


2011-02-01 16:59:27 | Weblog

論文題名 : アジアの都市化・都市成長と参加型居住環境整備に関する研究

論 文 内 容 の 要 旨


Name of Author:
Toshiyasu Noda

Title of Thesis:
Urbanization, city growth and participatory programmes to improve living conditions in Asia

Doctorate by way of Advanced Course


In Asia, urbanization and city growth play a considerable role in sustaining the region’s rapid economic growth. In fact, economic growth and urbanization/city growth are closely interconnected. On one hand, some researchers point out that recent city growth has been promoted not only by productive activities such as manufacturing, but also by vigorous creative economic activities, including cultural and artistic activities in urban areas. On the other hand, rapid and unplanned growth of cities has caused an increase in urban poverty and widened inequality between the haves and the have-nots, leading to the acceleration of residential segregation by income. As a result, rich people live in gated community on high-valued land while people at the bottom end of the socio-economic scale reside in slum areas. This spotlights the importance of efforts to improve the living conditions for inhabitants of such areas and work toward to the integration of the city so it becomes inclusive. Given this situation, it is becoming more essential to have a clear picture of the recent trend towards urbanization & city growth in Asia and to analyze it from a new perspective, rather than using conventional Western-oriented urban theories. This will aid in designing practical approaches to address disparity in wealth and the protection & improvement of quality in residential environments.

In considering the aforementioned issues, this paper reviews conventional urban theories and urban models. In addition, it clarifies the recent trend of urbanization & city growth and the status of economic activities in Asia, which includes a view of creative cities that focuses on creative economic activities. Furthermore, the correlation between urbanization/city growth and socioeconomic inequality is discussed. The idea of an “efficient inequality range” that is considered effective for economic growth is further introduced. In anticipation of continued urbanization & city growth, the paper emphasizes the significance of the enactment and implementation of policies aimed at correcting inequalities so as to achieve sustainable economic growth in an efficient inequality range. As a potentially effective approach to rectifying inequality while at the same time sustaining economic growth, the necessity of a participatory programme to improve living conditions is highlighted. Such programme is expected to meet substantial and practical needs of the impoverished residents who desperately seek a better life.

This paper consists of six chapters including an introduction, body and conclusion.

The introduction in Chapter 1 describes the background of the thematic and geographic issues along with the researcher’s increasing awareness of the matter, which eventually led to the implementation of this study. The purpose and meaning of the study are also explained. Finally, the composition of the paper is clarified and the terms used are defined.

Chapter 2 attempts to obtain a clear picture of the trend of urbanization & city growth in Asia. Conventional studies and views on urban development are reviewed, and it is reasoned that urbanization & city growth patterns found in Asian cities can be divided into four groups in accordance with the statistical analysis of the region’s population and economy. The correlation between the urbanization & city growth trend and economic activities in Asian cities is characterized by the facts that the region’s rapid urbanization does not necessarily affect population distribution and that Asian cities are the economic drivers. At the same time, the importance of the local governments’ role in realizing both sustainable urban development and residential environment protection is emphasized. Also stressed is the need to take appropriate measures to improve living conditions as a response to the problem of a majority of growing urban populations ending up in slum conditions.

Chapter 3 reviews the characteristics of creative cities as viewed by Western countries. In comparison with their Western counterparts, the characteristics of creative Asian cities are clarified. These include 1) the “strong desire” of the residents for further development, 2) societies with multiple levels of economic disparity and stratification, 3) diffusion of traditional technologies, and 4) multicultural and multiethnic societies. A detailed study and analysis of Asian cities that stand out among other cities due to their creative economic activities has revealed these common characteristics. This research has also revealed that many members of the wealthy class engendered by the widening socioeconomic gap tend to be actively involved in the creative economic activities. Further, some middle-sized cities have been developing their creative economic activities by effectively utilizing their traditional technologies. In addition, this paper focuses attention on the “tolerance” that allows the acceptance of diverse values as well as the growth of the “creative class” that leads creative economic activities as growth factors of Asian cities, where multicultural and multiethnic societies with multiple socioeconomic classes are found. Finally, regarding future challenges of the region, the growth of inequality in society and the importance of efforts to address the issue of residential segregation by income are highlighted as vital first steps in rectifying social disparity.

Chapter 4 describes and analyzes the characteristics and interdependence of economic activities in the informal economy and formal economy, which are created by poverty and disparity in an unequal society. The chapter also examines the validity of the hypothesis involving an urban growth model that is supposed to contribute to economic growth, through analysis of the correlation between the change rate of socioeconomic inequality and that of income/consumption. In addition, the chapter defines inequality that effectively leads to economic growth as the efficient inequality range, based on Cornia’s theory on the interconnection between inequality and economic growth. Furthermore, identifying Asian cities as regions with the efficient inequality range, the possibility for those cities to attain sustainable economic growth by correcting the growing inequality and keeping themselves within the efficient inequality range is proposed. The chapter also focuses attention on the negative effects of the widening inequality and reiterates the necessity of measures to provide systematic support to the low-income class and the poor in urban areas, and to correct the growing inequality through increased efforts to improve the living conditions of slum dwellers.

Chapter 5 highlights some of Asian cities’ ongoing efforts to improve their living conditions. It examines the necessity of their efforts from the perspective of sustainable urbanization & city growth and the correction of widening inequality, as well as the effectiveness of the participatory programme to improve living conditions. The effectiveness of the programme is verified using case studies on urban projects led by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), referencing previous studies on participatory improvement approaches. Next, based on circumstances surrounding Asian cities, issues that could impede residents’ active efforts to improve their living conditions are outlined. This eventually highlights the importance of the local governments’ role such as organizing communities, providing necessary technical assistance and funds, and assuring security of land and housing tenure, and also the significance of the consensus-building process including reconciliation of interests.

Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the concepts presented in previous chapters. In conclusion, environmental protection, reduction of inequality and mainstreaming of people’s process in national policy should be highly prioritized in order to realize sustainable urbanization and city growth in Asia.