文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Arrogant countryman. We study their nature more than friendship;

2022年04月12日 09時27分09秒 | 全般

The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, which brings weekly Shincho, released September 25, 2020, to a successful conclusion. 
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
It is an article that should be read not only by the people of Japan but also by people worldwide.
It is a must-read, especially for the Democratic Party officials and those in the U.N.
The Chinese and Koreans must read it as well, although they will never be able to become good citizens again after being raised on the Nazism of anti-Japanese education.
Arrogant countryman.
When the Chinese public security police were not yet as strong as they are today, we traveled to Nanjing and the surrounding area. 
One of those accompanying us was the late Professor Emeritus of Dokkyo University, Dr. Nakamura Akira. 
He was an energetic man who proposed to Beijing, 'Let's hold a Japan-China Symposium in Nanjing to find out whether or not the Nanking Massacre as described by the Chinese and Honda Katsuichi had really taken place.' The date was also set for the day of the fall of Nanking. 
If we did this, it would reveal that the Nanking Massacre was fiction. 
It's not good enough for the Asahi Shimbun to be a pawn in China, but it's even more not good enough for China, which is in the middle of sponging ODA from Japan. 
So Jiang Zemin notified the professor that he was banned from entering China on his way out.
It's a terrible story.
The passport number is recorded.
Until it is changed, he can't enter China even as a tourist. 
And ten years.
He finally renewed his passport, and this was a sneak trip. 
But if Beijing had put in a facial recognition system for people who need attention, it could expect to be caught immediately.
I was asked to 'stay behind' when entering and leaving the country and moving around. 
So we flew to Nanjing.
Entering the country was no problem.
The first thing we did was visit the Nanjing Massacre Museum.
There were photos of the Japanese trio of scoundrels, including Takako Doi, Tomiichi Murayama, and Katsuichi Honda, but that was the only real thing on display. 
The rest are all fakes.
The entrance to the museum, where solemn music and images flow in the darkness, is the same as the entrance to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem. 
The statue of a mother holding her dead child in her arms bears a striking resemblance to the figure of Nathan Rapoport in the Warsaw Ghetto.
And the wall in the courtyard, engraved with the victims' names, is said to be the Vietnam War memorial in Washington, D.C., seen from a distance. 
There is not a shred of truth to the Nanking Massacre.
It will inevitably look like this if you make it up from scratch. 
We also went to Yuhuatai, south of the Chinese Gate.
Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Tsuyoshi, both lieutenants, were shot to death here using Mainichi Shimbun reporter Asami Kazuo's "Hundred Manslayer" story as the only evidence. 
Asami was given a large house in Beijing after the war to prove that the Japanese army was brutal, and China sent his daughter to Peking University. 
If a symposium had been held, she would have been invited to speak about her father's unfaithfulness. 
We also climbed Meihua Mountain.
At the top of the mountain are the remains of the cemetery of Wang Zhao-Ming.
He was a member of the Nanjing government, collaborating with the Japanese. 
The grave, covered with 5 tons of steel-filled concrete to prevent it from being exposed, was blown up by Chiang Kai-shek upon returning from Chongqing, and the coffin was dragged out of the cemetery and humiliated. 
The statue of Wang, tied up in the cemetery, was placed there, and people threw stones and spat at it. 
The statue had been removed when we visited, but the practice of dragging out and humiliating the grave is still alive.
Even Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping were so afraid of this that they did not build tombs and scattered the bones. 
When we walked through Nanjing in this way, my impression of the city, including its humanity, was an intense yellowish haze. 
Du Mu once wrote a poem about the scenery of Nanjing in seven words. 
"In the Jiangnan region, spring is in full bloom in all directions for a thousand miles, with warblers singing everywhere and young green leaves reflecting red flowers, making it truly beautiful.
In both waterfront and mountain villages, the flags of liquor stores can be seen fluttering in the spring breeze/It is said that Buddhism flourished during the Southern Dynasty, as many as 480 temples were built in this area. Many towers can still be seen here and there, rising in the smoky drizzle."
The Chinese must have had a tradition of referring to yellow as fresh green from that time on. 
The trip was accompanied by public security pretending to be an interpreter. He listened to our story and said, "Don't say, Sina," and we said, "What's wrong with saying Shina," except for the trouble we had, the itinerary was smooth and easy to use up. 
We made sure that the professor completed the departure procedure from the back at the Beijing airport. 
When we were relieved, I was called into another room. 
If you pull a person who is inconvenient for China, I tried to escape from saying that it was Akira Nakamura, a landlord, or Masahiro Miyazaki, a landlord, instead of me, a shallow student, but it was useless.
I knew well how Agnes Chow Ting felt. 
Every single thing they do is dirty.
And yet their behaviors are arrogant. 
The other day, one such person, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, went around the E.U. countries, threatening them not to go along with the U.S. 
He threatened Norway not to give the Nobel Peace Prize to Hong Kong.
Ten years ago, when they gave it to Liu Xiaobo, China cut off imports of canned salmon, causing Norway a lot of trouble. 
But this time, the E.U. backed Norway.
The mayor of Prague called Wang Yi 'a rude, boorish, and arrogant countryman.' 
We study their nature more than friendship; it seems to be in the tide of international public opinion this time.




