2017-02-12 19:14:12 | 日記
12/02/2017 (evening) I ate a "SOBA-GAKI" or boiled buckwheat in a soysauce soup with a dried bonito frake.
A simple and delicious dish for people who appreciate the whole backwheat.

I got to know the dish from information of reading books. I bought a package of 200g at US$20 in a supermarket near Tokyo Universe and made it based on my memory. I got a success. It was a simple and quick dish, however, delicious!

However I wanted to confirm that the dish I made is the real "SOBA-GAKI".

Then I looked for the buckwheat needle shops, which offer the real one.

However, It is rare to find such kind of the shop.
Finally, I found a shop, in the very front of JR Mitaka Station, in a commercial building.

The price was US$12, extraordinarily as "SOBA-GAKI".
However, I wanted to know the taste of professionals for the sake of comparison.
A kind of investment for experiment.

Then, the dish appeared. I was astonished and regretted.
"This is not "SOBA-GAKI"! Just a sponge floating in a soup! No, No, Not at all!!!"

Probably, even in front of the shop for rich figures, the cooks didn't know what SOBA-GAKI is.
In the SOBA or buckwheat expert shop, SOBA-GAKI is out of their knowledge.
They have no professionalism any more. Or, cooks in Tokyo are so degraded.

It happened almost 5 years ago. Then, the situation of Tokyo deteriorates.
Now, as I reported before, Italian, French, Spanish and so on, restaurants have no good cooks any more in Tokyo.

Tomorrow, I will make pancakes of buckwheat, probably.

Assisted Frendship: Japanse Modified Version of Prostitution

2017-02-12 11:44:56 | 日記
12/02/2017 (morning) I ate a rice cake with fermented soybeans. Now I am drinking a cup of cafe latte.

I pleaded to write on crimes in Japanese style. Today, I will present you "ENJO-KOUSAI"(its abbreviation is "EN-KOU" or "assisted friendship", extacly, prostitution.

The word started to use in 1980s, with the arrival of bubble prosperous economy.
At that time, even a sociologist called Shinichi NAKAZAWA, assisted-professor of Tokyo University supported the opinion that "Assisted Friendship is a kind of independence of sexuality of young school girls. They have right to sell their attractive young body to rich older boys. The girls are more independent than other plain ones."

We were interested in whom this pseudo academician would get married with. One of the degraded girls?
No, no. He was too conservative at this point of marrige. For playing, prostitutes are OK. For marrige, no thanks. He got married with one of a good girls of a famous family of power holders'.

He continues to be a sociologist, despite of his contradictional choice.
He was morally degraded, before the marrige, and after marrige, he is morally detariorated in double meaning. Now he is one of Testacle Pets of power holders.

Why he supported young prostitution? Why he wanted to have their body. He took advantage of his position as academician. "I am a protector of your money earnings, young girls. I will assist your job to advocate your profission. You should be proud of it. Your job is the oldest one in history. Thus, be a queen of Shibuya, girls! You have right to dispose your own property. Your body deserves to be appreciated by many rich old boys. You are divine existance. You are privileged to be given your beautiful body. You should offer your body to as many as old boys, it's your mission. Prostitution? No, no! Your independent work! You are independent girls. You can buy anything you want. You can buy male boys, also. You are free! You sell, and you buy. A highly efficient system, don't you? Girls, play and earn, altogether! Enjoy your life, as much as you can. You earn lots of money and buy almost everything from it. You are free and independent. Be a prostitute, young girl! You are so beautiful."

The tradition continue. Even now, assisted friendship is highly in common all over Japan.
Young girls easily sell their body to kinky old boys, at the cost of US$30 to US$200, depending on the service.
They are normal pupils in the day and change to be prostitutes in the night or weekends. Just like part-time jobs. Junior high pupils are not excluded.

Yes, prostitution and assisted friendship are prohibitted by several laws. However, even teachers buy the pupils. We can see lots of materials on the fenomenum, even now, in the newspapers. Every day almost.

You people outside think that Japanese are strict in morality. Yes, for common people, we are sure.
They are responsible protectionalists, in every means. They owe their duty excessively. Their ethics and esthetics, also.
However, on the other hand, DoDoMerdas in Japan are so degraded.
Don't forget that in local areas, there are lots of rural power holders' families. They grasp the right of appointing personel to public positions. Thus, nepotism is extinctive.

For example, My closed friends Ms.MAKIKO ARIGA, Ms.SATOKO IZUMI and I, MIYUKI SATO are all from old families in this area. However, our surnames are not in common in public positions. SATO, for example, is highly common all over Japan and in particular in this region, like "Da SILVA" in Brazil and "SMITH" in USA and England related countries.
However, the number of public survants, including teachers, with SATO surname is comparatively small than other surnames prevalent in this region. It would be prooved by the investigation of the names of public survants and of residents. "Statiscally meanful" is the word I've leaned from our dear professor Shozo OHTA. Quick search can be made. Why he didn't do the search? Because he was morally and intellectually degraded. It's an easy way to get to know nepotism or unfair system of designation.
Why Japanese government pays much money to such a degrated figure for the useless intrepid research? Because their intrepidity conceals the fact and postpones the spread of the fact. Anti-productive professors in the renoun versities are most overesteemed by power holders. Win-win relationship between them.
Thus, I am proud of the fact that I was excluded from the society and got independence from them. At least, I don't belong to them. My proof as a human being.

This morning, I found another DoDoMerda at Tokyo Univ. Her name is Ruri MITSUI. She participated in a round table meeting held by HNK, probably. She looks young and her position is a lecturer of political science.
I was astonished at her BLA-BLA-BLA and slowness in mind! The contents of her comment is just "China is important to analyse Japan-USA relationship." Ordinary, plain, stero-typical remark, that any people can say, even kids in primary school.
However, she prolonged the remark, as much as possible, using a lots of phrasal verbs, and it took more than 3 minutes. Amond DoDoMerdas, 1 second remark for us takes 3 minutes. 180 times more innefficient!
Thus, the dullest, the most adopted. Why she was hired? Because she looks nice for old kinky boys.
Maybe, her surname talks a lot. MITSUI is the surname of a big famly of dinasty, now in the process of sinking.
Oh, like "100 anos de Solitude" or "Buddenbrokes" or "Tibbots" "NIRE-KE-NO-HITOBITO", the final stage of the prosperous family produces the most desqualified one. The one would be a distinctive, in any mean. Many of the above cases on the novels, the ones turned to be artists, except "100 anos de solitude".
This MITSUI descendant, presumably, should be distinctive due to her slow and shameless presence on TV.
"Nakid Tokyo Univ. lecturer in the centerfold! She took off all her clothings. All she wears are only her fur, in the secret garden. She is beyond our imagination. Her striptees are so irritating until Dr.Miyuki SATO gets upset. Too slow! Dr.Miyuki SATO is a slow clothings changer, she confessed. However, Ms.MITSUI is much more slow. She lectures BLA-BLA-BLA in public, in front of audicence all over Japan, via NHK. How proud her family is!"

I was a lecturer at Tokyo Univ. However, even I, not so quick, got in rage at her slow BLA-BLA-BLA. How plain remarks she said. Why she can't say straight? Who was her orientator? She or he? Is she a lesbian? A new night club was established in the versity? "Feminist-Lesbian club" or "OMANKO-Club".

Wow, "ONYANKO-Club" is a popular team of young girls artists in 1980s. The girls were a kind of assisted friendship participants. It was produced by Yasuyuki AKIMOTO. He is also a promotor of "AKB-48" and "NOGUIZAKA-46".
He likes to be surrounded by many girls.

In 2014, I offered a thime to my pupils in the 1st grade to produce a new artist group as an exercise of mind. They analysed AKB-48 and found that this team was not popular outside Asian Countries. Only East Asian countries welcome them. They concluded that in the common world, mass game type team was not popular. North Korea and Japan have the same preference at this point.
Then, they proposed a team with 6 figures, with lots of mixed bloods, males and females togather, to attend all of the needs as idols in the world.

A funny exercise. I like to such kind of amusing lesson. I thought that we did highy well. However, my colleagues were with sour faces. Why? Their way of thinking is so pattenalized and can't understand the value.
They like uninteresting, unattractive, non-amusing lessons. Boresome ones, they adore.

I challenged a lot of amusements at Kyorin University, however, anyone evalutated my effort at all.
They appreciated Arata KUNO's Power Point instrucng jobs and Yuri KIMURA's Cotler reading class.
And I was accused to being not-enthusiastic to the class teaching, according to pupils' qualification, they said.
Look my reputation graphs in HP at the versity. Arata KUNO insisted to upload them on the versity Site, strongly.
OK, I didn't get a good reputation among them, I agree. However, I don't think that the qualification system were rightous at all.
I know that many of them to pay or offer some benefits to gain a good results. Or, threated pupils to do so.
How degraded, you would be surprised. However, that is the fact.
I am proud of being desqualified, at this point, also.

The best university like Tokyo Univ, and the worst Univ. like Kyorin, and also, the middle ranking versities like AOYAKA GAKUIN and TSUDA-JUKU College, all of them desqualified me, as being suitable for them.
OK., I am not suitable for them. I am fairly proud of this fact.
Which is a liar, Miyuki or other versities? You decide. I rely on you, versities in the world.
Yes, there are DoDoMerdic versities like Japanese ones. However, many of them are more sane morally and intellectually. I will be hired at least by some rightous versities in the world.

You, Clare, you would learn that casting a spell to others, who are making effort to find a job, with your arrogant and flamboyant feeling, will give you the same damage to you. You should cansel the words and appologise me, having casted a harsh remark. You would be paid more for it. You've already known that your errors cause the loss of your team. You would regret the fact. See the fact and reflect it. I am leaving here. You want to continue your game? OK., thus, you would have no chance to be a good player. Making effort is a presiouc thing. You said, "You would not find a job, any! You would be jobless!"
What words! You are dependent of the object of your cast. Your living cost is owed by her. Why you said such a shameless remarks? Because you are so indulged to be arrogant to say so. Giving a damage to others is your favorite, don't you, DoDoMerdas? You do as you like. However, the spell is cast only on you, as the counterattack.
Miyuki is safe from the cast. She knows how she pretends. She returned the cast to you. Laughing the effort of others would be laughted by the others. You would be ashamed of it.
Miyuki keeps distant from her kids as the education. Morally rotten. They want to evade the fact. In Hachioji, YUKARI taught it to them. However, you should know that YUKARI is no more a human beings. She just moves like a broken robot.
She moves sometimes. Sometimes not. She is reluctant to move even as a robot. It's time for departure from her.
Help your grand parents. They are so good to you kids, aren't you? Why you don't help them? You are so indulged like YUKARI? You want to be YUKARI no.2 and no.3? You have power to help them and much of time. Why you don't do so? Clare, you are good at cooking. Why you don't use the skill, instead of YUKARI? You have plenty of time. Thus, you should spend the time for your pleasure and everyone's one. Your grand parents will love your dished. You can dissect fish, cook every food you like. You have chance to do sou. You two are free from cramschool. Why you don't try to do so? YUKARI is nothing for you two, you understand? She is rubbish. She doesn't work any more. You have plenty of time. Even you two don't do so, YUKARI can't do so. YUKARI's time is comming. YUKARI is out of mind. She wanted to help you, however, she doesn't want to work for you. She thinks that MIYUKI should work for you, replaceing her. She should do her job, she thinks. YUKARI's not working thinking is affecting you two. Do you want to vanish as DoDoMerdas? You know the mean, Alex? You knew that some teachers dissapeared from school, soon after from their excuse. Strange excuses, they did. Maternity, Giving a birth, substitute work, or so. They were all kinky. You want to follow ther road, you two?
Clare, you become so flamboyant to be a bug piper of old kinky boys? You can do it, as MITSUI does. However, you would be the shame of your family. You are inhuman to MIYUKI. You shouldn't laugh at MIYUKI's effort because of your jelous. MIYUKI is superior to this point. You are too old to be ignorant at that point. You envy her. Your family is unique, in this point. You are old enough to be independent. You are enough to work for others, especially Koji-san, your adorable grand father. You ordered to buy some lunch box at the convenience store. You shameless kid! You can work! You are so stupid. You should do it. Buying the lunch box is the last resort. You are the shameless yound petit DoDoMerda, aren't you. YUKARI's sake? No. She is nothing for you, She is the robot for your grand mother. She knows how to controle her. She is just a broken robot. Stop playing the controler of the robot. She is more than expensive. Now, you will go to the same road. You think that YUKARI is old enough to do so. No. She is only 48. Look! Your grand parents and YUKARI, which is good for you? Grand Parents, of course. YUKARI is nothing. Just pretended to be your faked mother, althogh Miyuki didn't want her. Mother should not exist. Miyuki's position is so. However, YUKARI established her own position as mother to live with you two. YUKARI was too influencial to you, you know it. However, you know that she was a liar. You are not protective ones. YUKARI was useless and not wanted by MIYUKI. YUKARI was so proud of your facial beautiy. You two are given pretty face by Gods. Present from Gods. Miyuki also likes to see your beautiful faces. However, not only faces value. Another value you should show to others. Do you want to be YUKARI? How was her life? Beutiful? Her appearance? Cozy? Neat? Are you happy if she appear in public at school, for example?
Alex, you stopped Yukari's going to school. She wanted to do so as your mother. Alex was too shy to say so, however, YUKARi is the last person who wants to be appeared in the school. She dared to go to school for you, Alex, because she wanted to save him from Miyuki's goddamnit hands. Miyuki's hands are too long to reach to put you to ASAHI high school, she believed. Why? Because she did when she was in Kyorin. She put him and Alare to WAKABA kindergarden instead of HIMAWARI one. She thought that HIMAWARI was so dangerous in winter to bring kids by their grand mother. She didn't want YUKARI to take part of her. Their grand mother is reiable, in any means. She does her work for others sake. MIYUKI knows it. However, YUKARI understood that she was replacable her mother's position. YUKARI isn't reliable. All of us know. YUKARI is too flambyant to do some responsible work. She is out of judging anything. When she begins to persuade, you should do nothing, She does as she likes without any responsibility. She doesn't take the risk of failure. Miyuki knows trhough her harsh experience with YUKARI. She is out of her mind. She chose to be the rotten robot. by her own will. Now, she doesn't understand how she behaves in front of others. She is a queer lady in the region. Of course, Shirakawa people are too kind to mention it. They are protectionists and worry the situation. The most amusing the situation is MIYUKI. They so regret that they worried her. She resolved the problem theoretically, thus, she is free from the burden. Just playing watching YUKARI's strange behavour. The mirror in the opposite side. She knows. How different from ours. She has no mind at all that she is in the residence in Shirakawa. She already lives in another ountry. She moves less day by day.
MIYUKI was astonished that YUKARI was in the mother's chamber, while the mother was shovelling. For her, nothing at all. As usual. Why? Because she does so for her own hobby, not mine.
She doen't care that her mother was laughted by her? She always pretended to be her mother, using the name of her mother, when she is in trouble. I can't remember my own name. My mother is called UME YAMAGUCHI and she is the oldest one in the region. She would resolve our problem. Incredible! The mother suffered a lot! She was suffered of course, why she tries to be good for her. She also wanted to help her. She wanted YUKARI to take her licence, because she believes it would good for her errand. However, she doesn't do so and she went to the driving school and said, my mother said to give me a driver's licence and I want to have it. In this case, how should I do for her? Oddingly. She doesn't know the system, at all. Licence is just the system to be hold in a family. She wants one more, because this is the last time she did in the same school. She did it, when she was young. She did, and was refused and went back, reporting the result. Her mother was astonished at her question. YUKARI doesn't have any licence. Then why Alex did say so? Because YUKARI confused the holdings of the licence. Who has is Her mother, YUKARI not. Why not? Thus, YUKARI has. This is her theory. A total confusion of the system. She doesn't think its dangerous. She doesn't think that vehicles are so dangerous. They should be replaced by a smart car, at the cost of Miyuki's money, probably she would get in the near future. She believed. For her, the globe is round in the center of her existance. Yukari's always thinking like that. How she thinks, you shoudn't know. YUKARI's world is so crazy. She is beautiful in her own world. She is living in her own world. Anyone can see her face. She chose the road. Which is better YUKARI or MIYUKI? The kids are asked now. YUKARI talked already on her plan to get away from here with kids. Do you believe? Nonsense. However, she believes that two kids support her, because she is mother like existance to them.
They don't think so. She is kinky old gorem, from their point of view. YUKARI dares to plan the getaway? Yes. She doesn't put up MIYUKI's attitude, any more. Thus, she wants to get away. To where? Anywhere in the world. Because she has a lot of friend in front of her. Lots of heros and hiroines in childrens books. They would help their walking, like a blue bird. She planned it and talked to Alex, let's get away from ChilblainLand. This country is too too cold. We should live in another place. "Do you have money?" Alex asked. "No. However, Miyuki has." The conversation ended. Alex recognized that this kinky old lady is totally out of mind.
She spoke on it to Clare. She didn't believe the episode, for the first time. However, she was so irritated these days and wanted to put her things away from her rooms. She wanted to get away from here to other places, anywhere. Why? Clare doesn't know it. She was mentally ill. Clare believes that she is a monster but a kind monster like a cupid or a fairy. A bit spooky but not so evil. A kind of fairy tale story's existance, she believes.
Clare would know that why she wanted to talk it on Alex. She wanted to live with Alex, because Clare has he grand father. She needs her own pet. Beautiful one, she thought. A good pet like a dog. The worse is, this pet isn't obedient. He eats too much and plump too much. He should make a diet. MIYUKI gave up this time of dream far far years ago. He likes eating, like MIYUKI. However, too much mashed potatoes are consumed in a day. 3 days of works is consumed in a day! This is out of her mind. Mushed potatoes are his favorite among her recipes. He likes it and she makes it. 3 times more quiker her slow job.
Thus, her attempt to satisfy his stomach was destroyed by his appetite. Alex is always eating. When he feels hunger, he eats. Thus, mashed potatoes are the best to prepare for it. Alex takes full bowl of potatoes and satisfies his stomach as he likes. Now YUKARI is in danger. Everyone near her house knows that she is different from them and pretends to be cool. She likes to this pretending, because no one touches her deep inside. She is not good at housekeeping. What she is good at? Nothing. Just lying down and watching TV.
She always wanted to retire from her suffering life. She works hard too much. She thinks so. She doesn't think that she did something to others. She did her best, in every mean. She believes so. MIYUKI is wonder. However, she believes so. What is making effort? To be kind to others. What does it mean? Be nice to others. It's basic structure. Not a work, at all. For her, being nice is tiresome work. If she doesn't make effort, what happens? Disastrous things. Thus, Gods conceal her from the society. Do nothing type? Yes. She is burden itself. She doesn't do anything. However, there are lots of hermits all over Japan. They are also burden for us? Our burdens are excesseve, even beside them. Whey they exist? They should be excluded. Just a trial. We are not able to coexist with this harmful figures. If their existence were burden, why we get rid of them? The more they vanish, the happier we become. They are "minus" object or dirty worm or paracite. We should dispose or throw away from our beautiful universe. Just a burden, not necessary. They are so idol to insist so. It is admittion that they are useless and harmful. That is, they themselves want to be punished. They are sinners. They can7t recognize the rule of our common people, They should pay the debt, not we.

Alex should cook for him. He is a big eater. He should know eating is good and amusing, if he himself cooks.
YUKARI should retire from her "tiresome" kinky job. Everyone can cook mashed potatoes, why Alex not? YUKARI is retiring now. She doesn't want to work, even hearing her mother's snow shovelling sound.

And these days, I notice that she has a strange habit that if I start to do something, she dashed from her own room. Why? Like an automatic popping up system. My presence stimulates her, yes. So obviously she appears. She does some unimportant tasks after the popping out, in front of me. And returs to her place. My appearance is a starting bottun for her.
I don't feel danger these days from her. However, the popping up system is a bit nasty. Because she approached me, whenever I go to the kitchen.

And the more. I recognized that she was in my mother's chamber, while my mother is shovelling, she popped up from the electric heating equipment called KOTATSU. I just took my jacket from the room. She followed me downstairs and disturbed me for a while in the kitchen. Then dashed into the office.
Then, she returned to her own chamber. And my mother came back from shovelling job and entered into the main house. YUKARI popped out again from her room. In the entrance, they met each other. My mother said nothing.

When my mother and I approach, YUKARI responds abruptly. It is so obvious. As if she had a divine mission to cut any communication between us.

Also, last night, the light near YUKARI's room was on and the door was open, when I went to sleep.
I left it as it were, because YUKARI sometimes chooses differently and her choice is beyound my mind.
I thought that it would be better not to touch. And I went upstair to sleep. When I got down, my mother got up to go to toilet. She got downstairs and, probably, noticed the door and the light.

This morning, I observed them. My mother didn't say nothing to YUKARI.

Yesterday, I was scolded her, by leaving the light on while I was in the kitchen. I did intentionally, because I wanted to know how my mother would respond. If she dislikes it, I will appologize and follow her instruction, because in this house, she has right to the range of economizing energy.
Only 15 minutes of presence in the kitchen, absence in the office. However, she scolded me to leavi the light on. Thus, I appologize it and decided not to leave light on, even in case of short time of absence.
She is right, in this case. She is more economical, than me. I just wanted to try to know the limit and got the result.

In YUKARI's case, she didn't say nothing. It means that she knows that YUKARI isn't able to behave right even after her warning. She isn't changeable, thus my mother doesn't scold her.
Thus, I got to know that my mother doesn't think that YUKARI were in a normal situation.
She was always a queer girl in her school days. I thought that she were just shy. However, she was ill, already. She was treated as normal, however, she is out of tune.
Even abnormal queer existance, Rikkyo University accepted and the foundarion related with JR also.
What does it mean? They accept YUKARI-like kinky figures as members.
Why? They are kind enough to do so?
No. They don't look YUKARI's character. They weigh the other values. Personal coneccion, probably.
My parents are valueless for them. Thus, probably, connection with me.
However, we disliked and dislike each other. Thus, YUKARI was useless for both of them.
And YUKARI believed that over 25 years old single female worker was burden for the fundation and quitted the job.
Presumably, she evaded to be burden of the foundation and prefered being burden for my family.

I think that she could work, dispite of her demerit. However, she failed all the ordials or the chaces she experienced in the past. She refused to experience it. However, her refusal was counted as her failure. She didn't want to owe the burden, at least, some part of it. She denied and believed that she could do it.
Now, she lost her all chance. MIYUKI is no more ignorant on your past and actual situation. She grasps her wrongdoings. You say that you made an all effort, however, anyone believe you. You repeated to lie. You can do it, however, you explained that you couldn't do it.

I ate 5 small Chines meat pies indutrially made. I bought the package, because it was cheap. US$0.7 per package of 10 pieces. I prefer making it. However, when I have no time to cook or no space in the kitchen, I can use as a quick help to stop my hunger.

This time, YUKARI was in the kitchen and drying the dished. I confirmed that she is indifferent from the localization of the rice bowls. And found my dear neutral ARITA-YAKI bowl were put now into the wrong place by her hands. "I need to save its life!" I thought and brought with me to the office. YUKARI uses my precious things without knowing the value. Yes, she is mentally ill, however, we have chance to save my belongings from her destroying activities. Protection is the best policy in this case. She can't recognize the various types of differences necessary to coexistance. Yes, my space is limited. Thus, I need to be pragmatic. I can't save all of my belongings. However, as far as I can, I will save my important things.

Thus, as least, I saved my precious bowl from the broken robot's hands.

Returning to the topic of the title, I got to know some examples of the assisted friendship from the conversation in the bus to the campus from JR station.
A young girl, our pupil, told her friend that her "boyfriend" was 28 years old white colared worker and gave a various presents for her. A precious brand bag, high heeled shoes, dresses etc. She didn't talk on his personality and just listed up the presents he had given her.
I was hearing the conversation and recognized that she was just like Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast in Tiffany".
I read the original novel of Trueman Capottee and got to know that the heroine was a charming call girl.
Yeah, "Pretty Woman" or "Leaving Las Vegas" like film. There are prostitutes' heroine movies.

Audrey Heppburn is highly adired among Japanese women. My mother was also in her young age.
She was slender and her shape resembles us lean Japanese ones. She had no big bust.

I have read a story on her. She learned ballet in her young age but she was too tall to be a ballet dancer and to eran money she started her career as an actress. She had 175cm at hight. Much more higher than averege lean Jaoanese. She looked charming, however, not "KAWAII" type. She passed harsh time in her young age. She was quick in mind. Not flamboyant type, that DoDoMerdas imagine.
She had to be independent because of her poverty. Thus, she started her career. She played the role of princess in "Roman Holiday" and gramalous prostitute in the Tiffany, a kind nun in "Robin Hood, threafter". She maight be a fashion model at that time, beside Twiggy, at that age.
Japanese's stomach is tiny, compared with westerners. Thus, our body isn't not so plumpy in avelege. Of course, it all depends on one's conditions. However, eating normally makes us lean, generally speaking.
Being fat is a character, rare among us.

However, DoDoMerdas imitate the Funny Girl, even her profession in the film. They call the clients "boyfriends", however, the fact is, the latter buy the former's attention paying the money for her.
For her, without precious gifts, the boys are useless kinky old bugs.

Sometimes, I have heard these types of conversation in the bus to or from the campus. They spoke loud the list of the gifts, as if they were precious because of the long rolls of the list.

And I have heard in 2015 in the bus, that the girl pupil tald to her mate in a loud voice, "My sister got married with a "host", who provides sexual service to his clients in a night pub." as if it were too natural among them.
I was astonished at the confession, however, any pupils in the bus responded at all.

In 2016, in AOYAMA GAKUIN university, I have heard lots of lots on the prostitution, dilectly in this time. I was in wonder, why the pupils were so shameless to speak loud on the matter.
Now, the price goes down to US$70 per night.

And I also heard that sharing one woman is also allowed by them. I've heard that 10 boys paid her in total US$70 per night.
Also I watched that from Hikarie, a new attraction spot in Shibuya fairly near AOYAMA GAKUIN Univ., almost ten boys got o


Teeth! Pay Attention to Mr.Slump's Mouth!

2017-02-12 10:00:37 | 日記
12/02/2017 (morning) I had a rice with sliced onion and lamb cooked in a skilet and cafe latte for breakfast.

This morning, I watched the big face of Mr.Slump on TV. I forcused on his teeth. Because they were brilliantly white, when he shrank the mouth, saying, "You, too!"

Then, I was surprised at the fact. The roots of the teeth are dirty brown!!! He painted his teeth with some paint-like white liquid. Oh, he was so poor! Or he is thrifty! He, who has an experience as TV presentater, has no money to whitening dental treatment and prefers just painting!!! Damerica is so great to endure the misery and to show up as their president were tremendously rich!!! I admired his intrepidit teeth painting.

I have been taught from my mother that in Western countries theeth weigh lots more than we Japanese think.
"Thus, you should clean up your teeth every evening, with your full effort."

As a result, until entering into versity, I had no dental problem at all. I was always praised by my healthy teeth, from my primary school to my high, thoroughly.

However, after entering the versity, I have gotten some teeth problem. Now, I lost one tooth, upper left side near the end, as I wrote before. Except it, my teeth is all right now.

However, my teeth are naturally a bit ibory like colour, not white. I wanted to have more white ones. Thus, as I wrote before, I tried to buy various whitening paste from the cost of US$1 to that of US$20, or so.
Thus, I have knowledge on whitening of teeth.

I asked my pulils on the problem. They gave me some suggestion. They said, "You can paint your teeth. Each tooth, US$500 or so."
I was astonished at the price. "Wow, it's not cheap. I haven't so much money."
They adviced, "You would paint only 4 teeth, in front. Just US$20. Not so expensive."
I said, "Oh, no! When I open the mouth, everyone would recognize that only 4 teeth are brilliantly white and the rest are darker. It would be much worse than not painting!"

Through my 2 years of experience, I've learned that the natural teeth colour is unchangable. White teeth look beautiful. However, my colour is different from brilliant white. More white beige like ivory.
"Ebony and Ivory" means black and white, Michael JACKSON and Paul MacArtony, dental caries and healty teeth. Oh, white is not only brilliant white, it also include ivory colour. I can't change my teeth colour. I should accept the fact.

Thus, I got to know the fact of whitening. And the whitening or painting endures only 6 months. Figures should paint every half year, if they want to maintain brilliant teeth impression to others.

Then, I remembered some example of the failures on teeth painting.
Subjectively, they didn't recognize the failure at all. However, objectively, they failed entirey.

One example is the case of my pupil called Tomohiro NAKAJOU.
When I talked with him, I watched his brilliantly whitened teeth.
However, he painted only front part of the teeth.
He is a smoker. Thus, the rest of his teeth were brown. The contrast gave me a nasty impression.
"Smokers paint the teeth, instead of brushing their teeth regularly. It's his choice. He chose the painting and he failed at the point of impression to others.", I thought.
I kept silence on the matter to him, until now.

Another example is, as I mentioned before, Mari KIMURA's one.
When she opened her mouth, the palate was seen to me. It was black!!! I was shocked at the scene.

As she said and I described before, she was so conscious of her teeth, until to throw healthy ones out for the sake of her desire to be adopted or promoted.
Now, the whiteness in front more impressed me after showing her dark side.
"Ebony and ivory! Scarely! She doesn't brush her mouth!!!"

I was so impressed that I talked the episode to my mother.
She said, "Probably she smokes."

I didn't smell any nicocine or tar near her. At the scene, we were in a year end party and I had to entertain her as guests inside the faculty. I was an organizer of the party. Thus, I had to chat with her for a while. And I saw her deep black side.

According to Yuri KIMURA, Nanako HARADA is a heavy smoker. She admitted that she smoked in her office.
However, strange to say, she didn't have cigar smell. Why? I don't know.

HARADA is a contradictional figure. She likes to accuse pupils smoking in the campus, scolding them in a loud voice. "Don't smoke here! If you want to smoke, go to the smoking area!"
However, she heaself smoked in the prohibitted place, that is, inside the building. Only some areas outside, smokers can smoke in the campus. The places are hut like facilities like roof and wall only one side. In rainny days, they smokes there, in groups. Why HARADA didn't smoke there, instead, she could smoke in her comfortable room?

In Mr.Slump case, who is responsible for his whitening? Even front teeth, the roots are dark brown. That is, "Ebony and Ivory" in front. He would be much poor than Yuri KIMURA and maybe, NAKAJOU.
I thought that rich people in western countries spend much money than us Japanese people. However, among DoDoMerdas, even in this point, they show the opposite.
DoDoMerdas don't understand the beauty of teeth. Maybe, Mr.Slump did teeth whitening just for the photography with the mouth of shape of pronounciation "u". At the moment, his whitening is most effective.
He is just for "u". That kissing pose. Try it! Only for the moment, he paid and after he forgot that the whitening is just for "u", not for other pronunciations.

Compare his teeth in case of "u" and other vogals. You would be impressed by his "Ebony and Ivory".

VANISH! DoDoMerdas!