Revision on DAME OYAJI or Contempted Fathers (3)

2017-02-20 20:08:31 | 日記

20/02/2017 (evening) Now it is wendy. Maybe, another wind of Gods will pass tonight.

  I ate a rice cake with fermented soybeans and gladed radish for supper. Maybe I will eat another supper, a light one.

  For OYAJI people, DDMs wives are dangerous and planning to kill them. Insurance is a disaster. They pay the montly tariff from OYAJI's income to the insurance company.

 OYAJI, don't worry, in the world, there are many kind and attractive women in the world, who knows to respect others.

 DDMs themselves don't earn at all, however, they slash OYAJI's back harshly. OYAJI, work more! Bring us, two, Mother and Son, money as much as we would be satisfied!!!

  Everyday, these remarks. They don't know the limit. OYAJI is not treated as a human being. He is only a machine, made for their sake. If the machine breaks, they throw out it. OK, just receiving money from their insurance.

 This son of DDMs is also the future source of income. Thus, they should give a instruction to him.

 However, he would get married and he would work for her. In this case, the battle between two DDMs. KAMOI's case. And until a certain period, elder DDMs win the race. If the elder DDMs reaches at a certain age or physical condition, younger DDMs' turn.

 Thus, Elder DDMs end on Mother's Day. It is the system.

 DDMs' contempting activities have not been calculated as damages in Tokyo District Court. This court is famous for its flamboyant desicions.

  Now an interesting DDMic civil suit is appeared. A camoflauged couple's egoistic suit. According to the on line news, the story is as fallows;

  A masked couple, living separated, got divorce. OK. However, during the marrige period, they made a sperm frozing. After the divorcing, ex-wife used the sperm and gave a birth to a kid. Now, the ex-husband proposed the suit insisting, "I am not the boy's father!" ,while ex-wife insisted he agreed to have a baby.

 Both are ego-centric. The boy is just a chain of Greedness, appearantly. Money is their object.

 OYAJI people agreed that the situation is the same, at a metaphor. Artificial or natural, indifferent in this case. DDMs want the source of income, in full life time insurance. A boy is the proof of this income.

 TAKO-BOU is a deformed version of this sperm or fatus. Just a some trifle accident, why I should be punished so much, during whole my life, the hero sighes. Famous however, too painful gag comic for us, actual OYAJIs.

 Human beings fail. DDMs are professional liars from the beginning. During her school girl days, they start to seduce males. "Don't need to study. Just be a wife of a rich boy, OK?", is their mothrs' instruction. They are absurbed in temptating boys. Not even. Boys should earn, while girls could consume. Thus, their mission is pretending to be liked by the boys' mothers and  to be the ideal for them.

 The DDMic girls trap the boys and catch and get married as soon as possible. Conseption is one of this tactics.

 To get husbands, DDMic girls do everything. Plastic surgery? Of course, yes! Cosmetics, full time, every morning. Face means lots in DDMs world. Cheaper and easier than body conscious type.

 OYAJI people had no way in Japan. However, now the epoc is moving. Be free from your DDMic families! If you are common people, you can do it! Yes, not so easy like as theory. However, now you have plenty of time to do so. Now, your company failed and you are jobless or latent jobless, like me. Get out of the family. In this case, family itself is a burden. If you feel too much heavy the burden is, ask a help to some people. I will advise you, yes. I am OYAJI and know how much OYAJI has suffered from in the family. Respect is needed even among the family. No respect means, you are inhuman. YUKARI is right at this point. She presented the ideology of DDMs just like Kyorin Versity. She has no other idea without DDMic one. Thus, why you are alive among our family? You can pretend to be a member, however, you don't do your tasks. You are just a washing machine, practically. However, you prolong the washing time just to pretend to work hard. You can economize the time as you can. However, you prolong the time, why? Just showing up how she is working hard in front of your superior. How many times washing? Miyuki astonished that All half day long, she washed the clothings, without any reason, except she made a mistake on setting the machine. Easy operation. However, she made a mistake, as many as she does, and wasted a precious time, in vain. Harumi, your mother, is in doubt, that MIYUKI did a wrongdoing for her. Why? I don't know. MIYUKI is nasty. Polite, sometimes, and vulgar, sometimes. Changeable and difficult to understand for her. YUKARI is more simple-minded and easy to understand. YUKARI fails and explains like that;

 "Miyuki did a wrongdoing and made me nervous, thus I commited a mistake" or;

 "Miyuki attacked me in her professional meetings and any of members of my team laughted at me!"

 "Miyuki is so stupid to commit the error like that. You should know the reason. This is her bill." Harumi was so stupid to believe the explanation. Yes or not? I don't know. At least, she forgets my error or pretends to forget after one day. Her style. Don't postpone the mistake over the night.

 Miyuki knows Harusan's style. However, MIYUKI is quiet on this problem. I wrote to ALEX and he handed to YUKARI, probably, because she used the bowl. Thus YUKARI responded. However, she forgot that MIYUKI wrote to Alex, not to her. She didn't understand METHA thinking at all. Chain Mail is the fenomenum that they DDMs don't understand the difference of the contents and the frame. YUKARI is DDM, yes. She got the idea easity probably in her Rikkyo days. She didn't get another choice? No! She should have. Just a evasion, like KAKISHIMA. She was a poor girl, yes. However, there was a chance. She just escaped from the chances. Thus, she should be punished. She was punished, she believes. I don't know on the past. She should be punished now. She is really a burden for our family. She should stop pretending to be a good girl and confess the fact. And my parents decide how she should do. I was free from the question. I was just her sister, coincidently. I just want to be away from her. Group home or so is recommendable. I would think for them, not for YUKARI.

 For them MIYUKI would investigate the problem. For her, the question was solved theorically. Only a pratical problem left.

 A big problem, however, I would search how they should ask a help to others, especially, public ones. YUKARI is a big burden.

 However, this is more ALEX's question. He took advantage of her indulgence for his sake. Now, he would pay your time and precious things for her. Time consuming YUKARI's problem. Every morning, at least 30 minutes. A real torture for him. BLA-BLA-BLA for him. A good alarm clock for him, maybe. "You should do..." type DoDoMerdic instruction continues as usual. Just a laugh for her and him. Alex was in a vague mind and says, "OK, auntie, you are right, Go out from the room, please. I want to change my clothings."

 Alex is accustomed to the attacks on this matter, however, Clare is different. YUKARI stepped out from the line. She thought that YUKARI stole the US$50 for Alex's sake. He really wanted to have a money to communicate with others. YUKARI's attitude is not right for them. They wanted money however, HARUMI protectionalists prohibitted to earn money. A bit of money like a job in the house. It all depends, Clare. Not the value of the money. The method, the object, the figures related on the matter. You should confirm if they are right or not. Sometimes crime, sometimes a joke. Take care!

 Anyway, OYAJI should be cautious to the line, OK, however, they themselves learn how to manage the problem. They should learn the way to escape it and inform it and crash it and punish it. OK, they are so tough, thus, need some experiences. Good. Thus, we should work together!

 OYAJI is busy, in reality. On weekend, sometimes they want to take a rest. They are not machines. Sometimes want to date with their kids yes. Kids are the same. MIYUKI knows it. Each one has its own objects, friendship and ideologies. Thus, uniqueness works. Each one, on his own way, contributes to others, including to the society and the family. Not a strict way. More flexible way. You are right, Clare. Miyuki was too too slow to know the fact. HACHIOJI was the evilist among the cities in Tokyo and Tokyo is the worst in the world. Every people evacuated from the city, MIYUKI thought. However, the story was different. They evacuated from Japan to other countries and made a established line to connect the slow leaners' special course called, "Speed Learning".They call it SL or no Middle. Old ages were powerful for the system establishing and the children. Miyuki was omitted because she was too childish to know the fact. Too flamboyant, they thought. MIYUKI type was too slow and would be punished by the DDMs and it happened. MIYUKI thought that I was trapped by someone. WHY ME? Miyuki is wondering even now. The situation was much worse in HACHIOJI. Last year, in the city, a lot of stealing jobs were found and MIYUKI's memories were collected by the people. Good glief. And the paper was collected in one piece and called, "Adventures of Miyuki". It was called laughing storied in her versity period in Kyorin. She struggled well to their enemy, alone and far from the field. She thought that she was a suitable for the comedian. And accepted to be so. Good idea! I am a playwriter! I imagined to gain the prize from BBC, once! Oh, MIYUKI, the playwrighter! The commercial was impressive because of value! Good advertizement. And they could make a program based on the story. I want to participated in it, Its a good exercise for English writing, I thought.

 Ummm. My predict ... almost realized. However, BBC means Bitch of Bitch Competition! Oh, my favorite. Collecting the funny and inhuman constitutions in the world!!! Good idea! Just a correcter not collector??? Vice versa?  Playwrighting Department girl, "May I help you?" You should be right. Your effort should be reworded. However, you know, OK, you are poor, I know. OK, as much as I can earn money and help you meanwhile. Accept, and it all depends. Time, energy and food, situation, mood and so on. Oh, money, If I need, OK, I would pay. It all depends. I know on my debt. Enoumous debt. They forgave me to be slow leaner. Waited for me until now. Just for it, I would like to work now. Yes, I have another cheerful objectives. It is called another object behind the formal one. Yes, however, I don't abuse them and they both are in the same direction. Win-Win relationship. Don't worry. I don't abuse. Just taking an advantage of the chance. Just it. Grasp the front hair of the fortunes, they say. In case bold, head, instead. Good for doing the job. Good fortune for everyone! However, even in Shirakawa, the situation is not so good. All TOUHOKU LINE from Tokyo to KOORUYAMA. I didn't know the quantity. Just I could say that the damage was so great presumably. We, if could, we should recover the scene. However, I passed a summer lost. A vacant summer time. All of August and Autumn season. I passed harsh time in a custody. We did some work during the days. I believed so. However, someone noticed? Maybe not. Just the result and people just perceived it, because the formal information was far from the fact recognition.

 However, now in the field of economy, the effect started to appear. Only one type economy called monopoly was destroyed, we believe. They are totalitarians, in fact, like power holders in Japan. Now, YOSHIDA is his name. I am related with lots of YOSHIDAs. Positive ones, negative ones. YOSHIDA is just a faked front and he is nakid at the bottom. Now the penis was cut and turned to be MITSUBISHI vehicles. Why this company didn't fail, despite the lots of fatal failures? Because it was protected by DDMs, under the skirt of them! You are too tiny to fight againt however, too big to do it...??? Miyuki, it is too big to do it? Jump? Thus hand the batten to the others??? What? Life NOOOOOOO!!!! Of course, they like to take the life from people. They did the same thing to themselves. They are beasts. Do it, as soon as possible! They are too too slow!!!!  They changed their face as they like. From ugly to spooky. They were good at the dirty work.They are good at their dirty work now. Muck eating!!! They should allow their forgiveness???? No!!! They are victims. NOOOOO!!!!! Don't do it, please!!!! KIKUGIRI like fuss!!! Bottom hole!!! They should die. Not sufficient for us. And another sanctions!!! Money, money, money!!!! They should pay the money!!!!! And shame! Accumulated shames!!!! They should be contempted by us, espceially, MIYUKI group!!!!! More hard type!!!! Any dirty works welcome type!!!! Strict ones!!!! They should be ashamed, however, they didn't. Now, out turn!!! I want to enjoy the process, also!!!! They should be punished in the history. Human beings have writing ability. Only a method. However, dirty work is more suitable for the method. Miyuki is writing better than now. Yes. However, fingers. Long is better, however, I tried. Dancing fingers. A little by little and a bit a bit. Flying like a butterfly and but the face like a butter!!!! Mohamed Ali turns tu be a Alcari Ali and made a fun of the legend. Miyuki would buy a good butter in the countries arround the world. Another butters. Different cathegory like. Whipped Ecile butter or so! She tried to buy it and a bit, I bought in Hachioji. In the shelf. Petit type. Because the price was US$4 or so for trial. A big one is almost US$10 or more. Probably. Whipped and not salty like a light creamed umm. Just an attempt. But like a creamy sweet without suger. A good for soft cookies. And Esile is good for ??? Difference? Ummmm??? Digestion? Why? Whipped mean whippp!!! Oh, slick is different! Maybe, some licking like work? OK, you know your limit. Thus, you are not serious. I know. I want to be cool, however, often, fail. OK lack of perfectionism not professionalism. Tragedy is not my work. Good. your limit. YUKARI didn't understand at all my work and never now and in the future. Her limit? no! Her choice.She should try the other thinking. She was younger than me. Why not? In my kids case, they were born in the difficult age. However, she was born in the middle of the prosperity. In 1969. She was proud of it. And she was not so DDMs, just a unique. however, she turned to be a kinky DDM. Versity was not good for her. Yes, however, she didn't struggle for her life. Always, just conceal herself into the others. She was different. She would not learn ever. Too too hard. But, I want to be away from the matter. Yes, I was a memory with her. However, the theme is different. Nostargy doesn't weigh on the job. She was sly.

  OK, DDMs don't know how they are unkind to us. Kyorin figures are also. For them, it would be kind, for us, no. They are dirty. Degraded. Peeping Toms. Sexually skewed kinky old bugs they are. Academy? Laugh story another. Police Academy or so!!! Laughing story itself!!! 防衛大学校 is Self Defence Academy now!!! Versity is now a prohibitted word for them. A branch of Ministry of Self Defence. Just themselves. Don't protect us. Rather, offend us. Kinky old ladies translation ability was too too strange. They didn't work at all. Why they were there? Just show their ugly face, in front of them, saying, "Give me money for plastic surgery, please!" A begger! They wanted money yes. For the sake of the sex change. Male type  squid to female type octopus! A good lesson for the history. They would learn now. And "Too late, too late, too late, for love!!!!" No chance for DDMs. Good Chance to sweeping. Humming for pretending to doing something is SATO Father's custom and her mother is also. Now, YUKARI, too. MIYUKI found that when she is humming, it was the sigh of betrayal. She commited some wrongdoing and wants to conceal it. Some failure, maybe. She fails too much. Strange, they say. And after, nothing. Enough for them. She doesn't calculate not. She was handed money by her, each time, when she does errand. Each errand with a small money. Strange habit. However, this is the habit to protect from her repeating errand habit. Too many scoops and too many spatulas. Too much is her liking words. Thus, she does too much. Clothings were washed in a once a while, however, she wants to do so just she likes it. ??? She can't do her job correctly. Not at all! She is good at nothing, yes or not! yes!!! English grammar is complicated? Not much, however, the irreguler spelling standard makes me too slow. Because of memory problem, in a certain meaning. I forget and confirm and forget and confirm.... Better than nothing, however, some habit I have. "i" and "e" which is which? "r" or "l", Ummmm... I tried to find some principles. however, not yet. Ummmm. OK. I did mass apology already. I am getting better and would reach the sufficient level soon. And I would develop the ability more. OK, sufficient. Not good OK, I know. It was a reason for bonus cut? It depends. If my spelling mistake causes some disastrous result, like a drastic reduction of clients, it would be. But just a readable work, bonus cut should be a problem. Ability follows proportion rule, yes. However, ability for what? To inform the fact to others? In this case, informing the fact in any way is important. Contents of the contents. Formality is the 4th or 5th things. Japan is desqualified at this point also.

  Sociology of Law is the study of the reality. Why formality is needed? The sense of Tokyo Univ. group is really wrong. They are totalitarian, itself. They always conducted in collection, always and always.

 Formalism or red tape bureaucracy means deterioration of mind ability. The understanding ability reduces and DDMs put the importance on surperficial factores like formalism. Easy and mechanical. The task is replaceble by computers.

  In this case, reconstruction is the natural result. The reduction of the numbers of the staff of each organization could be the cost cut. However, IDIOCRACY always commits big errors. They ran to the opposite side, or rather, to the wrong side. Dashing into the wrong direction is a obvious tendency among DDMs, including YUKARI. They dashes and do wrong. Always. OwnGoalers. Always. Because they are so feeble-minded.

  The restruction chance turned to be the chance to nepotistic hiring. Because power holders are related just by personal connection only value. Unfairness is their character. Sly is clever for them. Do wrong! is the applause for them. Ugly! is the praise for them.

  Unpopular is the super hero of us. ABE was unpopular so he was a prime minister.

  ABE was just a Mr.Flabby combined with Mr.Butterfly. And he was a Testacle Pet of Mr.Slump. Just like PAPIYON.

  PAPIYON is in French butterfly. However, in Japan, it means a kind of tiny dog. His ears are like fluffy Butterfly, so he is called.

Revision on DAME OYAJI or Contempted Fathers (2)

2017-02-20 16:21:32 | 日記

20/02/2017 (afternoon) I had an easy Epanish omlet with anchovy and olives for lunch and took a cup of cafe latte.

  In Hachioji, Public School for junior high and High combined for 5 years was established 10 years ago or so.

  This school was reputated that for "Excellent pupils" and there was a big competition to put their kids into the school.

  If one could enter into it, after agaduating, he or she could easily to enter into the renoun versities like Tokyo Univ. Wasesa, Keio, Jochi, ICU or so.

  Thus, for entering, kids began to study on the way of cramschool like with 10 years or so.

  KUMON is one of this type cramschool. Alex wanted to enter into it, because other pupils did it. He is always saying so. "Everyone do so!, Thus, Me, too!" type.

  However, I dislike this type of faked persuasion. I get upset, hearing the frases. I have resused this type of request buy him.

  However, I was sure, that many friends of him went to the scamschool and wanted to enter the 5 years public school called "南多摩" or "NAN-TAMA" in abbreviation.

  They believed that entering into the school was their dream of life. An example, I will introduce.

  Her name was Tamiko KUDOU, who was a daughter of a versity professor of Chuo Univ.

  She was the middle of the 3 sisters and lived in the 29th floor of the highest building connected with JR Hachioji Station called, "Southern Sky Tower", whose total stories were 41 floors.

  The building was one of the principle theme to the development or reforming of dead town HACHIOJI. It was planned in 2009 or so and accomplished 2011 or so.

  I visited the tower to search the residencial emviaronment of the high stories tower type apartments. The price was US$ 500 thousand in averege and 75㎡  almost in the space. I was so astonished that the building was empty as a structure. In other words, only 4 walls were the apartments and the center part was air or vacancy or, politely saying, "jardin" or courtyard. like □. Just wall part was used. Waste of space.

  This type of "Tower Buildings" are highly common in the center of the cities in Tokyo. Why the architects choose high stories for the cities? Because they want to use the space effectively. Residencial space should be widely used, yes. However, the price of the earth is expensive. Thus, Collective houses. This is the simple theory of this type of building.

  However, In Japan, they used the space in such a mode of abundance or extravagance.

  And more. In Japan, as you know, there are lots of earthquakes. The earth shakes and the buildings fall. Thus, tower buildings had been avoidable, the architects said.

  However, in 1990s, the high stories buildings incleased. They were the symbol of the city life in Tokyo.

  The reason of the emptiness of the center part was explained as safety in case of earthquakes, according to some articles.

  However, if the priority is safety, the best choice is using the center part as pivot of weight. Empty like a crown is the most avoidable pattern. Only wall and no castle, what is this?

 The answer varies. In China, the long wall for fortress againg foreign army was called "Long Castle". They are just walls. Not a castle. The ancient violent ruler called "SHI" 始 established it.

 Tower buildings maybe had this tradition. Only wall buildings. You can see many example in every part of local towns in Japan, including in Shirakawa. There is a shopping mall called EAON イオン and the building is not so high, however, the center is empty or just escalators case.

 Just elevetors case is Tokyo District Court's building. This is called "Palace of Elevators" and "Each Judge should use only his excluseve elevaror" theory is adopted. This is good for an extremely thrilling sexual experience for old kinky boys. Elevetor sex, we call it. Up and Down, Down and Up! Wow, we two! Only we two! "Forever we two! " Elevertor. He and his clerk, as he likes. Good for an attraction for Adults only. The building should be used as Love Hotel, maybe. Already the beds are set? Oh, sorry, I was too slow to imagine the best use.

 See Through or transparent type of this use is more dangerous and more exciting. You can use Recruit Tower in front of Tokyo Central Station on the side of NIHOMBASHI. Good 36 stories building and amusing. For exhibitionists only type. We can see the thrilled sex from the platform of the Tokyo Central Station.

  If you want, you can take a rest in the top floor. There are several individual chamber for OPPABU users. Waiting room is good at viewing SHIN-KAN-SEN or Bullet Trains in Japan.

  Anyway, she, Tamiko KODOU, came from the rural part of HACHIOJI to live. There, they loved in the wide house with a garden. They moved smoothly and lived in the good view corner of the building or Southern East part of 29th floor.

  My kids were her friends and sometimes went there and played with her and her sisters. They also came to our house to play with my kids, until her exam period.

  I played with them also. When I was time, I liked to play with kids. We played tenis in front of our residence or in the park near. Sufficient space to play. Good, I thought.

 Until the exam period, I wrote. After, it was fairly rare the kids' colleagues visited our house. Just like there is a rule, secret however strict and well know rule among the famiies.

  Maybe, some sexual matter prohibittied rule, I presume now. In Japan, there is the proverb which says, "After entering into school, both sex should be separated." This is called "Rule of Konfusionists". However, at this point, the another interpretation is there. It means just, "Each one should have it's own desk for study."Masao OOKI's version. He was a professor of comparative study of law. Tokyo Univ. graduated and emeritus or ex-prof of Joochi Univ.

  He studied Russian to understand the comparative law. Minority's route. He did a lecture in Tokyo University and I met him there and lerned the another version. His joke was too valgur, in positive meaning. "What is the name of that damnit ruler of IRAQUE? Oh...Ma'Dam Fusein!, I remember!" I had to laugh, keeping silent, in a belly.

  Anyway, after 10 years old or so, Hachioji kids stopped to play in others' house. 

  Her elder sister also wanted to enter into the 5 year public school, but she failed.

  Tamiko started to prepare the entrance earlier than 10 years. Maybe she liked quizes just as me. However, I thought that cramschool type study should be minimum. Just for a while. Long, not at all! Only in high school, for 3 year, at maximum.

  Probably, in Hachioji, the year of the decision is much earlier than in Shirakawa. 3 years preparation for the junior high entrance. Not versity. 6 years earlier than in Shirakawa.

  After the earlier competition, winner should play during 5 years in Junior and High combined and entering into the versity was assured. Thus, previous years to the junior high, especially several years of the last part of the primary school was the pivot for their life. Life time insurance route should be gained or not. Thus, cruel accelaration occured among DDMic family. Cruel and limitless, until the period of fatus, or more earlier. Designed babies, maybe.

 Thus, the winners are outsiders from the cruel system. Like my family. Cruelity is most avoidable thing. The last DDMic claim done by Alex, "I dislike to study, however, I want to go to versity, because versity graduates earn much more."

 Total jobless for 20 years is YUKARI, while latent jobless MIYUKI. How ridiculous opinion Alex delivered in front of me!

 Anyway, now, in our SATO family, no one supports to put Alex to versity. YUKARI is out of members. She is just a broken robot.

 The earlier, the better, for DDMs. And after the competition, participants are both losers. Admitted exminees turn to be fools or back to be dull. Refused ones should continue to cramschool type study until the high school exam.

 More 3 years of punishment because of the failure. Thus, only one chance is better.

 Yuri KIMURA, of our faculty of Kyorin Univ. was one of the both loser models in the ancient version.

 Kids should pass their happy days and adults, too. We should keep away from the cruel and unfair competition called Exam War in Japan.

 OYAJI is out of the process, in genaral, even among DDMic families.

 However, recently, OYAJI also takes part in the War. Arata KUNO, another my colleague is this type. Only one son should enter into the best versities, they think.

 In Kyorin Versity, all of DDMs who have kids were losers in this meaning. They changed information each other among them. DDMs OYAJI was already in the tradition of our faculty. Youichi CHIBA, ex-Dean was this version also.

 And I noticed the number of singles and Dinks was extremely big in versities. I thought that they were not attractive. However, like OOYAMA and KIMURA, wedding was their dream.

 Only one kid type couple was also common in Japan. 2 kids for a single parent were scandal for them, maybe!!!

 OYAJI's evil wives are just supporters of the kids. They just pay money to cramschools, individual private teachers, cramschool like magazines and so on.

 They just provide money for kids, having taken it from OYAJI. Easiest task. And they call it, "Tough work".

 I had to pay for the magazined for several years, because my kids wanted. Now, they are trash, I recognized. I wanted to stop the Chain of Promotion earlier, however, my kids insisted to get it. One year US$1200 in total for two kids. A bunch of money I lost. However, I learned that BENESSE is the worst EXAM WAR benefitter.

 They sold the privacy information of our kids. Public Agency allowed this wrongdoing. Thus, only US$5 was sent to my two kids, each, as appology. Even after the ecandal, they continued the business, as usual. Terrible. No one punished the darkest devil at all!!!

 DDMs are contributors for BENESSE or "Duck with long leeks" like Miku HATSUNE, a vocaloid.

 DDMs got rid of their educational participation as I said before. Thus, they should vanish.

 YUKARI wanted to be Alex's exclusive private instructor for the 6 years public school, instead of professional ones or the real cramschool.

 She proposed me her plan. She dared to say, "If you want Alex to enter the school, we should prepare at least 2 years ealier from the exam. And I can afford to teach him privately. In this case, I have to concentrate on his study instruction job, thus, I would be exempted from all of other jobs, you know. The exam is fought by parents behind the kids. It is information war. Thus, you should choose, whether I teach Alex or not."

 I was astonished at her remarks. She was dull and her math ability was the worst. She has no ability to do so. Why this kinky lady says such a strange stupidity so seriously?, I thought. She is always so. No ability at all and declares abruptly her flamboyant illusional plan to others. OK, please don't touch to my boy, lady. I refused her kindest and kinkiest offer.

 DDMs are everytime bahaving so. No experience and no career. Just the illusional flamboyant plan, they want to buy. No one wants to buy it. "Muck Selling Business", in effect.

 DDMs have no ability even in domestic field, as I described repeatedly. Bad cook, bad sweeper, bad in bed work. The most avoidable figure No.1 inside the house.

 Nevertheless, they are the queens in the house. They teach their kids how to treat their father, that is OYAJI. They are the instructors at this point.

 OYAJI should be contempted by DDMic wives and kids. This is the first principle among them. If OYAJI wants to avoid their insults, he should pay tremendously to them.

 "Muck Selling Business" again, with threatning. As YUKARI said directly to me, "You should just work outside and bring money for us. I would provide it for kids."

  Absurd! This kinky bug insists ilegitimately to force me to work and earn more and more, meanwhile she passes dull time. Why she dares to think so? Just they are arrogant to think so. For them, OYAJI is just a servant to contribute to them. Why OYAJI should contribute to them?

  They think that they have right to do so, because they gave a birth to their kids.

  YUKARI's case is worse. MIYUKI gave a birth to her kids and she is just MIYUKI's sister. MIYUKI was indifferent from her producing process at all!

  OYAJI got married with DDMic wife, because of her beauty, She likes to think so.

  OYAJI didn't think so. OYAJI rather wanted to established the even relationship. However, he was forced to be her exclusively earning machine.

  DDMs thinks that "KAWAII" is enough to attract males. Thus, 田口佐保 or Saho TAGUCHI thought. As I wrote before, she was my ex-pupil.

 DDMs think that married DDMs were winners and single were losers.

  Thus, the fives of DAME OYAJIs are the winners among DDMic world.

  By their standard, the champion no.1 is married and with kid, no.2 is married and no kid, no.3 is single.

  Among no.1, who is the champion? The many kids type? No, not at all!

  No.1 is only one kid!!! Because, existance is sufficient and in this case, minimum is most preferable.

  This theory is based on their "Family as Exclusively Finance Oriented Basic Community" conception. Just having kid causes the strong line between two families. Thus, only one is already enough. Why the rest of them? Unnecessary, inconvenient and immoral and stupid.

  Thus, Only one kid couple was ideal among DDMs families.

  In this sense, Kyorin Univ.'s colleagues were exemples for the DDMic world.

 Sometimes, human beings fails. OYAJI, not knowing, got married with DDM. It occurs. And most of cases, after wedding, his wife turned to be a DDM. 寿DDM or Kotobuki-wedding's result.

  For DDMs, 寿 wedding is the shouting of their championship! Thus, they prefer gourgeous ceremony for it.

  DDMs' happiness is OYAJI's unhappiness, if OYAJI is human being.

 DoDoMerdic wives abuse OYAJI as they like. Life is just continuous tortures for OYAJI people. I have no wife, of course, however, my evil sister is undurable burden for me. For OYAJI people, living with DDMs are just INFERNO.

 Family gag turned to be serious real scenes of OYAJI people's tortures. Everyday, incessantly. If I were one of them, I would run away from the family.

 Thus, Mitsutoshi FURUYA's family comic was so grotesque and spooky for me.

  TAKO-BOU has tremendously big head and looks like fatus. Bad taste. Not amusing at all. I said "gag", however, it is too too black and I felt so nasty to read it.

  Then, why OYAJI people don't separate with DDMs? Because the damage compensation was too too burdensome for them, financially. Only one wedding is DDMic chance. Virgin is just for it. In Japan, judges are in favour of DDMic world.

  In this case, how OYAJI people escape from the trap? Just take care and watch out. Don't get along with DDMs. Avoid their attack. Good. And after the getting marrige DDMs case? Run away with or without your kid! It all depends. If your kid is DDM, get rit of it. If people, leaving him in the hands of DDM is too too inhuman.

  Explain the situation to the judge or its resembles and get a judgement and live as you like. Only one choice.

 In Japan, OYAJI people have no choice. Just run away. Like as me.   YUKARI the broken robot doesn't vanish yet. I can't wait her total vanishing. I need to do my work and she disturbs my job as always, as a natural course for her.

  DDMs wives are so evil and dangerous. If they concluded life insurance, OYAJI people, you are the target of assasin!





Revision on "DAME-OYAJI" or Contempted Fathers (1)

2017-02-20 11:03:22 | 日記

20/02/2017 (morning) It is snowing this morning. I ate pilaf with rice, diced bacon, raisins and shredded onion, tarmeric and cardamon also put. Nice breakfast! Westernized Southern Asian type. I took cafe latte after the meal.

  Today, my theme is Japanese cruel system of cotempting working fathers. It is called "Syndrome of DAME-OYAJI" by us.

 DAME-OYAJI is the name of famous comic witten by Mitsutoshi FURUYA in 1970s, in the middle of the higher industrialization era in Japan.

 OYAJI is the vulgar way of saying on Father. Thus, I am OYAJI. I am rather a male worker than an indulged and protected female worker and have two kids. I myself often say me, "I am OYAJI" and I was a member of "Association of OYAJIs" at the Junior High School No.6 in Hachioji.  I was publically OYAJI or Father of my kids, it means.

 The above comic describes the severe and tough life of OYAJI. A common family's father in Japan. Common, however, very hard life, OYAJI should experience in Japan.

 In the family, he is a wimpy lonely wolf like me. He earns money, working outside, brings some sufficient money to the family. He is wimpy but honest.

  However, when he comes back home, a sadistic terrible Queen like his wife waits for him to enjoy making a fool of him, with their sun called "TAKO-BOU".

  Mother and her son offend him hard, until morally unendurable level.

  Always she claims that he were dull and brings so small amount of money because of his inability. DAME means "Too Bad" in Japanese. Bad Father is OYAJI's qualificated position in common Japanese Families, inclusing my family.

  How much he works, the family doesn't appreciate it at all. Just like me!

  It is a gag comic and was produced ANIME version. However, I can remember the nasty feeling when I read it in some magazines. "Spooky!", I felt. Miserable and messy. Normal working father, he is. Why he should be torturized by his own family? They should be punished, especially, his kinky sadistic ugly wife should be. I thought.

  The wife was YUKARI, maybe. She herself is nothing. Just a wife of "Someone". Irrisponsible and interventionist. Always "I am right and superior to you!", type.

  When I got asleep, I found a note near my bedside table. It was a not that I wrote to my Alex to prohibit the use of my valuable things, especially, ARITA bowl.

  As I wrote before, I bought it in ARITA, a famous China wear village when I participated in an academic meeting, as a suvenir for myself. It costed US$12!.

  Just a warning to ask him not to use the bowl, "because it is precious for me", I wrote.

  I was astonished. YUKARI wrote her comment on it. Oh, she can write some letters yet!

  And, much more! She delivered her lesson to me. Like this:

  ”Your Chinese character was an error. You wrote 椀. But the right character is 碗. This is so basic knowlege. You made a mistake in this level. You are a fool, in this meaning.

   And if you want others not to use your precious objects, replace them to your space. You are using my own precious things. You have no right to use my own, or, we have rights to use yours, of course!"

  I don't use her object at all. I use my mother's chamber with her accordance. Under her mercy, I know. I use kitchen tools in my house, however, they are for common use. Lots of useless tools in the kitchen, she bought, yes. However, she has no money and she is not a owner of them at all. In the office, I use the space and materials with total accorance of my father.

 Why she accuses me by use of her belongings? Presumably, she thinks that she were the owner of this house. So all of things belong to her. Thus, she thinks that she would have had right to use everything as she likes.

 She has already lost the recognition ability on the difference between hers and others. Thus, for her, any thing belongs to her.

 She wrote the note with a oil pen with a line maker to enphathise her opinion. I wrote it in several seconds in a pencil. However, she took many minutes to do so. Oh, she had plenty of time to do so!

  Thank you for the Chinese character lesson, anyway. I will confirm it after sleeping. Thus, I got asleep.

  I checked up the character in a dictionary. It was my dictionary, witch was bought when I was in high school.

  The dictionary was nicknamed as "Piggy", by me, because of the colour. I liked it. And one of the 3 editors of it was Etsutaro IWABUCHI, who was from SHIRAKAWA. It was handy and easy to use. Reliable, anyway. Publisher is IWANAMI, a renoun one.

  The dictionary says that in case of Lacquer ware, 椀 is used, while in case of China ware, 碗 is used. Oh, YUKARI, you are right at this point. My ARITA YAKI is made of beautiful mud in the region. Thank you again. I would never forget the basic knowledge forever again.

  And I decided to place all of my things to other space. To where? It is the problem. I am now in moving era. I need to collect my things in a certain place. Anyway, I should prepare for the departure. So I began to put my tools from the shelves in the kitchen into a box.

 I noticed that YUKARI's way was similar to Kyoin's. Taking a trifle error seriously and accusing the target as if he or she would be stupid, in an arrogant voice. It took much time to prepare for the accusation. And they didn't notice that they had no legitimacy at all. Lots of formalities uselessly. In the tone of giving a precious instruction to the target. Pointing the error in a brilliant coloured circle, emphathising it and advertising the mistake in public. YUKARI has no right to accuse me to use of "her" object at all. Why she said so? Kyorin did the same thing. They should be blamed by the wrongdoing and they scolded me to have abused their things!!! Victimatization. The final stage of this disease.

  Yukari is now whole KYORIN Versity. Then, now she should pay for me. OK, I am a member of Kyorin, in a formal meaning. Kyorin, at least, pays some salary for me. I think that it is a part of the compensation. If YUKARI is KYORIN, you should pay for the damage.

  I found several wrincles in my bowl. She should pay for them, of course. She pretends to be arrogant, however, she is coward in public. She always agrees all of the counterpart says. All agree and she gives me a big damage, maybe. Please say to your sister, someone asked her. She said, "Yes, of course!" and forgot. Everytime, the same thing. It's important thing. Emergency. Say now, please!, they said. Yukari replied, Yes, sir! and repeated the error.

  Her error should be repeated until her death. YUKARI was refused to transfuse her blood to others, because she made a trip to England, when mad cow disease occured in the country. Only 2 weeks stay, I know. However, Ministry of health refused her blood contribution. Thus, she has a possibility of BSE.

  Her anger is always flamboyant and the reversive attitude of her inferiority complex. She wants to be superior to me. Just an appointing of error is sufficient for her superiority complex. I, YUKARI, am superior to my sister! I am greater than I!

  Thus, she was so cheerful yesterday morning.

  She forgot totally that the bill was for Alex, not for her. Why she replied? Just like a Chain Mail Matter. Her writing is the proof of her betrayal of the confidence. She always does so. Everyone's letters belong to her. She thinks that she could open any envelop, if she is curious at it.

  She did so and declared me that she were right to do so. She opened the letter from the famous Medical Institute of California regarding to my reproduction treatment. Confidential, the letter said. However, she explained me, "Our parents ordered me to open the envelope, because they thought it were an emergency letter for you, when you were in Brazil. I was forced to open it and got to know that you got your kids by artificial way! Odd things! How shameful!!! I know the fact. I have power to inform the wrongdoing in public, if you do wrongdoing to me. Remember!", threatening me.

  Artificial insemination isn't a threatening for me. However, in public? Not at all. It's a private matter. She was as if she were the monitor of my private life. She wants to be, maybe. Her memory was just for the curiosity, now. She wants to controle my sexual life and asks her mother to order the interesting job for her and exempt other goddmnit uninteresting job.

  I was astonished at her slight change. She was not a goship interested DDM anyway at her past. Now, she is interested in ASUKA's case so much. My mother wanted to change the boresome TV program. And asked, "YUKARI, do you mind if I changed the channel?", and YUKARI's reply was, "Yes, of course! I really am interested in this topic", smiling with her slight erotical nuance. YUKARI is following the goship??? I wondered. However, for now, this level is highly interesting one.

  Her feeling changes abruptly. She now wears slim type jeans, to enphathise the leg line. Why? I don't know. Even she was young, she didn't wear such a slim type.

  And I also noticed that her letters A-B-C are different in the shape. Yes, her letter, well known to me. However, old figures' like slight shaking appeared in them. I call them "ヨロ字” or shaking letters. This fenomenum is highly common in elders and figures with brain problem.

 When I was in graduate school, I was a par-time clerk in the library of the faculty. One day, I found that Youichi WANI, assited professor at that time, with my age or so, put down the form in this way. I was surprised! Oh, WANI, of of the famous old professors' common Pet, you wrote in this way??? Like these old professors themselves. He didn't look attractive, however, I liked his way of speaking, "Oh, his remarks sound like wine! He would be a professor of German Literature! Good job for him! "The Agony of Young Walter" by Ghoethe is good for his disease! Oh, how he is suitable for the hero in this melow drama!!!"

  And I liked him because he was one of some admirer of my precious legs and shoes!!! I like my legs and also shoes. Few, but exist. Some of my pupils, males and females, are also fans of my legs. Only legs. Yes, however, I was pleased with their praise. Just adration is enough and my pupils were so honest to say so. "Your legs are so attractive, you know?", I felt good. I replied, "Oh, you recognised it now? OK, I appreciate your praise! If you like, say more!!!"

  For some people, these remarks are prohibitted type. However, for me, just applouse. They are interested in the shape, without sexual intention. The difference is vast. Esthetically, rather. "Oh, your shoulders are wide and look cool!" should be allowed. Even in the class room. All depends TPO and the counterpart's feeling. In my case, they are praise. However, for YUKARI's type, they would be infromed to the police!!! Terrible intolerance!!! Just some complements to make others feel positive. "Oh, you look so nice today! Good brether suits you wear! They fit you very good!!!" is just a confortable compliment in Brazil, while in USA, probably, it would be sexual and power harasment.

 "It all depends." is too flexible for DDMs. For us, a certain limit there is. However, for DDMs, they think that they could do everything without limit. "神成り" or turning to Gods fenomenum. Anyone can't stop their dashing any more.

  I wonder why today I found my "PIGGY" on the back entrance hall in the mail house. There is no other book in the space. On the box filled with old objects, mixed with YUKARI's and mine. Probably, YUKARI looked up for the letter on my dictionary and left as she liked and forgot to have left there. 碗 was too much difficult for her. She wanted to pretend to write this difficult letter as basic knowlege. She just fakes and does it wrongly. Thus, she was revealed to be an ignorant professor for her kinky sister MIYUKI.

  Maybe, this IWABUCHI was my Grand Father's rival in his primary school days. IWABUCHI was only one scholar that Shirakawa produced until me. He was inferior to my grand father, but could enter into the schools to Tokyo University. I didn't know any other IWABUCHI surnameed figures in this region. He would be outsider in the region. Son of public servant or so. Scholarship or some unfair way, his family knew. He did his work well, according to his dictionary producing works. On the rest, I don't know.

  In this region, "no other choice" dropout is common. Poverty, yes. My grand-grand father was the founder of the best public high school called SHIRAKAWA KOUKOU or HAKKOU in its abbreviation. Thus, his own son couldn't enter the school that his father had established. It was an irony and a goship at the period in SHIRAKAWA. Yes, my grand grand father was a Numero Uno in the region and he was too too popular among people, especially, females.

  Thus, he economised his expenditure. His son was too clever to enter into the school and was enough to primary education.

  I learned the lesson. I am the top degree holder in this country and prepared for latent juhior high grader son Alex. His choice, not because of my choice. In my grand grand father's case, by way of abrupt financial falling. I am liberal and respect other's will.

  My grand grand father was called Kintaro SATO (佐藤 金太郎).

  Coincidently, my nickname in the primary school was also Kintaro.

  Kintaro is the name of the hero in the middle age. He was so strong to win the fighting agains Bears. Thus, he proceeded in a parade on a bear's back.

  He was so popular by the legend of massacre of devils in Kyoto, the capital city at that time.

  Why my nickname was so? Because of strength? Not at all. My hair was so straight and hard and I didn't know the existance of conditioner at that time. Thus, my hair was like a big hard brush. This hair style recalled his. And I was boysh type. I liked wear white cotten pants or blue jeans in the bottom and white turtle neck sweater and navy blue double blezer or short jump jacket in the upper. I imagied as if I looked like a captain in a big ship.

  No one called me Captain Miyuki, just Kintaro. OK. Better than nasty one. At least positive one. Better than "密林" or Jungle or "台湾ゴリラ" Gorrilla from Taiwan.

 There are lots of strange nick names. I will report on the theme later. In any class, there are some pupils with good sense of ridiculous humour.

  Nicknames are sometimes not welcome one. However, we should accept some sense of humour. Better than negative and cruel one.

  ""APE" is a suitable nickname for a girl?" is a quiz.

  My opinion is, if it were put by their colleague or the people with eveness relation. this case would be OK. The strange impressive name is also put to himself. A humourous one, we would accpept.

  However, if the figure is in the higher position, the situation is different.

  Yesterday, I read an article that a public teacher put nicknames on some pupils and called with them. The school master appologised to the related.

  However, I refrain from the quick replay. Because just word "APE" or "Stupid boys!" are not blamable in generally. We adult use these words in ordinary life. It all depens. Sometimes they are used due to hatrid and sometimes because of affection. The article didn't explain the background. Pejorative or assertive, negative or positive.

  OMNKO-JOURNALISTS do these useless job. They have no standard or sight. Thus, just pick up some words from others and put it on the on like papers. A cheaper dull works. Good for DDMs' pastime. Like YUKARI's bill for me. Just correct the chinese characters. This is DDMs correction. The contents, they don't understand. Someone said so, thus I write so. I am indifferent from the contents at all. Copy & Paste works. Not suitable for human beings with brain. Mechanical works fit PC's efficiency. DDMs lost the oldest type of PC.

  Replaceable for new model, in this case. Or, older model. Oh, my mother is better than YUKARI. Highly better. Interventionist, yes. However, not so cruel. She has not showed up, at least. Arrogance is prohibitted to every existance. YUKARI doesn't want to recognize that she is really arrogant. However, she should know the fact. Maybe, soon, she vanish. Her era was ended already. Only she insisted not to know the fact.

  Kintaros both, the original and I, are accused as DAME OYAJI by DDMs and some protectionists.

  But for others, we are chaming existance with a lot of human like falures, I believe. At least, we are not shame in the family. YUKARI is the shame, although she denied the fact and accused me. She did nothing, thus anyone recognizes her, she thinks. No, no! Shirakawa people of course know who is YUKARI. Where she is? Everyone knows. She liked to be new to here. However, already passed 20 years. This is small town. Who is she?, they doesn't ask. However, everyone notice her appearance. MIYUKI was astonished at IZUMI-san remembered her name. Yes, that's it. Rural people were not cool-like type, however, in rural way, they are quick and kind. MIYUKI knows the difference of those of indifference and non recognition. Not at all! IZUMI-san's mother's case signifies a lot. Everyone knows her. Thus, she could be traced. Compliments include various significance. Miyuki likes to make friends with others, so she responds and sometimes with her errors. However, she likes to communicate with people. She knows to establishing reliance is difficult and betraying is easy. If once betrays, people never admitted into the community. Thus, people tried to get confidence among people. MIYUKI was isolated in HACHIOJI and tried to get along with people, however, failed. Reason unknown. Not my fault! She shouted. Why? She wanted to know the answer and got to know now. Delayed, however, better than not knowing.

  Kyorin way of life was adopted in the world. IT or net globalization. YUKARI is not a victim but a participant. Why she check some articles sometimes? To find her works in the news? Ummm...I killed someone?  Oh, no, she was caught in the police according to her story. And now, she wants to revenge MIYUKI. Dream story, she is writing now. Why? She wants to write. OK, then, publish it! A good advice. You did so, if you write? Did and failed and gave up and changed. Changed to pass the bar exam. Tried 3 times and failed. Then went to Brazil and tried to be a scholar. This time, I did it well, I think. Now, I was practically fired and moved from here to another country or ather countries. And you do everything!!!! Yes, good for me and for others. Easy, quick and convenient. I need a change and experiences to be bigger!!! I am not satisfied with me. Latent jobless. I needed to Doctral Degree and gained it. It was a pride. And I took advantage of it. Like a chief of RAMEN restaurant.

 However, in this country, RAMEN shops are sufficient. Thus, I would do everything if I need and want, withing the limit as human beings. Not be inhuman. Just the principle. Thus, I can do everything, if I make an effort. You will fail, yes sometimes, however, it is a good chance to get to notice the other ability or possiblity. Want to be is good, however, counterparts also have conditions. If they are among the limit, I would accept the conditions.

 For example, as my ideal pay, US$200 thousand per year is the best. However, if the institute could pay only US$50 thousand, it would OK, after their consideration and making effort. We should be pragmatic. I will gain another US$150 from others and the value is just a rough caluculation. I just enjoy my whole life. Experience as a professional values a lot. Thus, not the value of money I earn. I can live and work cheerfully. It's important.

 Not for money. Money is just a substitute. To fly earlier, sometimes needs money more. For the slow trip, cheap is enough. I don't want to be abused by anyone. I work diligently as a member of human beings with my ability. A deposit system. Using is important. I work and introduce others, if I need. Information is important. However, information source is sometimes limited. We should take advantage of this situation as an concentrated camp. A step for the departure. Anyone who passes long time in the different countries passed harsh time in the beginning, especially. Even now, Japanese society is excluding foreigners. Just money, no human beings. Terrible policy. How 24 million foreiners can visit this cold country? Why people believe it? ABE is mad? Why politics is the prohibitted matter in this country?

  Too many cofusions in mind. Brazilians also. Even in the process of adoptation, they encountered with the same questions like I had. Ummmm....Miyuki stopped and watched the past and found lots of gifts from Gods.

  MIYUKI tried to trace the files handed by Gods of Justice and failed. She thought that she should pursue Justice using the judicial process. And got to know the fact. She learned and punished. She was in ordial of Gods of Justice at that time. She failed, means death. She was saved, because she was ordialed OK by Gods of justice. Because she made a big mistake on her past. She was cruel to others sometimes, yes. She was concealed from others, yes. She was taking advantage of everything type, yes. She accepted the fact. yes. She was at least honest, yes. She was good at fun, yes. She would accept to be a fool of Gods of Justice, yes. Shozo OHTA failed to be a fool of the gods. He accepted before. Thus, he said so. He wanted to run away from it. He said it as if he had no way except to the position, so I had felt that it meant that to avoid attaking by the others, expecially jealous ones, thus, like YUKARI, he should pretend to seem dull. It was so. He misundertood the mission. A fool means protection, for them. Ummm...Stronger is more protective. They are so much dull at this point. MIYUKI accepted the mission immediately. OKINO replied, Oh, yes! Miyuki is eager to do so. Miyuki is more comical rather than cool, they say. however, sometimes, she should be cool. She would accept all of the jobs, comes from every people!!! Yes, she would go to everywhere, if it's necessary. Now her departure and coming to the lots of gods of deaths. She knows that the gods are cool and good for us too. In YUKARI's case, she refused to know the fact but she should know. She is ill, mentally. She can't change at all. Her mother knows that, so they are kind enough to her. She can't be an adult type. Eternal child, maybe. She thinks so that she wants to be a kind of joke. Yes, she moves just of her own feeling or instinct like passion. Springing dashing is the character. KAKISHIMA did it. Abruptly. Not necessary.

 I did so, sometimes and failed sometimes. Thus, now, I took care of the feeling. Nasty and thrilled. MATSUKO's Alzheimer suspection with Cochroach type, in Hisaichi ASAHI.

 Crowling feeling, they say. Alzheimer suspection, MIYUKI was caught, thus, she knew the thrill. What should I do, type. Miyuki confessed the suspection to KURODA at Health Center of the Tokyo Univ. and did Roll Shcher test and replied 38 animals and probaply I was good at imagination. Kuroda replied, "Not unusual. Normal." Then confessed at the suspection concretely. I made a mistake the number of the houses between my apartment and the fire department. I thought 2 or 3 and the answer was 4 or 5. In my memory, there was no 1 or 2 houses. I was frightened at the fact. And he said, "It was normal."

  Miyuki wanted to be relieved from the answer. And got. However, she knows that she couldn't grasp the houses exactly. Two or several times, she passed the road. And found a fire department. And the distance she presumed and made an error. I, should know at least the number of the houses between my apartment and an important public agencies, however, I calculated mistakenly. I am a graduate schooler. I should be more clever. However, I made a mistake...Oh...I , poor I, how should I do???!!!!

  Tragedic version turned to comic version. Yes, she was right. Smaller town has unpopulous figures. Why they don't know the number of the houses between each? Miyuki was in panic and dashed to the center. And with another sleepless time problem. 1 week without sleeping and a slight nap with nightmare. She dashed into the center, as her KITAMURA instructed. She felt strange too much and did so. YUKARI didn't feel so. YUKARI knew the period. She accompanied to her to the versty and the apartment.

  She abruptly changes and MIYUKI worried about her dissapearance. MIYUKI thought that she was mistaken the route after the slight quarrel in FUNABASHI, because she was not accustomed to the place so much as MIYUKI. For MIYUKI, FUNABASHI was a birth place, however, for her, no.

  Yeah, I once went back to the appartment and noticed that YUKARI was not there. I thought that she would have followed me, with her face of insatisfaction.

  Then, called to Funabashi. They said, YUKARI was not there. MIYUKI began to search her worring her until to go back to FUNABASHI. And found not.

  Then, MIYUKI went back to the apartment and found her.

  For the first time, she did this "provisional runaway" , when I was in junior high or primary school. She left saying, "I go out!" and do. Miyuki spontaneously worried about her dissapearance and searched and searched. Tired, MIYUKI came back home, and found YUKARI under the tree in front of the house. OK, anyway I found her. My duty ended.

  During the way, kinky boys passed by a car beside in front of MAKIKO's house and tried to attempt her. I ignored them but got thrilled by the experience. Said to the friends next day on the experience.

  Boys near the school, even primary school. Rural sexual abusers, they maybe. Taking care is the best way to avoid the dull boys.

  Hachioji was such a place. Already degraded. Miyuki didn't believe it. Figures were so degraded to target the young girls as their desire. Self protection system, they say. However, why, self? Where were the police? They knew that the police were not functioning at all.

  YUKARI knows the system? Why HACHIOJI was so dangerous? Why she was so eager to read the books on protection of the kids from kinky old figures???

  Anyone said the malfuntion of the ruling system and lived like a normal situation. Why?