consumption, it is called. Nothing to do type would suffer. A desire for change. Danshari is one of the most important jobs for them. Consumption conceasing. A good contenmtious jobs is also. Abusing kindred. OYAJIs should put up with the endless atacks. Why Me? I, a respectful worker, why???

  In Japan, only one time sexual intercourse was punished by the error. Not an error. Just an experiment. Why, they didn't know the taste?

  MIYUKI is warning to be TOHOHO to her son. He is the one who was in the vague situation.Slow learner, we say. Alex should be protected until the time, maybe 100 or so!

  Double of Miyuki's. OK, he would be accelated if he could and would. It all depends.

  AOYAMA is already closed. Even last year, as a matter of fact, it was closed. Just pretending to function. Why? Yes, I am a worker, however, just for it, I have right to know the closing.

 They chose secrecy but we not. Why whe should be the victims of them? They were just idios, who ruled the country called Japan. Simply IDIOCRACY. Most unimaginable country, beyond the world of "Fools in Ivan's land". And many fools on TV. Not laughing. Just 3rd category jokes.

  However, good to know the price of the renting. US$650 in SETAGAYA. TAKAHARA said US$600 per month. Small but residencial. Unbelievable! They have another information from us, MIYUKI felt. They. The price varied. Only private line price. Now on sale, and tomorrow, close and vanish. Now ghost town type.

  You endured the trial well. A good example for sexual morality. Too much easy for TOHOHO. She was targetted to do so tribe. The subliminal was so strong and how this kinky corus for,"Do it, or I would die!", OK, at least, I am free from your death. I am an individual who have right to decide on what I should do. Threatning sex? No! Pity sex? No! Terrible! I don't want buy you, TAKAHARA! I have already said to you, "I will never buy prostitute ever, because it will offend my feeling. I am not the figure to accept prostitution. Selling and buying, both. Not at all!", in front of many pupils. I repeated this declaration in other cases. I dislike the dirty job. I am different from your former owner!!!

  Miyuki was so good at feeling the mood.In case of the serious situation, moved to the caferia and he paid for us. OK, I accepted. I wanted to pay, but he refused. OK, your choice.

  You are right. You are welcome this simplest behaviour. I like to pay, but if you insist to pay, OK, you can par for us two. They are the same. OK. A good system. Sometimes, share, OK. It all depends. Easy goer adopted the system. Flexible eveness. Not strict one. It all depends type. Brazilians know it. I have read in some latin americanist's essay.

 Even should be strict and flexible. Both changeable. Case by case. Good for everyone. Satisfaction total. Thus, you would accept to be a register girl. You should be qucik, OK, I will try. Now, not necessarily qucick, becase, there is no clients....

  Just register typing faking attendents. Obvious. Only one consumer is you, MIYUKI. They surrounded you. What did you like? Food ingredients!!! For delicious dishes!!!!

  Of course, AGRI-PARK was strange place. A supermarket, in a mini rural one, in a field. Any passing people there. Spooky and didn't buy anything, and ate two berries. Early delicious berries from SUZUKI Family. Good taste. Sweet. Normal, well mature ones. Freely, so, I ate two. I wanted more, however, the manager conceiled from me. Because she wanted to eat the rest, I thouhgt.

  MIYUKI ate and she wanted to eat. A strange fenomenum called "Inducing Cat service model". Nowever, Miyuki buys nothing usually. No. only some ocasions, up to US$10, almost.

  A good habit and like to be economic. Good for governance. This ability is necessary for all of us. And we have. Someone prefers time, someone prefers coolishness, someone prefers efficiancy.

 MIYUKI, you are so thrift. You have a reputation.Only one croquet!!! They blows. Professor bought only one croquet! Unbelievable! How brave!!! And for quick use. She will eat soon. She ates in the street and put the waste papers on the trash of the cans. She was monitores and reported for the information center, that was too dangerous for DDMs. They like to separate the things. Only trash. Not wasted papers. She did! A criminal!!!

 DDMs are so evil to do!!! They are strange aliens who took the body of the others. KAMINARI or God liking means Alzheimer for us, however, for them all, Returning to their Dark Garaxy. They are different, we felt. Even IZUMI-san thought, MIYUKI changed a lot. But not kinks or queer queens, as YUKARI describes. At least her memory is correct with some errors, OK. She was not mad, anyway. Her friends got relieved. Everyone believed that which is which game. KINKY YUKARI turned to be MIYUKI or MIYUKI turned to be KINKY YUKARI. MIYUKI was so terrible for us, Chris said. Yes, I recognized it and I regretted to do so and I understand and I tried to be good. I appologied to her family and changed MIYUKI will well come you in her own house, apartment or house, maybe, warehouse type, maybe,...Anyway, can-live place. I would invite you, everyone! I want to have friends more and more, old and new, young and elder, male, female, any species. Please come to the future MIYUKI's house. I will try to buy or rent in somewhre suitable.

 Animal army was reluctant to buy the space to live. Why we should pay? Yeah, they should pay. Why we? They were so arrogant and out of order. The opposite and the anti-humanistic too much. Aliens, they are. They were cool and thought as if they were legitimate power holders. Ultra Q like fenomenum.They were scolded by your performing of resembling ITTE Q like adventures, the real ones.

  Alex was concsious to the resemblance and kept silent. He would believe that it would be good for the pleasure. The prey should be kept inside. It all depends. By the process of the development and characteres and way of life. I did so. To realize, first, making effort and after, when the possibility appears I declare. Not earlier than that. Now, I do it advanced. OK, I would think at least I have a chance!!!!

  Alex was in a changing period. YUKARI promissed to give her money to him and did as she like. She threatened to do so for her sake. She wanted to reveal the secret for others. She was so evil to do so. She did it. I kept your secret and you should do so for me. What is your secret? Mine? Oh, I found US$50 this morning in the toilet and I would give you it if you allow me to do the same. The same, what? Conceal the secret.

 ??? Revealing secret game??? MIYUKI, she thought that she needed to make friends with Him as soon as possible and she promised to gain her money as soon as possible from her, and took it. Do you mean? She did it just for him. She did steal the money for him? She insisted. She is confused in this point. She has no memory on the point. Just left my US$50 in the shelf in the toilet. And My mother found it. She was unconciously doing it and forgetting it on the place. Pick Disease. And she wants to conceal it. Thus she needed to make friends with Alex. She was alone now. Even her mother knows that she was ill, mentally. She thought that she were the holder of this house, evidently and wants to pushout Miyuki outside. She should rent the house, she dared to say. OK, this proposal is accepted already. I want to get out of here, as soon as possible. Job, I want. Just it.

YUKARI’sEnd (1)

2017-02-21 12:46:55 | 日記

21/02/2017 (morning) I ate piraf of Tarmeric and coriander, with diced bacon, shredded onion and raisins for breakfast and took a cafe latte.

 It's wendy now. Mother scolded YUKARI for some reason. It was rare that she scolded her. I noticed that some cups were drown from the cupboad. Only several ones.

 Probably, that's what YUKARI orderd me yesterday by way of the bill, saying "Put your tools from here, if you don't want your goods to be used by me. You use my tools as you like. You should stop saying so until you take your precious things from my place."

 Probaby, also, she put the bill on the bedside table in my mother's chamber. My mother read it and understood that YUKARI thought that this were "her" house, not the house of them, legitimate people.

 And yesterday, I asked her weather I could send some tools, which were already the same type more than 10 or so.

 She kept silent for several minutes and said, "I don't know."

 Thus, I said to her, "OK, you are right. You decide. They don't belong to me, thus, I will wait for your reply. I refrain from touching the matter for a while."

 Presumably, she got to know that I didn't think that they were mine at all. She thought they were mine and I thought they were hers or under her control, namely, they didn't belong to YUKARI.

 YUKARI took advantage of this situation. We respected each one's holdings of things. Thus, I didn't touch them and my mother didn't either. Thus, only YUKARI left their things as she liked and used our living room, or common place, as her own warehouse, totally in disorder.

 YUKARI herself stimulated her mother's legitimate claim. Who is the owner of this house? We or you, YUKARI? We thought that we just allowed you to use some part of our house by our mercy, because our house is big enough.

 Nou, YUKARI, occupies almost all of the space of our house, especially of the main house, thinking as if she were the owner of this house and behaved like an emperor.

 "Figure who had been Kindly Borrowed only the part under the roof dared to steal the Main House totally." This is the proverb in Japan and in my house, and also in this  country called Japan. 

 The thief entered into the house at the mercy of kind people, who knows humanity. The thief took advantage of it. They thought that he were just weak figure to be protected. Thus, they treated them like as a poor fellow. Treated with total hospitality.

 Yeah, my case is similar. I made a trip and many people treated me with their whole hospitality. Yeah, sometimes, I made a confusion to them, by my abrupt interview proposal or "Let's go to the restaurant! I want to eat local foods!!", like things.

 In this meaning, I am a kind of "thief of time" for them. They have accumulated schedules, busy life, I know well. Nevertheless, I asked them to accompany me or to pass the same time with me. I need to do it. I came here in Latin America to know the culture, the society, the legal system, all! This is my mission. My trip is paid by tax, mainly. Thus, I should pass special time to enjoy and understand the whole life of Latin American countries. I know I am not so "Oh, welcome", to them, in fact. Because I visited the versities like that so in sudden. Sometimes, without any appointment.

 However, they welcomed me, because they knew that I should do it. I had a mission, paid for it. Not a private play or sentimental journey, honey moon or so. I am not rich type, in appearance. Lean, messy one, yes. However, even though, I came here as a mission and they should treat me as I requested. This is the rule of hospitality.

 I tried to treat them in Japan, however, there were many problems to do so. I, as much as I could, wanted to treat them with hospitality. It's natural and not so different in my early period of life. Why I couldn't do it in Tokyo???

 Anyway, I know that I was treated as a guest, who came here by way of long distance. A kinky figure, maybe, a bit. But, if she liked, whe should give an information that she wanted.I know that I should do the same to the people as much as I could. Now, unfortunaltey not. However, someday, if I can, I will do. And it would be good for me. Not a troublesome thing. I am not so shy, now. On the opposite, I want to entertain them in my place.

 This is the principle of eveness in hospitality. I feel debt in my life. Thus, I want to pay for them. Debt is not financial. More spiritual one. Thus, I would move to another place to realize the mission.

 However, YUKARI was just a thierf. The worse is, my parents were too good to understand the situation. They didn't believe that YUKARI thought that she were the emperor of this house and they were the servants under her rule.

 I myself thought that she understood that my mother were her superior. My mother is 78 years old and my father, 85. I didn't know that YUKARI thought them as if they were servants in her real life.

 Yeah, I thought that she was a queer queen in her own queendom, in her mind, in her illusion.

 However, she was not this type. She was the real DDM. In the real world, she was the queen of SATO Family, she thought, in effect.

 Thus, she did her tasks, only by her kindness and mercy to her servants. My parents were too modest to resisted her kinky requests like, "I want to have my own room." , at first. "I want my own strage", next. "I want to put my object provisionally.", then. "I have plenty of tools. I want to use them in the kitchen.", she thought. They accepted as YUKARI insisted, because they had a plenty of space at that time.

 Now, my kids came from Hachioji, because of their Goddamnit mother called MIYUKI. They are too spacious. They required each individual rooms. YUKARI should reduce her space for them. An abrupt attack to her. Clare was so clever to choose the back house with her grand father. Too far from the office, however, better than live in the main room with YUKARI. She knows that her grand father understands her privacy and YUKARI not.

 My mother was the same thing to my father. However, she did it not for her sake. For others sake. She is such kind of people and not for her, every time.

 Alex is easy goer and flexible. The biggest is the better, he said. Not because of his hobby, but because of more confortable spaces for him. They allowed to chose the best by them and they chose. Thus, YUKARI went down from the top space of the house.

 MIYUKI's place, everyone thought. However, MIYUKI didn't insisted. She knows that just a small space is enough for her. Because she lives here for some months only. Don't want to have a spacious place. Miyuki was good at this type. Miyuki was in Brazil and flexible rather than hardhead.

 Miyuki was so queer for them. She was allowed to be here by the mercy of Gods sake, she thought. Thus, it's true. According to the theory, she should rent a house to live and not so high now. However, she wanted to work confortably and her kids are here. She is responsible for the kids. Confortablness, yes. However, I was just the guest, at maximum. I wouldn't do beyond the limit. Thus, she didn't move from the chamber of her room, even YUKARI showed her irritation to her, each time she passes.

 She knew that she would be the last one to be treated here. Nevertheless, she pretended to be arrogant, she said. However, now, her pretension turned to be the fact. She really passed the boundaries. A boundary that she herself made to her. I would not repeat the mistake again and I would do so, I would be punished. She should write in her diary. Each day, the diary was broken and she forgot. Miyuki said the same thing and effected well. Why she did so? Miyuki did so to avoid her errors. Sometimes commetted several errors repeatedly, however, she punished by herself and passed forward. OK, I commited the same errors. Nobody is perfect. OK, I will try again.

 MIYUKI was a cheerful and tried to be better and it's a joke ike thing for us. MIYUKI's fun club is here and there! Gee, it's an interesting one!!! She would be the star!!! A big bun strategy was named. By the way, we got to notice that MIYUKI was understandble for the errors for others.

 A atomic boms like error happened some times. Some should be punished for it. Some was forgiven. Some were postopned by some reason. YUKARI's case.

 MIYUKI was thought that she were so good to her kids, despite her hatrid to Miyuki. However, the situation was different. She wanted too much for others and did nothing. She was beyond the limit. Her face of regret or looking downward style represented it. Shameless. Too much. She wanted to be kind to others. Then, do so. Not. She took advantage of it. Miyuki commited the small letter, yes. And thought that she wanted to be superior to her, yes. However, we need to be a good at for knowing the reason. Real reason. She wanted to be a good angel for all of the family. She wanted to commit the suicide. OK, then? Turn to be a devil? YUKARI didn't think so. She just wanted to laugh at the error for her funny novel. My sister is so kinky to commit the error to write the error in basic Chinese character. She did it. OK. Then she wanted to sell them. OK. And, she thinks that she can be popular? She thinks so??? YUKARI was so awkward to write the bill. She wanted to write differently. I owe you lots, so you should use me as a servant. No. You woudl get rid of her, yes. She wants to leave here from the house. OK. No money. OK. She should do? Her problem. She was asking mercy in her arrogant way. She is the last one to be treated here in the hospital as a kinky old lady, even in the medical isntitute. Oh, the last. Because she knew the back of the hospital. Then, entering and writing and making the novel or fiction for being popular. A good idea. She wants money. US$30 thousand she had. Yes, thus, she wants more? Why? She wants more type. Should be. A good lesson. She wants more, OK. And she knows the limit, yes. Effort values a lot. MIYUKI values. But she prays lot. OK. Prays are good. Just pray is time consuming however, good for me, as confirmation of intergrity. She thought she wants to be a better wife for all of the family. Nonsense! She can think in her mind however, in reality, not! Wrongdoing!!! She doesn't know the limit and did already. Ah, the film. OK. And she said good for her.OK. Indulged and treated like a betrayer. She wants to be a wife of others. OK. This, the reality is, she is a kinky emperor in our house, according to her mind. Now, her thinking was revieled. Just so.

  My mother recognized that he were mentally ill, in effect. Not a young Alzheimer but a syphilis or so. Too much mistakes and does nothing. Syphilis, or so. Old people called so. BSE, Miyuki's age. Mad cow disease. She is ill in her brain. So arrogant to be the ruler of this house. "My things" She wrote. My mother got to understand why YUKARI criticised MIYUKI so lots. She thought that MIYUKI had no right to stay in her own house. She was in the mersy of her setvants. My servants were so arrogant to do so.

 Oh, Megalomania. Yeah, I have some type of inclination. BIG is my taste.YUKARI was an example of this type. Enhanced mode. She sufferes from it. Maybe, from the beginning she was for it. She wants to be big. yes. Good for especially liberal type. However, she has no money. Earn and use hers. Thus, use for the hospital to ask her request. OK, her own will. To attack my babies!!! No, not at all!!! She has no right to attack any people, especially, kids. My kids are example. Indulged just by her safe. Good grief.Unconcsios, however, she intended to do so because it is a DDMs way. MIYUKI is the nice to understand the fact. Sell the babies. Sell the future. She did it. She sighed the card, in stead of them. My respectful life is easy to use. however, our kids should by protected by me. She was the owner of the kids. No, No!!! She is a betrayers. Looks good. However, she catches them in her hands. Terrible. Occupation proceeded. Now in the final stage. My mother got to know that the arrogance came from her illusional ruler understanding. She behaved like a queen. A wise queen. Maria Teresia. A monarchy!!! Monarco-maki, is in common in middle aged Italia. SASAKI was interested in this fenomenum. Here in MIYUKI's family occuered a reverse type. Mother got in rage of the situation. YUKARI was treated by her in the best hospitality and now in the last one. With such an intention, she treated MIYUKI and wanted her to die as soon as possible. She can write WOW! was MIYUKI's first surprise. And changed the writing. A shaking hands. She wanted to be found the disease, because she was no longer the figure for this world. She did too much. In a house, a big old house, ocuupied a lot of precious things for her and was holded by the hands of Gods of them. IDIOCRACY was too too black and for good for her too. A black was the coolishness. DDMs liked this. All DDMs had the same black and black wearing. It meant that I would be your wife, they understood. Ummm. My clothings were all in black one, also and liked it. My mother brought me all the way from home. YUKARI was tired at that day. She wanted to give her present to her to MIYUKI. OK. She wrote a letter to her. OK. She wrote, don't come to my house, any more. I had no place. I didn't want but no way. I was relieved as a matter of fact. I hated YUKARI so much. YUKARI, never wanted to see! I wanted to get rid of her. I paid for it.

 She thought it were thanking money. Terrible. She wanted more. She doesn't use it. She does. A bit a bit, for small things. She needs money. She has. However, she wants more. Yes, I understand. I use like this, however, I really need. I want to have my space. I make effort for it. I need to do so. YUKARI is your mirror. You like to write and write mroe!!! Yes, in public, yes!!! He would be punished by your producing? Why? Who? Us all!! Miyuki would do the same things altogether. Latin style. Good for us all, I believe. Rough type. Oh, she does rough, I thought on her and I thought that she wanted to show her disliking of the boresome tasks to his superior. At the same type, a professionalism is required I thouhgt. Boresome, however, she was paid for it, also. Eveyday, the same dull work, its bad for everyone. Her resource was different. However, some tiny boresome things everyone did and does, a bit a bit. Someone did and does more. Endurable range. In her case, "Oh, she is more rough than me! Rare person!!!" Yeah, sometimes, NAKAGAMI did it. "Gee! how violent, she was!!!" She was laughing but not so laghing things. They were punished by the works? Why? They did so for their own selves. They didn't do the same things all. Just a family life. Not for versity profs. They were more able to do so, maight be, or not. However, they lost their intention. Chose family life? No. Chose obedient wive's life??? Yumiko NAKAGAMI did so.

 Oh, Satoru FUNABASHI did inform on her life. She had several kids and was busy for it and did nothing for the versity. Oh, she got married. With whom? Didn't know. She got married with some prof of upper class univ and made a maid by herself. I know. Nanako HARADA Type. Good wife pretending type. Kyoko TAKADA. They did nothing and trablemaker were. However, want to be a head of the group. Mr.Don's counterpart type. Mrs.Dona. Lady Ga-Ga, Radio Ga-Ga. Augusta Gautrude someone. Her nickname. I was astonished at her preference on rocken' roll. Minority's yell. Otaku nard yell songs. Good to listen. Clare likes, too. Good. Alex? Japanese positive cheerful songs, mostly. And negative spooky songs a bit.

 Their preference was negative,??? No! Good and dancable, anyway. She was good at dancing. Clare is. Better than me. Her colleagues are yes. And May? I was astonished at her H cup bust. She did it, maybe. You were astonished however, in Hachioji, normal. No!!!! Too much. Not liberalism. Prostitutes like taste and she did that looking downward eyed. Yes, not only shy. I sang the DDMic kids hating songs in front of the junior high. I left their alone, because Clare wanted so and I too. You are lucky. At that time, you saw the scene. Yes, silent ghost town. Near the station. Each house has no smell of living. They didn't want to live any more. They did it by their contract. Yes, they did by their will. They should not. And did. With no benefit. Strange condition. They were already kinky enough.

 They are the last one to the importance of the life. Including theirs. Strange, MIYUKI wonderes. However, for them, obvious. Living will. They said. She wanted to do so now. Wanted to sell her internal organs. After her death. OK. Committing suicide was not difficult. In the hospital, easy. There are lots of hospitals. I was the last one to know the number of the hospital is over that of DDMs. Each one, each hospital or clinic. Strange system. Only clinics syndrome. Anyone can do it and anyone can be allowed. Strange system.

 YUKARI would do so sooner or later. As she likes. No more DDm. Just it.

 She doesn't think so. Always. Its easy evasion. Think or so. Ground. Nothing. Your tools, for your sake, please withdrow as soon as possible. YUKARI was upset. They are mine. I am the member of this family. Why you dare to say so. Because you are my kids. My kids, who? I din't want to be your kid. You just gave a birth for me and abandoned me. You are liar. You both, two. You treated me so bad. You should treat me differently .More money,More satisfaction.

  YUKARI insisted that she were a cook for the family and thus her tools were full in the kitchen. No other reason. She did only mashed potatoes!!! Everyone knows that she buys cheapy things repeatedly. She explained that because my mother ordered me, or MIYUKI ordered me. Again? Everyone, thought. The lady in a hat came to buy the same things repeatedly. MIYUKI felt the same thing when she asked the bag of the vilil at the dragstore. She always refused pointcard making and confused the memory. Good for the target, they thought. Why YUKARI not? Because she had no register in HACHIOJI. Information system has established earlier before 1970. Ah, 5 figures groups. Now the 6 figures type. 3 ×2 type. A squad with a top. Strange but functioned. Ton-ton-macute!!!! Terrible death squad! We remember the name of the expression on the articles on the news paper. Haichian style. Miyuki was good at memory rather than DDMs. Miyuki was developed the tecnics. Many ADACHI like kids were killed and she felt. She thought sad but hungry. At the same time. Bad however, understandable. Not inhuman, more laughing joke, sorry. I am so . I am hungry now!! 

 I ate 2 pieces of buckwheat pancake with flour a bit, sweet black beans and raisins for lunch and took cafe latte.

 I am now adopting stokers system in the kitchen. For tools and for foods, also.

 When I buy something else, I choose well. Even in case of US$1 store's items, I choose in this way. Thus, only useful and good taste things were selected by me and collected. This is the reason that I don't want my goods to be used someone who has no affection or sympathy to the good point of them. Only who understands the taste, intention of the creators, qualification, beauty, usefulness, function and so on can use them, appreciating the good points.

 Thus, I put my utensils on my own box and separated in stockers or their substitutes, roughly and use them in case of cooking. My own tools box.

 I have no space to hold them in the office of my father nor in the chamber of my mother. Thus, I put the box in a living room and use them even for a light meal. Common kitchen and my own individual utensils. A bit inconvenient, however, there is a great merit. I can use the goods selected by me, and my dish becomes more delicious these cutraries, dishes, cups so on. My style of eating is accomplished. Not with the cheapy not-stylish childish designs, but with my own eyes.

 I was good at painting, statute making and so on. Arts in general. Thus, I selected my things well.

 When I choose, it takes time, yes. In the US$1 shop, sometimes, it took one hour to decide wether I should buy or not. Like a Hamlet.

 In US$1 shop, there are many interesting things. Sometimes, I choose just for fun. Steckers, magnats with interesting frases, paper bags just for entertainment. Good items for my performance. They can be wasted and given to others.

 And durable things like kitchen tools. In this case, I choose them seriously. Because it should be put up with the several years' more use, without being disliked. If it had qualified that it would have the value, I allow me to buy. Only just a flamboyant feeling, I don't buy it, even it attracts me a bit. Good for use for several years, is my standard. I don't waste money into the trash.

 I imagine that not only YUKARI but also other DDMs buy the cheapy things repeatedly as their flamboyant feeling.

 In case of YUKARI, she has habit to keep them in the house, in disorder, despite, however, they can be reused.

 Almost all of DDMs throw them altoghether at once. This is called "断捨離”or Total Abandoning. Many books on the matter are sold. Almost ten years ago, this word was entered into the terms for us.

Revision on DAME OYAJI or Contempted Fathers (4)

2017-02-21 03:22:23 | 日記

   My father's cousin Grand Uncle Ryoji have one. His name is RIN. My kids played with him in the field of the mountain.

  My Grand Uncle left him in the hands of a pet shop just for a trimming. He left the shop for one hour or so and came to take him. When he looked his friend, he was astonished! Now, his pet PAPIYON turned to be a little lion!!!! The pet shop clerk made him an image change. He was so astonished that took him to show to my kids. My kids were also astonished at the transformation. 

  When I came back in Shirakawa from my working place on weekend, they reported the astonishment, "MIYUKI, Rin turned to be a lion! A dog turned to be a lion!"

  It was the period of prime minister Junichiro KOIZUMI, almost 10 years ago. This figure was famous for his Lion like hair. The Lion Epoc. The pop singers group called SMAP, composed of all Testacles Pets, sand "Lion Heart" and it was in the top of the ranking.

  Oh, KOIZIMO was a dog, previously. And turned to be a lion or, lion like dog. What is his proper name? A clue. Female one. The result is....Lisa!!!!!

  Lisa Lion...Or, another is possible. Sue!!! Sue Lion!!!

  Sue Lisa Lion. SLL. Ummm...Good. A small "thing" turned to be Bigger.

  As a matter of fact, this KOIZUMI Sue Lisa was so short at hight. Thus, to make him look higher, he made his hair stood and showed up as a bigger, in stead of his shortage.

  I add that Ichiro KITAMURA of Tokyo Univ. wore the same hairstyle.

 He graduated from the Keio University. A rich boy in an indulged family.

 His grand father was poor and erned money by illegal negotiation or so. However, after him, the dynasity degraded and degraded. Now the VI, whose name was Shinichiro, was in idol among DDMs. He should be the next ball after ABE, they said.

  They are DAME OYAJIs in the real meaning. The fathers who should not have had been born type. 

  In Japan, politicians should be ereditary, in fact. ABE was also. TANAKA was. SUZUKI was. KOIZUMI was. The proposal to prohibit the candidacy of the kindred of the politicians were refused by inconstitutionality, according to the newspapers. Nepotism is protected by the bitch Constitution.

  Japanese Costitutionalists were also DAME OYAJI in this meaning. 

  Youichi HIGUCHI was the real betrayers. I am ashamed that he was a president of International Association of Comparative Study of Constitutional Law.

  He repeated the critics on the Japanese tendency of "You should obey the power holders' decision" or 「長い物には巻かれよ」.

 However, he himself was always in favour of this tendency. He has criticised the ideology which he believed and acted on the basis of. Thus betrayers No.1.

 The association should push out him from the position and take all of his honours he was given during his life time.

 He changed or he was genuin DDM from his birth? 

 He was a cultural nationalist and sexist, I did know. He liked to pretend to be a cosmopolitan, at the same time. Legally cosmopolitan, culturally nationalist. What does it mean? When caltural matter happens, he would be in favour of unconstitutional actions, maybe. Thus, when DDMs are the national treasure in Japan, he would refrain from dealing with the matter.

  He himself was old Japanese Machist type in his ordinary days. His wife was totally obedient, who walked always 3 steps after her husband, and kept silent on his Testacles Pets' play during her life.

  He liked Old Silent Mimic Theater Play called NOU. Oh, No! Yes, Nou! This is really slow and beyond the limit of endurance.

  Nou started as a popular play in the middle age. However, in 14 century, ZEAMI appeared and organized the play and Nou turned to be the pleasure of aristcratic soldiers' class.

 And interestingly, the performers are all Testacles Hosts of some aristcratic power holders, including this ZEAMI.

  I read a book called 「風姿花伝」or "Writing on Wind, Appearance and Flowers" written by ZEAMI. It was the extract of the Nou peforming. A good book to understand the conception of beauty of him. Nice. However, his adveice was too too old fashioned, of course. He said, "Secrecy is the cause of beauty". Yes, pragmatically. However, as a theory, not good. Even concealed, people make a effort to be good. The result appears only when people in public, however, behind, we should continue to develop, incessently.

  When I watched the movement of the worker, who collected the trash outside HASEGAWA Hospital, I thought that his movement was beautiful. He did just for do his job quick and efficient, maybe, however, he did it beautifuly, without any mistake and useless movement, as I wrote before.

  He was just accustomed to the tasks, yes. However, he did well. He did in every place, according to the situation of the place and the weather and so on. He was not a performer. He moved for his job. However, his movement was beautiful.

  He worked outside. Thus means he has possibility to be seen by someone. No one, usually. However, I, coincidently, saw him and felt good at his way of working.

  Secrecy is not the cause of beauty, rather that of dirt, in theory. Secrecy produced indulgende and insincerity, lie and fake. Honesty maked beauty, not secrecy.

 The frase should be understood that the superficiality has the black dirty side.

 We people understood that it is an expression of modesty of ZEAMI. After my full make up, I am beautifl like a girl, however, before and after the performance, I am not beautiful. Just a plain man. Don't expect me so much.

 A warning message to prevent the disillusion. Thus, the words of polite refusal.

 However, DDMs' interpretation is the opposite. We can do any dirty work inside our secret society. We just keep secret and don't inform the relevant fact to any people at all.

 Japanese pimps or Constitutionalists's version of the frase. Do you like my interpretation, Mr.Flabby Youichi HIGUCHI? Can you challenge me? OK, anytime, I would fight with you, my ex-professor!

  The Law of Special Secrets Protection was the result of their crazy kinky interpretation of this frase, wasn't it, HIGUCHI? Can you explain me why you chose HASEBE instead of MOURI? Which is which? And where is Michiko NAKAYAMA? Vanish? Why? To where?

 Michiko NAKAYAMA was a feminist, however, she was quick and rough, at the same time. She was put into OCHANOMIZU Women's Colleage. A public versity exclusively for females!!! A ridiculous!!!

 In the beginning of the establishment, this versity was for females who would be a wife of Tokyo Versity graduates. Good girl versity, they say. OCHANOMIZU!!! WAHAHA!!! We have the proverb that says, "My belly bottan is so boiling because of so much laughs". That is, "Ridiculous! Nonsense! No other way except laughing!!!"

 I thought that NAKAYAMA would be HIGUCHI's successor. However, she was excluded from the versity.

 Her colleague, kinky old bug, short hight rapist type Shigeru MINAMINO, of Univ. of KYUSHU said to me, "NAKAYAMA is now wondering to study public sanitary in USA or so". Reason, unknown.

 For me, she was a bit conservative but nice guy type personality figure. At least, she called me to participate in the study meeting of jurisprudenc on public law.

 I was astonished and traced her performance. She didn't write any more, at that time. Where was she?

 I asked on her to Marcelo de ALCANTARA, because he works for OCHANOMIZU also. However, he didn't know her at all. Yes, Marcelo's faculty is different from that of NAKAYAMA, maybe. However, not a big versity and she can speak English fluently. Why foreign professor didn't know her?

 Like OGIWARA, I felt strange. Just strange.

 I presented 4 cases of death among young TOKYO univ. related scholars. NAKAYAMA was also "normal" type. Yeah, for DDMs, she was so radical. However, she was not so extremest like me.

 NAKAYAMA was a doughter of a female deplomat. She had a elder sister. Her fiance was also assitent of Commercial Law of Tokyo Univ. Not so brilliant, he was, however, looked plain and normal.

  I thought, "Oh, good, it combines well. She is cleverer than him and he would contribute to him. She is a feminist. A good couple!"

 I myself, as a strategy, pretended to be not OYAJI. It was needed to survive. I almost always wore traditional british type suits, except some season.

 In summer, I had to wear light casual ones, because I couldn't put up with the hot temperature in Tokyo. And I am not good at conditioned are. Natural breeze is sufficient for me. So, T shirts and jeans, in this season, even in Tokyo Univ.

 MINAMINO was opposite. He likes to put on the air conditiner, opening the windows. Strange and innefficient choice. His impression was just sloppy.

 If he were a father, he would be a real DAME OYAJI, in DDMic way. MaDAME OYAJI, maybe. Ummm...Ken TOUGOU type. Oh, he would combine with Chizuru MISAGO!!! Sloppy couples, sex unknown, sexual orientation unknown, short at hight both, nasty feeling as usual.

 MINAMINO licked the basic knowlege on Japanese Constitution. I sometimes doubted whether he was a pimp, in effect. He is this tipe. The model of Japanese Constitutionalist in this meaning.

 Thus, MaDAME OYAJI is now in fashion. MATSUKO type, in appearance.

  Ma, DAME DAME, OYAJI! I am old kinky bug, only!, Natsuki UCHIDA, an ex-AKB-48 member refused his attempt to get her as his pet. They colaborated a book called, 「憲法主義」or Constitutionalism.

 Pimps, you did a good job. Nice own goals, you did. Too much good.          

   Thus, Dr.Miyuki SATO was kicked out from Japanese versities and only watched their muddy or mucky game from outside. Who is the final one on this monopoly? Probably they chose HASEBE and regretted a lot. Because the number of the own goals by him was tremendously big!!! Nice game for us. The last member of our team, namely I, was excluded from the field and ordered not to participate in it.

  You know, I am a kind of No Boring, please, type. They pimps were too too boresome. Their game was too much dull. Just own goals.

  I have a lot of sources on IDIOCRACY in Japan, quite a lot, in reality. I will sell the episode for earning money. Thank you for the participation, we should say to our kinky old bugs?

 I thought, why they wore baseball uniform and had bats and gloves to play association football? And they used small balls, many and many. Oh! This field is batting center, having no enemy. Just they bat the balls incessantly. The number of the own goals for us is that of hits for them. Ummmm....the same field, different game we did. I came here to play association football, while they came to but the balls. They called me to come and gave me an invitation card. I brought it and showed it to them as a proof. However, they said that I commeted a big error and pushed me out from the field. 

  Thus, I claimed to others, showing the card, asking, "In this case, our team has won, hasn't it?" They judged and informed me, "Yes, you are right. They wrote the invitation card and you played well. They pushed you from the field and they used the field as a batting center. In this case, they played associated football and their hits were calculated as own goals. "

 Thus, I, did nothing, just watching, and won. Just wearing a team uniform for football. Only one, I, was invited to the game. I believed that it was the game of football. I should to buy a team uniform for it. Anyway, I won. We won, exactly.


I remember that I had the same experience in my primary school days.

  I was a captain of the girls' softball team in the small block. Team YAOYA-CHO. However, the members of our team  were only 3 or 4.

  MAKIKO, my closed friend was the captain of other team called SOKUZEN-CHO. Her team's members were only 6 or 7 also.

 Thus, we combined the teams and turned to be one united team called SOKUZEN-YAOYA or so.

 One day, the tournament was held. We trained for the game. However, our team was so wimpy. Worst of all, I was the world player in the team. However, we should fight against the rival team. So we came to the field and won. Just it. Fairly easy. The easiest victory, we did. Easiest in the history of any ball game. Because, the rival team didn't come!!!!

 We could win, just came. This is my first softball game in my life. We imagined that our team would lose the game, because the rival was a normal team and ours was just wimpy. MAKIKO was the best in the team. I, had to confess, didn't know the rule...Thus, every member thought that we would lose and it was fated and should accepted the predictable result.

  However, anyway, just I came and did nothing and I could lead our team to win. Ummm...Just the dream of January, 2, 2016. I and we, won, without doing anithing. Just watching what they did.

  Human Rights Watching. We did and won. Totall Idiocracy finished.

  Spring really has come soon. DDMs would vanish. Inform the wrongdoing you, your family, your friends suffered. Say to others. It's important. Secrecy turns to be our own goals. Thus, just say to others. I am free from Kyorin. I should listen to your precious words. I am on demand type. If you call, I would go. Now, the casted spell was resolved. Subliminal, they call. They insisted that it were totally right. However, anyone knows that influencing someone by trapping is crime. OMANKO-JOURNALISM should be punished. They were too bad to conceal the fact. Every fact we found was erased from the history. Terrible. They forgot easily that they set the memory loss bomb to themselves. Repeatedly, as much as possible. They repeated. Like a movement of mechanical machines or so on. They did so bad their tasks. They did wrongdoing in the roughest ways. They cut the wrists as they like, yes. However, don't cut others! They confused the names and put it on the table, "you are wrongdoer, MIYUKI. You should be punishd by your own goals. You are nothing in the world. They should obey the rule."??? They who? Miyuki, you wouldn't believe that the OBATA was you???? They wanted me to be the second OBATA? I am not the type. I am not Administrative Law believer. Even though, something happened on MIYUKI related with OBATA. Ummmm....Jouchi Professor jobs? Yes. I was desqualified. They didn't believe so.They say that she called MIYUKI to come and she didn't. Oh, when? In a dream??? I didn't know that. Dream as a telephone? Telephone sex means sexual dream? Miyuki was confused at the moment. She was in wonder that they create the system of their own information system called rumour based judiciary. They used, yes. However, they didn't create anything. Just abuse the old system. Not creative type. Bad in any creative activity. Just dull work. They loved it! Monotonous sleepy days, we passed.

  MIYUKI got to know the faked feeling in 2008. Why so, didn't understand. This system was so much risky, because not good for her health. Her? Whose? Obata's? Why? She was not good at memories, Oh? I thought the opposite. Miyuki was right. She was good at memories. And she was powerful. Yes, I thought. And suddenly she dissapeared from the meeting. Yes. She was busy, I thought. You are kinky old bug,? NONONONO. Thus, why not? I respect others and know my limit as a human being. I trie to be good. Just it. Not so splended thing. In this meaning, the worst coach in the field and the worst player in the history and the best scholar in the world prize was received by us.

 MIYUKI, you would want to work for us? Yes!!!! It would be kind and good for me to give me a chance. I appreciate your cooperation and I thank all of you!!! Thank you so much!!!!

  Why you are so in a harry? Because I need to make the fact adquerid. Now, I would like to appreciate all of my supporters. Thank you so much!!! I will accept all of your offer!!!!!! Thank you!!!!

  You are ridiculous kinky old guys' pet, in past. Yes. You felt nasty. Yes. You remember the feeling, yes. We do!!! Oh, we have the same sense. This would be called the 3rd eye !!! Oh, I got it!!! I have one two and three. Not a sensor. A feeling, just called. yes, I think so. Feeling means sensing something not seeing ones, especially. yeah. Difficult to say, because seeing is also sense. Feeling is important in your life. you feel cold and nasty now? Cold yes, nasty no! And the wind blows now. The spring wind. Marilin Monroe like impression. You found the place, yes. In MITA, near KEIO University. And felt strange? Ummm ...Just like a scene of the film. Amusing. However, a bit dangerous, if one intentionally made it and leave it, not a joke. Right. Old kinky bugs could do it. They are the emperors of the railway system. Tecchan, they are called. Thus, there is a possibility, they did for the object.

  And the victim could know? It all depends. Some one feel strange and someone doesn't. Recognition. Someone slow, someone quick. Quicker is better, in almost all of the circumstances. In some exceptions are there. Sometime, kids should learn step by step, not altogether. Slow but necessarily slow, in this case.

 Quick is good, why? Efficiency. Making others not irritated. Competitive. Amusing. A kind of race. And if one is quick, one can slow. On the opposite, no. Thus, I would be quicker. Stronger means in this case. I would help others. For me, yes. However, more more stronger is better for others too. I want so I try. Just it. You are right. Training is important to us. We should say so to others. Thus, we should work together! I promissed to the TOUHOKU people to get the damage compensation from the Goddamnit Government. I should do keep the promise. I did the same with philipine people and maoris. NZ is maori'z land. Maori is mix blood now, yes. Not excluding meaning. Not productive, negative jobs, NZ should not be explored, I would like to say.

  You are right. You would be good at sense. You would be good at anything type, yes! Good playground now the world is!!! You are terrified with your age? A bit. Because NZ 't limit was 55. I am in 54. OK, I would struggle for it, if I could, however, it causes me another loss. Good as an experience, however, time consuming and fruitless is worse. Thus, I was terrified. I would be revealing the vast eviness in this country at first. TOUHOKU and PHILIPINE are related. MAORI's also. I have some MAORI spirits inside me. Because of blood, my daughter's birth and saw the MAORI's works in the museum and felt. A big ship. A designs. Cheerful big people. Good for everyone spirit we say. Clare has one, maybe. She is a easy goer? Not flamboyant but more descrete one. however, positive, she is. She is quick maybe. She is big, yes! She was a good one? Almost. She isn't perfect? Far from it. But good. She has common sense. She would come to visit me, abroad, maybe.

 Alex? Not yet. He is slow. he would think more and more. Quick if he thinks so.Slow, when he dislikes. And you? Alex type. I am enjoyment oriented. his hobby is different from me. I respect his privacy, however, I didn't want hime to be addicted. Thus? Nothing. He should resolve the problem, however, in the taste of the minimum paternalism.

 I don't want to force it. Avoid, I want. I just want he to get understand our idiology. I am a professional, in any means. not  gaming old kinky bug. He should understand it. YUKARI wouldn't understand me. She has no capacity any more.

 I was a school girl, I was a school boy. I was a young lady. I was a pretty lady. REpeated remarks on the past. Good to remember, however, activating the memory is important. Only a nostargy, stop thinking, and do your work. This is the instruction. you did do it already? Yes. I antomatically thought the past and didn't stop it. Then I began to move the body anyway for the change.

 She sprang, however  doesn't think that action is better than nothing. Just waiting is the most useless. Endurance, minimum is good for body and mind.

 Japanese kinky predilection to endurance, obedience and indulgende. They should vanish with DDMs. Strange!!!! KINKY!!!! STUPID!!!!

 I want to get along with people. Just is. Here is not my place. Thus I will leave here. I want to cut the relationship with DDMs. Not at all!!!

 No More DoDoMerdas!!!!! No, forever, no!!!!