YUKARI's End (8)

2017-02-23 01:03:17 | 日記

 Just young alzheimer. Kinkiest and dangerous. Non stop mode. Shame, she has. A mount of. Every time, she said, "I am the sister of Miyuki SATO" and not her name. Or, "I am the daughter of Harumi SATO". She was caught everytime in the store. She did't want her kids to know the fact. She suffered from picking disease. She was caught in jeil, for a while and regretted and wrote a letter, "Never again..." type. Appologying letter. Strange habit. Just formal one. However, a bit different. If you wrote it, the next time, a habitual one. It was the system. Wrongdoers should teach it. Oh, pragmatic. But not necessary. Just a record. Enough.

 YUKARI's writing skill was good anyway. Not bad. However, the contents were totally DDMs. How arrogant, she was!!! Miyuki thought. Her way of appologying, now she did it, again. Everyday, a big error and no appologze and fake until to appology. No way. DDMs with higher education type. Bad ones. They want to be forgiven however, we shouldn't forgive, at all. Protectionists did so and failed. She should be put in jeil. Jail in a family called pet house. Enough for her. A good solution. Cheapist one and at her own cost. She is in jail now and should cut her wrist. OK! And showism happens. A good lesson for DDMs. Just a slight harm is the cause of life long threatening. Terrible!!!! Miyuki knows this type. Not a big one, however, when lawyer combined, turn to be a threatening. They call rapist and we call it just a sex. Terrible. KOIKE would be the victim and suid. He paid US$30 for her family. Miyuki was astonished at the value. US$150 thousand the family required. MIYUKI wanted to save him or just inform that the value is too much expensive!!! Thus, she wanted to call him and asked the number. She replied, "we need the admission of Prof.KITAJIMA and he is in the trip on Thailand or so" And then others said KITAJIMA was in trip in other countries. Anyway, she got the number of the phone. TAZAWA gave wrong number and KITAJIMA gave another and it worked. He asked her why you need? Miyuki said that the facalty matter, probably. On punishment. Miyuki was not able to participated in the meeting on punishment. She wanted to change the system. Too too cruel to the pupils. Raping my muticiple wrongdoers was allowed to graduate normally because he was adopted by a company and slight wrongdoing was the object of punishment. Strange too much.

 However, she couldn't. She couldn't participate in the meeting. Why? She was caught and was put in the hospital. Punishment meeting for her. She didn't know the project. She was really cool to do so, because just a joke type ending was expected by all of them. However, it was done by old kinky bugs. They thought that Miyuki were in prison and should be caught in anyway, because the shame of the university????? Miyuki was so clever to know that kinky bugs thought so because of their crazy broken brain. BSE or syphilis or Alzheimer or so. Brain damage. They are cruel. Brain is the most important for us, ever. Miyuki knows and remember the accident. Thus, she taught to their kids, appointing the place. It was for his sake, he thought. Useless death is most avoidable. Bycicle accident. She didn't know just it, however, she was accused. It was strange scene and YOSHIDA put her intentionally into the class, crying sencely for the death of his death. 5th Grader fell and put into the ditch and the cycling type stand projected into his head. He died by his brain damage. Miyuki didn't know the fact.

 The devil Koichi YOSHIDA ordered Miyuki to bring some document to the teacher of the class of the diseaced boy. She entered and was shocked and she proceeded to the teacher responseble, seeing the scene. Shuji SUZUKI accused her, "You are so cruel!!!" And Miyuki was shoked again and ran away from the class and came back to her class and asked to her friends, maybe, Hideko KIKUCHI. A closed friend. "What happened? In the class 1 (Her was class 4) all kids were crying and I was accused that I were cruel!!!"

 Hideko explained, "A boy died" and the story above. Miyuki was so shocked again here. She got to understand that YOSHIDA was too too cruel to all of us. He played even the ocasion of the sincire sad scene for trapping Miyuki. She was so sorry for the boy and understood, Shuji, not so bad one, abruptly accused her to say so. Shuji, I didn't know the fact. I didn't recognize the reason of the sadness. Sorry, for hurting you and your friends heart. For me, the scene was something happen however I didn't know thing. I had a mission asked by thd Goddamnit Mr.Responsible YOSHIDA and had to do that anyway.

 OK, I should recognize the feeling of the sadness at a glance, however, for me, a shoking scene and couldn't ask now and ask another ocasion and should hand the document to the teacher in your class. Sorry, offending the heart. My impression was the worst for you. "Cruel", however, I was trapped. Not my intention.

 Miyuki was tough and struggle to do so and noticed that she was trapped. Even the death of others were used for just a joke or trapping the resistent pupils under his IDIOCRACY.

 We wouldn't allow you, Kouichi YOSHIDA, never never never. I will continue to write your wrongdoing, forever, repeatingly. Not only me, but all for us, people. Kinky old bug type cruel professor produced by YOSHIDA family. YOSHIDA is common name. However, this YOSHIDA Kouichi only. The other YOSHIDA in Shirakawa is not related. SATO family have YOSHIDA related relatives lots. Old town is as always. Only he should be punished. Individualism. We hate you, YOSHIDA, forever. You would be punished repeatedly from the tumb. I decided it, and IZUMI-san and MAKIKO thought it. We pleaged and do it now. We didn't forget the fact. You are trapped, by us YOSHIDA. You were the emperor in his class and ruled by his IDIOCRACY. You should be punished all of the kids surrounded by you. You are an ugly monter. Kinky also. This type appears sometimes. Maybe, AKAZAWA is the type. IZUMI-san sighed. She was almost taken her precious things from the responsible. OK, it. Report for Graduation. She was jelous to do it, because he did it always. Kasai also did it. Other's report, stealing and repeated, without excuse. It was common in these days??? No!!! It was forgery. A big crime and would be punished for ever. Desqualified as a scholar. Miracrous recovery, it is called. Old ones were repeate by himselves and did by others!!!

 Yeah, the type of work was done by the clerks or secretaries, they said. Ah, OPPABU-BABAA. Every versity professor should has his own secretary rule!!! Oh! Elevetor in Tokyo District Court!!! Under the Idiocracy, everything could be done. Only someone knows the secret.

 Now, the trick was revieled and the trick should be taken advantage by us. More harsh ones, of course! My lesson of Sadistic-Mazohistic Novel will start tomorrow!!!

 See you, soon!!!


