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2010-04-18 00:09:56 | Weblog
08:11 from TwitBird iPhone
It's too cold today too. Japan kanto area.
10:41 from TwitBird iPhone
It is April now,however it had snowed from last night to this morning in Saitama Japan. It's the rest block of http://tl.gd/t7ueq
10:53 from All About Reader
Not ladies only but men want to know the data.ファストフードのカロリー表 http://bit.ly/akZIfz
11:30 from TwitBird iPhone
My doctor' fee has come down since the medical point system has changed in Japan from April of this year.
11:51 from TwitBird iPhone
The pharmacy is very crowded.
12:04 from TwitBird iPhone
It has become fine as forecats said.

12:12 from TwitBird iPhone
It is one of my exercise for me standing in a train without grasping of any rings or any bars.
12:21 from TwitBird iPhone
It's around noon. A Matsuya which is a beef bowl restrant is very crowded becaus it goes down a beef bowl price of ?70.
by tann2009 on Twitter

