文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Scientists, experts, and journalists around the world no longer doubt the man-made theory

2021年09月01日 13時43分09秒 | 全般

The following is from Keiko Kawazoe's article in the current issue of Will, a monthly magazine titled "Boycott of the Beijing Olympics - The genocide nation is a celebration of peace! The Wuhan Virus: All About to Be Exposed."
As readers know, she is one of the best journalists working in the world today.
She is also a national treasure, as defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
Those who subscribed to this article must have been shocked and angry that the media such as Asahi and NHK did not report the truth about the corona disaster.
That's because those media have repeatedly reported please on China.
They have not pursued or criticized China but criticized the Japanese government and destabilized Japanese politics as China intended.
The despicability and stupidity of the people they mobilized for this purpose are unparalleled in Japanese history.
Keiko Kawazoe 
All about the Wuhan Virus Revealed
Scientists, experts, and journalists around the world no longer doubt the "man-made" theory.
A revelation from the head of the WHO investigation team 
"Patient zero of the new coronavirus may have been an employee of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. One of the leading theories is that it was infected at the research site." 
Peter Ben-Embarek, a doctor who led the World Health Organization's (WHO) investigation team on the origin of the new coronavirus, said in a documentary program on Danish national TV2 on August 12. 
Based on the final report of the first phase of the investigation conducted in January this year, the WHO concluded that the theory of a laboratory leak was "improbable." 
"The type of bat believed to be the host of the new corona does not live in the wild in the Wuhan area" and "Difficulties in Discussing the Laboratory Leakage Theory with Chinese Experts and Gaining Their Consent to Include it in the Report" and "No access to books or other materials in the laboratory at all."
These were also exposed in the program. 
WHO Director-General Tedros, who seemed to be on a "honeymoon" with President Xi Jinping, has recently changed his attitude, urging the President to "cooperate more with the WHO's second investigation. 
By the way, on May 26, President Biden requested an intelligence agency to "examine the origin of the new Corona and report it within 90 days," but on August 1, about three weeks earlier than the deadline, Michael McCall (Republican), Chief Director of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, has published an 84-page report on the origin of the new Corona (U.S. Report).
The report concluded that the virus "leaked from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute." 
What is consistent with the theory of Dr. Embarek of the WHO mentioned above is that the report identifies the "laboratory as the origin," thus rejecting the "epidemic from the seafood market" theory that the Chinese government widely propagated from the beginning of the outbreak.
This article continues.


