YUKARI's End (16)

2017-02-25 15:37:16 | 日記

And she got to know that KISUMOTO was one of cleverest ones but he was not good at her "pretending lady like polite way life". Just a bitch, he said. OK, Kusumoto. Virgin bitch, you could say. Anyway, I will pay you in some restaurant, impossible to pay alone. You should be my body guard.

 Big is enough for DDMs. He was Big boy type. And clever and knew well on Shinjuku, so Miyuki wrote to him, "Hi, I will pay for you. Bring me that place called "KYABA-KURA". I am new to the region and interested in the place. I want to investigate sociologically. If you want, bring TANAHASHI together!"

 This is her "KYABAKURA letter case". Miyuki wrote in a tone of funny way, amusing one. But, this letter was seen by all of her colleagues and they held a meeting to catch her. "KYABAKURA" was a prohibitted word for DDMs. There were some prohibitted words to be used in the versity. this was editated by Kitamura brothrs. KOJIEN was called. Oh, they were spiritually brothers. Testacles Pets type.

 KITAMURAs are vague, vacant and considerably big and thought beautiful by females when they were young. ADONIS type. and KUSUMOTO is the same line in appearance. Big, good looking and big head type.

 Lion head chiken was Ichiro KITAMURA. He was too evil to kill his rival in the versity. Practically, he was the evilest one in the versity. Thus, any others didn't say anything, even he was really forgetful and vacant and dull. KITAMURA line, they call him. He was too ill to use the killing system for others. He ordered the special course for her, to take her beautiful kids to him...???? Strange too much. Mr.Flabby planned it. To sell the body. Oh, yes. Bigger is better for lever selling. Just they were big!!! Oh, Kitamuras for it use.

 Ducking process was videotaped by Miyuki the producer!!! Oh, good job for me. Alex liked to participate into the job. Committee for the project of really kinkiest tortures and sadistic punishment, including their execution!!!! Oh, good, you too, Alex!!!

 Jorge Bataile would like it. Eye curving!!! They should be putted into trash with their own Testacles pets!!! KK Chains, forever. Eating and fassing!!! That's it! Autofagy type. Alex liked to watch the movie. Miyuki responded, Ummmm...That one??? Not delicious. However, as irony, can be seen. Which taste, ugly? Comical? Or, real version???

 The third is the best. Foreingers wrote the playwright and did the production. Who would come? Miyuki would like to participate into it. Executor should be. Not avoidable. Everyone avoids, because of the dirty work. However, someone should do it. NEMO-KATSU adore that movie, recomendable!!! Oh, the lesson, previously!!! Gorem like figures in it. YUKARI particpated into it. OK, the same line. Muckeating and economical. As they like, they could do. One's death is fatal for all of them. Now in the period of hunger. YUKARI is thursty now. And drink water with a bit of wine, OK, for execution. I paid for it, and accused me as a kitchen drinker. Shameless. 50 years old female can drink as she likes her wine, as much as possible, if she like. Why I am a kitchen drinker? 50cc or less wine a day. AOYAGUI the clerk said that she drank 3 or 4 bottles of wine every night and she felt good and not gained weight. She said so. I am OK, and she? She looked fine, despite of her drinking habit. Why she is sane and I am a kitchen drinker???

 Miyuki was too bad to know that YUKARI liked to be Miyuki. Oh, KITADA's attack again. Some DDMs want to be MIYUKI, of their own interpretation. They just want to hold the best degree of the Japanese society, that it. Not other reason. Just wanted to fake my life as their own interpretation. Domestic Mother type Miyuki, Business Lady Miyuki, Power Holder Miyuki, Reigher Miyuki, Kind girl Miyuki etc. Changeable Miyuki, they call themselves. We can substitute Miyuki, because she was so kind enought to leave her dearest kids for us. We should entertain with them. They are lady killers. We are enjoyable old ladies. Bitch, Alex said, it means Mother like ones. Oh, you too, Alex!!! Oh, they were too ugly and too old, however, they sometimes appear. In front of the mirror, monstrous things, however, on line, they were only pupils. Sex friends!!! Oh, you two!!!

 Bitchs for only voice perticipation. Shirakawa people was new to the system. Bitch voice was recorded in IC recorder, YUKARI thought. Why? YUKARI was so kinky to get to know the sexual life of others and she didn't want to reveal her own. They are bitch and I am a good girl. I am just interested in the jobs. that's it. For the sake of her writing. always she excuses like that. Just a curiority, not my spiritual existance. I need to know for my divine mission to protect my family. She said in the court and appeared as Miyuki SATO in her early days. Miyuki was cought and absent. Now, YUKARI was right figures to play the role. Oh, again? Yukari did the same mistakes. She pretended to be Miyuki. Just a cheap job. Now double personality. Alex participated in the job. Alex, you too? again.

 Her personality change means just she deteriorated so bad. She did know it, so drank it for the excuse of "I am too right to write things. Look! Her letters were so bad and ridiculous mistakes!! Look, mother, her Chinese character was funny. What did she say? Presume, bowls or so. I can write the letter correctly, in his own way. Look, he was so good for me, and I would imitate his letters. 

 Forgery, we said. She participated into the job. She prefered night work. she did it and failed. Easy and did it. Night job experience among them. Only Yukari failed. Anyone knows the system. Only she was caught in the jail. She was right. She was a good girl type and want to be a good girl. Now she tried to be Miyuki, the protectionalist. Miyuki is so protective and kind to us. You should be so kind like us, Alex. Miyuki passed away. Now she is in the departure. She disliked me always. Now, she is leaving from her goddamnit sister.

 OK, she would protect me from the cloud. She was her idol. OK, she was so good. What is your name? Miyuki SATO. Her real name was Yukari SATO and forgot her name and repeatedly used her sister's name. where is your houes? I live in Arcadia, a building with the cross mark someting. She was so slow to learn that she was participating in the black magic like job of forgery. Miyuki's letters were target for them. they used in common the letters and forged as they could. A good punishment for her. She decided to do so, because she really wanted her own house and she lost her money. She spent her money to earn the job. A system, YUKARI also called. ORE-Ore deceipt. Bring your money, as you like. If you want, we will share and we would be your friends!!!

 This is the system. YUKARI was caught in the middle of the road and lost her memories she brougt to the police. My sister was crazy and too too harsh for me. She would be punished. And should be punished forever.

 Now, she returned from her custody and does the goddamnit job to earn money.

 Money earning is bad for them. Divine mission should be free like Maria of Magdalena. Genuine YUKARI. Oh, is attractive to do so?

 Miyuki was astonished until YUKARI used the straight tight type jeans. Good. Better than dirty YUKARI. However, your hair!!! Like a KINTARO!!!

 YUKARI was KINTARO in her dreaming. She is always dreaming and can't get up early in the morning. Just go away. However, she doesn't want. OK, we should put you in custody. Day care for the first and then, as you like, single or collective. Jail forever. Kinky old ladies. Not Mental Hospital, just custody. They like them.They call ill and they are really ill. They did it as they like, so they were punished. Miyuki was the worst case. She did it and got discharged. Oh, not because of it???

  They believe that she was mentally ill thus did it and videotaped it and cought again. Oh, that's the video tape, I presumed. OK, and!!!

 Miyuki was too brave to do it! On the last day, because there were nothing to do!!! What was worse is that the same day you got discharged. YUKARI informed MIYUKI becauese of it, Oh, really!

 Good too know!!! YUKARI is the shame itself!!!! Peeping TOM bitch sells her own sister because of cheapy life. She said that she wanted to dream the best life for their kids.

 YUKARI called the best life and Miyuki calls it nightmare. Oh, that's it. Witch is better, liberal ones and strict ones?

 Miyuki's answer is happier ones. Mazochist lives the strict ones. Miyuki isn't. Always liberal. Thus, Miyuki wants to go forhead. And smiling. YUKARI the bitch, is her family name. A good choice and good job for everyone. Miyuki was caught for DDMs, really.

 DDMs were so evil. Plain domestic wives, not at all. When she recognized the difference, too late. DDMs caught her as their pets. Oh, the meeting and FD!!!

 Quick news!!! Another proof of OMANKO-JOUNALISM. Look!

 The article says, "On may, the prices of letters and stamps are up. New stamps desigin is here. The newly stamps of "62" yens. Look the lineups!"

 However, now the price of the standard letter is "82" yens. 20 yens are cheaper stamps are called "more expenxive" by the OMANKO-Journalists. They can't calculate the numbers at all. The 2nd Grader's math ability was lacking among them. How shame!!! Incapacity total!!!

 You, common kids with 7 ages, you can earn money writing articles on OMAKO-Journalism and write all the truth. "You bitches, you are too old enough to know the period of stamp of "62" yens. Probably 30 years ago. How old are you and why you are so idiots and shameful? Who says that you should work in the field of journalism? Say now, Bitches!"

 For the confirmation, I put the two site of the article and the site of postal office. Compare well and think on your own way. IDIOCRACY total. YUKARI like dull idiots write these articles and says, "Good. I am an excellent in Math, always."

 Old bitches who fake like schoolgirls. Yukari is only one of these evil bullshits. Bye for now!

 How insensitive and dirty you are, Bitches!!!

  I went to the market to bring two empty boxes with me to the house. I need to put the kids' notebooks and textbooks in their primary schooldays or so away in the box. We need a cosy space to use as the living room. Now it turned to be a storage. At least, I can make a service to create a new space for my family. Too tough to use a public space for the sake of strage. My kids books and notebooks almost. Yes, lots of usensils also. Thus, I need to put away, when I have a time.

  Not so difficult job for me. Just it was too cold to do that. Now, spring has come and I can move more than in winter. In winter, our house turned to be the north pole itself. Only a survival game in a brizzard. Searching something was too too harsh for my chilblain character. Now, I pick up several boxes from the supermarket and put the materials in them, finding some useful things for us and for philipine people. Good for both and we will get a refreshed living room.

  And I would learn how to put away in order, as soon as possible. I can't concentrate on the job of cleaning up. I am slow, when I find something which recalls the scenes that I encountered for the first time. thus, the process prolongs. Even in case of emergency, for me, it's too difficult to do Total Abandonment like DDMs. I need to select the things, when I leave. This is my stance I have gotten recently. Not for suicide, but for the new departure. 

 DDMs thought that they had no future and prolonged the process, as much as they could and turned to be the target of laugh of the universe. DDMs should know that how others think on them. Poor shameless idiots. They think so. They can't separate things in public and in private. They can't recognize mercy or pity of others. They say, "I pledge that...", just for the compliment and don't keep the secret at all. No no nothing. They were right. They are liars and then should be the laugh itself.

  "62" yens for the new price of stamp. Now, "82" yens. The OMANKO-Journalists rexpressed the price were incresing. Oh, DDMic mistake. They didn't know "62" is less than "82" or, they thought that now the price were less than "62". Both are the evident symptoms of Alzheimer diseace. They all. Anyone didn't recognize the error and put on the online journal. They dared to make new stamp designs!!! The all didn't find any error in the stamps. Terrible, however, it is the real actual Japan. DDMic world is so small and only YUKARI like figures are working for the power holders. They vanished, however, the DDMs continue to do their grotesque works.

 Chiaki TSUJI said to Miyuki that, "We female should have several votes more for the future because we represent the opinions of our kids. We are responsible for the society." And when Miyuki said, "We should have work for the future, not for the actual benefit.", TSUJI showed a strange face with regret. Gee, I have already sold the future! This guy knew the fact, like expression.

 Yes, they have already sold the future of their kids and grand kids. They pretended to have womb to fake a female and had already taken it. It was the order of the power holders. YUKARI should have done it and refused it and came back to her mother's house. Gee, my mother's house was so messy. I would clean up the house, entirely. Oh, everyone should know that DDMic clean up is just total abandonment. Miyuki would like to bahave descretely. She want to sell your things for your sake. Because she wants to have money more. She needs to have money to buy potatoes for Alex, because Alex praised her potatoes and she likes to mash the potatoes.

 Too much potatoes in a time and mashing in the same time. The same movement. Oh, substitute of sex for her. Oh, that one. Only substitute life she had.

 Now, I need to leave here and she should do it for herself. I want to conceal from her and she would forget me. She should forget me, or she tried to rely on me financially. Terrible situation again. She dared to do so, she does now.

 She just wants to rule the family. And the protectionists think that she was a poor old bitch. She is dangerous, anyway, to Miyuki. She disliked her and wanted to kill her, in reality.

 Several times of attackings were not for Miyuki's only. Harusan would be killed by her. She put the poison on her bowl, however, she forgot to offer it. Yes, she sometimes forgets why she came to the place and pretended to do other things. 5 times today. You would know that one member of one family was the rule of DDMis Constitution. They wanted to prolong the living time, because of their shame records. YUKARI was made for it. Maybe. Yukari herself remember her first declaration, "One for me, as the same of you. We are equal." Miyuki was astonished at the remarks. A baby on the mother's back spoke the political declaration! She should be geneus!!! Her mother thought so, also. And you two were right and YUKARI should be so. She was kinky in her early age, however, she was too shy to do so. She did sometimes kinkiest things and any family member didn't stop her. She was reluctant to be an ordinary simple minded figure. She got to know that she were a remarkable figures in the city in the bad name. YUKARI was crazy, they said and her elder sister was also. Strange sisters. However, their kids are beautiful. Oh, lesbian sisters?!!! Not at all!!! Miyuki changed her sex and now she is a real guy!!! Oh, Miyuki turned to be the real guy!!!! So now Miyuki was popular among DDMic world.

 Oh, she got "it"! Maybe. Oh, I would like to change the sax. Same sex marrige like register is all OK! We are females and we reign the world with MIYUKI!!!! Poor MIYUKI. She didn't know that her declaration of being OYAJI was so so shocking for them. You would be a sister like boy, Miyuki!! No, no, OYAJI, no!!!

 Every DDM cried for it. Oh, that guy had two boy and girl, half blooded and really big. Maybe, "it" would be great and we should have the same one.

 Thus, Chizuru MISAGO was ended. Faked Miyuki version. Miyuki thought that she were Ken TOUGOU, however, she was the last one and no one other substitute for his role. Idiot versity professor who had a power with 2 brothers like male DDMs.

 Just for the play, she changed the sex. She wanted to be your brother, in reality. No, no. Too ugly and smelly. Bye!!! YUKARI's impression was so so bad for Miyuki and got confused by Miyuki. The DDM came to pick me up on the way from Shirakawa, unnecessarily. Not a picnic, but a discharge. She?!!! Too tough punch for me. Haru-san, you are too stupid to bring her to the worst place in the world. This is your place, YUKARI. You are the reigner of the DDMic world, not ours. You confused it, as usual. You have no chance to live.

 You drank sometimes. Today, the smell of alchool in the toilet. What? An injection to be calm down? Why? You should regret what you did during these 20 years. Not days, but years. Too tough for the parents. Yukari was already know that her hatrid was not manageable for her. She took medicines for that and spetted as she likes. She was such kind of time consuming type. Did, however, didn't. Not yet and now already. Confused expressions in the town, here and there. Miyuki did it. She thought that she were right to be the trace the life of others. Oh, NoH!!!! Rural NOH type. Bitch? Yes, Alex understood. Peeping his intimate wear as he likes, and found the remarks every time. You shouldn't do it again. You, pretty boy, you didn't do it!!! OK, too tough life, he should be. DDMis manupulation made a boy to a girl like monster. Good example. TAKAHARA was such a type and got to dislike him. He turned to be a lady like figure suddenly and Miyuki got astonished at the change and said, "I am OYAJI and have two kids. I can't buy any gal, OK!, Bye!!!".

 Miyuki was disliked him before, because of her facial expression, "once per month? Too least!!!" like a big astonishment. For him, once was enough!!! Oh, poor boy!!! You were too crazy. I am more vigorous type, you know. I am lean and more vivid and wanted to do make love with younger ones, also. Actual aim is find a little boyfriend like a baby and an old one, and another. Each generation, at least, one!!!

 Yes, some guy can do it, some guy, not. Not great difference between the friendship and love affection. Wanting to do or not to do. Just it. No other response. Just I don't want to do so. Just do want to do so. The difference is too small. 

 OK, I respect your peaceful family life. However, I want to be honest. If I feel, I express and if you like, do together. As same as the working jobs. Not so different.

 I am more productive, means I want to do it more. TOHOHO's case, no experience, only imagination. Thus, Miyuki would be right. No affection to the concrete one. You should be right and you would welcome to be honest your sexual desire.

 DDMs wanted to attack you on the strange habit. Strange? Not at all! You should do it, DDMs. Then, they do and forgot the time and forgot their trash jobs. They were already dull. And now, the duller than before. Alex should know the matter. Miyuki did in her own way and he understood that Miyuki is a really cool OYAJI. Cool OYAJI's requisit is be clever and it means economical. "Thrifty!" you said. However, you also too much thrifty to earn your money from DDMic figures. Lady killer. Good boy type at a glance and sadistic like your mother, boy. You dislike the bitch and trap them at the cost of them. His game and Miyuki accepted at a certain point. Game is game. You should do and you would be trapped. Watch out over DDMs. Just it.

 Miyuki liked to do create a new job for herself. Too tough to acompany with the boy who wanted to pretend to be a boy like and just wanted to buy girly charming things. You would be a target of buying youself, Miyuki.No one can buy your position. Too expensive? Good to know. Expression to claim the tininess for the others. Good. Sufficient, Miyuki said. I want the highest, if you could. Max price, as far as you could. That's OK. You can provide your resources. I am flexible for that things. Littile, in case, I did the smallest things, Big, I do the biggest things. My effort is limited as a human beings. Thus I need the money. Money substitutes the time and helps to be more flexible in the working. Thus, I need much. You can say greedy, however, I would do the job. As much as I could. I don't want to be dull. Rural people think like that. The richness is satisfaction. Not the figure. Thus, too much money is not so attractive for me. Alex thinks different. However, I am just his parent. He has no right to decide. He would be a good Testacles Pet in this meaning. If he fail to be a lady killer, you, Alex, you vanish with YUKARI. She was so evil, although she was the dullest in the town. You would be the second YUKARI. Too much for the family, you know. YUKARI wants to buy your attraction, using the all of money she had. Too much, however, noway for her. Miyuki paid and Alex made a big mistake. He informed the value to the police. The police caught her as a liar. Miyuki should know that she was a bad guy type and she would sell your belongings all to the police. She would do it and received several money and she forgot it. Now she revieled how she did. Precious things in the hand of the police. They would like to read the diary of versity professors. YUKARI was punished for the failure and she gove her diplomacy to her old friends???? She believed that she could do it. She sold her privacy to the friends, she said. YUKARI was so dark to do so. She was evil and too stupid. She lost lots of money to earn cheapy money. She was that type. No one disagrees at the point. Forever loser type. She did it, already, and every time, she wanted to do so. Anyone could stop it and she begged to forgive you, Alex. She sold her virginity to you, she believed. Thus, she is the victim of the attacks. Oh, too too bad. Ridiculous!!! Not attractive too much. Alex, you should be  so so ugly to play the role of the monster. You need to do plastic surgery just for the job. You would do the job and vanish. You would be a failure of the earth, YUKARI. The last DDM, who begs the mercy for the last time. Not at all. Miyuki should do it and did it. She said to IZUMI-san. She was just a young Alzheimer patient, just it. Nothing interesting for us all. Just it. Too much erroneous. MIYUKI understood that IZUMI-san thought the other things. "How kinky you are! You changed a lot and maitained her gag character, as usual!!!" Miyuki didn't know that young alzheimer were so amusing at a certain point. And amused too much. And now, your turn!!!

 Miyuki is satisfied to be called an Alzheimer like disease she suffered from and she forgot all the past type legend. New model Miyuki version. Oh, DDMs were really expected to do that! And they failed. For the first time, she made a mistake in the history??? My birth??? Mine, maybe. Just it. Versity professor is or should be an amusing job, however, more strict rules applied rather than the common companies in Japan. Even DDMis companies have not such a strange rule. Spirit included rule. You should die under the feet of us, they wanted to do so, for you Miyuki.

 AKUZAWA was just joking of your ignorance. They already did it. The contract to sell the internal organs as the kyorin versity's like. Death contract would be called. Kinkiest too much and was accused by anyone in the world. Nishizawa and Akuzawa made it. Altogether as tatalitarians do. They were too too evil to do so and the surgery was too too quick. Some was only 30 minutes. Plastic surgery like ones. Yukari would do it, for the money. Harusan would stop it. However, as you like, Yukari. You are the last one to sell the privacy of your nwphew to others. Too cruel for the others. Alex endured to her atacking and called to his friends. She was just an evil guy, to peeping Tom societies type. They prefer to be safe outside the society and maintain their privacy totally in safe.





YUKARI's End (15)

2017-02-25 00:41:23 | 日記

 In the year, I found that there are 4 suicide cases, including this campus one. The festival should be surrounded by some spooky feeling.

  A common type coloured phamplet, it was. I noticed that on the last page, there was some photos of the organizing team, composed by the pupils. Spooky comments were there, "I would not forget you, the guy!" like one. Maybe, this is the key.

  A girl, nautral type like me, however, macho-type robust one, was especially highlighted in the photo. Maybe, she would be the victim. Not sobstory type.

 I also had heard that the clerk called TAGUCHI was too severe to the pupils. He harased the pupils lots. He got upset and accused their fault. Mr.Flabby type, chiken one. Short and a big head. Early matured type. This type is usually filled with inferiority complex and when someone provocates, he would kill it easily, type. Violent YUKARI type. Ugly in his appearance and a good Testacles Pet in the relation to the professors.

 The leader of the organizing team in 2015 called NAKAMURA got a success to trap him, recording the scene of the harasment, or rather, threatning, in a IC recorder, by the recommendation of Mari KITADA. He handed the IC recorder and KITADA copied it into her PC, and played in front of us, NAKAMURA, HANDA, she herself and I. You would know how the versity clerk behaves in the concealed room.

 And the worst is, this scene was watched by other pupil, vice leader of the team. He was the Testacles Pets of KOGURE, and ignored the scene totally, as if he were indifferent from the torture at all. Other members of the clerks of the department of Committee for Students'  Life took the same attitude of this guy.

 NAKAMURA is whitish and lean. At a glance, he looked wimpy. Thus, he was abused by the short man TAGUCHI.

 While, the vice was a tall and vague, a nasty for me, however, DDM's favorite type.

 Liked or not is the critical point at Kyorin University. NAKAMURA colaborated bravely to us, however, he was in the difficult position. The leader of the vestival was the too much harsh, a kind of all year torture, he discribed. Not amusing. Just a aim of attacking. I hope he would survive from HELL.

 I borrowed the phamplet from him. After I got to know the real situation of the inside of violent organ called Kyorin Versity, I thought, for this sake, KURODA decided to conceal the fact and the police cooperated for the object.

 Torturing in the department of Students' Life is normal scene. Do you believe it? NAKAMURA's case is one of this. Maybe, more harsh scene was seen inside the campus.

Goddamnit versity. The clerks tortured the pupils until to force her to death. It is called homicide, not suicide. In case of homicede, the police should investigate the case.

 Thus, I tried to ask on it the police in Hachioji. They didn't want to reveal the fact, because of secrecy of the public agencies. ??? Not private organ. The police!!! I said, "Do you have a register book on the patrol cars departure?", The replied was yes, however, they couldn't search it. Then for what???

  Japanese TV dramas were totally a mount of lies. Not "Columbo, the investigater" in TV Drama. I liked this series. The hero wears cheapish dirty coat and doesn't look clever. However, he is in really a cool guy and doesn't hesitate to meet arstcratic celebrities in Los Angels and got a success, as always. A kind of Mr.KIN of TOOYAMA. Modest appearance guy kills the evilest top of the high society is a good to watching. How vague, their flamboyant society is!!!

 However, the evil criminals did the wrongdoing as an indivilual and their life looked gouegeous. Different from toralitarian IDIOCRACY in Japan.

 Just collecting proofs and don't use it. Deposit of crime records are there in the police, I got to know.

 Today, putting the things in the living room into an order, I found an article on the police of HACHIOJI. It was the paper prepared for Alex's play in the primary school in HACHIOJI.

 It said that the Hachioji Police asked to contribute dogs for the sake of making DEATH SQUAD composed by the dogs to the citizens during WWII. Terrible joke!!

  The police just wanted to eat the dogs. They wanted to eat meat, and required to offer the pet dogs for them. Meat eaters, maybe. Even the victims meat would have been sold by them. Tradition of called hearted. The city insisted that it was one of the victims attacke by the raid by American Air Force. Alex played in the role of some students who welcomed the ranaways from the city.

  However, I have heard from YUKARI the opposite. This city was composed of ranaways from the raid on the center of Tokyo.

 My mother's family is also the victim of the raid, however, could be saved from it because getting away from the center. In Hachioji, why the US Air force attacked???

 Too tiny population. Does it deserve to be attacked??? According to the play, the students got away to YAMANASHI, prefectures. Beside the hachioji. Not so different from HACHIOJI.  However, this play is oldies, written by someone, and performed every year by the student as a tradition. 

25/02/2017 (morning) It's Saturday. Yesterday, I began to put the books that ALEX and CLARE bought during their stay in HACHIOJI in the boxes. Good for an exercise of moving preparation. Soon I will leave here and I could find lots of gifts for Philipine friends. Books, OK, then, I will send them.

 In HACHIOJI, the school required me to buy lots of books for my own kids. There was a time of reading and they said, they should read books bought in the bookshops near the school. KUMAZAWA shops were ideal to buy the books.

 Thus, I had to pay more than US$1 thousand per day for the pulp comic like feeble-minded books. I paid, because the public school forced me to buy. Nor borrowed. Just I should buy them. Terrible!!! The city was so evil to force me to pay the last 1 cent in my wallet. Like YUKARI. Cheapy, the pulp books, however, the total was almost US$10 thousand!!!

 I paid for them, because I was accustomed to reading books by the same way. I was allowed to read any books, except comics. The contents were not for the object of avaliation or sensorship.

 My mother prohibitted me to buy the comics, however, any book, I could order to the bookshop called KANEKO book center. I made an order of Sadistic-mazochistic books for adults of high quality at that time, like, Marque de Sado, Villie de' Lilladin, Tatsuhiko SHIBUSAWA, like that. Indifferent from the contents. Thus, I ordered and I rather was proud of it. I am an only intellectual person in my family, I thought. For me, reading books is basic desire. Much more interesting than subject works. Thus, I read, borrowed from the library, mainly, classical ones, and bought an extremist's taste ones at the cost of my father.

 Thus, I thought I was rich. As you like, means rich.

  Unfortunately, Yukari misunderstood the richness. As you like, if you were a child, it means that you are pretty promissive youth, you are. We contribute to your opportunity.

  However, never ending story like faked "writer" life, with no work published, is too much burden for us. She never has published her own work ever. And says, "I would like to be a writer of Children's book, mother. You should put up with the life with me, because I have no money. Please allow me to stay in your houese as I would be an independent writer, OK?"

 This is an conditional contract. An example of "impossible practically and possible theoritically" type.  They trapped. Miyuki would surprizing! You performed well. You did a good good job. You are too much to behave like a wolf. Lonly wolf strategy. If you get alone, you get stronger. All of the orher thought that you would fail by Alex's kinkiest desire to be a versity graduate. Many of them failed and lost much of money, and learned lots. They contributed to the DDMic world. Nothing industrial. Just consumption.

 Miyuki was totally right. KOUNAN was similar to KYORIN, Miyuki thought. Lonly place, mish-mush curriculum and vague expression and beautiful looking phamphlet. Which is which???

  Miyuki was too too clever at this point. Miyuki didn't know the Chinese character of the school. So called KOUNAN and ever. She didn't want to check the name. MIYUKI didn't know that KOUNAN was passed. Now YABUKI again. MIYUKI was right. Lonly place, former department of Business School, just Domestic Course and Garden Course. Lots of girls, 4 times more than Alex. Ummmm???? Miyuki felt strange. Your father said, "Some boys could go to the school from here. Why Alex not?". OK, then, I have a right. I was forced to be hospitalized, yes, however, I am a parent of Alex. Only one parent, thus means, at this matter, a power holder. Thus, preferably, Alex got to know which is better for him. Ideal subjects and curriculum for his pragmatism and industrial inclination, less competitive. And he was undecisive on the school and on the course, eather.

 Mish-mash, is his explanation, in short.Thus, I disliked. For versity??? Not at all! I hate Japanese versity system. Good for DDMs and too evil and harmful for us all, including Alex.

 Miyuki was too too bad to know that YABUKI was no more existing. Miyuki just disliked and thought that is just a fake one. A good trick. However, others allowed him to go to the school. Yukari's like life, he would trail. Miyuki's prediction was right. He was indecided, which is which. Just a play, he said. He admired his parent's brave activity. Gee, he was really cool. He won the game. He constructed an informing system by his friends called Butch hunting. He hunted lots. He wanted to earn money. He was too trifty as Miyuki knows. He didn't want to earn money, not. He wanted to live at the money of others. Gee, YUKARI was right. You are super right! Why not??? He thought really. Only versity career and sells all of their belongings including others, at the cost of others' money. Her book selling habit was too skillful. Every day, some contractors. They call to her and ask her, Do you have someting to sell? And said, "No, thank you. However, I think so." Oh, others have, they understand. By the intention of others, she did it. She always used the name of Miyuki. She was too too bad to sell the books, including Miyuki's. She remembered the name, because she liked the scene of the picknic. British picnic was preferable. With river. The real life one. Kiyoshi IKEDA wrote it and Arnold XXX described in the book of "School Life of Rugby". Miyuki liked the scenes and always wanted to realize picnic. She did it in the minimum way. She did it in vulgarest ones with her kids. In everyplace. Cheap breads and sweets, chosen for long time of selection and said just thank you and left and ate as soon as possible. First, she herself. Good eating outside. She was always like that. She thinks that it is a qualification time. Cheap is her keyword. Free is much better. Alex, you are thrifty, yes. However, don't sell your own life like as  Yukari. She did it already. She sold her lung already. Not knowing her admission. She did it, her heart again. She lost her aspiration system. No oxigen game. Oh, that! She did, the cheapist one. Each time, she damaged her brain. And now, she sold her heart.

  She ate too bad. Her choice. She was just dull to do so. I know the situation, thus, I took caffeine drink called coffee, twice a day and later a wine, a bit. Good for me. Now, not. White wine was not good for me. I don't know well. Everytime I drank, I felt nasty and got down in a bed, several days. I liked cheese and it combined with white wine. However, I was not good at it. Good for the cold winter days. However, when I get headache,I refrained from drinking. And the same thing happened again. Maybe, the wine of Benimaru was not fitted by me. OK, i would use to cooking.

 A little by little. Not so much, whoever, get nasty. It was a symptom of alchoolic weakening. OK, I accept the situation. I will drink less. A bit drinker. Enjoy like a small influence of "Walikng on cloud". I like it sometimes, after winning impression. Just 10cc or so. Not so bad. Like a sweet's use. good for a tasting. Why not?

 It's more economical. I liked it. Good for health and more cheaper. The influence is the same. Ideal for me. Just for a good Tin-Tin. OR....I would be trapped in "that" of YAMINABE-party!!! Drunken, lost virgin, with anyone who were beside me!!!! Gee, I don't remember "it"!!! I did? Didn't???? And you also???? Terrible!!!! The disastrous the first time drinking experience.

  Virgin dreaming it was the worst. Miyuki thinks that it was a bit one of the worst experience maybe. Not to disastrous. At least, I would like to recognize the pleasure, in the feeling. However, sexual intercourse in a cloud is ideal, like Emannuel Sex or sex in the high stories buildings, I magine. Not so bad, but in this case, members should be selected. And sometimes happens, "Oh, you, sorry! I thought that you were male!!!"

 OK, in this case, acceptable. Good feeling and anyone agreed. Not so strange. Good for everyone. However, prohibitted in the countries. In many countries!!!

 Miyuki would be the member of "latent lovers system" or friends who might be one of them, yes. It is making friends with. No eception. Just respect. Not wild party. Just knows each other and good for who knows well.

 And she did. Her way is too too vulgar, however, understandable. She tried to make an informing system, when her kids were in danger in every meaning and did it. She relied on the pupil and wanted to invited to do this job. He said yes, however, not good for both. Miyuki is thrifty and he should earn money, she said. Thus, just in case of emergency, her kids call to him. If there is non, OK. Calling nothing is the good sigh. Not all of the times, however, in DDMic world, sepecially, the calling from Goddamnit teacher is the worst thing. She felt that when I was young and activated it during Kyorin period. Always they call just for punish her. The terror system to be called Hell. She was fo frigtened at the calling, thus, she tried to take it in the first call. The shorten the terrifying seconds. They call always she was in? I didn't know. She was right. They called whenever they wanted and got to know she was present or not. Present, punishing, absent, stealing. Both. Their method. All versities were the same. They didn't show their reality in the public register. Always good in their apperance, however, in the depth, they were already rotten.

 Public register system was just concealing the fact. However, they faked as they were rich. Why they were so miserable, although they were really messy?

 Miyuki was right. this is colonial territory and KEIO would be rich, Miyuki believed. US$100 thousand anually, Prof.KAWANO said to Miyuki. The others kept silent. Why? He etiulated her? No. Why they were rich? The plain versity graduates, why they were so rich???

 KAWANO was rich enough in Kyorin, however, he was astonished the value. Miyuki earned US$65 thousand or so per year. Cheap, but not so miserable, she thought.Not so bad, however, thinking of the situation, not yet. I need to accumulate my career. I wanted to faile here in Kyorin. Isolated and the 3rd category versity. Ideal for the test and exercise. And did it.

 She pretended in her own way and observed how they responded. They atacked in every occation. Because of slowness, because of quickness. Well made suites and casual ones eather. Pierced ears and not even with earings. Dumb, speakable, kinkiest, ordinary, their oppinions varied. Miyuki was always strange for them. Everytime, they didn't recognize Miyuki was so lean. Why you are so lean? Everytime, Miyuki responded in short. "Wine diet". They drank wine, until to get weight. Ummmm...OK, it effected me, but you are different. Is miyuki's reply as always. Miyuki was reluctant to respond it, but silence is a calling of her wrongdoing to others. Miyuki got to know, anyway, they wanted to inform on Miyuki to their superior. They did all the same.Punishing game for them.

 Sometimes, Miyuki thought that they were living for punishing me. An extremely ineffective organ called Kyorin, just was established for torture me. A prohibitted game, they called.

 They themselves that Miyuki was too strange these days. She was arrogant too much. She should be punished and was a victim of lynch.

 This is the system. just for punishing or lynching common people. Ordinary common people were target of the caught. They were majority in the number and minority in power. Everyone knows it and Miyuki was thought that she sold her body in the most highest price in the bubble age. She was lucky. Always lucky, she thought. However, she didn't know, in which meaning, she was lucky. She thought that accumulated Yukaris make Alex dull boys. Stupid spiritless boys. Miyuki was right and they thought that their age has come!!! They didn't want to more Mr.Resbonsible any more!!! Just do it, if they could. Not order! Someone could, the most suitable ones!!! She did it, as she liked. She did and others why not. Cheapiest one on the cammel's burden, however, now monstrous figures.

 Accumulated DDMs are atacking protectionists, by way of their marcy system. They were too much evil. The worse is, they didn't and doesn't want to recognize it. They didn't recognize it. Even I said, "Recognition problem or Alezheiner she is!", she at least pretended not to hear the words. Or, did she? She liked to listen the words of others. Miyuki experienced the periods, yes. Nasty and scolded others by her own subjective reason. Miyuki thought, however, in fact, later, got to recognize, that I was caught in a trap and the others were rather good. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. She was free from it. She believed that inner mind should not be open to others at all. Thus, they criticised me in reality. And could put up with the suffering. The worsest one is invitation for suicide, "Do it! Do it! You are valueless!!!"

 Thus, she took a medicine and got silent, however, then, sadness total. And changed in ming. Sadness total is worse than the symptom. I can put up with the naugty boys' trapping. However, sadness, no. Miyuki tried to think it, "the voice of Gods" or some chorus. Anyway, in part , amusing. I take advantage of it. It would be a good yell for my opening of the world. Better and powerful Miyuki's departure. The evil remarks also they were here and there. However, I could separate the wrong and the right. Thus, for the wrong part, bye for now! and Welcome and yell me to praise me!!!

 Separation is a good idea. Sometimes, it kept silent. An important situation surrounding her. Look Miyuki, you are protected. You should perform as you like, on your own way. It's your job and mission. Do on the your way. This is the mission and did it, as she understood. Sometimes, she should retire from the field, because they were too too dull to understand the way and she created, "OK, you said so. I remember how you are dull, power holders!"She explained and they said wrong. Repetation. she explained again. Said wrong again. She did until 6 times. She was awkward to play the game. Too bad players. They are the public servants? I am in a nightmare? Who hired and why they were not fired? Too too dull. Worse than my pupils. US$200 thousand for these kinky dull idol bugs per years my our precious money!!! Clazy! Alex would earn much more, if he played the game!!!

 The worst graded member of the society and the family would earn much more them. This is the proof of their unti-producivity. They didn't work at all and preteded to work!!!

 Today, I was astonished that YUKARI imitated the sound of the door opening of my father. I was astonished at the way, very abrupty and rough. And too too early in the morning on Saturday. Why?

 Maybe, Yukari was thought today were Friday or so, and I thought or doubted if it were Friday. And checked the clock. 5:00 in the morning. Too too early. Why?

 She pretended to make breakfast and couldn't make and went upward 5 times and came back in vain. did something tiny little thing like cheking sleeping Alex without knocking, faked to dry the clothings, took it again and did it 5 times. She sounded so busy and quick in front of the sleeping mother, because her mother likes to be quick.

 Now YUKARI should her domestic task, because she thought that mer mother were so dull to do it. How audicious!!! She was junior high graded, but excellent at some points and worst in some points. Extremest type. Good contradiction. Absolute liberalist, absolute protectionalist and pure absolutist. Alex was in the middle.

 IZUMI-san was laughing at my strange memory to remember the things in her 70% ways. They call it shame to take the name wrongly. Miyuki differd from them. Miyuki is always...Ku..MOTO... Oh, KUMAMOTO!!!! And KUSUMOTO got upset, "Oh, prof. I paid more then others and you didn't remember my name correctly! Oh, you should pay me!!!"

 Miyuki was so sorry to hear that he wouldn't graduate in the determined period and later he graduated. 6 months later than others. She didn't know. If she knew, she did the best. Maybe the result was same as the ex-pilliyard boy. However, at least tried.



YUKARI's End (14)

2017-02-25 00:40:13 | 日記

Yukari likes to imtate all of our family members caligraphy. Thus, she does. She likes to play the game and so she did. She likes to imitate by her instinct and now, her instinct dissappeared. Just desires, she has. All desires are not manageable for her. My mother is suffering lots for the sake of her night attack. She wanted to watch TV at night and my mother doesn't like it. Miyuki did right. Miyuki didn't want to see the TV programs. They are lots of boresome programs. For her, enough to know the level of OMANKO-Journalism. For DDMs sake, they are said. All lies products. If Miyuki buy the TV, the world ends. DDMs believed it. The TV program was too too bad for the kids, however, the kids should learn how to manage the curiosity. Thus, she paid lots for the TV set and failed. The DDMs failed. Miyuki was too too busy to watch the boresome program. Anyone wants to watch such unattractive programs. Show time for DDMs. However, she spent the lots of money to know it. She wanted a film or movie in the house to watch everyone in the public space. Individual TV was not good. Thus, she bought the expensive large one. Good and couldn't be trapped by DDMs. Alex required to participate in NHK satelite ones and she refused. She said, if you like, you should pay! And he didn't. His choice. And Miyuki disliked the programs on TV. Miyuki was too clever to know it. However, this is well to know that TV is just for DDMs. Not for common people. They have no time to see it. I watched lots, when I was a kid. Then, she bougt. however, the quality was too too low. We are in common at the point. No justice type. Vague, vacant and vapid. Evern "Mascarate Rider" turned to be a DDMic taste. All of us were astonished at the fact. They just wanted to be DDMic pets.

  EBIZO was a Testacles Pet of the power holders in JAPAN. Traditional type handsome boy, they liked. Miyuki would know it. You are kinky, so, if you were a boy, you would be more kinky!!! Oh, enhanced version!!! Kinky kid double!!! Miyuki only would be substituted by the old boys? No, no, on the opposite. They would be fired and I would be hired!!!

  Miyuki, you cut almost all of DDMic kids and they fail to do like Miyuki. You are right. Your kids are also clever. The least effort on the study. They ommit the home works and are absorbed into some different type of amusement. Clare did and Alex, as his saying, did...OK, games. She calls game, and Alex calls work. Oh, you are DDMic excuse is too much. Just say, "I am addicted in the game and could stop doing so. You would learn by your own pay. You would be lean, because you would lose your money for it. Good exersice for you. You can't stop by your own will. Your indulged friend also. Just shutting down is too much awkward for you. You would learn the lesson on it. You ordered to buy fried potatoes to your old aunt and she went to buy it to ITAMI meat shop. And found, she wanted to buy the fried croquet and she came back to her home to beg her mother, "Give me US$0.3 for the croquet for Alex. OK, she replied and forgot it. And Yukari forgot also. Good. Alex thought. Oh, they also forgetful type. Thus, we are forgetful. Not my fault. Alex, are you Alzheimer? With in the limit. Nobody is perfect. Miyuki is also forgetful. however, she is not so dull. Being dull should be punished. Forgetfulness in a certain point, yes. However, illness type is yours, Alex? Thus, you should learn how to control your time, by your own will. Clare did. She passed the time already. Ball game is better than wi-fi. Miyuki recommends you to cook for all of us. You would be a good home cook and would earn money from her. A good cook, you should be. An extra money for your saving. Your choice. Clare is a good cook, already. She is just busy and Miyuki understands it. Alex, now you earn or lose? Your choice and do as you like, when you chose, however, don't forget your rival. Clare is a candidate. Yukari should be retired. Everyone knows it. Kinky too much, say, "I would buy this croquet for my mother and she would allow me to spend US$0.3 for me. Please wait a lot. Please wait a lot,??? She said rightly, however, they thought strange. Only US$0.3 day family. the first, Miyuki and bought it and ate as soon as possible. Her way. Only one eaters for the coldest day. Normal for them. Just for warming up and ate all as she like. Lean but strong and cheerful, a bit seriously ill maybe, she was so so lean. However, she ate ill. GAL-SONE, maybe. good to know that she thanks to say to get out. Late, but heard. A good manner. She said, "Yes, I had money, but I lost. I would beg my mother to give again." Oh, that is! Girl type saying. Miyuki lost an egg in front of the shop and went back to her second egg. Gee, I should buy it in the Japanese Pizza restautant. I was too thrift to bring it. She learned and found that the cheapest one at US$0.05 was the most delicious!!! Ton-chan, her best friend at that day had the same eating habit. They were lean two both and played in their house and cortyard near the place. Everyday. Every afternoon. Not so bad. However, eating outside was a good experience for them. Easy cooking for kids. Quck and Miyuki found thar simple worcester sauce is the most delicious.

  They liked cheapest foods and not got fat for the sake of them. They got fat because of supplied lunch. A rural type, Japanese auntie taste. The aunties are good, but the taste didn't fit the bread. The recipes were terrible, HIJIKI or seaweed was too bad. Eatable and looked fearful thing. Miyuki's way was in common in Shirakawa. Now Miyuki understand the taste of HIJIKI also good. Not so sweety one is better. WAKAME like one. MORIKO liked it just for good for her anemia. She liked to avoid it. She put it in the rice. Miyuki would try it.

  Thanks, I would try. Maybe, the consumable limit over leftover would be good for her eating. Miyuki is a really good cooker. They are admired. Just a one year training Miyuki would be an international type of chief should be!!! Oh, I have a chance to good cook!!! Every a bit and party life for ever with her friends and families in a broad meaning. They would be a good cook!!! We teach recipes each other. Like others do sometimes, to miyuki. Miyuki learned a lot from others. Yes, and you can teach some part, yes. A good job. not arrogant and would be for my ability development. Miyuki remember Cris's way of saying, when she taught me, slowly, as she could. She made an efford to do so and Miyuki tried to be quick as much as she could. But, too slow, she thought. How she graduated from the versty of the best of Japan!!! how slow!!! Now she understands that Miyuki was confused to be said so by her. She didn't want to be refered to be the graduate. I am not only Tokyo Univ. related only type. She was arrogant enough and she appologises and do as she can. hospitality is the best thing to learn and Miyuki could manage it , in spirit. Now, she wants to collect her objects and friends for the party, she wants others to come easily and eat as they like. Latin life is simple and quick. Not so tragedic one, however, risky. She knows well. too many figures also idiots and inhuman. But not so full like Japan. In Latin America, Miyuki was safe. The best polity is being poor. Miyuki was right and she looked so messy and looked strange. They feel spooky, when they saw me. Look! She is a walking skelton!!!! Like skelton man!! Horror-man! Anmam-man she thought, however, Horror-man, OK! You could see so. I accept the expression. Keal's advertisement was not so bad. Beautiful for some strangest men and ugly for others. OK, like as being thrifty. Economic, or thrifty. Just an expression. Don't be so serious!!! I am the most famous lady in the world type is full. However, notorious!!! They want to be notorious!!! Really. She wants to be an extremest. On the most impossible type. Muck eater type. In this case, just vanish!!! And they did. they want to kill themselves and do it. YUKARI was one of object of this kind. Now she lears where is good for her. She wanted to be a good girl and do the best, maybe. On the new year's day, she tried and sometimes, she tried. Oh, that day! And snowy day is good for her. She is not attractive type. Even the friends want to avoid the accompany with her. She really wants to do so. OK. Just lie and sleep and do nothing, as you like in your chamber. Dark inside. You would be good at anything and do manage it.

  She wants to do and I don't want to hear her confort any more. Time consuming. Enhancing was the last resort for her and she failed. Miyuki got upset for the parents' sake. They were the real victim. They were appolpgiging everytime she tried it and she repeated it. She did it again. She couldn't stop it. Again? Miyuki is quick to decide. No endurance. YUKARI was so nasty in HACHIOJI and in SHIRAKAWA too. Arrogant. She shouldn't do so even to her parents. Miyuki was astonished at her arrogance and got sorry for her. Why she got so bad??? She was dull. She should know that adults should work anyway, or try to do so. Only dull work? Why she thinks not at all? Why she was so enjoyable in the mother's chamber, watching TV??? Miyuki felt nasty with her smiling. She got to know, her smiling is a kind of "You should allow me to do so because I am so cute" message. Harusan didn't want Yukari to go to the shop near the house. She was too kinky to her and YUKARI realized to feel so and concealed. You couceales and Harusan is just a suggestion or her own opinion. You accepted the opinion. You didn't fight against it. Your fault. Harusan was not perfect as YUKARI knows. Thus, each one should decide how to behave. Just an opportunity, she made. She said wrongly, thus, you did as you like, at your responsibility. Miyuki did the same mistakes and learned. Miyuki had her concealed days in her several periods and she tried to do get out of the situation. Failed many times, even in Sirakawa, she did it. She was not arrogant, however, coward too much. Lack of self confidance.

  I failed and thought how to avoid this failure and tried again and failed and finally got to manage. I did it and got it. Making effort is a valuable thing. This feeling is important for me. Effort is the most good way to gain the new ability and developping original ones. OK, jumping box is a kind of trauma type, however, if I have an opportunity and at least try. Not good at all, however, not "no chance" matter. If I could, I will do. The secondary thing, but not avoid. Failure is as usual. Not intentionally, of course. Failure was too bad in case of intentional ones. Miyuki did them all of them, however, not so fatal, a bit fatal. She knows it and she regretted it.

 She did it when she was in the graduate school. The 3rd one. She met an old man with a big shape with 84 years old and made a promise to meet him. On the day, she couldn't go the place and she dared to do so. She was so evil and she regretted. Sorry, old big boy, who was interested in Brazilian law. I appology and beg your perdon. And you should not allow me at all. If you could, you and your friend would come to my house and monitor me. And if you think that I am qualified approved, then forgive me. you should decide, on your own will, as you like. I was too coward and too ignorant. I was a poor in Brazilian law at that time and I had not much knowledge to teach you. However, I said yes, because of avoid your nasty feeling. And I got to know that I was a poor stupid guy not to sufficiently be a scholar yet. I should say the fact ant say, "Learn toghether". I was at the level. Thus, I was wrong and made a big mistake. I couldn't be your friend that you are superior to me. I was coward to see you. I should just say, "Oh, mestre. I am only in a master course pupil and I would be your student. " I didn't know the way. Sorry. Now I can say roughly. Oh, you boy, you are my boss! however, at that time, I thought I should be the most knowledgeable at the matter and be the best of all and lost chance to get along with you.

 Sorry, all af my followers, common people. I made a lot of mistakes, not only laughing ones, but more serious ones. Arrogance. Compared with DDMs, slight. Fortunately, I should say. However, I understand that Nobody is perfect and allow the mistakes each other. Now a dull, awkward ones.

 But, we have a limit. I have to emphathise it. YUKARI is DDM, yes. I can't forgive her. Not I am superior to her. But but because of for us all, common people. These "trifle" DDMic topics are metapher of the big evilest ones. Intolerable, however, laughing ones. Especially, YUKARI passed for 20 years doing the same job to my parents. She did know that they were too good to her. She didn't get to know the fact. If she gets to know, she should do so. She doesn't look so evil at a glance, but the appearance like as an idiot old girl was the most evil pattern. They did nasty dirty works, laughing, altogether. They are cruel, we should say. Only one, the rest 5 common people have suffered lots. Miyuki is just one and the less suffered ones. Two kids were new to here again and she took advantage of the newness and tried to be new. Yukari, the newly modeled one, version. She tried to be good, in her own say, with a lot of arrogance, whe got in Hachioji.

  Miyuki was wrong, they say. Not at all! She should learn. She was too too wrong. She was addicted by DDMic ideology and the most evil group, she participated in. Kyorin Universe forever group. Oh, that, "Why you quitted the job, idiot! You should earn money as much as you could. You are our sister. You should obliged to earn the money, anyway. you have no choice. Only one choice is working for kyorin, OK? You have no chance, I repeat, you have no chance!!!" Oh, she did it. She thought it and wrote it to her diary. OK, she was a diary. She wrote and broke, again and again. Each day. She did it to make her dream to come true. She was too too shy to say, I want to your girl, Alex. OK, in her illusion. She was found it by Alex and Alex accused her and "You have a right to stay here now, however, as Gods of justice allows it. If Miyuki says yes, OK, and says no, NO! A kind of game. The chiken game, it is called. She said No!, instead of her own will, YUKARI cried at that day. She said, "If you can't go back alone, I would put someone to take to Shirakawa", in her inner voice. She was good at math and bad in her memory, she thought. OK, then, so she tried to be a good girl and started to punish him, not doing the job, well. OK, then, and she said, "YUKARI is so bad math and you should learn from me"???? Yukari said so, and did it??? Personality confusion?? Oh, who is sho matter. She likes to be one of her family member and forgot to be herself. She did in the real world. Alzheimer disease. Now Miyuki should know, how they were useful fot the parents. Oh, lucky!!! Yes, my kids are normal. Not good at math and good at common sense. Not kinky one. Even OTAKU type, communicative, yes. She pretended to be a good girl and MIYUKI thought too strange. She was so nasty to me and good for others. Good grief. I am strong enough to get out of her evil hands. Harusan was confused Miyuki as protectionalist and failed. Miyuki was too too grotesque to the protectionalist type. Horrible mother, they call it. Good and liberal. A good friend type. Not financial type. Thrifty. She wants to earn even from me. This is Alex's honest feeling. Miyuki is good at math and good to earn money anyway, at the suffient level. She shows more example of this type of efficiency lots more. The slowest pupil in Abucus School of Mr.SATO and not liked by him. Too slow. She was reluctant to calculate and thought other things. Calculator, should be. They requested and failed. She failed every time and got only 4th grade of abucus calculation prize. Sufficient and couldn't put up with it. She claimed to her mother, "Sorry, but I am not for the calculation.I am not interested in the subject. I am not good at this type of math." Yes, important for everydays' life, but a bit slow. Not good. So she tried to be quick and found the way. 4 number car calculation system. multiplication, almost only. Not but. sumetimes, drawal, yes. But , multiplication is more good way to live. 80% of calculation is multiplication and got to know that Kyorin staff were not good at this point.

 She thought that they were pragmatic, anyway. Not academic type. Then, shoulbe pragmatic. However, they were not good at math. So much worse than I. Maybe, young alzheimer level. She got to know that the youngest one was KASUYA and he was slow too much in the math. He was a scholar of corperative management and slow...Ummmm....Too much mistakes. Yes, nobody is perfect and we should allow at a certain point. However, too much mistakes with arrogant way of deal with. KIMURA type.

 Chiken evasion type is KAWAMURA type. Always others did wrong on her type.

 Kyoko TAKADA was too too cold and greedy. She didn't know the possiblity of the use of fundation for her daughter. Is she really a parent or she borrowed the kid for the day? Miyuki did doubt. She borrowed. Too plump and didn't look like her at all. Fat and quiet type.

 Fat and quiet ant good to milking is KITADA type. Libidoo oriented one. YUKARI passed the period.

 HARADA was too evil to be superior type. Empress type. YUKARI did the same period.

 She also represents the good carer type. She sent her parents and those in law, during several years, incessantly. IWAKUMA said, "She was too too brave to do so!", oh, praised her!!! They were too evil to do so. MIYUKI was protected by the gods. Too heavy tasks he burdened. So she couldn't get up at that period. In 2009 and 2010. She was surrounded by the evilest monstors and didn't know it. Just "heavy" and couldn't get up in the office room. "Heavy, heavy atomosphare. Why I should lie on the used newspaper on the floor? I am good and healthy, however, I need a help. Help of new things. Bathin is once choice. I did. But not functioned well. Nasty feeling. I need a help of my kids. however, how???

  I dreamt ugly dream in the first night in the 1 room type residence in the north side of Hachioji station. In 2003, april. I dreamt that my previous resident was killed in this room. Spooky, however, I needed to live somewhere and I tried not to happen on me, if the nightmare were the truth.

  I also dreamet strange dream in 2011, when I moved to the residence in South part of Hachioji, at the first day of my moving, in my private north room. The same kind of spooky one related with the death and the chamber smelled lots of Hormarin like smell. I thought that it were because of newly painted bad amature walpaper's stiky glue. However, after, in 2015, I dreamt that in this place, a kind old couple were killed, smiling, accepting the death. They didn't hate anyone and just allowed. I pledged them to construct the beutiful society for them, probably, they died for the sake of their adorable grand kids.

  I felt that our generation had so small sympathical army and lots of enemies. Elder and young generations, especially kids and infants are our participants, I felt strongly.

  When I passed in front of babies in the bust of their mother, the babies wanted to say me something, "You are rihgt. Gee, this stupid crazy femal robot is not my mom. You should save us. We are your friends. "I smiled them, they recognized me.

  Then, strange thing happened. I was popular among babies and infants. however, since this period, appeard those monstrous babies, calm and sleepy, quiet and sloppy, in the hands or in the strollers of their parents. Too too strange. they pretended to be families, Miyuki deduced. Rental system of kids. DDMs only. Probably, in my residence building, there is one of the site of this type. I the morning, DDMs met toghether and changed informations and rented the kids.

 The kids were too nasty and looked like evil adults like. Old bug like atomosphare. When I had heard that there were lots of strange kids in the inferior floor from my kids, first, I said, "Oh, you have a lot of chance to get along with them. They would be good friends!",

 however, my kids didn't want to get along with them and ignored them. I don't want to play with them. OK, you decide. Miyuki was right. She didn't know the evil system, however, if her kids, disliked, OK, don't worry, your choice, type. She knows that even in common people, everyone has their taste.

 Miyuki was too skinny to DDMs and looked like a skelton and frightened them a lot. That was the cause of her caught. Even ARAKAWA said, Wow, you look too skiny and old rather than me. Oh, did I?

  Miyuki was too good to consult on the strange killing case on 2008, in the same year of her astonishing street killer case. A bit earlier than the accident.

  An early morning, at 8:30 she was climing up the hill to her office. In the middle of the campus, just a blue sky and calm. Quietness total. She felt strange when she recognized two police cars in front of the building I. A guardman came from the building. Only he. Then, Miyuki asked, "What happened? There are two police cars!". The guardman wispered to her, "I have heard that the suicide case. Staff or pupil, I don't know. Last night, at 20:00, maybe. She or he hang in the toilet." and passed swiftly.

  I felt strange. No other person there. I continued to climb up to the building F, where my office was. In front of elevator, I met a professor called Motohide  SAITO, of Russian Politics, "I have heard that there is a suicide case. We should give a lecture normally? Do you know the case?"

  He replied, "Oh, I don't know. Even though, the other faculty maybe. We should deliver the lecture."

  I got more strange. Am I in a wrong rumour? Why he doesn't know the relavant news???"

  Anyway, at 8:30 oclock. too early to start the class. Our class started at 9:00. I prepared for the lecture and I decided to confirm the rumour.

 All prepared and went to the reception of Building D, the curriculum department. Oh, the clerks were working as usual, not different from normal days.

 It was a Thursday, and maybe, in June or July, brilliant sun and blue blue sky was impressive.

  "Oh, the guardman just made a joke for me? Not a bad guy, good fellow, however, anyone works as usual. Common scene. Then I should give a lecture on my material, Constitutional Law.

  And on the matter, they never had heard in the campus until 2015.

  In the year, I promoted to be a professor and decided to behave like as a professor, not Kyorin version, my own version. Professional student type professor, I thought.

  As you know, I am a liberalist. Thus, almost all things are OK, within a certain limit. And I am busy to my profission as a scholar. So, I should do the work for the pupils in the level of minimum. What is the most important for me? Life, body, bersonality, mind etc. Life is the first. Thus, at least, I should be take care of life matters.

  And it was the last year of Hachioji campus life. In 2016, the versity would be moved to INOGASHIRA campus, near MITAKA campus. Thus, I want to clear up the case above, the suicede case existed or not.

  If a groundless rumour, OK. But, if it was, it should not be left at all. And why could until now?

  Thus, I started to investigate on the matter. First, in May, Tooru OOYAMA called me on the phone from SHIKOKU law school, so I took advantage of it. He said, "I have heard it from Nanako HARADA. But it was a secret. HARADA was so excited to be informed at the case. Like a artists' scandal."I've heard it! I've heard it!"

  OOYAMA said that a boy of Forein language faculty commited suicide in the building I in the gents' toilet.

  I was shocked at his remarks. It is the fact, not a joke of the guardman. I felt chilled. And HARADA!!! Evilest!!! She amused at the news. She was evil old bug.

  I tried to get more information. I visited Michihiro IWAKUMA, my colleague, and he said, "Yes, a 4th grader girl of Faculty of Foreign Language commited a suicide in the toilet of gymnastic hall."

  On   sex and the place there is a difference already. Anyway, he also admitted the existance of the case.

 Now, I tried to ask the case in the faculty of foreign language. I asked to Professor Midori ARAKI on the matter. She said, "I came here in 2007 and was new yet. I didn't remember on the matter. However, I would ask to Hidehiko KINDAICHI on the case."

  1 year after the hiring is new? Forgetting the suicide case in her most impressive fresh days? Strange.

  Anyway, several weeks after, she informed me that, "KINDAICHI said that there is a rumour on the ghost in the gymnastic holl. The pupils rumour that in the night sometimes "NOBUSHI", a Robin Hood like existance in the feudal era, running arround near the gymnastic hall area."

  Too too spooky. Only a rumour? No fact? You two were the professors of this faculty and should have heard the case in the meetings. Why you forgot the matter? You are old yes, however, too too forgetful!!!

  Then, I met Yuuko KURODA, the dean of the faculty at that time, "Why did you open the suicide case in the campus in 2008? We should know the relavent information. At least, for the deciesed pupil would have expected it. In vain, we should not deal with his death. His death should be a warning to us, and we could make information in commun and discuss on the matter. And we should avoid the same incident. We should listed to the voice of the deceised pupil. Why you didn't do so? What is the reason?"

  She replied, smiling, with archaic one, "We presumed that his parents would want to conceal the fact, thus we didn't clear up the case."

  This female NOH like smiling face's tiny short old bug was a real devil, I felt. I thought that the parents would want to reveal the fact, not to conceal it. She excused on behalf of them, however, she lied. She did so for the sake of her and Kyorin staff.

 Then, I started to investigate my pupils. There is a rumour, so some students know the case, maybe.

  I tried to ask my ex-pupils on the matter. I wrote some mails on OYAKE, who is the responsible the graduates of the same year, "I want to meet some of your almumi to ask on a certain matter. highly confidential one. If you like, I would visit to see you and on your almuni, also. Please make contact with me. "

  I couldn't get any information on the suicide case in the campus at all among the pupils.

  I tried to search on the documents. I asked to see the pamphlet of the versity festival on the year 2008.