文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The German people, especially the citizens of Berlin, must read this genuine paper with shame

2020年10月01日 16時09分02秒 | 全般

The German people, especially the citizens of Berlin, must read this genuine paper with shame.
This morning's Sankei Shimbun reported that Berlin's city installed a comfort women's statue in the center of the town despite the opposition of the Japanese side.
I was speaking of Germany, where Kang Sang-jung studied after graduating from Waseda University.
Continues to say plausible lies with impunity that his father, who had escaped from Korea's wretched country to Japan to seek work in Japan, was forcibly taken away by the Japanese authorities.
Shin Su-gok, who is a helpless woman and a spy on the Korean peninsula itself, defected to Germany as soon as the Abe administration created an anti-spy law, albeit an imperfect one.
The incident took place in Berlin, Germany.
This Shin Su-gok and other anti-Japanese propaganda organizations funded by the South Korean government may have been responsible for the propaganda.
It is a genuine article that should be read with shame by all the Süddeutsche Zeitung employees, which has succeeded in teaching anti-Japanese ideology in about half of the German population by continuously publishing anti-Japanese articles in the Asahi Shimbun.
NHK announcer Kensuke Okoshi not only takes the man's word for it, but he also said he respected him wholeheartedly when he was the host of their flagship news program.
Also commented on the public broadcaster NHK with the outrageous lie that we forced the Koreans to come to Japan.
It was a small relief that a man of real intelligence, Hyakuta Naoki, was on the NHK management board at the time and did not let this statement go unchallenged.

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serialized column in the regular monthly magazine THEMIS, which arrived at my house today.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
I stopped subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun six years ago in August, so I had no idea about the paper after that.
The Asahi Shimbun is insane. It's crazy.
It's the height of regret that I subscribed to this newspaper until August of six years ago.
The people of Japan were disgusted by the Asahi Shimbun's emotional drive to "beat Abe."
Public opinion has abandoned Asahi for its lies, and in turn, has praised "Abe's diplomacy.
Asahi's articles are only personal resentment and defamatory statements. 
One night after Prime Minister Abe announced his resignation, the pages of the Asahi Shimbun were filled with shouts of 'We can finally hold Abe's funeral.' 
From the front page to the social media pages, the entire page was filled with Abe's criticism. 
There were quite a few lies mixed in as well.
There was no sense of ethics in the press.
If this were a TV program, all the articles would be immediately censured by BPO for violating ethics. 
Newspapers do not have such an ethics monitoring body.
The reason for this is that newspapers have a higher level of intelligence and ethics than TV crews. Still, the Asahi, on the contrary, took advantage of this and hurled personal indignation and slander at them. 
Among other things, editorial board member Sato Taketsugu Sato's criticism of Abe's diplomacy on the second page was particularly harsh.
Under the headline, "The kidnapping issue is at the mercy of the United States, and diplomacy with Russia and South Korea, which was touted as the culmination of the post-war era, has not yet been completed," he ridiculed the whole thing as a failure. 
His boss, probably around Seiki Nemoto of the editorial board, ordered him to condemn Abe thoroughly. 
Even if that were the case, the article would have been well written and would have given readers a glimpse into the essence of Abe's foreign policy. 
But the article was emotional from the start and offered no relief.
There was no depth to give us a hint of the fact that he interviewed.
They spun a superficial phenomenon with malicious intent. 
Take, for example, the article's diplomacy with South Korea. 
Abe's diplomacy with South Korea was motivated by the desire "not to allow the fate of the nation to continue to apologize to its children and grandchildren" (Abe's statement in 2015), which is why he and Park Geun-hye reached the Comfort Women's Agreement in the same year. 
It was a confirmation by both countries that the comfort women issue had been "finally and irreversibly resolved" by attaching 1 billion yen in cash to Prime Minister Abe's "heartfelt apology to the comfort women who caused them pain." 
The South Koreans also promised to remove a shameful prostitute's statue in front of Seoul's Japanese Embassy.
That's it.
We will leave nothing for the next generation. 
The Asahi's report on the comfort women is a fabrication. 
When the agreement came out, South Korea was overjoyed that it had won, won, and made Abe apologize, and the Asahi Shimbun shared in the joy. 
But many Japanese were outraged.
Some called Abe out for being a national disgrace. 
The previous year, the Asahi had bowed its head and apologized, saying that "Yoshida Seiji," which it had reported as fact for 30 years, was a lie.
It removed 16 articles and also fired its president, Tadakazu Kimura. 
The lies Yoshida Seiji told were: "In 1943, he took Japanese soldiers to Jeju Island and forcibly took 200 women, sent them to war as sex slaves in the name of the Women's Volunteer Corps, and that no one returned alive. 
It was first published in 1982.
Harufumi Kiyota heard Yoshida give a speech in Osaka and wrote about it. 
But the Asahi reporters did not cover the story.
Yoshida himself must have sold it as an excellent self-deprecating story. 
But in a way, it was refreshing.
The Asahi newspaper took a stance on the Tokyo Trials' history, saying that 'Japan was a lousy aggressor nation.' 
It liked to publish self-mockery stories about how Japan was so brutal, but 70% of the stories were made by GHQ, such as the Bataan Death March. The remaining 30% was "Sanko," a collaboration between the Chinese and Haruo Kamiyoshi of Kappa Books, and it was all fiction with no evidence or witnesses. 
That's where the self-deprecating stories with testimonies first appeared.
The Asahi was so enthused that it forced Kiyota to write a sequel. Then, Matsui Yayori turned Jeju Island into Pusan, and Takashi Uemura continued to write the lie of the comfort women being forced, turning it into Seoul.
Yoshida's story was full of question marks from the beginning, for example, "The Volunteer Corps."
It was used at the end of 1944 to refer to the Labor Service Corps.
There was no such term in 1943.
The Asahi didn't even do such a simple back-up. 
This report of the Asahi comfort women made Korea and China happy.
South Korea was particularly vicious.
Seoul Mayor Park Won Soon, who recently committed suicide, and Yoon Mee-hyang, a member of the National Assembly from The Volunteer Corps Association, used the Asahi report as a basis for starting the comfort women business, spreading the comfort women's story around the world, and repeatedly extorting an apology and money from Japan. 
Seventy-one percent of public opinion gave Abe's government the credit it deserved. 
That original 'Seiji Yoshida' has collapsed. 
The Japanese were relieved.
Now all that is left is for Asahi's Harufumi Kiyota and Takashi Uemura and Mizuho Fukushima, who fabricated the testimony of the comfort women, to go around the world to apologize and clear Japan's name. 
But that's where Abe went with the comfort women agreement.
As if the Asahi Shimbun was right. 
It is the reason why most Japanese were angry while the South Koreans and Asahi were delighted. 
So what happened to the comfort women's agreement that many Japanese considered humiliating? 
Well, Moon Jae-in easily reneged on that agreement, brought up the lie of the conscripted workers, and demanded over 1 trillion yen in compensation from Japanese companies. 
When Japan stopped giving South Korea the White House treatment for trafficking Japanese-made hydrogen fluoride to the terrorist nation, he launched a campaign to boycott Japanese goods and even called for the end of GSOMIA in a backhanded gesture of resentment. 
Sato said that this had 'worsened relations between Japan and South Korea,' but 'the Abe administration has unilaterally rejected South Korea's arguments, and the historical problem continues to lie. Abe's diplomacy is unfinished, and he is leaving.' 
But the public reacted quite differently from the Asahi.
It is evidenced that 71% of respondents in the Asahi's triumphant public opinion poll praised Abe's seven and a half years in office. 
The public, angered by Abe's humiliating "comfort women's agreement," learned for the first time that South Korea, which they had been paying so much attention to, had behaved in an outrageously selfish way.
It was the first time that Abe's diplomacy, which made people realize what kind of country this was, had been reassessed. 
The Asahi decides that its diplomacy with Japan over the four northern islands was also a failure.
Abe said he was sincere in his efforts and would help develop Siberia. 
Putin, on the other hand, amended the constitution to justify his claim to the Northern Territories Captured by Looter. 
Public opinion had already woken up and began to be more aware of Russia's arrogance and disrespect than it was of Abe's.
The Asahi Shimbun does not have that perspective.
A newspaper that lags behind the public opinion is a miserable thing.


