文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They will never threaten you with the trap they have set on you again.

2020年04月27日 16時38分34秒 | 全般

It is no exaggeration to say that China and South Korea have nothing but propaganda.
I'm even more convinced, since August, six years ago, that there are countless politicians, business people, media, and scholars around the world who are caught in money traps and honey traps in these two countries.
I especially want to say to Japanese political circles, business circles, media, academics, lawyers.
If any of you love Japan, stop conjecture to China immediately.
You have to stop flirting with China.
Xi Jinping is a naked king, the Chinese Communist Party of dictatorship is a modern evil cartoon, and say we can barely look at you.
It's refreshing.
As it is now, you will only fall into hell, but the gate to heaven will open the moment you say something obvious.
China will threaten you.
I will release everything.
You can say
Please do so.
I will only lose my current job, but China will completely lose credibility in the world because what you have done is exposed to the sun at my expense.
If you still can, do so.
If it's okay, say yes.
They will never threaten you with the trap they have set on you again.
