Playwright: Rural Walk Fantasy by Banana MATSUO

2017-02-18 03:03:52 | 日記

18/02/2017 (afternoon)  I went out on the way to Business School to know the route and the atomosphare. I call it, "meeting with Genius Loci".

  I am a slow learner. So I weigh a lot on the impression given by the figures and the places and so on. The atomosphare, or AURA, we call it. Just feeling, and talking with them. They know well on the zone. What has done in the place, funny things and disatrous tragedies also.

  I went to go to ISHIAMIDA or Stone Statute of Budda's Image.

  An symbolic name. Because, this morning, I dreamt just on them. A lot of people, almost all of them are elders, climed up the mountain slope, with a heavy stone Statute of Budda's Image in their shoulders each, with their face downward.

  They wear old farmers like clothings in 200 years ago or so in the rural area in Japan.

  I thought that the statute of stone represented the burden they owed, namely, DDMdic hermit. Each family, each stone made statute.

  The heviest stone was owed by a family, in which, two little monkeys were playing.

  They did so because the stone was most wide and stable.

  All of the family came to the top of the cliff in front of the ocean. Blue black ocean.

  Some family drop the stone on the earth.

  The family, who owes the heviest one climed up the top of the cliff and put the stone on the earth. Then, the monkeys kicked the stone, playfully and the stone dropped from the top to the ocean.

  The monkeys were safe, back to the cliff and continued to play again.

  For them, just a normal movement. Anyone notice the stone.

  I was watching the scene, doing nothing. However, I thought that in case of necessary, I would have helped to do so.

 Anyway, today is Stone Made Budda's Day.

  I found a public grocery called "AGRI-PARK" and entered.

  There are many flowers for the dead figures. I felt strange. The day to contribute the flowers is defined in the day of eclipse on 21, March. My mother's birthday. So, my mother is called "HARUMI", that is "Beautiful Spring Day".

  1 month earlier than the exact moment. And there are several old type artificial flowers made of peelings of wood.

  I think that this type of artificial flowers are specialite of this region. The exact use is just for the dead figures. Not for other use.

  I remember the scenes I watched in HACHIOJI. A little by little, in the shop, the date of the event related items differed from the exact moment.

  For example, I wanted to buy the soybeans for the exact day of the "SETSUBUN" or one day before the earliest spring in the most populous supermarcket in the area called ALPS in the building of JR Station.

 However, I found that there was no soybeans for the event. The shelves were decorated with the goods related for "HINAMATSURI" or girls Doll Festival, on the 3rd of March.

 One month earlier than usual. I thought and I gave up buying the soybean package and substituted other beans or nuts. It was enough for me.

 The worst case occuered in 2016. When I entered in the supermarket in March, I found that in the shelves were made for the day of Mothers in May. Why? I didn't know.

  However, the display continued until the exact day of Mothers. Why Mothers should be so praised or thanked by the consumers?, I wondered.

  The same thing now happens in Shirakawa, in the most rural area in the town.

  The strange is, there is no one here, in effect. Why public center related with the area is established in this area? Who buys the product?

  I entered in it to ask on Business School. However, I wanted to eat some salty things.

  I found that a packege of strawberries had a rable, saying, "Please eat as you like for the test of your tongue." Thus, I ate two of them. Fresh and sweet. Good to taste them.

  However, strange thing happened after my tasting. The manager, a female plump bug abruptly moved to disturb my way. Then several men, also. I wanted to taste several more berries, however, the fat bitch showed me her big hip and protected her precious strawberry packages, as if I were a pickpocket!!!

  I got out of the shop and went downward to the Business School.

  I was totally new to this area and maybe, I was a target of their deffence. Forced hospitalization combined with internal organs taking. Gods' Hands' Work, they call it.

  I noticed that lots of vehicles were running with the plates of "IWAKI" or Ocean Area.

  We live in the mountainous area, not seaside. Why? They make a trip to here?

  However, most of the vehicle were driven by a single figure, without any companion. It means that they have no intention for enjoying the touring. And their face was covered with a big mask.

  I remember that in the moment of the process of reobraining of my driver's licence, I had heard a disastrous case of a family driving.

  A mother was driving in a car with her two kids at 20:00 in the evening. She made a mistake and squashed on the guardrail.

  She fainted. During her fainting, two kids died. One was near the car. And another body was far from the site, destroyed totally by several multiple of vehicles.

  Too much shocking story. However, the police man explained us to take care to drive like her. For me, more important is the fact that several or multiple cars roller on her son and destroyed completely the body, without noticing. Terrible! He didn't mention at this point at all.

  In Japan, some can do the dirty work, if he or she were asked by someone. Like a case of Jon-Nan-KIM, the elder brother of North Korea's Jon-Un-KIM. calling someone to take part in the nasty game or dirty work, and he or she comming easily for some ammount of money. Cheap, we think, however, DDMs have no recognizing ability. Easy and cheap. A quick work, DDMs like.

  And they like repetition. 3 times are useful for them. After several times, they got to recognize the fact, probably, if they could.

  This place has no population and I am new. I am a good target for them.

  And I realized that there are several hospitals, much more than the population in the area. Why? Only one industry in the area.

  They use route 289, a road for Business School. My Alex would use the road. Yes, there is a cycling road and good comparatively to other ones.

  However, in the small road, I found a pole for the accident protection was totally inclined at 80° downword. And the direction was strange. The road of the vehicle is for the south. However, the pole fell to the north. It means that the vehicle of the accident ran completely on the opposit.

  It means (1) there are some Alzheimer patients driving their cars, or (2) foreigners in the right side driving countries are full here in the less populous rural areas.

  And the police didn't put any warning at the area. Too strange. It was a curving zone. Not a difficult for normal figures. However, for drunken figures, a curve is a difficult to drive. This is the (3) hypothesis. The hypotheses are able to be combined each other. Drunken, Alzhermer patient foreigners appear here and often kill the people as their business.

  Traffic accidents are the reason for internal organs taking practically in Japan, as I said before. Even in rural areas. I sighed.

  Once figure kills people, they lose their spitit. After the 1st time, they can do the killer job, as they like, without the pain of their heart.

  This is why even in Japan, the execution of death penality isn't done for the 1st time killing.

 However, this theory is used by DDMs that if they have already experienced once for the first time, or virgin experience, they can do as they like and the penalty is equal. As many as they kill, the maximum penalty is only the death penalty.

  Thus, in this case, just financial penalty effects. Their living costs are too expensive for us. They should vanish right now. Good for themselves. The best way  for both side. You, DDMs cost less, we, common people, economize the timeloss.

  The earliest is the most simple and easy. The best way for us. Why not now? Immediately, literally! Of course, we believe that it is good for all of us!!!

  For DDMs, only money counts. Cheapest one, they prefer. Thus, you don't need to chose your way. Just do it! Do it, do-it, do-it, do-it!

  Route 289 is just the same of Route 16. Rural version. When a DDM wants to kill her or his family, ask to other DDMs who have a car. They do their job, easily. Thus, carport is necessary for DDMs life.

  I found also that today's DDMs drivers were sexually selected. Many of them were single female drivers. What does it mean? 30 years or so. They have no smiling or no expression in their face. Why? Without mask, they are already dead in their face.

  Oh, they might have the experience already. Ah, snipers, maybe. Maybe, a lot of jobless snipers are here in Japan and look for a job at the cheapest cost. Thus, KIM JON NAM was killed. The flamboyant DDMs are the most quick and easy.

  Repeated job, they like. The quick on this way. When once it happens, it occures successively. They are totalitarian anyway. One big one is enough to be killed.

  Atack No.1!, is the tactics suitable for Japanese IDIOCRACY.

  Maybe, the No.1 idiot of our ICIOCRACY was already dead, in nominal meaning and in practice. After the information on the brabery case on ABE couple, there is no new information on that. Anyone, in the first page of the newspaper nor the topics on the day or so. Not at all. It's the proof that the OMANKO-JOURNALISM was workind even now. They are so obedient to the diceased idiot couple.

  There is a rumour that they were the kinky foreign type Shintoists and they both believed that the next letter of A and B were E!!!! Of course, they forgot C and D. Why?

  Because they had a great trauma on these two words C & D. You know, at versities, A is the superior and B is averege, C is bad and D is desqualified. They took lots of C & D, so they avoided to say so. Thus, the CD was the prohibitted words for them.

  "What is the name of the abbreviation of Compact Disc, Prime Minister?", an interviewer asked.

   ABE said, confirmingly, "That's EF!, as you know, we should be practical. The history has no EF!"

  "However, Prime Minister, why don't reply to our question? Prime Minister, Sorry, Sorry...."

  This intervewer got jobless because of his remarks. Don't ask the same thing ever. It was the principle for DDMs. He is now, just regretting the words, "Sorry, sorry." He cries.

  In the rural prefecture, "I" is pronounced as "E" like in Northern East region of Japan. Thus, "IF" is "EF" for him. EF is the most prohibitted word for him.

  He was fat, when he was popular in DDMs. He wore a lot of black and white clothings as his casual style. He prefers "sexually neutral" or "Gender-Less", in Recent DDMdic Japanese.

  Thus, his size was "FF", namely, XL or Extra LARGE, like my fat boy ALEX.

  Now, ALEX ate a backet full of mashed potatoes in a day and the result of the YUKARI the broken robbot's effots vanish within a day. She makes the quantity of mashed potatoes for 3 days and her famous Egg Salada for 2 days. Only once in a week is her limit. Twice takes more than 10 days in a week! It's absurd! Thus, YUKARI can't provide sufficient food to Alex. Alex is a pragmatic anyway. She makes and serves, while Alex consumes as much as he can, independent from the times. 7 times, as far as I know. However, he passed already St.Valentine's suffering already, thus, he needs not to pretend to be in diet. Now he started to eat as he likes. Thus, he ate and ate and ate.

  I am really relieved that he decided to enter into Business School, especially at the Agricultural Course. He is a really big eater. I must pay his foods until his graduation. In the school, he would eat the products on the field and the farm. It would be a big saving for us.

   Alex was disliked to be called XL when he was younger. But, he doen't matter at all now. He is changeable. If he recognizes some fact and is persuaded objectically, he understands and easily changes. A bit thrifty and greedy also. He wants to be rich, yes. But he knows the limit. More flexible at this point.

  F is the avvreviation of Free Size in Japan and used for sexually neutral patterns also.

  ABE likes to wear his wife's clothings in stead of her. They like to change their position. Sexually flexible, we call. He likes to pretend to be a female. Anyone got to notice that he is just a male, however, his pets should say, "Yes, Ma'm, you are pretty. You look so beautiful as your predissesor called Junichiro KOIZUMI. Are, we feel the same "scent of Women" from you both." Their compliments were, "Heil, DoDoMerdas!" "Ma'm, yes!"

  They liked to be DDM life. They call it EEN. Thus, the money unit is called "YEN", as the legend.

  And they like to listen the DoDoMerdic Radio called FEN or Far East Network. ABE leaned English from the radio program, called, "Swap Show". One of his favorite. He imagines that he could changeable as he liked. It was a good and practical presentation on the program. I also heard the program. Oh, Swap Show, on the opposite of Reality Show. That's cheap one!, I remember it. Good for pets!

  "F" means also "Female" and ABE liked to be a female. He was, in fact, just a female, called Mrs.Butterfly or Mrs.Flabby.

  However, his appearance was so similer to MATSUKO DeLUX. Why in Japan, MATSUKO was so popular? Because ABE himself participated in the program as MATSUKO DeLUX. MATSUKO is so busy now, while ABE was so useless. The stage mamas thought of taking advantage of him and got to recognize the resemblance with ABE's appearance and MATSUKO's.

  Do you believe it? MATSUKO was in reality, ABE himself. Thus, DDMs liked to watch the program. ABE wanted to be a MATSUKO, when he was a child. He wrote a fan letter to MATSUKO, "Oh, I have a problem. I want to be you, MATSUKO. I like your face and your hip and your bust and your belly. All of you. You are so resembling me. I think you are beautiful.

  I like you because you are I and I am you, MATSUKO. Please save me, MATSUKO! You are so popular on TV and I am the worst boy in the class. Mamas scold me, saying, "You are dirty kinky old boy, in effect. You should immitate MATSUKO. You would save me, you are my salvador, maybe. I believe you, MATSUKO, please, please!"

  "Poor boy", MATSUKO sighed. She was accustomed to this type. Nascistic one. Nasty boy. She disliked his way of saying. Too much "please, please!". She just said,

  "Come to my house, next morning, at 10:00, in the condition that you would have a plastic surgery and change your sex. OK? I need to sleep a bit. You should do as you like!"

  Thus, according to his idol in his young days, ABE changed sex. Ooops! I am so forgetful to comment at this point. This is not his first=virgin change. According to Japanese Law, the performers can chanse the sex as many times as they can. Thus, I really know only several times he did so. More, maybe. Anyway, after his quick change, he appeared in front of her, punctually. He was too punctual at this point.

  However, he forget to bring the bunch of flowers and a present, something precious, like rings, neckless, guardles, net type stockings, pumps and so on.

  Thus, he called to his or her DDMs to bring them for her. Thus, the presents problem was resolved. Now, the boy ABE were ready to work instead of her.

  However, a strange thing happened. A kinky old lady called Miyuki entered into her shop, in which, her mother was working as an only clerk. MATSUKO should to go to save her mother.

  In the region, MIYUKI was a dangerous figure. She was lean, however, powerful, by any means. Thus, MATSUKO's mother called her dearest daughter to help her.

    Miyuki was standing, just eating a full package of the strawberries. She wanted more and tried to ask some clerks to bring another package for her. She waited and waited. However, no one came. She was irritated at that time. She tried to read the plate again.

    Thus, Miyuki returned to her rural walk.

  Now, MATSUKO came back from her mother's problem. Now, with ABE. He came here with a gift for her. A precious ring for MATSUKO. She liked to be given precious presents from ugly boys. Thus, ABE came here to hand the gift.

    "Yes, our love is eternal and you can wear the ring as you like, in case of we get married."

  "ABE!" MATSUKO was totally emotional and cried at his boy's kinky understanding.

  "ABE, you would never learn it. I said, just meeting you. Not getting married you."

  "Yes, we are already married! "

  Thus, ABE got her wife and they lived happily until their time was ended.

  Then, MIYUKI changed the scene. Now, ABE was in a jail, with her wife, saying, "It's cold honey! " Yes, dearing. I said cold, didn't you, honey?" "Yeah, you say hot, honey!" "Thus it's warm, dearing?" "Yeah, honey, we are beautiful."...

   Ohhh!!! Again, Miyuki cried. I like the scene more sadomazohistic one. It's not! She threw the paper away from the window. She was now writing a letter to her dearest friend IZUMI-san. She wanted to help her to speak her harsh experience in her versity days.

  Her orientator professor in NIIGATA versity was a kinky old bug, we can call it.

  He called our friend, "Ugly girl!". He was an ugly old boy and he liked a surpercicial cheapy flamboyant girls, like night club attending girls.

  He was doing sexual, power and academic harasment against her.

  He was a famous at that time and was popular in the academic society.

  IZUMI-san was and is not ugly. MIYUKI thinks that AKASAWA would think all of them ugly, if he had seen us. Yes, we had not any atomosphare of the OPPABU-BABAA like existance.

  For them, ugly is beautiful and vice versa. AKASAWA died several years ago.

  Recently, I got to receive a lot of information on the death of kins of versity aquaintances. They died quickly. And they want to keep their family in calm, away from the community.

  Maybe, this is the reason that recent reduction of population. Japan loses high number of population drastically. However, ABE government didn't notice the fact at all.

  ABE didn't do that, because he was the king of IDIOCRACY in Japan. He was the last Don of the country. He wanted to continue his kinky ruling with his body guards, who came from North Korea with their leader.

  I met Jon-Un KIM in Japan. He stayed in a hotel called MARUNOICHI near JR station of Tokyo Central. I was photographying the reception on the first floor. He asked me in English, "What are you doing?", scolding. I replied, "I am taking photos." He asked, "Why are you doing so? " I replied, "Because I am a photographer." And I asked him, "What is this, sir?", indicating the button. I thought it were a button of a safety box or so. Some financial related one. He replied, "It's an emergency button!" He made me a bit nervous, however, I thanked him. "Oh, I thought differently. Thank you, anyway. I have learned at least one more."

  Thus, we parted. A strange encounter with the leader of the 6 squad system. Thus, I got to know that in Japan, there are full of security systems arround us.

  In banks, in convenience stores, in little shops in urban areas. DDMs were trapped by their own choice, that is, security systems. DDMs do their jobs at the quickest and easiest way. Mashed potatoes' way, in case of YUKARI. DDMs weigh lots in DDMs world. Their working was worthy invaluable. Super expensive, we could say.

  A comparison. MIYUKI worked 5 days at Kyorin Univ. and earned US$80 thousand per year. She should work for more two versities to earn more money and earned US$5 thousand per year.Miyuki was a professor at that time.

  Meanwhile, Mari KITADA, a lecturer in the 1st year, eaned US$76 thousand per year, for her 1 day working per week, according to her.

  The Dean OOKAWA prohibitted us to ask some tasks to her, because she was his favorite. I didn't touch her private life, however, she confessed me that she loved him so much, since she met him for the first time.

  And she forgot his love. Now she chanced her mind. She wanted to be promoted and chose the other way. Approaced to more old kinky bugs. She was a Ciccellina type. She could dare to say that she would do everything for the organization and the lives, including her, were not important and could be sold easily for the sake of the organization.

  When I knew the fact, I departed from her. I hate the figures who would sell the life, body, soul and personality. She was the type, I recognized it and started a campaign against her.

  Her change was obvious and degrated each month. We met in monthly meeting mainly and she always forgot the theme of the previous month. She wanted to rule some subjects and forgot to show the intention to lead the matter. I was the victim at this point. She stopped me to explain the matter and the next month, asked me to explain it. How vapit she is! I was surprised at her stupidity and wondered why she had been hired by the versity.

  Now, the reason was resolved. She was a OPPABU-BABAA No.1 in TANAMURA seminer at WASEDA Univ. Her vast bust and mammal milk valued lot at that time. The rest was not worthy to male DDMs.

    However, she wasn't a versity figure. Just a OPPABU-BABAA with a strange nose. I liked to imagine that her nose were cut because of her kinky old boy's request. At that time, a tiny little upward nose was in fashion. A cute type, we called it. KAKISHIMA's like was too much broad for DDMs. Kitada's was tiny, however, too short. Non of them were qualified among DDMs. However, male DDMs didn't care their face at all. Bust counted a lot. Thus, KITADA was fittable for their requirement.

  The last and worst war arms for DDM army, they call. Their participation was good for us, common people's army. They attracted the male DDMs and sank altogether. The suicide bombs for themselves. That's it.

  Our DDMic ex-colleague Tooru OOYAMA was accustomed to recommend to do suicide boms attack as always. I was tired of his repeated requests. I refused his polite recommendation and ordered him to do so by himself. By his own will, he did so and died. He would be praised by his kindreds, maybe.

  Own goalers, they should be called.

  OOYAMA graduated from OKAYAMA versity. Probably, Ms.Chikako TADA knows him.

  He could entered into Keio Versity's graduate course of Law, after his failure in Univ. of TOUHOKU or Northern East region of Japan, he passed a harsh time there. OKAYAMA was unknown prefecture in the versity. They knew Hiroshima, anyway. OKAYAMA? Which is much nearer to Tokyo?  He was alone there and learned to revenge after getting a job. And he did it. He declared that he would have been a suicide bomb for our army and did it. Good job, OOYAMA. He confessed his abused days in Keio versity.

  MIYAZAWA of criminal law was the worst according to him. He liked to rule the versity and started a kinky theory for his own gerontcracy.

  At first, he proposed the age of retirement lower as he could. He got a reputation as a killer of old boys.

  They, he took the most important position at the faculty and then he proposed to postpone the age of retirement, to prolong his imperial reighn.

  Every staff was shocked at his audacious attempt however, he did it. An Idiocracy in Miyazawa style in Keio Univ.

  His predicessor Yuutaro HASHIMOTO at our univ. was one of the evilest one. I don't believe figures who forget their own religion or credo easily. They are betrayers or Alzheimer suffering patients or both of them. He forgot to be a protestant, when I asked on it for the confirmation. He forgot to his own name. He was called Yuutaro, not Ryuutaroo. The latter was the name of his relative politician or so. However, he wrote, Ryuutaroo HASHIMOTO, instead of his real name. Ummmm... I was one of his victim.

  He didn't want to offer the photographs for his pupils' graduation album. I was the responsible for it as an editor. I needed to send him the same requesting e-mails more than 10 times directly to him. However, he continued to refuse the colaboration and finally, declared to me, "You could put the photograph I took before."

  OK, you decided. Then, I put the photograph on the album. However, the photograph was already used in the previous year. They, 3 years consecutives, he chosed to put the same photograph on the graduation albums for the pupils.

  I dared to do it, because he obviously requested me to do so. He decided and I obeyed. Yes, this is my professional business, not my subjective problem. I wanted to collect newest photographs for my pupils, however, after more than 5 times of repeated asking in every monthly meeting, they refused to colaborate me. OK, now my turn. You should be punished by the betrayal against the interest of our clients, or, my pupils.

  Every year, they didn't want to colaborate to this job. An easy task. Why they didn't? I was wondering. I planned the date exactly and hired my pupils to my help at my costs, namely, some cheap sweets or so, and tried to announce the information as many times as possible.

  I did my best. And the album was made. Always everyone criticised my products, from colour to the font. Each time, the same meeting for attacking me. Terrible! I was excluded for the sake of it, because they wanted to criticise me without me, as they liked. Interesting. Criticising for what? Just for their eruption of stress. I was an aim of the offence.

  Tokyo Univ. graduateds' tragedy, it is called and liked by everyone.

  I would like to read it, because I hate Tokyo Univ.'s DDMic inclination. I was an example, in the most evident case. They wanted to call me a victim, exactly. Why she could enter the versity from her class? It was a big mistery for DDMs. An eternal mistery, for them, now.

   We excluded by them and it was good for us. We are protected by Gods of Justice, because of the hatrid of DDMs.

  We have common values among us, common people. DDMs not. Humour, not at all. For them, a laughing is a prohibitted word.

  Do you know the list of the prohibitted words the DDMs made for them. A strict standard for them. "point-getter" is in the list. Thus, I couldn't upload the article on this blog. Strange. Why? I don't know. Some kinky old boy disliked the word, maybe.

  My blog seems to be monitored by some DDMs as some experts. However, they don't understand English, except some childish words. Thus, I am free from their monitoring, practically.

  However, when I wrote about 80 thousand letters article, it vanished immediately, soon after I put the button of "upload". It is the sign of the residue of DDMs in the world. They are living even now. The reduction is great, however, they continue to behave the same thing, like the North Korean trace or YUKARI the broken robot.

  They are not flexible. Thus, they are too dangerous. After their evident lost game, they continue the same dull work, as if they didn't know that. Young Alzheimer patients were so evil to do so. An kinky habit they continue. They want to kill us, in effect. Even now, in the town and in the rural area, even in Shirakawa, there are lots of DDMs. And YUKARI is yet exist.

  However, today, I watched a placard saying, "Family Sato's funeral at YUKARI garden." Oh, that's it. ABE was YUKARI herself! A good choice! We are indifferent from the death of ABE and his wife. Good joking. I laughed at the coincidence.

  YUKARI was so similar to our dullest idiot ABE. A monstrous and violent version. Maternal instinct believer, anyway. They wanted to be concealed from the public world in their final stage of the disease. They should be concealed.

  Vanish! DoDoMerdas!